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<hr><h1>rawtext.cpp</h1><div class="fragment"><pre>00001 <font class="comment">/******************************************************************************</font>
00002 <font class="comment"> *  rawtext.cpp - code for class 'RawText'- a module that reads raw text files:</font>
00003 <font class="comment"> *                ot and nt using indexs ??.bks ??.cps ??.vss</font>
00004 <font class="comment"> */</font>
00007 <font class="preprocessor">#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;</font>
00008 <font class="preprocessor">#include &lt;fcntl.h&gt;</font>
00010 <font class="preprocessor">#ifndef __GNUC__</font>
00011 <font class="preprocessor"></font><font class="preprocessor">#include &lt;io.h&gt;</font>
00012 <font class="preprocessor">#else</font>
00013 <font class="preprocessor"></font><font class="preprocessor">#include &lt;unistd.h&gt;</font>
00014 <font class="preprocessor">#endif</font>
00015 <font class="preprocessor"></font>
00016 <font class="preprocessor">#include &lt;string.h&gt;</font>
00017 <font class="preprocessor">#include &lt;utilfuns.h&gt;</font>
00018 <font class="preprocessor">#include &lt;rawverse.h&gt;</font>
00019 <font class="preprocessor">#include &lt;rawtext.h&gt;</font>
00021 <font class="preprocessor">#include &lt;map&gt;</font>
00022 <font class="preprocessor">#include &lt;list&gt;</font>
00023 <font class="preprocessor">#include &lt;algorithm&gt;</font>
00024 <font class="preprocessor">#include &lt;regex.h&gt;</font>      <font class="comment">// GNU</font>
00026 <font class="preprocessor">#ifndef O_BINARY</font>
00027 <font class="preprocessor"></font><font class="preprocessor">#define O_BINARY 0</font>
00028 <font class="preprocessor"></font><font class="preprocessor">#endif</font>
00029 <font class="preprocessor"></font>
00030 <font class="comment">/******************************************************************************</font>
00031 <font class="comment"> * RawText Constructor - Initializes data for instance of RawText</font>
00032 <font class="comment"> *</font>
00033 <font class="comment"> * ENT: iname - Internal name for module</font>
00034 <font class="comment"> *      idesc - Name to display to user for module</font>
00035 <font class="comment"> *      idisp    - Display object to use for displaying</font>
00036 <font class="comment"> */</font>
00038 RawText::RawText(<font class="keyword">const</font> <font class="keywordtype">char</font> *ipath, <font class="keyword">const</font> <font class="keywordtype">char</font> *iname, <font class="keyword">const</font> <font class="keywordtype">char</font> *idesc, <a class="code" href="class_s_w_display.html">SWDisplay</a> *idisp, SWTextEncoding enc, SWTextDirection dir, SWTextMarkup mark, <font class="keyword">const</font> <font class="keywordtype">char</font>* ilang)
00039                 : <a class="code" href="class_s_w_text.html">SWText</a>(iname, idesc, idisp, enc, dir, mark, ilang),
00040           RawVerse(ipath) {
00042         string fname;
00043         fname = path;
00044         <font class="keywordtype">char</font> ch = fname.c_str()[strlen(fname.c_str())-1];
00045         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> ((ch != <font class="charliteral">'/'</font>) &amp;&amp; (ch != <font class="charliteral">'\\'</font>))
00046                 fname += <font class="stringliteral">"/"</font>;
00048         <font class="keywordflow">for</font> (<font class="keywordtype">int</font> loop = 0; loop &lt; 2; loop++) {
00049         fastSearch[loop] = 0;
00050                 string fastidxname =(fname + ((loop)?<font class="stringliteral">"ntwords.dat"</font>:<font class="stringliteral">"otwords.dat"</font>));
00051                 <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (!access(fastidxname.c_str(), 04)) {
00052                         fastidxname = (fname + ((loop)?<font class="stringliteral">"ntwords.idx"</font>:<font class="stringliteral">"otwords.idx"</font>));
00053                         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (!access(fastidxname.c_str(), 04))
00054                                 fastSearch[loop] = <font class="keyword">new</font> RawStr((fname + ((loop)?<font class="stringliteral">"ntwords"</font>:<font class="stringliteral">"otwords"</font>)).c_str());
00055                 }
00056         }
00057 }
00060 <font class="comment">/******************************************************************************</font>
00061 <font class="comment"> * RawText Destructor - Cleans up instance of RawText</font>
00062 <font class="comment"> */</font>
00064 RawText::~RawText()
00065 {
00066         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (fastSearch[0])
00067                 <font class="keyword">delete</font> fastSearch[0];
00069         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (fastSearch[1])
00070                 <font class="keyword">delete</font> fastSearch[1];
00071 }
00074 <font class="comment">/******************************************************************************</font>
00075 <font class="comment"> * RawText::operator char *     - Returns the correct verse when char * cast</font>
00076 <font class="comment"> *                                      is requested</font>
00077 <font class="comment"> *</font>
00078 <font class="comment"> * RET: string buffer with verse</font>
00079 <font class="comment"> */</font>
00081 <font class="keywordtype">char</font> *RawText::getRawEntry() {
00082         <font class="keywordtype">long</font>  start = 0;
00083         <font class="keywordtype">unsigned</font> <font class="keywordtype">short</font> size = 0;
00084         <a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a> *key = 0;
