

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > media > main > by-pkgid > ca81b57b553ae75608ba0fc5e7925e4e > files > 504


/* $Id: main.gen_h,v 1.55 2001/01/05 19:59:48 kenelson Exp $ */

/* main.h
 * Copyright (C) 1998-1999 The Gtk-- Development Team
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include <gtk/gtkmain.h>
#include <gtk--/base.h>

namespace Gtk {
class Widget;


//: Idle Signal Class (internal)
class IdleSig
  typedef SigC::Callback0<gint> Callback;
  typedef SigC::Slot0<gint> SlotType;

  static gint gtk_callback(gpointer d);

  Connection connect(const SlotType &sd,gint priority = GTK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT);

//: Timeout Signal Class (internal)
class TimeoutSig
  typedef SigC::Callback0<gint> Callback;
  typedef SigC::Slot0<gint> SlotType;

  static gint gtk_callback(gpointer d);

  Connection connect(const SlotType &sd,guint32 interval);

//: KeySnooper Signal Class (internal)
class KeySnooperSig
  typedef SigC::Callback2<gint,Widget*,GdkEventKey*>         Callback;
  typedef SigC::Slot2<gint,Widget*,GdkEventKey*>             SlotType;

  static gint gtk_callback(GtkWidget* w,GdkEventKey* k,gpointer d);

  Connection connect(const SlotType &sd);

//: Input Signal Class (internal)
class InputSig
// typedef void (*GdkInputFunction) (gpointer          data,
//                                  gint              source,
//                                  GdkInputCondition condition);
// Source: File descriptor

  typedef SigC::Callback2<void,gint,GdkInputCondition>         Callback;
  typedef SigC::Slot2<void,gint,GdkInputCondition>             SlotType;

  static void gtk_callback(gpointer          data,
                           gint              source,
                           GdkInputCondition condition);

  Connection connect(const SlotType &sd,
                     gint source,
                     GdkInputCondition condition);

//: Quit Signal Class (internal)
class QuitSig
  typedef SigC::Callback0<gint> Callback;
  typedef void SType;
  typedef gint RType;
  typedef SigC::Slot0<SType> OutSlotType;
  typedef SigC::Slot0<RType> InSlotType;
  typedef SigC::CallDataObj2<OutSlotType::Func,gint> Data;

  static gint gtk_callback(gpointer          data);
  static void callback(void* data);

  Connection connect(const InSlotType &sd,guint main_level=0);
  OutSlotType slot();
  void emit()       { callback(0); }
  void operator()() { callback(0); }


//: Main application class
//- Every application must have one of these objects.
//- It may not be global and must be the first Gtk object created.
//- {Gtk::Kit::} is an alias for {Gtk::Main::}.  It is a
//- singleton so declaring more than one will simply access the first
//- created.
//- Normal use of this class is in {main()} function to give {argc} and {argv}
//- to the gtk initialization. Widgets can use {Gtk::Main::quit()}
//- for example to exit from the application.
//- The internals of the widget have been disguised as signals
//- so that the user can easily connect using the same methods
//- used throughout the widget interface.
//- Minimal gtk-- application is something like this:
//- {\example
//-   void main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
//-     Gtk::Kit kit(argc, argv);
//-     ... create some widgets ...
//-   }
//- }
class Main : public SigC::Object {
  friend class QuitSig;
  static Main *instance_;
  //: Access to one global instance of Gtk::Main.
  static Main *instance() { return instance_; }

  Main(int *argc, char ***argv, bool have_locale=false);
  Main(int &argc, char **&argv, bool have_locale=false);

  //: Start the widget loop.
  //- This begins the event loop which handles events.  No
  //- events propagate until this has been called.  It may be
  //- called recursively to popup dialogs.
  static void run()             {instance_->run_impl();}
  static void iteration(bool blocking=TRUE)
  static gint events_pending()  {return instance_->events_pending_impl();}

  //: Grabs events to a widget modal
  //- Prevents events to everything else than given widget and its
  //- childs. This way you can create modal dialogs(not recommended).
  static void grab_add(Widget &widget);

  //: Removes event grab
  static void grab_remove(Widget &widget);

  //: Returns the widget which is grabbing events
  static Widget* grab_get_current();

  static void gtk_true();
  static void gtk_false();

  //: Idle signal
  //- idle provides a way to setup a callback that will be
  //- called when gtk has nothing else to do, when the execution has
  //- returned from all callbacks etc.
  //- Return value of the callback will determine if the callback is
  //- removed. 0 means callback is removed, 1 means it'll be called again
  //- after gtk next time has nothing to do.
  //- Example:
  //- {\example
  //-   gint thisclass::mymethod() { return 1; }
  //-   Main::idle.connect(slot(this,&thisclass::mymethod));
  //- }
  //- You can supply an integer priority to the {idle()} call; by default, it's
  //-  {\enum GTK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT}, lower numbers are higher priority.
  static IdleSig idle;

  //: Timeout signal
  //- timeout provides a way to setup a callback that will be called when
  //- certain time has elapsed.
  //- Return value of the callback will determine if the callback is
  //- removed. 0 means callback is removed, 1 means it'll call it again after
  //- the time has again elapsed.
  //- Example:
  //- {\example
  //-   gint thisclass::mymethod() { return 1; }
  //-   Main::timeout.connect(slot(this,&thisclass::mymethod),100);
  //- }
  static TimeoutSig timeout;

  //: KeySnooper signal
  //- key_snooper provides a way to channel keypresses to a callback
  //- without registering with the widget.
  //- Callbacks will get the name of the widget and the keypress event.
  //- It is the responsibility of the snooper to pass the keypress
  //- to the widget, however, care must be given that the keypress is
  //- not passed twice.
  static KeySnooperSig key_snooper;

  //: Input signal
  //- input provides a way to monitor a file descriptor for activity
  //- for a number of conditions.
  //- Conditions can be any combination of
  //- The first argument of the callback is the file descriptor with
  //- activity, the second denotes the kind of activity.
  //- See also {\func open}(2), {\func fileno}(3) and {\func socket}(2)
  //- for ways of obtaining a file descriptor.
  //- This is largely a wrapper for gdk_input_add_full, which in turn
  //- uses {\func select}(2).
  //- Example:
  //- {\example
  //-   void thisclass::mymethod(int fd, GdkInputCondition cond) { }
  //-   int fd = open("bob", O_RDONLY);
  //-   Main::input.connect(slot(this, &thisclass::mymethod), fd,
  //-     GdkInputCondition(GDK_INPUT_READ | GDK_INPUT_EXCEPTION));
  //- }
  static InputSig input;

  //: Quit signal
  //- quit is an emitable signal which terminates the application.
  //- You can connect callbacks to it to invoke actions when the
  //- user has requested the application should terminate.
  //- Example:
  //- {\example
  //- Connecting to:
  //-   gint thisclass::mymethod() { return 1; }
  //-   Main::quit.connect(slot(this,&thisclass::mymethod);
  //- Invoking when:
  //-   Gtk_Button button;
  //-   button.clicked.connect(Main::quit.slot());
  //- Calling directly:
  //-   Main::quit();
  //- }
  static QuitSig quit;


  void init(int *argc, char ***argv,
	    bool have_locale);

  void init_gtkmm_internals();

  virtual void run_impl();
  virtual void quit_impl();
  virtual void iteration_impl(bool blocking);
  virtual gint events_pending_impl();

typedef Main Kit;
