

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > media > contrib > by-pkgid > b7ea181261854ed4b23a6089e42fd773 > files > 24


# 							       #
#    ******     Full documentation of all options    ******    #
#							       #

# config-file for LineControl Server 2.1.x
# the order of the keywords doesn't matter (except filter_*)
# keyword and value must be separated by _one white-space (32)_
# don't use any keyword twice (except 'line' and keywords that
# apply to lines instead to the whole server process (global keywords)
# first we have a look at the global keywords:

# Server Port
# the IP the server is listening on (currently only one ip).
# if you would like to listen on many devices you have
# to say (or try something like,
# maybe it works...)
# TCP port 16007 is default

# bind_to
# port 16007

# User Accounting
# if you set 'user_accounting' to yes, only LCP3 (LineControl Protocol 3.x)
# clients will have access (other clients don't support the neccessary
# protocol)
# If you compiled linesrv with neither PAM nor crypt you have
# to say 'no' here... (or don't tell me you can't login! ;)

# user_accounting yes

# a password file of the /etc/passwd format. Probably /etc/shadow or else
# /etc/passwd
# if you have compiled in Linux-PAM support, just don't use the keyword
# passwd_file and set 'user_accounting yes'. Then read ../pam.d/README.
# DES / MD5: since version 2.1.11 the password file
# (either /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow ) is automatically detected.
# whether you're using DES (13 characters long) or MD5 encrypted
# passwords doesn't matter, linesrv will detect it.
# So the passwd_file keyword is still valid an get's parsed,
# but we don't need it anymore.

# passwd_file /etc/shadow

# online costs
# define 'tarif' if you want the online costs to be calculated
# the keywords tarif and currency are not parsed by linesrv.
# only lclog starting at linesrv 2.1.11 can calculate costs.
# see <tarball>/linesrv-2.1/lclog/ for details.

# tarif /etc/linesrv/tarif.conf
# currency EUR

# logging
# with 'logfile' you can log the ip, "from" time, "to" time and the seconds
# a client used the connection. Furthermore the server logs the same
# without IP when the connection gets closed (either by 'server' or
# 'manually')
# remember that multiple clients can use the connection at the
# same time. So the sum of the secs of the clients is not the
# one of the 'line ...' entries! (evidentially... :)
# You can parse the logfile with lclog. See ./linesrv/lclog/INSTALL
# on how to use lclog (it's designed for use as cgi program with a
# webserver)
# If you're using mysql for logging and would like to disable logging
# to the file (because you don't want to log everything twice) just
# comment out the logfile keyword.

# logfile /var/log/linesrv/dialsrv.log

# linesrv can log its process id to a file. This file won't be removed
# by linesrv on shutdown. It will be overwritten on startup.
# (maybe a bug. But there are more important things right now!)
# you can use 'kill -QUIT `cat /var/run/`' to terminate
# linesrv correctly. Afterwards do a 'rm /var/run/'...

# pidfile /var/run/

# MySQL logging
# This feature logs everything that has been logged to the logfile
# to a mysql database. Read ./mysqldb.linesrv.dump to get an idea
# how the mysql database has to be prepared.
# Use lclog-mysql (php scripts) to generate statistics. Get it from
# --> "Download"
# To disable mysql logging either run configure with the option
# '--disable-mysql' and compile again or comment out all 'db_*'
# keywords below.

# db_hostname localhost
# db_port 3306
# db_user linesrv
# db_pass yourpwd
# db_name linesrv

# HTML server status report
# A new feature in version 2.1.0 is the html_status pipe.
# use 'mkdir /var/lib/linesrv' and then for example
# 'mknod /var/lib/linesrv/htmlstatus p' to create a pipe
# then the following line tells the linesrv to use this pipe:

# html_status /var/lib/linesrv/htmlstatus

# linesrv has to be able to write/read to/from that named pipe. The
# utility htmlstatus which you can find in ./htmlstatus
# can read from that pipe. Attention: htmlstatus has to be run
# with the same user id set as the linesrv process so it can
# send a SIGUSR1 to linesrv. At home on the local network
# I run it as root. htmlstatus will read /etc/linesrv.conf
# (compiled in for security reasons) and then look for the
# two keywords 'pid_file' and 'html_status'. Without these
# it won't work. I use htmlstatus directly as a CGI program.
# Therefore it has to have: 'chown root.www-data' 'chmod ug+rx htmlstatus'
# 'chmod o-rwx htmlstatus' 'chmod u+s htmlstatus'

