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Documentation: Icons and Images
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<BR><B>Documentation: Icons and Images</B>
<b>Icons and Images</b>
Icons and Images are part an parcel of attractive, user-friendly Graphical
User Interfaces these days.&nbsp; Consequently, considerable effort has
been expended in designing FOX to allow icon- and image-rich applications
to be developed with the greatest ease.
<P>In FOX, Images and Icons are objects that represent picture data.&nbsp;
Images are simple pictures, whereas Icons are pictures with a <I>shape
mask</I> that may be used to effectively mask out a certain area of the
picture, and allow part the background to peek through as if the picture
were transparent in some areas.
<P>Both Icons and Images may have <B>Client</B> <B>side</B> <B><I>pixel
data</I></B> as well as an <B>X Server side</B> <B><I>pixmap</I></B> representation.&nbsp;
The typical application will construct the client-side pixel data by filling
the Icon or Image with a picture, then create the server-side representation
[after contact with the X Server has been established] by calling i<TT>con->create()</TT>,
which creates an server side <I>pixmap</I> and uses a call to&nbsp; <TT>icon->render()</TT>
to fill the pixmap with the pixel data .
<P>Note that this is a two-step process which is very similar to that of
constructing and creating regular FOX Widgets.&nbsp; This is no accident.&nbsp;
The FOX philosophy is to construct [client-side] data structures such as
Widgets and Icons and Images etc., then with all the information available,
create their X Server side representation in one fell swoop by calling
<P>When you have given Buttons or Labels or other FOX Widgets icons, a
call to that Widget's <TT>create()</TT> member function will also automatically
call its icon <TT>create()</TT>.&nbsp; To allow icons to be shared by multiple
Widgets, it is specifically allowed to call <TT>create()</TT> more than
once on an icon or image.
<P>In many cases, after calling an icon's create() member function, there
is no need to keep the client-side pixel data around; thus, FOX icons will
in most cases release the memory taken up by the pixel data.&nbsp; Should
you want to repeatedly change the pixel data, however, FXIcon and FXImage
have an option <B>IMAGE_KEEP</B> to allow you to hang on to the pixel data
in the client.&nbsp; After making changes to the pixel data, you can call
again to render it into the pixmap.
<b>Image Formats Supported</b>
<hr>Currently, FOX supports <B>GIF</B>, <B>BMP</B>, <B>PNG</B>, <B>JPEG</B>, <B>XPM</B>, <B>TIFF</B>, <B>ICO</B>
and <B>PCX</B> based icons/images.&nbsp;
In the near future, <B>PPM</B> will be added as a convenience.&nbsp; The
most preferred format is GIF, as it is about 10 times more compact than
XPM, and about 2 times more compact than BMP.&nbsp; This is of some concern,
as applications may have lots of icons [some analysis of our own applications
revealed than one application's executable had about 1MB worth of XPM icons;
with GIF, this would have been less than a 100kB].
<b>Incorporating Icons and Images into an Application</b>
One crucial problem with icon-rich applications is where to keep all
those icons; obviously, keeping icons in separate files allows end-users
to substitute icons and perhaps change them with an Icon Editor program.&nbsp;
However, such a scenario also poses a maintainance problem:- software becomes
extraordinarily dependent on specifics of a user installation, and end-users
may actually break software by substituting corrupted icon files by accident,
or perhaps other applications may overwrite them.&nbsp; Another common
problem is the need for end-users to set paths and environment variables.
<P>To eliminate these problems, the FOX approach is to <B><I>embed</I></B>
all icons and images right into the application's executable.&nbsp; This
is done by simply by compiling the icons into the code in the form of C
data statements, and then linking them in.
<P>For XPM icons or images, the image files can be directly included into
the code, as the XPM format is basically a C/C++ data array.
<P>Other image formats need to be transformed into a C/C++ data
array with a small build-time utility called <A NAME="RESWRAP"></A><B><I>reswrap</I></B>,
which is provided in the FOX distribution.
Reswrap allows you to generate the C/C++ data arrays automatically from the
icons during the build process of your application; simply add a few rules
into your Makefile, or, under VC++, use the reswrap program in a so-called
<em>Utility Project</em>.
<P>For example, given as input a GIF file image such as below:
<P><IMG SRC="art/bigpenguin.png" HEIGHT=57 WIDTH=48>
<BR>Figure 1. Linux Penguin from file <I>bigpenguin.gif</I>.</CENTER>

