

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > media > main > by-pkgid > e536eda3c5b65b236d4ec976db254eba > files > 38


READLINE(3)                                           READLINE(3)

       readline - get a line from a user with editing

       ##iinncclluuddee <<ssttddiioo..hh>>
       ##iinncclluuddee <<rreeaaddlliinnee//rreeaaddlliinnee..hh>>
       ##iinncclluuddee <<rreeaaddlliinnee//hhiissttoorryy..hh>>

       _c_h_a_r _*
       rreeaaddlliinnee (_c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_p_r_o_m_p_t);

       Readline  is  Copyright (C) 1989-2002 by the Free Software
       Foundation, Inc.

       rreeaaddlliinnee will read a line from the terminal and return it,
       using  pprroommpptt as a prompt.  If pprroommpptt is NNUULLLL or the empty
       string, no prompt is issued.  The line returned  is  allo-
       cated  with  _m_a_l_l_o_c(3);  the caller must free it when fin-
       ished.  The line returned has the final  newline  removed,
       so only the text of the line remains.

       rreeaaddlliinnee  offers  editing  capabilities  while the user is
       entering the line.  By default, the line editing  commands
       are  similar  to  those of emacs.  A vi-style line editing
       interface is also available.

       This manual page describes only  the  most  basic  use  of
       rreeaaddlliinnee.   Much  more functionality is available; see _T_h_e
       _G_N_U _R_e_a_d_l_i_n_e _L_i_b_r_a_r_y and _T_h_e _G_N_U _H_i_s_t_o_r_y _L_i_b_r_a_r_y for addi-
       tional information.

       rreeaaddlliinnee  returns the text of the line read.  A blank line
       returns the empty string.  If  EEOOFF  is  encountered  while
       reading  a  line, and the line is empty, NNUULLLL is returned.
       If an EEOOFF is read with a non-empty line, it is treated  as
       a newline.

       An  emacs-style  notation  is  used  to denote keystrokes.
       Control keys are denoted by C-_k_e_y, e.g.,  C-n  means  Con-
       trol-N.  Similarly, _m_e_t_a keys are denoted by M-_k_e_y, so M-x
       means Meta-X.  (On keyboards without a _m_e_t_a key, M-_x means
       ESC  _x,  i.e.,  press the Escape key then the _x key.  This
       makes ESC the _m_e_t_a _p_r_e_f_i_x.  The  combination  M-C-_x  means
       ESC-Control-_x,  or press the Escape key then hold the Con-
       trol key while pressing the _x key.)

       Readline commands may be given  numeric  _a_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s,  which
       normally act as a repeat count.  Sometimes, however, it is
       the sign of the argument that is significant.   Passing  a
       negative  argument  to  a command that acts in the forward
       direction (e.g., kkiillll--lliinnee) causes that command to act  in
       a  backward direction.  Commands whose behavior with argu-
       ments deviates from this are noted.

       When a command is described  as  _k_i_l_l_i_n_g  text,  the  text
       deleted  is saved for possible future retrieval (_y_a_n_k_i_n_g).
       The killed text is saved  in  a  _k_i_l_l  _r_i_n_g.   Consecutive
       kills  cause  the  text  to  be accumulated into one unit,
       which can be yanked all at once.  Commands  which  do  not
       kill text separate the chunks of text on the kill ring.

       Readline  is customized by putting commands in an initial-
       ization file (the _i_n_p_u_t_r_c file).  The name of this file is
       taken  from the value of the IINNPPUUTTRRCC environment variable.
       If that variable is  unset,  the  default  is  _~_/_._i_n_p_u_t_r_c.
       When  a program which uses the readline library starts up,
       the init file is read, and the key bindings and  variables
       are set.  There are only a few basic constructs allowed in
       the readline init file.  Blank lines are  ignored.   Lines
       beginning with a ## are comments.  Lines beginning with a $$
       indicate conditional constructs.  Other lines  denote  key
       bindings  and  variable settings.  Each program using this
       library may add its own commands and bindings.

       For example, placing

              M-Control-u: universal-argument
              C-Meta-u: universal-argument

       into the _i_n_p_u_t_r_c would make  M-C-u  execute  the  readline
       command _u_n_i_v_e_r_s_a_l_-_a_r_g_u_m_e_n_t.

       The  following  symbolic  character  names  are recognized
       while processing key bindings: _D_E_L, _E_S_C, _E_S_C_A_P_E, _L_F_D, _N_E_W_-
       _L_I_N_E, _R_E_T, _R_E_T_U_R_N, _R_U_B_O_U_T, _S_P_A_C_E, _S_P_C, and _T_A_B.

       In  addition  to command names, readline allows keys to be
       bound to a string that is inserted when the key is pressed
       (a _m_a_c_r_o).

   KKeeyy BBiinnddiinnggss
       The  syntax  for  controlling  key bindings in the _i_n_p_u_t_r_c
       file is simple.  All that is required is the name  of  the
       command or the text of a macro and a key sequence to which
       it should be bound. The name may be specified  in  one  of
       two  ways:  as a symbolic key name, possibly with _M_e_t_a_- or
       _C_o_n_t_r_o_l_- prefixes, or as a key sequence.