# ISDN-Watcher
# If you don't have ISDN or don't want the clients to display incoming
# ISDN calls just set caller_nr_pos to 0 and start linesrv as you would
# start any normal program :) ( '/<path>/linesrv'<enter> )
# If you want the clients to display incoming ISDN calls, start
# isdnlog and linesrv so that isdnlog pipes its logging output
# to stdin of linesrv: '/<path>/isdnlog <options> | /<path>/linesrv'
# in this section you have to configure the exact positions of a few strings
# which appear in the isdnlog message if you have an incoming call.
# If these positions are wrong we cannot inform you when someone is 
# trying to call you.
# The file, where those positions are defined is /etc/isdn/isdn.conf.
# The two interesting lines are "ILABEL" and "OLABEL"-line in the
# [ISDNLOG] subsection.
# We recomend to put those two example lines there and remove the already
# existing lines (if you do this, you do _not_ have to proceed setting
# the variables in this file, they already match):
# ILABEL = Incoming: %b %e %T %I Call to tei %t from %N0 on %n4
# OLABEL = Outgoing: %b %e %T %I tei %t calling %N2 with %n2
# We need to know the first word after the '=' sign (so don't put a % there)
# on the ILABEL line

# caller_delimiter Incoming:

# We need to know the first word after the '=' sign (so don't put a % there)
# of the OLABEL line

# receiver_delimiter Outgoing:

#  At which position do we find the '%b' in the ILABEL line ? 
# (start counting with 1, beginning after the 'caller_delimiter')

# month_pos 1

#  At which position do we find the '%e' in the ILABEL line ? 
# (start counting with 1, beginning after the 'caller_delimiter')

# day_pos 2

#  At which position do we find the '%T' in the ILABEL line ?
# (start counting with 1, beginning after the 'caller_delimiter')

# time_pos 3

#  At which position do we find the '%N0' in the ILABEL line ?
# (start counting with 1, beginning after the 'caller_delimiter')

# caller_nr_pos 0
# caller_nr_pos 10

#  At which position do we find the '%n4' in the ILABEL line ?
# (start counting with 1, beginning after the 'caller_delimiter')

# receiver_nr_pos 12

# You may configure your own addressbook. Your defined aliases will be
# displayed instead of the caller number.
# An example addressbook is part of this package (it's called "addr_book")

# addressbook_location /etc/linesrv/addr_book 

# Alternate method:
# We can also read from a special callers file which gets written
# by isdnlog. The file has to have a format like the following
# (or you'll have to change the functions in the file
# 'linesrv-2.1/server/isdn_callerslog.c'):
# 'Jun 22 17:00:54  +#* #* #* <more stuff may follow>'
# That means a valid entry might look like
# "Jun 23 12:04:10  +00 0 0000000  Zurich" Of how many characters
# the number consists doesn't matter. Important is, that it's not
# longer than 29 characters and consists of three groups. The
# file may only contain such lines. Lines of an other format may
# lead to strange caller reports or get ignored.
# The functions in the file 'linesrv-2.1/server/isdn_callerslog.c'
# aren't able to handle number lookups in the file
# 'addressbook_location'. Though they're able to do lookups in the
# mysql db specified by 'db_name' if mysql is set up correctly.
# New lines in the file get reported to the client withhin 0 to
# 3 seconds. We'll see how I can improve that.

# if this method is enabled then all available other methods
# get disabled. So say 'isdn_callerslog no' if you plan to use
# isdnlog on stdin of linesrv directly.

# isdn_callerslog yes

# where to read from:

# callerslog /var/log/isdn.caller.log

# the table in which the number -> name mappings are listed
# comment it out to disable mysql number-lookup
# addrbook_table addrbook

# name of the 'name' column which we map
# the incoming numbers to (type 'varchar()'):
# addrbook_namecol name

# name of the phone number column:
# addrbook_numcol phone

# IP Filters
# with filters you may decide whether a certain client may use dialsrv or not.
# if filter_type is allow, all clients in the list have access to the server,
# others don't. If it's deny, all but those in the list have access.
# Remember that UDP/IP is extremely easy to spoof. Use Clients without
# user accounting only on a trusted subnet and block the 'port' at
# your firewall.
# you have to use this filter. Even if you switched on user_accounting.
# this is still old code from a previous version...
# Most people wouldn't need ip filters. So leave the filter_* lines as
# they are as long as you don't know what you're doing.

