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        Binc IMAP - Technical Documentation
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        <A HREF="">GNU General Public License</A><BR>
        Andreas Aardal Hanssen &lt;;
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<P><U><B>Binc in my home area, IMAPdir and cousins</B></U></P>


<P>Binc IMAP uses either <A
or a structure called <A HREF="bincimap-imapdir.html">IMAPdir</A> to
store its set of mailboxes. <A
HREF="bincimap-imapdir.html">IMAPdir</A> is more or less similar to <A
but it provides more flexibility with regards to mailbox names and
hierarchy structure.</P>

<P>In a sense, <A HREF="bincimap-imapdir.html">IMAPdir</A> takes all
the goods from <A
HREF="">Maildir</A> and adds root
level mailboxes, submailboxes both of regular root level mailboxes and
of the special mailbox INBOX, mail in mailboxes of any level, and with
no restrictions.</P>

<P>In the root of the <A HREF="bincimap-imapdir.html">IMAPdir</A>
structure, Binc IMAP stores the list of a user's subscribed folders in
a file called
<B>bincimap-subscribed</B>. This file should only be edited manually
if you are confident with <B>Binc::Storage</B>. Normally the
administrator and the IMAP user will leave this to Binc IMAP.</P>

<P>Binc IMAP's <A
HREF="">Maildir</A> backend
(default) will temporarily create a lock file called
<B>bincimap-scan-lock</B> inside a <A
HREF="">Maildir</A> when it is
scanning for mailbox changes and delegating unique message
identifiers. This is to ensure that UIDs are delegated exactly once to
every message that has been detected by any one Binc IMAP server

<P>Inside each <A
HREF="">Maildir</A>, Binc IMAP
stores two files that allow multiple instances of the server to
communicate the state and changes of the mailbox:
<B>bincimap-uidvalidity</B> and
<B>bincimap-cache</B>. These files are safe to delete, although that
will trigger UIDVALIDITY to bounce and clients may have to
resynchronize their local state.</P>


<P><U><B>Object Oriented Design: Brokers, Depots, Operators.</B></U></P>


<TABLE WIDTH="100%">
      <P>Binc IMAP's design is <I>simple</I> and <I>modular</I>. This
      makes it <I>easy</I> to maintain and extend.</P>

      <P>Although the IMAP protocol is relatively complex, you will
      find that Binc IMAP's solution is surprisingly easy to

      <P>At the heart of Binc IMAP's implementation lies the basic
      functionality for Object Oriented Design provided by the ISO C++
      standard and general knowledge in the area of standard Design

      <P>The main components are:</P>
        <LI>The <A HREF="#Broker">Broker</A></LI>
        <LI>The <A HREF="#BrokerFactory">BrokerFactory</A></LI>
	<LI>The <A HREF="#Command">Command</A></LI>
	<LI>The <A HREF="#Depot">Depot</A></LI>
        <LI>The <A HREF="#DepotFactory">DepotFactory</A></LI>
	<LI>The <A HREF="#Mailbox">Mailbox</A></LI>
        <LI>The <A HREF="#Operator">Operator</A></LI>
	<LI>The <A HREF="#Session">Session</A></LI>
	<LI>The <A HREF="#IO">IO</A></LI>
    <IMG BORDER="0" SRC="bincimap-design-tiny.png" ALT="Binc IMAP, Object Oriented Design">

<A NAME="Broker"><B>Broker</B></A>

  <P>One <A HREF="#Broker">Broker</A> holds a set of <A
  HREF="#Operator">Operators</A>. For each
  <I>state</I> Binc IMAP is in, the <A
  HREF="#BrokerFactory">BrokerFactory</A> delegates exactly one <A
  HREF="#Broker">Broker</A> to hold the relevant <A
  HREF="#Operator">Operator</A> objects.</P>

  <P>Typically, an <A HREF="#Operator">Operator</A> can be assigned to
  more than one <A HREF="#Broker">Broker</A>. For example, the <A
  HREF="#Operator">Operator</A> that serves the IMAP command "NOOP" (a
  command that is available in all three IMAP <I>states</I>),
  <B>NoopOperator</B>, is available in all <A
  HREF="#Broker">Broker</A> objects.</P>

