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<IMG SRC="images/tone.gif" WIDTH=175 HEIGHT=18 BORDER="0">

Commands are important. In fact, I would almost go as far as to say that much of the rest of <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>
is there just so you can get to a point where executing the right commands, at the right time, and on the
right files, becomes easy...
There are two different flavors of command: the <I>built-in</I> (sometimes called <I>native</I>) command,
and the <I>user-defined</I> (external) commands. The difference is simple: built-in commands are written
in C and compiled into the <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> proper, while user-defined commands are defined by you, the user,
at run time. It has been a goal to provide the most frequently used file operations as built-ins, in order to
reduce the dependancies between <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> and its host operating system.

<H2>The Built-In Commands</H2>
All built-in commands have names where the initial letter of each word is capitalized. There are never any
spaces or any other non-alphanumerical characters in command names. In this document, built-in commands are
generally rendered in <B>boldface</B> to make them stand out.

<H3>The Standard Dialog</H3>
Many of the built-in commands share the same dialog framework. This improves interface consistency, and
cuts down on internal wheel reinvention. Such a dialog might look like this:

<IMG SRC="images/cmd_dialog.gif" ALT="Image of standard command dialog">

The area above the horizontal divider line in the window is known as the <I>body</I> of the dialog;
it generally provides command-specific GUI controls. In this case, the "control" is just a text label
asking you to confirm the <B>Delete</B> operation. The buttons have the following meanings:

<DD>Answer "yes, go ahead and do it" to whatever question is asked (or implied) by the body
of the dialog. In this case, clicking OK (or hitting Return) would delete the named file.
Note: deleting the OS kernel file is generally not a very wise thing to do!

<DD>Perform the action on <STRONG>all</STRONG> selected rows, and don't ask for confirmation again.
<DD>Skip the current row, and go ahead to the next one, repeating the dialog for that row. A safe
<DD>Stop executing the command, and return to the normal <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> idle state. You can also press
the Escape key on your keyboard, or close the window via your window manager, to get this effect.

For some commands, some of the buttons would be pointless; such as an "All" button for the <B>Rename</B>
command. In those cases, the unwanted button is simply hidden from the dialog as to not confuse the

<H3>Command Input</H3>
All built-in commands make sure they have the input they require before doing anything. For many
commands, the input is just the set of selected items in the current pane. Some commands are
sensitive to mouse doubleclicks; if they are envoked as the result of a doubleclick, they will
detect this and act accordingly. Other commands ignore both selections and doubleclicks, and
pop up a dialog where you specify the input the command needs.

<H3>Built-In Command Reference</H3>
Here is a reference table of all currently available built-ins. For each command a brief and a detailed
explanation of the command's actions are provided. In this table, the commands have been divided into
various groups (directory, activation, file ops and so on). This division is not visible when you use the
commands; they are all accessed just by the plain names listed here.

<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TH WIDTH="5%"></TH><TH WIDTH="10%">Name</TH><TH>Brief</TH><TH WIDTH="90%">Detailed</TH></TR>

<TR BGCOLOR="#B0B0C0"><TD COLSPAN="4">Directory - Various dirpane operations</TD></TR>

<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD></TD><TD><B>DirEnter</B></TD><TD>Enter a directory.</TD><TD>This command will
make the current pane enter (CD into) a new directory. The directory chosen is either the one that was
just doubleclicked upon by the user, or else the first selected directory found. This command is typically
only used as the <A HREF="styles.html#ap">action property</A> binding in the directory style(s). Of course,
you can bind it to a button (or whatever) just as any command, but doing so is seldom convenient.</TD></TR>

<TR BGCOLOR="#C0C0E0"><TD></TD><TD><B>DirOther</B></TD><TD>Copy contents of other directory to current.</TD>
This command copies the path shown in the other pane to the current, and then does a rescan. The net
effect is that both panes show the same thing.