# filter_type (allow|deny)
# Defines what to do with ip addresses that match the filters you
# will define below.

# filter_type allow

# Descriptions of a useful filter config see below. Most people blocking
# the port of linesrv at the firewall and using user_accounting won't need
# ip lists. So we just allow any ip (comment out the next line and read
# further description of filter_mask/_ip keywords below to make real use
# of the filter):

# filter_mask

# if filter_type has been used (you must use it), the following keywords
# may be used more than once:
# filter_mask <ip> <bit-mask>
# filter_ip <from> <to>
# a range:

# filter_ip

# a mask (subnet):

# filter_mask
# filter_mask

# each keyword filter_* appends a new item to the list.
# Continue as needed.
# ex.

# filter_ip
# filter_mask
# filter_mask
# filter_mask

# Shutdown features
# to use 'script_shutdown', you have to change & recompile the server.
# if you configured linesrv with shutdown support enabled (see
# 'configure --help') and want to use the shutdown feature then
# uncomment and change the line 'script_shutdown ...'.
# command line arguments are not supported. You probably have to
# use the script 'halt-wrapper' that you can find in the
# directory ./linesrv-2.1/server/config/complete_syntax/
# of the distribution tar-ball.

#script_shutdown /var/lib/linesrv/halt-wrapper

# you have to specify a filter list of IPs that are allowed to
# execute the 'script_shutdown'. Remember that UDP is very easy
# to spoof (just use IP-spoofing to get around the filter...).
# Block the LineControl UDP+TCP ports at your firewall and use
# LineControl only on a trusted subnet.
# LineControl does also support TCP connections. They're much
# harder to spoof... but some bad boy can just take your own IP...
# You don't have to use filter_type or so again. The type of the
# shutdown-filter is always 'allow'. Only listed IPs are allowed
# to execute the script. The host has to pass the by filter_*
# specified list. So this list is additional and doesn't replace
# the other one.
# a range ( from ... to ... inclusive): (uncomment/change following line)


# a mask: (uncomment/change following line)


# each limit_shutdown_* entry appends an item to the list of
# for shutdown accepted hosts. Continue as needed.
# ex.


# LPT status
# with the LPT-status feature and a few transistors and LEDs you can
# monitor your linestatus using hardware.
# There are 2 possibilities:
# lines: the LPT ports databits (0-7) represent the lines 1-8
#        HI ==> line established, LOW ==> line closed
# clients: data bits 0-7 represent the number of clients that
#          are online on the default line (0). If the value is
#          decimal 255, that means 255 or more clients are online.
#	   One day this should change to a BCD encoded number of clients.
# If you're a bit confused about such special things: just don't use the
# lpt* keywords...

# lptstatus off
# lptaddr 0x3bc
# lptline some_linename_that_you_will_define_below
# lptaddr 0x378
# lptaddr 0x278

# until know, the keywords applied for the whole server process.
# All coming keywords apply to the line defined by the previous
# 'line <linename>' statement. If you use line dependent keywords
# before you use the line keyword, those lines will be used as
# default values for all lines. Default line values can be overwritten
# in the appropriate line section.
# You have to define at least one line. 
# You can also use global keywords in a line section... they won't
# apply to the line but to the whole server process as they were
# in the global section.

# Line Configuration
# these may be used only once:
# the script_up and script_dn scripts must be used to establish and
# close the desired line / internet-connection. 'interface' specifies
# the networkinterface where all the traffic of the line goes through.
# We parse /proc/net/dev for this interface and generate the troughput
# messages from the collected data.
# LineControl doesn't query any modem or other hardware directly
# to get information about the line. See the description of the
# keyword 'con_type' below on how linesrv gets the line status.

# line standard
# script_up /usr/lib/linesrv/isdn_up
# script_dn /usr/lib/linesrv/isdn_down
# interface ippp0

# How can we determine the status of the connection (only up / down)?
# The 3 possibilities:
# 'con_type netdev': for analog modems, you probably need this if you're
#                    working with pppd. The network device (ex. ppp0) tells
#                    us about the connection status. If it's up, the connection
#                    is considered as up. If not, we believe that the con
#                    is closed.
# 'con_type isdn'  : the only good choice for systems with isdn4linux. linesrv
#                    scans /dev/isdninfo for the connection status. You have
#                    to supply some more information about your isdn configuration,
#                    see below...
# 'con_type file'  : you have to supply 'con_status_file <filename>'. If this
#                    file exists the connection is considered as established.
#                    Let your script delete it after it closed the connection.
#                    This should be useful for people with a quite special
#                    internet connection.
# ADSL / Cable modem users: take 'con_type netdev' and don't let linesrv manage
# the connection (set script_up/_dn to '/bin/true' or so...). Like that your
# line will show up as manually established or down. As long as it show up as
# manually established people won't be able to shut it down or dial. Of course
# people can go online/offline so times get logged and you're able to modify
# the firewall using client_online / client_offline scripts. The problem is
# that until know (2002-03-09) none of my clients (wlc, wlc2, lcc, xlc)
# supports this (buttons disabled when linestatus is "manually established").
# linesrv 3 will have better support for lines where we only
# want to do monitoring than this linesrv version.