  <P>The <A HREF="#Broker">Broker</A> is responsible for first passing
  the <A HREF="#Depot">Depot</A> and the <A HREF="#IO">IO</A>
  singleton to the appropriate <A HREF="#Operator">Operator</A>,
  generating a <A HREF="#Command">Command</A> object.</P>

  <P>The <A HREF="#Broker">Broker</A> is also responsible for passing
  the resulting <A HREF="#Command">Command</A> object to the <A
  HREF="#Operator">Operator</A> together with the <A
  HREF="#Depot">Depot</A>, generating the <I>untagged responses</I>
  that come as a result of the processing.</P>

      <TD BGCOLOR="#555555">
Broker *broker = BrokerFactory.getBroker(STATE_SELECTED);
if (broker != NULL)
  throw CriticalException("no broker for selected state");

Command command;

try {
  broker.parse(com, command);
  broker.process(depot, command);
} catch (...

<A NAME="BrokerFactory"><B>BrokerFactory</B></A>

  <P>The <A HREF="#BrokerFactory">BrokerFactory</A> manages the <A
  HREF="#Broker">Broker</A> objects.</P>

  <P>Given a <I>state</I>, the <A
  HREF="#BrokerFactory">BrokerFactory</A> provides a <A
  HREF="#Broker">Broker</A> that holds all the <A
  HREF="#Operator">Operator</A> objects available to the client.</P>

  <P>This provides a modular and safe seperation of the priviledges
  available at the different <I>states</I> in the IMAP session.</P>

  <P>The <I>preauthenticate stub</I> has a <A
  HREF="#BrokerFactory">BrokerFactory</A> that can only generate <A
  HREF="#Broker">Broker</A> objects for the <I>non-authenticated</I>

<A NAME="Command"><B>Command</B></A>

  <P>A <A HREF="#Command">Command</A> object holds all information
  that was passed to the <A HREF="#Operator">Operator</A> that served
  a specific IMAP command.</P>

  <P><A HREF="#Command">Command</A> objects are named. Examples of
  such names are "CHECK", "SUBSCRIBE" and "LOGOUT".</P>

  <P>For the name "FETCH", the <A HREF="#Command">Command</A> object
  is decorated with
  <I>sequence set</I>, optionally a <I>section</I> and so on. The
  <B>parse()</B> method in each <A HREF="#Operator">Operator</A> is
  responsible for decorating the <A HREF="#Command">Command</A>

  <P>The <A HREF="#Command">Command</A> object is
  <I>short-lived</I>. It is created, decorated, passed on to the <A
  HREF="#Operator">Operator</A>, then discarded.</P>

<A NAME="Depot"><B>Depot</B></A>

  <P>A <A HREF="#Depot">Depot</A> is responsible for handling the
  different <A HREF="#Mailbox">Mailbox</A> objects, and it is the
  mailbox structure authority.</P>

  <P>Given an IMAP mailbox path as input, a <A HREF="#Depot">Depot</A>
  can give the caller a corresponding <A HREF="#Mailbox">Mailbox</A>
  object if it finds one that successfully identifies the type of <A

  <P>The <A HREF="#Depot">Depot</A> is also aware of what the
  <I>default</I> <A HREF="#Mailbox">Mailbox</A> type object is. This
  <A HREF="#Mailbox">Mailbox</A> object is used when creating new IMAP

  <P>Finally, the <A HREF="#Depot">Depot</A> is used to translate
  mailbox names to a representation on the file system and back. There
  are currently two specializations of the <A HREF="#Depot">Depot</A>
  object available: one for <A
  and one for <A HREF="bincimap-imapdir.html">IMAPdir</A>. Each has
  its own characteristics in how do translate the mailbox hierarchy to
  the file system.</P>

      <TD BGCOLOR="#555555">
Mailbox *mailbox = depot.getDefaultMailbox();
if (mailbox == NULL)
  throw CriticalException("no default mailbox provided");

try {
} catch (...

