

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > media > main > by-pkgid > 6c1629ca18f6adf273e73d0f5069fa8c > files > 340


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<sect1 id="borges-writing-features" lang="&lang;">
  <!-- Please, do NOT edit the following revision history by hand. Use the
  "make <module_name>.revision" target instead.  -->
  <revhistory><revision><revnumber>0.8</revnumber><date>YYYY-MM-DD</date><authorinitials>tbn</authorinitials><revremark>write</revremark> </revision><revision><revnumber>0.8</revnumber><date>YYYY-MM-DD</date><authorinitials>tbn</authorinitials><revremark>translate</revremark> </revision><revision><revnumber>0.8</revnumber><date>YYYY-MM-DD</date><authorinitials>tbn</authorinitials><revremark>tproof</revremark> </revision><revision><revnumber>0.8</revnumber><date>YYYY-MM-DD</date><authorinitials>tbn</authorinitials><revremark>pproof</revremark> </revision><revision><revnumber>0.8</revnumber><date>YYYY-MM-DD</date><authorinitials>tbn</authorinitials><revremark>ispell</revremark> </revision><revision><revnumber>0.8</revnumber><date>YYYY-MM-DD</date><authorinitials>tbn</authorinitials><revremark>lproof</revremark> </revision>
 <title id="borges-writing-features-ti1">Documents Writing</title>

  <para id="borges-writing-features-pa1">Following is a review of the
   configuration files' format and the required elements on
   <filename></filename> for the revision system to
   work. All the necessary elements to create your documents for your
   projects, from global entities to documents compilation, are
   detailed in this section also.</para>

  <title id="borges-writing-features-ti2">Configuration Files</title>

  <para id="borges-writing-features-pa2">Following is an in-depth
   review of &prog-borges;' configuration files and their
  <sect3 id="borges-writing-features-conf-author">
   <title id="borges-writing-features-ti3">conf/author.xml</title>
   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa3">This file holds information
    related to the author (writer, translator, etc.) who will use the
    system. Each author <emphasis>must</emphasis> define it in order
    to use the revision system and to be able to compile
   <programlisting id="borges-writing-features-pl1"><![CDATA[
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>

     <para id="borges-writing-features-pa4"><literal>&lt;initials&gt;</literal>
      holds the author's initials. Most likely two lowercase letters,
      the initials are used as a <emphasis>unique</emphasis>
      identifier to distinguish among different
      authors. Mandatory.</para>
     <para id="borges-writing-features-pa5"><literal>&lt;firstname&gt;</literal>
      holds the author's name and <literal>&lt;lastname&gt;</literal>
      holds the author's lastname. Optional.</para>
     <para id="borges-writing-features-pa6"><literal>&lt;mail&gt;</literal>
      holds the author's e-mail address. Optional, but necessary for
      email alerts</para>
     <para id="borges-writing-features-pa7"><literal>&lt;lang&gt;</literal>
      holds the author's preferred language. Note that we use the word
      <quote>preferred</quote> because the language can be overridden
      with the <literal>LANG=</literal> parameter when doing
      compilations. However, for revision control the language cannot
      be forced with the <literal>LANG=</literal> parameter and the
      one defined in <literal>&lt;lang&gt;</literal> is used.
  <sect3 id="borges-writing-features-conf-default">
   <title id="borges-writing-features-ti4">conf/manual-default.xml</title>
   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa8">This file holds the
    configuration parameters of the style-sheets to use <emphasis>by
    default</emphasis> when producing &pdf; and &html; output. <!--
    Please refer to XREF_TO_SSHEET_CUSTOMIZATION_HERE for details on
    how to customize the default style-sheets to fit your particular
    needs. --></para>

   <programlisting id="borges-writing-features-pl2"><![CDATA[
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>

     <para id="borges-writing-features-pa9"><literal>&lt;dssslprint&gt;</literal>
      holds the &dsssl; style-sheet used for &tex; transformation of
      the document to prepare it for printing. Mandatory.</para>
     <para id="borges-writing-features-pa10"><literal>&lt;xslxhtmlchunk&gt;</literal>
      holds the &xsl; style-sheet used for &xhtml; transformation of
      the document into <emphasis>different</emphasis> &xhtml; files
      for online publication. Mandatory.</para>
     <para id="borges-writing-features-pa11"><literal>&lt;xslxhtmlflat&gt;</literal>
      holds the &xsl; style-sheet used for &xhtml; transformation of
      the document into <emphasis>a single</emphasis> &xhtml; file for
      online publication. Mandatory.</para>
    <para>The <literal>ROOTDIR</literal> variable is defined in the
     <filename>Makefile</filename> file placed in the
     <quote>top</quote> or <quote>root</quote> directory of your
     project. (<filename>~/My_Project</filename> in the examples given
     in <xref linkend="first-project-borges"/>)</para>