       When using the form kkeeyynnaammee:_f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n_-_n_a_m_e or  _m_a_c_r_o,  _k_e_y_-
       _n_a_m_e  is  the  name  of a key spelled out in English.  For

              Control-u: universal-argument
              Meta-Rubout: backward-kill-word
              Control-o: "> output"

       In the above example, _C_-_u is bound to the function uunniivveerr--
       ssaall--aarrgguummeenntt,   _M_-_D_E_L  is  bound  to  the  function  bbaacckk--
       wwaarrdd--kkiillll--wwoorrdd,  and  _C_-_o  is  bound  to  run  the   macro
       expressed  on  the right hand side (that is, to insert the
       text ``> output'' into the line).

       In the second form, ""kkeeyysseeqq"":_f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n_-_n_a_m_e or _m_a_c_r_o,  kkeeyy--
       sseeqq differs from kkeeyynnaammee above in that strings denoting an
       entire key  sequence  may  be  specified  by  placing  the
       sequence  within  double quotes.  Some GNU Emacs style key
       escapes can be used, as in the following example, but  the
       symbolic character names are not recognized.

              "\C-u": universal-argument
              "\C-x\C-r": re-read-init-file
              "\e[11~": "Function Key 1"

       In  this  example, _C_-_u is again bound to the function uunnii--
       vveerrssaall--aarrgguummeenntt.   _C_-_x  _C_-_r  is  bound  to  the   function
       rree--rreeaadd--iinniitt--ffiillee,  and _E_S_C _[ _1 _1 _~ is bound to insert the
       text ``Function Key 1''.

       The full set of GNU Emacs style escape sequences available
       when specifying key sequences is
              \\CC--    control prefix
              \\MM--    meta prefix
              \\ee     an escape character
              \\\\     backslash
              \\""     literal ", a double quote
              \\''     literal ', a single quote

       In  addition  to  the  GNU Emacs style escape sequences, a
       second set of backslash escapes is available:
              \\aa     alert (bell)
              \\bb     backspace
              \\dd     delete
              \\ff     form feed
              \\nn     newline
              \\rr     carriage return
              \\tt     horizontal tab
              \\vv     vertical tab
              \\_n_n_n   the eight-bit character whose value  is  the
                     octal value _n_n_n (one to three digits)
              \\xx_H_H   the  eight-bit  character whose value is the
                     hexadecimal value _H_H (one or two hex digits)

       When entering the text of a macro, single or double quotes
       should be used to indicate a macro  definition.   Unquoted
       text is assumed to be a function name.  In the macro body,
       the backslash escapes described above are expanded.  Back-
       slash  will  quote  any other character in the macro text,
       including " and '.

       BBaasshh allows the current readline key bindings to  be  dis-
       played  or  modified  with  the bbiinndd builtin command.  The
       editing mode may be switched  during  interactive  use  by
       using  the  --oo  option  to the sseett builtin command.  Other
       programs using this library  provide  similar  mechanisms.
       The  _i_n_p_u_t_r_c  file  may be edited and re-read if a program
       does not provide any other means to incorporate new  bind-

       Readline  has  variables  that can be used to further cus-
       tomize its behavior.  A variable may be set in the _i_n_p_u_t_r_c
       file with a statement of the form

              sseett _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e_-_n_a_m_e _v_a_l_u_e

       Except where noted, readline variables can take the values
       OOnn or OOffff (without regard to  case).   The  variables  and
       their default values are:

       bbeellll--ssttyyllee ((aauuddiibbllee))
              Controls  what  happens when readline wants to ring
              the terminal bell.  If set to nnoonnee, readline  never
              rings the bell.  If set to vviissiibbllee, readline uses a
              visible bell if one is available.  If set to  aauuddii--
              bbllee, readline attempts to ring the terminal's bell.
       ccoommmmeenntt--bbeeggiinn ((````##''''))
              The string that is inserted in  vvii  mode  when  the
              iinnsseerrtt--ccoommmmeenntt  command  is executed.  This command
              is bound to MM--## in emacs mode and to ## in  vi  com-
              mand mode.
       ccoommpplleettiioonn--iiggnnoorree--ccaassee ((OOffff))
              If  set  to OOnn, readline performs filename matching
              and completion in a case-insensitive fashion.
       ccoommpplleettiioonn--qquueerryy--iitteemmss ((110000))
              This determines when  the  user  is  queried  about
              viewing  the  number of possible completions gener-
              ated by the ppoossssiibbllee--ccoommpplleettiioonnss command.   It  may
              be  set  to any integer value greater than or equal
              to zero.  If the number of possible completions  is
              greater  than  or  equal to the value of this vari-
              able, the user is asked whether or not he wishes to
              view  them; otherwise they are simply listed on the
       ccoonnvveerrtt--mmeettaa ((OOnn))
              If set to OOnn, readline will convert characters with
              the  eighth  bit  set  to  an ASCII key sequence by
              stripping the eighth bit and prefixing it  with  an
              escape  character  (in  effect, using escape as the
              _m_e_t_a _p_r_e_f_i_x).
       ddiissaabbllee--ccoommpplleettiioonn ((OOffff))
              If set to OOnn, readline will  inhibit  word  comple-
              tion.   Completion characters will be inserted into
              the line as if they had been mapped to sseellff--iinnsseerrtt.
       eeddiittiinngg--mmooddee ((eemmaaccss))
              Controls  whether readline begins with a set of key
              bindings similar to emacs or vi.  eeddiittiinngg--mmooddee  can
              be set to either eemmaaccss or vvii.
       eennaabbllee--kkeeyyppaadd ((OOffff))
              When  set  to  OOnn,  readline will try to enable the
              application keypad when it is called.  Some systems
              need this to enable the arrow keys.
       eexxppaanndd--ttiillddee ((OOffff))
              If  set  to  oonn,  tilde expansion is performed when
              readline attempts word completion.
              If set to oonn, the history code  attempts  to  place
              point  at  the  same  location on each history line
              retrived with pprreevviioouuss--hhiissttoorryy or nneexxtt--hhiissttoorryy.
       hhoorriizzoonnttaall--ssccrroollll--mmooddee ((OOffff))
              When set to OOnn, makes readline use  a  single  line
              for  display, scrolling the input horizontally on a
              single screen line when it becomes longer than  the
              screen width rather than wrapping to a new line.
       iinnppuutt--mmeettaa ((OOffff))
              If  set to OOnn, readline will enable eight-bit input
              (that is, it will not clear the eighth bit  in  the
              characters it reads), regardless of what the termi-
              nal claims it can support.  The name mmeettaa--ffllaagg is a
              synonym for this variable.
       iisseeaarrcchh--tteerrmmiinnaattoorrss ((````CC--[[ CC--JJ''''))
              The  string  of characters that should terminate an
              incremental search without  subsequently  executing
              the  character  as a command.  If this variable has
              not been given a value, the characters _E_S_C and  _C_-_J
              will terminate an incremental search.
       kkeeyymmaapp ((eemmaaccss))
              Set  the current readline keymap.  The set of legal
              keymap names is _e_m_a_c_s_, _e_m_a_c_s_-_s_t_a_n_d_a_r_d_,  _e_m_a_c_s_-_m_e_t_a_,
              _e_m_a_c_s_-_c_t_l_x_, _v_i_, _v_i_-_m_o_v_e_, _v_i_-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d, and _v_i_-_i_n_s_e_r_t.
              _v_i is equivalent to _v_i_-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d; _e_m_a_c_s is equivalent
              to  _e_m_a_c_s_-_s_t_a_n_d_a_r_d.   The  default  value is _e_m_a_c_s.
              The value of eeddiittiinngg--mmooddee also affects the  default
       mmaarrkk--ddiirreeccttoorriieess ((OOnn))
              If  set  to  OOnn,  completed  directory names have a
              slash appended.
       mmaarrkk--mmooddiiffiieedd--lliinneess ((OOffff))
              If set to OOnn, history lines that have been modified
              are displayed with a preceding asterisk (**).
       mmaarrkk--ssyymmlliinnkkeedd--ddiirreeccttoorriieess ((OOffff))
              If  set  to  OOnn, completed names which are symbolic
              links to directories have a slash appended (subject
              to the value of mmaarrkk--ddiirreeccttoorriieess).
       mmaattcchh--hhiiddddeenn--ffiilleess ((OOnn))
              This  variable,  when set to OOnn, causes readline to
              match files whose names begin with  a  `.'  (hidden
              files)  when performing filename completion, unless
              the leading `.' is supplied  by  the  user  in  the
              filename to be completed.
       oouuttppuutt--mmeettaa ((OOffff))
              If set to OOnn, readline will display characters with
              the eighth bit set directly rather than as a  meta-
              prefixed escape sequence.
       ppaaggee--ccoommpplleettiioonnss ((OOnn))
              If  set  to OOnn, readline uses an internal _m_o_r_e-like
              pager to display a screenful  of  possible  comple-
              tions at a time.
       pprriinntt--ccoommpplleettiioonnss--hhoorriizzoonnttaallllyy ((OOffff))
              If  set  to  OOnn,  readline will display completions
              with matches sorted  horizontally  in  alphabetical
              order, rather than down the screen.
       sshhooww--aallll--iiff--aammbbiigguuoouuss ((OOffff))
              This  alters the default behavior of the completion
              functions.  If set to oonn,  words  which  have  more
              than  one  possible completion cause the matches to
              be listed immediately instead of ringing the  bell.
       vviissiibbllee--ssttaattss ((OOffff))
              If set to OOnn, a character denoting a file's type as
              reported by _s_t_a_t(2) is  appended  to  the  filename
              when listing possible completions.

   CCoonnddiittiioonnaall CCoonnssttrruuccttss
       Readline  implements  a  facility similar in spirit to the
       conditional compilation features  of  the  C  preprocessor
       which allows key bindings and variable settings to be per-
       formed as the result of  tests.   There  are  four  parser
       directives used.

       $$iiff    The  $$iiff construct allows bindings to be made based
              on the editing mode, the terminal  being  used,  or
              the  application  using  readline.  The text of the
              test extends to the end of the line; no  characters
              are required to isolate it.

              mmooddee   The  mmooddee== form of the $$iiff directive is used
                     to test whether readline is in emacs  or  vi
                     mode.   This may be used in conjunction with
                     the sseett kkeeyymmaapp command, for instance, to set
                     bindings  in  the  _e_m_a_c_s_-_s_t_a_n_d_a_r_d and _e_m_a_c_s_-
                     _c_t_l_x keymaps only if  readline  is  starting
                     out in emacs mode.

              tteerrmm   The tteerrmm== form may be used to include termi-
                     nal-specific key bindings, perhaps  to  bind
                     the  key  sequences output by the terminal's
                     function keys.  The word on the  right  side
                     of  the == is tested against the full name of
                     the terminal and the portion of the terminal
                     name before the first --.  This allows _s_u_n to
                     match both _s_u_n and _s_u_n_-_c_m_d, for instance.

