

distrib > Mandriva > 9.2 > i586 > by-pkgid > 1999a7b047259f6bbf9513bce6e6be29 > files > 94


  $FileInfo["Created"]		= "Jaume Teixi";
  $FileInfo["Email"]		= "";
  $FileInfo["Version"]		= "2.7.6";
  $FileInfo["Language"]		= "Catalan";

  $config["charactersets"] = array();
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  $TWIGphrase["Add list"]               = "Afegir Llista";
  $TWIGphrase["New Contact"]            = "Nou Contacte";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit Contact"]           = "Editar Contacte";
  $TWIGphrase["View Contact"]           = "Veure Contacte";
  $TWIGphrase["New List"]               = "Nova Llista";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit List"]              = "Editar Llista";
  $TWIGphrase["View List"]              = "Veure Llista";
  $TWIGphrase["Selected"]               = "Seleccionat";
  $TWIGphrase["Unselected"]             = "No-Seleccionat";
  $TWIGphrase["PegasusMail"]            = "PegasusMail";
  $TWIGphrase["New ToDo Item"]  	= "Nova Tasca";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit ToDo Item"]		= "Editar Tasca";
  $TWIGphrase["View ToDo Item"]		= "Veure Tasca";
  $TWIGphrase["List Name"]              = "Llistar Nom";
  $TWIGphrase["Yearly&nbsp;view"]       = "Vista&nbsp;Anual";
  $TWIGphrase["Daily&nbsp;view"]        = "Vista&nbsp;Diària";
  $TWIGphrase["Weekly&nbsp;view"]       = "Vista&nbsp;Setmanal";
  $TWIGphrase["New Item"]               = "Nou Element";
  $TWIGphrase["View Item"]              = "Veure Element";
  $TWIGphrase["Add&nbsp;item"]          = "Afegir&nbsp;Element";
  $TWIGphrase["Recurring Item"]         = "Element Repetit";
  $TWIGphrase["Recurrance"]             = "Repetició";
  $TWIGphrase["First"]                  = "Primer";
  $TWIGphrase["Second"]                 = "Segon";
  $TWIGphrase["Third"]                  = "Tercer";
  $TWIGphrase["Forth"]                  = "Quart";
  $TWIGphrase["Last"]                   = "Darrer";
  $TWIGphrase["weeks on"]               = "setmanes en";
  $TWIGphrase["week"]                   = "setmana";
  $TWIGphrase["week on"]                = "setmana en";
  $TWIGphrase["Every"]                  = "Cada";
  $TWIGphrase["On day"]                 = "A dia";
  $TWIGphrase["of every"]               = "de cada";
  $TWIGphrase["month"]                  = "mes";
  $TWIGphrase["months"]                 = "mesos";
  $TWIGphrase["weekday"]		= "dia de la setmana";
  $TWIGphrase["On the"]                 = "En el";
  $TWIGphrase["Day"]                    = "Dia";
  $TWIGphrase["day"]                    = "dia";
  $TWIGphrase["days"]                   = "dies";
  $TWIGphrase["weekend"]                = "cap de setmana";
  $TWIGphrase["Daily"]                  = "Diari";
  $TWIGphrase["Weekly"]                 = "Setmanal";
  $TWIGphrase["Monthly"]                = "Mensual";
  $TWIGphrase["Yearly"]                 = "Anual";
  $TWIGphrase["After"]                  = "Després";
  $TWIGphrase["occurances"]             = "aparicions";
  $TWIGphrase["ending on"]              = "acabat en";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit Recurrance"]        = "Editar Repetició";
  $TWIGphrase["Start/End Time ignored"] = "Hora Inici/Fi ignorada";
  $TWIGphrase["Start/End Time not ignored"]= "Hora Inici/Fi no ignorada";
  $TWIGphrase["[Before you can edit a recurrance you must first save the entry]"]= "[Avans d'editar una repetició heu de guardar l'entrada]";
  $TWIGphrase["My Contact"]             = "El Meu Contacte";
  $TWIGphrase["Mycontact"]              = "El Meu Contacte";
  $TWIGphrase["Display uuencoded images inline"]= "Mostrar internament les imatges uuencoded";
  $TWIGphrase["Always return to message list after deleting when viewing a message"]= "Sempre tornar a la llista de missatges després d'esborrar";
  $TWIGphrase["New Note"]  		= "Nova Nota";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit Note"]  		= "Editar Nota";
  $TWIGphrase["View Note"]  		= "Veure Nota";
  $TWIGphrase["Registered Events"]	= "Actes Registrats";
  $TWIGphrase["Public Meetings"]	= "Reunions Públiques";
  $TWIGphrase["Private Meetings"]	= "Reunions Privades";
  $TWIGphrase["Schedule a Meeting"]	= "Programar una Reunió";
  $TWIGphrase["Schedule New Meeting"]	= "Programar Nova Reunió";
  $TWIGphrase["Reschedule Meeting"]	= "Reprogramar Reunió";
  $TWIGphrase["View details"]		= "Veure detalls";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit notes"]		= "Editar notes";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit todo"]		= "Editar tasca";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit invitees"]		= "Editar convidats";
  $TWIGphrase["Reschedule"]		= "Reprogramar";
  $TWIGphrase["Attendance"]		= "Participació";
  $TWIGphrase["Capacity"]		= "Capacitat";
  $TWIGphrase["Details"]		= "Detalls";
  $TWIGphrase["Event Name"]		= "Títol Reunió";
  $TWIGphrase["Description"]		= "Descripció";
  $TWIGphrase["Starts"]			= "Comença a";
