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      <h3>Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3</h3>

    <h1 align="center">Apache Performance Notes</h1>

    <p>Author: Dean Gaudet</p>

      <li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>

      <li><a href="#hardware">Hardware and Operating System

      <li><a href="#runtime">Run-Time Configuration Issues</a></li>

      <li><a href="#compiletime">Compile-Time Configuration


          <li><a href="#trace">Detailed Analysis of a

          <li><a href="#patches">Patches Available</a></li>

          <li><a href="#preforking">The Pre-Forking Model</a></li>
    <hr />

    <h3><a id="introduction"

    <p>Apache is a general webserver, which is designed to be
    correct first, and fast second. Even so, its performance is
    quite satisfactory. Most sites have less than 10Mbits of
    outgoing bandwidth, which Apache can fill using only a low end
    Pentium-based webserver. In practice sites with more bandwidth
    require more than one machine to fill the bandwidth due to
    other constraints (such as CGI or database transaction
    overhead). For these reasons the development focus has been
    mostly on correctness and configurability.</p>

    <p>Unfortunately many folks overlook these facts and cite raw
    performance numbers as if they are some indication of the
    quality of a web server product. There is a bare minimum
    performance that is acceptable, beyond that extra speed only
    caters to a much smaller segment of the market. But in order to
    avoid this hurdle to the acceptance of Apache in some markets,
    effort was put into Apache 1.3 to bring performance up to a
    point where the difference with other high-end webservers is

    <p>Finally there are the folks who just plain want to see how
    fast something can go. The author falls into this category. The
    rest of this document is dedicated to these folks who want to
    squeeze every last bit of performance out of Apache's current
    model, and want to understand why it does some things which
    slow it down.</p>

    <p>Note that this is tailored towards Apache 1.3 on Unix. Some
    of it applies to Apache on NT. Apache on NT has not been tuned
    for performance yet; in fact it probably performs very poorly
    because NT performance requires a different programming
    <hr />

    <h3><a id="hardware" name="hardware">Hardware and Operating
    System Issues</a></h3>

    <p>The single biggest hardware issue affecting webserver
    performance is RAM. A webserver should never ever have to swap,
    swapping increases the latency of each request beyond a point
    that users consider "fast enough". This causes users to hit
    stop and reload, further increasing the load. You can, and
    should, control the <code>MaxClients</code> setting so that
    your server does not spawn so many children it starts

    <p>Beyond that the rest is mundane: get a fast enough CPU, a
    fast enough network card, and fast enough disks, where "fast
    enough" is something that needs to be determined by

    <p>Operating system choice is largely a matter of local
    concerns. But a general guideline is to always apply the latest
    vendor TCP/IP patches. HTTP serving completely breaks many of
    the assumptions built into Unix kernels up through 1994 and
    even 1995. Good choices include recent FreeBSD, and Linux.</p>
    <hr />

    <h3><a id="runtime" name="runtime">Run-Time Configuration


    <p>Prior to Apache 1.3, <code>HostnameLookups</code> defaulted
    to On. This adds latency to every request because it requires a
    DNS lookup to complete before the request is finished. In
    Apache 1.3 this setting defaults to Off. However (1.3 or
    later), if you use any <code>Allow from domain</code> or
    <code>Deny from domain</code> directives then you will pay for
    a double reverse DNS lookup (a reverse, followed by a forward
    to make sure that the reverse is not being spoofed). So for the
    highest performance avoid using these directives (it's fine to
    use IP addresses rather than domain names).</p>

    <p>Note that it's possible to scope the directives, such as
    within a <code>&lt;Location /server-status&gt;</code> section.
    In this case the DNS lookups are only performed on requests
    matching the criteria. Here's an example which disables lookups
    except for .html and .cgi files:</p>

HostnameLookups off
&lt;Files ~ "\.(html|cgi)$"&gt;
    HostnameLookups on
    But even still, if you just need DNS names in some CGIs you
    could consider doing the <code>gethostbyname</code> call in the
    specific CGIs that need it. 

