

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > media > main > by-pkgid > 6c1629ca18f6adf273e73d0f5069fa8c > files > 353


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<!-- Please, do NOT edit the following revision history by hand. Use the
"make <module_name>.revision" target instead.  -->

  <title>First stable version: 1.0</title>
  <sect2 id="f0">
    <title>f0: Support major version numbers</title> <para>When a
    document is about to suffer major modifications, related modules
    should pass again through some steps of their life cycle.</para>
  <sect2 id="f1">
    <title>f1: Fill translations' templates with original text</title>
    <para>In order to help translators, the templates should contain
    the text of the original version. To do so, it is enough to copy
    the original module content just when the writer passes the
    <literal>pproof</literal> step on that module.</para>
  <sect2 id="f2">
    <title>f2: Publish documents' guidelines in reports</title>
    <para>Current overall report page has links to fully compiled
    versions of the manuals in all lanaguages. We should remove that
    (see <xref linkend="f3"/>) and instead just put a link per
    document to the <filename>{html,pdf}</filename>.</para>
   <para>This would add the need to perform weekly (or another, yet to
   be determined, period) compilations of{html,pdf} for
   all languages in order for them to be up-to-date all the time. This
   implies more load on the compilation machine, but a
   <quote>light</quote> one compared to all sub-documents compilation
   (see <xref linkend="f3"/>).</para>
  <sect2 id="f3">
    <title>f3: Publish all available sub-documents</title> <para>Build
    an <acronym>HTML</acronym> page (<command>make -C reports
    sub-docs-table.html</command>) containing links to all
    <acronym>HTML</acronym> and <acronym>PDF</acronym> versions of all
    sub-documents available in all languages. This target will also
    compile all those sub-docs too, of course.</para> <para>There's an
    important prerequisite to this feature: all documents must have a
    sub-doc per default. Therefore, the <literal>adddoc</literal>
    target must be modified so that it adds to
    <filename>manuals/New_Manual/conf.xml</filename> a default
    sub-doc, with no exclusions, called <literal>New_Manual</literal>.
    Needless to say, the overall report page should show a link to
    this sub-docs page.</para>
  <sect2 id="f4">
    <title>f4: Define default author</title> <para>When one adds a new
    manual with plenty of modules, it is a hassle to assign all tasks
    for all modules in all languages.</para> <para>Give the option to
    define (in conf/manual-default.xml) authors for all tasks in all
     <lang lang="en">
     <lang lang="fr">

 ]]></programlisting> for example.</para> <para>This can replace the
    &lt;revisions> element in
    <filename>conf/repository.xml</filename>. Make sure to modify
    accordingly all pieces of code that were referring to the old
    &lt;revisions> element to retrieve type names or authors.</para>
  <sect2 id="sf583846-597703">
    <title>583846-597703: Single module output and report</title>
    <para>It is necessary for authors that modify a module to be able
    to quickly check the output. When updating a module it is also
    necessary to quickly generate the revisions report to check
    everything is OK.</para> <para>The way to achieve that is not
    defined yet, perhaps creating a special document
    (<filename>manuals/modules/</filename>?) with all makefile targets
    in it to get the desired result.</para>
  <sect2 id="f6">
    <title>f6: Compile only needed images</title> <para>Compute the
    image dependencies in Makefile directly from the source
    (<acronym>XML</acronym>) document. That may
    <emphasis>significantly</emphasis> increase pre-compilation
  <sect2 id="f7">
    <title>f7: Send TBN tasks to project admin</title> <para>To ensure
    no tasks are forgotten, send all the tasks with no assigned author
    (those set to <acronym>tbn</acronym>) to the project
    administrator. It could be identified in
    <filename></filename> by being the &lt;editor>
    instead of a simple &lt;author>, or in the
    <filename>conf/repository.xml</filename> file, assigning an
    administrator to each document.</para>
  <sect2 id="f8">
    <title>f8: Allow relative images width</title> <para>Simply allow
    to define the images width not as a fixed value
    (<literal>width="10cm"</literal>) but as a width relative to the
    media width (<literal>scale="80%"</literal>). Just check that
  <sect2 id="sf608871">
    <title>608871: Fixed master.xml parent document for PSGML</title>
    <para>PSGML needs to access a parent document when editing a
    module. Instead of pointing to a moving
    <filename>manuals/Manual/master.xml</filename>, define a fixed
    master document which all modules would refer to.</para>
    <para>This could be linked to the solution of <xref
  <sect2 id="f10">
    <title>f10: Clean index support</title> <para>Having the index
    simply referred to as <literal>&amp;index;</literal> in
    <filename></filename>generates parsing errors when
    the index is not yet ready. Find a cleaner way to call the

  <sect2 id="sf566873">
    <title>566873: Clean repository</title> <para>It would be nice to
have a target that cleans up everything not included in
repository.xml.</para> <para>For example, let's say I start my own
project and it will be only written in Spanish. So, instead of
manually removing not pertinent things I want to issue something like
<command>make repository</command>, and have all dirs and files not
included in repostory.xml wiped out.</para>
  <sect2 id="f11">
    <title>f11: check source files validity before commit</title>
    <para>A simple typo in a module can screw the compilation for a
    whole document.</para> <para>add a <command>make
    Module_name.commit</command> target that checks the module's
    conformity to a <acronym>DTD</acronym> (and maybe other, yet to be
    defined, constraints too) and then commits it to

 <sect2 id="f12">
  <title>f12: make all compilation targets depend on the manual's
   conf.xml file</title>

  <para>All compilation targets (printed, online, etc.) should be made
   dependant on <filename>manuals/*/conf.xml</filename>, so changes to
   the manual's <filename>conf.xml</filename> will force
   re-compilation of the targets.</para>

  <para>This must be done in such a way that only targets for the
   corresponding manual is re-compiled. Example: if I make a
   modification in <filename>manuals/Manual_1/conf.xml</filename> I
   only want <literal>Manual_1</literal> to be re-compiled and not
   <literal>Manual_2</literal>, <literal>Manual_3</literal>,


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sgml-parent-document: ("../../manuals/Borges-Roadmap/master.xml" "sect1")