

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > media > main > by-pkgid > 7ff79b27c8aff40f4f254e886fd14c71 > files > 221


This document helps the process of porting gtk-perl apps to

    [*] Namespace

The top namespace is now Gtk2 instead of Gtk.

    [*] Deprecated functions

Most deprecated gtk functions, which were available in gtk-perl,
are still available in gtk2-perl while printing on STDERR the
name of the function you should use. When you see that kind of
message, change your code.

As for the rest:

Old                                                        New
Gtk->main_iteration while Gtk->events_pending          Gtk2->update_ui

    [*] GdkColor

$color = bless { red => $r, green => $g, blue => $b }, 'Gtk::Gdk::Color';

$color = Gtk2::Gdk::Color->new($r, $g, $b);

    [*] GdkWindow

($height, $width) = $window->get_size

This was broken because sending back data in the wrong order. New:
($width, $height) = $window->get_size

    [*] Images and Pixbufs

If you want to display an image in your GUI, use a GtkImage:

my $img = Gtk2::Image->new_from_file('/usr/share/icons/emacs.png');
$vbox->pack_start($img, 0, 0, 0);

If you want to draw an image in a GtkDrawingArea, use a
GdkPixbuf; create it when initing your GUI:

my $pixbuf = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file('/usr/share/icons/emacs.png');

And in the expose_event of your $drawingarea:

			    0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 'none', 0, 0);

    [*] Drawing text

When you need to draw text on a GdkDrawable, replace the
fontset_load and draw_string stuff with:

After the DrawingArea creation:

$drawingarea->modify_font(Gtk2::Pango::FontDescription->from_string('Sans Bold 25'));

In the expose_event of the DrawingArea:

my $layout = $drawingarea->create_pango_layout("My very important text");
$drawingarea->window->draw_layout($drawingarea->style->fg_gc('normal'), 5, 5, $layout);

    [*] Specialized GdkEvent's

Old: using hashes:
$butt_number = $button_evt->{button};
$evt_time    = $button_evt->{time};
$keyval      = $key_evt->{keyval};

New: using methods just like normal objects:
$butt_number = $button_evt->button;
$evt_time    = $button_evt->time;
$keyval      = $key_evt->keyval;

    [*] GdkEventKey

Old: $evt->{state} was an int following C things
New: $evt->state is like all the gtk flags, e.g. an arrayref of

    [*] GtkAllocation, GtkRequisition, GdkRectangle, etc

Old: "boxed types" such as GtkAllocation (e.g. GtkSomething but
not a GtkObject), when returned from a function, were directly
returned as a list of values

New: "boxed types" are wrapped Perl objects just as the rest of
the Gtk objects are; you then can extract one value with a method
whose name is the same than the field you want, or extract all
values with the method "values"; example:

my $widget_width = $widget->allocation->width
my @values       = $widget->allocation->values

    [*] GtkWidget

`set_usize' has been changed for `set_size_request', but also,
when you want to only specify one dimension, don't forget to
change the `0' of the other dimension to `-1', or else gtk will
really try to request 0 for the other dimension.

    [*] GtkWindow

$window->set_policy($allow_shrink, $allow_grow, $auto_shrink);


Or, in a more gtk-2.x style, use the following, in order to
specify if the user may resize the window:

    [*] GtkItemFactory


$widget->create_items([ @menu_items ]);

    [*] GtkProgressBar



(that's upstream API changes anyway, have a look at Gtk+ API doc)

    [*] GtkCTree, GtkCList, GtkText

These widgets have been completely rewritten. Please refer to
code examples to see how to use them now. Basically, here is how
it goes:

  * GtkText -> GtkTextView:

$textview = Gtk2::TextView->new;
$textview->get_buffer->set_text("Very interesting text", -1);

  * GtkCList -> GtkTreeView with a GtkListStore model:

$list_model = Gtk2::ListStore->new(Gtk2::GType->STRING);
$list = Gtk2::TreeView->new_with_model($list_model);
$list->append_column(Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(undef, Gtk2::CellRendererText->new, 'text' => 0));

my $iter = Gtk2::TreeIter->new;
foreach (@values) {
    $list_model->set($iter, [ 0 => $_ ]);

$list->get_selection->signal_connect(changed => sub {
    my ($model, $iter) = $_[0]->get_selected;
    $model && $iter or return;
    print "Value ", $model->get($iter, 0), " was selected.\n";

  * GtkCTree -> GtkTreeView with a GtkTreeStore model:

$tree_model = Gtk2::TreeStore->new(Gtk2::GType->STRING);
$tree = Gtk2::TreeView->new_with_model($tree_model);
$tree->append_column(Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(undef, Gtk2::CellRendererText->new, 'text' => 0));
foreach (@parents) {
    my $iter = Gtk2::TreeIter->new;
    $tree_model->append($iter, undef);
    $tree_model->set($iter, [ 0 => $_ ]);
    $parents_iterators{$_} = $iter;

my $iter = Gtk2::TreeIter->new;
foreach (@children) {
    $tree_model->append($iter, $parents_iterators{$_->{parent}});
    $tree_model->set($iter, [ 0 => $_->{value} ]);

    [*] Callbacks

The following alternative syntax, which was available in
gtk-perl, is no more authorized:

$widget->signal_connect(signame => [ \&subroutine_name, @parameters ]);

FYI the syntax is:

$widget->signal_connect(signame => sub { subroutine_name(@parameters) });