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 <TITLE>daCode User's Guide: View an article and any comments: the comments page.</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="s3">3.</A> <A HREF="usersguide-en.html#toc3">View an article and any comments: the comments page.</A></H2>

<P>To get to this page, click on the link "x comments" below the news on
the front page. </P>
<H2><A NAME="ss3.1">3.1 Commenting on an article and replying to comments</A>

<LI>To reply to a comment, click on the link "reply" below the
comment. Be sure to have read all comments posted before to avoid
redundancy. </LI>
<LI>To comment on an article, click on the "Reply" button beneath the news.
Do not use it to reply to a specific comment.</LI>
<H2><A NAME="ss3.2">3.2 Limiting the comments to display</A>

<H3>The scoring of comments</H3>

<P>Each comment is scored. Its score is a value between -1 and
five. -1 is for comments which are rude, defamatory, or otherwise
inapropriate to the forum. Comments posted anonymously get scored 0 value by
default.   </P>
<H3>Filtering comments</H3>

<P>You can set the minimal score for the comments displayed.  For this,
use the pulldown menu below the news. This menu displays the scores
available and the number of comments for each level. Select the one you
want, then click on the button "Change" beside the menu.</P>
<H2><A NAME="ss3.3">3.3 Viewing hidden comments </A>

<P>All the comments under your currently selected score are hidden. That
means only the title and score of the comment are displayed, along
with a "+" on the left. To view one of them without changing your
score, click on the "+" sign.</P>
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