    <p>Similarly, if you need to have hostname information in your
    server logs in order to generate reports of this information,
    you can postprocess your log file with <a
    href="../programs/logresolve.html">logresolve</a>, so that
    these lookups can be done without making the client wait. It is
    recommended that you do this postprocessing, and any other
    statistical analysis of the log file, somewhere other than your
    production web server machine, in order that this activity does
    not adversely affect server performance.</p>

    <h4>FollowSymLinks and SymLinksIfOwnerMatch</h4>

    <p>Wherever in your URL-space you do not have an <code>Options
    FollowSymLinks</code>, or you do have an <code>Options
    SymLinksIfOwnerMatch</code> Apache will have to issue extra
    system calls to check up on symlinks. One extra call per
    filename component. For example, if you had:</p>

DocumentRoot /www/htdocs
&lt;Directory /&gt;
    Options SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
    and a request is made for the URI <code>/index.html</code>.
    Then Apache will perform <code>lstat(2)</code> on
    <code>/www</code>, <code>/www/htdocs</code>, and
    <code>/www/htdocs/index.html</code>. The results of these
    <code>lstats</code> are never cached, so they will occur on
    every single request. If you really desire the symlinks
    security checking you can do something like this: 

DocumentRoot /www/htdocs
&lt;Directory /&gt;
    Options FollowSymLinks
&lt;Directory /www/htdocs&gt;
    Options -FollowSymLinks +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
    This at least avoids the extra checks for the
    <code>DocumentRoot</code> path. Note that you'll need to add
    similar sections if you have any <code>Alias</code> or
    <code>RewriteRule</code> paths outside of your document root.
    For highest performance, and no symlink protection, set
    <code>FollowSymLinks</code> everywhere, and never set


    <p>Wherever in your URL-space you allow overrides (typically
    <code>.htaccess</code> files) Apache will attempt to open
    <code>.htaccess</code> for each filename component. For

DocumentRoot /www/htdocs
&lt;Directory /&gt;
    AllowOverride all
    and a request is made for the URI <code>/index.html</code>.
    Then Apache will attempt to open <code>/.htaccess</code>,
    <code>/www/.htaccess</code>, and
    <code>/www/htdocs/.htaccess</code>. The solutions are similar
    to the previous case of <code>Options FollowSymLinks</code>.
    For highest performance use <code>AllowOverride None</code>
    everywhere in your filesystem. 


    <p>If at all possible, avoid content-negotiation if you're
    really interested in every last ounce of performance. In
    practice the benefits of negotiation outweigh the performance
    penalties. There's one case where you can speed up the server.
    Instead of using a wildcard such as:</p>

DirectoryIndex index
    Use a complete list of options: 

DirectoryIndex index.cgi index.shtml index.html
    where you list the most common choice first. 

    <h4>Process Creation</h4>

    <p>Prior to Apache 1.3 the <code>MinSpareServers</code>,
    <code>MaxSpareServers</code>, and <code>StartServers</code>
    settings all had drastic effects on benchmark results. In
    particular, Apache required a "ramp-up" period in order to
    reach a number of children sufficient to serve the load being
    applied. After the initial spawning of
    <code>StartServers</code> children, only one child per second
    would be created to satisfy the <code>MinSpareServers</code>
    setting. So a server being accessed by 100 simultaneous
    clients, using the default <code>StartServers</code> of 5 would
    take on the order 95 seconds to spawn enough children to handle
    the load. This works fine in practice on real-life servers,
    because they aren't restarted frequently. But does really
    poorly on benchmarks which might only run for ten minutes.</p>

    <p>The one-per-second rule was implemented in an effort to
    avoid swamping the machine with the startup of new children. If
    the machine is busy spawning children it can't service
    requests. But it has such a drastic effect on the perceived
    performance of Apache that it had to be replaced. As of Apache
    1.3, the code will relax the one-per-second rule. It will spawn
    one, wait a second, then spawn two, wait a second, then spawn
    four, and it will continue exponentially until it is spawning
    32 children per second. It will stop whenever it satisfies the
    <code>MinSpareServers</code> setting.</p>

    <p>This appears to be responsive enough that it's almost
    unnecessary to twiddle the <code>MinSpareServers</code>,
    <code>MaxSpareServers</code> and <code>StartServers</code>
    knobs. When more than 4 children are spawned per second, a
    message will be emitted to the <code>ErrorLog</code>. If you
    see a lot of these errors then consider tuning these settings.
    Use the <code>mod_status</code> output as a guide.</p>

    <p>Related to process creation is process death induced by the
    <code>MaxRequestsPerChild</code> setting. By default this is 0,
    which means that there is no limit to the number of requests
    handled per child. If your configuration currently has this set
    to some very low number, such as 30, you may want to bump this
    up significantly. If you are running SunOS or an old version of
    Solaris, limit this to 10000 or so because of memory leaks.</p>

