

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > f457e823ab09121de62280a2a665a025 > files > 2



02 Jan 2003: 3.2.0.rc2
	* A support for mnogosearch-php-extension-1.68 has been added
	* Date limits support for mnogosearch-3.2.8+ has been added 
	  (requires mnogosearch-php-extension-1.68)
	* A new search template variable ExcerptSize has been added to
	  support setting amount of Excerpts. (default is 256 bytes)
	  (requires mnogosearch-php-extension-1.68)
	* A new search template variable DateFormat has been added to
	  support changing format of LastModified document field.	
	  (requires mnogosearch-php-extension-1.68)
	* search template is updated

06 Oct 2002: 3.2.0.rc1
	* This release has almost all features of search.cgi.
	  So it is the first release candidate for 3.2.x versions.
        * Popularity rank support has been added. Requires 
	  mnogosearch-3.2.7+ with php extension 1.66+ 
	* A new Pop_Rank template variable has been added.
	* Clones detection support has been added.
	* New clones section at search template.
	* A few bugs in page navigator and $sp an $sy variables
	  has been fixed.
	* A serious bug in clones support has been fixed.

22 Sep 2002: 3.2.0.beta7
	* <? tags changed to <?php to achive more xml compatybility
	* Page navigator fixes to be GroupBySite compatible
	* make 'More results from this server' link don't show while
	  browsing through exact site.
	* New search CGI-parameters sp and sy added. To enable/disable
          words forms (ispell) and synonyms in search results respectively.
        * search template example updated

08 Sep 2002: 3.2.0.beta6
	* Search limit by url.content_type added. See updated search 
	  template for example.
	  (requires mnogosearch-3.2.7+ and mnogosearch php extension-1.65+)
	* Migration to mnogosearch php extension-1.65+
	* Grouping search results by sites added. A new search template
	  command GroupBySite has bees added. A new search template
	  section site_limit and variable $(SITELIMIT) has been added.
	* $stored variable changed to $(stored_href) for compatibility with 
	* $(STORED) template variable has been added to display
	  link to storedoc.cgi
	* If document has no title will show basename of URL instead
	  of 'No Title'. This if for pdf - like parsed documents while
	  external parsers returns no title
	* Search template updated
	* Some bugs were fixed
	* Some code cleanups

04 Aug 2002: 3.2.0.beta5
	* Now while used with "stored" can now return excerpts from document
	  around a place where search word is found. (requires
	  mnogosearch php extension version 1.63 or later and
	  mnogosearch-3.2.5 or later)
	* Some minor bugfixes

01 Jul 2002: 3.2.0.beta4
	* Updated to use latest mnogosearch-3.2.5+ features
	* Separate DBMode command was removed. (if using with mnogo-3.2.5+)
	* DBAddr command was extended to support this syntax: 
		DBAddr mysql://user:pass@host/dbname/?dbmode=multi 
	  (if using with mnogo-3.2.5+)
	* Removed "SearchdAddr hostname:port" template command.
	  Use "DBAddr searchd://hostame:port/" instead.
	  (if using with mnogo-3.2.5+)

09 Apr 2002: 3.2.0.beta3
	* New "Alias" command in search.htm. It works like "Alias"
	  in indexer.conf but at a search time. Does not support regex
	* Make script does not require register_globals PHP setting.
	* Search template updated.

20 Mar 2002: 3.2.0.beta2
	* Full support of multiple URL limits feature has been added
	  Now <SELECT name=ul MULTIPLE> is supported.
	* Support of multiple TAG limits feature has been added
	* Support of multiple Language limits feature has been added
	* Support of multiple categories limits feature has been added
	  (but notice that it is intended not to use with 
	   <SELECT name=cat multiple>..., but only with multiple
	   categories in URL such as &cat=xxx&cat=yyy, or
	   in several hidden form parameters)
	* Tag values are now passed using "tag" form variable so that 
	  the variable meaning is more clean. Old "g" form variable does not
	  work anymore. This is done to force more compatibility with
	* Default search template updated
	* Some code clean-ups
	* Some bugfixes

10 Dec 2001: 3.2.0.beta1
	* Search daemon support has been added
	* Synonyms support has been added
	* Stored support has been added
	* A new section <!--stored--> has been added to search template
	* A new variable $(stored) has been added to search template
	* Initial support of multiple URL limits feature has been added
	* Some bugfixes

05 Nov 2001: 3.2.0.beta0
	* It is the major update to support mnogosearch-3.2.x
	  To use mnogosearch-3.2 features you will need at least PHP-4.0.8+,
	  or latest PHP4 snapshots which can be downloaded
	* Currently not implemented: 
	  Synonyms support, stored support, clones support 
	  and searchd support
	* New features:
	  Unicode support,
	  Words hilighting
	* Some bugfixes

05 Jul 2001:
	* A bug in categories stuff and php 4.0.6+ has been fixed.

25 Jun 2001:
	* New VarDir variable in search template has been added.
	  Requires php-4.0.7+
	* A bug with IspellPrefixes does not work has been fixed.
	* Default search template updated.

23 May 2001:	
	* auto_wild feature has been added to simplify url
	  limit at the search template. If your
	  ul variable begins with 'http://','https://','news://' or
	  'ftp://' the auto wild feature automatically adds % 
	  metacharacter only to the end. At the other case it
	  will add % both to the begin and to the end of ul.
	* auto_wild config variable has been added. The default
	  value is 'yes'.
	* A bug with switching search 'any' mode has been fixed
	* Some minor template fixes

07 May 2001:
	* A bugs in page navigator has been fixed.

03 May 2001:
	* A bugs in ispell loading code has been fixed.
	* Categories stuff support has been added to 
	  display category path for search results and
	  browsing categories. Requires php-4.0.6+
	* Udm agent allocation bug has been fixed.

21 April 2001:
	* This is the new generation search frontend which uses
	  native php-4.0.5+ mnoGoSearch extension functions.
	  So this incredibly speedups script and greately improve
	  its possibilities.

18 February 2001:
	* This is possible the last release in the stable branch 3.1.2
	  The next branch will be written to support new native php-4.0.5
	  mnoGoSearch extension functions.
        * Query language parser extended to correctly understand queries
	  like "word ~ (word3 | word4)"
	* $ndoc search template variable has been added to print
	  total number of documents in database.

20 December 2000:
        * Query language parser extended to correctly understand queries
	  like "(word1 & word2)(word3 & word4)"
	* A bug in query language parser has bee fixed. The word 'NOT'
	  has not been recognized as boolean 'not' operator.
        * "HLBeg" and "HLEnd" search.htm variable has been added.
	  By using it you can specify how to hilight the words founded.
	  HLBeg is prepended before the word. HLEnd is appended after 
	  the word. Defaults are "<b>" and "</b>" to comply with previous

04 November 2000:
        * A bug in mysql *multi modes has been fixed which caused incorrect
          wordsinfo generation.
	* New variable $lang_url_translation to enable
	  language files translation, for example url "path/file.en.ext"
	  will be translated into "path/file". This is suitable only when
	  using language content negotiation.

29  October 2000:
        * A bug with lost tags in navigator links has been fixed
	* A bug in boolean query language in OR queries  which 
	  appeared since has been fixed.

28  October 2000:
        * Project name changed to mnoGoSearch-php. For details please
	  look at out site
	* db_func API has been changed. Old function names are not
	  removed, but substituted by wrappers to new functions.
	  Since now db_func will be released as a separate product
	  called 'mnoGoSearch-db_func-php' also.
	* A bug in query language parser which can cause empty results
	  on queryes like '' has been fixed
	* The ParseDocText has been extended to highlight stopwords also.
	* New variable '$highlight_stopwords' added to turn
	  on or off stopwords highlighting in the search results.
	* Query language parser extended to correctly understand queries
	  like "(word1 & word2) ~word3"
	* Query language parser extended to correctly understand queries
	  like "(word1 word2) word3" and "word3 (word1 word2)"
	* A bug with incorrect charset recoding with Russian Apache
	  has been fixed.
	* Navigator maker has been changed not to include params containing
	  default values to its hrefs. This makes query string much shorter.

14  October 2000:
        * Added ability to connect to MySQL and PostgreSQL
          through the local unix socket. To do that you shound
          leave dbhost field blank or set it to '_socket'.
          For example you can use this: DBAddr  mysql://udm:udm@/udm/        
	* Added language content negotiation feature. Thanks to 
          Craig Small <>. For details please
          refer to doc/negotiation.txt
        * $template_file variable moved from to
	  search.php to enable language content negotiation
	  and to use different search.php scripts with different
	  templates with the same .inc files.
	* Added initial soundex support. Thanks for an idea to 
	* Added $SDX search template variable, which is substituted by 
	  soundex search suggestions. Useful in <!--notfound--> template
	  section. Examples can be found in default templates.
	* Added contrib directory to store additional tools and
	  scripts which extends UdmSearch-php features. Now it
	  contains soundex create scripts.
        * Fixed bug in get_dict_tab function which prevents 
	  using *dict32 tables at all.	
        * Changed package directory structure:
          added doc, samples and src directories containing
          some modified docs from udmsearch, template samples
          and sources accordingly.
        * GNU license added to package.

