

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > media > main-src > by-pkgid > a1093c84fa23d91901760b62ace7e453 > files > 7


%define name 	proftpd
%define version 1.2.7
%define release 1mdk
%define ftpurl
%define url

%define _localstatedir 	 /var/run
%define mod_ldap_version 2.8.3
%define mod_wrap_version 1.2.3

Name:		%{name}
Summary:	ProFTPd -- Professional FTP Server.
Version:	%{version}
Release:	%{release}
License:	GPL
Group:		System/Servers
URL:		%{url}
Source:	        %{ftpurl}/proftpd/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
Source1:	%{name}.logrotate
Source2: 	proftpd.xinetd
Source3:	proftpd.init
Source7:	proftpd-mod-wrap-%{mod_wrap_version}.tar.bz2
Patch0:		proftpd-1.2.7-ldap.patch.bz2
Patch1:		proftpd-1.2.7-default-conf.patch.bz2 
Requires:	pam >= 0.59, chkconfig, libldap2
Requires:	setup >= 2.2.0-21mdk
BuildRequires:	libldap2-devel openssl-devel pam-devel tcp_wrappers-devel
Provides:	ftpserver
Conflicts:	wu-ftpd, ncftpd, beroftpd, anonftp
Prereq:		fileutils
BuildRoot:	%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}

%package anonymous
Summary:	Anonymous logins for ProFTPd.
Requires: 	proftpd = %version
Group:		System/Servers

ProFTPd is an enhanced FTP server with a focus toward simplicity, security,
and ease of configuration.  It features a very Apache-like configuration
syntax, and a highly customizable server infrastructure, including support for
multiple 'virtual' FTP servers, anonymous FTP, and permission-based directory

This version supports both standalone and xinetd operation.

%description anonymous
This enables anonymous logins for ProFTPd.

Install this if you wish to have anonymous logins for ProFTPd.

%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}
%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version} -a 7
#-a 6
%patch0 -p1 -b .ldap
%patch1 -p1 -b .default-conf

#cp -f  mod_ldap-%{mod_ldap_version}/mod_ldap.c contrib/


%configure \
--with-modules=mod_linuxprivs:mod_ratio:mod_readme:mod_pam:mod_ldap:mod_wrap \
--enable-autoshadow --enable-sendfile


myname=`id -un`
mygroup=`id -gn`

%makeinstall localstatedir=%{buildroot}/var/run rundir=%{buildroot}/var/run/proftpd INSTALL_USER=$myname INSTALL_GROUP=$mygroup

# Default home
install -d %{buildroot}/var/ftp/pub

# Log dir
install -d %{buildroot}/var/log/proftpd

# Pam conf
install -d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/
install -m644 contrib/dist/rpm/ftp.pamd %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/ftp

install -m755 contrib/xferstats.holger-preiss %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}

# Logrotate
install -d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/
install -m644 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name}

# Xinetd
install -d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/xinetd.d/
install -m644 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/xinetd.d/%{name}-xinetd

# Basic conf
install sample-configurations/basic.conf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_sysconfdir/proftpd.conf
install sample-configurations/anonymous.conf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_sysconfdir/proftpd-anonymous.conf

# Init script
install -d %{buildroot}%{_initrddir}
install -m755 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_initrddir}/proftpd

chmod 511 %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/proftpd

ln -sf proftpd %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/in.proftpd
ln -sf proftpd %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/in.ftpd

rm -f contrib/README.mod_sql contrib/README.linux-privs

# LDAP docs
#mv mod_ldap-%{mod_ldap_version} mod_ldap
#rm mod_ldap/*.c

%_post_service proftpd

# xinetd reset
# Only do it if xinetd is there. -- Geoff
if [ -x /usr/sbin/xinetd ];then
%_post_service xinetd

# ftpusers creation
if [ ! -f %{_sysconfdir}/ftpusers ]; then
	touch %{_sysconfdir}/ftpusers

USERS="root bin daemon adm lp sync shutdown halt mail news uucp operator games nobody"
for i in $USERS ;do
        cat %{_sysconfdir}/ftpusers | grep -q "^$i$" || echo $i >> %{_sysconfdir}/ftpusers

%_pre_useradd ftp /var/ftp /bin/false

%_postun_userdel ftp

%_preun_service proftpd
if [ "$1" = 0 ]; then
 if [ -d /var/run/proftpd ]; then
  rm -rf /var/run/proftpd/*

if [ -x /usr/sbin/xinetd ];then
%_post_service xinetd

%post anonymous
if [ $1 = "1" ]; then
cat /etc/proftpd.conf | egrep -q "Include[[:space:]]+/etc/proftpd-anonymous.conf[[:space:]]*$"
if [ $? != "0" ];then
	echo -e -n "Include\t\t\t/etc/proftpd-anonymous.conf\n" >> /etc/proftpd.conf
	%_post_service proftpd
	exit 0

# Enable it if we have this line already.
perl -pi -e "s|#[[:space:]]*Include[[:space:]]+/etc/proftpd-anonymous.conf[[:space:]]*$|Include\t\t\t/etc/proftpd-anonymous.conf|" /etc/proftpd.conf
%_post_service proftpd