<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD></TD><TD><B>DirParent</B></TD><TD>Go to the parent directory.</TD>
This changes the path of the current directory to its parent path. If you are already at the root
of the filesystem (the path is "/"), nothing happens.

<TR BGCOLOR="#C0C0E0"><TD></TD><TD><B>DirRescan</B></TD><TD>Reread the current directory.</TD>
Use this command to ensure that the display is up-to-date and in synch with what is actually
in the filesystem. It flushes the current pane and then rebuilds it by reading in the directory
from disk. It does not affect the set of selected rows, however.

<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD></TD><TD><B>DirSwap</B></TD><TD>Swap contents of the two panes.</TD>
This command will simply exchange the contents of the two panes. It is done without any
rereading of the disk directories, and therefore is quite fast.

<TR BGCOLOR="#B0B0C0"><TD COLSPAN="4">Activation - Change current dirpane</TD></TR>

<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD></TD><TD><B>ActivateLeft</B></TD><TD>Make the left pane the current.</TD>
<TD>Not much to add.

<TR BGCOLOR="#C0C0E0"><TD></TD><TD><B>ActivateOther</B></TD><TD>Make the other pane the current.</TD>
<TD>Which pane is activated by this pane depends on which one is the current when the command is
envoked. If the left is current, the right is made the new current, and vice versa.

<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD></TD><TD><B>ActivateRight</B></TD><TD>Make the left pane the current.</TD>
<TD>Not much to add.

<TR BGCOLOR="#B0B0C0"><TD COLSPAN="4">Basic - Basic file operations</TD></TR>

<TR BGCOLOR="#C0C0E0"><TD></TD><TD><B>Copy</B></TD><TD>Copy selected files and directories to destination.</TD>
This command does a straight copy of the selected files (and directories), placing byte-for-byte copies
of the files in the destination directory. The copy is done recursively, so any directories in the
selection will be copied in their entierity.

<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD></TD><TD><B>Move</B></TD><TD>Move selected files and directories to destination.</TD>
This command moves all selected files and directories, recursively, from the current directory
into the destination dir. It is equivalent to first doing a <B>Copy</B>, then reselecting the same files
and doing a <B>Delete</B>, but is implemented more efficiently.

<TR BGCOLOR="#C0C0E0"><TD></TD><TD><B>Delete</B></TD><TD>Delete selected files and directories.</TD>
This command deletes the selected items from the disk. Directories are recursively deleted, and need
not be empty in order to be removed. Please be careful with this operation, since it is potentially
dangerous (it is hard to undo a delete).

<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD></TD><TD><B>Rename</B><TD>Rename files and directories.</TD>
This command pops up a variant of the standard command dialog as shown above, but includes in
the body of the dialog a text entry box where you enter a new name for each of the files. As you
click OK in the dialog, <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> changes the name of the file (or directory) to the name
given. This process is repeated for every selected row.

<TR BGCOLOR="#C0C0E0"><TD></TD><TD><B>ChMod</B><TD>Change file permissions.</TD>
This command pops up a big dialog which provides buttons for manipulating the various
<I>permission bits</I> defined by the operating system. You can use this to make a file
unreadable for any user but yourself (and root), for example. For an enlightening screenshot
of the dialog in question, look <A HREF="images/cmd_chmod.gif">here</A>.

<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD></TD><TD><B>ChOwn</B><TD>Change file user and group ownerships.</TD>
This command allows you to change the user and group ownerships of files, just like the
normal shell command of the same name. It is currently very lazily implemented, and not
likely to be very useful on a large system. Expect a better implementation in future
releases of <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>. Currently this command sort of sucks.

<TR BGCOLOR="#C0C0E0"><TD></TD><TD><B>(Split)</B><TD>Split large file into smaller parts.</TD>
This command is not fully implemented. Its intended purpose is to provide a graphical
way of splitting (sometimes called <EM>segmenting</EM>) a file into several smaller
parts. It is currently about 50% implemented, and actually works. In the future, it will
be accompanied by a <B>Join</B> command to paste the parts back together, of course.

