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                  WELCOME  to X Northern Captain v5.0.2 (05-Feb-2003)
             (Hotest news for XNC on
             Your suggestions, comments are always welcome at:

Whats New from verion 5.0.0 (01-Jan-2003):
        - Added quick 'cd' command - Ctrl-x. You can use Tab expantion there.
        - Added hot keys to panel sort methods and modes.
	- Added visual terminal/fm switch.
        - Fixes for status bar display items.
        - Fixes for edit/view files with spaces with external editor/viewer
        - Fixes for deletion files named with '-alala-'
        - Fixes for selection on right/bottom panels.
        - Added Spanish, Czech and Serbian translation (thanks people)
        - Added partly translated Hungarian messages

Whats New from verion 4.4.7 (28-Mar-2002):
        -Added localization support. 
         XNC translated into :
            - Russian
            - Polush
            - Portugese
            - French
         Volunteers for other languages wanted!
        -Added context menu for file manipulation.
         Use middle mouse button for pop up it or redifine in configuration.
        -Added mouse actions. Define your own combinations for mouse
         buttons + modificators for xnc actions. Use configuration for that.
        -Added format definition of display modes (full, brief, custom)
        -Added third panel mode - custom mode
        -Added command line history menu
        -Added full support of XDnd v3 (Drag and Drop). Now xnc can do dnd
         with KDE and GNOME apps.
        -Added iconsets for menu and files (KDE, GNOME, Windows, XNC, Aqua).
        -XNC and xterminal now in one solid window.
        -Added Ctrl-U - swap panels command.
        -Added Ctrl-J - duplicate panel command.
        -Added branch view mode for viewing files inside subdirectores
         on the panel (Ctrl+B).
        -Add archive creation from panels for TAR,ZIP,RAR,LHA,GZ,BZ2.
         Use context menu or Ctrl+F5.
        -Bookmarks now work in terminal mode too (Crtl+1,2,3..).

Whats New from version 4.4.6 (14-Sep-2001):
        -Changed to new method of detection pseudo-tty, work on more platforms
        -Small bug fixes
        -IVES command line viewer and editor renamed vs->iview, es->iedit, 
         becouse older name conflict with other apps. Thanks to Grzegorz Prokopski
        -Changed to new image library. Now xnc can view image formats:
        -Fixed legal issues, added some copyrights :) Thanks to Grzegorz Prokopski

Whats New from version 4.4.5 (23-Jul-2001):
        -Fixed bug in rxvt part for redrawing screen.
        -Add new program 'xncloader'. It allows sharing resources of many copies of xnc.
         Use xncloader for speedup starting xnc. It's very simple, just run once 
         'xncloader' after you start X server. After that all xnc resources will be stored
         on server and starting will be very fast! Try it!

Whats New from version 4.4.4 (19-Apr-2001):
        -Added mouse wheel support.
        -Fixed compilation bug on RH 7.x (GLIBC 2.2)
        -Fixed problem with opening pseudo-terminal on Mandrake Linux, and
         PPC Linux.
        -Many fixes to FTP vfs.
        -Add method of opening ftp via 'cd ftp://site' like mc does.
        -Fixed problem with loading plugins on a.out systems, like OpenBSD.
         Thanks Reinhard J. Sammer 
        -Made some improvements.

Whats New from version 4.4.0 (28-Dec-2000):
        -new AQUA plugin for different xnc look, try 'xnc -plugin aqua'
         to see LookAqua skin. I hope you like it :)
        -Fixed bug with JPEG, BMP view in PseudoColor mode.
        -Fixed some minor bugs.
        -Made some improvements.

Whats New from version 4.2.1 (27-Jan-2000):
        -NEW plugin support for different xnc look, try 'xnc -plugin five'
         to see LookFive skin. I hope you like it :)
        -Fixed some bugs in FTP support
        -Fixed crash dump when clicking on bookmark
        -Fixed crash dump in small size of main window (incorrect resize).