  $TWIGphrase["Finishes"]		= "Acaba a";
  $TWIGphrase["View Meeting Details"]	= "Veure Detalls Reunió";
  $TWIGphrase["View Meeting Notes"]	= "Veure Notes Reunió";
  $TWIGphrase["View Meeting ToDo"]	= "Veure Tasques Reunió";
  $TWIGphrase["View Meeting Invitees"]	= "Veure Convidats Reunió";
  $TWIGphrase["View Meeting Schedule"]	= "Veure Programa Reunió";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit Meeting Details"]	= "Editar Detalls Reunió";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit Meeting Notes"]	= "Editar Notes Reunió";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit Meeting ToDo"]	= "Editar Tasques Reunió";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit Meeting Invitees"]	= "Editar Convidats Reunió";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit Meeting Schedule"]	= "Editar Programa Reunió";
  $TWIGphrase["Meeting Name"]		= "Nom Reunió";
  $TWIGphrase["Type"]			= "Tipus";
  $TWIGphrase["Location"]		= "Lloc";
  $TWIGphrase["Starting Time"]		= "Hora Inici";
  $TWIGphrase["Ending Time"]		= "Hora Fi";
  $TWIGphrase["Initiator"]		= "Iniciador";
  $TWIGphrase["Secretary"]		= "Secretari";
  $TWIGphrase["User Limit"]		= "Límit Usuaris";
  $TWIGphrase["Last Modified"]		= "Darrer Modificat";
  $TWIGphrase["Minutes"]		= "Minuts";
  $TWIGphrase["Conclusion"]		= "Conclusió";
  $TWIGphrase["Action Items"]		= "Elements d'Acció";
  $TWIGphrase["Person Responsible"]	= "Responsable";
  $TWIGphrase["Due Date"]		= "Data";
  $TWIGphrase["Invitees"]		= "Convidats";
  $TWIGphrase["on"]			= "en";
  $TWIGphrase["RSVP"]			= "RSVP";
  $TWIGphrase["RSVP0"]			= "RSVP0";
  $TWIGphrase["RSVP1"]			= "RSVP1";
  $TWIGphrase["RSVP2"]			= "RSVP2";
  $TWIGphrase["RSVP3"]			= "RSVP3";
  $TWIGphrase["Public meetings which you may attend"] = "Reunions públiques que heu d'atendre";
  $TWIGphrase["Private meetings to which you are invited"] = "Reunions privades on esteu convidats";
  $TWIGphrase["Meetings for which you have registered an RSVP"]	= "Reunions on heu registrat un RSVP";
  $TWIGphrase["announcements"]          = "avisos";
  $TWIGphrase["All"]			= "Tot";
  $TWIGphrase["New Bookmark"]		= "Nou Preferit";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit Bookmark"]		= "Editar Preferit";
  $TWIGphrase["View Bookmark"]		= "Vere Preferit";
  $TWIGphrase["Group name"]        	= "Nom grup";
  $TWIGphrase["Create Global Group"]    = "Crear Grup Global";
  $TWIGphrase["List"]                   = "Llista";
  $TWIGphrase["Announcement"]           = "Avís";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to Preferences"]	= "Tornar a Preferències";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to Administration"] = "Tornar a Administració";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to Main"]           = "Tornar a Principal";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to Mail"]           = "Tornar a Correu";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to Meetings"]       = "Tornar a Reunions";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to Help"]           = "Tornar a Ajuda";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to Logout"]         = "Tornar a Sortir";
  $TWIGphrase["hebrew"]                 = "Hebrew";
  $TWIGphrase["Preferences"]   		= "Preferències";
  $TWIGphrase["Prefs"]         		= "Prefs";
  $TWIGphrase["Group"]         		= "Grup";
  $TWIGphrase["group"]         		= "grup";
  $TWIGphrase["You have"]		= "Teniu";
  $TWIGphrase["new messages in"]	= "nous missatges a";
  $TWIGphrase["Go To"]			= "Anar a";
  $TWIGphrase["or"]			= "o";
  $TWIGphrase["the selected items to"]  = "els elements seleccionats a";
  $TWIGphrase["This is"]		= "Això és";
  $TWIGphrase["No previous screen"]	= "Sense finestra prèvia";
  $TWIGphrase["No next screen"]		= "Sense finestra següent";
  $TWIGphrase["Error"]			= "Error";
  $TWIGphrase["Welcome to TWIG version"]= "Benvinguts a TWIG versió";
  $TWIGphrase["Number of items to index on one screen"]="El nombre d'elements a indexar en una finestra";
  $TWIGphrase["Sorry this feature is not enabled, please select another feature."]="Perdò aquesta opció no està activada, si us plau trieu-ne una altra.";
  $TWIGphrase["TWIG"]          		= "TWIG";
  $TWIGphrase["Announcements"] 		= "Avís";
  $TWIGphrase["Groups"]        		= "Grups";
  $TWIGphrase["Administration"]		= "Administració";
  $TWIGphrase["options"]		= "opcions";
  $TWIGphrase["Subject/Announcement"]    = "Títol/Avís";
  $TWIGphrase["recent mail"]   		= "correu recent";
  $TWIGphrase["schedule"]      		= "programa";
  $TWIGphrase["TWIG [Mail]"]   		= "TWIG [Correu]";
  $TWIGphrase["Folders"]       		= "Carpeta";
  $TWIGphrase["New Message"]   		= "Nou Missatge";
  $TWIGphrase["Folder Management"]   	= "Administrar Carpetes";
  $TWIGphrase["Refresh"]       		= "Recarregar";
  $TWIGphrase["Empty Trash"]    	= "Buidar Paperera";
  $TWIGphrase["of"]            		= "de";
  $TWIGphrase["to"]            		= "per a";
  $TWIGphrase["from"]          		= "de";
