

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > media > contrib > by-pkgid > 5e1cf60a1e92dccc53ea673ff3e4aa07 > files > 31


So you've deleted an important file(s), or perhaps been broken into and
have your file system smashed by a vindictive system cracker, or some
other disaster has struck.  You need that file back, but Unix has no
way to recover lost data that hasn't been backed up.  You hunt around
for help, answers, anything, and perhaps run across this software or
had heard about it in the back of your mind.

To begin with, your data is *possibly* still out there somewhere -
TCT cannot help you if the data wasn't saved to disk first, however,
and it will take some time to hunt for data.

The following are problems for data recovery:

o	you do not have root privileges on the machine

o	you're inexperienced with Unix

o	you're in a hurry

o	the file is anything but small (say, greater than 15-20K).
	It's still possible to recover larger files, but can be a
	lot more difficult.

If you've lost email - especially a lot of it - you might look
at the "rip-mail" program in the "lazarus/post-processing" subdir.

We'd *HIGHLY* suggest you practicing on a few dummy files.  Go
ahead, remove some test files and follow the instructions below.
It's not that hard.

What you need in order to recover a deleted file:

o       A bit of knowledge about your system.

o	Spare disk space.  If not on your system, then on another system
	that you can hook the original disk up to.  You'll need at least
	*220%* of the free disk space of the file system that the file
	was lost in.  The 220% is needed by:

		100% = The unallocated blocks that you'll be recovering

		120% = Roughly the space lazarus will consume.  It'll
		       be at least 100% + some additional space.

o	At least a few hours of time (much of this will not be you doing 
	any work, but the programs involved are slow).


The quick version is this:

	Use "unrm" to recover the data, from the file system with
	the lost file, to another file system; run lazarus, and
	comb through the results until you find your data.


OK, you have the will, the time, and the disk space.  What now?
Reconstructing data is a two step process - recovering the data from
the unallocated section of the media with unrm and then reconstructing
it with lazarus.  You might try to read the man pages for unrm & lazarus,
or the file "lazarus.README", which will go on and on about how lazarus
and unrm work.  Failing that, this is a perhaps kindler and gentler
approach to the problem.

#1.  Determine the file system the lost file was on.  For those not
	familiar with this concept, try typing (the "%" is the prompt -
	"#" is used when it must be done by root):

		% df /directory/where/file/was

	("/bin/df -k" or "/usr/ucb/df" for solaris users)

This will return something like:

	Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
	/dev/sda1              1008872    246788    710836  26% /

(Note - the "available column actually lies.  It has about 10% *MORE* than 
this available.  This is because Unix keeps a bit of space (typically 10% of 
the drive's capacity) in reserve (writable only by root) for performance 
and safety reasons.)

The first column ("/dev/sda1" in this case), is what we're interested in.
With the mantra "you need 220% of the free space available somewhere else"
in mind, if you have this 1GB disk with 710MB free, you'd want a second 
disk with at least 710MB x 220%, or some 1.6 GB free. If that space
is not available locally, perhaps you can find a machine elsewhere
on the network that has the space.

#2.  Save the unallocated blocks of that Filesystem - use the "unrm" tool
for this.  This may sound foolish, but UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU 
clear to you, consider; your data is in that free area out there somewhere.
You'd be filling up that free space with itself, essentially at random 
locations.  There'd be a more than significant chance you'd blow away your 
lost file before you got it.

Anyway, let's say you have two file systems, /dev/sda1 & /dev/sda2,
and you want to recover a file from the first.  As root you would...

	a) Decide where on /dev/sda2 that you'll keep the results of
	   the experiment.  I'll call this "/path/to/TCT" (for simplicity,
	   this is also where TCT is installed).

	b) type:

		% cd /path/to/TCT


		# bin/unrm /dev/sda1  >  /path/to/TCT/unrm_ouput

You'll probably need to wait several minutes, depending on how big the
disk is that you're unrm'ing from.

That's it, you've recovered your file!  Well, if it was on the disk
it's in that big file you just created ("/path/to/TCT/unrm_ouput").
You can, if you wish, try to scrounge through that binary thing to
recover your data.  Or you can move on to #3.  (Sometimes the former
is what you want to do; it really depends on your experience and the
situation.  If unsure, proceed onwards.)