30  September 2000:
        * Added additional words info for mysql bases only in
          crc-multi and multi modes. Now it shows count of words
          in the database. Thanx to Alex Barkov for idea.
	* Fixed dropping temporary table bug while searching only
	  from stopword in *multi modes.
	* New $DY template variable to display current document category.	
	* New $rus_bool_lang variable. (Default - 'no').
	  If set to 'yes' the query language is enchanced with russian
	  equivalents of 'and','or','not'.
	* New $DE template variable. It displays description
	  when not empty and text overwise.
	* New $SearchTime template variable. It cannot be used in
	  'top' template sestion.
	* Default templates changed with examples with new variables

17  September 2000:
	* Default templates categories section changed to include hidden
	  input field with $cat value.
	* Boolean language parser changed to correctly work with queries
	  such as: "word1 ~word2".
	* Added new search restriction by language. Default templates are
	  changed with examples.
	* New search.php parameter $lang has beed added.
	* "$lang" template variable to display current url language

  	Modified Matthew Sullivan <> patches:

	* Debug info extended somewhere to include function names
	* Get over the rand() bug in PHP 4 (this may have been fixed
	  in PHP 4 Patch 1).
	* Remove query errors such as '(&' and '&|' operators.

02  September 2000:
	* Nested categories support has been added.
	* "$CP" template variable to display category path has been added.
	* "$CS" template variable to display current category subtree has
	  been added.
	* "cat" search.php parameter has been added to pass the category to
	  search through.
	* "$cat" template variable to display current category ID.
	* Default templates are extended with new features examples.
	* Changed grep usage in IspellMode text to quote regexp.
	* Extended $W (wordsinfo) capabilities to show all words that
	  we are looking for (useful when using ispell to see words
	  with their normal forms found)
	* Many small changes in init code, navigator maker and
	  database initialization errors reporting.

26  July 2000:
	* New advanced search options (time limits). You can search for
	  recent pages and so on the same as in udmsearch cgi frontend.
	* Fixed bug in query parser which prevented right search on
	  queries contained special symbols.
	* Tag restriction now tested with SQL LIKE operator now in
	  3.1+ db format. So you can use SQL metacharacters '_' and
	  '%' in search template to make search on group of tags.

22  July 2000:
	* Added code to speed up search.php in crc* modes
	  under php-4.0.1 and later by using native crc32 function.  
	  Php-4.0.1 and later determined automatically.
	* Now search.php don't print noquery template section while
	  executed without any arguments.

16  July 2000: 
	* This is a first release that support new udmsearch 3.1.x
	  database structure.
	* Added $db_format variable to switch between old
	  3.0 database and new.
	* If Last_Modified time of document is not known, then print
	  'undefined' in res template
	* Locale support extended to print localized date and time 
	  for Last_Modified id using new 3.1 database
	* Added Query tracking (same as in udmsearch 3.1.x) feature.
	  Also added TrackQuery variable to set default
	  value for TrackQuery and added TrackQuery template variable
	  to turn this feature on or off.
	* Fixed minor bug when query contains single quotes.
        * Added printing $g, $ul, $ue, $m, $o and $ps variables in
	  search template. Now you can place this variables anywhere
	  in template and it will be substituted with its current value.
	* $g template variable has been improved to support
    	  parameter $g(X). This displays a tag without X trailing
	* $pn template variable added (it is substituted by $ps*$np)

11  July 2000: 
	* Version numeration changed. Now two major version numbers
	  are the same as corresponding udmsearch major version number.
	  No changes in source code.

08  July 2000: 3.4.4 maintenance release
	* Corrected two deep serious bugs in ispell support.
	* Query parser changes to not filter rare national charset symbols.

25  June 2000: 3.4.3
	* Added and reniced ispell debug output
	* <!--noquery--> template section added. It's printed
	  if user makes an empty search.
        * <!--navleft_nop--> template section added. It's printed
	  in search navigator on the first page.
        * <!--navright_nop--> template section added. It's printed
	  in search navigator on the last page.
	* Minor changes in search navigator code.
	* Stopwords detection function optimized to cache previous 
	  calls results.  
	* Query maker changes to correct AND type queries, where
	  stopwords exists.  

10  June 2000: 3.4.2
	* $q template variable added to comply with udmsearch-3.0.18
	  This variable substituted with RFC-1738 encoded query. (Note
	  that $Q variable substituted by query as is).

10  June 2000: 3.4.1
	* Reworked ispell code to use classes. Now boring parallel
	  arrays are eliminated.
	* Changed exit routines to minimize "exit" calls.
	  Now you can use search routines in other script
	  by doing PHP inslude('search.php') syntax. Thanx
	  to many users who suggested this feature.

