

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > media > contrib > by-pkgid > b82be8858f2957e07989a529efa4f4a6 > files > 22


Mini-Howto run Wellenreiter on an Compaq IPAQ 
Version: 0.0001a
Author: until now Kye Connect <>

I - Disclamer

1.  Be advised that the author of this howto takes no responsibility
for any damage that occurs through the use of the information provided.
The use of the information provided in this howto may or may not kill
and/or injure you and/or others and/or start the third World War.

2. Presupposed abilities
   To use this howto you need knowledge of programming shell scripts,
   how to use apt-get, apt-cache, ifconfig, route, cat and similar
   programs.  If you don't have these abilities, RTFM.


1. Correct my bad English by an native speaker
2. Put the wellenreiter faqs at the end of this howto
3. Make a howto for a direct ipaq<->gps cable

III - Requirements 

1. Hardware
   a) Compaq IPAQ (36xx or 37xx, not tested with 31xx or 38xx, but
      they should also work)
   b) Dual PCMCIA Jacket
   c) Toshiba 2 GB/5GB PCMCIA Hardisk, IBM Microdrive or similar
      (check compatibilty at!)
   d) Garmin etrex oder similar incl. serial cable
   e) 2 Gender changers
   f) Serial auto-sync cable
   g) Null modem cable
   h) Cisco Aironet 350 (with or without integrated antenna
      IMHO the model with antenna is good for warwalking and the one
      without is good for wardriving, in which case you also need an
      external antenna)
2. Software
   a) A running "intimate" installed on the ipaq (debian distribution
      for the IPAQ from  Include X, gtk(?), wget,
      ncftp, gcc, the aironet modules and perl
   b) Newest libpcap and tcpdump from
   c) gpsd
   d) Newest wellenreiter version from

IV - Installation

1. Requirements
   You need a "real" internet connection on the ipaq.
2. gpsd
   Boot the ipaq in familiar.  In the file /boot/params, change 
   linuxargs "console=/dev/ttySA0" to "console=".  In the file
   /etc/inittab, comment out the lines for getty.    
   Warning: after making these changes and doing a reboot, connecting
   to the ipaq over the serial cable no longer works!

   Don't forget to reboot.  Some people have successfully disabled
   getty over different runlevels, so they don't need to reboot.  I'm
   too lazy for that, so I made myself a shell script that switches
   between the different inittabs on my system and reboots.
3. Wellenreiter
   Unpack the libpcap and tcpdump package under /usr/src.  Change to
   their directories, run "./configure"  "make all"  "make install".
   Run "perl -MCPAN -e shell" at the system prompt and configure it
   (if not done earlier).  The standard values should be ok, if not
   have fun. :)  At "CPAN>" prompt execute the command "force install
   Net::Pcap".  After successful installation, leave the cpan prompt
   with "quit". Reboot (be sure that the aironet card is inserted at
   restart).  Put the card into rfmon mode with the commands
   "echo cat 'mode=rmon' > /proc/???  and  "echo cat 'mode=y' > /proc/???".
   An ifconfig -a should show a very long mac address of the card 
   (instead of 00:de:ad:be:ef:00 something like
   00:de:ad:be:ef:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00).  If this does not happen,
   repeat the previous steps again.  Executing tcpdump near an AP should
   show rows that end with "[802.11]".

   If everything works you can untar the wellenreiter package in /usr/src/
   ("tar -xvzf WellenreiterXXXX.tar.gz").  Change into the directory, run
   "make", change all the device names to "eth0", and answer
   "y" at the question "fuer IPAQ konfigurieren" (configure for IPAQ).
   All other values should be ok.  Now switch off the getty as described
   in point 2. Reboot the ipaq.  Get all the cables together so you have a
   connection between ipaq and gps. Give the aironet card an IP address
   with ifconfig.  Start gpsd with "/bin/gpsd e -s 4800 -p /dev/ttySA0".
   Run "cat /dev/ttySA0", if everything runs and is configured properly
   you shoud get some output now.  Change into the Wellenreiter directory
   and start wellenreiter with "perl".
   HAVE FUN!!!!


If it's not working, do some debugging (not done yet).

* If you have further questions, please contact the team at  *
*        Homepage:             *
*        IRC: #wellenreiter @              *