    <p>When keep-alives are in use, children will be kept busy
    doing nothing waiting for more requests on the already open
    connection. The default <code>KeepAliveTimeout</code> of 15
    seconds attempts to minimize this effect. The tradeoff here is
    between network bandwidth and server resources. In no event
    should you raise this above about 60 seconds, as <a
    most of the benefits are lost</a>.</p>
    <hr />

    <h3><a id="compiletime" name="compiletime">Compile-Time
    Configuration Issues</a></h3>

    <h4>mod_status and ExtendedStatus On</h4>

    <p>If you include <code>mod_status</code> and you also set
    <code>ExtendedStatus On</code> when building and running
    Apache, then on every request Apache will perform two calls to
    <code>gettimeofday(2)</code> (or <code>times(2)</code>
    depending on your operating system), and (pre-1.3) several
    extra calls to <code>time(2)</code>. This is all done so that
    the status report contains timing indications. For highest
    performance, set <code>ExtendedStatus off</code> (which is the

    <h4>accept Serialization - multiple sockets</h4>

    <p>This discusses a shortcoming in the Unix socket API. Suppose
    your web server uses multiple <code>Listen</code> statements to
    listen on either multiple ports or multiple addresses. In order
    to test each socket to see if a connection is ready Apache uses
    <code>select(2)</code>. <code>select(2)</code> indicates that a
    socket has <em>zero</em> or <em>at least one</em> connection
    waiting on it. Apache's model includes multiple children, and
    all the idle ones test for new connections at the same time. A
    naive implementation looks something like this (these examples
    do not match the code, they're contrived for pedagogical

    for (;;) {
    for (;;) {
        fd_set accept_fds;

        FD_ZERO (&amp;accept_fds);
        for (i = first_socket; i &lt;= last_socket; ++i) {
        FD_SET (i, &amp;accept_fds);
        rc = select (last_socket+1, &amp;accept_fds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
        if (rc &lt; 1) continue;
        new_connection = -1;
        for (i = first_socket; i &lt;= last_socket; ++i) {
        if (FD_ISSET (i, &amp;accept_fds)) {
            new_connection = accept (i, NULL, NULL);
            if (new_connection != -1) break;
        if (new_connection != -1) break;
    process the new_connection;
    But this naive implementation has a serious starvation problem.
    Recall that multiple children execute this loop at the same
    time, and so multiple children will block at
    <code>select</code> when they are in between requests. All
    those blocked children will awaken and return from
    <code>select</code> when a single request appears on any socket
    (the number of children which awaken varies depending on the
    operating system and timing issues). They will all then fall
    down into the loop and try to <code>accept</code> the
    connection. But only one will succeed (assuming there's still
    only one connection ready), the rest will be <em>blocked</em>
    in <code>accept</code>. This effectively locks those children
    into serving requests from that one socket and no other
    sockets, and they'll be stuck there until enough new requests
    appear on that socket to wake them all up. This starvation
    problem was first documented in <a
    href="">PR#467</a>. There
    are at least two solutions. 

    <p>One solution is to make the sockets non-blocking. In this
    case the <code>accept</code> won't block the children, and they
    will be allowed to continue immediately. But this wastes CPU
    time. Suppose you have ten idle children in
    <code>select</code>, and one connection arrives. Then nine of
    those children will wake up, try to <code>accept</code> the
    connection, fail, and loop back into <code>select</code>,
    accomplishing nothing. Meanwhile none of those children are
    servicing requests that occurred on other sockets until they
    get back up to the <code>select</code> again. Overall this
    solution does not seem very fruitful unless you have as many
    idle CPUs (in a multiprocessor box) as you have idle children,
    not a very likely situation.</p>

    <p>Another solution, the one used by Apache, is to serialize
    entry into the inner loop. The loop looks like this
    (differences highlighted):</p>

    for (;;) {
    <strong>accept_mutex_on ();</strong>
    for (;;) {
        fd_set accept_fds;

        FD_ZERO (&amp;accept_fds);
        for (i = first_socket; i &lt;= last_socket; ++i) {
        FD_SET (i, &amp;accept_fds);
        rc = select (last_socket+1, &amp;accept_fds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
        if (rc &lt; 1) continue;
        new_connection = -1;
        for (i = first_socket; i &lt;= last_socket; ++i) {
        if (FD_ISSET (i, &amp;accept_fds)) {
            new_connection = accept (i, NULL, NULL);
            if (new_connection != -1) break;
        if (new_connection != -1) break;
    <strong>accept_mutex_off ();</strong>
    process the new_connection;
    <a id="serialize" name="serialize">The functions</a>
    <code>accept_mutex_on</code> and <code>accept_mutex_off</code>
    implement a mutual exclusion semaphore. Only one child can have
    the mutex at any time. There are several choices for
    implementing these mutexes. The choice is defined in
    <code>src/conf.h</code> (pre-1.3) or
    <code>src/include/ap_config.h</code> (1.3 or later). Some
    architectures do not have any locking choice made, on these
    architectures it is unsafe to use multiple <code>Listen</code>