                     The aapppplliiccaattiioonn construct is used to include
                     application-specific settings.  Each program
                     using the readline library sets the _a_p_p_l_i_c_a_-
                     _t_i_o_n  _n_a_m_e,  and  an initialization file can
                     test for a particular value.  This could  be
                     used to bind key sequences to functions use-
                     ful for a specific program.   For  instance,
                     the  following  command  adds a key sequence
                     that quotes the current or previous word  in

                     $$iiff Bash
                     # Quote the current or previous word
                     "\C-xq": "\eb\"\ef\""

       $$eennddiiff This command, as seen in the previous example, ter-
              minates an $$iiff command.

       $$eellssee  Commands in this branch of the  $$iiff  directive  are
              executed if the test fails.

              This  directive takes a single filename as an argu-
              ment and reads  commands  and  bindings  from  that
              file.   For  example, the following directive would
              read _/_e_t_c_/_i_n_p_u_t_r_c:

              $$iinncclluuddee  _/_e_t_c_/_i_n_p_u_t_r_c

       Readline provides commands for searching through the  com-
       mand  history  for  lines  containing  a specified string.
       There are two search modes: _i_n_c_r_e_m_e_n_t_a_l and  _n_o_n_-_i_n_c_r_e_m_e_n_-

       Incremental  searches  begin  before the user has finished
       typing the search string.  As each character of the search
       string is typed, readline displays the next entry from the
       history matching the string typed so far.  An  incremental
       search  requires only as many characters as needed to find
       the desired history entry.  To search backward in the his-
       tory  for  a  particular  string,  type  CC--rr.   Typing CC--ss
       searches forward through the history.  The characters pre-
       sent  in the value of the iisseeaarrcchh--tteerrmmiinnaattoorrss variable are
       used to terminate an incremental search.  If that variable
       has  not  been assigned a value the _E_s_c_a_p_e and CC--JJ charac-
       ters will terminate an incremental search.  CC--GG will abort
       an incremental search and restore the original line.  When
       the search is terminated, the history entry containing the
       search string becomes the current line.

       To  find  other matching entries in the history list, type
       CC--ss or CC--rr as appropriate.  This will search  backward  or
       forward  in  the  history  for  the next line matching the
       search string typed so far.  Any other key sequence  bound
       to  a  readline command will terminate the search and exe-
       cute that command.  For instance, a newline will terminate
       the search and accept the line, thereby executing the com-
       mand from the history list.  A movement command will  ter-
       minate  the  search,  make the last line found the current
       line, and begin editing.

       Non-incremental searches read  the  entire  search  string
       before starting to search for matching history lines.  The
       search string may be typed by the user or be part  of  the
       contents of the current line.

       The  following  is a list of the names of the commands and
       the default key sequences to which they are  bound.   Com-
       mand  names  without  an  accompanying  key  sequence  are
       unbound by default.

       In the following descriptions, _p_o_i_n_t refers to the current
       cursor  position,  and  _m_a_r_k  refers  to a cursor position
       saved by the sseett--mmaarrkk command.  The text between the point
       and mark is referred to as the _r_e_g_i_o_n.

   CCoommmmaannddss ffoorr MMoovviinngg
       bbeeggiinnnniinngg--ooff--lliinnee ((CC--aa))
              Move to the start of the current line.
       eenndd--ooff--lliinnee ((CC--ee))
              Move to the end of the line.
       ffoorrwwaarrdd--cchhaarr ((CC--ff))
              Move forward a character.
       bbaacckkwwaarrdd--cchhaarr ((CC--bb))
              Move back a character.
       ffoorrwwaarrdd--wwoorrdd ((MM--ff))
              Move  forward  to  the end of the next word.  Words
              are composed of  alphanumeric  characters  (letters
              and digits).
       bbaacckkwwaarrdd--wwoorrdd ((MM--bb))
              Move  back  to the start of the current or previous
              word.  Words are composed of  alphanumeric  charac-
              ters (letters and digits).
       cclleeaarr--ssccrreeeenn ((CC--ll))
              Clear  the  screen  leaving the current line at the
              top of the screen.  With an argument,  refresh  the
              current line without clearing the screen.
              Refresh the current line.

   CCoommmmaannddss ffoorr MMaanniippuullaattiinngg tthhee HHiissttoorryy
       aacccceepptt--lliinnee ((NNeewwlliinnee,, RReettuurrnn))
              Accept  the line regardless of where the cursor is.
              If this line is non-empty, it may be added  to  the
              history  list for future recall with aadddd__hhiissttoorryy(()).
              If the line is a modified history line, the history
              line is restored to its original state.
       pprreevviioouuss--hhiissttoorryy ((CC--pp))
              Fetch  the  previous command from the history list,
              moving back in the list.
       nneexxtt--hhiissttoorryy ((CC--nn))
              Fetch the next command from the history list,  mov-
              ing forward in the list.
       bbeeggiinnnniinngg--ooff--hhiissttoorryy ((MM--<<))
              Move to the first line in the history.
       eenndd--ooff--hhiissttoorryy ((MM-->>))
              Move  to  the  end  of the input history, i.e., the
              line currently being entered.
       rreevveerrssee--sseeaarrcchh--hhiissttoorryy ((CC--rr))
              Search backward starting at the  current  line  and
              moving `up' through the history as necessary.  This
              is an incremental search.
       ffoorrwwaarrdd--sseeaarrcchh--hhiissttoorryy ((CC--ss))
              Search forward starting at  the  current  line  and
              moving  `down'  through  the  history as necessary.
              This is an incremental search.
       nnoonn--iinnccrreemmeennttaall--rreevveerrssee--sseeaarrcchh--hhiissttoorryy ((MM--pp))
              Search backward through the history starting at the
              current  line  using a non-incremental search for a
              string supplied by the user.
       nnoonn--iinnccrreemmeennttaall--ffoorrwwaarrdd--sseeaarrcchh--hhiissttoorryy ((MM--nn))
              Search forward through the  history  using  a  non-
              incremental  search  for  a  string supplied by the
              Search forward through the history for  the  string
              of characters between the start of the current line
              and the current cursor position (the _p_o_i_n_t).   This
              is a non-incremental search.
              Search  backward through the history for the string
              of characters between the start of the current line
              and the point.  This is a non-incremental search.
       yyaannkk--nntthh--aarrgg ((MM--CC--yy))
              Insert  the  first argument to the previous command
              (usually the second word on the previous  line)  at
              point.   With  an  argument  _n, insert the _nth word
              from the previous command (the words in the  previ-
              ous  command  begin with word 0).  A negative argu-
              ment inserts the _nth word from the end of the  pre-
              vious command.
       yyaannkk--llaasstt--aarrgg ((MM--..,, MM--__))
              Insert  the  last  argument to the previous command
              (the last word  of  the  previous  history  entry).
              With an argument, behave exactly like yyaannkk--nntthh--aarrgg.
              Successive calls to yyaannkk--llaasstt--aarrgg move back through
              the  history  list,  inserting the last argument of
              each line in turn.

