

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > media > contrib > by-pkgid > 7cb47ba9ffd580f493ca1e3e9ac1e166 > files > 108


Anjuta 1.0.2	(28th March 2003) -- Biswapesh Chattopadhyay

New: Advanced Search/Replace with numerous features
New: File browser preferences
New: First-run dialog
New: MRU notebook tabs
New: Preferences for debugger, help browser, UI designer, etc.
New: First-time run dialog
Updated: Tools support (shortcuts, bugfixes, etc.)
Updated: Scintilla upgraded to 1.50 +
Updated: Tagmanager fixes and enhancements.
Updated: Jump between buffers using shortcut
Updated: Asynchoronous update of symbol/file browser
Updated: Project Import improvements
Updated: Better comment/uncomment operations
Bug fix: PHP highlighting works correctly.
Bug fix: Editor preferences are now correctly saved.
Bug fix: Project build works with newer autoconf/automake
Bug fix: Corrected defualt compiler warnings flags for projects
Bug fix: Build fixes (BSD, spec file, package checking, etc.)
Bug fix: Floating windows do not force themselves on top.

Anjuta 1.0.1:		(xth June 2002)			-- Naba Kumar

New: Auto-complete takes graphics now.
NEW: Auto-complete automatic.
New: Per project editor properties
New: Sub windows now float above main window.
New: Project version and excluded modules configuration.
NEW: Errors and warnings indications in editor.
New: Tools support and tools editor.
New: Incremental search (like emacs I-Search)
Bug fix: Printing now takes editor default fonts
Bug fix: Rpm package fix
Bug fix: ChangeLog insert uses spaces (instead of tabs)
Bug fix: Fixed compiler warnings.
Bug fix: Fixed debug terminal bug
Bug fix: Disabled gladen to remove the libssl dep.
Bug fix: brace indentation works properly.
Bug fix: Wrap-around search
Updated: Upgraded scintilla to 1.49+
Updated: Upgraded editor properties and added new properties.
Updated: Organized plugins

Anjuta 1.0-beta1:	(1st August 2002)			-- Andy Piper

   => Release of Anjuta-1.0-beta1 (beta)

This precedes the final release of Anjuta for the 
GNOME 1.x platform...

New: CVS support for Projects and individual files,
     file revisions are displayed in Files pane
New: Gnome Print support (including syntax colouring)
New: Patch plugin to apply diffs
New: Application Wizard support for wxWindows, Xlib, 
     GNOME2, Gtk2 and libglade2 Projects, plus option for 
	 dynamic or static libraries as targets in generic Projects
New: user identity preferences enabling new editor functions
New: better GNOME integration, now uses configured GNOME URL 
New: MIME handling
New: Anjuta kickstart tutorial
New: automatic expression tips during debugging (hover-and-show)
New: compilation warning/error navigation from terminal
New: better find functionality
New: enhanced file selection widget
New: enhanced Evolution-style about dialog
New: Automatic Variable display when mouse hovered on the
     variable name (in dubugger mode).
New: Raw memory veiw for debugger (somewhat resembling ghex).

Updated: synced to Scintilla 1.46
Updated: many usability improvements to the GUI and menus


Anjuta 0.1.9:   (14th February 2002)		-- Andy Piper

   => Release of Anjuta-0.1.9 (stable)
New: messages manager rewritten to use notebook tabs
New: symbol and tag browser fully based on TagManager
New: embedded terminal window (using zvt)
New: Project Import Wizard makes it easier to migrate
     existing projects to Anjuta (experimental)
New: libglade project type added to the Application
New: simple class creator plugin now included
New: files autosaved before a build
New: more translations - 21 languages now fully or 
     partially supported

Updated: new look for the Application Wizard
Updated: UI enhancements
Updated: Solaris support improved
Updated: many, many bug fixes.....


Anjuta 0.1.8:   (30th November 2001)		-- Andy Piper

   => Release of Anjuta-0.1.8 (stable)
New: integration of new TagManager library - much improved
     autocompletion and calltips functionality
New: multiple file drag-and-drop
New: ability to save build message output
New: DOS file (CR/LF) handling
New: basic plugin hooks added
New: many new translations - 17 languages now fully or 
     partially supported

Updated: notebook tabs notify when file has been changed, can be
         scrolled for browsing
Updated: improvements to interactive debugger and communication
         with gdb
Updated: improved find functionality, better dialogs
Updated: synced up to version 1.41 of Scintilla, new lexers added
Updated: new icons

... plus the usual bug fixes and minor feature additions.