      <dd>This method uses the <code>flock(2)</code> system call to
      lock a lock file (located by the <code>LockFile</code>


      <dd>This method uses the <code>fcntl(2)</code> system call to
      lock a lock file (located by the <code>LockFile</code>


      <dd>(1.3 or later) This method uses SysV-style semaphores to
      implement the mutex. Unfortunately SysV-style semaphores have
      some bad side-effects. One is that it's possible Apache will
      die without cleaning up the semaphore (see the
      <code>ipcs(8)</code> man page). The other is that the
      semaphore API allows for a denial of service attack by any
      CGIs running under the same uid as the webserver
      (<em>i.e.</em>, all CGIs, unless you use something like
      suexec or cgiwrapper). For these reasons this method is not
      used on any architecture except IRIX (where the previous two
      are prohibitively expensive on most IRIX boxes).</dd>


      <dd>(1.3 or later) This method is only available on IRIX, and
      uses <code>usconfig(2)</code> to create a mutex. While this
      method avoids the hassles of SysV-style semaphores, it is not
      the default for IRIX. This is because on single processor
      IRIX boxes (5.3 or 6.2) the uslock code is two orders of
      magnitude slower than the SysV-semaphore code. On
      multi-processor IRIX boxes the uslock code is an order of
      magnitude faster than the SysV-semaphore code. Kind of a
      messed up situation. So if you're using a multiprocessor IRIX
      box then you should rebuild your webserver with
      <code>-DHAVE_USLOCK_SERIALIZED_ACCEPT</code> on the


      <dd>(1.3 or later) This method uses POSIX mutexes and should
      work on any architecture implementing the full POSIX threads
      specification, however appears to only work on Solaris (2.5
      or later), and even then only in certain configurations. If
      you experiment with this you should watch out for your server
      hanging and not responding. Static content only servers may
      work just fine.</dd>

    <p>If your system has another method of serialization which
    isn't in the above list then it may be worthwhile adding code
    for it (and submitting a patch back to Apache). The above
    <code>HAVE_METHOD_SERIALIZED_ACCEPT</code> defines specify
    which method is available and works on the platform (you can
    have more than one); <code>USE_METHOD_SERIALIZED_ACCEPT</code>
    is used to specify the default method (see the
    <code>AcceptMutex</code> directive).</p>

    <p>Another solution that has been considered but never
    implemented is to partially serialize the loop -- that is, let
    in a certain number of processes. This would only be of
    interest on multiprocessor boxes where it's possible multiple
    children could run simultaneously, and the serialization
    actually doesn't take advantage of the full bandwidth. This is
    a possible area of future investigation, but priority remains
    low because highly parallel web servers are not the norm.</p>

    <p>Ideally you should run servers without multiple
    <code>Listen</code> statements if you want the highest
    performance. But read on.</p>

    <h4>accept Serialization - single socket</h4>

    <p>The above is fine and dandy for multiple socket servers, but
    what about single socket servers? In theory they shouldn't
    experience any of these same problems because all children can
    just block in <code>accept(2)</code> until a connection
    arrives, and no starvation results. In practice this hides
    almost the same "spinning" behavior discussed above in the
    non-blocking solution. The way that most TCP stacks are
    implemented, the kernel actually wakes up all processes blocked
    in <code>accept</code> when a single connection arrives. One of
    those processes gets the connection and returns to user-space,
    the rest spin in the kernel and go back to sleep when they
    discover there's no connection for them. This spinning is
    hidden from the user-land code, but it's there nonetheless.
    This can result in the same load-spiking wasteful behavior
    that a non-blocking solution to the multiple sockets case

    <p>For this reason we have found that many architectures behave
    more "nicely" if we serialize even the single socket case. So
    this is actually the default in almost all cases. Crude
    experiments under Linux (2.0.30 on a dual Pentium pro 166
    w/128Mb RAM) have shown that the serialization of the single
    socket case causes less than a 3% decrease in requests per
    second over unserialized single-socket. But unserialized
    single-socket showed an extra 100ms latency on each request.
    This latency is probably a wash on long haul lines, and only an
    issue on LANs. If you want to override the single socket
    serialization you can define
    single-socket servers will not serialize at all.</p>