<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD></TD><TD><B>MkDir</B><TD>Make a new directory.</TD>
This command is used to create a new, empty, directory. It totally ignores the set of
selected files, and thus runs perfectly well without any selection. It pops up a dialog
asking you for the name of the directory to create, and creates it. It also allows you
to specify that the directory should be read into the current pane immediately after
being created, which is sometimes convenient.

<TR BGCOLOR="#B0B0C0"><TD COLSPAN="4">Selection - Modify the set of selected rows</TD><TR>

<TR BGCOLOR="#C0C0E0"><TD></TD><TD><B>SelectAll</B><TD>Select all rows in current pane.</TD>
This command will select all rows in the current pane, no matter which rows are selected
when it is run.

<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD></TD><TD><B>SelectNone</B><TD>Deselect all currently selected rows.</TD>
After this command has been run, the current pane will have no selected rows whatsoever.

<TR BGCOLOR="#C0C0E0"><TD></TD><TD><B>SelectToggle</B><TD>Invert the selected set.</TD>
This command, which might be classified as mildly silly, makes all rows selected when it
is envoked become deselected, and vice versa. If all rows in the pane were selected, it acts
like <B>SelectNone</B>; if no rows were selected it acts like <B>SelectAll</B>.

<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD></TD><TD><B>SelectRE</B><TD>Select using regular expression.</TD>
This command pops up a special command dialog <A HREF="images/cmd_selectre.gif">window</A>,
in which you can specify a set of rows, an action, and a regular expression. The expression
is then matched against the name of each row of the specified set, and when a hit occurs,
the action is applied to the row in question. For more information on the peculiar check
button labeled "Treat RE as glob pattern?", check <A HREF="misc.html#glob">here</A>.

<TR BGCOLOR="#B0B0C0"><TD COLSPAN="4">File Commands - Operate upon currently selected file(s)</TD></TR>

<TR BGCOLOR="#C0C0E0"><TD></TD><TD><B>DoubleClick</B><TD>Do canonical file operation.</TD>
This command is used to make <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> do "The Right Thing" when you doubleclick on a file.
Behind the scenes, it merely triggers the "Doubleclick" <A HREF="styles.html#ap">action property</A>
for the file being clicked. This can then be used to view, print, play, compress, or generally do
just about anything with the file. The chain of events that involves this command is:
<LI>User doubleclicks on a dirpane row</LI>
<LI>A (currently hardcoded) binding executes <B>Doubleclick</B></LI>
<LI><B>Doubleclick</B> executes the row's "Doubleclick" action property</LI>
<LI>The action property executes its command sequence</LI>
By default, the action command sequence for directories is just <B>DirEnter</B>, which is
why doubleclicking on a directory enters it.
<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD></TD><TD><B>FileEdit</B></TD><TD>Edit selected files.</TD>
This executes the "Edit" action property for the selected files (or the doubleclicked one,
if one exists).
<TR BGCOLOR="#C0C0E0"><TD></TD><TD><B>FilePrint</B></TD><TD>Print selected files.</TD>
Just like <B>FileEdit</B>, but executes the "Print" action property.
<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD></TD><TD><B>FileView</B></TD><TD>View contents of selected files.</TD>
Just like <B>FileEdit</B>, but executes the "View" action property.

<TR BGCOLOR="#B0B0C0"><TD COLSPAN="4">Miscellanous - Various other commands</TD><TR>

<TR BGCOLOR="#C0C0E0"><TD></TD><TD><B>Configure</B><TD>Open up the configuration GUI.</TD>
This command enters <A HREF="configure.html">configuration mode</A>, by opening up the modal
configuration dialog. Until that dialog has closed, no other command is executed.

<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD></TD><TD><B>Quit</B><TD>Quit <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>.</TD>
This command exits <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> immediately. Currently it asks no questions, but this
behavior might change in the future.