  <sect3 id="borges-writing-features-conf-perdocument">
   <title id="borges-writing-features-ti5">manuals/My_Book/conf.xml</title>

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa12">This file holds the
    configuration parameters of the style-sheets to use when producing
    &pdf; and &html; output, as well as <quote>aliases</quote> and
    exclusion information for deriving various documents from a single
    super-document. By default this file is the copy of the
    <filename>conf/manual-default.xml</filename> file above.</para>

   <programlisting id="borges-writing-features-pl3"><![CDATA[
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
      <manual id="Some_Book">
       <manual id="Another_Book">

    <para id="borges-writing-features-pa13"><literal>&lt;stylesheet&gt;</literal>
     contains the same parameters as before. Please, refer to <xref linkend="borges-writing-features-conf-default"/> for more
     information on it.</para>

     <para id="borges-writing-features-pa14"><literal>&lt;manual&gt;</literal>
      holds configuration information of exclusions for one
      document. The <literal>id</literal> attribute <emphasis>must be
      unique among all projects</emphasis>. Optional.</para>
     <para id="borges-writing-features-pa15"><literal>&lt;exclude&gt;</literal>
      holds the name of the <quote>flags</quote> to exclude in
      conditional-compilation of the document. Mandatory.</para>

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa16">With the sample
    <filename>manuals/My_Book/conf.xml</filename> above, issuing
    <screen id="borges-writing-features-sc1">
     make -C manuals/My_Book Some_Book.pdf
    will compile a &pdf; file named
    <filename>manuals/My_Book/Some_Book.pdf</filename> excluding all
    elements marked with <literal>condition=&quot;VPN&quot;</literal>; issuing
    <screen id="borges-writing-features-sc2">
     make -C manuals/My_Book Another_Book.pdf
    will compile a &pdf; file named
    <filename>manuals/My_Book/Another_Book.pdf</filename> excluding
    all elements marked with <literal>condition=&quot;VPN&quot;</literal> and
    also all elements marked with

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa17">Please refer to <xref linkend="borges-writing-features-subcompilation"/> for more
    information on conditional-compilation.</para>

  <sect3 id="borges-writing-features-conf-repository">
   <title id="borges-writing-features-ti6">conf/repository.xml</title>
   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa18">This file is the most
    important configuration files because it's the top configuration
    file for the whole &prog-borges; project.</para>

    <programlisting id="borges-writing-features-pl4"><![CDATA[
     <?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?>
       <title>My Book Project</title>

     <para id="borges-writing-features-pa19"><literal>&lt;title&gt;</literal>
      holds the project's name.  This is used as the title in the
      reports generated by &prog-borges; report
      facilities. Mandatory.</para>
     <para id="borges-writing-features-pa20"><literal>&lt;paths&gt;</literal>
      holds the paths where the different documents and their modules
      are located. The defaults are a safe bet, so it is recommended
      not to change them.  Mandatory.
	<para id="borges-writing-features-pa21"><literal>&lt;modules&gt;</literal> holds the modules'
	 <quote>top</quote> directory. Mandatory.</para>
	<para id="borges-writing-features-pa22"><literal>&lt;manuals&gt;</literal> holds the documents'
	 <quote>top</quote> directory. Mandatory.</para>
     <para id="borges-writing-features-pa23"><literal>&lt;outputs&gt;</literal>
      holds the location of the template output
      <filename>Makefile</filename> files.  Template output make files
      are used for the different &dtd;s &prog-borges; supports. At the
      moment of this writing, only the DocBook &dtd; was supported
      (hence, the <literal>.DB</literal> file name extension). You can
      put as many <literal>&lt;makefile&gt;</literal> entries as you
      like.  Mandatory.</para>
     <para id="borges-writing-features-pa24"><literal>&lt;manuals&gt;</literal>
      holds the directory name of the different documents, with one
      <literal>&lt;manual&gt;</literal> entry per document. There
      <emphasis>must</emphasis> be at least one entry.
	    <para id="borges-writing-features-pa25">It is highly recommended not to add here any manual
	    by hand. Use the <command>make adddoc</command> command
	    instead. See <xref linkend="first-project-borges-document-adddoc"/>.</para>
      <para id="borges-writing-features-pa26">Even if &os-linux;
       supports the space character in path names, it is
       <emphasis>recommended</emphasis> not to use them here. You can
       use the hyphen (<literal>-</literal>) or the underscore
       (<literal>_</literal>) as word separators for path
     <para id="borges-writing-features-pa27"><literal>&lt;languages&gt;</literal>
      holds the languages supported by all documents, one
      <literal>&lt;lang&gt;</literal> entry per language containing
      the two letter &iso; code (in lowercase) for that language. At
      least one language <emphasis>must</emphasis> be
      defined. Mandatory.</para>
	    <para id="borges-writing-features-pa28">It is highly recommended not to add here any
	    language by hand but the first one. Use the <command>make
	    addlang</command> command instead. See <xref linkend="borges-addlang"/>.</para>