%postun anonymous
if [ $1 = "0" ]; then
# Remove *active* include file only. Comments stay.
perl -pi -e "s|^[[:space:]]*Include[[:space:]]+/etc/proftpd-anonymous.conf[[:space:]]*$||" /etc/proftpd.conf
%_post_service proftpd

[ -n "%{buildroot}" -a "%{buildroot}" != / ] && rm -rf %{buildroot}

%doc sample-configurations/*
#%doc mod_ldap
%attr(600,root,root) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/proftpd.conf
#%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/ftpusers
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/ftp
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/xinetd.d/%{name}-xinetd
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name}
%config(noreplace) %{_initrddir}/proftpd
%dir /var/run/proftpd
%dir /var/log/proftpd
%attr(0755,ftp,ftp) %dir /var/ftp
%attr(2755,ftp,ftp) %dir /var/ftp/pub

%files anonymous
%attr(600, root,root) %config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/proftpd-anonymous.conf

* Wed Jan 15 2003 Chmouel Boudjnah <> 1.2.7-1mdk
- Remove mod_quota (obsoletes).
- Bump to version 1.2.7.

* Thu Aug 29 2002 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.5-3mdk
- Init script fix (grousse).

* Fri Jul 12 2002 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.5-2mdk
- Adapt to _pre_useradd / _postun_userdel.

* Sun Jun 16 2002 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.5-1mdk
- Really 1.2.5.

* Sat May 26 2002 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.5-0.rc2.2mdk
- Comment out redundant line in the build section.

* Tue May 14 2002 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.5-0.rc2.1mdk
- Bump up version.
- Re-enable sendfile.

* Tue Feb  5 2002 Vincent Danen <> 1.2.5-0.rc1.4mdk
- apply patch from CVS to fix bug with users being unable to overwrite files
  they have permission to (patch #10)

* Tue Feb  5 2002 Frederic Lepied <> 1.2.5-0.rc1.3mdk
- use nogroup instead of nobody

* Thu Jan 17 2002 Vincent Danen <> 1.2.5-0.rc1.2mdk
- put back anonymous package (sorry)

* Thu Jan 10 2002 Vincent Danen <> 1.2.5-0.rc1.1mdk
- 1.2.5rc1
- mod_wrap 1.2.3

* Tue Nov 20 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.4-2mdk
- DESTDIR support.

* Sun Oct 21 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.4-1mdk
- Gee, that was quick. We're not through with 1.2.3 and the next one is 
  already out for consumption.
* Fri Oct 19 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.3-1mdk
- Presenting the all-new and shiny proftpd 1.2.3.

* Mon Oct 15 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.2-6mdk
- Rebuild for the new and shiny libdb3.3.
- Give a RETVAL in proftpd start init script (Guilllaume Rousse).

* Sun Sep 30 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.2-5mdk
- Mark proftpd-anonymous.conf as a configuration and non-replacable file.

* Sun Sep 30 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.2-4mdk
- Use the Include directive so that anonymous login will work out of the 
  box with the installation of the proftpd-anonymous package. :)
- Enable AllowStoreRestart so FTP resume works (#5163).
- Don't use make as parallel build seem to be broke.

* Thu Sep 27 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.2-3mdk
- Only restart xinetd in scriptlets if xinetd is present.

* Sun Sep 09 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.2-2mdk
- Work against the advice of Chmou and Jeff and disable --enable-sendfile
  for now as it is causing strange file corruptions (Ural Khassanov).
* Sat Aug 18 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.2-1mdk
- Really 1.2.2.

* Sat Aug 04 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.2-0.rc3.2mdk
- Really fix xinetd. (David Walluck).

* Fri Jul 13 2001 Christian Zoffoli <> 1.2.2-0.rc3.1mdk
- rc3

* Thu Jul 05 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.2-0.rc2.7mdk
- Rebuild with the new libdb-3.2 (flepied).

* Tue Jun 26 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.2-0.rc2.6mdk
- Fix bad postun script.

* Tue Jun 26 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.2-0.rc2.5mdk
- Put in anonymous login in proftpd.conf, but comment it out so you still
  don't get it by default (thx tom ;)
- s|Copyright|License|;

* Sun Jun 24 2001 Stefan van der Eijk <> 1.2.2-0.rc2.4mdk
- BuildRequires:	openssl-devel
- BuildRequires:	pam-devel
- bzipped patches

* Thu May 31 2001 Stefan van der Eijk <> 1.2.2-0.rc2.3mdk
- BuildRequires: tcp_wrappers-devel

* Sat May 12 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.2-0.rc2.2mdk
- Also compile mod_wrap (thx cooker).

* Sat Apr 21 2001 Christian Zoffoli <> 1.2.2-0.rc2.1mdk
- rc2
- removed external patch
- fixed previous changelog (currently mod_ldap doesn't support TLS)
- removed requires: libsasl7-devel
- Geoffrey Lee <>
  - PersistentPasswd off in proftpd.conf for NIS to work (closes bug #3103).