#3.  Run Lazarus on the output of unrm.  Typically this is done like:

	% bin/lazarus -h unrm_output

The -h flag generates HTML output, which we can view with a browser.
Lazarus splits that big binary file into many smaller chunks.  It creates
two directories, one of which is called "blocks" and has *lots* of files
in it.  Hopefully your data is in there (if it was on the disk and unrm
recovered it, it's there.)

#4.  Now the hard part.  If you know what your file looks like, and it
has some unusual words or something in it, then you can try method A.
If not, go to method B below.

Method A

Let's say you lost the last letter that your Dad wrote to you before
he died, and all you really remember is that he wrote something about a
Studebaker automobile he had as a kid.  "Studebaker" is a great word to
search for because the odds are that not a lot of files have that word
in it.

So you use your best friend "grep" on the blocks that were saved:

	% grep -il studebaker blocks/* > matching_files

(-i ignores case, -l lists the file names)

If you see a match, examine the file(s) listed with a good pager that
can handle binary data, such as "less".  If you find it, congrats!

The above approach may fail with an error like "Argument list too
long" when there are many files. In that case, try the more robust
but more verbose version:

	% find blocks -type f -print | xargs grep -il studebaker >matching_files

If you're looking for something that isn't so unique, think of keywords
that might help you out (like your name, employers, etc.)  You could
then do something like:

	% egrep -il 'keyword1|keyword2|...' blocks/*.txt > matching_files

Images are likewise easy to examine; simply do something like ("xv" is a 
fine Unix image viewer/editor, "gimp" and others can also be used):

	% xv blocks/*.gif blocks/*.jpg

Text based log files (syslog, message, etc.), even though they will 
often be spread out all over the disk because of the way they are written
(a few records at a time), are actually potentially easy to recover -
and in the correct order - because of the wonderful time stamp on each
line; the simplest way (until a better log analyzer is written) is to
(the tr(1) is in there to remove nulls; commands such as sort don't
like nulls in the files they work with!):

	% cat blocks/*.l.txt | tr -d '\000' | sort -u > all-logs

And then browse through them.  A few bits and pieces will probably
be lost (due to the fragmentation at block and fragment boundaries),
but it's a good way to start.

Some data, like C source code, is very easy to confuse with other
types of program files and text, so a combined arms approach that
uses grep & the browser is sometimes useful (more on the browser 
approach in a bit).

Another good way to find source code is if you know of a specific #include
file that the code uses or a specific output line that the program emits -
a simple:

	% grep -l rpcsvc/sm_inter.h blocks/*.[cpt].txt

Will find any files that have rpcsvc/sm_inter.h in them (not a lot,
probably! ;-))	This sort of brute force approach can be quite useful.

Beware of concatenating lots of recovered blocks/files together and 
performing text based searches or operations on them (sort, grep, 
uniq, etc.), because text tools will often perform badly when 
encountering binary data that is often in the lazarus output.

Method B

Browsin' time.  The browser approach, while much nicer looking, is
not so great when you're looking for that one lost file. However,
a browser can be helpful when you're looking for interesting files
in general.  To start up the browser just have it open up the main
HTML file you created previously with lazarus - it'll have a name
like "unrm_output.frame.html" if the original data was called

If done correctly you'll see large map of your disk made up from
letters, and a small HTML frame that shows what all the letters in
the large map mean.  You can use your browser's internal search
function or simply browse through the map looking for things of
interest.  Clicking on a link will display the data in that file
(unless it has unprintable data).

Some data - like C source code - is hard for lazarus to distinguish
from other types of program files and text, so a combined arms approach 
that uses grep & the browser can be useful.  For instance, if you
have a section of data that looks like thus on the disk map:


The first three recognized text types - C, P, and C - might all be
the same type of text (C).  Finding the block # by simply putting
your mouse over the link and then concatenating the files or
examining them manually is great.

The browser based approach can be especially useful if you have 
lots of files on a disk.  Because Unix file systems often will have a
strong sense of locality that is tied to the directories that the
files were once in, you can use the graphical browser to locate
an interesting looking section of the disk and try to hunt either
using the browser or via standard Unix tools on the saved blocks
once you've found an area that looks promising.

As you can see (if you've read this far), this is *far* from being
an automated process.  However, you really can recover stuff.  In the
future the process will hopefully become less arduous, either if we
put some of the features we've been thinking about (being able to search
from the browser, displaying all data irrespective of its printability,
etc.) or if others work on this important problem.

Good luck recovering your data!