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<chapter id="prog-guide">
<title>Programmer's Guide</title>

<sect1 id="how-to-use-in-progs">
<title>How to use &kugar; for reporting in own programs</title>

<title>There are several ways to use &kugar;</title>
Create a temporary file and fill it with data, organized according to the
<link linkend="kugardata-dtd">KugarData Document Type Definition</link>. Then
call the <command>kugar</command> shell command (
<option>-d <replaceable>Kugar data file</replaceable></option>
<option>-r <replaceable>Kugar template file</replaceable></option>
) to preview and print the report.
See <link linkend="prog-using-for-preview">Using &kugar; shell for previewing reports</link>
section for a detailed description.
Use &kugar; directly in the application's code.
See <link linkend="prog-using-widget">Using a &kugar; classes for reporting</link>
section for a detailed description.
Create a &Qt; designer plugin, use it to build application &GUI; in the designer and
link it to the program dynamically.
See <link linkend="prog-designer-plugin">Creating &Qt; designer plugin</link>
section for a detailed description.

<para> The last two ways are acceptable for &Qt; and &kde; developers.
But &kugar; is designed to be a report generator, independent from a
programming language or/and <acronym>IDE</acronym>. It uses &XML;
format for describing report templates and data files. So any program
can produce output in &kugar; data file format as described in <link
linkend="kugardata-dtd">KugarData <acronym>DTD</acronym></link> or
even a report template file format (see <link
linkend="template-dtd">KugarTemplate <acronym>DTD</acronym></link>).
A &kugar; shell (report viewer) can be used to preview and print
generated report.  </para>


<sect1 id="prog-using-for-preview">
<title>Using &kugar; shell for previewing reports</title>

<title>The way to create and preview (print) report is:</title>
Create a report template file with &kudesigner;
Create a data file with column values for detail bands of the report.
Use <link linkend="kugardata-dtd">KugarData <acronym>DTD</acronym></link> to produce correct data files.
Run &kugar; shell to preview and print report. For example, to do this, in c or c++
languages call:</para>

<function>system(<option>"kugar -r <replaceable>template_file.kut</replaceable>-d <replaceable>data_file.kud</replaceable>"</option>)</function>.

Don't forget to include <filename class="headerfile">stdlib.h</filename>.

<sect1 id="prog-using-widget">
<title>Using a &kugar; classes for reporting</title>
&kugar; library includes two widgets for use.
<classname>KReportViewer</classname> class is designed for &kde;
developers. It supports a &kde; printing system and &UNIX; localization
via <function>i18n()</function> calls.
<classname>MReportViewer</classname> class is designed for &Qt;
developers and provide real crossplatforming. It can be used not
only on &UNIX; platforms. but on &Windows; and &Mac; too.
In order to build program that uses kugar library, it should be linked
with <filename></filename> shared library, that is provided with kugar distribution on all
&UNIX; plaforms.
Include files are <filename>kugarqt.h</filename> and <filename>kugar.h</filename>
for &Qt; and &kde; programs accordingly.
<para>For a detailed example of how &kugar; classes can be used, see <filename class="directory">/shell</filename>
directory in the &kugar; sources.
The <classname>MReportViewer</classname> (and <classname>KReportViewer</classname> too)
contains several public methods that can be used.
<funcdef>void <function>renderReport</function></funcdef>
<funcsynopsisinfo>Renders the report onto a screen.</funcsynopsisinfo>

<funcdef>void <function>printReport</function></funcdef>
<funcsynopsisinfo>Calls print dialog to print the report.</funcsynopsisinfo>

<funcdef>void <function>clearReport</function></funcdef>
<funcsynopsisinfo>Clears the report on a screen and frees report data.
Call this before opening the new report.</funcsynopsisinfo>

<funcdef>bool <function>setReportData</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>const QString &amp;<parameter>data_file_name</parameter></paramdef>
<funcsynopsisinfo>Sets report data from <replaceable>data_file_name</replaceable> file.</funcsynopsisinfo>

<funcdef>bool <function>setReportData</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>const QIODevice &amp;<parameter>data_io_device</parameter></paramdef>
<funcsynopsisinfo>Sets report data from <replaceable>data_io_device</replaceable> file.
IO device can be any succesor of <classname>QIODevice</classname> class.
For example, to fetch records directly from the database,
create a <classname>QIODevice</classname> successor and redefine all nessesary

<funcdef>bool <function>setReportTemplate</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>const QString &amp;<parameter>template_file_name</parameter></paramdef>
<funcsynopsisinfo>Sets report template from <replaceable>template_file_name</replaceable> file.</funcsynopsisinfo>

<funcdef>bool <function>setReportTemplate</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>const QIODevice &amp;<parameter>template_io_device</parameter></paramdef>
<funcsynopsisinfo>Sets report template from <replaceable>template_io_device</replaceable> file.
IO device can be any succesor of <classname>QIODevice</classname> class.
For example, to obtail report template from network storage or database,
create a QIODevice successor and redefine all nessesary functionality.


