

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > media > main > by-pkgid > ca81b57b553ae75608ba0fc5e7925e4e > files > 473


/* $Id: box.gen_h,v 1.70 2000/05/14 18:48:19 kenelson Exp $ */

/* box.h
 * Copyright (C) 1998-1999 The Gtk-- Development Team
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include <gtk--/container.h>
#include <gtk/gtkbox.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>
#include <gtk/gtkhbox.h>

namespace Gtk {
namespace Box_Helpers
  class Child : protected _GtkBoxChild
        inline _GtkBoxChild* gtkobj() {return (this);}
        inline const _GtkBoxChild* gtkobj() const {return (this);}

        Child& operator=(const Child&);
        Child(const Child&);

        Child(void* do_not_derive_this);

        inline GtkBox* parent()
          {return GTK_BOX(gtkobj()->widget->parent);}
        void redraw();

        Widget* get_widget() const;

        inline guint16 get_padding() const   { return (gtkobj()->padding); }
        inline bool get_expand() const       { return (gtkobj()->expand); }
        inline bool get_fill() const         { return (gtkobj()->fill); }
        inline bool get_pack() const         { return (gtkobj()->pack); }

        void set_options(bool expand,bool fill,guint padding);
        void set_pack(GtkPackType pack);

  struct Element
      Widget* widget_;
      bool expand_;
      bool fill_;
      guint padding_;
      GtkPackType pack_;

      Element(Widget& widget,
              bool expand=true,
              bool fill=true,
              guint padding=0,
              GtkPackType pack=GTK_PACK_START)
          : widget_(&widget),expand_(expand),fill_(fill),

  typedef Element StartElem;

  struct EndElem : public Element
      EndElem(Widget& widget,
              bool expand=true,
              bool fill=true,
              guint padding=0)
          : Element (widget,expand,fill,padding,GTK_PACK_END)

  class BoxList
        typedef Child*                       value_type;
        typedef value_type &                       reference;
        typedef const value_type &                 const_reference;

        typedef G_List_Iterator<value_type>        iterator;
        typedef G_List_ConstIterator<iterator>     const_iterator;
        typedef G_List_ReverseIterator<iterator>   reverse_iterator;
        typedef G_List_ConstIterator<reverse_iterator>   const_reverse_iterator;

        typedef size_t                             difference_type;
        typedef size_t                             size_type;

        friend class Gtk::Box;
        Gtk::Box *parent_;
        explicit BoxList(Box* parent): parent_(parent) {}

        GList*& glist() const;      // front of list

        iterator begin_() const;
        iterator end_() const;

        ~BoxList() {}

        inline iterator begin()
          {return begin_();}
        inline iterator end()
          {return end_();}

        inline const_iterator begin() const
          { return const_iterator(begin_()); }
        inline const_iterator end() const
          { return const_iterator(end_()); }

        inline reverse_iterator rbegin()
          { return reverse_iterator(end_()); }
        inline reverse_iterator rend()
          { return reverse_iterator(begin_()); }

        inline const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
          { return const_reverse_iterator(reverse_iterator(end_())); }
        inline const_reverse_iterator rend() const
          { return const_reverse_iterator(reverse_iterator(begin_())); }

        size_type size(void) const;
        inline size_type max_size(void) { return size_type(-1); }
        inline bool empty(void) { return glist() == 0; }

        iterator insert(iterator position, const Element& e);
        template <class InputIterator>
        inline void insert(iterator position, InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
          { for (;first!=last;++first) position=insert(position,*first); }

        inline void push_front(const Element& e) { insert(begin(), e); }
        inline void push_back(const Element& e)  { insert(end(), e); }
        inline void pop_front()                  { erase(begin()); }
        inline void pop_back()                   { erase(--end()); }

        void clear();

        iterator erase(iterator);
        void erase(iterator start, iterator stop);
        void remove(const_reference);

        iterator find(const_reference c);
        iterator find(Widget&);

        void remove(Widget& w);

        // Non-standard
        void reorder(iterator loc,iterator pos);

//: Abstract base class for horizontal and vertical boxes
//- {Gtk::Box::} is an abstract class and it defers choice of which
//- way the widgets are packed to the screen to the derived classes.
//- {Gtk::Box::} provides common interface for inserting widgets
//- to a box indepenently of how it is shown in the screen.
//- The most common use of {Gtk::Box::} is like this:
//- {\example
//- class mywindow : public Gtk_Window {
//-    Gtk_Label label1,label2;
//-    Gtk_VBox vbox;
//- public:
//-    mywindow();
//- };
//- mywindow::mywindow()
//- {
//-    add(vbox);
//-    vbox.pack_end(label1, true, true, 0);
//-    vbox.pack_end(label2, true, true, 0);
//- }
//- }
class Box : public Container {

  typedef Box          CppObjectType;
  typedef GtkBox            BaseObjectType;

