

distrib > Mandriva > 9.2 > i586 > by-pkgid > 4b328e43206d690a7063c8763520a6e6 > files > 2


# This is the system-wide gimprc file.  Any change made in this file
# will affect all users of this system, provided that they are not
# overriding the default values in their personal gimprc file.
# Lines that start with a '#' are comments.
# Blank lines are ignored.

# The variable gimp_dir is set to either the interned value
# .gimp-1.2 or the environment variable GIMP_DIRECTORY.  If
# the path in GIMP_DIRECTORY is relative, it is considered
# relative to your home directory.

# Windows specific note: The path /usr below is replaced at
# run-time with the actual GIMP installation directory on this machine.

(prefix "/usr")
(exec_prefix "/usr")
(gimp_data_dir "/usr/share/gimp/1.2")
(gimp_plugin_dir "/usr/lib/gimp/1.2")

# Set the temporary storage directory...files will appear here
#  during the course of running the gimp.  Most files will disappear
#  when the gimp exits, but some files are likely to remain,
#  such as working palette files, so it is best if this directory
#  not be one that is shared by other users or is cleared on machine
#  reboot such as /tmp.
(temp-path "${gimp_dir}/tmp")

# Set the swap file location. The gimp uses a tile based memory
#  allocation scheme. The swap file is used to quickly and easily
#  swap files out to disk and back in. Be aware that the swap file
#  can easily get very large if the gimp is used with large images.
#  Also, things can get horribly slow if the swap file is created on 
#  a directory that is mounted over NFS.  For these reasons, it may 
#  be desirable to put your swap file in "/tmp".
(swap-path "${gimp_dir}")

# Set the brush search path...this path will be searched for valid
#  brushes at startup.
(brush-path "${gimp_dir}/brushes:${gimp_data_dir}/brushes")

# Set the generated brush search path...this path will be searched for valid
#  generated brushes at startup.
(brush-vbr-path "${gimp_dir}/generated_brushes")

# Specify a default brush. If none is specified it defaults to the
#  "1circle.gbr" brush which is just a single pixel sized brush.
#  The brush is searched for in the brush path.
(default-brush "Circle (19)")

# Set the pattern search path...this path will be searched for valid
#  patterns at startup.
(pattern-path "${gimp_dir}/patterns:${gimp_data_dir}/patterns")

# Specify a default pattern.
#  The pattern is searched for in the specified pattern paths.
(default-pattern "Pine?")

# Set the palette search path...this path will be searched for valid
#  palettes at startup.
(palette-path "${gimp_dir}/palettes")

# Specify a default palette.
#  The pattern is searched for in the specified pattern paths.
(default-palette "Default")

# Set the gradient search path...this path will be searched for valid
#  gradients at startup.
(gradient-path "${gimp_dir}/gradients:${gimp_data_dir}/gradients")

# Specify a default gradient.
#  The gradient is searched for in the specified gradient paths.
(default-gradient "German_flag_smooth")

# Set the plug-in search path...this path will be searched for
#  plug-ins when the plug-in is run.
(plug-in-path "${gimp_dir}/plug-ins:${gimp_plugin_dir}/plug-ins")

# Set the path for the script-fu plug-in.  This value is ignored by
#  the GIMP if the script-fu plug-in is never run.
(script-fu-path "${gimp_dir}/scripts:${gimp_data_dir}/scripts")

# Set the path to modules that are to be initialized at startup
(module-path "${gimp_dir}/modules:${gimp_plugin_dir}/modules")

# The tile cache is used to make sure the gimp doesn't thrash
#  tiles between memory and disk. Setting this value higher will
#  cause the gimp to use less swap space, but will also cause
#  the gimp to use more memory. Conversely, a smaller cache size
#  causes the gimp to use more swap space and less memory.
#  Note: the gimp will still run even if `tile-cache-size' is
#  set to 0. The actual size can contain a suffix of 'm', 'M',
#  'k', 'K', 'b' or 'B', which makes the gimp interpret the
#  size as being specified in megabytes, kilobytes and bytes
#  respectively. If no suffix is specified the size defaults to
#  being specified in kilobytes.
(tile-cache-size 32m)