<sect1 id="prog-designer-plugin">
<title>Creating &Qt; designer plugin</title>

This is the example code of how is designer plugin created. The code below creates plugin for
a &kde; <classname>KReportViewer</classname> widget.

If a &Qt;
widget is desired, replace <classname>KReportViewer</classname> to
<classname>MReportViewer</classname> and <filename>kugar.h</filename> to
<filename>kugarqt.h</filename> in the plugin code.

<sect2 id="plugin-usage">
<title>Plugin usage</title>
Designer plugin will allow the usage of &Qt; Designer to place <classname>KReportViewer</classname>
widget onto a window and preview it correctly.

Programs that make use of this plugin must be linked dynamically with it.
The corresponding library called <filename></filename>.
Widgets or dialogs that include <classname>KReportViewer</classname>
widget must include &lt;kugar.h&gt; in implementation and have a forward declaration
of <classname>class KReportViewer</classname>. Includes can be done with &Qt;
Designer's Object Explorer (Source tab).

To build plugin run:


<sect2 id="plugin-code">
<title>Plugin code</title>

<title>The plugin code consists of three files:</title>
<segtitle><link linkend="plugin-h-source">kugar_plugin.h</link></segtitle>
<segtitle><link linkend="plugin-cpp-source">kugar_plugin.cpp</link></segtitle>
<segtitle><link linkend="plugin-pro-source"></link></segtitle>
<seg>A header file for <classname>KugarWidgetPlugin</classname>, <classname>QWidgetPlugin</classname> successor;</seg>
<seg>A source file for <classname>KugarWidgetPlugin</classname>, <classname>QWidgetPlugin</classname> successor;</seg>
<seg>Project file for <application>QMake</application> utility.</seg>

<sect3 id="plugin-h-source">

#include &lt;qwidgetplugin.h>&gt;

class KugarWidgetPlugin:public QWidgetPlugin
  KugarWidgetPlugin ();

  QStringList keys () const;
  QWidget *create (const QString &amp; classname, QWidget * parent =
                   0, const char *name = 0);
  QString group (const QString &amp;) const;
  QIconSet iconSet (const QString &amp;) const;
  QString includeFile (const QString &amp;) const;
  QString toolTip (const QString &amp;) const;
  QString whatsThis (const QString &amp;) const;
  bool isContainer (const QString &amp;) const;

<sect3 id="plugin-cpp-source">

#include "kugar_plugin.h"
#include &lt;kugar.h&gt;