  $TWIGphrase["Status"]        		= "estat";
  $TWIGphrase["date"]          		= "data";
  $TWIGphrase["subject"]       		= "assumpte";
  $TWIGphrase["attachment"]    		= "fitxer adjunt";
  $TWIGphrase["unread"]        		= "no llegit";
  $TWIGphrase["read"]          		= "llegir";
  $TWIGphrase["[no subject]"]  		= "[sense assumpte]";
  $TWIGphrase["Select None"]   		= "Escollir-ne Cap";
  $TWIGphrase["Select All"]    		= "Escollir-los Tots";
  $TWIGphrase["Copy Selected"] 		= "Copiar Seleccionats";
  $TWIGphrase["Delete Selected"]	= "Esborrar Seleccionats";
  $TWIGphrase["Move Selected"] 		= "Moure Seleccionats";
  $TWIGphrase["Undelete Selected"]	= "Recuperar Seleccionats";
  $TWIGphrase["**Select a folder**"]    = "**Seleccionar una carpeta**";
  $TWIGphrase["Set default tree view"]  = "Escollir vista per defecte";
  $TWIGphrase["the selected messages to"] = "els missatges escollits a";
  $TWIGphrase["Undelete"]      		= "Recuperar";
  $TWIGphrase["Delete"]        		= "Esborrar";
  $TWIGphrase["Reply"]         		= "Contestar";
  $TWIGphrase["Reply&nbsp;to&nbsp;all"] = "Contestar&nbsp;a&nbsp;tots";
  $TWIGphrase["Forward"]       		= "Re-enviar";
  $TWIGphrase["Recompose"]		= "Re-escriure";
  $TWIGphrase["Save draft"]		= "Guardar esborrany";
  $TWIGphrase["Move"]          		= "Moure";
  $TWIGphrase["New&nbsp;message"]	= "Nou&nbsp;missatge";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to"]  		= "Tornar&nbsp;a";
  $TWIGphrase["Previous Message"] 	= "Missatge Anterior";
  $TWIGphrase["Next Message"]  		= "Següent Missatge";
  $TWIGphrase["Date"]          		= "Data";
  $TWIGphrase["From"]          		= "De";
  $TWIGphrase["add to contacts"] 	= "afegir a contactes";
  $TWIGphrase["To"]            		= "Per a";
  $TWIGphrase["CC"]            		= "CC";
  $TWIGphrase["Reply-To"]      		= "Contestar a";
  $TWIGphrase["Subject"]       		= "Assumpte";
  $TWIGphrase["Print View"] 		= "Imprimir Vista";
  $TWIGphrase["Full Headers"]		= "Capçaleres Senceres";
  $TWIGphrase["Hide Headers"]		= "Ocultar Capçaleres";
  $TWIGphrase["Display Headers"]	= "Veure Capçaleres";
  $TWIGphrase["Hide"]			= "Ocultar";
  $TWIGphrase["View"]			= "Veure";
  $TWIGphrase["Send Now"]     		= "Enviar Ara";
  $TWIGphrase["Contacts"]      		= "Contactes";
  $TWIGphrase["Bcc"]           		= "Bcc";
  $TWIGphrase["Attachment"]    		= "Fitxer Adjunt";
  $TWIGphrase["Attachments"]		= "Fitxers adjunts";
  $TWIGphrase["Spell Check"]   		= "Comprovar Gramàtica";
  $TWIGphrase["Add to 'To'"]		= "Afegir a 'Per a'";
  $TWIGphrase["Add to 'CC'"]		= "Afegir a 'CC'";
  $TWIGphrase["Add to 'BCC'"]		= "Afegir a 'BCC'";
  $TWIGphrase["said:"]			= "va dir:";
  $TWIGphrase["Forwarded From:"]	= "Re-enviat De:";
  $TWIGphrase["Options"]       		= "Opcions";
  $TWIGphrase["Options/TWIG"]    	= "Options/TWIG";
  $TWIGphrase["Change"]			= "Canviar";
  $TWIGphrase["Save a copy in 'Sent' Folder"] = "Guardar còpia a 'Sent'";
  $TWIGphrase["Include attachments when replying"] = "Incloure fitxers adjunts al contestar";
  $TWIGphrase["Include attachments when forwarding"] = "Inlcoure fitxers adjunts al re-enviar";
  $TWIGphrase["Include attachments from original message"] = "Incloure fitxers adjunts del missatge original";
  $TWIGphrase["Number of body lines to display while composing a message"] = "Nombre de línies del cos a mostrar al composar";
  $TWIGphrase["No mail recipients specified, please add at least one mail recipient and then resend your message."] = "No s'han especificat recipients, si us plau afegiu-ne almenys un i torneu a enviar el missatge.";
  $TWIGphrase["NOTE: Selecting users after adding a file attachment will cause the file attachment to be lost and you will have to re-attach it."] = "NOTA: Després d'afegir un fitxer adjunt, si s'afegeixen contactes es perdrà el fitxer adjunt i caldrà tornalr-lo a afegir.";
  $TWIGphrase["Send RR now"]		= "Enviar AR ara";
  $TWIGphrase["Read Receipt"]		= "Llegir Avís de Rebuda";
  $TWIGphrase["with subject"]		= "amb assumpte";
  $TWIGphrase["Request Read Receipts"]  = "Requerir Avís de Rebuda";
  $TWIGphrase["The message sent on"]	= "El missatge enviat el";
  $TWIGphrase["Never"]			= "Mai"; 
  $TWIGphrase["Manual"]			= "Manualment";
  $TWIGphrase["Always"]			= "Sempre";
  $TWIGphrase["Respond to Read Receipts"] = "Respondre als Avís de Rebuda";
  $TWIGphrase["Disposition notification"] = "Notificació de disposició";
  $TWIGphrase["A Read Reciept has been automatically returned to the sender"] = "S'ha enviat un Avís de Rebuda automàticament al destinatari";
  $TWIGphrase["has been displayed.  This is no guarantee that the message has been read or understood."] = "s'ha mostrat. No hi ha cap garantia que s'hagi llegit o bé entès.";
  $TWIGphrase["Spell Checked Version"] 	= "Versió Corregida Gramàticament";
  $TWIGphrase["Subscribed"]    		= "Subscrit";
  $TWIGphrase["Unsubscribed"]  		= "No-Subscrit";
  $TWIGphrase["Delete Folder"] 		= "Esborrar Carpeta";
  $TWIGphrase["Add Folder"]    		= "Afegir Carpeta";
