

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > media > main > by-pkgid > ca81b57b553ae75608ba0fc5e7925e4e > files > 493


/* $Id: fontselection.gen_h,v 1.47 2001/10/05 22:48:25 murrayc Exp $ */

/* fontselection.h
 * Copyright (C) 1998-1999 The Gtk-- Development Team
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include <gtk--/window.h>
#include <gtk--/notebook.h>
#include <gtk--/radiobutton.h>
#include <gtk--/clist.h>
#include <gtk--/entry.h>
#include <gtk--/box.h>
#include <gtk/gtkfontsel.h>

namespace Gtk {
//: A widget for selecting fonts.
//- The {\class Gtk::FontSelection} widget lists the available fonts, styles and sizes,
//- allowing the user to select a font. It is used in the
//- {\class Gtk::FontSelectionDialog} widget to provide a dialog box for selecting
//- fonts.
//- To set the font which is initially selected, use {set_font_name()}.
//- To get the selected font use {get_font()} or {get_font_name()}.
//- To change the text which is shown in the preview area, use {set_preview_text()}.
//- Filters can be used to limit the fonts shown. There are 2 filters in the
//- {\class Gtk::FontSelection} - a base filter and a user filter. The base filter can
//- not be changed by the user, so this can be used when the user must choose from the
//- restricted set of fonts (e.g. for a terminal-type application you may want to
//- force the user to select a fixed-width font). The user filter can be changed or
//- reset by the user, by using the 'Reset Filter' button or changing the options on
//- the 'Filter' page of the widget.
class FontSelection : public Notebook {

  typedef FontSelection          CppObjectType;
  typedef GtkFontSelection            BaseObjectType;

  //: Returns the underlaying gtk+ object.
  GtkFontSelection* gtkobj();
  const GtkFontSelection* gtkobj() const;

  //: Returns true if object is this type.
  static bool isA(Gtk::Object *object);

  virtual ~FontSelection();




  // gchar* gtk_font_selection_get_font_name(GtkFontSelection *);
  //: Gets the currently-selected font name.
  string   get_font_name       () const;

  //: Gets the currently-selected font.
  //- Returns: The currently-selected font, or NULL if no font is selected.

  Gdk_Font get_font() const;

  //: Sets the currently-selected font.
  //- fontname: A fontname.
  //- Returns: TRUE if the font was found.

  bool set_font_name(const string& fontname);

  //void  gtk_font_selection_set_filter(GtkFontSelection *,
  //  GtkFontFilterType, GtkFontType, gchar**, gchar**, gchar**, gchar**,
  //  gchar**, gchar**);
  //: Sets one of the two font filters, to limit the fonts shown.
  //- filter_type: Which of the two font filters to set, either
  //- {\enum GTK_FONT_FILTER_BASE} or {\enum GTK_FONT_FILTER_USER}. The user filter
  //- can be changed by the user, but the base filter is permanent.
  //- font_type: The types of font to be shown. This is a bitwise combination of
  //- {\enum GTK_FONT_BITMAP}, {\enum GTK_FONT_SCALABLE} and
  //- {\enum GTK_FONT_SCALABLE_BITMAP}, or {\enum GTK_FONT_ALL} to show all three
  //- font types.
  //- foundries: A NULL-terminated array of strings containing foundry names which
  //- will be shown, or NULL to show all foundries.
  //- weights: A NULL-terminated array of strings containing weight names which
  //- will be shown, or NULL to show all weights.
  //- slants: A NULL-terminated array of strings containing slant names which will
  //- be shown, or NULL to show all slants.
  //- setwidths: A NULL-terminated array of strings containing setwidth names which
  //- will be shown, or NULL to show all setwidths.
  //- spacings: A NULL-terminated array of strings containing spacings which will
  //- be shown, or NULL to show all spacings.
  //- charsets: A NULL-terminated array of strings containing charset names which
  //- will be shown, or NULL to show all charsets.
  void     set_filter          (GtkFontFilterType filter_type,
				GtkFontType	font_type,
				const SArray	&foundries,
				const SArray	&weights,
				const SArray	&slants,
				const SArray	&setwidths,
				const SArray	&spacings,
				const SArray	&charsets);

  //: Gets the text displayed in the preview area.
  //- Returns: The text displayed in the preview area.

  string get_preview_text() const;

  //: Sets the text displayed in the preview area.
  //- text: The text to display in the preview area.

  void set_preview_text(const string& fontname);

  // Font page
  Gtk::Box* get_font_box() const;

  Gtk::Label* get_font_label() const;

  Gtk::Entry* get_font_entry() const;

  Gtk::Entry* get_font_style_entry() const;

  Gtk::Entry* get_size_entry() const;

  Gtk::Entry* get_preview_entry() const;

  Gtk::CList* get_font_list() const;

  Gtk::CList* get_font_style_list() const;

  Gtk::CList* get_size_list() const;