<P>&nbsp;After processing this file, reswrap generates a C data statement
such as:
<TD><TT>/* Generated by reswrap from file <I>bigpenguin.gif</I> */</TT>
<BR><TT>const unsigned char bigpenguin[]={</TT>
<BR><TT>&nbsp; 0x47,0x49,0x46,0x38,0x37,0x61,0x30,0x00,0x39,0x00,0xf3,0x00,0x00,0xb2,0xc0,0xdc,</TT>
<BR><TT>&nbsp; ...............................................................................</TT>
<BR><TT>&nbsp; ...............................................................................</TT>
<BR><TT>&nbsp; 0xf4,0xe0,0x63,0x90,0x7c,0x7d,0x40,0xc5,0x92,0x0c,0x34,0x39,0x41,0x04,0x00,0x3b</TT>
<BR><TT>&nbsp; };</TT></TD>

<P>This can then be subsequently compiled into an object file, and linked
in with the executable.&nbsp; To make use of such an icon, FOX supports
deserialization from a <I>memory stream</I>.
<BR>The icon data above could be used as follows to create an Icon:
<BR><TT>FXIcon *tux_icon = new FXGIFIcon(application,bigpenguin);</TT></BLOCKQUOTE>

<P>Wait! Is that all? Yes it is!&nbsp; This <I>one</I> statement creates
an icon object, then <I>deserializes</I> the icon data from the GIF stream
to build the icon's internal pixel data.&nbsp; A subsequent call:
Will create an X pixmap, render the icon into it, and subsequently release
the pixel data after it is no longer needed.&nbsp; If you had created the
icon with the IMAGE_KEEP option, the pixel data would have been kept around
for subsequent manipulation by your application, and perhaps repeated rendering.
<P>To draw the icon in a window, simply:
will do the job.
Bitmaps in FOX behave very much like Images.&nbsp; Except, unlike Images
which are always 24 bits, and in color, Bitmaps are only one bit, or blank
and white.&nbsp; Typical uses for Bitmaps are the creation of patterns
and stipples, or shape masks against which other primitives are clipped.
<BR>In terms of constructing and using Bitmaps in FOX, it is completely
<BR>// Bitmap Data, in XBM Format
<P>#define gray_width 32
<BR>#define gray_height 2
<BR>static unsigned char gray_bits[] = {0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0xaa, 0xaa,
0xaa, 0xaa};
<P>// Construct a bitmap object
<BR>FXBitmap *grayBitmap=new FXBitmap(application, gray_bits, 0, gray_width,

<P>In terms of using Bitmaps for subsequent tiling and stippling operations,
remember that MS-Windows has certain size limits such patterns;&nbsp; X-Windows
has no such limit, but presumably smaller patterns are more efficient.&nbsp;
It is probably a good idea to keep so widths such as 8,16, or 32.
Cursors can be constructed in FOX to change the shape of the mouse-cursor.&nbsp;
Constructing Cursors is very similar to constructing Bitmaps, except that
Cursors comprise two bitmaps, a picture and a shape mask; also, Cursors
have a so-called hot-spot, the point inside the cursor-glyph which is ``pointer
to'' by the mouse.
<BR>Besides defining your own ``custom'' cursors, FOX also allows you to
simply create a ``stock'' cursor, i.e. a cursor whose shape has already
been predefined by the system.
<P>To create a custom Cursor:
<BR>// Picture bits, in XBM Format
<BR>#define resize_width 32
<BR>#define resize_height 32
<BR>#define resize_x_hot 9
<BR>#define resize_y_hot 9
<BR>static unsigned char resize_bits[] = {
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; ....
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
<P>// Shape bits, in XBM Format
<BR>#define resize_mask_width 32
<BR>#define resize_mask_height 32
<BR>#define resize_mask_x_hot 9
<BR>#define resize_mask_y_hot 9
<BR>static unsigned char resize_mask_bits[] = {
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe,
0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; ....
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
<P>&nbsp; // Resize corner
<BR>&nbsp; resizeCursor=new FXCursor(application,resize_bits,resize_mask_bits,resize_width,resize_height,resize_x_hot,resize_y_hot);

<P>To create a stock Cursor:
<BR>&nbsp; // Text Cursor
<BR>&nbsp; IBeamCursor=new FXCursor(application,CURSOR_IBEAM);

<P>If you define your own Custom Cursors, make sure the size is exactly
32x32. MS-Windows does not support any other sizes.&nbsp; Also, the shape
and the picture will have to be the same size.
<b>If Icons Look Funny...</b>
<hr>Sometimes, your icons may look funny.&nbsp; This is usually because
FOX Icon routines determine the wrong value for the transparency color.&nbsp;
FOX can handle images with a true alpha-channel, or images with a special
transparency color.&nbsp; The latter is the more common approach, as many
file formats do not support true alpha channels.
<BR>Different image formats guess the transparency color in different ways.
<P>For <B><I>GIF</I></B> Images, FOX uses the following algorithm:
If a transparent color is found in the GIF file, that color is used.</LI>

