

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > media > contrib > by-pkgid > 7cb47ba9ffd580f493ca1e3e9ac1e166 > files > 109


                         Anjuta Version 1.0.0 Release

                       Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Naba Kumar
                       Home site =>


Anjuta is a versatile Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for C and C++. 
It has been written for GTK/GNOME, and features a number of advanced
programming facilities. These include project management, application
wizards, an on-board interactive debugger, and a powerful source editor
with source browsing and syntax highlighting.

Anjuta is an effort to marry the flexibility and power of text-based 
command-line tools with the ease-of-use of the GNOME graphical user 
interface. That is why it has been made as user-friendly as possible.

At present, Anjuta is only a beta release and lots of work needs to be done to 
improve it. In the future, Anjuta is going to be much more capable and stable! 
Extensive debugging has not yet been performed, so at the moment it will 
undoubtedly have lots of bugs. It would be great if you use it and report any 
problems to us. That way, you will be helping to improve the software as well 
as helping the Open Source community. Please read the file COPYRIGHT for

Any sort of suggestions or patches for Anjuta are also most welcome. 

Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Naba Kumar <>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 

Presently available features in Anjuta:

	1. Fully customizable integrated editor.
		o Automatic syntax highlighting.
		o Automatic code formatting.
		o Code folding/hiding.
		o Line numbers/markers display.
		o Text zooming.
		o Code autocompletion.
		o Calltips for Linux/GNOME function prototypes.
		o Automatic indentation and indentation guides.
		o ... and much more.
	2. Each file opened can be operated in either paged mode
	or windowed mode. 
	3. Highly interactive source level debugger (built over gdb).
		o Interactive execution.
		o Breakpoints/watches/signal/stack manipulation.
		o Local Variables view.
		o Variables tips.
		o ... and much more.
	4. Inbuilt application wizards to create terminal/GTK/GNOME
	applications on-the-fly. 
	5. Dynamic Tags browsing.
		o Function definition, structure, classes etc.
		o Full tags management for project.
		o Symbol Browser.
		o File Brwoser.
	6. Full project and build files management. 
	6. Bookmark management.
	7. Basic windows are attachable and detachable.

	9. Support for other languages 
		o Java, Perl, Pascal ... etc. (only file mode, no project

	10. Interactive messaging system.

	11. GNOME2 platform compliant.
Contact Email addresses for Anjuta:

For personal contacts, reach us at:
    o Maintainer => Biswapesh Chattopadhyay <>
    o Main programmer and founder => Naba Kumar <>
    o Retired Maintainer => Andy Piper <>

Anjuta Home site:
Anjuta Project site:

For general discussions and queries use the discussion forums (two forums) 
at the project site. Please report bugs at the projects bug tracking system
or the mailing lists at the project site. News of Anjuta is also available
at the project site.

To subscribe to one or more of the mailing lists, visit 
[ ].
or send a mail at <listname> with a subject 
just "subscribe". Where, <listname> is anjuta-list or anjuta-devel.

Mailing lists:
		For general discussion.
		For development discussion.

		For announcements of new releases.


Installation should be a breeze on any reasonably up-to-date *NIX system
with GNOME 1.4 (Ximian GNOME recommended). The following are the minimum
requirements. Development platform is RedHat Linux 7.x with GNOME 1.4

1) Installation
# From Tarball:
	* GNOME libs (1.2.8 or later)
	* gnome-xml (aka libxml1) (1.4.0 or later)
	* ORBit (0.5.0 or later)
	* gnome-print (0.35 or later)
	* gdk-pixbuf
	* scrollkeeper (0.1.4 or later)
	* pkgconfig

# From CVS:
	* All the requirements for tarball
	* GNU gettext 0.10.x (or later)
	* Automake 1.4 (or later)
	* Autoconf 2.13 (or later)

# From Src RPM:
	< RedHat 6.1 or upwards >
	* gnome-libs & gnome-libs-devel (1.2.8 or later)
	* libxml & libxml-devel (1.4.0 or later)
	* ORBit & ORBit-devel (0.5.0 or later)
	* gnome-print & gnome-print-devel (0.35 or later)
	* gdk-pixbuf & gdk-pixbuf-devel (0.15 or later)
	* scrollkeeper (0.1.4 or later)
	* pkgconfig (0.10 or later)
	* automake (1.4)
	* gcc & gcc-c++ (2.95.2 or later)
	* RPM (4.0 ?)
	* xml-i18n-tools or intltool (for documentation)

# From RPM Pkg:
	< RedHat 7.1 or upwards >
	* gnome-libs & gnome-libs-devel (1.2.8 or later)
	* libxml (1.4.0 or later)
	* ORBit (0.5.0 or later)
	* gnome-print (0.35 or later)
	* gdk-pixbuf (0.15 or later)
	* scrollkeeper (0.1.4 or later)
	* automake (1.4)
	* RPM (4.0 ?)