00086         <font class="comment">// see if we have a VerseKey * or decendant</font>
00087 <font class="preprocessor">#ifndef _WIN32_WCE</font>
00088 <font class="preprocessor"></font>        <font class="keywordflow">try</font> {
00089 <font class="preprocessor">#endif</font>
00090 <font class="preprocessor"></font>                key = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a>, this-&gt;key);
00091 <font class="preprocessor">#ifndef _WIN32_WCE</font>
00092 <font class="preprocessor"></font>        }
00093         <font class="keywordflow">catch</font> ( ... ) { }
00094 <font class="preprocessor">#endif</font>
00095 <font class="preprocessor"></font>        <font class="comment">// if we don't have a VerseKey * decendant, create our own</font>
00096         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (!key)
00097                 key = <font class="keyword">new</font> <a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a>(this-&gt;key);
00099         findoffset(key-&gt;<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html#a22">Testament</a>(), key-&gt;<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html#a34">Index</a>(), &amp;start, &amp;size);
00100         entrySize = size;        <font class="comment">// support getEntrySize call</font>
00102         <font class="keywordtype">unsigned</font> <font class="keywordtype">long</font> newsize = (size + 2) * FILTERPAD;
00103         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (newsize &gt; entrybufallocsize) {
00104                 <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (entrybuf)
00105                         <font class="keyword">delete</font> [] entrybuf;
00106                 entrybuf = <font class="keyword">new</font> <font class="keywordtype">char</font> [ newsize ];
00107                 entrybufallocsize = newsize;
00108         }
00109         *entrybuf = 0;
00111         gettext(key-&gt;<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html#a22">Testament</a>(), start, (size + 2), entrybuf);
00113         rawFilter(entrybuf, size, key);
00115         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (!isUnicode())
00116                 preptext(entrybuf);
00118         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (this-&gt;key != key) <font class="comment">// free our key if we created a VerseKey</font>
00119                 <font class="keyword">delete</font> key;
00121         <font class="keywordflow">return</font> entrybuf;
00122 }
00125 <font class="keywordtype">signed</font> <font class="keywordtype">char</font> RawText::createSearchFramework() {
00126         <a class="code" href="class_s_w_key.html">SWKey</a> *savekey = 0;
00127         <a class="code" href="class_s_w_key.html">SWKey</a> *searchkey = 0;
00128         <a class="code" href="class_s_w_key.html">SWKey</a> textkey;
00129         <font class="keywordtype">char</font> *word = 0;
00130         <font class="keywordtype">char</font> *wordBuf = 0;
00132         <font class="comment">// dictionary holds words associated with a list</font>
00133         <font class="comment">// containing every module position that contains</font>
00134         <font class="comment">// the word.  [0] Old Testament; [1] NT</font>
00135         map &lt; string, list&lt;long&gt; &gt; dictionary[2];
00138         <font class="comment">// save key information so as not to disrupt original</font>
00139         <font class="comment">// module position</font>
00140         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (!key-&gt;Persist()) {
00141                 savekey = CreateKey();
00142                 *savekey = *key;
00143         }
00144         <font class="keywordflow">else</font>    savekey = key;
00146         searchkey = (key-&gt;Persist())?key-&gt;<a class="code" href="class_s_w_key.html#a3">clone</a>():0;
00147         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (searchkey) {
00148                 searchkey-&gt;<a class="code" href="class_s_w_key.html#a4">Persist</a>(1);
00149                 SetKey(*searchkey);
00150         }
00152         <font class="comment">// position module at the beginning</font>
00153         *<font class="keyword">this</font> = TOP;
00155         <a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a> *lkey = (<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a> *)key;
00157         <font class="comment">// iterate thru each entry in module</font>
00158         <font class="keywordflow">while</font> (!Error()) {
00159                 <font class="keywordtype">long</font> index = lkey-&gt;<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html#a34">Index</a>();
00160                 wordBuf = (<font class="keywordtype">char</font> *)calloc(<font class="keyword">sizeof</font>(<font class="keywordtype">char</font>), strlen(StripText()) + 1);
00161                 strcpy(wordBuf, StripText());
00163                 <font class="comment">// grab each word from the text</font>
00164                 word = strtok(wordBuf, <font class="stringliteral">" !.,?;:()-=+/\\|{}[]\"&lt;&gt;"</font>);
00165                 <font class="keywordflow">while</font> (word) {
00167                         <font class="comment">// make work upper case</font>
00168                         <font class="keywordflow">for</font> (<font class="keywordtype">unsigned</font> <font class="keywordtype">int</font> i = 0; i &lt; strlen(word); i++)
00169                                 word[i] = SW_toupper(word[i]);
00171                         <font class="comment">// lookup word in dictionary (or make entry in dictionary</font>
00172                         <font class="comment">// for this word) and add this module position (index) to</font>
00173                         <font class="comment">// the word's associated list of module positions</font>