    <h4>Lingering Close</h4>

    <p>As discussed in <a
    draft-ietf-http-connection-00.txt</a> section 8, in order for
    an HTTP server to <strong>reliably</strong> implement the
    protocol it needs to shutdown each direction of the
    communication independently (recall that a TCP connection is
    bi-directional, each half is independent of the other). This
    fact is often overlooked by other servers, but is correctly
    implemented in Apache as of 1.2.</p>

    <p>When this feature was added to Apache it caused a flurry of
    problems on various versions of Unix because of a
    shortsightedness. The TCP specification does not state that the
    FIN_WAIT_2 state has a timeout, but it doesn't prohibit it. On
    systems without the timeout, Apache 1.2 induces many sockets
    stuck forever in the FIN_WAIT_2 state. In many cases this can
    be avoided by simply upgrading to the latest TCP/IP patches
    supplied by the vendor. In cases where the vendor has never
    released patches (<em>i.e.</em>, SunOS4 -- although folks with
    a source license can patch it themselves) we have decided to
    disable this feature.</p>

    <p>There are two ways of accomplishing this. One is the socket
    option <code>SO_LINGER</code>. But as fate would have it, this
    has never been implemented properly in most TCP/IP stacks. Even
    on those stacks with a proper implementation (<em>i.e.</em>,
    Linux 2.0.31) this method proves to be more expensive (cputime)
    than the next solution.</p>

    <p>For the most part, Apache implements this in a function
    called <code>lingering_close</code> (in
    <code>http_main.c</code>). The function looks roughly like

    void lingering_close (int s)
    char junk_buffer[2048];

    /* shutdown the sending side */
    shutdown (s, 1);

    signal (SIGALRM, lingering_death);
    alarm (30);

    for (;;) {
        select (s for reading, 2 second timeout);
        if (error) break;
        if (s is ready for reading) {
        if (read (s, junk_buffer, sizeof (junk_buffer)) &lt;= 0) {
        /* just toss away whatever is read */

    close (s);
    This naturally adds some expense at the end of a connection,
    but it is required for a reliable implementation. As HTTP/1.1
    becomes more prevalent, and all connections are persistent,
    this expense will be amortized over more requests. If you want
    to play with fire and disable this feature you can define
    <code>NO_LINGCLOSE</code>, but this is not recommended at all.
    In particular, as HTTP/1.1 pipelined persistent connections
    come into use <code>lingering_close</code> is an absolute
    necessity (and <a
    pipelined connections are faster</a>, so you want to support

    <h4>Scoreboard File</h4>

    <p>Apache's parent and children communicate with each other
    through something called the scoreboard. Ideally this should be
    implemented in shared memory. For those operating systems that
    we either have access to, or have been given detailed ports
    for, it typically is implemented using shared memory. The rest
    default to using an on-disk file. The on-disk file is not only
    slow, but it is unreliable (and less featured). Peruse the
    <code>src/main/conf.h</code> file for your architecture and
    look for either <code>USE_MMAP_SCOREBOARD</code> or
    <code>USE_SHMGET_SCOREBOARD</code>. Defining one of those two
    (as well as their companions <code>HAVE_MMAP</code> and
    <code>HAVE_SHMGET</code> respectively) enables the supplied
    shared memory code. If your system has another type of shared
    memory, edit the file <code>src/main/http_main.c</code> and add
    the hooks necessary to use it in Apache. (Send us back a patch
    too please.)</p>

    <p>Historical note: The Linux port of Apache didn't start to
    use shared memory until version 1.2 of Apache. This oversight
    resulted in really poor and unreliable behavior of earlier
    versions of Apache on Linux.</p>


    <p>If you have no intention of using dynamically loaded modules
    (you probably don't if you're reading this and tuning your
    server for every last ounce of performance) then you should add
    <code>-DDYNAMIC_MODULE_LIMIT=0</code> when building your
    server. This will save RAM that's allocated only for supporting
    dynamically loaded modules.</p>
    <hr />

    <h3><a id="trace" name="trace">Appendix: Detailed Analysis of a
    Here is a system call trace of Apache 1.3 running on Linux. The
    run-time configuration file is essentially the default plus: 

&lt;Directory /&gt;
    AllowOverride none
    Options FollowSymLinks
    The file being requested is a static 6K file of no particular
    content. Traces of non-static requests or requests with content
    negotiation look wildly different (and quite ugly in some
    cases). First the entire trace, then we'll examine details.
    (This was generated by the <code>strace</code> program, other
    similar programs include <code>truss</code>,
    <code>ktrace</code>, and <code>par</code>.) 