   CCoommmmaannddss ffoorr CChhaannggiinngg TTeexxtt
       ddeelleettee--cchhaarr ((CC--dd))
              Delete the character at point.  If point is at  the
              beginning  of  the line, there are no characters in
              the line, and the  last  character  typed  was  not
              bound to ddeelleettee--cchhaarr, then return EEOOFF.
       bbaacckkwwaarrdd--ddeelleettee--cchhaarr ((RRuubboouutt))
              Delete the character behind the cursor.  When given
              a numeric argument, save the deleted  text  on  the
              kill ring.
              Delete  the  character under the cursor, unless the
              cursor is at the end of the line, in which case the
              character behind the cursor is deleted.
       qquuootteedd--iinnsseerrtt ((CC--qq,, CC--vv))
              Add  the  next  character that you type to the line
              verbatim.  This is how to  insert  characters  like
              CC--qq, for example.
       ttaabb--iinnsseerrtt ((MM--TTAABB))
              Insert a tab character.
       sseellff--iinnsseerrtt ((aa,, bb,, AA,, 11,, !!,, ......))
              Insert the character typed.
       ttrraannssppoossee--cchhaarrss ((CC--tt))
              Drag  the  character  before point forward over the
              character at point, moving point forward  as  well.
              If  point  is  at  the  end  of the line, then this
              transposes the two characters before point.   Nega-
              tive arguments have no effect.
       ttrraannssppoossee--wwoorrddss ((MM--tt))
              Drag  the  word  before  point  past the word after
              point, moving point over that  word  as  well.   If
              point  is  at  the end of the line, this transposes
              the last two words on the line.
       uuppccaassee--wwoorrdd ((MM--uu))
              Uppercase the current (or following) word.  With  a
              negative argument, uppercase the previous word, but
              do not move point.
       ddoowwnnccaassee--wwoorrdd ((MM--ll))
              Lowercase the current (or following) word.  With  a
              negative argument, lowercase the previous word, but
              do not move point.
       ccaappiittaalliizzee--wwoorrdd ((MM--cc))
              Capitalize the current (or following) word.  With a
              negative  argument,  capitalize  the previous word,
              but do not move point.
              Toggle overwrite mode.  With an  explicit  positive
              numeric argument, switches to overwrite mode.  With
              an explicit non-positive numeric argument, switches
              to  insert  mode.   This command affects only eemmaaccss
              mode; vvii mode  does  overwrite  differently.   Each
              call to _r_e_a_d_l_i_n_e_(_) starts in insert mode.  In over-
              write mode, characters bound to sseellff--iinnsseerrtt replace
              the  text  at point rather than pushing the text to
              the   right.     Characters    bound    to    bbaacckk--
              wwaarrdd--ddeelleettee--cchhaarr replace the character before point
              with a space.  By default, this command is unbound.

   KKiilllliinngg aanndd YYaannkkiinngg
       kkiillll--lliinnee ((CC--kk))
              Kill the text from point to the end of the line.
       bbaacckkwwaarrdd--kkiillll--lliinnee ((CC--xx RRuubboouutt))
              Kill backward to the beginning of the line.
       uunniixx--lliinnee--ddiissccaarrdd ((CC--uu))
              Kill  backward  from  point to the beginning of the
              line.  The killed text is saved on the kill-ring.
              Kill all characters on the current line, no  matter
              where point is.
       kkiillll--wwoorrdd ((MM--dd))
              Kill  from point the end of the current word, or if
              between words, to the end of the next  word.   Word
              boundaries  are  the  same  as  those  used by ffoorr--
       bbaacckkwwaarrdd--kkiillll--wwoorrdd ((MM--RRuubboouutt))
              Kill the word behind point.   Word  boundaries  are
              the same as those used by bbaacckkwwaarrdd--wwoorrdd.
       uunniixx--wwoorrdd--rruubboouutt ((CC--ww))
              Kill  the word behind point, using white space as a
              word boundary.  The killed text  is  saved  on  the
       ddeelleettee--hhoorriizzoonnttaall--ssppaaccee ((MM--\\))
              Delete all spaces and tabs around point.
              Kill  the  text  between  the point and _m_a_r_k (saved
              cursor position).  This text is referred to as  the
              Copy the text in the region to the kill buffer.
              Copy the word before point to the kill buffer.  The
              word boundaries are the same as bbaacckkwwaarrdd--wwoorrdd.
              Copy the word following point to the  kill  buffer.
              The word boundaries are the same as ffoorrwwaarrdd--wwoorrdd.
       yyaannkk ((CC--yy))
              Yank  the  top  of the kill ring into the buffer at
       yyaannkk--ppoopp ((MM--yy))
              Rotate the kill ring, and yank the new  top.   Only
              works following yyaannkk or yyaannkk--ppoopp.