  Gtk::RadioButton* get_pixels_button() const;

  Gtk::RadioButton* get_points_button() const;

  Gtk::Button* get_filter_button() const;

  Gtk::Label* get_message_label() const;

  // Font info page
  Gtk::Box* get_info_box() const;

  Gtk::CList* get_info_list() const;

  Gtk::Entry* get_requested_font_name() const;

  Gtk::Entry* get_actual_font_name() const;

  // Filter page
  Gtk::Box* get_filter_box() const;

  Gtk::CheckButton* get_type_bitmaps_button() const;

  Gtk::CheckButton* get_type_scalable_button() const;

  Gtk::CheckButton* get_type_scaled_bitmaps_button() const;


  CList* get_filter_list(PropertyType p);

  // impl functions


//: A dialog box for selecting fonts.
//- The {\class Gtk::FontSelectionDialog} widget is a dialog box for selecting a font.
//- To set the font which is initially selected, use {set_font_name()}.
//- To get the selected font use {get_font()} or {get_font_name()}.
//- To change the text which is shown in the preview area, use {set_preview_text()}.
//- Filters can be used to limit the fonts shown. There are 2 filters in the
//- {\class Gtk::FontSelectionDialog} - a base filter and a user filter. The base
//- filter can not be changed by the user, so this can be used when the user must
//- choose from the restricted set of fonts (e.g. for a terminal-type application
//- you may want to force the user to select a fixed-width font). The user filter can
//- be changed or reset by the user, by using the 'Reset Filter' button or changing the
//- options on the 'Filter' page of the dialog.
class FontSelectionDialog : public Window

  typedef FontSelectionDialog          CppObjectType;
  typedef GtkFontSelectionDialog            BaseObjectType;

  //: Returns the underlaying gtk+ object.
  GtkFontSelectionDialog* gtkobj();
  const GtkFontSelectionDialog* gtkobj() const;

  //: Returns true if object is this type.
  static bool isA(Gtk::Object *object);

  virtual ~FontSelectionDialog();



  FontSelectionDialog(const nstring &title=(char*)0);

  //: Sets the currently-selected font.
  //- fontname: A fontname.
  //- Returns: TRUE if the font was found.

  bool set_font_name(const string& fontname);

  // gchar* gtk_font_selection_dialog_get_font_name(GtkFontSelectionDialog *),
  //: Gets the currently-selected font name.
  //- Returns: The currently-selected font name, or NULL if no font is selected.
  nstring   get_font_name   () const;

  //: Gets the currently-selected font.
  //- Returns: The currently-selected font, or NULL if no font is selected.

  Gdk_Font get_font() const;

  //: Gets the text displayed in the preview area.
  //- Returns: The text displayed in the preview area.

  string get_preview_text() const;

  //: Sets the text displayed in the preview area.
  //- text: The text to display in the preview area.

  void set_preview_text(const string& fontname);

  // void gtk_font_selection_dialog_set_filter(GtkFontSelectionDialog *fsd,
  //   GtkFontFilterType, GtkFontType, gchar**, gchar**, gchar**,
  //   gchar**, gchar**, gchar**);
  //: Sets one of the two font filters, to limit the fonts shown.
  //- filter_type: Which of the two font filters to set, either
  //- {\enum GTK_FONT_FILTER_BASE} or {\enum GTK_FONT_FILTER_USER}. The user
  //- filter can be changed by the user, but the base filter is permanent.
  //- font_type: The types of font to be shown. This is a bitwise combination
  //- of {\enum GTK_FONT_BITMAP}, {\enum GTK_FONT_SCALABLE} and
  //- {\enum GTK_FONT_SCALABLE_BITMAP}, or {\enum GTK_FONT_ALL} to show all
  //- three font types.
  //- foundries: A NULL-terminated array of strings containing foundry names
  //- which will be shown, or NULL to show all foundries.
  //- weights: A NULL-terminated array of strings containing weight names which
  //- will be shown, or NULL to show all weights.
  //- slants: A NULL-terminated array of strings containing slant names which
  //- will be shown, or NULL to show all slants.
  //- setwidths: A NULL-terminated array of strings containing setwidth names
  //- which will be shown, or NULL to show all setwidths.
  //- spacings: A NULL-terminated array of strings containing spacings which
  //- will be shown, or NULL to show all spacings.
  //- charsets: A NULL-terminated array of strings containing charset names
  //- which will be shown, or NULL to show all charsets.
  void     set_filter      (GtkFontFilterType filter_type,
			    GtkFontType		font_type,
                            const SArray	&foundries,
                            const SArray	&weights,
                            const SArray	&slants,
                            const SArray	&setwidths,
                            const SArray	&spacings,
                            const SArray	&charsets);

  Gtk::FontSelection* get_font_selection() const;

  Gtk::Button* get_ok_button() const;

  Gtk::Button* get_apply_button() const;

  Gtk::Button* get_cancel_button() const;

  // impl functions