accept(15, {sin_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(22283), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 3
flock(18, LOCK_UN)                      = 0
sigaction(SIGUSR1, {SIG_IGN}, {0x8059954, [], SA_INTERRUPT}) = 0
getsockname(3, {sin_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(8080), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 0
setsockopt(3, IPPROTO_TCP1, [1], 4)     = 0
read(3, "GET /6k HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: "..., 4096) = 60
sigaction(SIGUSR1, {SIG_IGN}, {SIG_IGN}) = 0
time(NULL)                              = 873959960
gettimeofday({873959960, 404935}, NULL) = 0
stat("/home/dgaudet/ap/apachen/htdocs/6k", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=6144, ...}) = 0
open("/home/dgaudet/ap/apachen/htdocs/6k", O_RDONLY) = 4
mmap(0, 6144, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 4, 0) = 0x400ee000
writev(3, [{"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nDate: Thu, 11"..., 245}, {"\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 6144}], 2) = 6389
close(4)                                = 0
time(NULL)                              = 873959960
write(17, " - - [10/Sep/1997:23:39"..., 71) = 71
gettimeofday({873959960, 417742}, NULL) = 0
times({tms_utime=5, tms_stime=0, tms_cutime=0, tms_cstime=0}) = 446747
shutdown(3, 1 /* send */)               = 0
oldselect(4, [3], NULL, [3], {2, 0})    = 1 (in [3], left {2, 0})
read(3, "", 2048)                       = 0
close(3)                                = 0
sigaction(SIGUSR1, {0x8059954, [], SA_INTERRUPT}, {SIG_IGN}) = 0
munmap(0x400ee000, 6144)                = 0
flock(18, LOCK_EX)                      = 0

    <p>Notice the accept serialization:</p>

flock(18, LOCK_UN)                      = 0
flock(18, LOCK_EX)                      = 0
    These two calls can be removed by defining
    <code>SINGLE_LISTEN_UNSERIALIZED_ACCEPT</code> as described

    <p>Notice the <code>SIGUSR1</code> manipulation:</p>

sigaction(SIGUSR1, {SIG_IGN}, {0x8059954, [], SA_INTERRUPT}) = 0
sigaction(SIGUSR1, {SIG_IGN}, {SIG_IGN}) = 0
sigaction(SIGUSR1, {0x8059954, [], SA_INTERRUPT}, {SIG_IGN}) = 0
    This is caused by the implementation of graceful restarts. When
    the parent receives a <code>SIGUSR1</code> it sends a
    <code>SIGUSR1</code> to all of its children (and it also
    increments a "generation counter" in shared memory). Any
    children that are idle (between connections) will immediately
    die off when they receive the signal. Any children that are in
    keep-alive connections, but are in between requests will die
    off immediately. But any children that have a connection and
    are still waiting for the first request will not die off

    <p>To see why this is necessary, consider how a browser reacts
    to a closed connection. If the connection was a keep-alive
    connection and the request being serviced was not the first
    request then the browser will quietly reissue the request on a
    new connection. It has to do this because the server is always
    free to close a keep-alive connection in between requests
    (<em>i.e.</em>, due to a timeout or because of a maximum number
    of requests). But, if the connection is closed before the first
    response has been received the typical browser will display a
    "document contains no data" dialogue (or a broken image icon).
    This is done on the assumption that the server is broken in
    some way (or maybe too overloaded to respond at all). So Apache
    tries to avoid ever deliberately closing the connection before
    it has sent a single response. This is the cause of those
    <code>SIGUSR1</code> manipulations.</p>

    <p>Note that it is theoretically possible to eliminate all
    three of these calls. But in rough tests the gain proved to be
    almost unnoticeable.</p>

    <p>In order to implement virtual hosts, Apache needs to know
    the local socket address used to accept the connection:</p>

getsockname(3, {sin_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(8080), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 0
    It is possible to eliminate this call in many situations (such
    as when there are no virtual hosts, or when <code>Listen</code>
    directives are used which do not have wildcard addresses). But
    no effort has yet been made to do these optimizations. 

    <p>Apache turns off the Nagle algorithm:</p>

setsockopt(3, IPPROTO_TCP1, [1], 4)     = 0
    because of problems described in <a
    paper by John Heidemann</a>. 