     <!-- FABITOREM: tproof reader, please check if the order in which
      lang entries are defined IS important or not. If it is
      important, then please explain its importance. Once that is
      done, please wipe this comment out. Thx. -->
     <para id="borges-writing-features-pa29"><literal>&lt;revisions&gt;</literal>
      holds the revision types managed by the revision system. The
      order in which they appear define the work-flow of the
      document's modules. At the moment of this writing, neither the
      names of the revision types nor their order can be changed,
      however the initials of the <quote>default</quote> author
      responsible for a specific revision can be set. Mandatory.
	<para id="borges-writing-features-pa30"><literal>&lt;name&gt;</literal>
	 holds the name of the revision: <literal>write</literal>, for
	 module's writing; <literal>translate</literal> for module's
	 translation; <literal>tproof</literal> for module's technical
	 proofreading; <literal>pproof</literal> for module's
	 pedagogical proofreading, <literal>ispell</literal> for
	 module's spell-checking and <literal>lproof</literal> for
	 module's idiomatic proofreading. Mandatory.</para>
	 <para id="borges-writing-features-pa31">Translations of the
	  modules will <emphasis>only</emphasis> have
	  <literal>translate</literal>, <literal>ispell</literal> and
	  <literal>lproof</literal> revision types.</para>
	<para id="borges-writing-features-pa32"><literal>&lt;author&gt;</literal>
	 holds the <quote>default</quote> author initials for a
	 revision type. If no author is assigned to a revision type
	 yet, <literal>tbn</literal> (To Be Named)
	 <emphasis>must</emphasis> be used. Mandatory.</para>
     <para id="borges-writing-features-pa33"><literal>&lt;server&gt;</literal>
      holds the parameters related to remote compilation and/or
      validation of &xml; files.  This is not yet implemented in
	<para><literal>&lt;name&gt;</literal> holds the remote server
	 name. A fully qualified domain name <emphasis>must</emphasis>
	 be used here. Mandatory.</para>
	<para><literal>&lt;localip&gt;</literal> holds the &ip;
	 address of the remote server for the scenarios where such
	 server resides in your &lan; network. Optional(?).</para>
	<para><literal>&lt;ip&gt;</literal> holds the &ip; address of
	 the remote server for accessing it through the
	 Internet. Mandatory(?).</para>
	<para><literal>&lt;robot&gt;</literal> holds the name of the
	 robot script to execute for reports updating and confirmation
	 mails sent to authors with their <quote>still to be
	 done</quote> work. Mandatory.</para>
  <sect3 id="borges-writing-features-revisions">
   <title id="borges-writing-features-ti7"> and the Revision System</title>
   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa34">The <literal>&lt;revhistory&gt;</literal> part of the
    <filename></filename> file plays an important role
    in the revision system of &prog-borges; <!-- for documents that
    are going to be translated into multiple languages -->.</para>

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa35">Below you have a sample <literal>&lt;revhistory&gt;</literal>
    <programlisting id="borges-writing-features-pl5"><![CDATA[
      <revision lang="en">
       <revremark>First Draft</revremark>
      <revision lang="fr">
       <revremark>Begin French Translation</revremark>
      <revision lang="es">
       <revremark>Begin Spanish Translation</revremark>

