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FOX-Based Projects and Screenshots
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	<a href=screenshots.html><font color=#ffffff>Screenshots</font></a><br>
	<a href=adie.html><font color=#ffffff>Adie</font></a><br>
	<a href=pathfinder.html><font color=#ffffff>PathFinder</font></a><br>
	<a href=calc.html><font color=#ffffff>FOX Calculator</font></a><br>
	<a href=projects.html><font color=#ffffff>Projects</font></a><br>
	<a href=''><font color=#ffffff>FXPy</font></a><br>
	<a href=''><font color=#ffffff>FXRuby</font></a><br>
	<a href=''><font color=#ffffff>EiffelFox</font></a><br>
        <a href=''><font color=#ffffff>The FOX Hole</font></a><br>
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<center><img src='art/foxstart.png'>
<BR><B>FOX-Based Projects and Screenshots</B>
<p>Below follows a list of FOX projects currently being undertaken by various
people and organizations. The list is necessarily incomplete, and if I
have left your project out please let me know and I'll add it.
<b><a href="">FXPy</a></b> is the
<a href="">Python
language</a> binding to FOX. It is being developed by <a href="">Lyle
Johnson</a>, who is also responsible to a large degree for the Windows
95/98/NT port of FOX. FXPy is being regularly updated to incorporate the
latest features in the FOX toolkit.</li>

<b><a href="">FXRuby</a></b> is the
<a href="">Ruby
language</a> binding to FOX. This is also being developed by <a href="">Lyle

<a href="">CFD Research Corp. (CFDRC)</a> offers a
number of software packages for Computational Fluid Dynamics, Micro-Electro-Mechanical
Systems [MEMS], Semi Conductor Processing, Bio-Medical applications, and
other engineering applications.</li>

<b><a href="">EiffelFox</a></b> is an
Language binding</i></b> for the FOX Library has been developed by
<a href="">Darren
Hiebert</a>, who is also responsible for the
<a href="">Exuberant
CTags package</a>.</li>

The <a href="calc.html">FOX Calculator</a> is a fully desktop calculator
and also a good example of FOX programming in general. The FOX Calculator
is a scientific calculator with many handy features added for programmers.</li>

<a href="">Martin Welch</a> is working on a
very nice <a href="">Dialog
Editor</a> for FOX. Here is a <a href="dlgedit1.png">screen shot</a> of
his GUI builder running under Windows 2000; and another <a href="dlgedit2.png">screenshot</a>
of the program running under Linux.</li>

This <a href="pcboard.png">picture</a> shows FOX being used in a PC board
design application. It highlights the use of the FXTreeList widget (on
the left), the FXShutter widget (on the right) and the <a href="">OpenGL</a>
FXGLViewer widgets, as well as the Multiple Document Interface Widgets

Another FOX application being developed by <a href="">Davin
S. Hills</a>&nbsp; is a RedHat Package (RPM) viewer and manipulation program;
download it from <a href="">his site</a>.</li>

<br>Check out the May 2000 issue of <a href="">Linux
Journal</a> sporting an article <b><i>Cooking with Linux: Rapid Program-Delivery
Morsels, RPM</i></b> by Marcel Gagne which features his FOX-based RPM package
<a href="">Jim Bag</a> is in the process of developing
a FOX-based <b>IDE</b> [Integrated Development Environment]. This project
includes a new <i>syntax-coloring editor widget</i>. Find out more at his
<a href="">site</a>.</li>

Another ongoing project is FOX Pilot. <a href="">FOX
Pilot</a> is a FOX-based Interactive GUI Builder and its being developed
by <a href=""></a>.</li>

<b>PathFinder</b> is my own attempt at making a File Manager. It features
file mime-type bindings, customizable file- and directory icons, directory
bookmarking, drag and drop (compatible with KDE and GNOME), and wildcard
matching to reduce the number of visible files. It is probably the fastest
file manager you've ever seen.</li>

<a href="">Dustin Graves</a> is developing a
number of very nice FOX projects, among which another FOX-based calculator;
you can find them on his
<a href="">web

The <a href="textedit2.png">FOX Text Editor</a> is a nice little program
for viewing files; it comes standard with the FOX distribution.</li>

<a href="">LinkCAD</a> is a commercial format-conversion
application for various CAD formats, written using FOX.</li>

A suite of <a href="">FOX Desktop</a>
applets is being developed by <a href="">Josua
Groeger</a>. The first applets being undertaken are Control Panels to set
various desktop-wide resources for FOX-based applications.</li>

Did you write a cool FOX application? If so, please <a href="">mail</a>
me and I'll gladly link to your site from the FOX pages.

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<address>Copyright 1997-2002 <a>Jeroen van der Zijp</a></address>
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