Note that you need never worry about providing a built-in command with any form of arguments
textually. You just name the command, and it takes care of the rest. Since these commands
are really built-in, they have full access to <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>'s intenal state where the lists
of selected files, current paths, and so on is easily available.

<H2>User Commands</H2>
Although sure important, the built-in commands are very limited. In order to make the most
out of <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>, you'll need to define your own commands to do the things you want.
You use the mechanism provided by <EM>user commands</EM> to accomplish this. A user command is simply a call to
an external program, which is provided with the correct file name arguments by <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>.
A user command has the following parts, all definable by you:

<DD>This is just the name with which you refer to the command. To keep user commands easily
distinguishable (sp?) from the built-ins, I recommend naming all user commands in all lower
case characters.</DD>
<DD>The definition is the most important part of a user command. It is a text string naming
the external command you want to run, while using special symbols (described below) to get
argument information from <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>. For example, you can access the set of all selected
file names and pass those as arguments to the command.</DD>
<DT>General Flags</DT>
<DD>The general flags consists of all flags from the "General" category listed below.</DD>
<DT>Before Flags</DT>
<DD>This group of flags is applied before the command starts to execute, and consists of all
flags and options in the "Rescanning" and "Change Directory" groups below.</DD>
<DT>After Flags</DT>
<DD>This group is applied after the user command has executed, and consists of just the "Rescanning"
group below. There is no need to include the "Change Directory" group, since the command has
already executed.</DD>

<H3>User Command Flags</H3>
These are the flags, available in various groupings as mentioned above:

<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TH WIDTH="5%"></TH><TH>Name</TH><TH WIDTH="75%">Explanation</TH></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR="#B0B0C0"><TD COLSPAN="3">General</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD></TD><TD>Run in Background?</TD><TD>When set, this flag causes the program
started by the userco command to run in the background. When not set, the program runs in the
foreground, thereby blocking <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> while executing. For short one-shot commands (such as
compressing all selected files), foreground operation is optimal. If you use user commands to
start applications, however, you'll probably want to set this flag so you can continue to use
<STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> while your application is running.</TD></TR>

<TR BGCOLOR="#C0C0E0"><TD></TD><TD>Kill Previous Instance?</TD><TD>This flag, which can only be
set when the "Run in Background?" flag is set too, causes <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> to never start the program
more than once. When you run the user command again, <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> will kill the instance of the
program that was started on the last envocation. This is useful when the program is (for example)
some kind of music player, and you want to change the song, not listen to another simultaneously.</TD></TR>

<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD></TD><TD>Capture Output?</TD><TD>When you set this flag, <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>
will open up a text viewing window, capture any (textual) output the program generates, and then
render it into the text window. Both <CODE>stdout</CODE> (ordinary output) and <CODE>stderr</CODE>
(error messages) are captured, and rendered into the same window. This feature is very useful, for
example when you want a user command to list the contents of an archive or some such.</TD></TR>

<TR BGCOLOR="#B0B0C0"><TD COLSPAN="3">Rescanning</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR="#C0C0E0"><TD></TD><TD>Rescan Source?</TD><TD>This flag, if set, causes <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> to
rescan the currently selected pane's directory. It is useful if a command causes makes changes
to the files in that directory. If you don't rescan it, <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> will not be aware of the
changes; this may lead to confusion.</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD></TD><TD>Rescan Destination?</TD><TD>This causes <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> to rescan
to destination pane's directory.</TD></TR>

<TR BGCOLOR="#B0B0C0"><TD COLSPAN="3">Change Directory</TD></TR>

<TR BGCOLOR="#C0C0E0"><TD></TD><TD>No Change?</TD><TD>If this is set, <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> will not set
the working directory for the user command. This will cause the command to have a random directory
as its notion of "current directory". Use this setting when you're just starting up an application,
without giving it arguments.</TD>
<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD></TD><TD>CD Source?</TD><TD>If set, <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> will make the user
command start up believing that its current directory is that of the source pane. This is equivalent
to opening a shell, doing a <CODE>cd</CODE> to that directory, and then running the command.</TD>
<TR BGCOLOR="#C0C0E0"><TD></TD><TD>CD Destination?</TD><TD>If set, <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> will make the
user command run in the destination pane's directory.</TD>

