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<hr><h1>utf8html.cpp</h1><div class="fragment"><pre>00001 <font class="comment">/******************************************************************************</font>
00002 <font class="comment"> *</font>
00003 <font class="comment"> * utf8html -   SWFilter decendant to convert a UTF-8 stream to HTML escapes</font>
00004 <font class="comment"> *</font>
00005 <font class="comment"> */</font>
00008 <font class="preprocessor">#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;</font>
00009 <font class="preprocessor">#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;</font>
00010 <font class="preprocessor">#include &lt;utf8html.h&gt;</font>
00012 UTF8HTML::UTF8HTML() {
00013 }
00016 <font class="keywordtype">char</font> UTF8HTML::ProcessText(<font class="keywordtype">char</font> *text, <font class="keywordtype">int</font> maxlen, <font class="keyword">const</font> <a class="code" href="class_s_w_key.html">SWKey</a> *key, <font class="keyword">const</font> <a class="code" href="class_s_w_module.html">SWModule</a> *module)
00017 {
00018         <font class="keywordtype">unsigned</font> <font class="keywordtype">char</font> *to, *from;
00019         <font class="keywordtype">int</font> len;
00020         <font class="keywordtype">char</font> digit[10];
00021         <font class="keywordtype">unsigned</font> <font class="keywordtype">long</font> ch;
00023         len = strlenw(text) + 2;                                                <font class="comment">// shift string to right of buffer</font>
00024         <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (len &lt; maxlen) {
00025                 memmove(&amp;text[maxlen - len], text, len);
00026                 from = (<font class="keywordtype">unsigned</font> <font class="keywordtype">char</font>*)&amp;text[maxlen - len];
00027         }
00028         <font class="keywordflow">else</font>    from = (<font class="keywordtype">unsigned</font> <font class="keywordtype">char</font>*)text;
00029         <font class="comment">// -------------------------------</font>
00030         <font class="keywordflow">for</font> (to = (<font class="keywordtype">unsigned</font> <font class="keywordtype">char</font>*)text; *from; from++) {
00031           ch = 0;
00032           <font class="keywordflow">if</font> ((*from &amp; 128) != 128) {
00033 <font class="comment">//              if (*from != ' ')</font>
00034                *to++ = *from;
00035                <font class="keywordflow">continue</font>;
00036           }
00037           <font class="keywordflow">if</font> ((*from &amp; 128) &amp;&amp; ((*from &amp; 64) != 64)) {
00038             <font class="comment">// error</font>
00039                *from = <font class="charliteral">'x'</font>;
00040                <font class="keywordflow">continue</font>;
00041           }
00042           *from &lt;&lt;= 1;
00043           <font class="keywordtype">int</font> subsequent;
00044           <font class="keywordflow">for</font> (subsequent = 1; (*from &amp; 128); subsequent++) {
00045                 *from &lt;&lt;= 1;
00046                from[subsequent] &amp;= 63;
00047                ch &lt;&lt;= 6;
00048                ch |= from[subsequent];
00049           }
00050           subsequent--;
00051           *from &lt;&lt;=1;
00052           <font class="keywordtype">char</font> significantFirstBits = 8 - (2+subsequent);
00054           ch |= (((short)*from) &lt;&lt; (((6*subsequent)+significantFirstBits)-8));
00055           from += subsequent;
00056           *to++ = <font class="charliteral">'&amp;'</font>;
00057           *to++ = <font class="charliteral">'#'</font>;
00058           sprintf(digit, <font class="stringliteral">"%d"</font>, ch);
00059                 <font class="keywordflow">for</font> (<font class="keywordtype">char</font> *dig = digit; *dig; dig++)
00060                         *to++ = *dig;
00061                 *to++ = <font class="charliteral">';'</font>;
00062         }
00063         *to++ = 0;
00064         *to = 0;
00065         <font class="keywordflow">return</font> 0;
00066 }
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