<A NAME="DepotFactory"><B>DepotFactory</B></A>

  <P>The <A NAME="DepotFactory">DepotFactory</A> manages the <A
  HREF="#Depot">Depot</A> objects.</P>

  <P>New <A HREF="#Depot">Depot</A> objects are assigned to the <A
  NAME="DepotFactory">DepotFactory</A> in runtime. This makes it easy
  to add new <A HREF="#Depot">Depot</A> objects using loadable
  modules. The <A HREF="#Depot">Depot</A> objects are registered and
  accessed via their <I>names</I>, such as "<A
  or "<A HREF="bincimap-imapdir.html">IMAPdir</A>".</P>

  <P>The <A NAME="DepotFactory">DepotFactory</A> gives individual
  users of Binc IMAP the option to choose the <A
  HREF="#Depot">Depot</A> object that suits their needs the best.</P>

<A NAME="IO"><B>IO</B></A>

  <P>The <A HREF="#IO">IO</A> is a <I>global</I>. It consists of two instances -
  <U>com</U> and <U>logger</U>.</P>

  <P><U>com</U> reads and writes characters to and from the client,
  and hides the optional SSL encryption.</P>

  <P><U>logger</U> writes characters to Binc IMAP's log files. It
  hides the method used to log data. Currently it supports logging to
  stderr and syslog.</P>

<A NAME="Mailbox"><B>Mailbox</B></A>

  <P>The <A HREF="#Mailbox">Mailbox</A> is an abstract for Binc IMAP's different
  <I>backends</I>. Bundled with Binc is a backend for <A
  HREF="">Maildir</A>. The class
  Maildir <I>inherits</I> <A HREF="#Mailbox">Mailbox</A>.</P>

  <P>In short, a <A HREF="#Mailbox">Mailbox</A> contains all methods needed for Binc
  IMAP to serve a specific backend. It also holds a method to identify
  a <A HREF="#Mailbox">Mailbox</A> of its own kind.</P>

  <P>All registered <A HREF="#Mailbox">Mailbox</A> objects are held by the
  <A HREF="#Depot">Depot</A>.</P>

      <TD BGCOLOR="#555555">
Mailbox *mailbox = depot.getSelectedMailbox();
if (mailbox == NULL)
  throw CriticalException("no selected mailbox in selected state");


<A NAME="Operator"><B>Operator</B></A>

  <P>An <A HREF="#Operator">Operator</A> is associated with an IMAP command such as
  "SEARCH" or "AUTHENTICATE". In short, the <A HREF="#Operator">Operator</A> is used to
  perform an arbitrary operation on a <A HREF="#Mailbox">Mailbox</A>.<P>

  <P>Typically, an <A HREF="#Operator">Operator</A> can be assigned to one or more
  <A HREF="#Broker">Broker</A> objects.

  <P>Operators contain, among others, the two public methods:
  <B>parse()</B> and <B>process()</B>.</P>

  <P>When given the <B>IO singleton</B> as input, the <B>parse()</B>
  method generates a <A HREF="#Command">Command</A> object. This object can then be
  fed to <B>process()</B> together with a <A HREF="#Depot">Depot</A>.</P>

  <P>When processing its command, an <A HREF="#Operator">Operator</A> is allowed to
  generate <I>untagged responses</I> and it can also update the
  <I>state</I> of a <A HREF="#Mailbox">Mailbox</A>, the <A HREF="#Depot">Depot</A> or the
  <A HREF="#Session">Session</A> singleton.</P>

  <P><A HREF="#Operator">Operator</A> objects are assigned
  <I>dynamically</I> to each <A HREF="#Broker">Broker</A>, making it
  very easy to write
  <I>extensions</I> that add or replace existing <A
  HREF="#Operator">Operator</A> objects using Binc IMAP's <I>loadable
  module support.</I></P>

<A NAME="Session"><B>Session</B></A>

  <P>The <A HREF="#Session">Session</A> is a <I>singleton</I> object that holds
  information that is relevant to the current IMAP session.</P>

  <P>Currently, the <A HREF="#Session">Session</A> contains information about:</P>

  <LI>Global configuration (administrator settings)</LI>
  <LI>Local configuration (user settings)</LI>
  <LI>Command line arguments</LI>
  <LI>Folder subscription list</LI>


<P>Last updated on <B>2003-03-20</B>.</P>

<P>Please direct comments on this document to the <A
HREF="/#mailinglist">Binc IMAP mailing list</A>. Remember to <I>search
the archives</I> first.</P>


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