

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > media > contrib > by-pkgid > 9bffdced2d68376243a225014474753f > files > 2


# /etc/siproxd.conf - siproxd configuration file
# !! This is a sample file, adapt it to your needs before using it
# !! Strings MUST NOT contain spaces in between !!

# The interafce names of INBOUND and OUTBOUND interface.
if_inbound  = eth1
if_outbound = eth0

# Port to listen for incoming SIP messages.
#    Access lists in the form: IP/mask (ex.
#    multiple entries may be separated by commas NO SPACES ARE ALLOWED!!
#    Empty list means 'does not apply' - no filtering is done then.
#    For *allow* lists this means: always allow, for *deny* lists that
#    this means never deny.
#    hosts_allow_reg: defines nets where we accept registrations from
#    hosts_allow_sip: defines nets where we accept SIP traffic from
#    hosts_deny_sip:  defines nets where we deny SIP traffic from
#    - The deny list takes precedence over the allow lists.
#    - The allow_reg list imples also allowance for sip.
#    Example for usage:
#      local private net -> allow_reg list
#      external nets (where we accept incoming calls from) -> allow_sip
hosts_allow_reg =
hosts_allow_sip =,
hosts_deny_sip  =,

# Access control.
#    5060 is usually the correct choise - don't change is unless you
#    know what you're doing
sip_listen_port = 5060

# Shall we daemonize?
daemonize = 1

# What shall I log to syslog?
#   0 - DEBUGs, INFOs, WARNINGs and ERRORs (this is the default)
#   1 - INFOs, WARNINGs and ERRORs
#   2 - WARNINGs and ERRORs
#   3 - only ERRORs
#   4 - absolutely nothing (be careful - you will have no way to
#                           see what siproxd is doing - or NOT doing)
silence_log = 0

# Secure Enviroment settings:
#   user:	uid/gid to switch to after startup
#   chrootjail:	path to chroot to (chroot jail)
user = siproxd
chrootjail = /var/lib/siproxd/

# global switch to enable (1) or disable (0) the RTP proxy feature
rtp_proxy_enable = 1

# Port range where to allocate listen ports for incoming RTP traffic
#    this should be a range that is not blocked by the firewall
rtp_port_low  = 7070
rtp_port_high = 7080

# Timeout for RTP streams
#    after this number of seconds, an RTP stream is considered dead
#    and proxying it will be stopped.
rtp_timeout = 120

# Proxy authentication
#    If proxy_auth_realm is defined (a string), clients will be forced
#    to authenticate themselfes at the proxy (for registration only).
#    To disable Authentication, simply comment out this line.
#proxy_auth_realm = Authentication_Realm
# the password to use (right now, only one global password for
# registration is supported -> same for all local clients)
#proxy_auth_passwd = password
# or use individual per user passwords stored ia file
#proxy_auth_pwfile = doc/siproxd_passwd.cfg
# 'proxy_auth_pwfile' has precedence over 'proxy_auth_passwd'

# Debug level... (setting to -1 will enable everything)
#  DBCLASS_BABBLE  0x00000001	   // babble (like entering/leaving func)
#  DBCLASS_NET     0x00000002	   // network
#  DBCLASS_SIP     0x00000004	   // SIP manipulations
#  DBCLASS_REG     0x00000008	   // Client registration
#  DBCLASS_NOSPEC  0x00000010	   // non specified class
#  DBCLASS_PROXY   0x00000020	   // proxy
#  DBCLASS_DNS     0x00000040	   // DNS stuff
#  DBCLASS_NETTRAF 0x00000080	   // network traffic
#  DBCLASS_CONFIG  0x00000100	   // configuration
#  DBCLASS_RTP     0x00000200      // RTP proxy
#  DBCLASS_ACCESS  0x00000400      // Access list evaluation
#  DBCLASS_AUTH    0x00000800      // Authentication
debug_level =      0x00000000

# Mask feature (experimental)
# Some UAs will always use the host/ip they register to as
# host part in the registration record (which will be the inbound
# ip address / hostname of the proxy) and can not be told to register a
# different host (public IP address). This Mask feature allows to force
# such a UA to be masqueraded to a different host.
# -> Siemens SIP Phones seem to need this feature.
# mask_host=<inbound_ip/hostname>
# masked_host=<hostname_to_be_masqueraded_as>
# mask_host=<>			-- inbound IP address of proxy
# masked_host=<>		-- outbound hostname proxy