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<TITLE>gentoo Documentation: Directory Pane Configuration</TITLE>


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<H1>Directory Pane Configuration</H1>

<IMG SRC="../images/tone.gif" WIDTH=175 HEIGHT=18 BORDER="0">

The directory panes are possibly the most important single GUI elements in <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>.
It's in the directory panes that disk contents are shown; it's where you select and
operate upon items; it's where all your glorious <A HREF="../styles.html">styles</A>
get to show off their groovy colors and fancy icons. To put it short, the panes is where
it all happens. So, what can you do about what is being displayed in these panes? As it
turns out, you can do quite a lot. Read on!

<H3>Directory Pane Configuration in Pictures</H3>
To conserve some vertical space, the screenshot has been suppressed. It's all
<A HREF="../images/cfg_dirpane.gif">here</A> though, if you really want to see it. It
might be good to take a look (or, better, peek at a running <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>'s config
window) before reading the rest of this page.

<H2>Control Buttons</H2>
At the top of the dirpane config page, there's a row with some general control buttons
making life easier. The single most important one is the option menu button to the left;
it controls <STRONG>which</STRONG> pane you're editing. There are two panes, one called
"Left" and one "Right" - each has its own set of completely independent settings.
Besides the pane option menu, there are a couple of buttons that let you swap the
configurations around and copy one to the other (and "the other to the one", sort of :).
You don't need to use these often, but when you do, you typically really need them!

<H2>Defining Column Content</H2>
The major part of the dirpane config page is taken up by the a big frame labeled
"Columns". This is where you control what gets shown in the panes, and where.
The basic "unit" of pane output is the column. Each pane must have at least one column
of content, but typically there's much more. You control what gets displayed by assigning
<STRONG>content</STRONG> to the columns. You can do this assigning any way you please;
there's nothing stopping you from letting a pane contain six columns of file names, then
a column showing the name of the files' owners, and then another six columns of file names.
Of course, such a display would probably look very silly and be next to useless, but you
can do it!
The number of columns in a pane can currently not exceed 32. This is a fairly arbitrary
compile-time limitation, which only exists to make my life easier, and the program faster
and less error-prone. If you <EM>really</EM> think that this sucks, you're very welcome to
fix it yourself! <CODE>;^)</CODE>

<H2>Available and Selected Content</H2>
The columns frame consists of two lists arranged side by side. The one on the left,
cleverly labeled "Available Column Content" contains just that. It lists the types of
column content that <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> supports. If it's not in that list, you can't have it.
Examples of content types include file name, size (in bytes and blocks), file owner and
group, modification dates, and so on.

The list on the right, with the bunch of buttons underneath it, shows the currently selected
content types for the current pane. Each row in this list corresponds exactly to one column in
the pane. The order of the rows is the order of the columns. Each row shows two fields; a title
and a content name. The title is the text that gets shown in the column button in the pane.
The content controls what gets shown in the column.

<H3>Adding a Column</H3>
To add a new column to the current pane, locate the content type you want in the list on
the left, and <STRONG>double click</STRONG> it. A new row is added to the list on the

<H3>Changing Column Details</H3>
There are some parameters that you might want to adjust for each column; things such as
column width, adjustment (left, right, or center) and title text. Some content types
even provide additional content-specific options for you to play with. To access all these
fun things, select a column in the list on the right, and click the "Edit..." button
below the list. This opens up the <A HREF="../images/columnedit.gif">column edit</A> window.
The window is split in two parts; the top part contains the basic settings that all
columns have (title, adjustment, and width), while the bottom part contains any content-specific
options. If there are no special options available for the column's content, the bottom
frame is not shown. For a run-down on all the various content types and their special
options, <A HREF="columns.html">read here</A>.
When done, click "OK" in the window to accept, or "Cancel" to abandon any changes you made.

<H3>Removing a Column</H3>

<H3>Changing the Column Order</H3>

<H2>Configuring the Sorting</H2>
<H3>Sorting Column</H3>

<H3>Sort Mode</H3>

<H3>Sort Options</H3>
<H2>Setting the Default Path</H2>