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<TITLE>gentoo Documentation: The Status Line</TITLE>


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<H1>The Status Line</H1>

<IMG SRC="images/tone.gif" WIDTH=175 HEIGHT=18 BORDER="0">

The status line is the horizontal bar that goes from the left border and all
the way to the right border in the top part of the <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> window. It
is used to show various bits of status information. Basically, there are two
types of information shown: selection summary and command execution status.
See below for details on what is shown in which mode.

<H2>Selection Summary</H2>
During normal use, the status line shows a summary for the current dirpane.
This summary (which is depicted in the <A HREF="layout.html">layout screenshot</A>),
<LI>The number of selected directories,</LI>
<LI>the total number of directories,</LI>
<LI>the number of selected files,</LI>
<LI>the total number of files,</LI>
<LI>the number of selected bytes,</LI>
<LI>the total number of bytes,</LI>
<LI>the number of selected blocks, and finally</LI>
<LI>the total number of blocks.</LI>
All in all, the status line provides eight pieces of data regarding the
current directory and any selection you may have done in it. The slash characters
(/) in the line should be thought of as "out of", so the first pair of
digits, 0/18 in the screenshot, mean that 0 out of 18 directories have been
selected. If you bother to count this manually, you'll see that there are actually
18 directories shown, and no directory seems to be selected either, so this is
probably correct. Then, by direct analogy, the rest of the stuff must be correct
You might be amused (or annoyed) by the fact that the selected file sizes try
to adapt the amount of bytes selected. This means that the precision and unit
shown will change as you select more and more, going from "X bytes" to "X KB",
over "X MB" and finally up to "X GB". If you are one of those people who just
can't stand this kind of seemingly chaotic behaviour, you'll be glad to know
that a future version of <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> is likely to make the status bar contents
configurable, too. Till then, chill. ;^)

<H2>Command Status</H2>
Whenever you execute a command, such as copy a file, <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> will report
the command's exit status in the status line. For the most part, commands should
succeed, and you will just see the single word "OK" in the status line. This is
<STRONG>gentoo</STRONG>'s way of signalling that the requested operation was carried out without
If the command execution should fail for some reason (perhaps you don't have write
permission in the destination directory), <STRONG>gentoo</STRONG> will complain with a line
looking something like this:

<IMG SRC="images/status_error.gif" WIDTH=647 HEIGHT=158 ALT="Status line after error" BORDER="0">

The information given in the command status line is:

<LI>Operation that failed ("Copy")</LI>
<LI>Destination file for operation ("/.test.file")</LI>
<LI>The reason for the failure ("Permission denied")</LI>
<LI>The operating system error code for this failure (13)</LI>

The idea is that the information shown shall help you understand what caused the problem,
so that you can do something about it.