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<H2><A NAME="s11">11. $B;29MJ88%(B</A></H2>

<P><I>$BCm0U$7$FM_$7$$$N$O!"$3$3$G$O(B Web $B%5%$%H$GMxMQ2DG=$J5;=QJ88%$rCf?4$K(B
$B$"$2$F$$$k$3$H$G$9!#5;=QE*$J>pJs$N$[$H$s$I$,(B Web $B%5%$%H$+$iF~<j$G$-$k(B
<P>[Al-Herbish 1999]
Al-Herbish, Thamer.
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<A HREF=""></A>.
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<A HREF=";article=p49-14">;article=p49-14</A>
or alternatively
<A HREF=""></A>.
<P>[Anonymous unknown]
<A HREF=""></A>.
<P>[AUSCERT 1996]
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<A HREF=""></A><P>[Bach 1986]
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Bellovin, Steven M.
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<A HREF=""></A><P>[Bellovin 1994]
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<A HREF=""></A><P>[Bishop 1996]
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<P>[CERT 1998]
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<A HREF=""></A><P>[FreeBSD 1999]
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<A HREF=""></A><P>[FSF 1998]
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<P>[Galvin 1998b]
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<P>[Gundavaram Unknown]
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<A HREF=""></A><P>[Mudge 1995]
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<P>[OSI 1999].
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<P>[Pfleeger 1997]
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<P>[Phillips 1995]
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<A HREF=""></A><P>[Raymond 1997]
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<P>[rfp 1999].
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<A HREF=""></A><P>[Seifried 1999]
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<P>[Shostack 1999]
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Sitaker, Kragen.
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<A HREF=""></A><P>[SSE-CMM 1999]
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<A HREF=""></A><P>[Stein 1999].
Stein, Lincoln D.
September 13, 1999.
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<A HREF=""></A><P>[Thompson 1974]
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