

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > media > contrib > by-pkgid > cba72a93ca9714438908a64d86067c9b > files > 20


Configure          A shell script that installs everything system dependent.
EXTERN.h           When included, makes other includes not belong to me.
HACKERSGUIDE       A brief guide to the contorted innards of [t]rn.
HINTS.TRN          Some helpful hints to get the most out of using trn.
INIT               Sample system-wide switch file.
INSTALL            Installation instructions.
INTERN.h           When included, makes other includes belong to me.
MANIFEST           This list of files.
Makefile.SH        Shell script to generate the makefile.
NEW                List of new features with trn 3.0.
Pnews.1            Manual page for Pnews.
Pnews.SH           A news posting shell script that knows about -h.       Script to save the local policy answers.
README             Start by reading this file.
Rnmail.1           Manual page for Rnmail.
Rnmail.SH          A mailer that knows about -h.
Speller.SH         An ispell wrapper that understands news articles.
addng.c            Routines for scanning the active file for new newsgroups.
addng.h            Public info regarding addng.c.
art.c              Routines to display an article.
art.h              Public info regarding art.c.
artio.c            Reserved for the article abstract type, someday.
artio.h            Public info regarding artio.c.
artsrch.c          Routines for searching among articles.
artsrch.h          Public info regarding artsrch.c.
artstate.h         Info on the current state of the article.
autosub.c          Routines to allow automatic subscription management
autosub.h          Public info regarding autosub.c
backpage.c         Routines for paging backwards in articles.
backpage.h         Public info regarding backpage.c.
bits.c             Bitmap management functions.
bits.h             Public info regarding bits.c.
cache.c            Routines to handle caching of articles.
cache.h            Public info regarding cache.c.
charsubst.c        Routines for converting between various character sets.
charsubst.h        Public info regarding charsubst.c.
common.h           Global info.
config.h.SH        Shell script to create config.h
decode.c           Routines common to the binary decoders
decode.h           Public info for the binary decoders.
dependencies       A pre-made list of the source's dependencies.
edit_dist.c        Routines to find the edit distance between two strings.
filexp.SH          The filename expansion script.
final.c            Finalization (exit) routines.
final.h            Public info regarding final.c.
hash.c             Hashing routines.
hash.h             Public/private info for hashing routines.
head.c             Header parsing routines.
head.h             Public info regarding head.c.
help.c             Help routines.
help.h             Public info regarding help.c.
init.c             Initialization (startup) routines.
init.h             Public info regarding init.c.
intrp.c            Filename expansion and % interpretation routines.
intrp.h            Public info regarding intrp.c.
kfile.c            KILL file routines.
kfile.h            Public info regarding kfile.c.
last.c             Routines for handling the .rnlast file.
last.h             Public info regarding last.c.
makedepend.SH      Shell script to generate make dependencies.
makedir.SH         Shell script to make nested subdirectories.
mbox.saver.SH      Shell script to save an article to a mailbox.
ndir.c             BSD 4.2 directory routine emulation.
ndir.h             Public directory info.
newsetup.1         Manual page for newsetup.
newsetup.SH        Shell script to create a .newsrc file.
newsgroups.1       Manual page for newsgroups.
newsgroups.SH      Shell script to list unsubscribed newsgroups.
newsnews.SH        A motd-like file that trn may print at startup.
ng.c               Routines to display a newsgroup.
ng.h               Public info regarding ng.c.
ngdata.c           General data fetching routines for a newsgroup.
ngdata.h           Public info regarding ngdata.c.
nghash.c           Some hashing routines to speed up active file handling.
ngsrch.c           Routines to search among newsgroups.
ngsrch.h           Public info regarding ngsrch.c.
ngstuff.c          Support routines for ng.c.
ngstuff.h          Public info regarding ng.c.
nntp.c             Routines for accessing NNTP commands.
nntp.h             Public info regarding the NNTP routines.
nntpauth.c         Code to handle NNTP authentication.
nntpauth.h         Public info for the authentication routines.
nntpclient.c       Custom version of the nntp client library.
nntpclient.h       Public info for the nntp client library.
nntpinit.c         Routines to implement server_init().
nntplist.c         Used by shell scripts to list server resources. (NNTP only)
norm.saver.SH      Shell script to save an article to a normal file.
only.c             Routines to perform newsgroup restriction.
only.h             Public info regarding only.c.
overview.h         Defines for customizing the overview handling.
parsedate.y        A yacc script for date parsing.
patchlevel.h       Indicates current patch level.
rcln.c             Routines to mung a .newsrc line.
rcln.h             Public info regarding rcln.c.
rcstuff.c          Routines to mung the .newsrc file.
rcstuff.h          Public info regarding rcstuff.c.
respond.c          Various routines for doing things with articles.
respond.h          Public info regarding respond.c.
rt-mt.c            Support for the mthread's .thread file format.
rt-mt.h            Public/private info for rt-mt.c.
rt-ov.c            Support for .overview files.
rt-ov.h            Public info for rt-ov.c.
rt-page.c          Routines to manipulate pages in the selector.
rt-page.h          Public info for rt-page.c.
rt-process.c       The thread-processing code.
rt-process.h       Public info for rt-process.c.
rt-select.c        The thread/subject/article selector.
rt-select.h        Public/private info for rt-select.c.
rt-util.c          Utility routines for reading threads.
rt-util.h          Public info for rt-util.c.
rt-wumpus.c        Routines to draw the character-oriented tree display.
rt-wumpus.h        Public info for rt-wumpus.c.
rthread.c          The basic routines added to init and read threads.
rthread.h          Public info for rthread.c.
search.c           Regular expression processing ala emacs.
search.h           Public info regarding search.c.
strftime.c         Source for strftime.c, if needed.
sw.c               Switch processing routines.
sw.h               Public info regarding switch.c.
term.c             Terminal interface routines.
term.h             Public info regarding term.c.
trn.1              Manual pages for trn -- PLEASE READ.
trn.c              The main program.
trn.h              Public info for trn.c.
trn-artchk.c       An article-checking program called from Pnews.
unipatch.c         A unified diff filter for use with old versions of patch.
unship.c           Decodes ship files.
util.c             Utility routines.
util.h             Public info regarding util.c.
util2.c            Utility routines common to trn and nntplist.
util2.h            Public info regarding util2.c.
uudecode.c         Decodes uuencoded files.
samples/subscriptions A sample subscriptions file for the default .newsrc.
support/trnkill    A script to run all trn's kill files in the background.