   NNuummeerriicc AArrgguummeennttss
       ddiiggiitt--aarrgguummeenntt ((MM--00,, MM--11,, ......,, MM----))
              Add  this  digit to the argument already accumulat-
              ing, or start a new argument.  M-- starts  a  nega-
              tive argument.
              This  is  another  way  to specify an argument.  If
              this command is followed by  one  or  more  digits,
              optionally  with a leading minus sign, those digits
              define the argument.  If the command is followed by
              digits, executing uunniivveerrssaall--aarrgguummeenntt again ends the
              numeric argument, but is otherwise ignored.   As  a
              special  case,  if this command is immediately fol-
              lowed by a character that is  neither  a  digit  or
              minus sign, the argument count for the next command
              is multiplied by four.  The argument count is  ini-
              tially  one,  so  executing this function the first
              time makes the argument count four, a  second  time
              makes the argument count sixteen, and so on.

       ccoommpplleettee ((TTAABB))
              Attempt  to  perform  completion on the text before
              point.  The actual completion performed is applica-
              tion-specific.   BBaasshh,  for instance, attempts com-
              pletion treating the text as  a  variable  (if  the
              text  begins  with $$), username (if the text begins
              with ~~), hostname (if the text begins with  @@),  or
              command  (including aliases and functions) in turn.
              If none of these produces a match, filename comple-
              tion  is attempted.  GGddbb, on the other hand, allows
              completion of program functions and variables,  and
              only  attempts  filename  completion  under certain
       ppoossssiibbllee--ccoommpplleettiioonnss ((MM--??))
              List the possible completions of  the  text  before
       iinnsseerrtt--ccoommpplleettiioonnss ((MM--**))
              Insert  all  completions  of  the text before point
              that would have been generated by  ppoossssiibbllee--ccoommppllee--
              Similar  to  ccoommpplleettee,  but replaces the word to be
              completed with a single match from the list of pos-
              sible completions.  Repeated execution of mmeennuu--ccoomm--
              pplleettee steps through the list  of  possible  comple-
              tions, inserting each match in turn.  At the end of
              the list of completions, the bell is rung  (subject
              to  the  setting  of  00aanndd  tthhee  oorriiggiinnaall  tteexxtt  iiss
              rreessttoorreedd..  AAnn aarrgguummeenntt ooff _n mmoovveess _n ppoossiittiioonnss  ffoorr--
              wwaarrdd  iinn  tthhee  lliisstt ooff mmaattcchheess;; aa nneeggaattiivvee aarrgguummeenntt
              mmaayy bbee uusseedd ttoo  mmoovvee  bbaacckkwwaarrdd  tthhrroouugghh  tthhee  lliisstt..
              TThhiiss ccoommmmaanndd iiss iinntteennddeedd ttoo bbee bboouunndd ttoo TTAABB,, bbuutt iiss
              uunnbboouunndd bbyy ddeeffaauulltt..
              Deletes the character under the cursor  if  not  at
              the  beginning  or  end  of  the line (like ddeelleettee--
              cchhaarr).  If at the end of the line, behaves  identi-
              cally to ppoossssiibbllee--ccoommpplleettiioonnss.

   KKeeyybbooaarrdd MMaaccrrooss
       ssttaarrtt--kkbbdd--mmaaccrroo ((CC--xx (())
              Begin  saving the characters typed into the current
              keyboard macro.
       eenndd--kkbbdd--mmaaccrroo ((CC--xx ))))
              Stop saving the characters typed into  the  current
              keyboard macro and store the definition.
       ccaallll--llaasstt--kkbbdd--mmaaccrroo ((CC--xx ee))
              Re-execute the last keyboard macro defined, by mak-
              ing the characters in the macro appear as if  typed
              at the keyboard.