  $TWIGphrase["Rename Folder"] 		= "Renombrar Carpeta";
  $TWIGphrase["Copy"] 			= "Còpia";
  $TWIGphrase["Select the mailbox you wish to move these messages to below:"] = "Seleccioneu la bústia on voleu moure aquests missatges de sota:";
  $TWIGphrase["Select the mailbox you wish to copy these messages to below:"] = "Seleccioneu la bústia on voleu copiar aquests missatges de sota:";
  $TWIGphrase["Folder Overview"] 	= "Vista de Carpetes";
  $TWIGphrase["Folder"]			= "Carpeta";
  $TWIGphrase["New"]			= "Nova";
  $TWIGphrase["Total"]			= "Total";
  $TWIGphrase["Size"]			= "Tamany";
  $TWIGphrase["Totals"]			= "Totals";
  $TWIGphrase["Note: Large folder lists may take a long time to load."] = "Nota: Llistats llargs de carpetes poden tardar força temps de carregar.";
  $TWIGphrase["TWIG [Bookmarks]"] 	= "TWIG [Preferits]";
  $TWIGphrase["bookmarks"]		= "preferits";	
  $TWIGphrase["Add New Item"]  		= "Afegir Nou Element";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit Item"]     		= "Editar Element";
  $TWIGphrase["Item Name"]     		= "Nom Element";
  $TWIGphrase["Description"]   		= "Descripció";
  $TWIGphrase["Add item"] 		= "Afegir element";
  $TWIGphrase["item"]          		= "element";
  $TWIGphrase["url"]           		= "url";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to Bookmarks"]	= "Tornar a Preferits";
  $TWIGphrase["TWIG [ToDo]"]    	= "TWIG [Tasques]";
  $TWIGphrase["todo"]			= "tasca";	
  $TWIGphrase["Added by"]		= "Afegit per";
  $TWIGphrase["Added on"]		= "Afegit el";
  $TWIGphrase["Due on"]			= "A terme a";
  $TWIGphrase["due date"]		= "Datat el";
  $TWIGphrase["Due date type"]		= "tipus de data";
  $TWIGphrase["Never"]			= "Mai";
  $TWIGphrase["On date"]		= "En data";
  $TWIGphrase["On date/time"]		= "En data/hora";
  $TWIGphrase["Priority"]		= "Prioritat";
  $TWIGphrase["priority"]		= "prioritat";
  $TWIGphrase["status"]			= "estat";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to ToDo"]		= "Tornar a Tasques";
  $TWIGphrase["Complete"]		= "Completat";
  $TWIGphrase["Working"]		= "Processant";
  $TWIGphrase["Pending"]		= "Pendent";
  $TWIGphrase["Canceled"]		= "";
  $TWIGphrase["TWIG [Contacts]"] 	= "TWIG [Contactes]";
  $TWIGphrase["Contact"]		= "Contacte";
  $TWIGphrase["contacts"]		= "contactes";
  $TWIGphrase["Import"]       		= "Importar";
  $TWIGphrase["URL"]          		= "URL";
  $TWIGphrase["Nickname"]		= "Àlies";
  $TWIGphrase["E-Mail"]       		= "Email";
  $TWIGphrase["E-Mail 2"]      		= "Email 2";
  $TWIGphrase["E-Mail 3"]      		= "Email 3";
  $TWIGphrase["First Name"]    		= "Nom";
  $TWIGphrase["Last Name"]     		= "Cognoms";
  $TWIGphrase["Title"]        		= "Càrrec";
  $TWIGphrase["Spouse"]       		= "Espòs/a";
  $TWIGphrase["Birthday"]     		= "Aniversari";
  $TWIGphrase["Company"]      		= "Empresa";
  $TWIGphrase["Office"]       		= "Oficina";
  $TWIGphrase["Department"]   		= "Departament";
  $TWIGphrase["Home Phone"]    		= "Tel Casa";
  $TWIGphrase["Home Fax"]      		= "Fax Casa";
  $TWIGphrase["Mobile"]       		= "Mòbil";
  $TWIGphrase["Work Phone"]    		= "Tel Feina";
  $TWIGphrase["Work Fax"]      		= "Fax Feina";
  $TWIGphrase["Pager"]        		= "Busca";
  $TWIGphrase["Home Address"]  		= "Adreça Casa";
  $TWIGphrase["Home City"]     		= "Ciutat Casa";
  $TWIGphrase["State"]        		= "Província Casa";
  $TWIGphrase["Zip Code"]      		= "CP Casa";
  $TWIGphrase["Country"]      		= "País";
  $TWIGphrase["Work Address"]  		= "Adreça Feina";
  $TWIGphrase["Work City"]     		= "Ciutat Feina";
  $TWIGphrase["Work State"]    		= "Província Feina";
  $TWIGphrase["Work Country"]  		= "País Feina";
  $TWIGphrase["Work Zip Code"] 		= "CP Feina";
  $TWIGphrase["Import from"]  		= "Importar de";
  $TWIGphrase["From file"]    		= "de l'arxiu";
  $TWIGphrase["In to group"]  		= "Al grup";
  $TWIGphrase["Outlook XP/2002"] 	= "Outlook XP/2002";
  $TWIGphrase["Outlook 2000"] 		= "Outlook 2000";
  $TWIGphrase["Outlook 98"]   		= "Outlook 98";
  $TWIGphrase["Netscape 4.6"] 		= "Netscape 4.6";
  $TWIGphrase["nickname"]     		= "àlies";
  $TWIGphrase["name"]         		= "nom";
  $TWIGphrase["company"]      		= "empresa";
  $TWIGphrase["email"]        		= "email";
  $TWIGphrase["Add"]          		= "Afegir";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to Contacts"]	= "Tornar a Contactes"; 
  $TWIGphrase["vCard (autodetect version)"] = "vCard (versió autodetectada )";
  $TWIGphrase["Outlook Express (all fields)"] = "Outlook Express (tots els camps)";
  $TWIGphrase["Outlook Express (default fields)"] = "Outlook Express (camps per defecte)";
  $TWIGphrase["TWIG [Groups]"] 		= "TWIG [Grups]";
  $TWIGphrase["Member of"]    		= "Membre de";   
  $TWIGphrase["Owner of"]     		= "Responsable de";     
  $TWIGphrase["ALL"]          		= "TOT";        
  $TWIGphrase["Unfiled"]      		= "Sense-afiliació";       
  $TWIGphrase["personal"]     		= "personal";
  $TWIGphrase["workgroup"]    		= "grup de treball";
