

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > f6a99369d2b8e59598c2da4a45437742 > files > 44


SqlGui is a client for working with database-servers. Currently only MySQL and PostgreSQL are supported.
You can browse your databases, create new tables and enter SQL-statements.

- KDE-2 and QT-2 for SqlGui prior v. 0.3.3
  KDE-3 and QT-3.0.3 for SqlGui v. 0.3.3 and later
- sqlguipart
- sqlguimysql and/or sqlguipgsql
- MySQL-development-packages (mysql.h and libmysqlclient) for MySQL-support
- PostgreQQL-development-packages (libpq-fe.h and libpq) for PostgreSSQL-support
- and of course autoconf (tested with v. 2.52), make (tested with v. 3.79.1),
  gcc (tested with v. 2.95.4)...

Some Hints
- If you downloaded the complete SqlGui-Package (sqlgui-complete-x.y.z.tgz), then
  you may want to extract the package run the script "". This requires PERL
  installed on your system. This script tries to run the necessary commands for you.
  Remebmer, this script is still under development and may fail. In this case, you must
  install the packages by hand.
  Read the INSATALL-file and install in this order:
  1) sqlguipart
  2) sqlgui
  3) sqlguimysql
  4) sqlguipgsql

- The file-open-recent-menue stores the the connection-data as
  "mysql://user@hosname" in your ~/.kde/shar/config/sqlguirc config-file. If
  you compile sqlguipart with the option -DSAVEPASSINSECURE by issuing "export
  CXXFLAGS=SAVEPASSINSECURE", then sqlgui will try to save the connection-data
  as "msql://user:password@host". Unfortunatly KDE seems to strip all password
  from the recent-files-menue. So this option won't change the behaviour of
  the recent connection-data.

- The XML-export has now a DTD ("KDEDIR/share/apps/sqlgui/database.dtd").
  Please keep in mind, that this is still work in progress and might change
  in the near future. The export now gives information about the cell-type and
  the offset of the exported data. The column-data is stored in UTF-8. It
  the data contains an ampersand "&", it is encoded to an "&".

- In the german translation, on some distros some special-characters are missing (esp. 'รถ').
  Sorry, but at the moment i don't know why these characters are missing.

- There's no guarantee that this program runs or even compiles on your system.
  Use at your own risk, and read the LICENSE-, INSTALL- and source-files.

- When sending select-statements to tables with multiple primary-keys or querying more then one table (JOIN),
  sqlgui has problems finding the primary-key. This may cause sqlgui to create wrong update-queries, when
  entering new values in the main view.

  1) always double-click or do a "SELECT * ..." on the table you want to edit (so
  that every column is   displayed), and make sure, that the table has exactly
  one primary key in it. This seems to work without any errors.
  2) Do not edit tables with more then one primary-key in the main window

mysql-database) WITH SQLGUIs MAINVIEW!!!

The mysql-privileges-system has multiple primary-keys! Sqlgui may fail
updating the mysql-database correctly and therfore may destroy all your

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