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<TITLE>gentoo Documentation: File Style Configuration</TITLE>


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<H1>File Style Configuration</H1>

<IMG SRC="../images/tone.gif" WIDTH=175 HEIGHT=18 BORDER="0">

You use <EM>file styles</EM> to control the way files of different <A HREF="../types.html">types</A> are
displayed and generally dealt with. For more information about styles and their various properties,
the tree structure applied to styles, and all other fun details, check out the <A HREF="../styles.html">
styles</A> chapter! 
Configuring styles is important in order to get <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> to look the way you want it to, and
also to <EM>act</EM> the way you want it to.

<H2>Styles Configuration in Pictures</H2>
Here's two (cropped) pictures how what the file styles configuration page looks like. The picture
to the left shows the page as it looks when no style has been selected, while the right hand picture
shows it with a style ("Root") selected.

 <IMG BORDER="0" SRC="../images/cfg_styles.gif" WIDTH=512 HEIGHT=429 ALT="The styles config page (no selection)">
 <IMG BORDER="0" SRC="../images/cfg_styles2.gif" WIDTH=511 HEIGHT=430 ALT="The same, but with a selection">

<H3>The Tree View</H3>
The dominant part of the style page is taken up by a single widget; a display of the style tree.
The tree widget is hopefully more or less selfexplanatory; it shows the different styles and the
parent-child relationships between them. You can click on the (tiny) boxes to the left of an item
to show or hide its children. The default is to expand the tree fully, showing all styles.
The styles are listed in alphabetical order on each tree level, to make finding a certain style
a little easier.

<H3>The Name and Parent Fields</H3>
Right below the tree view, there's a text entry widget labeled "Name". Not surprisingly (I hope),
that's where you enter the name of the style. The name of a style must always be unique, since
the name is used to link styles to types. When you edit the style name, <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> will ignore
any changes that make the name a duplicate, keeping the last unique name. This might seem confusing,
but chances are you'll never even notice it.
Under the name entry widget, there's another text entry widget, this time labeled "Parent". Unlike
the name, you can't edit the parent name directly; the widget is used just to display the name.
To change the parent of a style, click the tiny button labeled with the ellipsis. This will open
up a dialog window where you can choose a new parent style. None of the current style's children
will be in the dialog, of course. Once you change the parent, the tree display changes to reflect
the new hierarchy.

<H2>The Properties Frame</H2>
The rest of the page is taken up by a big frame labeled "Preperties". It gives you a chance to
edit and view the style's properties. Properties are <EM>inherited</EM> from parent to child,
so when editing a style high up in the hierarchy, the changes might be visible far down. You
can always click on a style to see its current property values.
Each property has a check button; if the button is active (I would say "checked", but GTK+ doesn't
render check buttons with check marks in them), that means that the property in question is
being <EM>overridden</EM> by the current style; i.e. the parent's value is <EM>not</EM> being used.
When a property is overridden, the style provides its own value for the property. When you deactivate
an override check button, the style reverts to using its parent's value for the property in question.
In the right picture above, you can see that all the check buttons are indeed active, but also
that they are "insensitive"; you can't manipulate them. This is simply because the style selected
is the root style; it <STRONG>must</STRONG> always override all properties, since it has no parent
to inherit values from.

<H2>Visual Properties</H2>
There are 6 different <EM>visual</EM> properties, divided into two groups: unselected and selected.
Since the meaning and use of these has been covered in the <A HREF="../styles.html">styles</A>
chapter, I won't repeat that here. I'll just tell you what you can do when configuring a style's
visual properties.

<H3>Preview List</H3>
The list containing the rows "Unselected" and "Selected" is the <EM>style preview</EM>. It shows
how the current visual property values would look in a pane. The preview is not interactive.
Below the preview are two sets of property editing frames; one for the unselected state and one
for the selected. Each frame contains widgets to control override and value of the three state-specific
properties (background and foreground colors, and icon).

<H3>Setting a Color</H3>
To set a color property, first make sure its override button is active. When active, the "Edit..."
button becomes available. Clicking it opens up the GTK+ standard <A HREF="../images/colsel.jpeg">
color selection</A> window. Manipulate the widgetry in this window until you find a color you
like, and accept the changes by clicking the "OK" button. While manipulating, watch the preview
as it updates to show an accurate preview.

<H3>Setting an Icon</H3>
To set an icon property, click the "Pick..." button (after making sure that the style being edited
actually does override the property in question, of course). This brings up (after a small delay
during which you get to view a nice progress indicator) an <A HREF="../images/iconsel.gif">
icon selection</A> window. Select an icon and click OK, and the style is modified. It's as simple
as that. Currently, there's no "active preview" while choosing icons, but you really shouldn't
need one IMO.

<H3>Convenient Copiers</H3>
Between the unselected and selected property frames is a narrow frame labaled "Copy&gt;&gt;". It
contains some buttons that can be used to perform often-wanted operations a bit faster. The
buttons are:

<DT>FG Invert</DT>
<DD>This copies the unselected foreground color to the selected <STRONG>background</STRONG>,
thus creating the normal inverted look used to indicate selection. It also activates the
selected foreground override, of course.</DD>
<DT>FG+BG Invert</DT>
<DD>Clicking this first does a "FG Invert" as described above, then also copies the unselected
background color to the selected <STRONG>foreground</STRONG>. This creates a "full inversion"
of the colors.</DD>
<DD>This copies the setting of the unselected icon to the selected icon. You generally want
to click this, unless you're being extravagant and use different icons for the two states.</DD>

<H2>Action Properties</H2>
Again, the concept of action properties has been explained in the <A HREF="../styles.html">
styles</A> chapter, here we'll concentrate on how you go about setting them to values you like.
The first thing you need to do is access the action properties notebook page; you do this by
clicking the tab labeled "Action". The display then changes to look something like <A HREF="../images/cfg_styles3.gif">
The action property notebook page contains one row for each available action property. To
the left is a check button which you use to control override, as usual. Next on the row comes
a simple "preview" of the action command sequence; it'st just a list of commands. Not very
useful, but I wanted to put something there, to fill out the window a bit. <CODE>;^)</CODE>
The last thing on the row is an "Edit" button, which when pressed brings up the standard
command sequence editor.
That's basically it.

<H2>Adding and Deleting Styles</H2>
Of course, style editing wouldn't be so interesting if you only had the two styles shown
in the screenshots here to work upon. Of course, you want to add your own styles, and experiment.

<H3>Adding a Style</H3>
To add a new style to the tree, click the "Add" button (surprise!). If no style was selected
when you clicked, the new style will be added with "Root" as its parent. If a style was
selected, it will be used as the parent. The new style appears in the tree under the temporary
name "(New Style") or something similar; make sure you change this to your wanted, unique, name
as soon as possible.

<H3>Deleting a Style</H3>
To delete a style, select it in the tree, then hit the "Delete" button. If the style selected
is a parent, a dialog box will appear requesting you to confirm that you really want to delete
it, since deleting a parent style <EM>deletes all the children too</EM>! Beware. Of course,
you cannot delete the Root style.