  $TWIGphrase["Update"]       		= "Actualitzar";
  $TWIGphrase["Add&nbsp;group"]		= "Afegir&nbsp;grup";
  $TWIGphrase["Add&nbsp;member"]	= "Afegir&nbsp;membre";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit&nbsp;group"]	= "Editar&nbsp;grup";
  $TWIGphrase["Delete&nbsp;group"]	= "Esborrar&nbsp;grup";
  $TWIGphrase["The group"]   		= "El grup";
  $TWIGphrase["was created by"] 	= "fou creat per";
  $TWIGphrase["Members"]      		= "Membres";
  $TWIGphrase["[empty]"]		= "[buid]";
  $TWIGphrase["**Select a group**"]	= "**seleccionar grup**";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to Groups"]		= "Tornar a Grups";
  $TWIGphrase["Feature Unavailable in current configuration"] = "Opció no disponible en la configuració actual";
  $TWIGphrase["TWIG [Logout]"] 		= "TWIG [Desconnexió]";
  $TWIGphrase["TWIG [News]"] 		= "TWIG [News]";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to News"]		= "Tornar a news";
  $TWIGphrase["Subscribed newsgroups"] 	= "Grups subscrit";
  $TWIGphrase["Delete Newsgroup"]      	= "Esborrar Grup";
  $TWIGphrase["Group Name"]        	= "Nom del Grup";
  $TWIGphrase["Newsgroup Name"]        	= "Nom del Grup";
  $TWIGphrase["Server"]            	= "Servidor";
  $TWIGphrase["Port"]              	= "Port";
  $TWIGphrase["User"]              	= "Usuari";
  $TWIGphrase["Password"]          	= "Contrasenya";
  $TWIGphrase["Go"]                	= "Anar";
  $TWIGphrase["Search pattern"]    	= "Cerca cadena";
  $TWIGphrase["Subscribe"]         	= "Subscriure";	  
  $TWIGphrase["Newsgroups"]       	= "Grups de News";
  $TWIGphrase["New&nbsp;post"]     	= "Nou&nbsp;missatge";
  $TWIGphrase["Newsgroup management"]  = "Administració Grups de News";
  $TWIGphrase["Note: large newsgroup lists may take a long time to load."] = "Nota: els llistats llargs de grups de news poden trigar en carregar-se.";
  $TWIGphrase["<< Prev"]       		= "<< Ant";
  $TWIGphrase["Next >>"]       		= "Seg >>";
  $TWIGphrase["Post Now"]      		= "Enviar Ara";
  $TWIGphrase["Newsgroup"]    		= "Grup";
  $TWIGphrase["no name"] 		= "sense-nom";
  $TWIGphrase["Add newsgroup"]		= "Afegir grup";
  $TWIGphrase["List newsgroups on server"]	= "Llistar grups en el servidor";
  $TWIGphrase["Main"]  			= "Principal";
  $TWIGphrase["Mail"]  			= "Correu";
  $TWIGphrase["News"]  			= "News";
  $TWIGphrase["Schedule"] 		= "Calendari";
  $TWIGphrase["Meetings"]		= "Reunions";
  $TWIGphrase["ToDo"]  			= "Tasques";
  $TWIGphrase["Todo"]  			= "Tasques";
  $TWIGphrase["Bookmarks"] 		= "Preferits";
  $TWIGphrase["Logout"] 		= "Desconnexió";
  $TWIGphrase["TWIG [Schedule]"]	= "TWIG [Calendari]";
  $TWIGphrase["Go to today"]		= "Anar a avui";
  $TWIGphrase["Monthly&nbsp;view"]	= "Vista&nbsp;mensual";
  $TWIGphrase["Yearly view"]		= "Vista anual";
  $TWIGphrase["Time"]  			= "Hora";
  $TWIGphrase["/Notes"] 		= "/Notes";
  $TWIGphrase["Today is"]		= "Avui és";
  $TWIGphrase["Start Time"]		= "Hora Inici";
  $TWIGphrase["End Time"]		= "Hora Fi";
  $TWIGphrase["back"]			= "enrera";
  $TWIGphrase["forward"]		= "endavant";
  $TWIGphrase["Yesterday"]		= "Ahir";
  $TWIGphrase["Tomorrow"]		= "Demà";
  $TWIGphrase["Daily view"]		= "Vista diària";
  $TWIGphrase["Weekly view"]		= "Vista setmanal";
  $TWIGphrase["List&nbsp;view"]		= "Llistar&nbsp;vista";
  $TWIGphrase["Previous&nbsp;Week"]	= "Setmananbsp;Anterior";
  $TWIGphrase["The week starts on "]	= "La setmana comença el ";
  $TWIGphrase[" and ends on "]		= " i acaba el ";
  $TWIGphrase["Next&nbsp;Week"]		= "Següent&nbsp;Setmana";
  $TWIGphrase["Week"]			= "Setmana";
  $TWIGphrase["Maintenance"]		= "Manteniment";
  $TWIGphrase["Calendar"]		= "Calendari";
  $TWIGphrase["Items removed"] 		= "Elements esborrats"; 
  $TWIGphrase["Preview"]		= "Previsualitzar";
  $TWIGphrase["End Date"]		= "Data Fi";
  $TWIGphrase["Start Date"]		= "Data Inici";
  $TWIGphrase["Ignore Start/End Time"]	= "Ignorar hora Inici/Fi";
  $TWIGphrase["[None]"]			= "[Cap]";
  $TWIGphrase["Items to be removed"]	= "Elements a eliminar";
  $TWIGphrase["No items found to delete."] = "No s'han trobat elements a eliminar.";
  $TWIGphrase["Delete records older than"] = "Esborarr elements anteriors a";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to Schedule"]	= "Tornar a Calendari";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to Edit"]		= "Tornar a Editar";
  $TWIGphrase["TWIG [Preferences]"]	= "TWIG [Preferències]";
  $TWIGphrase["Current Module"]		= "Mòdul Actual";
  $TWIGphrase["Global"]			= "Global";
  $TWIGphrase["Invert sort order"]	= "Invertir orde llistats";
  $TWIGphrase["Preference"]		= "Preferència";
  $TWIGphrase["Prev/Next style"]	= "Estil Ant/Seg";
  $TWIGphrase["Setting"]		= "Paràmetre";
  $TWIGphrase["Update Preferences"]	= "Actualitzar Preferències";
  $TWIGphrase["Drop Down List"]		= "Llista Desplegable";
  $TWIGphrase["Button Bar"]		= "Barra de Butons";
  $TWIGphrase["Vertical Bulleted List"]	= "Llista Vertical de Punts";
  $TWIGphrase["Tabbed List"]		= "Llista Tabulada";