If not, the background color is used.</LI>

If the option IMAGE_ALPHACOLOR is used when constructing the icon, the
specified color is used.</LI>

Finally, if the option IMAGE_OPAQUE is used, the icon is forced to be non-transparent.</LI>

<P><BR>For <B><I>BMP</I></B> images, there is no background or transparency
color in the image file format; the algorithm is simpler:
The assumed transparency color is the same as the default GUI background
color, which is FXRGB(192,192,192).</LI>

If the option IMAGE_ALPHACOLOR is used when constructing the icon, the
specified color is used.</LI>

Finally, if the option IMAGE_OPAQUE is used, the icon is forced to be non-transparent.</LI>

<P><BR>In most cases, you will create your icons simply as below:
<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Courier New,Courier">new FXGIFIcon(app,picture_data);</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE>

<P><BR>In some cases, when you want to override the transparency color,
construct your icons as:
<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Courier New,Courier">new FXGIFIcon(app,picture_data,FXRGB(192,192,192),IMAGE_ALPHACOLOR);</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE>

<P><BR>To create an completely opaque icon:
<BR><FONT FACE="Courier New,Courier">new FXGIFIcon(app,picture_data,0,IMAGE_OPQUE);</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE>

<P><BR>For more information on graphics file formats and their idiosyncracies,
see&nbsp; the <A HREF="">Graphics
File Format Web Site</A>.
<b>More on Reswrap</b>
The reswrap tool has a number of options to make it convenient to build
C source and header files automatically from image files as a part of your
regular project build process.&nbsp; Reswrap is normally invoked as follows:
<BLOCKQUOTE><TT><B>reswrap</B> [options] [-o[a] outfile]&nbsp; files....</TT></BLOCKQUOTE>
Invoking reswrap with <TT>-o outfile</TT> will make reswrap write its output
on the file <B><I>outfile</I></B>.&nbsp; With <TT>-oa outfile</TT>, reswrap
will append additional data at the end of <B><I>outfile</I></B>.
<BR>Any number of input files may be specified.&nbsp; Reswrap typically
produces one data statement for each of the input files specified on the
command line.
<P>Reswrap understands a few additional options:
<BLOCKQUOTE>Will print out a summary of the supported options.</BLOCKQUOTE>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Will print out the version number.</BLOCKQUOTE>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Reswrap normally generates its output as hexadecimal numbers;
the -d option will make reswrap generate decimal numbers.</BLOCKQUOTE>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Forces reswrap to generate hexadecimal numbers [the default].</BLOCKQUOTE>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Places the storage modifier <B><TT>extern</TT></B> in front
of the data array, ensuring that the data array can be linked with other
compilation units.</BLOCKQUOTE>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Instead of a data array statement, reswrap will generate a
declaration only.&nbsp; For example,</BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; reswrap -i bigpenguin.gif</TT></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>will produce the output:</BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; /* Generated by reswrap from file bigpenguin.gif
<BR><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; extern const unsigned char bigpenguin[];</TT>
<P>Which you could include as a header file into whichever source file
needs access to the data.</BLOCKQUOTE>
<BLOCKQUOTE>This option suppresses comments inserted by reswrap to indicate
the original file name from which the data statement was generated.</BLOCKQUOTE>
<B><I>-n name</I></B>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Instead of taking the filename less the extension, reswrap
substitutes <I>name</I> for the name of the resource.</BLOCKQUOTE>
<B><I>-c cols</I></B>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Uses <I>cols</I> columns instead of the default 16 columns
in the data statements generated by reswrap.</BLOCKQUOTE>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Assumes the source file is a Portable Pixmap (ppm) file.&nbsp;
Reswrap will output a simple rgb array.</BLOCKQUOTE>
Example of using reswrap in your Application's Makefile:

<BLOCKQUOTE><TT>ICONS = bigpenguin.gif applogo.gif</TT></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE><TT>icons.h: $(ICONS)</TT>
<BR><TT>&nbsp;reswrap -e -o icons.h $(ICONS)</TT>
<P><TT> $(ICONS)</TT>
<BR><TT>&nbsp;reswrap -o $(ICONS)</TT>
<P><TT>myapp: $(OBJECTS)</TT>
<BR><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp; gcc -o myapp $(OBJECTS) -lFOX -lm -lSM -lICE -lXext
<P><TT>myapp.o: icons.h</TT>
This will cause make to generate two files, <TT>icons.h</TT> and <TT></TT>
which contain the declarations and definitions respectively for all the
reswrapped icons listed in the ICONS variable.
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