00174                         dictionary[lkey-&gt;<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html#a22">Testament</a>()-1][word].push_back(index);
00175                         word = strtok(NULL, <font class="stringliteral">" !.,?;:()-=+/\\|{}[]\"&lt;&gt;"</font>);
00176                 }
00177                 free(wordBuf);
00178                 (*this)++;
00179         }
00181         <font class="comment">// reposition module back to where it was before we were called</font>
00182         SetKey(*savekey);
00184         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (!savekey-&gt;<a class="code" href="class_s_w_key.html#a4">Persist</a>())
00185                 <font class="keyword">delete</font> savekey;
00187         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (searchkey)
00188                 <font class="keyword">delete</font> searchkey;
00191         <font class="comment">// --------- Let's output an index from our dictionary -----------</font>
00192         <font class="keywordtype">int</font> datfd;
00193         <font class="keywordtype">int</font> idxfd;
00194         map &lt; string, list&lt;long&gt; &gt;::iterator it;
00195         list&lt;long&gt;::iterator it2;
00196         <font class="keywordtype">unsigned</font> <font class="keywordtype">long</font> offset, entryoff;
00197         <font class="keywordtype">unsigned</font> <font class="keywordtype">short</font> size;
00199         string fname;
00200         fname = path;
00201         <font class="keywordtype">char</font> ch = fname.c_str()[strlen(fname.c_str())-1];
00202         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> ((ch != <font class="charliteral">'/'</font>) &amp;&amp; (ch != <font class="charliteral">'\\'</font>))
00203                 fname += <font class="stringliteral">"/"</font>;
00205         <font class="comment">// for old and new testament do...</font>
00206         <font class="keywordflow">for</font> (<font class="keywordtype">int</font> loop = 0; loop &lt; 2; loop++) {
00207                 <font class="keywordflow">if</font> ((datfd = open((fname + ((loop)?<font class="stringliteral">"ntwords.dat"</font>:<font class="stringliteral">"otwords.dat"</font>)).c_str(), O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_BINARY, 00644 )) == -1)
00208                         <font class="keywordflow">return</font> -1;
00209                 <font class="keywordflow">if</font> ((idxfd = open((fname + ((loop)?<font class="stringliteral">"ntwords.idx"</font>:<font class="stringliteral">"otwords.idx"</font>)).c_str(), O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_BINARY, 00644 )) == -1) {
00210                         close(datfd);
00211                         <font class="keywordflow">return</font> -1;
00212                 }
00214                 <font class="comment">// iterate thru each word in the dictionary</font>
00215                 <font class="keywordflow">for</font> (it = dictionary[loop].begin(); it != dictionary[loop].end(); it++) {
00216                         printf(<font class="stringliteral">"%s: "</font>, it-&gt;first.c_str());
00218                         <font class="comment">// get our current offset in our word.dat file and write this as the start</font>
00219                         <font class="comment">// of the next entry in our database</font>
00220                         offset = lseek(datfd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
00221                         write(idxfd, &amp;offset, 4);
00223                         <font class="comment">// write our word out to the word.dat file, delineating with a \n</font>
00224                         write(datfd, it-&gt;first.c_str(), strlen(it-&gt;first.c_str()));
00225                         write(datfd, <font class="stringliteral">"\n"</font>, 1);
00227                         <font class="comment">// force our mod position list for this word to be unique (remove</font>
00228                         <font class="comment">// duplicates that may exist if the word was found more than once</font>
00229                         <font class="comment">// in the verse</font>
00230                         it-&gt;second.unique();
00232                         <font class="comment">// iterate thru each mod position for this word and output it to</font>
00233                         <font class="comment">// our database</font>
00234                         <font class="keywordtype">unsigned</font> <font class="keywordtype">short</font> count = 0;
00235                         <font class="keywordflow">for</font> (it2 = it-&gt;second.begin(); it2 != it-&gt;second.end(); it2++) {
00236                                 entryoff= *it2;
00237                                 write(datfd, &amp;entryoff, 4);
00238                                 count++;
00239                         }
00241                         <font class="comment">// now see what our new position is in our word.dat file and</font>
00242                         <font class="comment">// determine the size of this database entry</font>
00243                         size = lseek(datfd, 0, SEEK_CUR) - offset;
00245                         <font class="comment">// store the size of this database entry</font>
00246                         write(idxfd, &amp;size, 2);
00247                         printf(<font class="stringliteral">"%d entries (size: %d)\n"</font>, count, size);
00248                 }
00249                 close(datfd);
00250                 close(idxfd);
00251         }
00252         <font class="keywordflow">return</font> 0;
00253 }
00256 <font class="comment">/******************************************************************************</font>
