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<H1>File Types</H1>

<IMG SRC="images/tone.gif" WIDTH=175 HEIGHT=18 BORDER="0">

Almost all of the files we use every day can be said to have a specific "type", something that
categorizes the file, be it by its name, its contents, or some other property. This chapter is about
how you can teach <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> about the file types you work most with, so it can (for example) tell
a Perl source code file from a HTML text file.
By itself, this typing doesn't achieve much. Sure, you can turn on the "Type" pane content column
so you can learn about file types in a directory at a glance. You can even sort on that column,
thus grouping files of equal types together in the listing. While all of this is useful, the actual
purpose for the file typing mechanism is more subtle: each type is associated with exactly one
<A HREF="styles.html">style</A>, and styles are real neat things, as we will see later on.

<H2>File Types in <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG></H2>
A file type in <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> has a pretty simple structure. It is basically a set of rules of various
types which are applied to files in order to determine if they "belong" to the type in question.
The type also has a name, to make it easier to work with, and a link to something called a <I>style</I>.
That's really all there is to it.
<H3>Type Rules</H3>
When you define a new type, you must specify the type's rule set. The rules are applied to each
row to be displayed by <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>, and as soon as <STRONG>all</STRONG> rules of some type match, the
file is said to have (be of, belong to) that type. You must try to be as exclusive as possible when you
design type rules, so that the type doesn't "eat up" all files, thus causing incorrect typing.
There are five different kinds of rule you can use. Of these five, one is obligatory and must always
be used. The other four are optional; you choose freely among them, using none, a few, or all. The
rules are:
<LI>Intrinsic Type (obligatory)</LI>
<LI>File Name Suffix</LI>
<LI>File Name Regular Expression</LI>
<LI>'file' Command Regular Expression</LI>
Let's investigate each of these in turn:

<H3>Intrinsic Type</H3>
All objects in the file system have an <EM>intrinsic</EM> type. For example, a directory just isn't
a regular file; it's intrinsic type is directory and that cannot be changed. If you create a type
and specify e.g. "character device" as the type's intrinsic type requirement, only character device
files will ever be considered as beloning to your new type.
There are seven intrinsic types: file, directory, soft link, block device, character device,
FIFO and socket. You must specify exactly one.

A file's <EM>protection</EM> (or mode) is a file system level intrinsic property. All files
always have protection information available. The protection information can be seen in <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>
by using the various "mode" column content types. You can change a file's protection with the
built-in <B>ChMod</B> command (named after a standard shell command which does the same thing).
Checking a file's protection is a fast operation. A protection rule is specified as a set of six
flags; each flag requires something from the file's protection. The rule matches when all flags
succeed. These are the flags:

<DD>Set this to require files to have the SetUID protection bit set.</DD>
<DD>When set, this requires files to have the SetGID bit set.</DD>
<DD>This requires files to be "sticky". Not often used.</DD>
<DT>Readable, Writeable, Executable</DT>
<DD>These three flags allow you to require that a file shall be readable, writaable, or
executable, respectively. They are interesting because they are <EM>not</EM> just direct
flag comparisons against files. Rather, these three are a little intelligent. They each
require that <EM>you</EM>, i.e. the user currently running <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>, have the permission
in question. When evaluating these rules, <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> compares your (UID,GID) values
against those of files, and apply logic to determine which of the three sets of RWX flags
available in the file applies.

<H3>File Name Suffix</H3>
This is a simple file name rule. It allows you to specify a string, and then requires candidate files
to have names ending in that very string for a match to be considered. If you always use the same suffix
(sometimes called <I>extension</I>) for your file names, this rule will maybe be all you need. Typically,
a file type suffix is separated from the actual name of the file by a dot; this rule pretends it doesn't
know that, so you must always include the dot as the first character in the suffix. The suffix comparison
is case-insensitive, so <CODE>.jpg</CODE>, <CODE>.JPG</CODE> and <CODE>.JPg</CODE> all mean the same
thing, and all will match each other.
A "problem" with this rule is that it only allows you to specify <STRONG>one</STRONG> suffix.
Many file types have several popular suffices, one of which is generally a dot followed by three
letters for compatibility with the broken nightmare known as FAT. For example, HTML hypertext
files are often given a suffix of ".html" or just ".htm". You cannot specify such alternatives with
this rule; it has been optimized to check for just one suffix.