* Fri Apr 20 2001 Christian Zoffoli <> 1.2.2-0.rc1.6mdk
- little cleanup in spec
- more macros
- added LDAP support v2.7.6
- added LDAP configuration directives to proftpd.conf
- patched makefile to compile mod_ldap 
- added BuildRequires: libsasl7-devel, libldap2-devel
- added Requires: libsasl7, libldap2
- fixed xinetd installation
- fixed xinetd default (disabled)
- added xinetd reload after an upgrade
- removed creation of /home/ftp
- improved ftpusers creation 

* Fri Apr 20 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.2-0.rc1.5mdk
- Fix define of _localstatedir (oops).

* Fri Apr 20 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.2-0.rc1.4mdk
- --enable-sendfile (Chmouel, Jeff Garzik).
- Put back proftpd-anonymous.conf.

* Sun Apr  8 2001 Frederic Lepied <> 1.2.2-0.rc1.3mdk
- use server macros

* Sat Apr 07 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.2-0.rc1.2mdk
- Put back the proftpd.xinetd which was missing (Christian Zoffoli).

* Tue Apr 03 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.2-0.rc1.1mdk
- Bump up to 1.2.2rc1 for security fixes (Andrew Lee).

* Fri Mar 23 2001 Vincent Danen <> 1.2.1-5mdk
- fix configs to use nobody.nobody not nobody.nogroup to run as nogroup
seems to no longer exist
- clean initscript so it is more consistant with other initscripts

* Mon Mar 12 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.1-4mdk
- Have xinetd, but put it in the documents directory.

* Fri Mar 09 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.1-3mdk
- URL change from .net -> .org (Sebastian Dransfeld).

* Thu Mar 08 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.1-2mdk
- Don't enable Anonymous login by default (/me, Vincent Danen).

* Tue Mar 06 2001 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.1-1mdk
- 1.2.1 Version out for everyone to use.

* Thu Feb 22 2001 Geoffrey lee <> 1.2.0rc3-2mdk
- Remove support for inetd.

* Thu Feb 08 2001 Vincent Danen <> 1.2.0rc3-1mdk
- 1.2.0rc3: security update

* Wed Nov 01 2000 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.0rc2-9mdk
- fix the anonymous login in proftpd configuration files.

* Wed Sep 27 2000 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.0rc2-7mdk
- really fix inetd problem. We remnove it from /etc/inetd.conf, and let it
run instandalone mode which seems to work quite fine ...

* Fri Sep 22 2000 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.0rc2-6mdk
- really add the xinetd entry.

* Thu Sep 21 2000 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.0rc2-5mdk
- include the chkconfig entry, but don't run chkconfig by default.
- add an xinetd entry.
- re-add the inetd.conf entry ...

* Fri Sep 15 2000 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.0rc2-4mdk
- rebuild for the Big Move (tm) and hope that I don't break anything.
- remove inetd.conf entry (again, hoping that I don't break anything.)

* Tue Aug 29 2000 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.0rc2-3mdk
- use of _initrddir.

* Wed Aug 23 2000 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.0rc2-2mdk
- quick and ugly hack to fix wu-ftpd breakage when proftpd is uninstalled.
- change the description as the AUTH patch is no longer here.

* Sat Jul 29 2000 Geoffrey Lee <> 1.2.0rc2-1mdk
- new version
- remove the packager tag (vincentscks)

* Wed Jul 19 2000 Vincent Danen <> 1.2.0rc1-3mdk
- rebuild for directory changes

* Tue Jul 18 2000 Vincent Danen <> 1.2.0rc1-2mdk
- add directory /var/log/proftpd
- add home directory /home/ftp
- add conflicts with anonftp
- fix so can install as nonroot
- add --enable-autoshadow to configure

* Wed Jul 12 2000 Vincent Danen <> 1.2.0rc1-1mdk
- 1.2.0rc1
- macroization
- remove directory /home/ftp since we don't need it

* Fri Jun 30 2000 Vincent Danen <> 1.2.0pre10-2mdk
- merge with .spec file from Geoffrey Lee <>:
- add logrotate entry
- add symlinks to in.proftpd and in.ftpd
- on uninstall, run /etc/rc.d/init.d/proftpd stop prior to uninstall
- compile with mod_pam support
- add Conflicts: wu-ftpd, ncftpd, beroftpd

* Fri May  5 2000 Vincent Danen <> 1.2.0pre10-1mdk
- build for Mandrake
- bzip sources
- bzip manpages
- remove multi-package creation.  one package does all... updates
/etc/inetd.conf but defaults to standalone server type

* Thu Oct 3 1999 O.Elliyasa <>
- Multi package creation.
Created core, standalone, inetd (&doc) package creations.
Added startup script for init.d
Need to make the "standalone & inetd" packages being created as "noarch"
- Added URL.
- Added prefix to make the package relocatable.

* Wed Sep 8 1999 O.Elliyasa <>
- Corrected inetd.conf line addition/change logic.

* Sat Jul 24 1999 MacGyver <>
- Initial import of spec.