    <p>Notice the two <code>time</code> calls:</p>

time(NULL)                              = 873959960
time(NULL)                              = 873959960
    One of these occurs at the beginning of the request, and the
    other occurs as a result of writing the log. At least one of
    these is required to properly implement the HTTP protocol. The
    second occurs because the Common Log Format dictates that the
    log record include a timestamp of the end of the request. A
    custom logging module could eliminate one of the calls. Or you
    can use a method which moves the time into shared memory, see
    the <a href="#patches">patches section below</a>. 

    <p>As described earlier, <code>ExtendedStatus On</code> causes
    two <code>gettimeofday</code> calls and a call to

gettimeofday({873959960, 404935}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({873959960, 417742}, NULL) = 0
times({tms_utime=5, tms_stime=0, tms_cutime=0, tms_cstime=0}) = 446747
    These can be removed by setting <code>ExtendedStatus Off</code>
    (which is the default). 

    <p>It might seem odd to call <code>stat</code>:</p>

stat("/home/dgaudet/ap/apachen/htdocs/6k", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=6144, ...}) = 0
    This is part of the algorithm which calculates the
    <code>PATH_INFO</code> for use by CGIs. In fact if the request
    had been for the URI <code>/cgi-bin/printenv/foobar</code> then
    there would be two calls to <code>stat</code>. The first for
    which does not exist, and the second for
    <code>/home/dgaudet/ap/apachen/cgi-bin/printenv</code>, which
    does exist. Regardless, at least one <code>stat</code> call is
    necessary when serving static files because the file size and
    modification times are used to generate HTTP headers (such as
    <code>Content-Length</code>, <code>Last-Modified</code>) and
    implement protocol features (such as
    <code>If-Modified-Since</code>). A somewhat more clever server
    could avoid the <code>stat</code> when serving non-static
    files, however doing so in Apache is very difficult given the
    modular structure. 

    <p>All static files are served using <code>mmap</code>:</p>

mmap(0, 6144, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 4, 0) = 0x400ee000
munmap(0x400ee000, 6144)                = 0
    On some architectures it's slower to <code>mmap</code> small
    files than it is to simply <code>read</code> them. The define
    <code>MMAP_THRESHOLD</code> can be set to the minimum size
    required before using <code>mmap</code>. By default it's set to
    0 (except on SunOS4 where experimentation has shown 8192 to be
    a better value). Using a tool such as <a
    href="">lmbench</a> you can
    determine the optimal setting for your environment. 

    <p>You may also wish to experiment with
    <code>MMAP_SEGMENT_SIZE</code> (default 32768) which determines
    the maximum number of bytes that will be written at a time from
    mmap()d files. Apache only resets the client's
    <code>Timeout</code> in between write()s. So setting this large
    may lock out low bandwidth clients unless you also increase the

    <p>It may even be the case that <code>mmap</code> isn't used on
    your architecture; if so then defining
    <code>USE_MMAP_FILES</code> and <code>HAVE_MMAP</code> might
    work (if it works then report back to us).</p>

    <p>Apache does its best to avoid copying bytes around in
    memory. The first write of any request typically is turned into
    a <code>writev</code> which combines both the headers and the
    first hunk of data:</p>

writev(3, [{"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nDate: Thu, 11"..., 245}, {"\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 6144}], 2) = 6389
    When doing HTTP/1.1 chunked encoding Apache will generate up to
    four element <code>writev</code>s. The goal is to push the byte
    copying into the kernel, where it typically has to happen
    anyhow (to assemble network packets). On testing, various
    Unixes (BSDI 2.x, Solaris 2.5, Linux 2.0.31+) properly combine
    the elements into network packets. Pre-2.0.31 Linux will not
    combine, and will create a packet for each element, so
    upgrading is a good idea. Defining <code>NO_WRITEV</code> will
    disable this combining, but result in very poor chunked
    encoding performance. 

    <p>The log write:</p>

write(17, " - - [10/Sep/1997:23:39"..., 71) = 71
    can be deferred by defining <code>BUFFERED_LOGS</code>. In this
    case up to <code>PIPE_BUF</code> bytes (a POSIX defined
    constant) of log entries are buffered before writing. At no
    time does it split a log entry across a <code>PIPE_BUF</code>
    boundary because those writes may not be atomic.
    (<em>i.e.</em>, entries from multiple children could become
    mixed together). The code does its best to flush this buffer
    when a child dies. 

    <p>The lingering close code causes four system calls:</p>

shutdown(3, 1 /* send */)               = 0
oldselect(4, [3], NULL, [3], {2, 0})    = 1 (in [3], left {2, 0})
read(3, "", 2048)                       = 0
close(3)                                = 0
    which were described earlier. 