  $TWIGphrase["Menu style 1"]		= "Menú estil 1";
  $TWIGphrase["Menu style 2"]		= "Menú estil 2";
  $TWIGphrase["Language"]		= "Idioma";
  $TWIGphrase["Your Real Name"]		= "El seu nom";
  $TWIGphrase["Save sent items"]	= "Guardar elements enviats";
  $TWIGphrase["Save sent items in"]	= "Guardar elements enviats a";
  $TWIGphrase["Save draft items in"]	= "Guardar esborranys a";
  $TWIGphrase["Page Size"]		= "Tamany de Pàg";
  $TWIGphrase["Old Password"]		= "Contrasenya Anterior";
  $TWIGphrase["New Password"]		= "Nova Contrasenya";
  $TWIGphrase["Password changed!"]	= "Contrasenya canviada!";
  $TWIGphrase["Multiple Tabbed List"]	= "Llista Tabular Múltiple";
  $TWIGphrase["Drop Down Menu"] 	= "Menú Desplegable";
  $TWIGphrase["Tabbed Drop Down Menu"]  = "Menú Desplegable Tabular";
  $TWIGphrase["|< First"]		= "|< Primer";
  $TWIGphrase["Last >|"]		= "Darrer >|";
  $TWIGphrase["Simple"]			= "Simple";
  $TWIGphrase["AM/PM Format"]		= "Format AM/PM";
  $TWIGphrase["24 Hour Format"]		= "Format 24h";
  $TWIGphrase["Time Format"]		= "Format Hora";
  $TWIGphrase["Default due date type"]  = "Data termini per defecte";
  $TWIGphrase["Button Bar Without Text"]= "Barra de Butons sense texte";
  $TWIGphrase["Classic Prev/Next Style"]= "Estil Clàssic Ant/Seg";
  $TWIGphrase["Tabbed List with Arrows"]= "Llista Tabulada amb Fletxes";
  $TWIGphrase["Classic Primary Menu Bar"] = "Barra Menú Principal Clàssica";
  $TWIGphrase["New Password Confirmation"] = "Nova Confirmació de la Contrassenya";
  $TWIGphrase["Drop Down Menu with Arrows"] = "Desplegar Menú amb Fletxes";
  $TWIGphrase["Classic Secondary Menu Bar"] = "Barra Menú Secundària Clàssica";
  $TWIGphrase["Default group for new items"] = "Grup per defecte pels elements nous";
  $TWIGphrase["Default listing of meetings"] = "Llista per defecte de les reunions";
  $TWIGphrase["Expand mail tree by default"] = "Expandeix l'arbre del correu per defecte";
  $TWIGphrase["Show mail tree in main view"] = "Mostar l'arbre del correu a la finestra principal";
  $TWIGphrase["Default priority for new items"]	= "Prioritat per defecte pels elements nous";
  $TWIGphrase["Disable display of recent mail"]	= "Desactivar visualitzar correu recent";
  $TWIGphrase["Multiple Tabbed List with Words"] = "Llista Tabulada Múltiple amb Texte";
  $TWIGphrase["Move and Expunge simultaneously"] = "Moure i Esborrar simultàniament";
  $TWIGphrase["Multiple Tabbed List with Arrows"] = "Llista Tabulada Múltiple amb Fletxes";
  $TWIGphrase["Default sort order for mail list"] = "Ordenar llista de correu per defecte";
  $TWIGphrase["Default sort order for todo list"] = "Ordenar llista de tasques per defecte";
  $TWIGphrase["Default group to view in feature"] = "Grup per defecte a visualitzar";
  $TWIGphrase["Tabbed Drop Down Menu with Arrows"] = "Menú Desplegable Tabulat amb Fletxes";
  $TWIGphrase["Delete and Expunge simultaneously"] = "Moure a paperera i esborrar simultàniament";
  $TWIGphrase["Wrap Lines at this many characters"] = "Estroncar línies que superin aquests caràcters";
  $TWIGphrase["Disable display of today's schedule"] = "Desactivar mostar el calendari d'avui";
  $TWIGphrase["Display messages in separate window"] = "Mostar missatges en una finestra apart";
  $TWIGphrase["Default sort order for contacts list"] = "Ordre per defecte en la llista de contactes";
  $TWIGphrase["Display second command bar at bottom"] = "Mostar segona barra de comandes a baix";
  $TWIGphrase["Disable new message indicator in footer"] = "Desactivar indicador de nou missatge a baix";
  $TWIGphrase["New password mistyped, please try again."] = "Nova contrassenya mal escrita, intenteu de nou.";
  $TWIGphrase["Old password mistyped, please try again."] = "Antiga contrassenya mal escrita, intenteu de nou.";
  $TWIGphrase["Number of Messages to index on one screen"] = "Nombre de missatges a indexar en una pantalla";
  $TWIGphrase["Automatic Signature when composing new mail"] = "Signatura automàtica al escriure correu";
  $TWIGphrase["Default number of attachments on new messages"] = "Nombre de fitxers adjunts per defecte als nous missatges";
  $TWIGphrase["Show contacts list when composing new messages"] = "Mostar llista de contactes al compondre nous missatges";
  $TWIGphrase["Multiple Tabbed List with Words (including First/Last)"] = "Llista múltiple tabulada amb texte (incloent Primer/Darrer)";
  $TWIGphrase["Multiple Tabbed List with Arrows (including First/Last)"] = "Llista múltiple tabulada amb fletxes (incloent Primer/Darrer)";
  $TWIGphrase["User name"]		= "Nom d'Usuari";
  $TWIGphrase["Accounts"]		= "Comptes";
  $TWIGphrase["ACL's"]			= "ACL's";
  $TWIGphrase["Annoucements"]		= "Avisos";
  $TWIGphrase["Languages"]		= "Idiomes";
  $TWIGphrase["SQL"]			= "SQL";
  $TWIGphrase["SQLTXT"]			= "SQLTXT";
  $TWIGphrase["Allow access to"]	= "Permetre l'accés a";
  $TWIGphrase["for"]			= "per";
  $TWIGphrase["Create User"]		= "Crear Usuari";
  $TWIGphrase["Update Password"]	= "Actualitzar Contrassenya";
