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<TITLE>gentoo Documentation: The gentoo Configuration File</TITLE>


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<H1>The <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> Configuration File</H1>

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Like most applications, <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> needs somewhere to store its settings when it is not
running, so you don't need to reconfigure it every time. The natural choice is, of course,
to store the settings in a file in the file system, and this is exactly what <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>
does. This page describes the location and format of this configuration file. Unless you're
a system administrator, there should be no <STRONG>need</STRONG> to read this. Unless you
have a special interest in config files, that is...

<H2>Name and Location</H2>
In keeping with good old Un*x tradition, <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> calls its configuration file "<CODE>.gentoorc</CODE>".
Starting the name with a period hides it from (most) shell file listings, which is convenient.
Ending the name with "rc" identifies it (to Un*x people, anyway) as being a configuration file,
which is also very convenient.
When <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> starts up, it tries to load a configuration from the file "<CODE>$HOME/.gentoorc</CODE>".
That is, it looks in the home directory of the user who started it. If the <CODE>HOME</CODE> environment
variable isn't set, or if there is no config file to be found, <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> checks for a file
in "<CODE>/usr/local/etc/.gentoorc</CODE>". It is convenient to place a site-wide standard configuration
there, since it will be loaded the first time a "new" users runs <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>. If none of these files
can be found, <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> complains and then uses a minimal built-in configuration.
The configuration file is always written to the user's home directory - there is no way of specifying
a different file name. If you're installing <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> for use by several users, just copy your
configuration file from your home directory to <CODE>/usr/local/etc/</CODE>, so it can be used as the
default for users.

<H2>File Format</H2>
Again, like most other Un*x programs, <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> uses a plain-text configuration file. Unlike
some other programs though, the file format used is highly structural: it's (almost) <STRONG>XML</STRONG>!
Actually, since the code that loads the file definitely doesn't qualify as being a full-blown
XML loader, the file isn't really XML either. But is sure looks like it... Basically, the file
uses tags plus a case-convention to define a tree of values for all configuration options.
You are <STRONG>not</STRONG> encouraged to edit around in this file by hand; let <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> be
the only entity reading and writing it! The loader code is fairly armored, but still far from
bullet-proof, so don't provoke it by hacking the file.