<H3>User Command Definition</H3>
The simplest definition of a user command is just a string containing the name of an external program
to run. For example, you could define a command to start up another copy of <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> by just setting
the <I>definition</I> part of a user command to "<CODE>gentoo</CODE>" (without the quotes). If you
also set the "Run in Background?" flag, this new command will start up a new independent copy of <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>
which you'll be able to use simultaneously with the original. Note that since these two copies will use
the same configuration file (both for reading and writing), evil things may occur...
User commands aren't really interesting until you let <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> provide the external program with
some useful information through its arguments. The canonical example of such information is one or more file
names, typically the names of the files currently selected in one of <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>'s panes.
To provide this information, you add special control sequences to the definition string. For example,
to call the program <B>xv</B> (John Bradley's nifty X image viewer) with the name of the first
selected file as an argument, enter "<CODE>xv {f}</CODE>" in a command definition. The part with the
curly braces is a control sequence which <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> parses and replaces with the relevant information
before calling the external command.
Without further ado, here's a table showing the available control sequences and their meanings:

<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TH>Sequence</TH><TH WIDTH="90%">Explanation</TH></TR>

<TR BGCOLOR="#C0C0E0"><TD><CODE>\{</CODE></TD><TD>This gets an opening brace in the output.</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD><CODE>\}</CODE></TD><TD>Use this to get a closing brace in the output.</TD></TR>

<TR BGCOLOR="#C0C0E0"><TD><CODE>{f}</CODE></TD><TD>This gets the name of the <STRONG>first</STRONG> selected
row in the current directory pane. You can include zero or more of these modifiers:
<TR><TD WIDTH="5%"><CODE>u</CODE></TD><TD>Causes the row to also be unselected.</TD></TR>
<TR><TD><CODE>p</CODE></TD><TD>Prepends the full absolute path to the name.</TD></TR>
<P>So, for example, the sequence <CODE>{fup}</CODE> will evaluate to the name of the first selected
row, complete will full path. The row will also be unselected as the command executes.
<P>If a user command containing a <CODE>{f}</CODE> sequence is executed because of a double click
on a dirpane row, it will behave as that row was the (only) selected row. This is very useful when
you want to use a user command for e.g. viewing some filetype both by binding it to a button (in
which case it will use the selection as usual) <STRONG>and</STRONG> by using it in a file style

<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD><CODE>{F}</CODE></TD><TD>This gets <STRONG>all</STRONG> selected rows in
the source directory. It handles the same set of modifiers as its baby brother <CODE>{f}</CODE>,
and also shares its double click behaviour.</TD></TR>

<TR BGCOLOR="#C0C0E0"><TD><CODE>{P}</CODE></TD><TD>This is used to get just a directory path, without
filenames. You can specify zero or one of these modifiers:

<TR><TD WIDTH="5%"><CODE>s</CODE></TD><TD>Get the path of the <STRONG>source</STRONG> (current)
pane's directory. This is the default if no modifier is given.</TD></TR>
<TR><TD><CODE>d</CODE></TD><TD>Get the path of the other pane, the <STRONG>destination</STRONG> one.</TD></TR>
<TR><TD><CODE>h</CODE></TD><TD>Get the path of the user's <STRONG>home</STRONG> directory, as specified by the
environment variable <CODE>$HOME</CODE>.</TD></TR>

<TR BGCOLOR="#E0E0F0"><TD><CODE>{$name}</CODE></TD><TD>This sequence, which begins with a dollar sign immediately
following the opening brace, is used to access environment variables. Following the dollar sign should be
the name of an environment variable to look up the value of. The name ends with the closing brace. You
could use the sequence <CODE>{$HOME}</CODE> as a longer synonym for <CODE>{ph}</CODE>; they are equivalent.</TD></TR>