    <p>Let's apply some of these optimizations:
    -DBUFFERED_LOGS</code> and <code>ExtendedStatus Off</code>.
    Here's the final trace:</p>

accept(15, {sin_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(22286), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 3
sigaction(SIGUSR1, {SIG_IGN}, {0x8058c98, [], SA_INTERRUPT}) = 0
getsockname(3, {sin_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(8080), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 0
setsockopt(3, IPPROTO_TCP1, [1], 4)     = 0
read(3, "GET /6k HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: "..., 4096) = 60
sigaction(SIGUSR1, {SIG_IGN}, {SIG_IGN}) = 0
time(NULL)                              = 873961916
stat("/home/dgaudet/ap/apachen/htdocs/6k", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=6144, ...}) = 0
open("/home/dgaudet/ap/apachen/htdocs/6k", O_RDONLY) = 4
mmap(0, 6144, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 4, 0) = 0x400e3000
writev(3, [{"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nDate: Thu, 11"..., 245}, {"\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 6144}], 2) = 6389
close(4)                                = 0
time(NULL)                              = 873961916
shutdown(3, 1 /* send */)               = 0
oldselect(4, [3], NULL, [3], {2, 0})    = 1 (in [3], left {2, 0})
read(3, "", 2048)                       = 0
close(3)                                = 0
sigaction(SIGUSR1, {0x8058c98, [], SA_INTERRUPT}, {SIG_IGN}) = 0
munmap(0x400e3000, 6144)                = 0
    That's 19 system calls, of which 4 remain relatively easy to
    remove, but don't seem worth the effort. 

    <h3><a id="patches" name="patches">Appendix: Patches
    There are <a
    performance patches available for 1.3.</a> Although they may
    not apply cleanly to the current version, it shouldn't be
    difficult for someone with a little C knowledge to update them.
    In particular: 

      <li>A <a
      patch</a> to remove all <code>time(2)</code> system

      <li>A <a
      patch</a> to remove various system calls from
      <code>mod_include</code>, these calls are used by few sites
      but required for backwards compatibility.</li>

      <li>A <a
      patch</a> which integrates the above two plus a few other
      speedups at the cost of removing some functionality.</li>

    <h3><a id="preforking" name="preforking">Appendix: The
    Pre-Forking Model</a></h3>

    <p>Apache (on Unix) is a <em>pre-forking</em> model server. The
    <em>parent</em> process is responsible only for forking
    <em>child</em> processes, it does not serve any requests or
    service any network sockets. The child processes actually
    process connections, they serve multiple connections (one at a
    time) before dying. The parent spawns new or kills off old
    children in response to changes in the load on the server (it
    does so by monitoring a scoreboard which the children keep up
    to date).</p>

    <p>This model for servers offers a robustness that other models
    do not. In particular, the parent code is very simple, and with
    a high degree of confidence the parent will continue to do its
    job without error. The children are complex, and when you add
    in third party code via modules, you risk segmentation faults
    and other forms of corruption. Even should such a thing happen,
    it only affects one connection and the server continues serving
    requests. The parent quickly replaces the dead child.</p>

    <p>Pre-forking is also very portable across dialects of Unix.
    Historically this has been an important goal for Apache, and it
    continues to remain so.</p>

    <p>The pre-forking model comes under criticism for various
    performance aspects. Of particular concern are the overhead of
    forking a process, the overhead of context switches between
    processes, and the memory overhead of having multiple
    processes. Furthermore it does not offer as many opportunities
    for data-caching between requests (such as a pool of
    <code>mmapped</code> files). Various other models exist and
    extensive analysis can be found in the <a
    of the JAWS project</a>. In practice all of these costs vary
    drastically depending on the operating system.</p>

    <p>Apache's core code is already multithread aware, and Apache
    version 1.3 is multithreaded on NT. There have been at least
    two other experimental implementations of threaded Apache, one
    using the 1.3 code base on DCE, and one using a custom
    user-level threads package and the 1.0 code base; neither is
    publicly available. There is also an experimental port of
    Apache 1.3 to <a
    Portable Run Time</a>, which <a
    available</a> (but you're encouraged to join the <a
    href="">new-httpd mailing
    list</a> if you intend to use it). Part of our redesign for
    version 2.0 of Apache will include abstractions of the server
    model so that we can continue to support the pre-forking model,
    and also support various threaded models. 
        <hr />

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