00257 <font class="comment"> * SWModule::Search     - Searches a module for a string</font>
00258 <font class="comment"> *</font>
00259 <font class="comment"> * ENT: istr            - string for which to search</font>
00260 <font class="comment"> *      searchType      - type of search to perform</font>
00261 <font class="comment"> *                              &gt;=0 - regex</font>
00262 <font class="comment"> *                              -1  - phrase</font>
00263 <font class="comment"> *                              -2  - multiword</font>
00264 <font class="comment"> *      flags           - options flags for search</font>
00265 <font class="comment"> *      justCheckIfSupported    - if set, don't search, only tell if this</font>
00266 <font class="comment"> *                                                      function supports requested search.</font>
00267 <font class="comment"> *</font>
00268 <font class="comment"> * RET: listkey set to verses that contain istr</font>
00269 <font class="comment"> */</font>
00271 <a class="code" href="class_list_key.html">ListKey</a> &amp;RawText::Search(<font class="keyword">const</font> <font class="keywordtype">char</font> *istr, <font class="keywordtype">int</font> searchType, <font class="keywordtype">int</font> flags, <a class="code" href="class_s_w_key.html">SWKey</a> *scope, <font class="keywordtype">bool</font> *justCheckIfSupported, <font class="keywordtype">void</font> (*percent)(<font class="keywordtype">char</font>, <font class="keywordtype">void</font> *), <font class="keywordtype">void</font> *percentUserData)
00272 {
00273         listkey.ClearList();
00275         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> ((fastSearch[0]) &amp;&amp; (fastSearch[1])) {
00277                 <font class="keywordflow">switch</font> (searchType) {
00278                 <font class="keywordflow">case</font> -2: {
00280                         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> ((flags &amp; REG_ICASE) != REG_ICASE)   <font class="comment">// if haven't chosen to</font>
00281                                                                                         <font class="comment">// ignore case</font>
00282                                 <font class="keywordflow">break</font>; <font class="comment">// can't handle fast case sensitive searches</font>
00284                         <font class="comment">// test to see if our scope for this search is bounded by a</font>
00285                         <font class="comment">// VerseKey</font>
00286                         <a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a> *testKeyType = 0;
00287 <font class="preprocessor">#ifndef _WIN32_WCE</font>
00288 <font class="preprocessor"></font>                        <font class="keywordflow">try</font> {
00289 <font class="preprocessor">#endif</font>
00290 <font class="preprocessor"></font>                                testKeyType = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a>, ((scope)?scope:key));
00291 <font class="preprocessor">#ifndef _WIN32_WCE</font>
00292 <font class="preprocessor"></font>                        }
00293                         <font class="keywordflow">catch</font> ( ... ) {}
00294 <font class="preprocessor">#endif</font>
00295 <font class="preprocessor"></font>                        <font class="comment">// if we don't have a VerseKey * decendant we can't handle</font>
00296                         <font class="comment">// because of scope.</font>
00297                         <font class="comment">// In the future, add bool SWKey::isValid(const char *tryString);</font>
00298                         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (!testKeyType)
00299                                 <font class="keywordflow">break</font>;
00302                         <font class="comment">// check if we just want to see if search is supported.</font>
00303                         <font class="comment">// If we've gotten this far, then it is supported.</font>
00304                         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (justCheckIfSupported) {
00305                                 *justCheckIfSupported = <font class="keyword">true</font>;
00306                                 <font class="keywordflow">return</font> listkey;
00307                         }
00309                         <a class="code" href="class_s_w_key.html">SWKey</a> saveKey = *testKeyType; <font class="comment">// save current place</font>
00311                         <font class="keywordtype">char</font> error = 0;
00312                         <font class="keywordtype">char</font> **words = 0;
00313                         <font class="keywordtype">char</font> *wordBuf = 0;
00314                         <font class="keywordtype">int</font> wordCount = 0;
00315                         <font class="keywordtype">long</font> start;
00316                         <font class="keywordtype">unsigned</font> <font class="keywordtype">short</font> size;
00317                         <font class="keywordtype">char</font> *idxbuf = 0;
00318                         <font class="keywordtype">char</font> *datbuf = 0;
00319                         list &lt;long&gt; indexes;
00320                         list &lt;long&gt; indexes2;
00321                         <a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a> vk;
00322                         vk = TOP;
00324                         (*percent)(10, percentUserData);
00326                         <font class="comment">// toupper our copy of search string</font>
00327                         stdstr(&amp;wordBuf, istr);
00328                         <font class="keywordflow">for</font> (<font class="keywordtype">unsigned</font> <font class="keywordtype">int</font> i = 0; i &lt; strlen(wordBuf); i++)