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa36">Each
    <literal>&lt;revision&gt;</literal> entry contains data related to
    one of the translations of the document. It has a
    <literal>lang</literal> attribute with the two letter &iso; code
    (in lowercase) of the language. There <emphasis>must</emphasis> be
    at least one such entry which also has the following:
      <para id="borges-writing-features-pa37"><literal>&lt;revnumber&gt;</literal>
       contains the revision number (or edition number) of the
       document. Generally, it is an integer value starting at
       <literal>1</literal> and incrementing for each major revision
       (or edition) of the document.  Optional<footnote> <para id="borges-writing-features-pa38">This will be used in future
       versions of &prog-borges; for major documents
      <para id="borges-writing-features-pa39"><literal>&lt;date&gt;</literal>
       contains the date at which work on the corresponding language
       started. This is used by the report facility of &prog-borges;
       to estimate finishing dates for the revisions; in the sample
       above, work has begun on the French revision on June, the
       10<superscript>th</superscript>, 2002. The format is
       <literal>YYYY-MM-DD</literal>.  Mandatory.</para>
      <para id="borges-writing-features-pa40"><literal>&lt;authorinitials&gt;</literal>
       contains the initials (unique identifier) of the author
       responsible for that revision. Optional.</para>
      <para id="borges-writing-features-pa41"><literal>&lt;revremark&gt;</literal>
       contains remarks on the revision itself. This remark is
       <emphasis>not</emphasis> rendered with the default &dsssl;
       style-sheet provided by &prog-borges; for printed documents, so
       you'll need to customize the style-sheet if you want the
       remarks to be printed.  Optional.</para>

  <title id="borges-writing-features-ti8">Document Creation Features</title>

  <para id="borges-writing-features-pa42">In the following sections
   the document creation features of &prog-borges; will be
   detailed. The sections are not presented in any particular

  <sect3 id="borges-writing-features-global-entities">
   <title id="borges-writing-features-ti9">Global Entities</title>

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa43">Global entities are those
    entities that you intend to use <emphasis>without any change at
    all</emphasis> among all versions of a project and/or among all
    your projects. They reside under the
    <filename>entities/</filename> directory and are &xml; files with
    file names ending in <literal>.ent</literal></para>

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa44">Put all entities which
    <emphasis>neither</emphasis> change from one language to another
    <emphasis>nor</emphasis> from one document to another under

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa45">Put all entities which
    <emphasis>do</emphasis> change from one language to another,
    <emphasis>but do not</emphasis> change from one document to
    another under <filename>entities/ll/</filename>, where
    <literal>ll</literal> is the &iso; two letter code (in lowercase)
    for the language in question.</para>

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa46">Good candidates for global entities are:
      <para id="borges-writing-features-pa47">Company names;</para>
      <para id="borges-writing-features-pa48">Program (software) names;</para>
      <para id="borges-writing-features-pa49">Operating Systems names.</para>
      <para id="borges-writing-features-pa50">Most acronyms<footnote><para id="borges-writing-features-pa51">Acronyms are used
	<quote>almost</quote> without change among all
	languages/projects. One that does change, for example, is
	&isdn; which is <acronym>RDSI</acronym> in

  <sect3 id="borges-writing-features-images">
   <title id="borges-writing-features-ti10">Images</title>

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa52">Including images in your
    work is as easy as inserting a <literal>&lt;figure&gt;</literal>
    element in your modules. For example:
    <programlisting id="borges-writing-features-pl6"><![CDATA[
      <title>An Amazing Figure</title>
        <imagedata align="center" fileref="images/image_file_name.png"
    will insert a &png; image contained in the file named
    <filename>image_file_name.png</filename>, aligned in the center of
    the page with <quote>An Amazing Figure</quote> (without the
    quotes) as its title.</para>

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa53">Needless to say,
    &prog-borges; will take care of finding the
    <filename>image_file_name.png</filename> file for you in the
    corresponding <filename>images/ll/</filename> directory, where
    <literal>ll</literal> is the two letter &iso; code (in lowercase)
    of the language the module will be compiled into.</para>

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa54">You can also put
    language-neutral images under the <filename>images/</filename>
    directory and &prog-borges; will get them from there.</para>