  $TWIGphrase["Change Password"]	= "Canviar Contrassenya";
  $TWIGphrase["Username"]		= "Usuari";
  $TWIGphrase["Last Logon"]		= "Darrer Accés";
  $TWIGphrase["Feature"]		= "Opció";
  $TWIGphrase["Create ACL Group"]	= "Crear Grup ACL";
  $TWIGphrase["Delete ACL Group"]	= "Esborrar Grup ACL";
  $TWIGphrase["Add User to ACL Group"]	= "Afegir Usuari a Grup ACL";
  $TWIGphrase["Second Command Line"]	= "Segona Línia de Comandes";
  $TWIGphrase["By"]			= "Per";
  $TWIGphrase["Users"]			= "Usuaris";
  $TWIGphrase["*Select User*"]		= "*Seleccionar Usuari*";
  $TWIGphrase["*Select user to add*"]	= "*Seleccionar usuari a fegir*";
  $TWIGphrase["*Select user to delete*"]= "*Seleccionar usuari a esborrar*";
  $TWIGphrase["Create"]			= "Crear";
  $TWIGphrase["Item Edit"]		= "Editar Element";
  $TWIGphrase["Goto Line"]		= "Anar a Línia";
  $TWIGphrase["New Mail Check"]		= "Comprovar Correu Nou";
  $TWIGphrase["Compose"]		= "Escriure";
  $TWIGphrase["Message Reading"]	= "Llegir Missatge";
  $TWIGphrase["Screen Refresh"]		= "Refrescar Pantalla";
  $TWIGphrase["Command Line"]		= "Línia de Comandes";
  $TWIGphrase["Show Attachments"]	= "Mostrar Fitxers Adjunts";
  $TWIGphrase["Transfer"]		= "Transferir";
  $TWIGphrase["Transfer To"]		= "Transferir A";
  $TWIGphrase["Recent Mail"]		= "Correu Recent";
  $TWIGphrase["Posting"]		= "Publicar";
  $TWIGphrase["Flush Databases"]	= "Refrescar Bases de Dades";
  $TWIGphrase["where username is"]	= "on l'usuari és";
  $TWIGphrase["DB's to flush"]		= "BD's a refrescar";
  $TWIGphrase["*Select a table*"]	= "*Seleccionar taula*";
  $TWIGphrase["Create Databases"]	= "Crear Base de Dades";
  $TWIGphrase["Path to DB"]		= "Camí a BD";
  $TWIGphrase["DB's to create"]		= "BD'S a crear";
  $TWIGphrase["Create DB"]		= "Crear BD";
  $TWIGphrase["Pack Databases"]		= "Compactar Base de Dades";
  $TWIGphrase["DB's to pack"]		= "BD's a compactar";
  $TWIGphrase["Pack DB"]		= "Compactar BD";
  $TWIGphrase["Same as English"]	= "Igual en Anglès";
  $TWIGphrase["language"]		= "idioma";
  $TWIGphrase["View groups"]		= "Veure grups";
  $TWIGphrase["Display"] 		= "Mostar";
  $TWIGphrase["Public"]			= "Públic";
  $TWIGphrase["Private"]		= "Privat";
  $TWIGphrase["Registered"]		= "Registrat";
  $TWIGphrase["Mail Tree"]		= "Arbre de Corre";
  $TWIGphrase["Annoucement"]		= "Avís";
  $TWIGphrase["New Announcement"]	= "Nou Avís";
  $TWIGphrase["Keys with null values"]	= "Claus amb valors nuls";
  $TWIGphrase["Show full phrase lists"]	= "Mostar frase complerta";
  $TWIGphrase["Failed to create group!"]= "Error al crear grup!";
  $TWIGphrase["Failed to delete group!"]= "Error al esborrar grup!";
  $TWIGphrase["*Select group to delete*"] = "*Seleccionar grup a esborrar*";
  $TWIGphrase["*Select group to add to*"] = "*Seleccionar grup a afegir a*";
  $TWIGphrase["*Select group to display*"] = "*Seleccionar grup a mostrar*";
  $TWIGphrase["Display Users in ACL Group"] = "Mostar Usuaris en Grup ACL";
  $TWIGphrase["List keys with null values"] = "Llistar claus amb valors nuls";
  $TWIGphrase["Delete User from ACL Group"] = "Esborrar Usuari de grup ACL";
  $TWIGphrase["Failed to add user to group!"] = "Error al afegir usuari a grup!";
  $TWIGphrase["*Select group to delete from*"] = "*Seleccioni grup d'on esborrar*";
  $TWIGphrase["Failed to delete user from group!"] = "Error al esborrar usuari de grup!";
  $TWIGphrase["Sorry, you are not an administrator."] = "Perdò, no sou administrador.";
  $TWIGphrase["You must select a user to change the password for!"] = "Heu de seleccionar un usuari d'on canviar la contrassenya!";
  $TWIGphrase["You must specify a username! (note: * represents all users)"] = "Heu d'especificar un usuari! (nota: * representa tots els usuaris)";
  $TWIGphrase["List keys for which the value is the same as it is in English"] = "Llistar claus on el valor és el mateix en Anglès";
  $TWIGphrase["Object"]			= "Objecte";
  $TWIGphrase["Access"]			= "Accés";
  $TWIGphrase["Modify"]			= "Modificar";
  $TWIGphrase["*Select object*"]	= "*Seleccionar objecte*";
  $TWIGphrase["Global Setting"]		= "Opcions Globals";
  $TWIGphrase["TWIG [Help]"]		= "TWIG [Ajuda]";
  $TWIGphrase["Help"]			= "Ajuda";
  $TWIGphrase["Topic"]			= "Tema";
  $TWIGphrase["Subtopic"]		= "Subtema";
  $TWIGphrase["Help is not yet available on this topic."] = "Perdò encara no disponible en aquest tema.";
  $TWIGphrase["No submenu"]		= "No hi ha subtemes per aquest tema";
  $TWIGphrase["Filename of help file:"] = "Nom de l'arxiu de l'ajuda:";
  $TWIGphrase["Filename of subtopic menu file:"] = "Nom de l'arxiu del subtema:";
  $TWIGphrase["TWIG [Meetings]"]	= "TWIG [Reunions]";
  $TWIGphrase["TWIG [Notes]"]		= "TWIG [Notes]";
  $TWIGphrase["Notes"]			= "Notes";
  $TWIGphrase["notes"]			= "notes";
  $TWIGphrase["Default sort order for notes list"] = "Mostrar ordre per defecte al llistar notes";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to Notes"]		= "Tornar a Notes";
  $TWIGphrase["Width of text field"]	= "Amplada del camp de texte";