00329                                 wordBuf[i] = SW_toupper(wordBuf[i]);
00331                         <font class="comment">// get list of individual words</font>
00332                         words = (<font class="keywordtype">char</font> **)calloc(<font class="keyword">sizeof</font>(<font class="keywordtype">char</font> *), 10);
00333                         <font class="keywordtype">int</font> allocWords = 10;
00334                         words[wordCount] = strtok(wordBuf, <font class="stringliteral">" "</font>);
00335                         <font class="keywordflow">while</font> (words[wordCount]) {
00336                                 wordCount++;
00337                                 <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (wordCount == allocWords) {
00338                                         allocWords+=10;
00339                                         words = (<font class="keywordtype">char</font> **)realloc(words, <font class="keyword">sizeof</font>(<font class="keywordtype">char</font> *)*allocWords);
00340                                 }
00341                                 words[wordCount] = strtok(NULL, <font class="stringliteral">" "</font>);
00342                         }
00344                         (*percent)(20, percentUserData);
00346                         <font class="comment">// clear our result set</font>
00347                         indexes.erase(indexes.begin(), indexes.end());
00349                         <font class="comment">// search both old and new testament indexes</font>
00350                         <font class="keywordflow">for</font> (<font class="keywordtype">int</font> j = 0; j &lt; 2; j++) {
00351                                 <font class="comment">// iterate thru each word the user passed to us.</font>
00352                                 <font class="keywordflow">for</font> (<font class="keywordtype">int</font> i = 0; i &lt; wordCount; i++) {
00354                                         <font class="comment">// clear this word's result set</font>
00355                                         indexes2.erase(indexes2.begin(), indexes2.end());
00356                                         error = 0;
00358                                         <font class="comment">// iterate thru every word in the database that starts</font>
00359                                         <font class="comment">// with our search word</font>
00360                                         <font class="keywordflow">for</font> (<font class="keywordtype">int</font> away = 0; !error; away++) {
00361                                                 idxbuf = 0;
00363                                                 <font class="comment">// find our word in the database and jump ahead _away_</font>
00364                                                 error = fastSearch[j]-&gt;findoffset(words[i], &amp;start, &amp;size, away);
00366                                                 <font class="comment">// get the word from the database</font>
00367                                                 fastSearch[j]-&gt;getidxbufdat(start, &amp;idxbuf);
00369                                                 <font class="comment">// check to see if it starts with our target word</font>
00370                                                 <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (strlen(idxbuf) &gt; strlen(words[i]))
00371                                                         idxbuf[strlen(words[i])] = 0;
00372 <font class="comment">//                                              else    words[i][strlen(idxbuf)] = 0;</font>
00373                                                 <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (!strcmp(idxbuf, words[i])) {
00375                                                         <font class="comment">// get data for this word from database</font>
00376                                                         free(idxbuf);
00377                                                         idxbuf = (<font class="keywordtype">char</font> *)calloc(size+2, 1);
00378                                                         datbuf = (<font class="keywordtype">char</font> *)calloc(size+2, 1);
00379                                                         fastSearch[j]-&gt;gettext(start, size + 2, idxbuf, datbuf);
00381                                                         <font class="comment">// we know that the data consists of sizof(long)</font>
00382                                                         <font class="comment">// records each a valid module position that constains</font>
00383                                                         <font class="comment">// this word</font>
00384                                                         <font class="comment">//</font>
00385                                                         <font class="comment">// iterate thru each of these module positions</font>
00386                                                         <font class="keywordtype">long</font> *keyindex = (<font class="keywordtype">long</font> *)datbuf;
00387                                                         <font class="keywordflow">while</font> (keyindex &lt; (<font class="keywordtype">long</font> *)(datbuf + size - (strlen(idxbuf) + 1))) {
00388                                                                 <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (i) {        <font class="comment">// if we're not on our first word</font>
00390                                                                         <font class="comment">// check to see if this word is already in the result set.</font>