Whats New from version 4.0.8:
        -New rpm spec file for package. Thanks to ?ukasz Kowalczyk <>
        -Add PageUp/Dn keys for scrolling panels by pages.
        -Add Home/End keys for quick scrolling to start/end of panel.
        -Add 'Stat Info' window with full info from 'stat' stucture.
        -Add 'Magic file' database reading at startup.
        -QuickFileInfo shows 'file' output to status bar, use hotkey 
         (KP_Insert by default).
        -Status bar now configurable at runtime 
         (filename, permissions, owners, time/date, size).
        -'IVES exit with XNC' option added.
        -Add Rectangle/Filled cursor option.
        -Fixed bug with KDE window manager while switching desktops.
        -All files now will be installed to '/usr/bin' directory,
         man pages to '/usr/man/man1' directory.
        -Faster startup loading with background resource reading (? marks).
         XNC now starts as fast as it can. You begin working and xnc read
         his icons in background and shows its. Use 'xnc -bl' for it.
        -Minor bugs fixed.
        -Internal code rearranging.

Whats New from version 4.0.7:
        -Fixed bug with find function.
        -Fixed bug with IVES non-loading.
        -Input history fixes.
        -Fixed bug with -courier- fonts in input fields.
        -Add TAB expansion to Input fields,
         (TAB - expand, Ctrl+TAB - next field).
        -Add DEB archive support for debian packages.
        -Add GZIP archive support.
        -Add BZIP 2 archive support.
        -Add TAR-BZIP2 archive support.
        -XNCSetup improvements.
        -Add insertion of panel path to command line. (Ctrl+[/Ctrl+])
        -Text shadow now can be turned off in 'Options/Configuration'.
        -Made port to AIX 4.x
        -Made port to NetBSD 1.3.x
        -Made port to OpenBSD 2.x
Whats New from version 4.0.6:
        -Add '-/+to' startup option for swith off/on built in rxvt terminal.
         Try 'xnc -to' or 'xnc -to -su'. See 'xnc -help' for details.
        -Add runtime configuration to 'Options' menu.
         Some options were moved from XNCSetup directly to XNC.
        -History corrections.
        -More makefiles clean-ups. (thanks to Pavel Roskin)
        -Changes to configure scripts. Separation between interactive and
         noninteractive parts. Run 'reconfig' for manual configure
         compile-time options. (thanks to Pavel Roskin)
        -Add '-/+fl' startup option for XNC fast loading. Try 'xnc -fl'.
        -Fixed small minor bug in copy function.
        -Fixed bug with selection/deselection on AFS.
        -Solved problem with PNGlib linking.
        -More correct RPM package.
        -New format of elf.tar.gz package (no 'make install' now):
                unpack it directly to '/' and then all files go to
                   /usr/local/bin - binaries
                   /usr/local/lib/xnc - system wide configation
                   /usr/local/man/cat1 - man pages.

Whats New from version 4.0.5:
        -Add PNG image format to IVES.
        -Add history to all input lines.
        -Remade and clean up makefiles.
        -Made port to Solaris 2.6

Whats New from version 4.0.4:
        -Now faster reading directories (on normal FS and also inside archives)
        -AFS now understands symbolic links inside archives.
        -If you use tar v1.12 or higher then look into 'xsetup/data/xnc.afs.tar112' file.
        -Symlinked directory copying bug fixed.
        -Fixed problems with compilation under glibc2.
        -Some small bugs also fixed and some added :)

