

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > media > contrib > by-pkgid > ec429c0d39c69ec7f62525f3e7954aef > files > 7


Mailfilter INSTALL


To run Mailfilter it's best to have a UNIX (-like) operating system, but it
also compiles fine with Windows 9x/NT/2000 if additional libraries and tools
are installed (e. g. Cygwin or DJGPP).  So far Mailfilter has been success-
fully compiled and tested with

 - Solaris 8 / SunOS 5.8

 - Irix 6.5

 - FreeBSD 4.1.1-RELEASE, 4.5-RELEASE

 - Mac OS X 10.0

 - NetBSD 1.5

 - Linux:  Mandrake 7.0 - 8.2, Debian 2.1, RedHat 6.2 - 7.1,
           Slackware 3.9 (See doc/README.Slackware for further details)
           SuSE 6.2, LinuxPPC

 - Windows NT, 2000 (See doc/README.Windows for further details)

but it may well work on other platforms, too.  (Please report success if
you have managed to compile it on any other system - thanks.)

To compile/install Mailfilter you also need to have a fairly recent version
of a (GNU) C++ compiler (e. g. GCC >= 2.95.2) and your system must support
BSD-type sockets (in general all UNIX systems do meet this criterion).  For 
compilation you will also need the GNU autotools (autoconf, automake, gettext,
m4) and the programs flex and yacc (or the GNU substitute bison).

Please be sure to check the doc/ directory for platform-specific installation
notes before proceeding  (especially if you want to run Mailfilter on any of
the MS-Windows systems).


If you have downloaded and installed a binary distribution of Mailfilter, then
there is no need to read the following instructions.  Continue with section 3
and 4 instead.

If you have downloaded a compressed source code archive, then please proceed
the following steps.  Change to the Mailfilter distribution directory (where
the INSTALL file can be found, e. g. /home/tux/mailfilter-x.y.z) and run


For a list of available options for configuration,  call configure with the
--help parameter.  Running configure creates a Makefile in your source code
directory.  If you like, have a look at it before you continue, though this
should not be necessary, unless you want to have debugging information
included or things like that.


After configure has successfully guessed your system's specific values, you
can compile the Mailfilter source code with


NOTE:  On Linux systems make typically refers to GNU gmake.  However, some
operating systems (e. g. FreeBSD) ship with different versions of make and
you will need to explicitly use the command 'gmake'  (and later 'gmake
install') in order to get Mailfilter compiled correctly.

If you have not changed any of the predefined values for configure then
Mailfilter will be installed in /usr/local/bin.   Become 'root' now and

      make install

That's it - you're done with the installation, but please read on to find out
what you have to do in order to make Mailfilter work.  (IMPORTANT!!)


Before you can execute the Mailfilter application you must create a rcfile


in your home directory, e. g. /home/tux/.mailfilterrc.  In this file you
must specify the POP3 accounts you want Mailfilter to check for spam.  Here
is a very basic set of example rules you could use.  I suggest you simply
copy and paste it.  For further information and a list of all supported key-
words, please also read the mailfilterrc(5) and mailfilterex(5) man pages.
More rcfiles are available in the doc/ directory of the Mailfilter

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Logile path (be sure you have write permission in this
# directory; you MUST specify a logfile)

LOGFILE = /home/tux/logs/.mailfilter.log

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Level of verbosity
#   0      Silent, show nothing at all
#   1      Only show errors
#   2      Only show "Deleted..." messages and errors
#   3      Default; Show "Deleted..." messages,  errors
#          and "Examining..." messages
#   4      Like (3), except this also shows the current
#          account's username
#   5      Like (4), except this also shows which filter
#          matched which string of an e-mail header
#   6      Debugging mode; prints almost everything


# -----------------------------------------------------------
# POP3 server list (do not change the order of the fields!)
# Note: Port 110 is usually the port POP3 servers use.
#       Currently only POP3 is supported.

USER     = username
PASS     = password
PORT     = 110

USER     = anotherusername
PASS     = anotherusername
PORT     = 110

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Do you want case sensitive e-mail filters? { yes | no }


# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Sets the type of Regular Expression used { extended | basic }
# (The default is 'basic', don't change unless you know what you
#  are doing. Extended REs are more complex to set up.)

REG_TYPE = basic

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Maximum e-mail size in bytes that should not be exceeded.

MAXSIZE_DENY = 1000000

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Set maximum line length of any field in the message header

# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Filter rules for detecting spam (each rule must be placed
# in a separate line)

# These filters detect certain unpleasant e-mail subjects:
DENY = ^Subject:.*Get penis enlargement
DENY = ^Subject:.*WIN MONEY

# This one filters mail from a certain person:
DENY = ^From:.*

# This one filters mail from everyone at a certain organisation:
DENY = ^From:.*

# We don't want any of those 'LEGAL' messages either
# while stuff with 'legal' in the subject still interests us:
DENY_CASE = ^Subject:.*LEGAL

# -----------------------------------------------------------  
# Normalises the subject strings before parsing, e.g.
# ',L.E-G,A.L; ,C.A-B`L`E, +.B-O`X` ;D`E`S,C;R,A.MB;L,E.R-]'
# becomes 'LEGAL CABLE BOX DESCRAMBLER' which can be filtered.
# If NORMAL is switched on, Mailfilter tries to apply filters
# to both the normalised and the original subject.

NORMAL = yes

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# The maximum e-mail size in bytes that messages from friends
# should not exceed. Set this to 0 if all your friends (ALLOW)
# can send messages as long as they want.


# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Set list of friends that always pass, if they do not
# exceed the message length of MAXSIZE_ALLOW

# This rule allows all mail from a friend who was unlucky enough
# to have signed up with a spam organisation. With DENY we
# block everyone else from that domain though! See above!
ALLOW = ^From:.*

# Of course we allow e-mail from anyone who has something to say about
# mailfilter:
ALLOW = ^Subject:.*mailfilter

# We also let our girlfriend send any e-mail she wants:
ALLOW = ^From:.*

It is _very_ important to not change the order of the SERVER, USER, PASS,
PROTOCOL and PORT fields.  Generally the rcfile is not case-sensitive, which
means it does not matter whether the keywords are spelled in  capitals or
not.  You can place white space characters before and in between a command
and its parameters, but usually _not_ after the parameter!

To find out how to set up more complex rules and options, please refer to
the man pages and the FAQ provided with the Mailfilter program, or simply
look up the webpage.  If you do not set up a .mailfilterrc file, the program
refuses to start.  It is also recommended to change the permissions of this
file to read-only, as it contains all your passwords en clear.


Now try it out!  Mailfilter can be started with


on the command line.  Be sure you have set up an individual rcfile (e.g.
$HOME/.mailfilterrc) in your home directory.  If you don't know how to do
this, please read section 3 of this document again, or consult the
Mailfilter FAQ in the doc/ directory for further information.