00391                                                                         <font class="comment">// This is our AND functionality</font>
00392                                                                         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (find(indexes.begin(), indexes.end(), *keyindex) != indexes.end())
00393                                                                                 <font class="comment">// add to new result set</font>
00394                                                                                 indexes2.push_back(*keyindex);
00395                                                                 }
00396                                                                 <font class="keywordflow">else</font>    indexes2.push_back(*keyindex);
00397                                                                 keyindex++;
00398                                                         }
00399                                                         free(datbuf);
00400                                                 }
00401                                                 <font class="keywordflow">else</font> error = 1; <font class="comment">// no more matches</font>
00402                                                 free(idxbuf);
00403                                         }
00405                                         <font class="comment">// make new result set final result set</font>
00406                                         indexes = indexes2;
00408                                         percent((<font class="keywordtype">char</font>)(20 + (<font class="keywordtype">float</font>)((j*wordCount)+i)/(wordCount * 2) * 78), percentUserData);
00409                                 }
00411                                 <font class="comment">// indexes contains our good verses, lets return them in a listkey</font>
00412                                 indexes.sort();
00414                                 <font class="comment">// iterate thru each good module position that meets the search</font>
00415                                 <font class="keywordflow">for</font> (list &lt;long&gt;::iterator it = indexes.begin(); it != indexes.end(); it++) {
00417                                         <font class="comment">// set a temporary verse key to this module position</font>
00418                                         vk.<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html#a22">Testament</a>(j+1);
00419                                         vk.<a class="code" href="class_s_w_key.html#a6">Error</a>();
00420                                         vk.<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html#a34">Index</a>(*it);
00422                                         <font class="comment">// check scope</font>
00423                                         <font class="comment">// Try to set our scope key to this verse key</font>
00424                                         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (scope) {
00425                                                 *testKeyType = vk;
00427                                                 <font class="comment">// check to see if it set ok and if so, add to our return list</font>
00428                                                 <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (*testKeyType == vk)
00429                                                         listkey &lt;&lt; (<font class="keyword">const</font> <font class="keywordtype">char</font> *) vk;
00430                                         }
00431                                         <font class="keywordflow">else</font> listkey &lt;&lt; (<font class="keyword">const</font> <font class="keywordtype">char</font>*) vk;
00432                                 }
00433                         }
00434                         (*percent)(98, percentUserData);
00436                         free(words);
00437                         free(wordBuf);
00439                         *testKeyType = saveKey; <font class="comment">// set current place back to original</font>
00441                         listkey = TOP;
00442                         (*percent)(100, percentUserData);
00443                         <font class="keywordflow">return</font> listkey;
00444                 }
00446                 <font class="keywordflow">default</font>:
00447                         <font class="keywordflow">break</font>;
00448                 }
00449         }
00451         <font class="comment">// check if we just want to see if search is supported</font>
00452         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (justCheckIfSupported) {
00453                 *justCheckIfSupported = <font class="keyword">false</font>;
00454                 <font class="keywordflow">return</font> listkey;
00455         }
00457         <font class="comment">// if we don't support this search, fall back to base class</font>
00458         <font class="keywordflow">return</font> <a class="code" href="class_s_w_module.html#a22">SWModule::Search</a>(istr, searchType, flags, scope, justCheckIfSupported, percent, percentUserData);
00459 }
00461 <font class="preprocessor">#ifdef _MSC_VER</font>
00462 <font class="preprocessor"></font><a class="code" href="class_s_w_module.html">SWModule</a> &amp;RawText::operator =(SW_POSITION p) {
00463 <font class="preprocessor">#else</font>
00464 <font class="preprocessor"></font>RawText &amp;RawText::operator =(SW_POSITION p) {
00465 <font class="preprocessor">#endif</font>
00466 <font class="preprocessor"></font>        <a class="code" href="class_s_w_module.html#a40">SWModule::operator =</a>(p);
00467         <font class="keywordflow">return</font> *<font class="keyword">this</font>;
00468 }