<TR BGCOLOR="#C0C0E0"><TD><CODE>{I?...}</CODE></TD><TD>This rather suspicious-looking sequence is the most powerful,
but also the most complex. It is used to get <STRONG>input</STRONG> directly from the user, by popping up a dialog window! You can
either ask the user for a random string (such as the name for a new file), or let him select from a set of predefined
strings (such as options to a command). You specify what kind of input you want by putting a single modifier
character immediately after the <CODE>I</CODE>. These are the allowed modifiers:
<TR><TD WIDTH="5%"><CODE>s</CODE></TD><TD>User string; puts a text entry box in the dialog window. You can set the default
text by entering an equals sign followed by the wanted default string surrounded in double quotes.</TD></TR>
<TR><TD WIDTH="5%"><CODE>m</CODE></TD><TD>Menu of predefined strings. This will put a pop-up menu button in the dialog
window, allowing the user to choose from a set of strings you define. Specify the strings by entering a list of
comma-separated quoted strings.</TD></TR>
<TR><TD WIDTH="5%"><CODE>t</CODE></TD><TD>This doesn't get any input, but rather specifies the <STRONG>title</STRONG> text
of the input dialog. Very useful when you want to let the user know what is happening. Follow the <CODE>t</CODE> with
an equals sign and then the string in double quotes. </TD></TR>

In addition to this, you can also specify a <EM>label</EM> for each input field. Unfortunately, the notation for doing
this is somewhat unintuitive, I'm afraid. Such a label is specified by putting a colon (<CODE>:</CODE>) immediately after
the type selection letter, and then entering the label in double quotes. This means that the order of things between the
braces of an input command sequence is:

<LI>A capital <CODE>I</CODE> signifying input.</LI>
<LI>A single lower-case letter specifying the type of input field wanted, or <CODE>t</CODE> to set title.
<LI>Optionally a colon followed by a quoted string, setting the input field's label.</LI>
<LI>The type-specific modifier as listed above.</LI>

You might wonder what happens if you have <STRONG>several</STRONG> <CODE>{I}</CODE>-groups in a single command
definition. The answer is: you get several input fields in the same dialog! The <CODE>{It}</CODE>-construct
sets the body text for the entire dialog, and need only appear once. Here are a few examples, with screenshots
of the generated dialogs to make things clearer:

<TR><TH ALIGN="left" WIDTH="50%">Example Definition</TH><TH WIDTH="10%">Screenshot</TH><TH ALIGN="right">Comment</TH></TR>

<TR><TD><CODE>echo {Is}</CODE></TD><TD><A HREF="images/cmd_inp1.gif">Link</A></TD>
<TD>Note how the window gets a default title and the input field gets a default label, too.</TD></TR>

<TR><TD><CODE>echo {Is} {Is}</CODE></TD><TD><A HREF="images/cmd_inp2.gif">Link</A></TD>
<TD>This just shows what happens if you have two field specifiers. Shouldn't come as a shock!</TD></TR>

<TR><TD><CODE>echo {Is:"Name"} {Is:"Age"}</CODE></TD><TD><A HREF="images/cmd_inp3.gif">Link</A></TD>
<TD>Now we're getting advanced, and showing off field label setting!</TD></TR>

<TR><TD><CODE>echo {It:"gentoo rules!"} {Is:"Name"="Emil Brink"}</CODE></TD><TD><A HREF="images/cmd_inp4.gif">Link</A></TD>
<TD>This one introduces the window title setting, and also shows how to specify a default string.</TD></TR>

<TR><TD><CODE>echo {Is:"Name"} is {Im:"Description"="Silly","Cool"}</CODE></TD><TD><A HREF="images/cmd_inp5.gif">Link</A></TD>
<TD>This shows how to use the menu field specifier. Incredibly silly.</TD></TR>


This concludes the description of <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>'s commands and their possibilities for now.