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa55">Images formats available in
    your documents are &png; (<literal>format=&quot;PNG&quot;</literal>), &pdf;
    (<literal>format=&quot;PDF&quot;</literal>) and &eps;
    (<literal>format=&quot;EPS&quot;</literal>). &prog-borges; will
    automatically make them available at the right place for

      <bridgehead id="borges-writing-features-bh1">Missing Images</bridgehead>

      <para id="borges-writing-features-pa56">In case that you insert an image in a module and you
      forget to make the image itself, the system will replace it by a
      default image, so that the compilation is not broken. The image
      used by default is <filename>images/missing.jpg</filename> and you can
      replace it by whatever you want.</para>
	  <imagedata fileref="images/missing.png" width="6cm" align="center"/>

      <para id="borges-writing-features-pa57">Additionally, whenever
      &prog-borges; finds a missing image, it will report it in the
      <filename>&lt;manual&gt;.missing.xx.img</filename> text file. So if
      you just compiled a document (say <literal>UserGuide</literal>)
      in French and you note some images are missing (showing the
      default missing image) you can get the list of missing images by
      <filename>manuals/UserGuide/</filename>. You
      can also generate directly that file to check no more images are
      missing by simply running <command>make -C manuals/UserGuide/</command></para>


      <title id="borges-writing-features-ti11">Index Support</title>
      <para id="borges-writing-features-pa58">&docbook; is able to
      generate an automatic index by collecting all index terms found
      in the source document. &prog-borges; will automatically
      generate such index provided you request it in the master
      document. If you want an index to be added at the end of your
      book, simply end your <filename></filename> in:

<programlisting id="borges-writing-features-pl7"><![CDATA[
   <index id="index">
     <title>Index </title>
     <para>Automatic Index Here.</para>

  <sect3 id="borges-writing-features-subcompilation">
   <title id="borges-writing-features-ti12">Specialized Books for
   Different Needs</title>

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa59">Often you need to make
    small variations on your book to fit different audiences, for
    example a technical manual for a family of products with only
    small differences among each other.</para>

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa60">So, instead of writing
    different books for the different audiences, it would be desirable
    to have the possibility to write <emphasis>one</emphasis> set of
    modules for all audiences and have different parts excluded from
    the different documentation for each audience.</para>

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa61">&prog-borges; makes this
    possible thanks to <quote>conditional
    compilation</quote>. Conditional compilation allows you to
    <quote>mark</quote> some parts of your modules or entire modules
    in order to exclude them in certain compilations, but not in

      <para id="borges-writing-features-pa62">Let's take an
      example. You are writing a user manual for the
      <literal>Tortoise</literal> operating system running on both
      <literal>Intel</literal> and <literal>Sparc</literal>
      architectures. There are only minor differences between both

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa63">You just need to add the
    <literal>condition=&quot;i386&quot;</literal> attribute to mark an element
    (section, paragraph, phrase, note, warning, tip, etc.) as being
    only valid for the <literal>Intel</literal> version. Likewise mark
    elements specific to the <literal>Sparc</literal> version with
    <literal>condition=&quot;sparc&quot;</literal>. If the element appears to be
    an entire module, add the attribute in the
    <literal>master</literal> file:

<programlisting id="borges-writing-features-pl8"><![CDATA[
	<sect1 condition="i386">
	 <title>Some Title</title>
	 <para role="module">some_sect-sect1</para>
	 <para>Introduce here the Tortoise OS, highlighting Intel specifications.</para>

    You then need to tell &prog-borges; how to derive both userguides
    from the <literal>Tortoise-UserGuide</literal>
    super-document. This is done in the super document configuration
    file <xref linkend="borges-writing-features-conf-perdocument"/>. For our
    example, this file could be:

   <programlisting id="borges-writing-features-pl9" revision="1"><![CDATA[
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
       <manual id="Tortoise-Sparc">

That done, issuing 
    <screen id="borges-writing-features-sc3">
     make -C manuals/My_Book Tortoise-i386.pdf
    will compile the whole book into &pdf; discarding the elements
    with <literal>condition=&quot;sparc&quot;</literal>.</para>


  <sect3 id="borges-writing-features-validation">
   <title id="borges-writing-features-ti13">Document Validation</title>

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa64">From time to time, it is
    <emphasis>recommended</emphasis> to check your modules are valid
    &xml;. Issue
    <screen id="borges-writing-features-sc4">
     make -C manuals/My_Book master.validate
    to validate your whole super-document for your preferred (working)

