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<META NAME="Author"                   					CONTENT="Emil Brink,, 27-Aug-1998">
<META NAME="Design and HTML"			           		CONTENT="Ulf Pettersson,, 29-Sep-1998">
<META NAME="Copyright"                                  CONTENT="May be redistributed and changed according to the GNU General Public License. See gpl.html" LANG="en">

<META NAME="Keywords"                                   CONTENT="gentoo, Obsession, Emil Brink, filemanager, GTK+, Linux, file management, graphical configurability, Ulf Pettersson, Johan Hanson, files, copying, Obsession Development, " LANG="en">
<META NAME="Description"                                CONTENT="gentoo Documentation and User Manual. gentoo is a highly configurable graphical filemanager for Linux and other Unix-operating systems." LANG="en">
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<TITLE>gentoo Documentation: Menus</TITLE>


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<IMG SRC="images/tone.gif" WIDTH=175 HEIGHT=18 BORDER="0">

This section describes the use of menus in <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>. In this early release, the menu
support is <EM>extremely</EM> limited; there's just one menu, and its contents are hard-coded...

<H2>The Dirpane Popup Menu</H2>
If you've only used <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> for a couple of minutes, or perhaps just observed what
it's supposed to look like on the <A HREF="layout.html">screenshot</A>, you might think
that there are no menus. After all, there's no standard menu bar at the top of the window.
This is because there are no normal menus! The only menu currently available in <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>
is a simple "pop-up menu". It is accessed by placing the mouse pointer somewhere inside
a directory pane, and then clicking (and holding down) the right mouse button. A small menu
with the following options appears:

<IMG SRC="images/popupmenu.gif" WIDTH=89 HEIGHT=108 ALT="An image of the pop-up menu">

The items are, in order of appearance:
<DD>This goes up one directory level in the current pane.</DD>
<DD>Set the path of the current pane to that of the other one.</DD>
<DD>Clear pane contents, and rescan the path from the file system.</DD>
<DD>Presents a submenu (as hinted by the little right arrow) with the
following options:

<TR><TD ROWSPAN="4"><IMG SRC="images/popupmenu2.gif" WIDTH=57 HEIGHT=84 ALT="The select popup menu"></TD>
 <TD><SPAN CLASS="Font">Select all items in current pane.</SPAN></TD></TR>
<TR><TD><SPAN CLASS="Font">Unselect all items in the current pane, thus clearing the selection.</SPAN></TD></TR>
<TR><TD><SPAN CLASS="Font">Toggle the selected/unselected state of each row. Inverts the set.</SPAN></TD></TR>
<TR><TD><SPAN CLASS="Font">Opens up the <A HREF="images/cmd_selectre.gif">regular expression selection window</A>.</SPAN></TD></TR>

<DD>Opens up the <A HREF="config/index.html">configuration</A> window.</DD>