       rree--rreeaadd--iinniitt--ffiillee ((CC--xx CC--rr))
              Read  in  the  contents  of  the  _i_n_p_u_t_r_c file, and
              incorporate any bindings  or  variable  assignments
              found there.
       aabboorrtt ((CC--gg))
              Abort the current editing command and ring the ter-
              minal's   bell   (subject   to   the   setting   of
       ddoo--uuppppeerrccaassee--vveerrssiioonn ((MM--aa,, MM--bb,, MM--_x,, ......))
              If  the  metafied character _x is lowercase, run the
              command that is bound to the  corresponding  upper-
              case character.
       pprreeffiixx--mmeettaa ((EESSCC))
              Metafy  the next character typed.  EESSCC ff is equiva-
              lent to MMeettaa--ff.
       uunnddoo ((CC--__,, CC--xx CC--uu))
              Incremental undo, separately  remembered  for  each
       rreevveerrtt--lliinnee ((MM--rr))
              Undo  all  changes made to this line.  This is like
              executing the uunnddoo command enough times  to  return
              the line to its initial state.
       ttiillddee--eexxppaanndd ((MM--&&))
              Perform tilde expansion on the current word.
       sseett--mmaarrkk ((CC--@@,, MM--<<ssppaaccee>>))
              Set  the  mark to the point.  If a numeric argument
              is supplied, the mark is set to that position.
       eexxcchhaannggee--ppooiinntt--aanndd--mmaarrkk ((CC--xx CC--xx))
              Swap the point with the mark.  The  current  cursor
              position  is set to the saved position, and the old
              cursor position is saved as the mark.
       cchhaarraacctteerr--sseeaarrcchh ((CC--]]))
              A character is read and point is moved to the  next
              occurrence  of  that  character.   A negative count
              searches for previous occurrences.
       cchhaarraacctteerr--sseeaarrcchh--bbaacckkwwaarrdd ((MM--CC--]]))
              A character is read and point is moved to the  pre-
              vious  occurrence  of  that  character.  A negative
              count searches for subsequent occurrences.
       iinnsseerrtt--ccoommmmeenntt ((MM--##))
              Without a numeric argument, the value of the  read-
              line  ccoommmmeenntt--bbeeggiinn  variable  is  inserted  at the
              beginning of the current line.  If a numeric  argu-
              ment  is  supplied,  this command acts as a toggle:
              if the characters at the beginning of the  line  do
              not  match the value of ccoommmmeenntt--bbeeggiinn, the value is
              inserted, otherwise the characters in ccoommmmeenntt--bbeeggiinn
              are  deleted  from  the  beginning of the line.  In
              either case, the line is accepted as if  a  newline
              had been typed.  The default value of ccoommmmeenntt--bbeeggiinn
              makes the current  line  a  shell  comment.   If  a
              numeric argument causes the comment character to be
              removed, the line will be executed by the shell.
              Print all of the functions and their  key  bindings
              to  the  readline  output  stream.   If  a  numeric
              argument is supplied, the output  is  formatted  in
              such  a  way that it can be made part of an _i_n_p_u_t_r_c
              Print all of the settable variables and their  val-
              ues  to  the  readline output stream.  If a numeric
              argument is supplied, the output  is  formatted  in
              such  a  way that it can be made part of an _i_n_p_u_t_r_c
              Print all of the readline key  sequences  bound  to
              macros  and  the  strings they ouput.  If a numeric
              argument is supplied, the output  is  formatted  in
              such  a  way that it can be made part of an _i_n_p_u_t_r_c
       eemmaaccss--eeddiittiinngg--mmooddee ((CC--ee))
              When in vvii command mode, this causes  a  switch  to
              eemmaaccss editing mode.
       vvii--eeddiittiinngg--mmooddee ((MM--CC--jj))
              When in eemmaaccss editing mode, this causes a switch to
              vvii editing mode.

       The following is a list of the default emacs and vi  bind-
       ings.   Characters  with the eighth bit set are written as
       M-<character>, and are referred to as _m_e_t_a_f_i_e_d characters.
       The  printable  ASCII characters not mentioned in the list
       of emacs standard bindings are bound  to  the  sseellff--iinnsseerrtt
       function,  which just inserts the given character into the
       input line.  In vi  insertion  mode,  all  characters  not
       specifically  mentioned are bound to sseellff--iinnsseerrtt.  Charac-
       ters assigned to signal generation by _s_t_t_y(1) or the  ter-
       minal  driver,  such  as C-Z or C-C, retain that function.
       Upper and lower case metafied characters are bound to  the
       same  function in the emacs mode meta keymap.  The remain-
       ing characters are unbound, which causes readline to  ring
       the  bell  (subject to the setting of the bbeellll--ssttyyllee vari-

   EEmmaaccss MMooddee
             Emacs Standard bindings

             "C-@"  set-mark
             "C-A"  beginning-of-line
             "C-B"  backward-char
             "C-D"  delete-char
             "C-E"  end-of-line
             "C-F"  forward-char
             "C-G"  abort
             "C-H"  backward-delete-char
             "C-I"  complete
             "C-J"  accept-line
             "C-K"  kill-line
             "C-L"  clear-screen
             "C-M"  accept-line
             "C-N"  next-history
             "C-P"  previous-history
             "C-Q"  quoted-insert
             "C-R"  reverse-search-history
             "C-S"  forward-search-history
             "C-T"  transpose-chars
             "C-U"  unix-line-discard
             "C-V"  quoted-insert
             "C-W"  unix-word-rubout
             "C-Y"  yank
             "C-]"  character-search
             "C-_"  undo
             " " to "/"  self-insert
             "0"  to "9"  self-insert
             ":"  to "~"  self-insert
             "C-?"  backward-delete-char

             Emacs Meta bindings

             "M-C-G"  abort
             "M-C-H"  backward-kill-word
             "M-C-I"  tab-insert
             "M-C-J"  vi-editing-mode
             "M-C-M"  vi-editing-mode
             "M-C-R"  revert-line
             "M-C-Y"  yank-nth-arg
             "M-C-["  complete
             "M-C-]"  character-search-backward
             "M-space"  set-mark
             "M-#"  insert-comment
             "M-&"  tilde-expand
             "M-*"  insert-completions
             "M--"  digit-argument
             "M-."  yank-last-arg
             "M-0"  digit-argument
             "M-1"  digit-argument
             "M-2"  digit-argument
             "M-3"  digit-argument
             "M-4"  digit-argument
             "M-5"  digit-argument
             "M-6"  digit-argument
             "M-7"  digit-argument
             "M-8"  digit-argument
             "M-9"  digit-argument
             "M-<"  beginning-of-history
             "M-="  possible-completions
             "M->"  end-of-history
             "M-?"  possible-completions
             "M-B"  backward-word
             "M-C"  capitalize-word
             "M-D"  kill-word
             "M-F"  forward-word
             "M-L"  downcase-word
             "M-N"  non-incremental-forward-search-history
             "M-P"  non-incremental-reverse-search-history
             "M-R"  revert-line
             "M-T"  transpose-words
             "M-U"  upcase-word
             "M-Y"  yank-pop
             "M-\"  delete-horizontal-space
             "M-~"  tilde-expand
             "M-C-?"  backward-kill-word
             "M-_"  yank-last-arg

