

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > media > contrib > by-pkgid > 65bfbb79cc93be70b4a49f8699ebbb10 > files > 10



GPL Electronic Design Automation

README for misc utilities versions 2002*
(This software is ALPHA)

	Please read the file NEWS for details on specifics for this release

- Installation

	See the toplevel INSTALL for more instructions on general install

- Utilities

   Updated by Matthew Ettus,

	Jerry's instructions below still work.  There are
	additional features for the first input line.
	See TL16C554AFN.txt for an example of the extended input

   Written by: Jerry O'Keefe, 

	This is a simple utility to convert comma separated
	descriptions into rectangular gschem symbols.  It should
	be useful for easily creating memory, processors or
	connector style parts. All pin positions are in normal pin
	spacing (300).	Pin styles supported are line, dot-line,
	and clock line. Pins can be placed on all sides of the
	symbol's box. For example to place a dot-line style pin of
	name INPUT at the normal pin 1 position of a IC would be:


	The size of the symbol's box is also in pin spacings. So
	a symbol with 6 inputs and 6 outputs would typically
	require a size of: 3 for width and 7 for height.

	See the included 7474.txt and 8031.txt as example files.

	This utility is not strong on error checking and slotting
	is not supported.
	gmk_sym typical use:

		./gmk_sym 7474.txt >7474-3.sym

	gmk_sym is installed when make install is run.

   Written by: Mike Jarabek,

	smash_megafile is a C program that will take a viewlogic
	megafile and extract the contents into a directory of the same
	name, with one file representing each element in the library.
	This program should compile without any problems for anyone.
	This program cannot create megafiles, it can just extract all
	the contents. (Useful for say, extracting all the symbols from
	a library...)  Be aware that megafiles from PC versions of
	ViewDraw use PC end of line terminations, it may be necessary
	to use a program like dos2unix to convert the resulting text
	files... before doing useful things with them.

	smash_megafile typical use:

		 ./smash_megafile megafile

	where megafile is the name of a viewlogic megafile whithout
	any extensions.  The file megafile.lib and megafile.tbl must
	exist in the same directory

	smash_megafile is installed when make install is run.

   Written by: Mike Jarabek,

	convert_sym converts Viewlogic schematics and symbols into
	geda format.

	This utility should be considered a work in progress.
	Be warned, the program has a few limitations:

		1) Some text spacing may be lost due to the way that I
		   extract the text from the viewlogic records

		2) Arcs in viewlogic are stored implicitly as a record
		   where the arc passes through three points,
		   the conversion from this format to geda's
		   center/radius/start/stop notation is not exact,
		   so some arcs may not render well.

		3) Bubbles are drawn on pins that are negated.	I believe
		   the code is correct, but have not tried all the
		   end cases.

		4) Rotated and mirrored components may not show up correctly,
		   but should be better now, thanks to patches from 
                   Thepthai Tabtieng <>.

	convert_sym (the C version) typical use:

		convert_sym -s viewlogic_symbol.1 > viewlogic_symbol-1.sym

		convert_sym viewlogic_schematic.1 > viewlogic_schematic-1.sch

	convert_sym is installed when make install is run.

	Thanks to Thepthai Tabtieng <> for code to
	support rotated and mirrored components, and a fix for
	component instantiations.

- License  

	gEDA (includes gschem/gnetlist/geda/gsymcheck/gschcheck/gpcb/utils
	and all associated files (such as component symbols)) is placed
	under the GNU Public License (GPL) version 2.0.  See the toplevel
	COPYING file for more information.

	Programs and associated files are:
	Copyright 1998-2002 by Ales V. Hvezda and the respective original
	authors (which are listed on the respective files)

	mk_sym is Copyright 1999 by Jerry O'Keefe
	smash_megafile is Copyright 1999 by Mike Jarabek

- Contact information  

	Jerry O'Keefe (for mk_sym)

	Mike Jarabek (for smash_megafile, convert_sym.awk, convert_sym.c)

	Ales V. Hvezda 