Anjuta 0.1.7:   (21st August 2001)              -- Stephane Demurget

   => Release of Anjuta-0.1.7 (stable) - bug fixes release

Fixed: Two nasty bugs preventing to use the wizards (macros dir copy and
Fixed: Interface clean up.
Updated: HACKING, doc, and others
Updated: french, spanish, turk and japan translations fully up-to-date.


Anjuta 0.1.6:	(31st July 2001)		-- Nabakumar. 

   => Release of Anjuta-0.1.6 (stable).

New: Class browser and file browser added in the project manager.
New: GDP standardized docbook documentations.
New: Anjuta faqs documentation.
New: New gnomish icon set and splashscreen.
New: Context sensitive help and gnome api browser
     (need Devhelp and the dev books to be installed).

Added: Preferences for setting caret and selection colors.
Fix for gdb version 5.
Closes all files when project is closed.
And many big fixes and minor feature additions.
Translations updated.

Note : the major part of the new project manager has been written but
it needs time to be integrated and tested. That's why it's not present in
this release. 


Anjuta 0.1.4:	(25nd Mar 2001)		-- Nabakumar. 

   => Release of Anjuta-0.1.4 (stable).

Calltips provided for Gnome function prototypes (and standard libraries functions).   
Fixed project dir creation bug.
Fixed double accelerators bug.
Fixed source generation bug.
Fixed pixmap creation with NULL window.
i18n bug fix.
Debugger now takes program args.
Japanese translation.
Other minor  bug fixes.


Anjuta 0.1.3:	(4th Mar 2001)		-- Nabakumar. 

   => Release of Third  version (Alpha)  with lots of bugs.
New Features in Anjuta 0.1.3:

   	=> Anjuta now integrates Scintilla editing component:
		* Automatic syntax hilighting (using lexers).
		* Code folding/hiding .
		* Linenumbers/markers display.
		* Text zooming.
		* Text autocompletion
		* Automatic indentation and indentation guides
		* ... and much more.

	=> Dynamic Project Management:
		* Anjuta no longer uses the template based project management.
		* Provides project configuration.
		* Added two more modules in project management:
			(Help module and Translation module).
		* Added BONOBO support and BONOBO application wizard.
	=> Java style Properties management:
		Now uses Java style properties management. Which makes
		it highly configurable, both from distributor's and user's side.
	=> Supports for Other languages added:
		* Java, Perl, Python, LaTeX, 
		... and others can be user configurable.
	=> On-Board command editor:
		Facilitates customization of commands used
		for compiling, building and execution.
	=> Provides Hilite style editor:
		Used for customizing Syntax hiliting style.
	=> More intelligent messaging system:
		* Now error messages (or messages in general)
		can be browsed using go to Prev/Next message,
		goto start/end of block and goto matching braces.
	=> Bookmarks management:
		Anjuta has now supported Bookmarks
	=> Debugger:
		* Now breakpoints can be toggled Onboard.
		* Added Run to cursor.
		* Fixed some earlier bugs.
	=> Added Two more toolbars:
		* Browser toolbar for browsing messages,
		bookmarks and code blocks.
		* Format toolbar for easy formatting
		of code statements.
	=> Application GUI:
		* Smarter and more informative status bar.
		* Improved memory to remember Application
		GUI configuration between sessions.

Thing that I forgot to change:
	=> Anjuta Online manual. It's still the old one.
	so, new users may find it a bit annoying to learn
	the controls, especially those who are young
	in programming.

Anjuta 0.1.2-beta_2:	(24th Feb 2001)		-- Nabakumar. 

   => Release of 0.1.2 beta2  version  with lesser bugs.

Anjuta 0.1.2:	(03rd Nov 2000)		-- Nabakumar. 

   => Release of second version (Beta) with lesser bugs.

   => Minor fixes in Doc files.
   => Fixed to ignore non-existent dir for blank prj.
   => More checking in project creation, especially to confirm
	that the prj file already does not exist.
   => Now Menu item "Format/Detach current document" is inactive
        when there is no document opened.
   => Improved Library settings GUI.
   => Can now enable/disable added libraries.
   => Stock libs provided for ease of entry.

Anjuta 0.1.1: (01rd Nov 2000)	-- Nabakumar. 

  => Release of first version (Beta) with lots of bugs.