Whats New from version 4.0.3:
        -Archive file system now works correctly with long
         file names.                (modified by Heiko Schroeder)
        -Archive file system shows date/time of files inside
         archive                      (modified by Heiko Schroeder)
        -Copy/move override bug fixed.
        -PseudoColor ImageEngine bug fixed.
        -Small minor changes, bug fixes.....
Whats New from version 4.0.2:
        -ImagEngine bugfix for correct work in 24bpp        (Thanks to Heiko Schroeder)
        -Compiling errors on RH5.0 bugfix                        (Thanks to Joeseph Sugarman)
        -System wide configuration files moved
                from 'usr/local/lib/.xnc'
                to    'usr/local/lib/xnc'
        -Offix Drag and drop support added                (Thanks to Heiko Schroeder)
        -'Show hidden files' switch added for showing/hiding '.*' files
        -Panels now can have different width in 'vertical' and 'horizontal' layouts.
         Just positioned your mouse between panels and drag it to size you want.
Whats New from version 4.0.0:
        -More carefull Error reporting when file operation failed
        -Show date/time in panel status bar
        -No system "cp" & "mv" any more, use fast internal ones.
        -Now succesfully compiled under glibc2  (GNU_SOURCE)
        -Redrawing  while copy/move bug fixed.
        -File name redrawing after "Overwrite" query bug fixed.
        -Core dumps while starting without configs bug fixed.
Whats New from version 3.0.8:
        -Bugs fix....
        -Add Virtual File System (VFS). Now VFS can work with archieves.
        -Add VFS support for TAR,TARGZ,RPM,ZIP,RAR,LHA archieves.
        -Add Bookmark for HotDirs.
        -Add Drag and Drop operations with files.
        -Add icons to file listing in panels.
        -Add PhotoCD image format to IVES.
        -Makefies remake, now with autoconf.
Whats New from version 3.0.6:
        -Bug fixes and fixes.... ;)  Thanks to all who send me bug reports.
        -Add Key support (".xnc.keys"). 
         Now You can easily redefine any hot key in XNC.
        -All windows now RESIZABLE!!
        -Add file attributes showing in file info panel under file listing.
         Attrs shows with three color rectangles. 
         Rectangles are for owner/group/other. Colors describe permissions
         for each group as follows: 
               green color -  'rwx'
               yellow color - 'rw-'
               red color - 'r--'
               blue color - 'r-x'
               black color - other combinations.
          Pressing on the attributes You see Attr Change Window.
        -Add Win Russian mapping/conversion to IVES Editor.

Whats New from version 3.0.5:

        -Scroll Bar widget remake
        -Add TIFF Image format (need libtiff.a)
        -Editor scrolling bug fixed
        -Viewer zeroes bug fixed
        -Add new application 'X Northern Launch Pad' for
         quick launching programs under X.
Whats New from version 3.0.4:

        -Double IVES run bug fixed.
        -PseudoColor compilation bug fixed.
        -Recursive delete bug fixed.
        -Makefiles remake. Add 'make config' option. Run it before compilation.
        -Add symbolic link identification.
        -Add BMP Image format to 'ImagEngine'.
        -Add XBM Image format to 'ImagEngine'.
        -Add XPM Image format to 'ImagEngine'.
        -Add TARGA Image format to 'ImagEngine'.
        -Correct error reporting for copy/del/move.
        -Fixed some bugs with copying errors.
        -Fixed users scanning bug with NIS (thanks Jaime D. Perea Duarte).
        -Fixed file attributes change bug (thanks Joe Sugarman).
        -Fixed JPEG grayscale image viewing bug.
Whats New from version 3.0.0 :
         -Add Quick Scandir (Ctrl+Q) .....
         -Some bugs were fixed, such as 'Segmentation fault' and etc.
         -GIF Interlaced bug was fixed.
         -Add Progressive JPEG image format.

from version 2.1.5:

         -Add Russian KOI8/DOS mapping into IVES Editor and Viewer
          Use 'F11' key to convert DOS->KOI8 russian files.
          Use 'Right Alt or Mode switch' keys to switch between 
          russian/english keyboards in IVES Editor.
          Set theese fonts in 'X Northen Captain Setup':
           for 'IVES font'  :      -cronyx-helvetica-*-r-*-*-*-*-*-*-koi8-r
           for 'Fixed font':       -cronyx-courier-*-r-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-koi8-r
          if you want to see russian letters in IVES Editor and Viewer.

          If You don't want Russian mapping and letters edit makefile
          in ives directory (-DNO_ALT).
         -add DOS/Unix CR/LF file detection and writing to IVES Editor.
         -add 'Shift+F3' key combination, which allow you view
          any files (even GIF, JPEG ...etc) in HEX mode.
         -Solved problems with multiuser IVES connections, and loading
          from remote host.
         -fixed IVES Editor 'Permission denied' bug.
         -fixed IVES Viewer HEX editing bug.
         -fixed IVES Editor backup file creating bug in DOS filesystem. ('.BUG' extension)
         -add scrollbar to IVES Viewer.
         -add 'F8' key to IVES Viewer for going to line number
          or hex offset.
         -add scrollbar to IVES Editor.
         -add waiting message for loading IVES from XNC.
         -add Host, User and Group to the window headers.
         -add recursive copy function.
         -add SYSCOPY compilation flag for exchanging internal 
          copy/del functions with system cp/rm commands.
          Use this flag if something wrong with copy.
         -add color deselection while copying, moving selected files.
                                     28 MAR 2002  Copyright (c) Leo. <>