    <para id="borges-writing-features-pa65">Use the
    <literal>LANG=ll</literal> parameter to validate in a language
    other than your preferred language.  <literal>ll</literal> is the
    &iso; two letter code (in lowercase) for the language you want to
    validate the document into.</para>

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa66">At the moment of this
    writing the validation process is a parsing of the whole &xml;
    code of the document, there are no other validation constraints
    checked yet.</para>

  <sect3 id="borges-writing-features-transparentparas">
   <title id="borges-writing-features-ti14">Making Translated
    Paragraphs Transparent to the Revision System</title>

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa67">When translating a module
    into a foreign language it often happens that the translator wants
    to add a footnote with translator notes or a few clarification
    words in a separate paragraph. Also, some licenses (for example
    the &gpl; and the &gfdl;) <emphasis>require</emphasis> that you
    include some portion of it in the original language.</para>
   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa68">&prog-borges;' automated
    revisions management system will report differences among the
    translated module and the original module only because of those
    added footnotes/paragraphs, even if they are
    <emphasis>correct</emphasis> or <emphasis>necessary</emphasis> in
    some cases; so, how can you make those paragraphs
    <quote>invisible</quote> to the revision system?</para>

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa69">&prog-borges; solves this
    <quote>problem</quote> in an elegant way which does not break
    DocBook compatibility by using the
    <literal>revision=&quot;-1&quot;</literal> attribute. For example:
    <screen id="borges-writing-features-sc5">
     &lt;para revision=&quot;-1&quot;&gt;En otro idioma&lt;/para&gt;
    will exclude that paragraph (in Spanish, in the example) when
    comparing against the original looking for differences in

   <para id="borges-writing-features-pa70">This way, you can have those <quote>extra</quote> paragraphs
    in your translation without worrying about the revisions report
    being wrong all the time just because of them.</para>

<!-- Is this really a planned needed feature ? (Camille)
    <para>At the moment of this writing, it is not possible to have
     revision management work with such paragraphs. However this is a
     planned feature (using <literal>revision="-2"</literal>,
     <literal>revision="-3"</literal>, etc.)</para>
    <title id="borges-writing-features-ti15">Document modification features</title>

    <para id="borges-writing-features-pa71">Whenever you modify the structure of a super-document it is
    necessary to inform the system of such modifications. That will
    particularly build the module templates for the added

    <para id="borges-writing-features-pa72">Simply run the <command>make alltemplates</command> command.</para>

    <para id="borges-writing-features-pa73">When this is done, to not forget to add the generated
    templates to your &cvs; repository, if any.</para>

  <sect2 id="borges-addlang">
    <title id="borges-writing-features-ti16">Adding new languages to the system</title>
    <para id="borges-writing-features-pa74">When one of your documents needs to
      be translated, or simply when you decide that one of the
      documents will need to be translated, it is time to make the
      system aware of this new language. This is done in one
      single command:

<programlisting id="borges-writing-features-pl10">make addlang LANG=ll</programlisting>

      that will declare the new <literal>ll</literal><footnote>
	<para id="borges-writing-features-pa75"><literal>ll</literal> being the two letters
	<acronym>ISO</acronym> code for that lanaguage. See <ulink url="">ISO
	639</ulink>.</para> </footnote> language document for the
	whole project. It will actually perform the following
	    <para id="borges-writing-features-pa76">Update
	    <para id="borges-writing-features-pa77">create all
	    language specific directories for modules, images,
	    entities, etc.;</para>
	    <para id="borges-writing-features-pa78">copy entities files from the
	    default one (first in the list of languages in the main
	    configuration file) to the new language
	    <para id="borges-writing-features-pa79">Make all module
	    templates for this new language for all defined
	    <para id="borges-writing-features-pa80">Add all new
	    files to the <acronym>CVS</acronym> repository, if
	    available. Note that you'll still need to commit those
	    files by hand;</para>
      </itemizedlist> Once this is done translators will have to<orderedlist>
	  <para id="borges-writing-features-pa81">Translate entities in
	  <para id="borges-writing-features-pa82">Translate entities in
	  <para id="borges-writing-features-pa83">Translate modules in
	  <para id="borges-writing-features-pa84">Take snapshots and translate
	  diagrams from <filename>images/xx/</filename> to
	  <filename>images/ll/</filename>, <literal>xx</literal> being
	  another language for which images have already been


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