<H3>File Name Regular Expression</H3>
For those cases when a simple suffix isn't enough, but the type is anyway deductable from just
the name of a file, you can use the regular expression matching rule. This rule lets you enter
a full <A HREF="misc.html#re">regular expression</A> against which the names of files are
checked. A match is required for the rule to succeed.
When entering regular expressions for file name matching, remember that the dot (<CODE>.</CODE>)
is in fact a RE meta-character and need to be escaped (by a backslash; <CODE>\.</CODE>) if you
really want to match against a dot. Also note that your regular expression is used as a
"search RE"; if a match is produced between your RE and any part of a file name, that is
enough. So try to be restrictive when you write regular expressions; for example by using the
<CODE>^</CODE> and <CODE>$</CODE> metasymbols appropriately.
As an example of when RE matching comes in handy, consider attempting to define a file type
for JPEG image files. Such files are generally given the extension ".jpeg" on real filesystems,
or just ".jpg" on FAT ugly ones. This rules out using the simple suffix matcher, but lends itself
perfectly to REs. One naive RE could be "<CODE>.+\.(jpeg|jpg)</CODE>". This works fine, but is long
and unnecessarily complex to write. A neater way, IMHO, is "<CODE>.+\.jpe?g</CODE>". As always,
remember to quote that dot!

<H3>'file' Command Regular Expression</H3>
For some files, it is not possible to deduce their type from just file names. Consider ordinary
executables, such as shell commands and applications. If you were to enter a RE to match the
possible names of those, you would be working for a while... There must be a better way! In fact,
there is, and it's called the 'file' command.
'file' is a standard Un*x command-line tool which is used to (take a guess) identify file
types! How incredibly handy! As usual among standard Un*x tools, 'file' is incredibly powerful. It
uses a text file (<CODE>/etc/magic</CODE> on most systems, I believe) containing advanced file identification
rules. These rules allow looking <STRONG>inside</STRONG> the files for various values, thus making
identifying e.g. executables easy: just look for the same things the OS do!
<P>When run, 'file' outputs one line of text for each filename it is given to inspect. For example,
on my system 'file' has the following to say about the <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> executable itself:
~/data/projects/gentoo&gt; file ./gentoo
./gentoo: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1, dynamically linked, stripped
That's quite a load, but don't worry; you don't have to care about all of it. With the 'file' RE
rule, you specify a regular expression which is then matched against the output of 'file' when run
on each of the files in a directory. The file name, colon, and space output by 'file' are removed
before the RE is applied. So, to find executables, an acceptable expression is just
"<CODE>.+executable.+</CODE>". A better one might be "<CODE>ELF.+executable.+</CODE>".

	<TR><TD WIDTH="3%"></TD><TD WIDTH="3%" NOWRAP><H2 CLASS="Note">Note!</H2></TD>
		<TD WIDTH="94%">
 		<P>Using 'file' carries a pretty heavy performance penalty! Although some
		considerable attempts have been made in <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> to lessen the impact, it is still there.
		For maximum performance, don't use types with 'file' RE rules. If you don't define <STRONG>any</STRONG>
		type using 'file' RE matching, <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> will detect this and optimize the entire file typing process
		For the special case of just recognizing any executable file (i.e. not just binary ELF files),
		simply use the protection flag checks described above. It'll be a lot quicker.

<H2>Rule Combinations</H2>
As has been hinted above, you can use any number of rules from one (intrinsic only) to five (all of 'em!)
to identify your types. The rules are applied in the order they were mentioned here, starting with the intrinsic
and ending with the 'file' RE match if used. The type doesn't match unless all of its rules do.
This can sometimes be somewhat useful, for example, imagine a category of files identified by their names
beginning with either "cfg_" or "cmd_", and all ending in ".c". You can set up a type using first the simple
suffix matcher to lock onto the ".c" suffix, and then the name RE matcher to check for the correct prefix. Doing
it this way, rather than just including the suffix into the RE, saves involving the RE routines (which are orders
of magnitude more complex than the simple suffix check) until we know it's necessary.

<H2>Built-In Types</H2>
There is one type that is <I>always</I> available. It is called "Unknown", and uses a magic rule
system: any file is considered to be of type "Unknown"! Therefore, to prevent it from "eating up"
all files, it is tested for <STRONG>after</STRONG> all your user-defined rules have failed. Basically,
the existance of the "Unknown" file with these semantics guarantee that all files always have exactly
one type, which is a very nice property.
Also, the "Unknown" type links to the (equally magic) "Root" style. This causes display of all
untyped files to use the "Root" style, which is just as things should be. For more information on
styles, check the <A HREF="styles.html">relevant chapter</A>.

<H2>Tips on Naming Types</H2>
Always try to use two (or more) words in your type names, going from the general to the specific.
For example, a good name for the JPEG type mentioned above might be "Image, JPEG", or something
similar. Likewise, you could call the executable type "Executable, ELF". Since the types are listed
alphabetically in the <A HREF="config.html">configuration</A> page, naming them like this helps keep
related types together and makes things easier to overlook and manage.