# con_type isdn

# logging: with 'mklog no' you can disable logging for certain
# lines (user log entries regarding the same line will be
# affected too).
# Default is enabled. But the stuff get's only logged if logging
# (either mysql or to a file) is configured correctly above and
# works (filepermissions, database setup).

# mklog yes

# inform the server about the line capabilities so it can report
# this to the clients (baud == bits per second):
# analog modem users: your connection speed can vary from time to
# time. Enter here the values you usually expect (not the one you
# would like ;).

# line_baud_up 64000
# line_baud_down 64000

# allow_manually defines whether linesrv should close a connection that
# got established without that linesrv called the script_up. So if you
# have for example a cron job which checks for a running linesrv, you
# can say "allow_manually no". This way linesrv will close a line that
# it left open before a crash. So the line gets closed when linesrv
# gets restarted.
# attention: if you have two lines with the same con_type and the
# same thing that tells us whether a line is up or down linesrv will
# consider one line as established by the server and the other one
# established manually. In this case you HAVE TO SET "allow_manually yes".
# If not, linesrv won't work well (I know, it's a bug.).

# allow_manually no

# 'script_esc' get's called if 'script_up' failed to establish a connection
# after 'con_timeout' seconds
# This script should establish the basic constellation so we can call
# script_up again. Don't use this keyword, if you don't like it :)

# script_esc /etc/ippp/isdn.hangup

# for 'con_type file' you need something like the following line:

# con_status_file /var/lib/linesrv/con-is-up

# your up/dn scripts will have to create/remove this file. Change
# the filename to suit your needs. It doesn disturb as long as you're
# not using 'con_type file'.

# set con_timeout to something like 15 if you're using isdn
# after # secs, the connection-establishment gets abortet
# if the connection didn't get established.

# (ADSL / Cable) monitoring only: if you have set script_up / _dn
# to /bin/true, then set "con_timeout 1" and "script_esc /bin/false"
# If you don't do that the chance the following to happen is higher:
#   1. the line is down (e.g. bad provider ;)
#   2. user X clicks 'online' (tries to dial)
#   3. linesrv executes script_up
#   4. the connection gets up before con_timeout is over, so linesrv
#      treats the lines as it had status 'established by server'
#      (it thinks that script_up has succeeded, but as we know it
#      didn't establish any connection).
#   --> Problem: wrong logfiles (not logged as 'manually estab.').

# con_timeout 15

# how long do we wait between calling script_dn and the closed state of
# the device usually? If this times out, errors get logged & sent

# con_down_timeout 10

# DON'T set the following to 'no'! (Your clients won't run well...)
# probably this keyword will disapear in a coming version.
# It's a relict from DialControl 1.0

# send_throughput yes

# Linelocking: see WLC or an other client that supports it...
# With line locking a client can set/remove a locked flag on an
# established line.
# If a line has set that flag it won't get closed even when there
# aren't any connected clients at all.

# line_locking no

# Pinger utility
# send pings to avoid a hangup (use it if you've got ISDN and your
# dialmode is AUTO or if you get kicked by your ISP)
# pinger yes/no: to switch the whole thing on/off

# pinger no

# pinger_ip: who should we ping? --> probably your ISP, so change this! :)

# pinger_ip

# I think you probably don't like IPs:
# please change the hostname to the one of your provider.

# pinger_hostname localhost

# pinger_interval: all how many seconds? default is 120

# pinger_interval 120

# pinger_datasize: how many bytes of random-garbage to append
# default is 10 as far as I remember...

# pinger_datasize 60

# ISDN configuration
# It is important to set the correct isdn_id here, or else dialsrv won't be able
# to get the infos about the connection and will always try to hangup after
# con_timeout seconds. To get your isdn_id start imon and check what your LineID
# is, this is your isdn_id!

# isdn_id HiSax

# isdn_channel is not the number of channels you want to use. It is the ID
# of your base channel (the one when you're using only one).

# isdn_channel 0

# isdn_channel_op will be called with 'add' (no quotes...) or 'remove' as
# parameter $1. It should add or remove a secondary isdn-channel. Use
# isdnctrl to do that. You [don't need|can't use] it for analog lines

# isdn_channel_op /usr/lib/linesrv/isdn_2ch

# Client specific Masquerading
# If you would like to run a script whenever a client goes online/offline,
# try it with the following keywords. The scripts get called with the IP
# of the client as first parameter. Remember that there can be more than
# one client per IP. So 'client_has_gone_online' can be called
# more than once without calling 'client_has_gone_offline'
# in between.

# client_online /usr/lib/linesrv/client_on
# client_offline /usr/lib/linesrv/client_off

# end of config-file