

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > media > updates > by-pkgid > 21b6b2e853b7a24a57beddaa2e4d2c11 > files > 1824


Set up your device's XML structure

Read "How To Create A Device" for more information.

Instead of the device XML containing:

It will contain:
     data="deviceKey1=deviceValue1 deviceKey2=deviceValue2 ..."

The exename field will contain the name of an executable that will
support the PDC protocol for pluggable blitters.  The executable is
created by linking your object code with PDCBlitterClient.o.

The data field will contain default device job properties.  These are in
the form of space separated key=value pairs.  These entries will only have
meaning for your device code.

You also have the ability to add device value mappings to omni XML
entries.  When you add forms to the form XML file, you can add an extra
<deviceID>...</deviceID> tag to each entry.

For example:

This will allow omni to handle form management for you.  Then, when you
receive your job properties, you will get a form=LT key/value pair.  You
will also get a DeviceObjectHolder that you can query using the omni
interface for DeviceForm.

Set up the hook points

There are a number of functions that the omni driver will use to interface
with you.  They are as follows:


initializePDCBlitter (PPDC_B_HOOKPOINTS pHookPoints)

This function must be defined.

It will set the individual hook points in the pHookPoints structure.


GModule *
initializeInstance (char    *pszDeviceName,
                    PHANDLE  phInstance)

This function must be defined.

This function will be called when a new omni device is created and
information or action is needed by omni.  This can be when a print job is
performed or when a dialog is displayed.

pszDeviceName will contain the name of the device.  This comes from the
<Device name="..."> tag in the printer's xml file.

On success, return the module handle that was returned from g_module_open.
Also, fill in the pointer to your instance data structure.

On failure, return 0.


freeInstance (GModule *hmodDevice,
              HANDLE   hInstance)

This function must be defined.

This function is called when the omni driver is done with what ever
actions were asked by the user.

hmodDevice will contain a pointer to your module handle.
hInstance will contain a pointer to your instance data.

First free your instance data structure.  Then call g_module_close with

On success, return true.

On failure, return false.


setJobProperties (HANDLE              hInstance,
                  char               *pszJobProperties,
                  DeviceObjectHolder *pDOH)

This function must be defined.

This function is called after the instance is successfully created.

hInstance will contain a pointer to your instance data.
pszJobProperties will contain the job properties.
pDOH will contain a pointer to a class that contains all of the omni objects.
   With this class, you can query the current
      DeviceOrientation with getCurrentOrientation ()
      DeviceForm        with getCurrentForm ()
      DeviceTray        with getCurrentTray ()
      DeviceMedia       with getCurrentMedia ()
      DeviceResolution  with getCurrentResolution ()
      DevicePrintMode   with getCurrentPrintMode ()
      DeviceGamma       with getCurrentGamma ()

On success, return true.

On failure, return false.


string *
listDeviceJobPropertyKeys (HANDLE hInstance)

This function may be defined.

This function is called when an application wants to know what device job
properties that you support.  If you support extra job properties, then
return a space separated list of key names.

hInstance will contain a pointer to your instance data.

On success, return a new string of the job property keys.

On failure, return 0.


string *
listJobPropertyKeyValues (HANDLE  hInstance,
                          char   *pszKey)

This function may be defined.

This function is called when an application wants to know what device job
values there are for a specific key.  These are space separated.

hInstance will contain a pointer to your instance data.
pszKey will contain the key name (returned from listDeviceJobPropertyKeys).

On success, return a new string of the job property values.

On failure, return 0.


string *
getJobPropertyType (HANDLE  hInstance,
                    char   *pszKey)

This function may be defined.

This function is called when an application wants to know what the type is
for a specific key.  The format is as follows:
   type          - can be one of boolean, integer, float, or string.
   default value - is the default value for this key.
   minimum range - for integer or float.  this is optional.
   maximum range - for integer or float.  this is optional.

hInstance will contain a pointer to your instance data.
pszKey will contain the key name.

On success, return a new string of the job property type.

On failure, return 0.


char *
getJobProperty (HANDLE  hInstance,
                char   *pszKey)

This function may be defined.

This function is called when an application wants to know what the value is
for the specified key.

hInstance will contain a pointer to your instance data.
pszKey will contain the key name.

On success, return a new string of the job property value.

On failure, return 0.


startPage (HANDLE hInstance)

This function must be defined.

This function is called at the start of a page.

hInstance will contain a pointer to your instance data.

On success, return true.

On failure, return false.


endPage (HANDLE hInstance,
         int    iCanceled)

This function must be defined.

This function is called at the end of a page.

hInstance will contain a pointer to your instance data.

On success, return true.

On failure, return false.


beginJob (HANDLE hInstance)

This function must be defined.

This function is called at the start of a job.

hInstance will contain a pointer to your instance data.

On success, return true.

On failure, return false.


endJob (HANDLE hInstance)

This function must be defined.

This function is called at the end of a job.

hInstance will contain a pointer to your instance data.

On success, return true.

On failure, return false.


abortJob (HANDLE hInstance)

This function must be defined.

This function is called when a print job is aborted.

hInstance will contain a pointer to your instance data.

On success, return true.

On failure, return false.


rasterize (HANDLE       hInstance,
           PBYTE        pbBits,
           PBITMAPINFO2 pbmi2,
           PRECTL       prectlPageLocation,
           BITBLT_TYPE  eType)

This function must be defined.

Read the documentation file "Omni Rasterization Specification" for more
information on the format of the bitmap bits.

hInstance will contain a pointer to your instance data.

On success, return true.

On failure, return false.


setOutputStream (HANDLE hInstance,
                 int    fdHandle)

This function may be defined.

This function is called when a the output stream is changed.

hInstance will contain a pointer to your instance data.
fdHandle contains an integer of the unix file handle.

On success, return true.

On failure, return false.