29  May 2000: 3.4
	* search.php proved to be Microsoft Windows compatible
	* ODBC mode added for all supported SQL backends
	  (MySQL,Oracle 7 and 8, PostgreSQL)

25  May 2000: 3.3.8.stable
	* This is the first stable release of PHP frontend.
	* $DEFAULT_QUERY_TYPE variable added to to
	  specify default query type (if no boolean operators found)
	* Added <select name="m"> ... in search template and 
	  $m template handler variable (such as in search.cgi) to
	  specify default query type in template. This option
	  has higher priority than $DEFAULT_QUERY_TYPE.
	* Bugfixes in boolean language parser

20  May 2000: 3.3.7.RC1
	* This is the primarily bugfix release intended to be
	  stable RC1. If there will be no bugs found in the
	  near future it will be renamed to 3.3.8 stable version.
	* Changes in query language:
	  1. "and" query operator now can be specified as "&",
	     "and", or "É" (in russian)
	  2. "or" query operator now can be specified as "|",
	     "or", or "ÉÌÉ" (in russian)
	  3. "not" query operator now can be specified as "~",
	     "not", "without" or "ÎÅ","ÂÅÚ" (in russian)
	* Bugfix in navigator with output format $o variable
	* Search template and template functions extended to 
	  support resstricted search by tag.
	* Added RFC-1738 compatible url parameters encoding and 
	  decoding where it is needed.  
	* Added stopwords reporting in wordsinfo ($W template 
	* Changed default templates <!--notfound--> section to
	  show stopwords information when query pduce no results.    	    

14  May 2000: 3.3.6
	* Bugfix in query maker with stopwords

13  May 2000: 3.3.5
	* Light optimizations in queries sent to backend
	* Bugfix in crc-multi mode with oracle backend

12  May 2000: 3.3.4
	* Speed optimizations in ispell support
	* Bugfixes with capital letters both in ispell mode and 
	  without ispell support
	* Added new config variable in "LC_ALL" to
	  hardcode locale settings. If you want to get locale 
	  settings from environment, then you sould not define it.
	* Some fixes in locale support

03  May 2000: 3.3.3
	* Bugfixes with error messages reporting

03  May 2000: 3.3.2
	* Fixed bug with dropping temporary tables.
	* configuration part of search.php3 moved to file
	* intitialization part of search.php3 moved to file
	* common functions part of search.php3 moved to file

03  May 2000: 3.3.1
	* Fixed bug with ispell support in DB mode.

29  April 2000: 3.3 
        * Many major changes in query maker. Please use this version
	  carefully because of it is not fully tested yet. 
	* Added "crc-multi" storage mode support for all supported backends.
	* Added "multi" storage mode support for mysql backend.
	* in "*multi" modes with mysql 3.23.02 and newer search.php3 
	  tries to use native TEMPORARY tables.
	* Some bugfixes in query maker.
	* Some bugfixes with working with temporary tables.

26  April 2000: 3.2.7
	* "DBAddr" template variable has been added. 
	One may configure all database parameters at once:
	"DBAddr mysql://user:passwd@hostname:port/database_name/".
	Old style DBType, DBUser, DBPass, DBHost, DBPort, DBName commands
	still supported, but can be removed in the next releases.

19  April 2000: 3.2.6

	* Fixed bug with false clone url detection
	* Added httpres and ftpres template sections to show
	  different result formats according to url protocol.
	  If ftpres or httpres not defined then res section will
	  be used by default.

17  April 2000: 3.2.5

	* Added "Clones yes/no" variable in search template.
	  Default is "yes".  

16  April 2000: 3.2.4

	* Added output format $o variable in template.
	  Now you can specify different output formats for your
	  query by choosig appropiate option in listbox.

12  April 2000: 3.2.3

	* Changed template parsing functions. 

11  April 2000: 3.2.2

	* Added found words highlighting by <b></b> html tags. 
	* Changed default query type from "OR" to "AND". This means that
	if user make query with several words separated by spaces
	then script assumes "AND" query logic.
	* Fixed bug if someone makes query consisting of stopwords.

9  April 2000: 3.2.1

	* Added $IF(filename.ext) template macro. This macro replaces
	itself with the specified file.

8  April 2000: 3.2

	* Added "crc" storage mode support. This mode allows to reduce
	required disc space as well as speed up search.

5  April 2000: 3.1.2

	* Added Oracle7 backend support both in single and multidict mode
	  ( used patch from Roman V. Petrov )

7  March 2000: 3.1.1

	* Added ispell support (plain text files mode). 

3  March 2000: 3.1

	* Added ispell support (database mode). 

23 February 2000: 3.0.2

	* Added <ue> template variable. This is an url exclusion string. 
	  Makes script to search only urls, which don't contain this string.
	* Several bug fixes and minor optimizations.

17 February 2000: 3.0.1

	* PostgreSQL backend support both in single and multidict mode
	* Several bug fixes.

05 February 2000: 3.0.0
        * First public release