

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > media > contrib > by-pkgid > b82be8858f2957e07989a529efa4f4a6 > files > 7


* Wellenreiter - advanced 802.11b audit tool - Wellenreiter  *
*        Hompage:              *
*        IRC: #wellenreiter @              *
*                                                            *
*                       -[ CHANGES ]-                        *
#-- Version 1.6 --#
	- Added the new decoding engine (nearly complete rewrite)
	- Decoding is moved back to the main process
	- Added data frame decoding
	- Arp decoding implemented <- long awaited i guess
	- Dhcp ack & offer decoding implemented <- long awaited i guess
	- Fix that the font stays white after switching back from nightcolor
	- Code restructuring
	- Added XmitPower : 1 to the startsniff commando.  
	- Displaying dhcp ack and offers seen on the corresponding detailview of the Accesspoint
	- Displaying arp seen on the corresponding detailview of the Accesspoint
	- Added a double check function into the beacon detection. So noisepackets should be
	  gone now. A new network or accesspoint will only be added if the same channel, sendmac
	  and essid occures twice. This gives me a simple way to prevent from to much noise
	  or bad quality packets. (Thanx Steffen! Sometimes the simple things are the best ones.)
	- Cleanup routine added to the close function of the statistic window.
#-- Version 1.5 --#
	- Added a simple update instruction to the docs directory
	- Added John Stephens lucent resetting code, so now Wellenreiter should also 
          be able to run fine on newer lucent firmware levels.
	- Speedup the load process immense by implementing a fix from John Stephens
	- Added a quick hack of a network and accesspoint counter in statusbar
	  Will change this late to a better one.
	- Added constant logging functionality. Even if you open up the logwindow to late. 
	- Removed the log button to open the logwindow. Now you can open the log from the menu
	  "View" inside of the scanner window
	- Added a night color feature. This turns the background into a darker shade, so
	  the laptop screen don't glow to strong :-) (Don't like that card glowing from inside)
	  this happends on the scan and the logwindow.
	- Add an export function for exporting in the mappoint importable format.
	- Bug-fixed the lockup when loaded a file and turned gps on. 
	- On very slow machines wellenreiter had a lockup, fixed now

#-- Version 1.4 --#
	- Removed the src tree from the package, you can get it on our cvs 
	- The essid bruteforcer now got a list of the standard essids. The use of custom files
	  are in developent for the next release.
	- Sniffing child task now properly close when the scannerwindow is closed without pushing
	  the stop- or the closebutton.
	- Jehuuuu!!!!! Finaly i did it, the fork and the end of the sniffing fork is now massively
	  faster and stable. No ugly kill anymore, a proper pipeing and _exit. :-)
	- Accoustic events now forking, so should be non-blocking now.
	- Fix up a bug in the association code on networks with spaces in the essid name.
	- Added a new array that holds the default essids to brute-force when no file is specified
	- Changed the package structure (no src anymore, this can be take from our cvs)      
	- Fixed the channel counting       
	- Menu-enty to toggle the gps-feature on/off on default its off.
	- First version of the essid bruteforcer for cisco cards (Count this code as proof of concept)

#-- Version 1.3 --#
	- Wifi0 device support (For newer cisco drivers)
	- BSD port integration has broken ad-hoc detection. Fixed that, sorry for that, i think nothing
	  else is affected as far as i saw untill now.
	- BSD Cisco cards are running now fine with the new ancontrols.
	- Updated the config script for matching better to the cisco bsd drivers.
#-- Version 1.2 --#
	- Added a "Wellenreiter on ipaq howto", thnx kye for this.
	- Added an export menuitem to save scans as a gpsdrive waypoints file.
	- Added an export menuitem to save scans in a comma delemited file. 
	- Added an export menuitem to save scans in netstumbler format, for netstumbler mapping progams.
	- Lots of documentation update thanx to jesse for all the error correction in the doc files.
	  No, the changes file is not one of the corrected :-)
	- Enable accoustic beacon indicator is removed from the config script, it can be enabled
	  on the fly in the new "Options menu" in the scanning window
	- Added the possibility to force the scannerwindow to stay on one channel using the new 
	  "Scan on" submenu in the options menu. On the fly changes between single or switching
	- Added a new menu in the scannerwindow, accoustic beacons on the fly toggle possible.
	- Fix the colapsed state of the tree after a reset/load. Thankx to the gtk-perl mailinglist
	- Changed the behaviour of the stat windows and so the error about assertion is fixed.
	- Added a config option to limit the upper end of the channels to switch tru, this
	  helps preventing problems with lucent cards that cannot switch to ex. channel 14 etc.
	- Added the possibility to enter the filename directly into the dumpfilename box
	  the togglebutton has been replaced by a browse button.
	- Added that the autosavefile, if existing, will automaticly beeing loaded when the scanner
	  window will be opened next time. (If you have propper reseted or closed or saved the 
	  scanner stuff, you wont have an autosavefile anymore) I decide to no to ask for recovering
	  so it will be automaticly done.
	- Added an autosave function to ~/.wellenreiter/autosavefile 
	  Interval can be set in the config file autosaveinterval=6000 <- in milliseconds
	- New config directory (~/.wellenreiter)
	- Configfiles are now in the new directory
	- Added experimental Scanner for BSD (only AP detection)
	- New package design

#-- Version 1.1 --#
	- Could remove some code to get a speedup in adding nets to the tree
	- Added finaly the gps feature. You need gpsd for that..see the GPS readme
	- Added accoustic beacon indicator possability, so you can hear the beacon dropping in :-)
	  this was a feature request.
	- Added accoustic event for uncovering an non-broadcasting essids.
	- Probe response frames used to uncover non-broadcasting essids. So now
	  it is possible to simply wait until someones start to work and bing.. a new entry
	  in the accepoint showing the essid found.
	- Fixing some typos
	- Updating readmes and docs