# Speed of marching ants in the selection outline
#  this value is in milliseconds
#  (less time indicates faster marching)
(marching-ants-speed 300)

# Set the number of operations kept on the undo stack
(undo-levels 5)

# Set the minimal number of colors for dithering on 8-bit displays.
#  If the GIMP cannot allocate at least this number of colors, a
#  private colormap will be allocated, resulting in colormap "flashing".
#  The default value of 144 corresponds to a "color cube" of 6*6*4 colors
#  where the 3 values stand for shades of red, green and blue.
#  Multiplying the # of shades of each primary color yields
#  the total number of colors that will be allocated for the
#  GIMP colormap.
#  This number must not exceed 256.  Most of the colors remaining after
#  the allocation of the colorcube will be left to the system palette
#  in an effort to reduce colormap "flashing".
#  Note that setting this value to something higher than 216 (6*6*6)
#  will not work with Gtk versions lower than 1.2.8.
(min-colors 144)

# Install a private GIMP colormap by default -- only for 8-bit displays
# (install-colormap)

# Specify that marching ants for selected regions will be drawn
#  with colormap cycling as oposed to redrawing with different stipple masks
#  this color cycling option works only with 8-bit displays
# (colormap-cycling)

# Tools such as fuzzy-select and bucket fill find regions based on a
#  seed-fill algorithm.  The seed fill starts at the intially selected
#  pixel and progresses in all directions until the difference of pixel
#  intensity from the original is greater than a specified threshold
#  ==> This value represents the default threshold
(default-threshold 15)

# There is always a tradeoff between memory usage and speed.  In most
#  cases, the GIMP opts for speed over memory.  However, if memory is
#  a big issue, set stingy-memory-use
# (stingy-memory-use)

# When zooming into and out of images, this option enables the
#  automatic resizing of windows
# (allow-resize-windows)

# Context-dependent cursors are cool.  They are enabled by default.
#  However, they require overhead that you may want to do without.
#  Uncomment this line to disable them.
# (no-cursor-updating)

# Layer preview sizes (also used for the Undo History):
#  none:    no previews in layers dialog/layer selector
#  tiny:    24x24
#  small:   32x32
#  medium:  48x48
#  large:   64x64
#  huge:   128x128
#  #:        #x#
(preview-size small)

# Navigation window preview sizes:
#  small:   48x48
#  medium:  80x80
#  large:  112x112
#  #:        #x#
(nav-preview-size large)

# Tooltips
#  Comment this out to disable the tooltips in the toolbox
# (dont-show-tool-tips)

# Help System
#  Comment this out to disable context-sensitive help with F1 key

# Controlling ruler visibility
#  The default behavior is for rulers to be ON.
#  This can also be toggled with the View->Toggle Rulers command
#  or shift+control+r
# (dont-show-rulers)

# Controlling statusbar visibility
#  The default behavior is to show the statusbar.
#  This can also be toggled with the View->Toggle Statusbar command
#  or shift+control+s
# (dont-show-statusbar)

# Default units
#  This is the default unit of a new image. It will appear in the
#  File/New dialog and will be the unit for coordinate display when
#  dot-for-dot is off.
#  The default units can be one of:
#  (inches millimeters points picas) plus those in your user units database
#  The default is inches
(default-units inches)

# Default Resolution units
#  This is used to specify the resolution of a new image
#  The units for the resolution can be one of:
#  (inches millimeters points picas) plus those in your user units database
#  The default is inches
(default-resolution-units inches)

# Default Resolution
#  This is the default resolution of a new image in dpi
#  The default is 72.0 dpi in both x and y direction
(default-xresolution 72.0)
(default-yresolution 72.0)

# Disable auto saving
#  Auto saving is not yet implemented! Nothing will be auto-saved, no matter
#  how you set this here.  
#  Just uncomment the line below...
# (dont-auto-save)

# Disable confirmation before closing an image without saving
#  Just uncomment the next line
# (dont-confirm-on-close)

# By default GIMP remembers the positions and sizes of the main dialogs and
#  advices your window-manager to place them there again the next time you
#  use the GIMP. To disable this behaviour, uncomment the line below...
# (dont-save-session-info)