  //: Returns the underlaying gtk+ object.
  GtkBox* gtkobj();
  const GtkBox* gtkobj() const;

  //: Returns true if object is this type.
  static bool isA(Gtk::Object *object);

  virtual ~Box();



  typedef Box_Helpers::BoxList BoxList;

  //: left side insert a widget to a box.
  //- The expand argument to {pack_start()} or {pack_end()}
  //- controls whether the widgets are laid out in the box to {fill} in all
  //- the extra space in the box so the box is expanded to fill the area
  //- alloted to it ({\key true}). Or the box is shrunk to just fit the widgets
  //- ({\key false}).  Setting {expand} to {\key false} will allow you
  //- to do right and left
  //- justifying of your widgets.  Otherwise, they will all expand to fit in
  //- the box, and the same effect could be achieved by using only one of
  //- {pack_start()} or {pack_end()} functions.
  //- The fill argument to the {pack_start()}/{pack_end()} functions control whether the
  //- extra space is allocated to the objects themselves ({\key true}), or as extra
  //- padding in the box around these objects ({\key false}). It only has an effect
  //- if the {expand} argument is also {\key true}.
  //- The difference between spacing (set when the box is created)
  //- and {padding} (set when elements are packed), spacing is added between
  //- objects, and {padding} is added on either side of an object.

  void pack_start(Gtk::Widget& child,bool expand=true,bool fill=true,guint padding=0);

  //: right side insert a widget to a box.

  void pack_end(Gtk::Widget& child,bool expand=true,bool fill=true,guint padding=0);

  //: Change box child sizing policy.
  //- allows setting homongeneous afterwards. This is usually given on
  //- {Gtk::VBox::VBox()} or {Gtk::HBox::HBox()}

  void set_homogeneous(bool homogeneous);

  //: Change spacing between children.

  void set_spacing(gint spacing);

  //: Reorder children by integer index.

  void reorder_child(Gtk::Widget& child,gint pos);

// Horrible interface use new one
// void query_child_packing             (Gtk_Widget &child,
//					bool         *expand,
//					bool         *fill,
//					guint        *padding,
//					GtkPackType  *pack_type) const;
// void set_child_packing               (Gtk_Widget &child,
//					bool         expand,
//					bool         fill,
//					guint        padding,
//					GtkPackType  pack_type);

  BoxList& children()
    {return reinterpret_cast<BoxList&>(widget_self); }
  const BoxList& children() const
    {return reinterpret_cast<const BoxList&>(widget_self); }


  // impl functions


//: Vertical Box for laying widgets in a vertical row.
//- You should create these objects, but it is more confortable to
//- pass around pointers of {Gtk::Box::}. All the methods that do anything
//- are in {Gtk::Box::} class and this allows you to later change
//- the direction of the box, when there's no dependencies to hbox and
//- vbox classes.
//- See {Gtk::Box::}.
class VBox : public Box

  typedef VBox          CppObjectType;
  typedef GtkVBox            BaseObjectType;

  //: Returns the underlaying gtk+ object.
  GtkVBox* gtkobj();
  const GtkVBox* gtkobj() const;

  //: Returns true if object is this type.
  static bool isA(Gtk::Object *object);

  virtual ~VBox();



  //: Create a vertical packing box.
  //- See {Gtk::HBox::HBox()}.
  VBox(bool homogeneous=false, gint spacing=0);

  // impl functions


//: Horizontal Box for laying widgets in a horizontal row.
//- You should create these objects, but it is more confortable to
//- pass around pointers of {Gtk::Box::}. All the methods that do anything
//- are in {Gtk::Box::} class and this allows you to later change
//- the direction of the box, when there's no dependencies to hbox and
//- vbox classes.
//- Use the {\class GtkBox} packing interface to determine the arrangement,
//- spacing, width, and alignment of GtkHBox children.
//- All children are allocated the same height.
//- See {Gtk::Box::}.
class HBox : public Box

  typedef HBox          CppObjectType;
  typedef GtkHBox            BaseObjectType;

  //: Returns the underlaying gtk+ object.
  GtkHBox* gtkobj();
  const GtkHBox* gtkobj() const;

  //: Returns true if object is this type.
  static bool isA(Gtk::Object *object);

  virtual ~HBox();



  //: Creates a new horizontal box
  //- The {homogeneous} argument to  controls whether each object
  //- in the box has the same
  //- size (i.e. the same width in an hbox, or the same height in a
  //- vbox). If it is set, the expand argument to the gtk_box_pack routines
  //- is always turned on.
  //- {spacing} determines width between children.
  HBox(bool homogeneous=false, gint spacing=0);

  //- See {page docs/castitem}

  // impl functions


//. name: children
//. type: GList*
//. get:
//. set:
//. desc:

//. name: spacing
//. type: gint16
//. get:
//. set:
//. desc:

//. name: homogeneous
//. type: guint:1
//. get:
//. set:
//. desc:
