

distrib > Mandriva > 9.2 > i586 > by-pkgid > 36272de137b6baa2d780e234de2aa5e5 > files > 48



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             Network Top



Section 1 - All Platforms	and Section 2 - Platform Specific
          (some general stuff on networking and using ntop in a switched network
           is at the end of Section 2).

Section 3 - HowTo Ask For Help and GDB ultraMini-tutorial

Based on the FAQ entries at and the 1.3 NTOP docs/FAQ and
docs/THREADS-FAQ files.  Also from messages to ntop and ntop-dev mailing lists.
Compiled by Burton M. Strauss III <> - comments to him!

Note that some of this information may be dated or not completely verified for 2.1

Entries are in no particular sequence.

Post 2.1 release entries will have a author/date stamp, (Updated/Added ddmmmyyyy by x)
at the end.

Extensive updates 30Oct2002 for the new ./configure scripts

Section 1 - All Platforms

Q. What is ntop?
A. ntop is an open source network top - the official website can be found at

Q. Is ntop like mrtg.
A. No & Yes...

   ntop isn't a snmp enabled monitor like mrtg.

   ntop is rather a traffic monitor with it's own interfaces, which monitors
   what it sees.

   ntop also supports netFlow (Cisco) and sFlow, which allow external monitors 
   to send information to an ntop instance.

Q. Why isn't there (any)(more)(better) documentation.
A. (A personal peeve from Burton...)

   I get real tired of people complaining that there isn't any documentation
   and then being unwilling to contribute even the simplest stuff.  I've said
   I'll edit and assemble whatever people send me... and since I started working
   with ntop in November 2001, I've received maybe two pages of stuff.

   I'm trying to get people - who aren't coders - to contribute to ntop the project.
   The contribution that ANYONE can make is "documentation".  A task-specific
   HOWTO... some sample screen shots... An FAQ entry...

   I've tried being nice.
   I've tried asking.
   I've tried shaming people into it.  

   What have I gotten?    Zip.

   Nasty is all that's left...  This is your fair warning.  If you show up on 
   the ntop mailing lists and complain about documentation, you will get blasted.


Q. ntop doesn't compile.
A. First, check the output from ./configure for an error message - sometimes
   people miss them.  Then review the output from make, also looking for an error.
   Finally, look at config.log to see what ./configure found  when looking for 
   headers and libraries.  Usually, you are missing a critical library, but tried 
   to "make" anyway after ./configure failed.

   ntop will report KEY information and PROBLEMS in large, set-off, lines:

     * NOTE: Building ntop for a supported platform
     *       This means we expect ntop to work without major issues
     *            'i686-pc-linux-gnu'
     *    Please keep the ntop-dev mailing list updated with any
     *    successes you have or problems you encounter...
     *   Support for this platform was most recently verified for
     *     RedHat7.2 w/ updates           ntop 2.1.51   on 2002-10-21
     *     Suse i686, 2.4.18-4GB-SMP      ntop 2.1.51   on 2002-10-24


     * ERROR:  1. We were unable to find the header gdchart.h in the
     *            standard location or the alternate location you
     *            specified by --with-gdchart-root.
     *>>> ./configure continues, charts will not be available.
     *???     1. Rerun ./configure with a corrected --with-gdchart-root
     *???  or 2. Install gdchart and rerun ./configure


   Hint: It may sometimes be that you're missing the header files (often those 
   are in a -devel rpm if you're running RedHat)

(Updated 30Oct2002, new ./configure scripts)

Q. What is "snapshot"
A. Snapshot is a community FAQ and documentation resource at
   It's also the site of "the snapshots".

Q. What is "a snapshot" or "the snapshots"?
A. A snapshot is a dump of the ntop cvs structure, automatically generated every
   day at 5 minutes after midnight (Pisa time). 

   Snapshots are named with their creation date, in the form of ntop-yy-mm-dd.tgz. 

   Snapshots are not polished nor even "releases". They contain any update(s) 
   checked into the cvs during the prior day.  No more, no less.
   cvs checkins (commits) are usually tested by the developer, but perhaps only in
   one (limited) environment.  Occasionally a file is missed or a typo occurs and a 
   snapshot won't compile. Snapshots frequently introduce bugs that aren't apparent 
   on a quick review.  Snapshots are basically a point-in-time capture of the
   moving development environment.  No more and no less.

   With release 2.0, rapid development occurred after general release and using 
   the latest snapshot was your best bet. With 2.1 we hope to be a little more
   stable and to release incremental versions (e.g. 2.1a) if necessary.
   If the 2.1 release doesn't work, drop by the mailing lists and check the back
   traffic to see if this is a common problem.  If it's not, try the latest 
   snapshot or ask for a recommendation of which version is the best to use.  

Q. I have a problem with...
A. If you are compiling ntop from versions prior to 2.1.52, Please run 
   ./ -1 and try again.

   ntop is distributed with generated files from RedHat 7.2 and/or Solaris 8
   systems.  The Makefile is supposed to detect things being out of whack and
   automatically regenerate these files, but it doesn't ALWAYS work.

   Doing ./ -1 makes the various generated files conform to your
   system and your tools versions.  It's the right thing to do.
(Updated 30Oct2002, new ./configure scripts)

Q: How do I force configure to build ntop without xxxx support?
A: ./configure --help shows a bunch of configuration options available to you:

  --enable-configuredebug     display debug information during ./configure
  --disable-mt                disable multithread support [default=enabled]
  --enable-sslv3              enable ssl v3 support [default=disabled]
  --enable-sslwatchdog        enable Watchdog for ssl hangups [default=disabled]
  --disable-plugins           disable compilation of plugins [default=enabled]
  --enable-static-plugins     Enable static linked plugins sntop, default=dynamic]
  --enable-micro-ntop         compile a slim version of ntop [default=disabled]
  --enable-intop              enable intop (obsolete) command line version [default=disabled]
  --enable-ignoresigpipe      Ignore SIGPIPE errors [default=do not ignore]
  --enable-i18n               Enable (limited) internationalization [default=disabled]
  --enable-xmldump            Enable xml-based data dump [default=disabled]
  --enable-largerrdpop        Enable large rrd population [default=disabled]
  --enable-netflowassumeftpdata  Enable assumption that unknown ports for netflow data
                                 are ftp-data [default=disabled]
  --enable-showoses           display OS Support information.
  --enable-iknowbetter        Override WILLFAIL

  --without-ssl               disable HTPPS support [default=enabled]
  --without-gdchart           disable use of GDChart [default=enabled]
  --with-tcpwrap              enable use of TCP Wrapper [default=disabled]
  --without-curses            disable use of curses [intop, default=enabled]
  --without-readline          disable use of GNU readline [intop, default=enabled]

  --with-pcap-root=DIR        LBNL pcap located in DIR
  --with-pcap-lib=DIR          or libpcap located in DIR
  --with-pcap-include=DIR      or pcap.h located in DIR
  --with-ossl-root=DIR        openSSL located in DIR
  --with-ossl-lib=DIR          or libssl located in DIR
  --with-ossl-include=DIR      or ssl.h located in DIR
  --with-gdbm-root=DIR        GNU gdbm located in DIR
  --with-gdbm-lib=DIR          or libgdbm located in DIR
  --with-gdbm-include=DIR      or gdbm.h located in DIR
  --with-zlib-root=DIR        zlib located in DIR
  --with-zlib-lib=DIR          or libz located in DIR
  --with-zlib-include=DIR      or zlib.h located in DIR
  --with-gdchart-root=DIR     GDChart located in DIR
  --with-gdchart-lib=DIR       or libgdchart located in DIR
  --with-gdchart-include=DIR   or .h located in DIR
  --with-gd-root=DIR          gd located in DIR
  --with-gd-lib=DIR            or libgd located in DIR
  --with-gd-include=DIR        or gd.h located in DIR
  --with-libpng-root=DIR      libpng located in DIR
  --with-libpng-lib=DIR         or libpng located in DIR
  --with-libpng-include=DIR     or png.h located in DIR
  --with-rrd-root=DIR         rrdtool located in DIR
  --with-rrd-lib=DIR           or librrd located in DIR
  --with-rrd-include=DIR       or rrd.h located in DIR
  --with-localedir=DIR        LOCALE files located in DIR (i18n)
  --with-xml2-root=DIR        xml2 located in DIR
  --with-xml2-lib=DIR           or libxml2 located in DIR
  --with-xml2-include=DIR       or .h located in DIR
  --with-gdome-root=DIR       gdome located in DIR
  --with-gdome-lib=DIR          or libgdome located in DIR
  --with-gdome-include=DIR      or .h located in DIR
  --with-glib-root=DIR        glib located in DIR
  --with-glib-lib=DIR           or libglib located in DIR
  --with-glib-include=DIR       or .h located in DIR
  --with-glibconfig-root=DIR  glibconfig.h source in DIR

(Updated for the new scripts, 12Apr2003)

Q. Which packages/libraries do I need to compile ntop:
       autoconf 2.5+ (distribution is built with 2.53)
       automake 1.6+ (distribution is build with 1.6.3)
       libtool  1.4+ (distribution is built with 1.4.2)
                     (there are successes reported with 1.3.4)
       openssl (for https:// support)

     Note that both gcc 2.95/2.96 and 3.2 are reported to work.

     Note that in some cases the minimal header files for a tool will be in one
	      "package" and the execution library in another. ntop needs both so that
	      the ./configure test finds the tool. It's usually safest to install both 
	      the tool and development packages!

	 (Note some packages will have additional packages as pre-requisites)
     Building libpcap requires: bison/flex  

     Building gdchart uses ar and ranlib from binutils (available precompiled or from

(Updated for the new scripts, 30Oct2002)
(Updated for binutils, 13Dec2002)

Q. Compile dies because it's missing depcomp
A. automake/autoconf issue.  Just copy the missing file (or make a symbolic link) into
   the ntop source directory.
   It's in /usr/share/automake on my Linux boxes 
   Another user reports it is in /usr/local/share/automake in sun8. 

   Snapshots after February 2002 should have fixed the problem, but you may have
   to run:
   $ automake --add-missing --gnu -c
   to create the pointer.

Q. ntop make fails with a message about being unable to create a .deps file
A. Check the permissions on the (hidden) .deps (and .libs) directories - if root 
   owns them your non-root userid may not be able to create files in there

Q. ntop make fails with a message about a missing .deps file
A. Basically, it's a automake 1.5 bug, related to dependency tracking.

   ntop requires automake 1.6+ - that dependency is EXPLICT in the!

   Since we distribute ntop with scripts generated from 1.6.3, you would *think*
   they should work, regardless of what version of automake is installed.

   That's not the case.  The problem occurs because automake gets invoked by
   ./configure to copy the missing gnu files such as depcomp.  If you have 1.5
   installed, it then remakes the plugins/Makefile as a 1.5 version, which fails.

   A test was added in 2.1.55 (snapshots on/after 21Jan2003) to trap this.

Q. Why is the .deps problem mostly happening under FreeBSD?
A. Because the FreeBSD ports tree only has 1.5, but that's a FreeBSD ports problem, 
   not ntop's.  If you search the FreeBSD lists on Google, there's lots of traffic
   about a 1.6 version for FreeBSD, but it doesn't seem to be in the tree.  What's
   there is:

        -- which is 1.5
        -- which does NOT work

Q. So how do I work around the problem?
A. Install 1.6.3.  It's quite easy, does NOT require root.  The steps are listed
   in the ./configure message, repeated below:

      Download automake 1.6.3 from gnu
          $ wget

      Untar it 
          $ tar xfvz automake-1.6.3.tar.gz

      Make it
          $ cd automake-1.6.3
          $ ./configure --prefix=/home/<whatever>/automake163
          $ make
          $ make install

      Add it to your path (this is bash, but other shells, can do it too)

          $ PATH=/home/<whatever>automake163/bin:$PATH
          $ export PATH

      And then untar, ./configure and make ntop.
(Added three .deps questions, 20Jan2003)

Q. How do I update the Vendor Table (MAC address prefixes)?
A. ntop has (in Makefile), a rule to automatically download the latest vendor 
   information table from the IEEE, the oui.txt file ntop reads.

   ntop ships with a mini oui.txt, that is a small file of the MAC addresses
   common to my networks.

   If you are seeing unknown MAC address prefixes (the 1st three units), try 
   the full IEEE table.  To rebuild it:

     # make dnvt 

   and then copy the new oui.txt over the one installed by ntop originally.

   Also note that the table changes over time - there are almost 600 modifications
   and/or new assigments between the version shipped with ntop 2.0 and the version
   on the IEEE site in February 2002.

Q. I get an error, libtool: link: CURRENT `-release' is not a nonnegative integer
A. This is an autoconf problem.  It should be fixed in the new scripts (30Oct2002).
   The whole set of messages is typically:

   > libtool: link: CURRENT `-release' is not a nonnegative integer
   > libtool: link: `-release' is not valid version information
   > make[2]: *** [] Error 1
   > make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/ntop'
   > make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
   > make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/ntop'
   > make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

   From Luca: 

       "AFAIK this is a bug of autoconf that's not able to expand some macros, 
        namely those that contain the version number. The workaround is to 
        downgrade to the previous autoconf version." 

       - downgrade to a stable autoconf version
       - edit all the ntop Makefile(s), add "0:0:0" behind any 
         occurence of "version-info" and "2.0" behind

   Other Solutions: 

   1) Burton posted a personal patch to do the above for on
      Thu Dec 20 2001 - "Compile problems with -release". Check the ntop-dev archive. 

   2) Older versions (e.g. Slackware 7.xx) of Linux installations have older versions 
      of automake, which don't exhibit the bug. 

   3) (Sean O'Neill) "I cheated a bit and hacked libtool by changing the following" 


    4) The new ./configure scripts - call it versions after Nov2002 - fix this.
(Updated 2003-Jan-20)

Q. Why do we have static linked libraries in
A. I (Burton) don't know the history, but I have some guesses...  First the facts...

   gdchart0.94c wasn't regularly released - it's a special release for ntop -
   check the home page and there isn't a mention of c!

   libpng-1.0.8 has different calling parameters vs. 1.2.x and DOES NOT
   implement the typical backwards compatible entry points.  So if you compile
   with one and .so to the other, it breaks...  nice, huh?

   zlib?  Probably wouldn't have been an issue, but - as everyone else got
   bitten by - it had been so stable for so long, that nobody even thought
   about it...

   My guess is that it simply became easier for Luca - static linking kills 
   off a whole raft of problem reports.  But that's only a guess - I wasn't
   involved with ntop back then...

   Could it be fixed/changed??  Sure.  Volunteers are welcome.

Q. What is "obsolete/"
A. Obsolete code is code that is no longer being maintained nor part of ntop, but
   it's stuck off in that directory because 1) storage is cheap and 2) it might have
   usage someday and 3) somebody might be interested in resurecting it...

   Code in obsolete/ IS NOT MAINTAINED, even minimally. 

   Specifics?  (As of June 2002)

       Various programs and functions which supported "rules" were determined to be
       obsolete were removed from ntop in late March 2002. This included a substantial
       number of lines of code which was simply removed. Entire modules were placed into 
       the obsolete/ directory. 

       Various plugin programs which were no longer being supported were removed from 
       ntop in late March 2002. These entire modules were placed into the obsolete/ 

       Various lines of code (totaling a substantial number, widely scattered throughout 
       ntop), which had provided compile-time selectable support (#define ENABLE_NAPSTER) 
       for analysis of the (late) Napster protocol were removed on 4Apr2002.  

Q, How to Build the (obsolete) RMON plugin
A. Without any guarantees...

    0) Please do NOT use a precompiled UCD package unless you know what you're doing. 

    1) Fetch UCD-SNMP [See] 

    2) Compile the stuff as specified as follows : 
        [see also] 
    > ./configure --with-mib-modules="agentx" 
    > make 
    > make install 

    3) Once you this stuff ready you can build the ntop/RMON plugins. 

    4) Now start ntop. 

    5) The ntop/RMON plugin listens on port 161 (the default SNMP port). 
        If you want to test the agent you can use the 'tkMib' tool that comes with 
        UCD-SNMP [see]. 

   NOTE: If you use tkMib do not forget to do "setenv MIBS ALL" (csh shells), 
         otherwise you won't see the RMON MIB.  

   How to Build the RMON plugin (bis) created 04/03 2002 by pierlo  
   The following works with : 
     - ntop v.2.0.1 
     - UCD-SNMP v.4.2.3 
     - openSSL v.0.9.6c 

     0. Requirements 
     * Make sure that ntop works properly 

     * Make sure that openSSL & openSSL libraries are correctly installed
       (no WARNING when ntop is started !). If not, download and install 
       the latest versions) 

     * fetch & install UCD-SNMP : 
     tar -xvzf XXXXX.tar.gz 
     ./configure --enable-shared 
     umask 022 
     make install 

     1. uncomment lines around 474 and 1035 in file : 

     dnl> check for `UCD-SNMP' library by University of California [] 
     dnl>AC_CHECK_LIB(ucdagent, register_mib, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SNMP) SNMPLIBS="-L/usr/local/lib -lsnmp -lucdagent -lucdmibs"], , -lsnmp -lucdagent -lucdmibs $LIBS $MORELIBS) 

     (remove the dnl> from the AC_ lines) 

     * in /ntop/plugins/rmonPlugin.c file, replace : 

     line 702 approx. : droppedPackets with droppedPkts 
     (there is only one occurence, so it may not be difficult to find) 

     line 676 approx. : 
     if (header_simple_table (vp,name,length,exact,var_len, 

     with : 

     if (header_simple_table(vp,name,length,exact,var_len, 

     and : 

     long_ret = (long)(device[ifNum] 


     long_ret = (long)(myGlobals.device[ifNum] 

     (lines 690 to 782 approx., about 13 occurences to change) 

     2. launch /ntop/ -1 

     3. launch /ntop/configure 

     Be sure that : 

     * there is no warning about openSSL libraries ! 

     * the following checks are successful : 
     " Step 4. Looking for both required and optional system headers.... 
     checking for ucd-snmp/ucd-snmp-agent-includes.h... yes" 
     "Step 7. Looking for optional GPLed libraries.... 
     checking for register_mib in -lucdagent... yes" 

     -> NO warning about openSSL libraries here ! If any trouble, 
     check config.log file, which may help to get round the problem... 
     Looking at file and checking libraries pathes may also be helpful. 

     3. edit /ntop/plugins/Makefile : replace every ocurence of "icmpPlugin" with "rmonPlugin". 

     4. Launch /ntop/plugins/make 

     5. Theoretically, RMON plugin is built and is ready to work ! If you have 
        a error message like "undefined symbol..." when ntop started... 
        I don't know how to fix it. 

     Hope I didn't forget anything... Have fun ! 



Q. What is the function of the 'ntop' script in the build directory - should I
   call it or /usr/local/bin/ntop ?
A. (from the comments in the script):

    # ntop - temporary wrapper script for .libs/ntop
    # Generated by - GNU libtool 1.4 (1.920 2001/04/24 23:26:18)
    # The ntop program cannot be directly executed until all the libtool
    # libraries that it depends on are installed.
    # This wrapper script should never be moved out of the build directory.
    # If it is, it will not operate correctly.
   It allows you to run ntop out of the build directory before doing a "make
   install" by doing all the necessary linkage magic - such as forcing a relink
   if it didn't succeed originally - to the files in .libs.

   Think of it as simulating make install, but not moving stuff to /usr/local
   or wherever.

Q. Which libraries do I need?
A. To run ntop: glibc, gdbm, libpcap 
      For https://, add openssl. 
      For intop, add ncurses. 
      For other tools and compile options, add the appropriate libraries. 

Q. ntop seems to run, but the web server isn't up.
A. Set the password - see docs/1STRUN.TXT

Q. How do you reset Admin password if we lost it?
A. Delete ntop_pw.db and follow the procedure in docs/1STRUN.txt

Q. How does the @filename option work e.g. /usr/bin/ntop ... @filename ...
A. The text of 'filename', is copied - ignoring line breaks and 
   comments (anything following a #) - into the command line.

   ntop behaves as if all of the text had simply been typed directly 
   on the command line.  Multiple @s are permitted in the command 
   line, nesting is not.  @s in the file will cause an error.

   Both are displayed on the info.html report, the "Started as"
   shows the actual command line ntop was given and the 
   "Resolved to" shows what ntop processed.

   Started as /usr/bin/ntop -i eth0,eth1 @/root/ntop_parms -d -L

   with /root/ntop_parms containing:

      -p /usr/share/ntop/protocol.list 
      -P /usr/share/ntop 
      # -W 
      -u ntop 
      --trace-level 3 


   Resolved to /usr/bin/ntop -i eth0,eth1 -p /usr/share/ntop/protocol.list 
               -P /usr/share/ntop --throughput-bar-chart -w 
               -u ntop --trace-level 3 -m, -E 
               -K --reuse-rrd-graphics -d -L 

   Remember, most ntop options are "sticky", that is they just set an
   internal flag. Invoking them multiple times doesn't change ntop's
   behavior. However, options that set a value, such as --trace-level, 
   will use the LAST value given: --trace-level 2 --trace-level 3 will 
   run as --trace-level 3.

   It is recommended that you use FULL pathnames for @filename, since
   ntop may have different effective directories when run in different
   ways.  However, you may wish to use relative pathnames to take
   advantage of the different effective directories (say cron vs.
   command line).  Just know where you're starting from.
(Added 20Nov2002, Burton)

Q. ntop seems to run but I don't see any traffic.
A. Make sure you aren't running against the loopback ( interface.
   lo shouldn't see much traffic, only that originating on the host destined
   for it (e.g. ping

Q. ntop is unable to open it's database file.  Specifically:
   I have following messages while running ntop

     wait please: ntop is coming up...
     24/Jul/2003 15:15:23 Initializing IP services...
     <snip />
     24/Jul/2003 15:15:23 Initializing GDBM...
     24/Jul/2003 15:15:23 Database '/var/ntop/addressCache.db' open failed: File open error
     24/Jul/2003 15:15:23 Possible solution: please use '-P <directory>'
A. Multiple possible choices...
    1. The directory /var/ntop doesn't exist.  Create it or, as the message says, use the
       -P parameter to point ntop at another directory.
    2. You many not have read/write rights in /var/ntop - if you're running in non-promiscuous
       mode from a user other than root.
    3. Another instance of ntop may already be running, so it has the file open and locked.
   (Added 29Jul2002 by Burton)

Q. ntop stops capturing packets, except ARP and other broadcasts.  Why?
A. Check if you have a daemon running that periodically checks for and 
   resets interfaces in promiscuous mode?  If that happens, all you 
   would see were broadcast packets like ARPs...

   Check back in the log and see if there is a message about the interface
   changing status.  Determine why.

Q. How much horsepower do I need to run ntop on a network of size x?
A. Nobody really knows.  ntop needs enough memory to store the active
   hosts and enough cpu to keep up with the average packet flow.  The
   buffer will handle the occasional peak, but if you see frequent
   lost packets, you're in trouble.

   Note that a few packets occasionally lost isn't a big deal for most 
   users.  After all, the network itself has losses - I've seen my AT&T
   Broadband connection have spurts of 30% packet loss.  Ideally in a 
   LAN environment, the packet loss should be down in the small #s... 
   the Ethernet standard allows 1  error in 100,000,000(10^8), but most 
   vendors beat that by a long margin (even as high as 1 in 10^12).

   Of course, those are lab measurements.  In the real world?  Not that good.
   Electrical noise can be a real bugaboo. Remember, at a certain point, if 
   the nic doesn't understand what it's seeing, it throws it away and 
   declares an error.  The key is to keep up with the traffic.

   Similarly, the OS kernel does the same thing in it's interrupt handling
   (throw away packets).  Last resort, but better than hanging up the whole

   ntop drops packets when the queue gets longer than the permitted length.
   You can see this in the configuration page as # Queued Pkts to Process 
   and # Max Queued Pkts.

   One or two or a small number (you pick your tollerance) is ok, but constant 
   losses isn't.  What I'm saying is that as long as ntop can keep up with the 
   nic, then the data is as good as it gets...  if ntop can't keep up, then the 
   data isn't very good.

   If you have measurements - network size, traffic flow and %CPU used (with
   the hardware info, of course), shoot them over to us on ntop and someday
   maybe we'll be able to give better #s.

Q. ntop starts up with this:
   WARNING: Discarded network this is the local network.
A. No worries.  The message means exactly what it says - it's a warning that 
   you gave the local network as one of the parameter(s) to -m.  Since the 
   local networks are always local, ntop doesn't need to make them pseudo-local.

Q. Can I set the admin password from a script?
A. Yes, you can call ntop with the option: 
      ntop --set-admin-password=password 	  

   If you are really crazy, emulate a tty with ptty, in a python script posted at

Q. I changed the owner of the ntop database directory to the user
   ntop runs as and I get prompted for the password endlessly.
A. Don't.  At the point in the code where databases are opened, ntop has not yet
   shed privileges.  So the databases must be owned by root.  Sensitive info,
   such as the ntop "admin" password are stored in there, so changing ownership
   isn't a good idea.

Q. Can I disable logging? Totally?
A. Sort of - if you run single threaded, without the -d or -L options.
   Multithreaded?  No.  If ntop creates child threads, they don't have 
   terminal access and have to have some way of reporting things.

Q. I can't merge interfaces (-M option)?
A. Check your plugins and see if either netflow or sflow is active.
   Regardless of whether you're using them, if they're active, they 
   (silently) force the -M switch on.

Q. I'm seeing weird "hosts" on my network with names like "Bridge Sp. Tree/OSI Route".
   What are they?
A. There is a list of "special" MAC address prefixes in vendor.c, specialMacInfo[].
   There are blocks of MAC addresses reserved (sometimes not formally) for special
   uses, such as sharing information about Spanning Tree for bridges.  These do not
   have an IP address - they operate at a lower level - so nothing gets displayed
   in some of ntop's fields.

   A reference about protocols at the wire level is here:

   If you only want to see TCP/IP, then I suggest you use -B "ip" to filter
   only TCP/IP protocol on your ntop line...

Q. How do I see fully qualified names for all my hosts? Some are netbios
A. ntop doesn't SEND NetBIOS queries, it sniffs them off the traffic already on
   the network.

   There is only ONE case where ntop uses the NetBIOS names, which is if 
   it can't resolve them via DNS (both it's own queries and from sniffing
   responses to other's queries off the network).

   So, if you have a properly functioning DNS, you'll see DNS names.  If 
   these are (for example) internal names, unknown to the DNS server, you'll 
   see NetBIOS names if they are available.  Lastly, you'll get IP addresses...

   If you do have a DNS, and the name is resolved as part of the default
   domain, you won't see a fully qualified name back from the DNS, so ntop
   won't have that information.  
   So, on a real network you'll often get a mix of name resolution types:

    Host                            IP Address      MAC Address      Other Name(s)          192.168.0.xx   00:D0:09:xx:xx:xx    00:D0:9E:xx:xx:xx
    swallowtail                     192.168.0.XX   00:A0:CC:xx:xx:xx SWALLOWTAIL [STRAUSS] ... 00:D0:9E:xx:xx:xx

Q. I don't understand -j | --border-sniffer-mode
A. Welcome to the club <grin />

   Quoting from Luca's comment:
   "-j is used when you are starting ntop on a mirrored interface where you
   cannot trust MAC addresses."

   ntop uses MAC addresses for many things to differentiate among machines.
   IP addresses and names can mean many things, but hardware addresses are
   supposed to be unique.  This is usually true, but gets hairy when you
   introduce a switch into the network which is also copying all of the 
   packets it sees to a monitoring port.  

   Understand how a switch works: In short, a switch monitors the network it sees
   and knows which mac address(es) are on which ports.  When it received a packet,
   it forwards it to only that port. Broadcasts are forwarded to all ports.

   So an ntop instance, sniffer, whatever only sees a fraction of the traffic.

   In many managed switches, there is an option for a "repeater" or "monitoring" 
   or "spanned" port, which receives all traffic, so that network monitoring can 
   be performed there.

   However, When the switch sends out packets on the monitoring port, it must 
   rewrite them to be valid Ethernet packets with a valid (i.e. the switch's)
   MAC address and ntop gets confused.

   Note that:

   1. -j usually requires you to specify the local network (-m) as a mirrored
      interface might have a wrong/ip-less/privare IP address.

   2. -j disables some features as TCP session tracking etc.

   In future versions -j will disappear and it will be replaced with more flags
   for better controlling all these options.

   With multiple switches in a hierarchy, you have to place the ntop instance 
   or instances carefully, depending upon what you want to monitor.

   For example, most lans have a switch in each area with it's uplink connected 
   to a backbone switch.  Servers and gateways are then placed off one or more 
   backbone ports.  This keeps departmental traffic isolated from each other, 
   while making enterprise wide and inter-department traffic feasible.  ntop 
   would have to be monitoring the backbone switch, but you would need to be 
   aware of what ntop is NOT seeing and place additional monitors.

   For example, you could place additional ntop instances in the departments, 
   using the netflow or sFlow plugins to receive flow information from them 
   which wouldn't be visible to the backbone instance. (I'll note that I haven't
   actually tried this, myself. -----Burton)

Q. When I run with -j | --border-sniffer-mode, there are different menus.
A. Yes.

   The menus are just html files.  There is a set for regular mode and a
   j_xxx.html set for border sniffer mode.  Why?  Because there are things
   that simply don't work in border-sniffer-mode, so why let the user
   request those pages.

Q. OK, but it changed after 2.1.2 (i.e. in 2.1.50) what are the NEW parameters?
A. There were four new parameters introduced when -j | --border-sniffer-mode 
   was removed.  Whether the old parameter really did all the same things as 
   the new ones is irrelevant and left to code-archiologists.  What matters 
   is what the new ones are and what they do!

   They are:

   -b | --disable-decoders

     This flag disables protocol decoders. Use it for better performance 
     or if you feel ntop has problems handling these protocols in your

     This switch disables code in a number of places throughout ntop, code 
     which analyzes specific protocols, but can place additional load on the 
     host.  This switch could be used to run ntop on low-end CPUs or where 
     ntop is acting as a collector (netFlow or sFlow) and the GUI is not

     Disabled is the analysis of:

        DNS Sniffing - where ntop captures DNS information from other hosts'
                       requests to reduce the # of DNS requests ntop must -
                       itself - make.

        NetBIOS   \
        NetWare    \
        AppleTalk   -- resource intensive protocol analysis of less 
        bootp/dhcp /   common protocols.
        OSI       /

        http (80) - Request success/failure counting on port 80 and other
                    analysis, including "Virtual Host".

        ftp passive session tracking.

        "Wrong Port" monitoring for: http, ftp and smtp (used with the
              -q | --create-suspicious-packets option to dump "suspicious" 
              packets to an analysis file)  With this option, ntop checks
              the payload for each new connection, looking for text usually
              present in http, ftp or smtp requests.  If these are not on the
              "normal" ports (http's 80, ntop's 3000 or squid's 3128, ftp's
              21 or smtp's 25) (or there is a non-ftp or smtp request on the
              standard ports), the packet is logged.

   -g | --track-local-hosts

     Use this flag to tell ntop that you care only about local hosts (use 
     -m | -- local-subnets to specify local nets).  This flag is useful when 
     ntop sees many hosts (e.g. border gateway) but only the local ones need 
     to be tracked.

     This switch disables code in a number of places throughout ntop, code 
     which allows ntop to track "foreign" hosts (that is ones not local 
     according to the IP address(es) of ntop's interfaces or set pseudo-local
     by -m | -- local-subnets).

     Basically, ntop doesn't bother to do DNS resolution on these addresses 
     and, for purposes of various counts, uses the "other" bucket instead of
     creating a unique hash table bucket for the specific host.

     This switch could be used to run ntop on low-end CPUs or where ntop is 
     acting as a collector (netFlow or sFlow) and the GUI is not required.

   -o | --no-mac

     Specifies that ntop should not trust MAC addresses but just IP addresses. 
     This option is useful whenever ntop is started on an interface where MAC 
     (Media Access Controller - the low-level Ethernet address) addresses can
     not really be trusted (e.g. port/VLAN mirror in Switched Ethernet 

     Certain processing is performed differently:

          Hash search is via IP not MAC

     Certain capabilities are disabled:

          Analysis of bootp/dhcp requests
          localRoutersList.html report
          Wrong net mask log message and flag
          Analysis of non-tcp/udp protocols like NetWare and Spanning Tree
          Router listing on Host Detailed report.
          Traffic Matrix report

     (Note that this list is subject to change as we learn more about protocols
      that do/do not depend on the MAC address)

     See also -z | --disable-sessions

   -z | --disable-sessions

     This flag disables tcp session tracking. Use it for better performance or 
     when you don't really need the tracking of sessions.

     Also, in situations where the MAC addresses can not be trusted, ntop may
     - or may not - be able to accurately track tcp sessions.  There is no easy 
     way to tell, so this switch puts control back into the users' hands.

     In versions after 2.0 up to & including 2.1.2, the -j | --border-sniffer-mode
     flag (predecessor of -o | --no-mac) always turned this off.  Many users wanted 
     to try turning session tracking back on, and did via code patches with mixed 

     Suggested usage:  If you enable -o | --no-mac, try running ntop with
     sessions enabled.  If the data looks reasonable, congratulations - your
     network allows session tracking.  If the data does not look reasonable,
     then you will also need to disable session tracking with this switch.

    (Added 21Aug2002 - BMS)

Q. ntop shows an older, single menu interface
A. If ntop is unable to find the file index.html it generates the page 
   internally. That page refers to 'leftindex.html' which is the all-in-one menu 
   you see, similar to the v1.3 menu.

   To find the html files, ntop looks in the html subdirectory in two places: 

      1. In the current directory (i.e. ./html), 
      2. In '[prefix]/share/ntop/html' 
         (where [prefix] is set by the --prefix option of your ./configure step). 

   Common causes: 

      1. Is manually installing ntop in an unusual place, having forgotten to update
         DATAFILE_DIR in config.h. Or forgetting to copy the html subdirectories, etc. 

      2. Forgetting to run './ -1' first and 'make install' last when first
         building ntop from source. 

      3. The 'intop.1' problem discussed in another FAQ entry - this leaves an 
         partial install, which is often missing some or all of the html files. 

      4. Running ntop with an explicit path from somewhere other that the directory 
         it's installed into. For example, if you install ntop into /root/ntop, but
         run it like this: 

            cd /usr/bin 

         It will look 1st in /usr/bin/html and then in [prefix]/share/ntop and not 
         find the html files in /root/ntop/html!

   This often occurs when running ntop as a daemon, because the current working 
   directory of the script is not what you expect it to be! 

Q. What are the default protocols ntop monitors?
A. (These are the ones ntop monitors if the user does not supply a -p parameter)  
   Check addDefaultProtocols() in ntop.c around line 520.  
   The current list (July 2002) is

     Protocol   Ports
     --------   -----
     FTP        ftp ftp-data
     HTTP       http www https 3128      /* 3128 is HTTP cache */
     DNS        name domain     
     Telnet     telnet login     
     NBios-IP   netbios-ns netbios-dgm netbios-ssn     
     Mail       pop-2 pop-3 pop3 kpop smtp imap imap2     
     DHCP/BOOTP 67-68     
     SNMP       snmp snmp-trap     
     NNTP       nntp
     NFS        mount pcnfs bwnfs nfsd nfsd-status
     X11        6000-6010
     SSH        22
     Gnutella   6346 6347 6348     
     Morpheus   1214     
     WinMX      6699 7730     
     eDonkey    4661-4665
     Messenger  1863 5000 5001 5190-5193

   Note that the names come from /etc/services (or your system's equivalent).  If
   you add protocols to /etc/services, you can refer to them by name on the -p 

   The list changes over time as P2P protocols appear and disappear.  Check the
   cvs and diff ntop.c (around line 550 in void addDefaultProtocols() if you want
   the history.

Q. What are ntop's options?
A. There are a couple of options that appear only if they're not compiled in, and a few
   that depend on various external libraries, e.g. openSSL.

   The best way to see what is actually available is to run ntop with the -h or 
   --help options and see.

   Here is the FULL set as of April 2003:  

     -a <path>      | --access-log-path <path>
                               Path for ntop web server access log

     -b             | --disable-decoders
                               Disable protocol decoders

     -c             | --sticky-hosts
                               Idle hosts are not purged from hash

     -d             | --daemon
                               Run ntop in daemon mode

     -e <number>    | --max-table-rows <number>
                               Maximum number of table rows to report

     -f <file>      | --traffic-dump-file <file>
                               Traffic dump file (see tcpdump)

     -g             | --track-local-hosts
                               Track only local hosts

     -h             | --help
                               Display this help and exit

     -i <name>      | --interface <name>
                               Interface name or names to monitor

     -k             | --filter-expression-in-extra-frame
                               Show kernel filter expression in extra frame

     -l <path>      | --pcap-log <path>
                               Dump packets captured to a file (debug only!)

     -m <addresses> | --local-subnets <addresses>
                               Local subnetwork(s) (see man page)

     -n             | --numeric-ip-addresses
                               Numeric IP addresses - no DNS resolution

     -o             | --no-mac
                               ntop will trust just IP addresses (no MACs)

     -p <list>      | --protocols <list>
                               List of IP protocols to monitor (see man page)

     -q             | --create-suspicious-packets
                               Create file ntop-suspicious-pkts.XXX.pcap file

     -r <number>    | --refresh-time <number>
                               Refresh time in seconds, default is 120

     -s             | --no-promiscuous
                               Disable promiscuous mode

     -t <number>    | --trace-level <number>
                               Trace level [0-5]

     -u <user>      | --user <user>
                               Userid/name to run ntop under (see man page)

     -w <port>      | --http-server <port>
                               Web server (http:) port (or address:port) to listen on

     -z             | --disable-sessions
                               Disable TCP session tracking

     -A                        Ask admin user password and exit

                               Set password for the admin user to <pass>
     -B <filter>    | --filter-expression

                               Packet filter expression, like tcpdump

     -C             | --large-network
                               ntop will be used to analyze a large network
                               This is a hint which disables a couple of memory
                               intensive features.

     -D <name>      | --domain <name>
                               Internet domain name

     -E             | --enable-external-tools
                               Enable lsof/nmap integration (if present)

     -F <spec>      | --flow-spec <specs>
                               Flow specs (see man page)

     -K             | --enable-debug
                               Enable debug mode

     -L                        Do logging via syslog

                               Do logging via syslog, facility - Note that the = is REQUIRED

     -M             | --no-interface-merge
                               Don't merge network interfaces (see man page)

     -O <path>      | --pcap-file-path <path>
                               Path for log files in pcap format

     -P <path>      | --db-file-path <path>
                               Path for ntop internal database files

     -U <URL>       | --mapper <URL>
                               URL ( for displaying host location

     -V             | --version
                               Output version information and exit

     -W <port>      | --https-server <port>
                               Web server (https:) port (or address:port) to listen on

                               DO NOT USE - DOES NOT WORK

                               Use BAR chart for graphs

                               Ignore SIGPIPE errors

                               Use ssl watchdog (NS6 problem)

                               Disable 'STOPCAP' mode

                               Enable dynamic adjustment of the number of hosts
                               to purge per cycle

                               Reuse rrd graphics if no rrd data has been updated
                               between requests.

                               Value to return for p3p-cp header

                               Value to return for p3p-uri header

                               File name for xml dump during shutdown

                               File name for snapshot xml dump during run

                               DO NOT USE - DOES NOT WORK

Q. But, what about -A a/k/a --accuracy-level
A. This option was used to set ntop into various modes which performed less 
   processing, in order to handle higher traffic volumes. 

   It was added on 14Dec2001 (just before v2.0) and was removed on 11Mar2002, 
   although traces survived in usage() until April 2002. 

   Note that the CODE remains in initialize.c for use by EXPERTS if necessary.  

Q. But, but, but what about --no-admin-password-hint
A. This option was used to remove the hint text from the administrative password 
   entry message box. 

   It was added 4Feb2002 and removed 8Mar2002 (the last traces, in usage(), were 
   removed on 4Apr2002).  

Q. But what about SQL and mySQL
A. Removed in 2.1.50+ versions - use rrd

Q. But I really, really, need the data in an sql database.
A. If you are only interested in saving your netflow data in MySQL, use the script
   ntop/NetFlow/ (netflow v5).  With few additional lines you could
   save your data in flat files, forward the netflow data or whatever.

   What this script does it set itself up as a netflow collector and sql inserter.
   The mail loop just accepts a netflow packet and inserts the flow(s) into sql.

   To use this with a single instance of ntop, just set ntop up as a netflow
   sender, directed at the script (e.g. on any port you like).  Configure
   the script with the port # and run it.

   The same idea would work with sFlow, you would just have to change the packet
   decoding part of the script.

   (Added, 28Nov2002, from a suggestion by Lubo Kovac,

Q: How does ntop use lsof?
A: ntop uses lsof to show open files on the ntop host (the IP Traffic | Local usage).
   It does this by executing:

       lsof -i -n -w

   Note that running lsof requires root privledges, but ntop has shed root before
   we ever get to lsof.  Accordingly you must set lsof suid root.

   BEFORE YOU DO THAT: You had better understand the security implications!
       Search the web and check with the lsof people.
(Added 03Feb2003, Burton)

Q: How does ntop use nmap?
A: ntop versions 2.1.57+ do not use nmap.  Older versions used nmap to do OS 
   fingerprinting.  What it did was this:

       nmap -p 23,21,80,138,139,548 -O <address>

   Note that running nmap required root privledges, but ntop has shed root before
   we ever get to nmap.  Accordingly you had to have nmap suid root.
(Added nmap 03Feb2003, Burton)
(Updated 10Mar2003, Burton)

Q. What does the message "URL security(1): ERROR: Found percent in URL...DANGER...
   rejecting request" mean?						 
A. It means that ntop received a request with a percent sign (%) in it, often used 
   as part of Unicode exploits against various web servers.  Since there is no
   situation where ntop should process this, we reject it.
   URLsecurity in http.c is the place where these tests occur.

Q. What does the message "Rejected request from address x.y.z.t (it previously 
   sent ntop a bad request)" mean?
A. Once you send ntop a request that URLsecurity rejects, the sending address    
   goes into a ring buffer on a 5 minute timeout where we simply drop subsequent 
   requests...  rather than waste cycles ignoring an attack...

Q. What are the other URL security(#) codes?
A. 1.  Found a % in the request (Unicode problems)
   2.  Found a parameter type code (//, &&, ??)
   3.  Found a directory transversal code (..)
   4.  Found a prohibited (RFC1945) character
   5.  Found a bad extension

Q. How can I run ntop without being root?
A. A very simple way of doing this is:
   > su
   > chown root ntop
   > chgrp root ntop
   > chmod 6111 ntop
   > exit

   This makes ntop read-only for everyone and sets the setuid and setguid bits.

   Do not forget to use the -u flag so that ntop changes user as soon as it
   is started.

   Understand that setting the Setuid and Setguid bits allows ANY user to run
   ntop and it will run with ROOT privledges.  This is very powerful, and often
   a source of security exposure - many system hardening scripts and 
   recomendations tell you to look for and remove the setuid and setguid bits.


   Also, there are unconfirmed reports of problems, causing a
      "socket: operation not permitted"

Q. My security people won't let me run in promiscuous mode.
A. Tough...

   Or, use the -s option and accept the limitations...

   Ask them "honestly, what is the problem" - other than having an interface
   in promiscuous mode is a signature of a sniffer and security folks look for
   unauthorized sniffers?

   ntop needs promiscuous mode so that it sees the full range of traffic.  Any
   similar product will do the same thing.

   If the security people think traffic on the wire is secure, they're wrong!
   Face facts - just about every Windows user, except for 2K/XP Pro (and then
   only if TBTP have especially locked them down)can install the windows
   version of tcpdump...

   If it's a checklist item, just gen up a form to "authorize" it, have the
   boss and VP/CIO sign it and give it to them.

Q. -s | --no-promiscuous doesn't work
A. It should work - it's passed to pcap_open_live.  Understand that it does mean
   ntop sees a lot less comprehensive view of the traffic.  You won't see anything
   different unless you do an ifconfig on the interface.  Note that while the 
   parameter specifies if the interface is to be put into promiscuous mode, even 
   if this parameter is false, the interface could well be in promiscuous mode 
   for some other reason.

   If it fails, you'll see a message and ntop will refuse to startup
(Updated April 2003, Burton)

Q. ntop doesn't report any traffic at all.
A. Understand how ntop works:  It simply listens on the interface(s) for packets,
   then counts and interprets them.  If there aren't any packets, ntop doesn't
   count things.
   ntop does not sample.  It processes every packet it sees and counts them.
   Only if there is more traffic than ntop can handle for a long period of time
   will the packet queue hit it's limit and packets be lost.  But this is still
   not sampling.

   Make sure that there's traffic on the interface(s) you are using. You can
   use tcpdump or a similar network sniffer tool to check.

   If you are on a segmented network (i.e. switched), you may not see traffic
   that isn't destined for the ntop machine unless you configure the switch to
   set the port for the ntop host into "mirror" or "management" mode (different
   vendors call it different things, but it's a mode where ALL traffic is copied
   to a specific port, regardless of which port the destination host is on).

   If there is more than one interface in the ntop host, perhaps you aren't 
   listening on the one that has traffic?  Check using ifconfig:
   eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:D0:09:77:85:B9  
             inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
             UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
             RX packets:1105906 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
             TX packets:601935 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
             collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 
             RX bytes:119869887 (114.3 Mb)  TX bytes:112203781 (107.0 Mb)
             Interrupt:11 Base address:0xc000 

    If the RX and TX numbers are increasing, this shows that traffic IS flowing...

   If you have an unnumbered interface (listening only), remember you need to
   use -m to tell ntop what is local and what isn't:

   eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:30:F1:54:55:00  
             RX packets:1596612 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
             TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
             collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 
             RX bytes:566953031 (540.6 Mb)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)

   You can select an interface using the '-i' flag, e.g. -i eth1 or -i eth0,eth1.

Q. How does -m | --local-subnets work?
A. This  flag  allows users to specify the subnets whose traffic is considered 
   local (called "pseudoLocal" internally).  The format is 
        <network address>/<# subnet mask bits>[,<network address>/<#  subnet mask bits>]. 
   For instance ",".

Q. (followup) but what does it MEAN?
A. Surprisingly, it means EXACTLY what it says.  Treat traffic on the listed subnet(s) 
   as local.

   ntop differentiates between local traffic and remote traffic.  There are actually 
   four classes (although only three are routinely reported) L->L L->R R->L and R->R.

   Suppose your IP is with a netmask (a/k/a

   Under the TCP/IP protocol, traffic with any address -> does not 
   get routed.  It's "local".

   Your buddy is at and the router is, so your network looks like this:

   the       +--------+
   world-----+ Router +--
             +--------+                |             |
                                  +--------+            +--------+
                                  |  You   |            |  Buddy |
                                  +--------+            +--------+

   Say you send a packet to your buddy at You build a packet with SRC= 
   DST= and you data and cast it out the wire.   (For purposes of this illustration, 
   ignore the fact the your TCP stack would recognize the "local" nature of the packet and 
   actually use another, lower level protocol, called Ethernet to deliver it.)

   The router ( looks at it, does the math and ignores it - it's local
   Your buddy ( looks at it, says - gee, that's me and reads it

   This is L->L traffic.

   Now you send a packet to at  Again, SRC= and now 

   The router ( looks at it, does the math and says - oops, I have to send it out 
      to the world
   Your buddy ( looks at it, says - gee that's NOT me and ignores it

   This is L->R traffic.

   Now it's perfectly possible to have multiple (physical) networks on the same physical 
   wire.  Say that your ISP chooses to put ( on the same wire.
   (Why would they do this - maybe it's a big pipe and only a few users or whatever).

   A packet from -> is seen by

   The router - no, that too is local, ignore it
   You ( ( - not me - ignore it
   Buddy ( - um... - not me - ignore it

   And that's perfectly legal.

   But what if you are the ISP and you want ntop to see ALL the traffic on that wire?  
   ntop will figure out from it's own IP address that the traffic is local, 
   but it will classify the as REMOTE.

   And that is what the --local-subnets switch does.  It tells ntop to treat that traffic as local.

   If there isn't any other traffic on the wire, then telling ntop to treat it as local 
   won't change a thing.

   You can always use a packet sniffer, such as tcpdump to scan the traffic on the wire 
   and see what's really there...                          (Added, 08Aug2002, BMS)

Q. And internally?
A. ntop is designed as a hybrid packet analyzer, not a pure Ethernet analyzer
   (layer 2) nor a pure TCP/IP analyzer (layer 3).  Most of ntop's displayed
   counts are at the TCP/IP level, and that's what confuses people.  Internally, 
   ntop works both at the level of the Ethernet frame and the TCP/IP packet.

   A single MAC address can be associated with multiple TCP/IP addresses.  The MAC
   address -- unless something is horribly wrong on the network or with the hardware
   or somebody is deliberately spoofing it -- is guaranteed to be unique and refers
   to a physical host or network interface.  For many reports, ntop displays the 
   information using the MAC address to separate physical devices.  Other data is 
   accumulated and displayed at the TCP/IP (level 3) layer.

   -m relates to the traffic you see on the wire at the TCP/IP level.
   -m tells ntop something it can't determine by itself.  And that is to treat
   that range of addresses EXACTLY like it was local.

   For example, on my Cable Modem, I see broadcasts for a number of subnets
   that AT&T has assigned to this area (I don't see the traffic, but you get
   the picture) in an overlay structure (two or more networks on the
   same wire, but with separate address spaces).   (Added, 20Sep2002, BMS)

Q. I am using a /16 (/25 or whatever) mask and I get this message:
      Truncated network size to 1024 hosts (real netmask
A. Yes.  ntop limits each network to 1024 hosts (a /24). If you need more, alter the
   #define for MAX_SUBNET_HOSTS in globals-defines.h and recompile.  Space has to be reserved 
   for this many hosts for each network, so the limit exists to keep memory usage
   from growing to absurd levels on people with "class A" (/8) interfaces (e.g. 10. or
   Cable Modems, etc.).

Q. How does ntop purge idle hosts?
A. ntop tracks the last timestamp of a packet on a per-host and per-session
   basis.  After a period of time - configured through a #define in globals-defines.h -
   with no packets received, the host is eligible for purge.  Purge starts
   in a random place in the list and selects the eligibles up to a per-cycle
   limit (512 hosts or 1/3 of the hash size). 

Q. What does --dynamic-purge-limits do?
A. It helps ntop performance in idle host purge for LARGE hash sizes.  During
   purge, the CPU usage may reach 100%.  As long as we're not losing packets, 
   the time it takes to purge is really irrelevant  unless the purge holds 
   the mutexes for such a long time that ntop locks up.

   Up to a point, the trade-off is memory used (to hold "old" host data) vs.
   how much time it requires to purge (how aggressive the purge is).

   --dynamic-purge-limits dynamically scales the maximum # to purge to keep
   the purge time limited in a way that reflects the environment (elapsed time)
   not just a fixed #.
   (Added 14Nov2002, BMS)

Q. ntop doesn't understand virtual hosts.
A. IP Packets have a source address & port and a destination address & port... 
   you MUST get your head out of the application layers and revert to that simple 

   How does Apache handle virtual hosts? It analyzes the flow at the
   application level (layer 4) not the wire/packet/protocol (layers 1, 2 and
   3).  It does this by re-assembling packets into a layer 4 message (e.g. GET

   So, since ntop works at the packet level, it doesn't understand virtual
   hosts.  It's a NETWORK analyzer, not an application level one.  Which is not 
   to say you couldn't create a plugin that did the layer 4 analysis...  but 
   ntop doesn't.

   (20Sep2002, BMS) Support for virtual hosts is under development and the initial
   support is in 2.1.50.

   (April 2003) It's in the 2.2 release and the folks who have virtual hosts have
   been pretty pleased.

Q. tcpwrappers does't work
A. Oh yes it does... for http: connections

   1) You have to configure it this way before compiling ntop: 
        ./configure --enable-tcpwrap 

   2) You must have the headers and libraries installed on the build machine 
      (and on the execution machine if they aren't the same).

   Remember to make the appropriate entries in hosts.allow (e.g. ntop:192.168.0.) 
   and hosts.deny (e.g. ntop:ALL) 

   However, tcpwrappers and https:// is known not to work - see docs/KNOWN_BUGS

Q. My filter doesn't work!  I'm running ntop like this:
      /usr/local/bin/ntop -u nobody -L -d -E -w 3000 -S 2 \
                          -m, \
                          -M -i eth0,eth1 \
                          (src net or src host ) \
                          and not dst net 
A. Yup, it doesn't work.  Use the -B option and put the filter in quotes: 
      -B "(src net or src host ) and not dst net"
   Current development versions (and 2.2) should be logging a warning that says maybe you
   forgot the quotes
(Updated April 2003, Burton)

Q. I have experienced problems defining multiple filters: ntop reports 'syntax error'
A. If you believe the filter is syntactically correct then it's likely that the libpcap
   you have used has been compiled using an old non-reentrant version of flex.
   Please make sure you're using version 2.5.4 or above.  

Q. Why does ntop use so much memory ?
A. ntop holds a lot of information about each host it has seen in an in-memory table.
   Periodically, it looks at all the entries in the table and flushes any which have
   been idle for a period of time.
   You can change the sizing of the table and the flushing interval via #define 
   statements in globals-defines.h.  
   But realistically, ntop needs enough memory to hold information about what's 
   active on YOUR network.

   To reduce memory, monitor fewer protocols or use the filter (-B "bpf filter") 
   option to monitor only parts of the network.

   There have been a couple of discussions on the ntop mailing list about ntop's
   memory usage - you might read them (search on gmane).
(Updated April 2003, Burton)

Q. What are High/Medium/Low risk flags
A. They are set in reportUtils.c based on fairly self-obvious functions:
      Medium: hasWrongNetmask() 
      High: hasDuplicatedMac()
   Often seen if you are monitoring a backbone or common network (high)
   or if you have cloned MAC addresses for, say, a home Firewall box.

Q. What does the "Users" flag mean on a host?
A. If you go to the "Info about host xxxx" page, there will be data
   in the "Known Users" section, if it's acting as a server for certain

   In sessions.c, the function updateHostUsers() is used to maintain the list
   of "users" of a host.  In handleSession(), as part of the protocol level
   analysis, the "user" information for various protocols is pulled out of the
   packets.  Stuff like the "X-Kazaa-Username" header, the "MAIL FROM:" header,

   We tag users as one or more of the following types:

   Note that for P2P, we also record - where possible - whether this user is
   (Added 27Sep2002, Burton)

Q. Why are some of the host names in different colors?
A. Colors are used on several of the ntop pages to convey extra
   information to the user.  (in particular the ACTIVE TCP SESSIONS
   and the LOCAL HOST STATS pages). There are five colors used to
   depict how long ago the host was first seen by ntop.

   The pages which display these colors use a html stylesheet called
   style.css located in the normal html subdirectory (where ntop is 
   installed). This happens by setting the 'class=' parameter of
   the html 'A' (Anchor or hyper-link) tag.  The stylesheet defines
   the following:

      Age of host  'class' name  Color code         Color description
      0-5          A.age0min    { color:#FF0000 }   Red
      5-15         A.age5min    { color:#FF00FF }   Fuchsia/Magenta
      15-30        A.age15min   { color:#FF7F00 }   Coral (lt orange)
      30-60        A.age30min   { color:#007FFF }   Slate blue
      60+          A.age60min   { color:#0000FF }   Blue

   The color legend is displayed on the About | Configuration page
(Added 30Mar2003 by Burton, based on work by

Q. What about protocol XYZZY?
A. The analysis of protocols is very limited and unsophisticated.  But,
   theoretically, if it's there in plain text, we could report on it.
   The more work you can do up front in identifying the protocol (e.g. port #s,
   header structure, etc.), the easier it would be to add.
   (Added 27Sep2002, Burton)

Q. What does the P2P flag mean on a host?
A. If ntop knows enough to tag you as a P2P user, it's also looking at the
   other headers to see if it can track what files you're exchanging.  If a host 
   (i.e. a workstation) downloads a file from another host ("server"), the file
   name is recorded in the list ntop maintains for both of them.

   If a host has at least one file name recorded, it's tagged with the "P2P" 
   (Added 27Sep2002, Burton)

Q. Why did you do this (P2P tracking) instead of feature "x"?
A. Don't know.  I could guess...

   Imagined you are the network manager for a large University network and have
   to crack down on users who are illegally exchanging copyrighted files or
   using University resources to run a businesses without paying for the resources
   being consumed...

   Then again, it could just be because it's cool...
   (Added 27Sep2002, Burton)

Q. What does a "Virtual Host" mean.
A. If a single instance of a web server handles many web sites, all of the 
   references resolve to the same name.  The web server uses the "Host:" 
   header to determine which "index.html" page to serve up.

   ntop monitors port 80 (http:) exchanges and looks for the Host: which allows
   it to build a list of virtual hosts being handled by the web server.
   (Added 27Sep2002, Burton)

Q. Why create Userids
A. Multiple users allow you to control who can alter ntop's performance and/or
   view specific information. If you look on the "Admin" tab, you will see that you can 
   create additional users and also control which URLs can be executed by whom.

   Userids could allow, for example, an ISP to allow users to access SOME 
   network performance statistics, but not the proprietary stuff... 

   Suppose you want to restrict who accesses the Multicast statistics page, multicastStats.html.

   ntop uses terminal wildcards matching the names, so multicast is treated as multicast*
   and matches multicastStats.html plus any other name beginning multicast...


   1st add a new user 
   2nd add "multicast" to the list of controlled screens and allow admin 
       and the new user to access it (note the * wildcard is automatically added)

   Try an access the screen and you are prompted for a userid/password... 

   Look in http.c for all the names and #defines used... 

Q. So, How do I restrict access to the main http or https ntop web page?
A. To stop everyone from logging into ntop, do the following:
   Select ADMIN tab 
   Select URL's then "Add Url"
   Don't fill in anything (the wildcard * is implied)
   Select only the users who you want to authorise (hold cntrl key and 
   click on user to add more users if you added users) 

   and click on "Add Url"

   You will see URL '*' is added, e.g.


   Then only users who know the user id and password (remember to keep the .db 
   file secure!) will have access.
(Added 17Dec2002, thanks to Jac Engle for suggesting it)

Q. SSL is not working! I have the following error in the log/terminal:
     10/Jun/2002 22:58:17 Started thread (6151) for network packet sniffing on 
          eth0.1700:error:140EC0AF:SSL routines:SSL2_READ_INTERNAL:non sslv2 
          initial packet:s2_pkt.c:187: 
A. You forgot to put https:// instead of http:// in the url you put in your browser! 

Q. Unable to find SSL certificate 'ntop-cert.pem'
A. ntop looks such file under the current working directory, then /etc or in whatever
   directory you configured with ./configure. 

   If you want a personal certificate, you need to create it by:

      >make ntop-cert.pem

   It should be installed as part of "make install".  If you have a special certificate
   or it's not present, do it (one-time) manually:
   For example to install it under /usr/local/etc, do: 

   mkdir /usr/local/etc 
   cp /usr/local/bin/ntop-cert.pem /usr/local/etc/ntop 
   See docs/README.SSL

Q. Can I use ntop from php/perl?
A. Yes you can. Please see the www directory under the ntop sourcetree.  

Q. How do I save data between runs?
A. Use rrd.

Q. Where do I get rrd?

Q. Are there rpm's?
   However, see the note below about the patch - you're probably going
   to have to compile from source.
(Thanks to Marco Lusini for the pointer)

Q. Anything else I need to know about rrd.
A. Yes.  There's a bug in all of the developent versions (at least through
   1.0.41), which will sometimes cause ntop's rrd handler to crash.  This is the
--- rrd_update.c.orig   2003-03-29 13:57:28.000000000 -0600
+++ rrd_update.c        2003-03-29 13:58:13.000000000 -0600
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
        case '?':
            rrd_set_error("unknown option '%s'",argv[optind-1]);
-            rrd_free(&rrd);
+            /* rrd_free(&rrd); 2003-03-29 */

   1.0.42 was release just before 2.2 shipped and includes the patch.
(Updated April 2003, Burton)

Q. What about the multi-threaded development version?
A. Stay away.  I only experimented with it a little bit, but it was not
   stable.  Use 1.0.42.
(Updated 2003-03-29, Burton)

Q. What was the -S option?
A. The -S option was the --store-mode option, or the "Persistent storage mode"
   Ntop's internal structures are basically an array of devices (network interfaces), 
   which contains an array of hosts (specific machines seen on the device. 

   So device[0] is the 1st network interface, and device[2] the third. device[0].host[0] 
   would be, say, the local file server and device[0].host[1] would be a simple host. 
   device[1].host[1] is a completely different set of counts from device[0].host[1]. 

   The -S options tells ntop to store information about a specific host in a database from 
   run to run (-S 0 none, -S 1 all and -S 2 only local hosts).

   This is only the count information about the host and does not store the information 
   about a device (a network interface). Further, items of dynamically allocated storage
   (the devices name) are not stored. 

   Data is retrieved on a subsequent run ONLY when traffic is seen from that host after 
   the restart.  (I suppose you could script a ping to each host you care about and force
   the reload that way, but it hasn't been tested...)

   So if you go into the host details (e.g. the page) you should see 
   prior-run information. 

   But if you're looking for device throughput to be preserved... nope... 

   Also, ntop stores the information during 1) reset and 2) shutdown. So if ntop crashes,
   the persistent data will be lost.  

   This option was removed from ntop in the 2.1.52 development version.
   (Updated 14Nov2002i, BMS)

Q: I've enabled the rrd plugin and there's no data ... there are messages in the log:

        RRD call stack:
        argv[0]: rrd_update
        argv[1]: /usr/share/ntop/rrd/matrix/
        argv[2]: 1037289548:1
        rrd_create(...) error: creating '...': No such file or directory 
        rrd_update(...) error: opening '...': No such file or directory 

A: Create the rrd directory and make sure that the -u userid has read/write access to
   it (typically /usr/share/ntop/rrd)
   (Added 14Nov2002, BMS)

Q: intop doesn't....
A: Understand that intop hasn't been supported since v1.3.  Only the very
   minimal changes required to make it compile without errors and startup
   in a very simple environment were made.  It hasn't been tested.
   What intop really needs is somebody to become it's maintainer.

Q. Where can I find neped/queso?
A. neped (Network Promiscuous Ethernet Detector) - Looks for ethernet cards in 
       promiscuous mode in your local net. 
   queso - Determines the remote OS sending simple tcp packets.

   You could download neped/queso from except that site 
   seems to be down...

   neped is at

   queso was found at (look for
   the .orig.tar.gz file)


Q: Where is the documentation for x?
A: The documentation in the docs/ directory and the FAQs etc. at are basically all that there is.  Please
   contribute to the ntop community by writing things up for inclusion
   in this FAQ or other documents!

Q. What is sFlow
A. The core component of the sFlow toolkit is the sflowtool command line utility. 
   sflowtool interfaces to utilities such as tcpdump, ntop and Snort for detailed 
   packet tracing and analysis, NetFlow compatible collectors for IP flow accounting, 
   and provides text based output that can be used in scripts to provide customized 
   analysis and reporting and for integrating with other tools such as MRTG or rrdtool. 

   Some info:  

Q. I have activated the sFlow plugin in ntop. But it doesn't seem to 
   generate any output based on the collected sflow datagrams.
A. sFlow can be a collector or a receiver or both, depending on the
   settings configured via the plugin.

   If you configure ntop as an sFlow collector, it will use sFlow data 
   for generating reports, treating the remote collector(s) as another 
   network interface - see Admin | Switch NIC.

Q. Where is info about netflow?
A. Dale Reed pointed out a good tech doc (no flak, just the formats) for netflow V1/5/7:  

Q. The netFlow record input and output values are zero.
A. ntop doesn't have SNMP routines, so we can't determine the SNMP index of the interfaces.
   (Added 26Nov2002, Burton)

Q. How do I access netFlow or sFlow data from ntop?
A. You need to configure ntop as a listener (it can also be a collector, but that data shows
   up in the receiving interface, not under netFlow/sFlow).

   First, use the appropriate plugin to set the parameters - basically the port you want ntop
   to listen on.  Then, using the Admin | Set Interface menu item, switch ntop to report on
   the sFlow/netFlow pseudo-device (NetFlow-device or sFlow-device).
   (Added 29Jul2002 by Burton)

Q. How Do I Enable NetFlow Data Export on a Cisco Device?
A. To enable netFlow Data Export (NDE) from a Cisco device to an ntop netFlow receiver
   on port 2055 (default) at address 

     ip flow-export destination 2055 
     ip flow-export version 5 

   You may want to designate the source interface, eg: 

     ip flow-export source Ethernet0 

   Enable netFlow on each interface to be monitored. netFlow normally only captures data
   from each incoming packet, so to see traffic in both directions netFlow must be enabled
   on both the incoming and outgoing interfaces. As an example, for an Internet access
   router this would mean enabling netFlow on both the internal (eg ethernet) and the
   external (eg ISDN / Frame Relay etc) interfaces: 

     interface Ethernet0 
     ip route-cache flow 

     interface Dialer1 
     ip route-cache flow 

   By default netFlow will only export flow statistics shortly after the flow terminates
   or when 30 minutes have elapsed. In many environments, you want ntop to be a bit more
   up to date. To change the timeout to five minutes: 

     ip flow-cache timeout active 5 

   The following 'show' commands are useful for examining netFlow statistics directly on
   the Cisco box and may assist when setting up ntop: 

     show ip flow export 
     show ip cache flow 
     show ip cache verbose flow 

   Obviously, there is a lot more to it than this, for more information, see the Cisco
   web site: 
(Created by sholmes at snapshot, 02Feb2003)

Q. Is there any parameter to set to tell ntop which interface/ip address 
   to use when exporting the (netflow/sflow) flows?
A. No. All ntop does is send a packet to the network addressed to the
   destination you request.  
   Typically if the ntop host is multihomed, the routing service will pick the 
   the MOST SPECIFIC route with the lowest metric # that is selected.  E.g., if 
   this is the routing table:

   Kernel IP routing table
   Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface   U     0      0        0 eth0 U     0      0        0 eth2 U     0      0        0 eth1 U     1      0        0 eth2       U     0      0        0 lo         UG    0      0        0 eth0

   A packet to goes via eth1 (equally specific routes, so it chooses
   based on the metric 0 vs. 1)

   A packet to goes via eth2  ( is more specific than

   A packet to goes via eth0

   A packet to goes via eth0 (the gateway is the least specific route, but
   it is the best match)

   But how it goes out (and thus the source IP address) is totally up to the OS.  
   Just be aware when it gets to the netflow/sflow collector, it might have an 
   unexpected ip address as the source.

Q: What is the ssl watchdog?
A: (Added 2002-Sep-09, Burton)

   Short answer: There are reported problems w/ the ntop web server hanging when 
                 accessed via ssl (https://) from Netscape 6.2.2 (Win2K) (and others).

                 The ssl "watchdog" keeps an eye on the web server - it waits for 3 seconds 
                 and then if the SSL_accept call (openSSL) hasn't finished, it aborts it.  
                 This leaves the user with nothing on their web browser, but at least ntop's 
                 web server continues on.

                 There is no know way to send something back to the user. DON'T EVEN ASK.
                 It's not in ntop, it's the browser-server handshake that's hung.
                 So, it looks - to the user - like a failed connection.  S'be'it...

   If you are using https:// and seem to have the problem, run ntop with the --ssl-watchdog 
   command line parameter... The item to look for on the configuration page (info.html) is:

       # HTTPS Request Timeouts 

   Or messages in the log:

   ...: SSLWDERROR: Watchdog timer has expired. Aborting request, but ntop processing continues!

   You can also enable it via a ./configure parameter (./configure --help | less) if it's
   something you're going to always require.

Q. Tell me more
A. The problem is that ntop's web server is single threaded until we determine that the 
   request is simply one that will be reading data.  At that point we fork to generate 
   the page.  But the basic "accept a request" code is single threaded.  This happens 
   all but instantaneously and hasn't been a problem previously.

   The code is pretty basic and pretty common:

       select() to wait for a connection, then
       ssl_accept() to fireup a "server", meaning the ssl handshake.

       Then process the http request (i.e. the GET and associated headers).

   With Netscape 6.2.2 (and others), there seems to be a bug in the Netscape code 
   (ntop's is identical to other projects like sshd).

   According to something I read - but now can't find again - Netscape doesn't accept a 
   legal combination of options on the handshake back from openSSL and hangs in a deadly 
   embrace.  Supposedly openSSL 0.9.6c (or was it d - it's not in the changelog) built 
   in a patch.  However, I didn't find the new version changed the behavior, nor are a 
   lot of vendors shipping those releases (yet).  There is stuff about a bug w/ 
   Netscape 4.x on the openSSL website, but I'm not having trouble with Netscape 4.x.

   I don't understand the details and really don't care to find out.  It boils down to a 
   hang in a call, SSL_accept() that doesn't have a timeout parameter.  Argh...

   Because the code is invasive, I built it (like the SIGPIPE stuff) so you can turn it 
   on at ./configure time:

      --enable-sslwatchdog    Watchdog for ssl hangups (Netscape 6.2.2) [default=disabled]

   or via a command line option:

      --ssl-watchdog          Use ssl watchdog (NS6 problem)

   With the "fix", ntop's web server hangs for at most 3 seconds, then continues on.  The 
   user gets nada - and I don't know a way to send them anything, because we haven't 
   retrieved the request yet nor done the handshake (so there isn't a TCP connection!)

   It only affects https:// requests and I've coded the watchdog so it doesn't activate 
   unless we have openSSL and either the compile or runtime parameter set.  If you don't 
   get https:// requests, it's just another idle thread.

   The fix is working for me... What I've tested (and the results with and without 
   the watchdog):

      MS Internet Explorer 5.5 - ok
      Netscape 4.61 - ok
      Netscape 4.79 - ok
      Netscape 6.2.2 - user gets no response 
                     - old: ntop webserver hung and must restart ntop!!
      Opera 6.03 - user gets a partial response 
                 - old: browser says "setting up secure connection" and never continues, but 
                          ntop webserver is ok  (SOMETIMES you get SSL errors in log, esp. 
                          if you cancel the browser)
      Konqueror 2.2.2 - ok
      Mozilla - 1.0 - ok
      Netscape 4.78 - ok
      Galeon 1.2.5 - almost complete response, browser session is toast (must restart) 
                   - old: user gets nothing, but the ntop webserver is ok
      Opera 6.0B1 - user gets a partial response, but browser session is ok 
                  - old: browser says "setting up secure connection" and never continues, but
                           ntop webserver is ok.

Q. What's up with P3P?
A. P3P is a W3C recommendation - - for specifying how an application
   (typically a web site) handles personally identifiably information.  What information the
   site collects and what it does with the information.

   p3p is pretty complex!  There are basically two ways to enable an application for p3p.  
   One is to add another HTTP header, P3P:.  The second is to support a well-known file 
   location, /w3c/p3p.xml (like robots.txt).

   Browser support is pretty spotty, as is web site adoption. 

   Some 3rd party browsers have some support...  up to CrazyBrowser which claims "full support",
   whatever that means...

Q. So why put P3P into ntop?
A. It's comming.  P3P is gradually making it's way into the top web sites -- right now (Dec2002),
   for example supports it and doesn't.

Q. Ok, but what's that got to do with ntop?
A. Since ntop collects personally identifiable data in it's access log (-a option) and it's 
   various reports and makes those available to pretty much anyone in the default configuration,
   it's probably not a bad idea to OFFER some support.  Especially if you're running ntop at
   a site that has started to support P3P, if you don't have a mechanism for your own policies
   you'll have to adhere to corporate ones.  And that could require massive changes to ntop.

Q. IE6?
A. Since ntop doesn't send the P3P: header, IE6 ignores ntop wrt p3p.  Besides, IE6 uses p3p 
   to block 3rd party cookies.  If you want to see the p3p stuff, it's view | privacy report 
   in the menus.  If the site's policies don't match your settings, there will be a red "do 
   not enter" icon in the third box on the bottom right of the IE6 window - double click on 
   it to see the report.

Q. Mozilla
A. Unknown if it's enabled by default.  Mozilla had support, ripped it out in Feb 2002 and 
   put a new version back in.

Q. Other browsers
A. See their home pages or search the web.  One that I know that claims "full support" 
   (whatever that means) is at

Q. Privacy Bird?
A. A browser-addon, AT&T's privacy bird (, that I'm playing with 
   is a lot more aggressive in supporting p3p.  If Privacy bird doesn't see the P3P: header,
   it then requests the "well known" file, /w3c/p3p.xml file and gets nailed by ntop as a 
   hostile application, since we don't have support for returning .xml files (yet).

Q. So when & how does ntop support p3p?
A. A patch in the cvs on 4Dec2002 (snapshots 5Dec2002 or later) adds minimal support for 
   p3p -- specifically:

      1) ntop will respond to queries for /w3c/p3p.xml and ntop.p3p -- returning the 
         ntop.p3p file, IF ONE EXISTS.  

         If the file does not exist, a 404 error is generated (vs. pre 4Dec2002 behavior 
         of adding the address to the myGlobals.weDontWantToTalkWithYou list).

      2) New parameters, --p3p-cp and --p3p-uri allow you to return the P3P: header with 
         either or both of the parameters (cp="" or policyref="") set.

         ntop doesn't validate the text in any way other than the usual stringSanityCheck().

   This allows me to run the Privacy Bird and still talk to ntop.  I'll admit that option #2 
   is speculative, since I really don't have much of a way to test it.

Q. But there isn't a sample .p3p file provided.
A. Right.

   Please note that there is no sample file provided.  This is not an oversight.

   After careful consideration, I am not providing one.  The reason is that a .p3p file is 
   intended to be a legal contract between your site and your users.  While I could provide 
   a default file that has the right tags - as I understand p3p - for the data ntop collects
   and stores, I don't want the responsibility and/or liability.

   If anyone wants this "sample p3p file", I will make it available for a fee, provided
   your organization - through an appropriate officer, in writting:

      1) Acknowleges that Luca Deri, Burton Strauss and other developers of ntop have no 
         liability for any use(s) you make of the sample p3p file or anything you derive
         from it.

      2) You will defend us - at your expense - from any lawsuit, arbitration proceeding,
         etc. filed in conjunction with your use of the sample p3p file. 

      3) You will pay any judgements, legal expenses, etc. related to any lawsuit, 
         arbitration proceeding, etc. in conjunction with your use of the sample p3p file.

   Since your legal department would be nuts to agree to that I doubt it will come up.

Q. So How do I create a .p3p file?
A. There are tools available to create p3p policy files - search the web for 'p3p editor'.
   One that I've used is a zero cost albeit beta tool, p3peditor from IBM 

(P3P stuff added 4Dec2002, Burton Strauss)

Q. Is ntop localized for language x? (i18n)
A. No.  ntop wasn't really written with i18n in mind.

   Most of the text is generated in-line, on the fly.  Plus ntop must dynamically support
   multiple locales simultaneously.

   However, beginning with v2.1.56 (2.2 development release), there is limited, optional,
   i18n support in ntop.

Q. So, what internationalization (i18n) support does ntop provide.
A. The key word is LIMITED
   This only applies to the pages that are pulled from .html files, NOT those created
   internally.  This includes the menus and the few static text pages, but none of the
   pages with interesting data on them.
   The localized pages must be placed in parallel directories to the existing html ones.
   For example, if ntop is installed in /usr/share/ntop, the html files are in
   To support them Canadians, then, you would need to create a /usr/share/ntop/html_en_CA
   AND that locale would need to be installed on the ntop host system.
   Note that there are NO i18n files distributed with ntop (yet!)
   At ./configure time, you enable support via --enable-i18n.  ntop MUST be told how to
   find the locale files.  In ./configure, a "standard" location is defined per OS. 
   (Initially only the value for FreeBSD is populated).  All others assume the "default",
   /usr/lib/locale.  If that isn't right for your OS, then you MUST use the optional
   parameter --with-localedir= to tell ntop where to find the files.
   At run time, ntop scans the host for the installed locales (locale -a should - on most
   systems give you a list) and checks if a comparable html_cc_XX directory exists.
   This builds a list of supported languages, which (along with i18n status) is shown on
   the configuration pages, info.html and textinfo.html.
   When an http request is made, your browser sends a list of languages it is willing to
   accept in the http Accept-Language: header.
   (check View | Internet Options | Languages in IE to see what you're sending)
   For example,
       Accept-Languages: en_US, en
   Means that you prefer US English, but will accept any English dialect if US English
   isn't available.
   Be aware that the locale settings and Accept-Language settings are not well
   standardized, nor common and may not necessarily map very cleanly.  You should
   see what's defined (perhaps it's locale 'german' instead of 'gr') and make or
   link directories as necessary.  You can always create the directory you tell
   ntop to use via --with-localedir= in the /usr/share/ntop structure and create
   links from there to the real locale directories!
   Limits in the per-request and total # of languages to support are in globals-defines.h
   Because of directory structure limits, a lack of interest in multiple character sets,
   etc. the locale and accept-language headers are coerced into a common format:
   locales are                  ll[_XX][.char][@modifier]
       ll - language, usually the 2 character ISO abrev., such as us, it.
       XX - dialect (often a country), such as CA or US (en_US != en_CA)
       char - character set (we sort of assume UTF-8)
       modifier - euro
   Accept-Language: values are  ll-XX or ll or ll-*
   Once the user makes a request, each page pulled is checked:
       1. For each of the Accept-Language values.
       2. For the ntop host locale value.
       3. In the ntop default (English) set.
   These checks are performed for each of the libraries specified in the config value
Q. What pages can be customized?
A. ls /usr/share/ntop/html/*.html (or wherever the ntop pages are installed):
       Note: There is no real benefit, except maybe the title in index.html so you
         can see that it really does work!
   Misc data
   faq.html - lots of work
   help.html - good candidate
   ntop.html - splash page
   Also, remember that a file overrides ntop's internal page generation, so you
   can also use this facility to override ANY of ntop's pages and return a
   customized page (perhaps you don't want users seeing them?).
(i18n Added 23Jan2003 - Burton)

Section 2 - Specific Platforms

FYI: ntop development is done primarily on Solaris (Solaris 8 for i386)
     and Linux (specifically RedHat 7.2 w/ updates).

During the ntop 2.2 development cycle, we did some development and testing on:
   Solaris 2.6
   Solaris 8 (i86).
Solaris 7 should work.
Solaris 9 is an unknown quantity.

Q. How do I install the ntop package on Solaris?
A. For instance do 'pkgadd -d ntop-2.2-solaris.i386'
(Updated, April 2003, Burton).

BSD Information

Q. I get "ntop: /dev/bpf0: Device not configured", what's wrong?
A. This is because bfpX has not been configured inside the generic bsd-kernel 
   config file. 

   If you use generic kernel config file put "pseudo-device bpfilter 16" in kernel
    config file and rebuild the kernel.  

During the ntop 2.2 development cycle, we did development/testing under:

   Users reported success with 4.7 and 4.8.

   Could never make it work.  Problem seems to be that the gnu tools such
   as ld don't support a.out systems very well.

   Some testing was done using 1.5.3 and 1.6 - both work only in SINGLE
   THREADED mode and so are fragile.

   There isn't a standard POSIX thread package for NetBSD.  Both "proven" and "unproven"
   threads have issues.  One user is bound and determined to make GNU Pth work, but pth
   isn't quite POSIX threads and he's not getting far...

   When -current finally incorporates the POSIX threads (it's been committed but not yet
   part of a release) this should be revisited.
   (Revised, April 2003, Burton)

Q. When I type 'make' it complains about a makefile error.
A. Always remember to use gmake on *BSD systems! (and possibly other systems as well.)

Q. I can't compile ntop under FreeBSD 5.0.
A. In some situations, we produce gcc link lines which expose a conflict 'tween 
   FreeBSD 5.0 and libtool.

   You will see the following error messages:

       expr: illegal option -- l
       usage: expr [-e] expression

   See the release notes for FreeBSD 5.0 and the expr(1) man page:

   Solve this by setting the compatibility flag before running make.

       $ export EXPR_COMPAT=Y and configure have been updated to do warn you to do this.
(Added 27Jan2003, Burton)


During the ntop 2.2 development cycle we did development and/or testing under

RedHat AS2.1, 7.2, 7.3, 8.0
LinuxFromScratch 3.0pre3

Others should certainly work and there are user reports of many successes.


Q. Which libraries do I need to compile ntop under RedHat 7.2:
A.     glibc, glibc-devel
       autoconf 2.5+
       automake 1.5+
       libtool 1.4+
       openssl, openssl-devel (for https:// support)
       gdbm, gdbm-devel

     (Note some packages will have additional packages as pre-requisites)

Q. I have compile problems, especially with plugings. 
A. The ./configure and make steps should automatically regenerated all of the 
   files on your machine to conform to the installed set of auto* tools.

       make install 
(Updated 30Oct2002, new ./configure scripts)

Q. I get an error:
   /usr/bin/install: cannot create regular file
   make install-man1 install-man8 
   make[3]: Entering directory `/root/src/ntop/ntop' 
   /bin/sh ./mkinstalldirs /usr/local/man/man1 
   /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./intop/intop.1 
   /usr/bin/install: cannot create regular file 
   `/usr/local/man/man1/intop/intop.1': No such file or directory 
   make[3]: *** [install-man1] Error 1 
A. This is an automake problem.  First off, the Makefile was patched long prior to
   release of 2.1 and this should not occur.  However, here are the two

   1) create the directory manually - note that the intop.1 man file will probably 
      not be accessible to man. 

   2) Change versions of automake. This typically is a problem with 1.4p5 (which is 
      shipped with RedHat 7.x). Versions 1.4 and 1.5 are reported to work ok, but 
      you must recreate the various files with 

          ./ -1 

Q. Why do I have to "make install" when building libpng??
A. You don't. 

      IF you use the script in gdchart0.94c 
   or IF you don't try to be (too) clever while manually 
         building the libpng library. 

   The difference between makefile.gcc and makefile.linux in the scripts directory of 
   libpng-1.2.4 is that makefile.gcc builds a static library, while makefile.linux 
   builds both the static (.a) and shared (.so) libraries. 

   Most people doing a manual build of the tools see ".linux" and use it, vs. the 
   more generic sounding ".gcc", but ntop expects the ".gcc" build.

   The problem is that ldd (the loader) prefers the .so (shared) version and if it
   finds it, it will link to it, even if a .a version exists.  So if you make the
   static .a, but have the .so, that (.so) is what ntop will use.

   For your own personal use, it shouldn't matter - there is NOTHING wrong with the
   shared libraries, as long as the same version of the .so libraries for libpng are 
   installed on BOTH the build and execution machine(s). 

   This could happen either via a distribution supplied package (but if the package 
   was for version 1.0.x this WILL cause version problems).
   Or, you can install the .so library by typing "make install" the 1st time you 
   build libpng. 

   Best suggestion is to use! 
   (Updated 22Aug2002 - BMS - libpng-1.2.4)

Q. What about Slackware
A. Lorenzo had "Installation Notes For Slackware 8.0" available at
   although the site may (as of July2002) be down.


Q. Segmentation fault on startup while inititializing GDBM (Slackware)
A. This occurs if one's crypt(3) does not support the standard UNIX crypt
   (and just returns NULL)... Change CRYPT_SALT in ntop.h from 99 to $1$99 
   thereby forcing md5 crypting..    (reported in 1.3 era)

Q. ntop isn't able to capture data.
A. On some (old) Linux distributions, the libpcap package is broken. Please remove it, 
   get the source, build libpcap and install it (both the library and the include files).
   Then rebuild ntop from scratch.  (reported in 1.3 era)

Q. Bad things - I see the following messages: 
        libpng warning: Application was compiled with png.h from libpng-1.0.x 
        libpng warning: Application is running with png.c from libpng-1.2.x 
        gd-png: fatal libpng error: Incompatible libpng version in application and library 
A. You have a version problem with libpng. 

   First off, following the instructions in BUILD-NTOP.txt should work just fine. These 
   problems come about when you have libpng installed (i.e. using shared libraries). 

   1. If you are compiling from source, you may have png.h left over from the earlier
      version of libpng. Remove it. 

   2. (Most common under RedHat). RedHat 7.2 installs a library, which was 
   compiled against 1.0.x series of libpng (which is fine, because RedHat 7.2 includes 

   Updating RedHat to newer (RawHide) packages for libpng,, 
   should work. However, there are reports of version conflicts and required updates to 
   multiple packages. Proceed with caution (especially if you decide to uninstall 1.2.2-5). 
   Also, do not use --nodeps or --force, as this can leave you with two partially installed 
   versions (see item #1, above). 

   3. (Slackware) Users have reported this error from an older header file in /usr/include. 
   Make sure to run "make install" in the libpng directory so that the latest files are in 
   the common library locations. You can do this with, just navigate back down 
   to the libpng-1.2.x directory first.  

   4. If you are building ntop on one machine and running on another, they may have
   different versions.  Even if you think you are using the static linked
   version (, be careful - see the entry (above) on "make install" for libpng.
   (Updated 22Aug2002 - BMS - libpng-1.2.4)

Win32 (MinGw)

The .exe distributed through is built with Visual C++ 6.0.
There are reports of problems using MinGW.  Forget about cygwin.


Q. When I type 'make' it complains about a makefile error.
A: Remember to use -f Makefile.MinGW or whatever is appropriate - see BUILD-MinGW.txt.

Q. Where can I find GDBM for Windows?
A. GDBM for windows can be found at  

Q. Mingw make of Ntop fails when using the single-file distribution MinGW-1.1.tar.gz
   with make errors about version.c like : 
    zsh: no matches found: *version 
    make: *** [version.c] Error 1 
A. Be sure that your PATH setting in the DOS command box of the Mingw bin directory
   ends with a backslash.
    This is OK: 
        set path=C:\Mingw\bin\;%path% 
    This is wrong:
        set path=C:\Mingw\bin;%path% 

Q. ntop -i1 ... doesn't work
A. ntop has special parameters under Win32


     There are the parameters to the win32 stub AND there are parameters to ntop itself.

     AFTER THE win32 parameters are the ntop parameters in the standard (Unix) -xxx format.

         ntop /c <normal parms>  runs ntop INTERACTIVELY with the specified ntop parameters

	 ntop /i <parameters> installs ntop as a service to run with the specified parameters

	 ntop /d deletes the ntop service

   Remember, ntop /i and ntop /d don't actually run the service - you need to start it.
   (Updated 26Aug2002 - BMS)

Q. How do I figure out what my network interface numbers are for the -i parameter?
A. (Thanks to jac engel [] for the example)

   If you only have ONE network interface, it doesn't matter as the default is fine.  However,
   that's the RARE case.  Most people have multiple network interfaces (NICs), with virtual
   ones for VPNs, Dialup Networking, etc.

   The Windows tools ipconfig, winipcfg and the Device Manager (depending on which version
   of Windows you have) will probably show you them.  However, it's easier and better to 
   use ntop to show you how ntop sees the network interfaces.

   If you start  ntop /c (interactive mode, with only the default parameters) it will 
   display all your network interfaces (NICs), like this:

    Running ntop for Win32.
    Wait please: ntop is coming up...
    23/Aug/2002 20:43:55 Initializing IP services...
    23/Aug/2002 20:43:55 Initializing GDBM...
    23/Aug/2002 20:43:55 Initializing network devices...
    23/Aug/2002 20:43:55 Found interface [index=0] '\Device\Packet_{1439C950-2E58-4398-828F-81AD38843F1C}'
    23/Aug/2002 20:43:55 Found interface [index=1] '\Device\Packet_{86AE91B6-1F55-497C-9AEF-E208305084B4}'
    23/Aug/2002 20:43:55 Found interface [index=2] '\Device\Packet_NdisWanIp'
    23/Aug/2002 20:43:57 ntop v.2.1 MT [WinNT/2K/XP] (11/07/2002 build)
    23/Aug/2002 20:43:57 Listening on [3F1C}\Device\Packet_{1439C950-2E58-4398-828F-81AD38843F1C}

  By default, ntop will use the lowest numbered interface.  Because #s are assigned based on
  the sequence cards are discovered, and this is altered if cards are removed and added, this
  is often not what you want.

  After you figure out which NIC you want, start ntop /c -i1 or -i2 or whatever...