# Session managment 
#  To let GIMP try to restore your last saved session, 
#  just uncomment the line below...

# Setting the level of interpolation
#  Uncommenting this line will enable cubic interpolation.
#  By default, GIMP uses linear interpolation, which is faster, but 
#  has poorer quality
# (cubic-interpolation)

# Set the gamma correction values for the display
#  1.0 corresponds to no gamma correction.  For most displays,
#  gamma correction should be set to between 2.0 and 2.6
#  Run the utility "gamma_correct" to determine appropriate values
#  for your display.
# One important item to keep in mind:  Many images that you might
#  get from outside sources will in all likelihood already be
#  gamma-corrected.  In these cases, the image will look washed-out
#  if the gimp has gamma-correction turned on.  If you are going
#  to work with images of this sort, turn gamma correction off
#  by removing this line, or setting the values to 1.0.
#  gamma-correction 1.0
#  gamma-correction 2.0
(gamma-correction 1.0)

# Set the manner in which transparency is displayed in images
#  Transparency type can be one of:
#    0: Light Checks
#    1: Mid-Tone Checks
#    2: Dark Checks
#    3: White Only
#    4: Gray Only
#    5: Black Only
#  Check size can be one of:
#    0: Small
#    1: Medium
#    2: Large
(transparency-type 1)
(transparency-size 2)

# This string sets how image window titles are formatted.
# The following percent expansions are performed:
#   %%  literal percent sign
#   %f  bare filename, or "Untitled"
#   %F  full path to file
#   %p  PDB image id
#   %i  view instance number
#   %t  image type (RGB, indexed, greyscale)
#   %z  zoom factor as a percentage
#   %s  source scale factor
#   %d  destination scale factor
#   %Dx expands to x if the image is dirty
# See gimprc(5) for further details.
(image-title-format "%D*%f-%p.%i (%t) %z%%")

# Global paint options
#  By default options for the paint tools are local, e.g. all paint tools
#  use the options you specify in their tool options dialog. If you wish 
#  to have global settings in the brushes dialog that affect all paint tools, 
#  you can change this by uncommenting the next line.
# (global-paint-options)

# Maximal new image size
#  To prevent mistakes Gimp will warn you if you try to create a very large
#  image. The default maximum memory consumption of the new image that 
#  triggers the warning is 32MB.  
(max-new-image-size 32M)

# Trust dirty flag
#  Gimp tries to keep track of changes to an image. If you trust this
#  behaviour, nothing will happen if you save an unchanged image. By default
#  this is turned off.
#  Just uncomment the following line if you trust the dirty flag.
# (trust-dirty-flag)

# Perfect mouse tracking
#  GIMP attempts to keep up with the motion of the pointer when
#  painting, but when a painting operation is particularly CPU
#  intensive the GIMP will miss the subtlety of your painting
#  motion and render overly-angular strokes.  Enabling 'perfect
#  mouse tracking' allows GIMP to track your painting motion
#  more evenly, at the expense of lagging behind your brush at
#  times of CPU stress.
(perfect-mouse yes)

# Help browser
#  Determines which program to use as browser for the GIMP help pages.
#  Possible values are "gimp" which means the built-in help browser
#  which comes with GIMP as a plug-in and "netscape" which will show
#  the help pages using the "netscape-remote" command.
(help-browser gimp)

# Fractalexplorer path
#  This path will be searched for fractals when you use the Fractalexplorer  
#  plug-in.
(fractalexplorer-path "${gimp_dir}/fractalexplorer:${gimp_data_dir}/fractalexplorer")

# Gfig search path
#  This path will be searched for Gfig figures when you use the Gfig plug-in.
(gfig-path "${gimp_dir}/gfig:${gimp_data_dir}/gfig")

# GFlare path
#  This path will be searched for gflares when you use the GFlare plug-in.
(gflare-path "${gimp_dir}/gflare:${gimp_data_dir}/gflare")

# Gimpressionist path
#  This path will be searched for data when you use the Gimpressionist plug-in.
(gimpressionist-path "${gimp_dir}/gimpressionist:${gimp_data_dir}/gimpressionist")

# [end of file]