00470 <a class="code" href="class_s_w_module.html">SWModule</a> &amp;RawText::setentry(<font class="keyword">const</font> <font class="keywordtype">char</font> *inbuf, <font class="keywordtype">long</font> len) {
00471         <a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a> *key = 0;
00472         <font class="comment">// see if we have a VerseKey * or decendant</font>
00473 <font class="preprocessor">#ifndef _WIN32_WCE</font>
00474 <font class="preprocessor"></font>        <font class="keywordflow">try</font> {
00475 <font class="preprocessor">#endif</font>
00476 <font class="preprocessor"></font>                key = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a>, this-&gt;key);
00477 <font class="preprocessor">#ifndef _WIN32_WCE</font>
00478 <font class="preprocessor"></font>        }
00479         <font class="keywordflow">catch</font> ( ... ) {}
00480 <font class="preprocessor">#endif</font>
00481 <font class="preprocessor"></font>        <font class="comment">// if we don't have a VerseKey * decendant, create our own</font>
00482         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (!key)
00483                 key = <font class="keyword">new</font> <a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a>(this-&gt;key);
00485         settext(key-&gt;<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html#a22">Testament</a>(), key-&gt;<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html#a34">Index</a>(), inbuf, len);
00487         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (this-&gt;key != key) <font class="comment">// free our key if we created a VerseKey</font>
00488                 <font class="keyword">delete</font> key;
00490         <font class="keywordflow">return</font> *<font class="keyword">this</font>;
00491 }
00493 <a class="code" href="class_s_w_module.html">SWModule</a> &amp;RawText::operator &lt;&lt;(<font class="keyword">const</font> <font class="keywordtype">char</font> *inbuf) {
00494         <font class="keywordflow">return</font> setentry(inbuf, 0);
00495 }
00498 <a class="code" href="class_s_w_module.html">SWModule</a> &amp;RawText::operator &lt;&lt;(<font class="keyword">const</font> <a class="code" href="class_s_w_key.html">SWKey</a> *inkey) {
00499         <a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a> *destkey = 0;
00500         <font class="keyword">const</font> <a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a> *srckey = 0;
00501         <font class="comment">// see if we have a VerseKey * or decendant</font>
00502 <font class="preprocessor">#ifndef _WIN32_WCE</font>
00503 <font class="preprocessor"></font>        <font class="keywordflow">try</font> {
00504 <font class="preprocessor">#endif</font>
00505 <font class="preprocessor"></font>                destkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a>, this-&gt;key);
00506 <font class="preprocessor">#ifndef _WIN32_WCE</font>
00507 <font class="preprocessor"></font>        }
00508         <font class="keywordflow">catch</font> ( ... ) {}
00509 <font class="preprocessor">#endif</font>
00510 <font class="preprocessor"></font>        <font class="comment">// if we don't have a VerseKey * decendant, create our own</font>
00511         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (!destkey)
00512                 destkey = <font class="keyword">new</font> <a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a>(this-&gt;key);
00514         <font class="comment">// see if we have a VerseKey * or decendant</font>
00515 <font class="preprocessor">#ifndef _WIN32_WCE</font>
00516 <font class="preprocessor"></font>        <font class="keywordflow">try</font> {
00517 <font class="preprocessor">#endif</font>
00518 <font class="preprocessor"></font>                srckey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a>, inkey);
00519 <font class="preprocessor">#ifndef _WIN32_WCE</font>
00520 <font class="preprocessor"></font>        }
00521         <font class="keywordflow">catch</font> ( ... ) {}
00522 <font class="preprocessor">#endif</font>
00523 <font class="preprocessor"></font>        <font class="comment">// if we don't have a VerseKey * decendant, create our own</font>
00524         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (!srckey)
00525                 srckey = <font class="keyword">new</font> <a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a>(inkey);
00527         linkentry(destkey-&gt;<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html#a22">Testament</a>(), destkey-&gt;<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html#a34">Index</a>(), srckey-&gt;<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html#a34">Index</a>());
00529         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (this-&gt;key != destkey) <font class="comment">// free our key if we created a VerseKey</font>
00530                 <font class="keyword">delete</font> destkey;
00532         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (inkey != srckey) <font class="comment">// free our key if we created a VerseKey</font>
00533                 <font class="keyword">delete</font> srckey;
00535         <font class="keywordflow">return</font> *<font class="keyword">this</font>;
00536 }
00539 <font class="comment">/******************************************************************************</font>
00540 <font class="comment"> * RawText::deleteEntry - deletes this entry</font>
00541 <font class="comment"> *</font>
00542 <font class="comment"> * RET: *this</font>
00543 <font class="comment"> */</font>
00545 <font class="keywordtype">void</font> RawText::deleteEntry() {
00547         <a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a> *key = 0;
00549 <font class="preprocessor">#ifndef _WIN32_WCE</font>
00550 <font class="preprocessor"></font>        <font class="keywordflow">try</font> {