  (Added 13Sep2002, Burton)

Q. OK, but how to I translate \Device\Packet_xxxxx to my Froboz ModelT network card and not the
   Fubar27 that's on the motherboard.
A1. Newer (2.1.51+) ntop versions should report both the index and the human readable information.
A2. A Google search on script "CurrentVersion\NetworkCards" finds a couple of scripts/utilities
   that might work in various environments.


   You're going to need to view the registry.  All the usual warnings - back up your pc, etc.
   If you damage the registry, you may not be able to reboot the computer.  You're not going
   to CHANGE anything, but an inadvertent keystroke could be disaster ... BE CAREFUL!

   Under WinNT/2K, to find the interface name of your NIC look in the registry at the 
   keys in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Currentversion\NetworkCards\
   The two subkeys, Servicename and the Description tells you which id maps to which NIC.

   (Added 13Sep2002, Burton)
   (Updated 30Oct2002, Burton)

Q. Where does ntop look for html (and gif) files under Win32?
A. ntop looks in two places. The first is the current directory and the second is 
   configurable through a constant in ntop_win32.h, #define DATAFILE_DIR "."

   Note that the current directory, or ".", may not be what you expect.

   When running ntop as a Win32 service, "." is %SystemRoot%\system32, meaning that ntop 
   looks in %SystemRoot%\system32\html for the .html and .gif files.

   When running ntop from the command line, 

       ntop /c parameters...

   "." is whatever directory is current.  This means that if you run ntop with a full, 
   explicit path (c:\ntopnew\ntop /c ...) there may be an unexpected difference between 
   what ntop finds for "." and what you THINK "." is!  This will lead to missing .html 
   and .gif files.

   If you wish to have ntop look in a specific place for the files, the best choices are:

     1) Create a .bat file to run ntop which does a cd to the expected directory first.
     2) Edit ntop_win32.c and then recompile.

   Note that the settings for DATAFILE_DIR (and other constants) are reported on the text 
   version of the configuration page, textinfo.html. (Added 14Jul2002 Burton)

Other Platforms - not very well supported...



During the 2.2 development cycle, some work was done to make ntop work under HP-UX 11
without breaking the HP-UX 10.20 support (limited as it is).  HP-UX 11 should work.

Q: v2.0.99RCx has been reported not to compile under HP-UX 10.20
A: The test in the code seems wrong, but we didn't have time, nor 
   the ability to test it before releasing 2.1.  Specifically,
   #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(AIX)
   extern int h_errno; /* netdb.h */

   should probably be

   #if !defined(HAVE_NETDB_H)
   extern int h_errno; /* netdb.h */

Q: Why the HP-UX 10.20 version of ntop isn't multithreaded?
A: To reduce complexity and because resources aren't availabe to provide
   full support for less commonly used OSes. Specifically Because HP's 10.20
   pthread implementation is slightly different from the POSIX standard.

Q. Why is the HP-UX 11 version of ntop not multithreading?
A. As of 2.1.90 it should be.
   (Updated, April 2003, Burton)

IRIX (v1.3 information)

During the ntop 2.2 development cycle, IRIX was not considered.  It will almost
certainly fail.

Q. Where can I find pthreads for IRIX 6.2?
A. Irix 6.2 doesn't support POSIX threads out of of the box. You must 
   install the patch: 2791

Q: Why the IRIX version of ntop doesn't use semaphores although 
   they are implemented in the OS?
A: When Luca used IRIX 6.2, semaphores seemed to have some problems. This is a 
   implementation issue only because ntop supports threads under IRIX.

Digital UNIX (v1.3)

During the ntop 2.2 development cycle, Digital UNIX was not considered.  It will almost
certainly fail.

Q. ntop doesn't seem to collect any data on Digital Unix.
A. Albert Chin-A-Young <> said:
   First, to compile, make sure you don't use '-std1' which will cause problems
   compiling pbuf.c. '-std' is ok.

   Once ntop is compiled, do the following:
        1. Make sure 'options PACKETFILTER' is in your kernel
           configuration file under /sys/conf. Recompile the
           kernel using 'doconfig -c [config file]' if necessary.
        2. % cd /dev
           % ./MAKEDEV pfilt
           % pfconfig +promisc [interface]

   The last part of #2 I didn't do so ntop did not collect any data.

AIX (v1.3)

During the ntop 2.2 development cycle, AIX was not considered.  It will almost
certainly fail.

Q. AIX: I've linked ntop against the special libcap library that's
   available on the ntop sire. Unfortunately ntop doesn't work. It
   fails with the following error:
   # ./ntop
   06/Oct/2000:10:25:55 ntop v.1.3.2 ST (SSL) [powerpc-ibm-aix4.3.2.0]
   06/Oct/2000:10:25:55 Listening on [en0]
   06/Oct/2000:10:25:55 Copyright 1998-2000 by Luca Deri <>
   06/Oct/2000:10:25:55 Get the freshest ntop from
   06/Oct/2000:10:25:55 Initialising...
   06/Oct/2000:10:25:55 /dev/dlpi/en0: No such file or directory
A: Please configure dlpi.conf int the /etc dir using the command
   strload -f /etc/dlpi.conf.
   (Courtesy of Chuck Toman <>).

Q. I have a problem on AIX. What shall I do?
A. Read below.
   From Wed Oct  4 17:07:02 2000
   Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 10:29:52 +0200 (DFT)
   To: Karandeep Singh <>
   Subject: Re: ntop problems
   On Mon, 2 Oct 2000, Karandeep Singh wrote:
   > Question I have for you is that if I run "strload -f /etc/dlpi.conf"
   > and create special files in /dev/dlpi, do I then have to reboot?
   > If not then this will work very well for us on our other servers.
   you don;t need to reboot, but you do need to execute the command each
   time you *do* reboot....
   there's always something...
   Ciaran Deignan                                Tel: (France) 04 76 29 79 92
   BULL XS-BU (                 HA and Consolidation
   Mail to:                        Bullcom: 229 79 92
   PGP: B1 78 FB 88 FD 86 58 A8  89 7B 22 8C D0 E8 71 FC       Fax: 229 75 18
   From Wed Oct  4 17:07:02 2000
   Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 12:00:18 +0200 (DFT)
   To: Karandeep Singh <>
   Subject: Re: ntop problems
   On Tue, 26 Sep 2000, Karandeep Singh wrote:
   > Hi,
   > I installed "successfully" ntop from Bull site and now when I run
   > it am getting following errors. Any help would be appreciated.
   >  -KD
   > <pdxfs30 157> # ntop
   > 26/Sep/2000:17:13:01 ntop v.1.3.2 ST (SSL) [powerpc-ibm-aix4.3.2.0] (08/11/00 07:04:32 PM build)
   > 26/Sep/2000:17:13:01 Listening on [en2]
   > 26/Sep/2000:17:13:01 Copyright 1998-2000 by Luca Deri <>
   > 26/Sep/2000:17:13:01 Get the freshest ntop from
   > 26/Sep/2000:17:13:01 Initialising...
   > 26/Sep/2000:17:13:01 /dev/dlpi/en2: No such file or directory
   Anyway, what you've missed (and what I've failed to find a convient way
   to communicate) is the command
           # strload -f /etc/dlpi.conf
   which will create the special files in /dev/dlpi...
   This information is given in the mailing-list archives, each time libpcap
   is repackaged:
   > <pdxfs30 158> # intop
   > exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program intop because of the following errors:
   >         0509-150   Dependent module /usr/local/lib/libreadline.a( could not be loaded.
   >         0509-152   Member is not found in archive 
   intop has a dependence on freeware.gnu.readline.rte
   (gnu.readline-, but intop doesn't work anyway :(
   Sorry for the complexity,
   Ciaran Deignan                                Tel: (France) 04 76 29 79 92
   BULL XS-BU (                 HA and Consolidation
   Mail to:                        Bullcom: 229 79 92
   PGP: B1 78 FB 88 FD 86 58 A8  89 7B 22 8C D0 E8 71 FC       Fax: 229 75 18

   From Wed Oct  4 17:07:02 2000
   Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 10:00:41 +0200 (DFT)
   To: Bill Kurland <>
   Subject: Re: Freeware:ntop-
   On Sun, 17 Sep 2000, Bill Kurland wrote:
   > I have tried installing ntop-1.3.2 on three different rs6000's running
   > AIX 4.3.3 with the same result and was hoping you might be kind enough
   > to help me discover my error.
   Humm... I don't have a /dev/ent* or /dev/en* on my system either. You live
   and learn.
   Anyway, what you've missed (and what I've failed to find a convient way
   to communicate) is the command
           # strload -f /etc/dlpi.conf
   which will create the special files in /dev/dlpi...
   This information is given in the mailing-list archives, each time libpcap
   is repackaged:
   Hope this helps
   Ciaran Deignan                                Tel: (France) 04 76 29 79 92
   BULL XS-BU (                 HA and Consolidation
   Mail to:                        Bullcom: 229 79 92
   PGP: B1 78 FB 88 FD 86 58 A8  89 7B 22 8C D0 E8 71 FC       Fax: 229 75 18
   From Wed Oct  4 17:07:03 2000
   Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 11:49:07 +0200 (DFT)
   Subject: Re: NMAP on AIX 
   On Tue, 5 Sep 2000 wrote:
   >   I am receiving the message "/dev/dlpi/en0 does not exist. The
   >   ethernet adapter en0 is configured but there is no /dev/dlpi/en0
   >   directory or file.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.
   as stated in the Updates log ( )
           This distribution uses the "dlpi" interface. If the dlpi
           stream drivers are not loaded, the command
                   # strload -f /etc/dlpi.conf
           should be executed after every reboot.
   have fun
   Ciaran Deignan                                Tel: (France) 04 76 29 79 92
   BULL XS-BU (                 HA and Consolidation
   Mail to:                        Bullcom: 229 79 92
   PGP: B1 78 FB 88 FD 86 58 A8  89 7B 22 8C D0 E8 71 FC       Fax: 229 75 18


Q. What is Ethernet and TCP/IP and how do they differ?
A. Both are protocols - that is the definition of how
   to interpret bits on wires (or in packets) into
   meaningful conversations.

   Ethernet is the lower level, wire (or wireless) protocol,
   concerned with moving the physical bits of data.

   TCP/IP is the higer level protocol, which explains
   how to interpret the block of bits (frame).

   TCP/IP uses a familiar 32 bit "IP" address, e.g.

   Ethernet uses a less familiar, 48 bit unique to the NIC
   (some times called "burned in") address, e.g. 
   00:40:05:DE:AD:00.  This is called the MAC (Media
   Access Control) address.

   FYI: The offical IEEE MAC address lookup is at
   (Look up the first six digits, separated by -s, e.g. 00-40-05)

Q. OK, but how is stuff sent from my computer to, say, Yahoo!?
A. First off, your computer does a lookup - using a service
   called DNS (Domain Name Service) to convert
   to a numeric value, such as

   Then it builds a collection of characters that says send
   this data from me, to Yahoo at
   This is called a packet.  That gets wrapped in an Ethernet
   frame (addressed from 00:40:05:DE:AD:00 to the MAC address
   of the local gateway router, 0:d0:9e:6:38:00 and squirts it
   out the router.

   Packets are forwarded step by step along a path from you
   to Yahoo by computers called routers.  This is done based 
   on the 32 bit IP address and the router's knowledge of the

   Each router sees a Ethernet frame addressed to it (by
   MAC address), checks the TCP/IP address to figure out 
   where to send it next, re-wraps the TCP/IP packet in a new
   Ethernet frame (with the from MAC as it's own and the to
   MAC as the next hop).

   This happens until the TCP/IP packet reaches the final
   segment (the last router).  Once it reaches a router that
   knows it has addresses on one
   of it's interface, the routing stops using the TCP/IP

   The last hop is done (like each intermediate hop - at the 
   lowest level) based on the MAC address!  Specifically, the 
   last router does an "ARP" (Address Resolution Protocol") query,
   to find out "Who Has" address  The NIC responds 
   with it's MAC address:

      arp who-has tell router
      arp reply is-at 0:d0:9e:6:38:00

   And the packet is routed to that address.

   Alright, that's a bit simplified, but see Douglas Comer,
   "Internetworking with TCP/IP, volume I", page 25 and 73ff.

Q. So what's a hub vs. a Switch
A. A hub is a device that links a bunch of computers together
   at the wire (Ethernet) level.  Logically, Ethernet is a bus,
   that is everybody sees all the traffic, just like cars crossing
   under a highway bridge.   Physically, Ethernet is wired like
   a star - with all the wires coming back to a central "hub".
   The hub is just the device that makes the electric star look
   like a shared bus.

   Switches and Hubs operate at the Ethernet level, not TCP/IP.

A. Watch out for 'Switched hubs', which are hubs that include an
   internal switch between 2 or more segments (for example, BUT
   NOT LIMITED TO a 10BaseT and 100BaseT) segment.  These are hubs
   within a segment, but switches across segments.  ntop may not 
   see the traffic you expect if you have a 'switched hubs' and 
   manufacturers are pretty bad about marking them. See
(Added April 2003, Burton)

A. A switch is a smart hub.

   Switches improve performance by creating a virtual Ethernet
   bus for the duration of the packet that joins JUST the source
   and destination ports.

   A switch operates via an internal table of MAC addresses.
   It learns (or is programmed) that 0:d0:9e:6:38:00 is on
   port 1, while 00:40:05:DE:AD:00 is on port 3.

   A packet coming in port 1, destined for 00:40:05:DE:AD:00
   is sent out ONLY port 3.

   If the switch doesn't know (or the packet is a broadcast),
   it gets sent out all ports.

   This doesn't make for MORE bandwidth, but it does use it
   more efficiently.  That is in addition to the session between 
   ports 1 and 3 at 100Mbps, a second, simultaneous 100Mbps 
   session can occur between ports 2 and 4.

Q. How do I use ntop in a switched network?
A. First off, you need to be or have the support of
   your network administrator.  (Yes, you can do something
   called "ARP poisoning" to - maybe - get the switch to send
   you all the traffic, but that's beyond this FAQ... STFW)

   Many switches (although not the USD$50 cheap "workgroup" units)
   have a special port or mode, where by all the traffic for the
   entire network gets copied out that port, in addition to the
   normal switch action.

   When you invoke the monitoring mode (called span, mirror, monitor,
   analysis, etc.), you are forcing the entire switch bandwidth out one 
   port.  This may exceed the bandwidth of the port.  100Mbps+100Mbps 
   >> 100Mbps!

   Traffic that is being sent to the monitoring port in excess of the 
   capacity of that port is usually dropped.  It should NOT slow down
   the switch on other ports.  

   Some switches have some buffering capability and it *may* be able to 
   keep up with an occasional burst of traffic, as long as the average 
   is below the port capacity and the buffer isn't exceeded.

   See, for example,

   One list of switch manufacturers is the document is titled "REFERENCE: 
   Configuring a Switch to Monitor All Traffic" from Elron Software. (The 
   URL is long, do a Google search for " wi6038").