2) Running
	< RedHat 6.1 or upwards >
	* GNOME (1.4 full install recommended)
	* Bash command shell
	* GNU Indent
	* gnome-terminal
	* gnome-help-browser (or Nautilus or mozilla)
	* Automake/Autoconf
	* GNU Make
	* GNU C/C++ compiler
	* GNU debugger (gdb)
	* GNU grep


# From Tarball:
	Note:- The package as an example is taken as anjuta-1.0.tar.gz
	and '#' is the shell prompt. You must be logged in as root to
	install Anjuta.

	1) Get the tarball anjuta-1.0.tar.gz
	2) copy it to your home dir.
	3) Unzip it by typing:   #gunzip anjuta-1.0.tar.gz
	4) Extract it by typing:   #tar -xvf anjuta-1.0.tar
	5) Change dir:   #cd anjuta-1.0
	6) Type:  # ./configue
	7) Type:  # make
	8) Type:  # make install

	That's all. If everything went smoothly, congratulations. If not,
	then please check that you have the latest libgnome and libgnomeui
	installed. Get them if you don't have and repeat the above steps.

# From RPM Pkg:
	Note:- The package as an example is taken as anjuta-1.0-1.i386.rpm
	and '#' is the shell prompt. You must be logged in as root to
	install Anjuta.

	1) Get the RPM package anjuta-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm
	   (visit for latest release).
	2) Change to the directory containing the rpm package.
	3) Type: rpm -Uvh anjuta-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm.

	That's all. If everything went smoothly, congratulations.
	Otherwise, some dependency error will come up. You will have
	to install the required components first. Then repeat the above.

	Because anjuta was becoming too big, it was decided that the rpm
	be split into various pieces. The following are all the rpms
	available for a perticular release:

		anjuta-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm         [Base anjuta]
		anjuta-i18n-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm    [localization support]
		anjuta-docs-en-1.0.0.i386.rmp   [English documentaion]
		anjuta-docs-ja-1.0.0.i386.rmp   [Japanese documentaion]

	The base package is all you need to have for woring in English
	locale and without any documentation (except README and other
	basic docs).

	If you want to work in different locale other than English,
	install the anjuta-i18-* package. And if you want anjuta manual,
	tutorial and faq, install anjuta-docs-* package of the language
	you want (currently only en and ja are available).

	* Printing is unstable with older versions of gnome-print and FreeType.
	If you experience crashes while printing, please upgrade gnome-print
	and FreeType to the latest stable versions (currently 0.36 and 2.1.2
	* Debugger stepping may not work correctly if executables are compiled
	with optimization enabled (This is a GCC/GDB issue). If you plan to
	debug your application from Anjuta, please turn off optimization for
	debug builds.

	* Building anjuta on Debian (sid) may find a couple of issues related
	to zvt library. If you encounter such problem, temporarily move out
	any libzvt2 libraries that you can find. Build/install anjuta and
	restore the libzvt2 libs.
	* Building anjuta n Debian (sid) may also find gnome-terminal to be
	interfering. Uninstall it temporarily and restore it after installing
	anjuta. The above two debian (sid) problems may not apprear if anjuta
	rpms are installed.
	* Some versions of gettext (0.11.x) prompts to press Enter in the
	middle of project build (in anjuta). This will be a problem, as there
	is no known way to provide user feedback in anjuta message manager.
	Upgrade your gettext to higher version which does not exhibit this
	problem. gettext 0.11.40 and above should be just fine.
	* Calltips flicker when the cursor touches them if you have your window
	manager set to follow-mouse-cursor for focus. Change it to focus-follow
	mouse click to fix it.

To run Anjuta, choose Development->Anjuta from the GNOME Main Menu, 
or type:   # anjuta

If you get the shell error 'Command not found', then make sure your PATH
variable contains the executable path of Anjuta binary (by default:
/usr/local/bin). Usually, the PATH variable is set in the file
/etc/profile. Check it out.

Usage: anjuta [--no-splash | -s] [ files ...] [ project ]

If you do not want to see the Anjuta splash screen / logo, run Anjuta with 
the command-line option "--no-splash". See the User Manual for further

** Good Luck **