

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > media > contrib > by-pkgid > 26636abf3e4fd32779cf60dd8079f089 > files > 108


The easiest way to install CSCMail is to use the
script.  This script is included in the RPM and the tarball, and is
an all in one installation utility.  It will even fetch the latest
stable CSCMail for you, so you really only need to download the
installer itself, as it will get everything else for you.

The installer lets you choose tarball or RPM installation, and will
install the appropriate version of CSCMail.  Note, the perl modules
are not all available in RPM format, so we use tarball for them.
Sorry for those of you who want everything to pass through the
package management system... you can manually hunt down rpms if
you like.

Note to upgraders: If you are upgrading from an earlier version, 
you should check the changelog to see if any special actions are
required.  (As this is very quickly evolving software the 
database structure changes occasionally.) 
Scripts useful for upgrading from an older version are in migration-scripts/.
PLEASE read the changelog!

CSCMail requires gtk 1.2.3 or later.  If you are running a recent version 
of Gnome, you probably have that.  If not, you can get it from

CSCMail requires the following perl modules.

For CSV database support:
For PostgreSQL database support:
For MySQL/mSQL database support:

Gnome-Perl CVS (available from or the
	Gnome project's cvs server)

You must compile support for the HTML widget you are going to use:
	CSCMail supports both the XmHTML widget (old and buggy)
	as well as the new still-under-development GtkHTML widget.

For GtkXmHTML support, cd to gnome-perl/GtkXmHTML/ and perl Makefile.PL;
make; make install

For GtkHTML support, install GtkHTML (From Gnome's cvs server) and then
cd to gnome-perl/GtkHTML/ and perl Makefile.PL; make; make install

Some distributions don't include IO::Socket even though it is part of the
base Perl distribution (as of 5.004) so you might need module IO-1.20 or higher.

The modules are also available as binary RPM packages, for example here:

To install CSCMail (in /usr/local/bin by default), do

make install

or if you prefer to install it somewhere else, for example 
in /usr/bin , do

make install PREFIX=/usr

(Note: a make step is not required, just make install).  The place where 
cscmail is located MUST be in your path because otherwise it
won't find its companion scripts to get and send mail.

CSCMail can take advantage of some (most?) SQL databases to store 
information about messages.  This is highly recomended.  The CSV
driver is very slow if you have more than a few hundred messages.

The next section explains how to set up some SQL databases to work with

Databases known to work include PostgreSQL and mySQL.  You can probably
use other databases, but you may have to set up the tables by hand.

First you need to get and install the database. mySQL is a very high 
performance database, and probably the database of choice unless you have 
another one installed already. RedHat comes with PostgreSQL and this is
what Count Zero uses.  Either will work 100% with CSCMail.

Then, get and install DBD drivers for your database from CPAN.
for Postgress, that is module DBI-Pg, and for mySQL it is Msql-Mysql-modules:

Make an empty database for any users whom you wish to be able
to use CSCMail.  These users do not need any special
permissions.  Make the empty database have the same name as the user
it belongs to. (See the documentation for your specific backend for
details on how to do this.)

If you run mySQL 3.22+, do this:

mysqladmin create <username>

If you run Postgres 6.5.x, do this:

su postgres
createuser <username>
Enter user's postgres ID or RETURN to use unix user ID:
	<press return>
Is user "<username>" allowed to create databases (y/n) <n>
Is user "<username>" a superuser? (y/n> <n>
createuser: <username> was successfully added
Shall I create a database for "<username>" (y/n) <y>

When you first run cscmail, it will prompt you for what database
driver you wish to use.  Select the appropriate driver for whatever
database you have installed (if no db, then use CSV, but make sure
you have installed the modules listed above that are required for
csv to work.)