Q: How can I use Apache (with it's security, etc.) to serve up ntop pages?
A: (Toby Johnson [], Sun 10Nov2002)

   A while back, I had written about the possibility of configuring ntop to use
   only relative URL's, in order to facilitate proxying ntop's web interface
   through Apache. I have decided it's easier to simply use Apache's ability to
   rewrite ntop's URL's when necessary. So, based on my experience, here is a
   mini-HOWTO on how to proxy ntop through Apache.


   Proxying ntop's web interface through a secure Apache virtual host is a
   convenient way to make use of any existing security measures you may already
   have. In my case, I wanted to be able to access ntop from anywhere outside
   my LAN, but opening another port on my server for ntop's dedicated web
   server wasn't an option.
   I already had a password-protected, secure web server that I use for admin
   purposes -- I'll call it I wanted ntop's web
   interface to appear as a subdirectory under this host: .
   Here's how to configure such a setup. Change the server names and ports to
   match your own. I'm assuming that you already have a working, secure Apache
   virtual host (using HTTPS).
   First, pick a port for ntop's HTTP server. I'll use 15123. You won't need
   ntop's built-in HTTPS server, since you're proxying its content through a
   pre-existing Apache HTTPS server. Configure ntop to start with the correct
   HTTP port, and with HTTPS disabled. Something like "ntop -d -w 15123 -W 0".
   (See the ntop man page for more startup options.)
   Now, you need to tell Apache that anything under the /ntop/ URL should be
   proxied to the ntop web server. In my case, the Apache server is running on
   the same machine as ntop, so it's just a proxy to a different port on
   localhost. In your Apache secure host configuration, add a line like this:
      ProxyPass /ntop/ http://localhost:15123/
   Now, whenever Apache receives a request for something like
   "", it will proxy this request to
   the location "http://localhost:15123/home.html". Ntop will take it from
   there, generate the web content, and pass the result back to Apache. Then
   Apache passes that result back to the original client.
   It's important to note that you don't need to open port 15123 to the
   outside, since the connection actually goes through your existing Apache
   port, and then is transparently proxied by Apache on the server itself. Of
   course, you don't even have to run ntop on the same machine; as long as the
   Apache server can connect to ntop's port, it'll work.
   This is not the same as URL redirection. As far as your web browser knows,
   everything is going through The Apache
   server does all the proxy work behind the scenes, and simply serves up the
   results to the requesting client. And since the "outward-facing" server is
   Apache instead of ntop, you'll be using your existing Apache secure server
   certificate, instead of ntop's ntop-cert.pem.
   Everything appears to work OK at first, but we quickly run into a problem:
   some of the URL's that ntop generates are absolute. For example, to draw bar
   graphs, ntop's web pages will request the image "/gauge.jpg". This would
   translate into "". Also, host info
   pages are absolute. If I click on the host "", it tries to take me
   to the page "".
   This is a big problem, because unless the URL is underneath the /ntop/
   directory, Apache doesn't know that it needs to proxy the request to ntop,
   and you get broken links. Luckily, Apache has the Rewrite module that lets
   us fool with requested URL's. In order to get the required URL's rewritten,
   add the following to your Apache secure virtual host configuration:
      RewriteEngine On
      RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER}
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/ntop
      RewriteRule ^/(.*)$$1 [L,P]

   In English, this basically says "If I get a URL request that comes from a
   page that has in it, and that request doesn't begin with
   /ntop, rewrute the URL to begin with, and
   pass this rewritten URL to the Proxy engine." At this point, the Proxy
   engine will see that it is getting a URL that begins with /ntop/, and
   correctly pass it to the ntop web server. Rewriting the request to begin
   with HTTP instead of HTTPS may seem incorrect, but since that URL will be
   handed directly to the Proxy engine, it can't be HTTPS or ntop's web server
   will not recognize it.
   Now, you should be able to simply connect to , and you're ready to go!

Section 3

HowTo Ask For Help (ntop mailing lists)
(Updated April 2003)

HOWTO ask for help on the ntop or ntop-dev mailing lists:


ntop is for user questions - "How to I install", "data isn't being recorded", etc.

ntop-dev is for code and development questions.  The ntop-dev list goes to fewer
people, those who have self-selected themselves to be interested in ntop at the 
code level.

If a discussion gets too technical, you may be asked to "move it to ntop-dev".  
Please honor that request (even if you have to subscribe for a while - ntop-dev 
is fairly low traffic).

There used to be mailing lists and trackers at SourceForge, which were rarely 
looked at and have been discontinued. Use the ntop and ntop-dev lists (go to to signup for them).


A response from Luca Deri should be considered official.  He is the author of 
ntop and controls the project and it's destiny.

***Please understand that the mailing lists are a community support effort***

Besides Luca Deri, a number of people answer questions to the best of our ability.
None of the rest of the people who may respond to your question on ntop or 
ntop-dev are able to respond "officially".

Likewise, this HOWTO is unofficial.

Everyone is welcome to help with the evolution of ntop - that is to find 
problems, create and test patches and send them in to for 
inclusion.  There are a small number of people with write access to the cvs, 
but anything we commit is subject to being ripped out by Luca for any reason... 
or no reason at all...


ONE QUESTION per message, and you MUST use meaningful message subjects - one's 
that would have helped YOU find the prior discussion of this or a similar 
problem in the archives.  Titles such as "urgent" or "ntop problem" will often 
not get a response - it may be urgent to you but it's probably not an issue 
for others.

REPORT (About | "bug icon").  This includes most of the internal configuration
data we ask for (and more) and has blank spots for you to fill it.

Generate one, cut & paste into your mail client, edit the data and sent it.

Beyond that, don't worry -- it's about information, not format.


Despite any individual's frequent postings, nobody is "responsible" for 
answering your question. It's all on a "best efforts" basis. This is equally 
true of the FAQs posted at Our responses may be 
incomplete, inaccurate, even dead wrong. Caveat Emptor! The only "guarantee" 
is that free support will be worth what you've paid for it.

Just because you post a question does NOT mean that you are OWED an answer.

If nobody answers, then maybe it's because:

   * Nobody knows.
   * People are busy.
   * You've asked the same question multiple times and it's already been
   * You have been asked for additional information and are unable/unwilling 
     to supply it.

or, well, any one of a dozen other reasons.

Asking the same question multiple times - or asking it again because you don't 
like the answer you received - is a slap in the face of the person who took the 
time to answer you in the first place and will more than likely not get a 
different response.  If you're not sure that your message posted, check the 
archives to see if your message is there -- please don't just keep reposting it.

You can always use gmane ( to see the last 600 or so
postings to the lists.

Please direct all original postings and subsequent replies to the list, not to 
someone privately.  Most of us will reply solely to the mailing list, unless 
you specifically request otherwise.  If you do request otherwise, the individual 
you sent it to may choose not to respond.  Our posting here is NOT a public 
invitation to invade our e-mail boxes for your free private support.  


"Why don't you just fix my problem instead of asking for more information?"

Understand that we can't see your machine (and wouldn't want the 
responsibility of sshing into somebody else's box as root).  The only information 
we have is what you post and the responses to our questions.  Few failures in 
ntop are related to the core processing routines - so if you're having a problem,
it's most likely because of some combination of your network and your ntop 
configuration.  It may be unique to you -- and only with YOUR help can it be


Releases are hosted at SourceForge.

At the time of this writing the stable version is 2.2. What support is available
is for the development version ("the cvs").  All support is in the form of fixing
things in the cvs.

However we also attempt to support the current "stable" release (2.2).

Older versions are not supported -- especially 1.3 and the 2.0.99 series of 
2.1 release candidates.  If you have a problem with them, please obtain the 
current cvs version and see if it's still a problem.  Unlike certain much larger
projects, we don't fix things in older versions - there simply aren't enough
resources available.

intop is not supported.  Although the code is part of the current version, 
it's maintained on a "just enough to compile and start" basis.  Rocco may be
revisiting this post 2.2, but don't expect ANYTHING from intop in the 2.0 and
2.1 releases.

If Rocco doesn't pick up intop, the next time it won't compile, it will be moved
to obsolete (unless somebody volunteers to become it's maintainer).

Please understand that the only way to fix your problem may be a source patch, 
which you will have to apply, compile, install and test against the cvs version 
prior to it's inclusion in the cvs.

If you aren't capable of or willing to do these steps -- for whatever reason -- 
then you should not be compiling from the cvs.


The cvs is at, userid is anonymous, password ntop.

The cvs is a DEVELOPMENT version.  The code in the cvs is subject to rapid change.
At any point in time, it may not compile.  It may not compile with certain options
or on some platforms. s'be'it -- it's a DEVELOPMENT version.


The actual flow of ntop development was 2.1 -> 2.1.1 -> 2.1.2 -> 2.1.50
 -> 2.1.51...

Version 2.1.3 was provided by Dennis Schoen [] as part of the Debian 
project.  Dennis (manually) maintains a bitkeeper tree, based on 2.1.2 with various
patches which - in HIS opinion - were important enough to be back ported.  Releases
in this tree are identified as 2.1.2-n.  Dennis reports you can obtain his current
version via:

bk clone bk:// ntop-stable

Version 2.1.3 is an export from Dennis' tree with the version number changed and 
is equivalent to 2.1.2-1.  Dennis' graciously provided the extract and we accepted
with thanks!


The actual flow of ntop development was 2.1 -> 2.1.1 -> 2.1.2 -> 2.1.50
                                     -> 2.1.51..59 -> 2.1.90..92 -> 2.2


If you want better than "best-efforts" support, contact the individual you desire
support from off-list to make financial arrangements.  Please understand that people
are doing development in areas that are of personal interest to them, to improve ntop.
If you want to discuss payment for support or a specific change that is of interest
to you, feel free to email the individual off-list - some of us are computer
consultants and can be bought, with the understanding that the work product is 
offered back to the community in the spirit of the open source movement and the 
strictures of the GPL.



1. Please review the output from ./configure.

    We all have the bad habit of skipping over this, but there are often warnings
    which explain why things don't work.  ntop tries to build itself by turning
    off features where the required libraries and/or headers aren't available.
    The minimum required set is just that - minimal.  This is often the source
    of "feature x or switch y doesn't work" reports.

2. Please review the docs/FAQ file and also the ntop community FAQs at

3. Please review back message traffic from the mailing lists.

     Yes, we know that there isn't a search function at  Did you know
     that the lists are spidered every couple of months or so and can be searched
     through Google??  For example, " rpm" will find mail list
     messages with the word "rpm" in them.

     Do you know about gmane ( has archives (searchable) of
     the ntop lists going back into late 2001.  The lists are called


     You can read these online (the last 600 messages or so) or through the nntp


Do not worry about posting TOO much information - we're pretty good at filtering
out the noise.

REPORT (About | "bug icon").  This includes most of the internal configuration
data we ask for (and more) and has blank spots for you to fill it.

Generate one, cut & paste into your mail client, edit the data and sent it.

If you can't or won't use the automated problem report (say, for example you can't
get ntop up to generate it) - don't worry -- it's about information, not format.
Send us what you can, organized this way:

1. A brief summary of the problem.

2. Operations
     The EXACT command line you use to invoke ntop.  
          If it's in a script, cut & paste it and 
          resolve all the variables!

     Error Messages:  Cut & paste the exact text.
          If it's in the log, give us 15 or 20 lines before.

     The exact URL you used from the browser.

3.  Software
     ntop version, source and any applied patches

            If you've compiled from the source, say so!

            If you're using a package (such as an .rpm), where 
                did you get it from and what is the EXACT name,
                version information and date? (for example, post
                the output from rpm -q ntop -i)

     OS vendor & version

     gcc version (e.g. gcc --version)
       (For ./configure problems, the versions for autoconf, automake and libtool too)

     glibc version

     Any major upgrades (kernel, networking, etc.)

     What else is running

4. Hardware
     Type & # of processors

     Amount of memory

     # network interfaces and types (vendor, bus, etc.)

5.  Network
     Roughly where are the interface(s) you're monitoring 
          (Public Internet, Private LAN, what?)

     What's the bandwidth (e.g. 10 Mbps University internet, 
           1.5 Mbps T1, Cable Modem capped at 1.5Mbps, 56K dialup)

     How many machines (traffic sources/destinations) and users

(If you're uncomfortable giving specifics, then leave it generic, but the information 
is necessary to allow efficient use of the community's time helping YOU with YOUR problem)


Please let us know if our help fixed the problem, didn't solve it or enabled you to 
solve it yourself and what the result was.  The historical record of the ntop and 
ntop-dev archives is the complete chain from problem to resolution.

(Originally posted on 07Jan2002 to ntop and ntop-dev, updated.  This is version 12April2003)


GDB ultraMini-tutorial - Running ntop under gdb (debugger)

The very best way to debug a segmentation fault in ntop is to use gdb. The standard
ntop compile already has the flags necessary to do this set. 

(Note - if you don't have gdb, or aren't compiling yourself, this won't work) 

> gdb /usr/bin/ntop (or wherever ntop is installed) 
(gdb) set args (your usual arg string) -K 

[That is, add the -K argument. While you are at it, don't give it the -d argument 
and add -u root (replace any existing -u value) - yes, it's insecure running as root,
 but you're not planning on doing this in production nor as a routine situation!] 

it will run... when it bombs... 

(gdb) list [this shows where in the code it died] 

(gdb) info stack [this shows the call stack] 

if there are any variables involved, you can print them: 

(gdb) print deviceId 

[gdb can handle pretty complex arguments in the print command, so you can say 
"print myGlobals.device[0].hash_hostTraffic[myGlobals.broadcastEntryIdx]"
if that's what it bombed on.] 

"bt full" does a decent job of printing the stack and the back trace and the local 
variables at each level. Just make sure you are in the thread you are interested in: 

(gdb) bt full 
#0 0x40592557 in __libc_pause () from /lib/i686/ 
No locals. 
#1 0x4046b5a3 in pause () at wrapsyscall.c:123 
result = -1073743680 
oldtype = 0 
#2 0x0804ac1b in main (argc=22, argv=0xbffffa44) at main.c:928 
argc = -1073743680 
argv = (char **) 0x0 
i = 0 
userSpecified = 1 
ifStr = "eth0,eth1", '\000' 
lastTime = 1025633918 
#3 0x404f3647 in __libc_start_main (main=0x804a74c , argc=22, ubp_av=0xbffffa44, 
init=0x8049600 <_init>, fini=0x804d000 <_fini>, rtld_fini=0x4000dcd4 <_dl_fini>, 
stack_end=0xbffffa3c) at ../sysdeps/generic/libc-start.c:129 
ubp_av = (char **) 0xbffffa44 
fini = (void (*)()) 0x40016b4c <_dl_debug_mask> 
rtld_fini = (void (*)()) 0xbffff87c 
ubp_ev = (char **) 0xbffffaa0 

Original version Luca Deri, 1999-2001
Updated Burton M. Strauss III 2002, 2003