static const char *kugar_pixmap[] = {
  "22 22 127 2",
  ".d c #000000",
  ".c c #131313",
  ".b c #282828",
  ".a c #434241",
  ".e c #4e463a",
  ".# c #595551",
  ".G c #66553b",
  "#F c #68635f",
  "#R c #6b4f23",
  "#q c #6e6862",
  "#M c #6f5229",
  ".n c #6f6146",
  ".w c #735310",
  ".V c #755c2a",
  ".I c #775f34",
  ".0 c #77694a",
  "#n c #7e6434",
  ".o c #806f50",
  "#C c #835d2d",
  ".P c #837c75",
  "#B c #85653a",
  "#k c #85827e",
  ".x c #866d46",
  ".U c #877967",
  ".X c #888888",
  ".F c #89724d",
  "#x c #8b6d2a",
  ".S c #8d7759",
  ".z c #8e733b",
  "#L c #906e49",
  "#Q c #947b56",
  ".r c #948058",
  ".J c #957844",
  ".4 c #987736",
  ".q c #998969",
  ".k c #999897",
  ".R c #9a8a75",
  "#i c #9f8348",
  "#I c #a37c4b",
  ".u c #a38d66",
  ".E c #a58558",
  "#A c #a8834b",
  ".s c #a9967a",
  ".t c #aa9467",
  ".C c #ae9f8d",
  "#6 c #afa49d",
  "#5 c #afa9a4",
  "#W c #b18e4d",
  ".K c #b1935a",
  ".B c #b39660",
  "#V c #b49866",
  "#a c #b49d6c",
  "## c #b49d72",
  ".j c #b5b4b4",
  "#0 c #b7a597",
  ".O c #b9b1a9",
  ".L c #bb9c61",
  ".M c #bb9e6b",
  ".A c #bca778",
  "#j c #bea46b",
  ".T c #bfb37d",
  ".v c #c0b391",
  ".W c #c3a262",
  ".i c #c4c4c4",
  "#m c #c5b7aa",
  "#8 c #c69f80",
  ".D c #c6b79b",
  "#3 c #c7a589",
  ".7 c #c7a76c",
  "#u c #c7bbaf",
  ".6 c #c8ad74",
  "#7 c #c8b7a9",
  "#r c #c8beb5",
  ".m c #c8c8c8",
  "#U c #cbad96",
  "#f c #ccb681",
  "#h c #cdac6c",
  "#P c #cdb49f",
  "#X c #cdb8a6",
  "#H c #ceb7a4",
  ".y c #ceb892",
  ".N c #cecac3",
  "#Z c #cfb16f",
  "#O c #cfbdad",
  ".Z c #cfc7c0",
  "#w c #d0bcab",
  ".5 c #d1ad6b",
  "#s c #d1bfb1",
  ".h c #d5d5d5",
  "#l c #d6cdc6",
  "#D c #d8b36e",
  ".H c #dac592",
  "#t c #dbb977",
  ".g c #dcdcdc",
  ".1 c #e0dcc1",
  ".f c #e0e0df",
  "#1 c #e3c8b1",
  "#S c #e4cdb9",
  ".3 c #e4d9a3",
  "#4 c #e6c1a1",
  "#2 c #e7c4a5",
  "#K c #e9c179",
  "#g c #e9c47e",
  "#Y c #e9c8ac",
  ".2 c #eae6c0",
  "#T c #ebcdb3",
  ".Q c #ebd4b9",
  "#E c #ecca87",
  "#z c #ecd799",
  ".l c #ececeb",
  "#G c #efd7c2",
  "#e c #efe3ab",
  ".8 c #efe8e3",
  "#v c #f1dcca",
  "#. c #f2e2d4",
  ".p c #f4f4f4",
  "#y c #f5daa0",
  "#J c #f6cf7f",
  ".9 c #f7ede4",
  "#p c #f9d995",
  ".Y c #fcf9f6",
  "#d c #fefcc5",
  "#c c #fefdda",
  "#b c #fefee1",
  "#N c #ffd685",
  "#o c #fff0a9",
  "Qt c #ffffff",

KugarWidgetPlugin::KugarWidgetPlugin ()

QStringList KugarWidgetPlugin::keys () const
  QStringList list;
  list &lt;&lt; "KReportViewer";
  return list;

QWidget* KugarWidgetPlugin::create (const QString &amp; key, QWidget * parent,
                                    const char *name)
  if (key == "KReportViewer")
    return new KReportViewer (parent, name);
  return 0;

QString KugarWidgetPlugin::group (const QString &amp; feature) const
  if (feature == "KReportViewer")
    return "Display";
  return QString::null;

QIconSet KugarWidgetPlugin::iconSet (const QString &amp;) const
  return QIconSet (QPixmap (kugar_pixmap));

QString KugarWidgetPlugin::includeFile (const QString &amp; feature) const
  if (feature == "KReportViewer")
    return "kugar.h";
  return QString::null;

QString KugarWidgetPlugin::toolTip (const QString &amp; feature) const
  if (feature == "KReportViewer")
    return "Kugar report viewer widget";
  return QString::null;

QString KugarWidgetPlugin::whatsThis (const QString &amp; feature) const
  if (feature == "KReportViewer")
    return "A widget to view xml reports";
  return QString::null;

bool KugarWidgetPlugin::isContainer (const QString &amp;) const
  return FALSE;

Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN( KugarWidgetPlugin )

<sect3 id="plugin-pro-source">

SOURCES	+= kugar_plugin.cpp
HEADERS	+= kugar_plugin.h

DESTDIR = $(QTDIR)/plugins/designer
TARGET  = kugar_plugin

TEMPLATE    = lib
CONFIG	   += qt warn_on release plugin
unix:LIBS  += -lkugar