             Emacs Control-X bindings

             "C-XC-G"  abort
             "C-XC-R"  re-read-init-file
             "C-XC-U"  undo
             "C-XC-X"  exchange-point-and-mark
             "C-X("  start-kbd-macro
             "C-X)"  end-kbd-macro
             "C-XE"  call-last-kbd-macro
             "C-XC-?"  backward-kill-line

   VVII MMooddee bbiinnddiinnggss
             VI Insert Mode functions

             "C-D"  vi-eof-maybe
             "C-H"  backward-delete-char
             "C-I"  complete
             "C-J"  accept-line
             "C-M"  accept-line
             "C-R"  reverse-search-history
             "C-S"  forward-search-history
             "C-T"  transpose-chars
             "C-U"  unix-line-discard
             "C-V"  quoted-insert
             "C-W"  unix-word-rubout
             "C-Y"  yank
             "C-["  vi-movement-mode
             "C-_"  undo
             " " to "~"  self-insert
             "C-?"  backward-delete-char

             VI Command Mode functions

             "C-D"  vi-eof-maybe
             "C-E"  emacs-editing-mode
             "C-G"  abort
             "C-H"  backward-char
             "C-J"  accept-line
             "C-K"  kill-line
             "C-L"  clear-screen
             "C-M"  accept-line
             "C-N"  next-history
             "C-P"  previous-history
             "C-Q"  quoted-insert
             "C-R"  reverse-search-history
             "C-S"  forward-search-history
             "C-T"  transpose-chars
             "C-U"  unix-line-discard
             "C-V"  quoted-insert
             "C-W"  unix-word-rubout
             "C-Y"  yank
             "C-_"  vi-undo
             " "  forward-char
             "#"  insert-comment
             "$"  end-of-line
             "%"  vi-match
             "&"  vi-tilde-expand
             "*"  vi-complete
             "+"  next-history
             ","  vi-char-search
             "-"  previous-history
             "."  vi-redo
             "/"  vi-search
             "0"  beginning-of-line
             "1" to "9"  vi-arg-digit
             ";"  vi-char-search
             "="  vi-complete
             "?"  vi-search
             "A"  vi-append-eol
             "B"  vi-prev-word
             "C"  vi-change-to
             "D"  vi-delete-to
             "E"  vi-end-word
             "F"  vi-char-search
             "G"  vi-fetch-history
             "I"  vi-insert-beg
             "N"  vi-search-again
             "P"  vi-put
             "R"  vi-replace
             "S"  vi-subst
             "T"  vi-char-search
             "U"  revert-line
             "W"  vi-next-word
             "X"  backward-delete-char
             "Y"  vi-yank-to
             "\"  vi-complete
             "^"  vi-first-print
             "_"  vi-yank-arg
             "`"  vi-goto-mark
             "a"  vi-append-mode
             "b"  vi-prev-word
             "c"  vi-change-to
             "d"  vi-delete-to
             "e"  vi-end-word
             "f"  vi-char-search
             "h"  backward-char
             "i"  vi-insertion-mode
             "j"  next-history
             "k"  prev-history
             "l"  forward-char
             "m"  vi-set-mark
             "n"  vi-search-again
             "p"  vi-put
             "r"  vi-change-char
             "s"  vi-subst
             "t"  vi-char-search
             "u"  vi-undo
             "w"  vi-next-word
             "x"  vi-delete
             "y"  vi-yank-to
             "|"  vi-column
             "~"  vi-change-case

       _T_h_e _G_n_u _R_e_a_d_l_i_n_e _L_i_b_r_a_r_y, Brian Fox and Chet Ramey
       _T_h_e _G_n_u _H_i_s_t_o_r_y _L_i_b_r_a_r_y, Brian Fox and Chet Ramey

              Individual rreeaaddlliinnee initialization file

       Brian Fox, Free Software Foundation

       Chet Ramey, Case Western Reserve University

       If you find a bug in rreeaaddlliinnee,, you should report it.   But
       first,  you  should make sure that it really is a bug, and
       that it appears in the  latest  version  of  the  rreeaaddlliinnee
       library that you have.

       Once  you have determined that a bug actually exists, mail
       a bug report to _b_u_g_-_r_e_a_d_l_i_n_e@_g_n_u_._o_r_g.  If you have a  fix,
       you  are  welcome  to  mail that as well!  Suggestions and
       `philosophical' bug reports may  be  mailed  to  _b_u_g_-_r_e_a_d_-
       _l_i_n_e@_g_n_u_._o_r_g   or   posted   to   the   Usenet   newsgroup

       Comments and  bug  reports  concerning  this  manual  page
       should be directed to _c_h_e_t_@_i_n_s_._C_W_R_U_._E_d_u.

       It's too big and too slow.

GNU Readline 4.3         2002 January 22              READLINE(3)