  $TWIGphrase["Height of text field"]	= "Alçada del camp de texte";
  $TWIGphrase["chinesebig5"]		= "Xinès (Big 5)";
  $TWIGphrase["chinesegb"]		= "Xinès (gb)";
  $TWIGphrase["czech"]			= "Txec";
  $TWIGphrase["danish"]			= "Danès";
  $TWIGphrase["dutch"]		        = "Holandès";
  $TWIGphrase["english"]		= "Anglès";
  $TWIGphrase["estonian"]		= "Estonià";
  $TWIGphrase["finnish"]                = "Finlandès";
  $TWIGphrase["french"]			= "Francès";
  $TWIGphrase["german"]			= "Alemany";
  $TWIGphrase["italian"]		= "Italià";
  $TWIGphrase["polish"]			= "Polac";
  $TWIGphrase["portuguese"]		= "Portuguès";
  $TWIGphrase["russian"]                = "Rus (KOI8-R)";
  $TWIGphrase["russianwin"]             = "Rus (Windows-1251)";
  $TWIGphrase["spanish"]		= "Espanyol";
  $TWIGphrase["swedish"]		= "Suec";
  $TWIGphrase["korean"]			= "Coreà";
  $TWIGphrase["jpeuc"]			= "Japonès (EUC-JP)";
  $TWIGphrase["Maximum meetings to display"] = "Màxim reunions a mostrar";
  $TWIGphrase["Maximum todo items to display"] = "Màxim tasques a mostrar";
  $TWIGphrase["Maximum mail messages to display"] = "Màxim correus a mostrar";
  $TWIGphrase["Maximum schedule item to display"] = "Màxim elements mostrar";
  $TWIGphrase["Features to display"]	= "Opcions a mostrar";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit"]                   = "Editar";
  $TWIGphrase["Group Admin"]      	= "Administrador Grup";
  $TWIGphrase["Permissions"]            = "Permissos";
  $TWIGphrase["Actions"]                = "Accions";
  $TWIGphrase["Group Administrators"]	=	"Administradors Grup";
  $TWIGphrase["NOTE: Use an asterisk ( '*' ) as the username in order to define global access permissions for this group."]	=	"NOTA: Useu asterisc ( '*' ) com l'usuari per definir els permissos d'accés global del grup.";
  $TWIGphrase["Group Admins cannot delete themselves from groups for which they are an administrator.  Please have another Group Admin for this group do this for you."]	=	"Administradors del Grup no poden esborrar-se a ells mateixos del grup que administren. Cal que ho faci un altre administrador d'aquest grup.";
  $TWIGphrase["You cannot change the Group Admin setting for your own account.  Please have another Group Admin change this for you."]	=	"No podeu canviar l'opció Administrador Grup per la vostra compta. Cal que ho faci un altre administrador.";
  $TWIGphrase["You do not have permission to delete one or more of the items you selected."]	=	"No teniu permís per esborrar algun o més dels elements seleccionats.";
  $TWIGphrase["You do not have permission to move one or more of the items you selected out of its current group."]	=	"No teniu permís per moure un o més dels elements que heu seleccionat fora del grup actual.";
  $TWIGphrase["Search"]			= "Cerca";
  $TWIGphrase["search"]			= "cerca";
  $TWIGphrase["Item"]			= "Element";
  $TWIGphrase["Name"]			= "Nom";
  $TWIGphrase["Criteria"]		= "Criteri";
  $TWIGphrase["No matches"]		= "No s'han trobat coincidències";
  $TWIGphrase["Features"]		= "Opcions";
  $TWIGphrase["After date"]		= "Data posterior";
  $TWIGphrase["Before date"]		= "Data anterior";
  $TWIGphrase["Containing text"]	= "Conté text";
  $TWIGphrase["Answered"]        	= "Contestat";
  $TWIGphrase["Deleted"] 	       	= "Esborrat";
  $TWIGphrase["Urgent"]        		= "Urgent";
  $TWIGphrase["Old"]        		= "Vell";
  $TWIGphrase["Recent"]        		= "Recent";
  $TWIGphrase["Read"]        		= "Llegit";
  $TWIGphrase["Not answered"]        	= "No contestat";
  $TWIGphrase["Not deleted"]        	= "No esborrat";
  $TWIGphrase["Not urgent"]       	= "No urgent";
  $TWIGphrase["Not read"]        	= "No llegit";
  $TWIGphrase["Flags"]        		= "Marques";
  $TWIGphrase["Due after"]     		= "Després de";
  $TWIGphrase["Due before"]     	= "Avans de";
  $TWIGphrase["Allow access to search"]	= "Permetre cercar";
  $TWIGphrase["catalan"]		= "Català";
  $TWIGphrase["Tab style"]		= "Estil Tabular";
  $TWIGphrase["and"]                    = "i";
  $TWIGphrase["URI"]                    = "URI";
  $TWIGphrase["is exactly"]             = "és exactament";
  $TWIGphrase["is not"]                 = "no és";
  $TWIGphrase["ends with"]              = "acaba amb";
  $TWIGphrase["starts with"]            = "comença amb";
  $TWIGphrase["contains"]               = "conté";
  $TWIGphrase["Home Address 2"]         = "Adreça Casa 2";
  $TWIGphrase["Work Address 2"]         = "Adreça Feina 2";
  $TWIGphrase["turkish"]		= "Turc";
  $TWIGphrase["greek"]			= "Grec";
  $TWIGphrase["tongan"]			= "Tongan";
  $TWIGphrase["Default sort order for bookmarks list"] = "Default sort order for bookmarks list";

  $dayNamesShort			= array( "Dg", "Dl", "Dm", "Dx", "Dj", "Dv", "Ds" );
  $dayNames				= array( "Diumenge", "Dilluns", "Dimarts", "Dimecres", "Dijous", "Divendres", "Dissabte" );
  $monthNames				= array( "Cap", "Gener", "Febrer", "Març", "Abril", "Maig", "Juny", "Juliol", "Agost", "Setembre", "Octubre", "Novembre", "Desembre" );