#-- Version 1.0 --#
	- Fixed some typos.
	- Adding detection of all 802.11b packets containing ssid's

#-- Version 1.0 --#
	- Cisco cards do automaticly generate a random mac for joining a network :-)
	  No more real macs in the logs :-).
	- Added large amount of documentation (READMES, FAQ's)
	- Automaticly associate a discovered net from withing the scannerwindow 
	  is possible now to unencrypted nets. You simply have to add the key on a terminal 
	  you know it. I will implement that lateer.
	- Prism2 cards are supported now
	- Lucent cards are supported now
	- Cisco cards are still supported :-)
	- Prism2 driver changed to wlan-ng with a specific version.
	- Dynamic windowsizeing
	- Simplify the installation process. No more start stop command entering etc.
	- Removed ipaq specific code and depend now on the screensize detection.
	- Added screen dimension autodetection
	- Clean up on ipaq code
#-- Version 0.9 --#
	- Added the ability to add,edit and delete custom comment to each accesspoint.
        - Added a generic texbox dialog, used for the commentary dialog first time
	- Added popup menu, when selected an accesspoint and rightclick into the textbox wich displays the
	  details in the scanner window.
	- Corrected manufactor detection (convert all to uppercase :-) )
	- Added siemens-igate mac to the manufactor list
	- Added dumpfile support, you can now dump you whole scan to a pcap file. Readable by ehtereal
	  also other 802.11b than the processed are logged to this dump file.
	- The possibility to disable automatic channelswitching, maybe we need it somewhen
	- Modified the default startsniff command
	- Cleaned the manufactor hash, had lots of duplicates before.
	- New log window. This makes it more easier to track the timeline.
	- Moved accoutic_events to a sepperate file, so handling is easier 
	- Added accoutstic_events subroutine.
	- Removed the "detected by Frametype" from the right side of the tree when selecting an entry

#-- Version 0.8 --#
	- Added a batterymonitor 
	- Added different icons for real accesspoints and adhoc-cards
	- Added different icons for the WEP on or OFF on accesspoints in detect and load / save
	- Added decision Accesspoint or AD-HOC Station
	- Added WEP encryption detection. Thankx to Mike Kershaw (the developer from KISMET) for the hint.
	- Added soundconfiguration in the Makefilescript
	- Speedup the packageing tracing
	- Fixed the adding of accesspoint in the tree outside the channels. 
	- Fixed the crap (Wireless junk) handling by fixing the regexp's
	- Added new broadcasting netfound individual sound possabilities to the scanner window
	- Added new non-broadcasting netfound individual sound possabilities to the scanner window
	- Added new object found individual sound possabilities to the scanner window
	- Removed the accoustic possability in the statistic engine, due some duplicates.
	- Placed the icon load process into another file "load_leds"
#-- Version 0.7 --#
	- Added load/save and reset the tree in the scanner.
	- Makefile modifications
	- Approved detection
	- Analyzer/Scanner code fixup
	- Added Manufactor detection based on MAC address
04.03.2002 - Added the analyzer window with its stable features 
	- enhancments
	- Detecting now also non-broadcasting networks and accesspoints

#-- Version 0.6 --#
26.01.2002 - Max Moser <>
	- Added a closebutton to the avout window
	- Changed the popupscreen when rc-file is missing
	- do some fixes on the
	- Changed the install document
	- Changed the menu layout  
	- Packaging von 0.6

25.01.2002 - Martin J. Muench <>
	- added stats for bsd port
	- modified install script
	- rewrote some part of the bsd code

16.01.2002 - Max Moser <>
	- added manufactor identification for non-cisco linux cards
	- added the possibility to raise a command (default is a beep) 
	  when a new network essid is found.
	- added the possibility to raise a command (default is a beep)
          when the network name ist lost.
	- 11000 Different mac to vendor records integrated
	- small bugfixes

10.01.2001 - Martin J. Muench <>
	- added a configure script for the config-file
	- splitted up the code
	- added Makefile
	- changed small parts of the code

#-- Version 0.5 --#
08.01.2001 - Max Moser <>
	- Modified Installation instruction
	- Added automatic scrollbars on lowres devices in the about window
	- Added automatic scrollbars on lowres devices in the statistics windows
	- Added automatic scrollbars adding on lowresolution devices (like my ipaq)
	- Added paramter lowres, screenwidth and screenheigt to the linux configfile template 
	  for handling scrollbars automaticly on small resolution devices like ipaqs etc.
	- Merged the linux and the bsd-configfile template
	- Removed some obsolete code
#-- Version 0.4 --#
07.01.2002 - Martin J. Muench <>:
	- Wellenreiter now supports BSD (Tested on FreeBSD 4.4), small version.
	- Changed the Aboutwindow layout.
	Problems, bugs, hints? -> mailto:

08.01.2001 - Max Moser <>
	- Main menu doesn't display the non-functional Noiselevel button.

#-- Version 0.3 --#

100% Code rewrite, switching over to perlgtk instead of perltk

	Cisco Cards support:
		-64 Statistic informations
		-Actual Card Configuration
		-Actual Card Status
		-About Window
	Linux Wireless extension compatible card's;
		-RX/TX/Discarded Statistic informations
		-Actual Card Configuration
		-Actual Card Status
		-About Window	
	Wlan-ng card's:
		-No support				

Known Issues/Bugs:

	Unsupported cards:
		Cards using the wlan-ng driver without the wireless extension patch.
		Those cards should be supported in the next release of Wellenreiter.

*  If you got further questions, please contact the team at  *
*        Hompage:              *
*        IRC: #wellenreiter @              *