00551 <font class="preprocessor">#endif</font>
00552 <font class="preprocessor"></font>                key = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a>, this-&gt;key);
00553 <font class="preprocessor">#ifndef _WIN32_WCE</font>
00554 <font class="preprocessor"></font>        }
00555         <font class="keywordflow">catch</font> ( ... ) {}
00556 <font class="preprocessor">#endif</font>
00557 <font class="preprocessor"></font>        <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (!key)
00558                 key = <font class="keyword">new</font> <a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a>(this-&gt;key);
00560         settext(key-&gt;<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html#a22">Testament</a>(), key-&gt;<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html#a34">Index</a>(), <font class="stringliteral">""</font>);
00562         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (key != this-&gt;key)
00563                 <font class="keyword">delete</font> key;
00564 }
00566 <font class="comment">/******************************************************************************</font>
00567 <font class="comment"> * RawText::operator += - Increments module key a number of entries</font>
00568 <font class="comment"> *</font>
00569 <font class="comment"> * ENT: increment       - Number of entries to jump forward</font>
00570 <font class="comment"> *</font>
00571 <font class="comment"> * RET: *this</font>
00572 <font class="comment"> */</font>
00574 <a class="code" href="class_s_w_module.html">SWModule</a> &amp;RawText::operator +=(<font class="keywordtype">int</font> increment)
00575 {
00576         <font class="keywordtype">long</font>  start;
00577         <font class="keywordtype">unsigned</font> <font class="keywordtype">short</font> size;
00578         <a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a> *tmpkey = 0;
00580 <font class="preprocessor">#ifndef _WIN32_WCE</font>
00581 <font class="preprocessor"></font>        <font class="keywordflow">try</font> {
00582 <font class="preprocessor">#endif</font>
00583 <font class="preprocessor"></font>                tmpkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a>, key);
00584 <font class="preprocessor">#ifndef _WIN32_WCE</font>
00585 <font class="preprocessor"></font>        }
00586         <font class="keywordflow">catch</font> ( ... ) {}
00587 <font class="preprocessor">#endif</font>
00588 <font class="preprocessor"></font>        <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (!tmpkey)
00589                 tmpkey = <font class="keyword">new</font> <a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a>(key);
00591         findoffset(tmpkey-&gt;<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html#a22">Testament</a>(), tmpkey-&gt;<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html#a34">Index</a>(), &amp;start, &amp;size);
00593         <a class="code" href="class_s_w_key.html">SWKey</a> lastgood = *tmpkey;
00594         <font class="keywordflow">while</font> (increment) {
00595                 <font class="keywordtype">long</font> laststart = start;
00596                 <font class="keywordtype">unsigned</font> <font class="keywordtype">short</font> lastsize = size;
00597                 <a class="code" href="class_s_w_key.html">SWKey</a> lasttry = *tmpkey;
00598                 (increment &gt; 0) ? (*key)++ : (*key)--;
00599                 <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (tmpkey != key)
00600                         <font class="keyword">delete</font> tmpkey;
00601                 tmpkey = 0;
00602 <font class="preprocessor">#ifndef _WIN32_WCE</font>
00603 <font class="preprocessor"></font>                <font class="keywordflow">try</font> {
00604 <font class="preprocessor">#endif</font>
00605 <font class="preprocessor"></font>                        tmpkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(<a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a>, key);
00606 <font class="preprocessor">#ifndef _WIN32_WCE</font>
00607 <font class="preprocessor"></font>                }
00608                 <font class="keywordflow">catch</font> ( ... ) {}
00609 <font class="preprocessor">#endif</font>
00610 <font class="preprocessor"></font>                <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (!tmpkey)
00611                         tmpkey = <font class="keyword">new</font> <a class="code" href="class_verse_key.html">VerseKey</a>(key);
00613                 <font class="keywordflow">if</font> ((error = key-&gt;Error())) {
00614                         *key = lastgood;
00615                         <font class="keywordflow">break</font>;
00616                 }
00617                 <font class="keywordtype">long</font> index = tmpkey-&gt;<a class="code" href="class_s_w_key.html#a17">Index</a>();
00618                 findoffset(tmpkey-&gt;Testament(), index, &amp;start, &amp;size);
00619                 <font class="keywordflow">if</font> ((((laststart != start) || (lastsize != size))||(!skipConsecutiveLinks)) &amp;&amp; (start &gt;= 0) &amp;&amp; (size)) {
00620                         increment += (increment &lt; 0) ? 1 : -1;
00621                         lastgood = *tmpkey;
00622                 }
00623         }
00624         error = (error) ? KEYERR_OUTOFBOUNDS : 0;
00626         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (tmpkey != key)
00627                 <font class="keyword">delete</font> tmpkey;
00629         <font class="keywordflow">return</font> *<font class="keyword">this</font>;
00630 }
</pre></div><hr><address align="right"><small>Generated on Thu Jun 20 22:13:00 2002 for The Sword Project by
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