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************************** begin comment *****************************
     The following is the HOW-TO for recovering from linux crash, if 
	 linux fails to boot, LILO is destroyed and to rescue the system.
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	 process this document
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<!-- Title information -->

<title>LILO, Linux Crash Rescue HOW-TO
<!-- chapt change
LILO, Linux Crash Rescue HOW-TO

<author>Al Dev (Alavoor Vasudevan) 
       <htmlurl url="mailto:alavoor[AT]"
<date>v10.8, 25 Jan 2003
This document discusses methods to recover from Linux system failures.
Various reasons for linux system failures can be - 
LILO is destroyed, or linux fails to boot, or Master Boot Record (MBR)
is damaged or linux fails to boot when another
operating system like Windows NT is installed which erases LILO or MBR.

<!-- Table of contents -->

<!-- Begin the document -->

(The latest version of this document is 
at <url url="">. You may
want to check there for changes).

You cannot avoid accidents and if it happens to linux systems then it 
may damage the
master boot record (MBR) or LILO (Linux boot Loader).
There may be cases where linux will not boot due to hard disk 
failures. The LILO may also fail if you accidentally re-partition the
hard disk or you install another additional operating system like
Windows 98/NT on the linux computer.

This document gives you some ideas, tips and quick guide to recover
fast without wading through hundreds of pages of documentation on 
LILO or Linux.

<sect1> Tiny Floppy Linux <label id="tiny">
To recover any Windows 95/NT/2000, OS/2, BeOS or Linux box you may need the 
tiny linux which fits on a single floppy disk. 
See the list of tiny floppy linux given below -
<item> The best <url name="Tomsrtbt" url="">
<item> Second best floppy linux <url name="MuLinux" url="">
<item> <url name="Trinux" url="">
<item> <url name="DLX" url="">
<item> <url name="FloppyFW" url="">
<item> <url name="Linux Router Proejct floppy" url="">
<item> <url name="Tiny Linux distributions" url="">
<item> <url name="TINYLinux" url="">

<sect1> Tiny Pocket CDROM Linux <label id="tinycdrom">
<item> Linuxcare Bootable Toolbox <url url="">
<item> LNX-BBC <url url="">
<item> Tom's Root and Boot "the most GNU/Linux on one floppy disk"
<url url="">
<item> "Innominate-Linux-Rescue-System" - a CD-based rescue system 
<url url="">
<item> Irish Linux Users Group (ILUG) BBC: A bootable CD ISO 
<url url="">
<item> Lubbock: Meant to be the "Tom's Root Boot" of CDs <url url="">
<item> Repairlix: a networked Linux distribution/bootable system intended to
fit in 12MB of media. <url url="">
<item> SuperRescue: a Red Hat-based bootable CD 
<url url="">
<item> Timo's Rescue CD Set: an easy way of generating el Torito Boot Cd's 
<url url="">

<sect> Crash Recovery<label id="crash">

<sect1> Preparation Tips <label id="tips">
It is a good idea to backup the important system files like /etc/fstab, /etc/lilo.conf 
after you login using Tomsrtbt floppy or RedHat Linux CDROM (Rescue option) 
in following sections. This can be very handy during
crash situation or something happens to system files.
bash# cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig
bash# cp /etc/lilo.conf /etc/lilo.conf.orig
bash# cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.orig
bash# cp /etc/hosts.allow /etc/hosts.allow.orig
bash# cp /etc/hosts.deny /etc/hosts.deny.orig
bash# cp /etc/inetd.conf /etc/inetd.conf.orig
bash# cp /etc/inittab /etc/inittab.orig
bash# cp /etc/networks /etc/networks.orig

<sect1> Using Linux CDROM In Rescue Mode
Most of the distributions like RedHat, SUSE, Debian provide CDROM which have "Rescue" 
option. For this, you have should set the BIOS of your computer to boot first from
IDE CDROM drive. Usually you set the BIOS (using F8 key during boot) to boot
first from CDROM drive, second from Floppy drive and third from hard disk.
Load the Linux cdrom into the CD drive and reboot the system.
The Linux distribution will load and at the prompt select "Rescue Operation".
In the resuce operation mount the hard disks and try to repair.
# chroot /mnt/SYSIMAGE
# df 
After doing chroot, the system will look as if you had booted the system 
from hard disk.
You can see all the partitions and you can repair or recover the files.

<sect1> Quick Steps to recovery
Follow these steps to recover from LILO or system failures.

<item> <bf>SCENE 1:</bf> If your system does not boot -
	Get the tomsrtbt floppy <url url=""> or MuLinux floppy 
	(see also <ref name="Tiny Linux" id="tiny">).
	Boot with tomsrtbt floppy
	Use fdisk to find the partitions. Try to recognise the
	root and boot partition. Watch out, you may be having the /boot  files on
	the root partition itself.
	The Linux's root partition has the following directories 

	And the Linux's boot partition has these directories:

	To find out root partition do this :
bash# fdisk /dev/hda
Command (m for help): m		(Gives you help on commands)
Command (m for help): p 	(Gives you list of partitons)
Command (m for help): q
bash# mkdir /test
bash# mount /dev/hda1 /test
bash# ls /test
You should see root-partition list like this -
bin   fd    lib   mnt  proc  sbin  usr
boot  dev   etc   home  lost+found  opt  root  tmp   var
	If this is not a root partition, then try the next partition /dev/hda2.
	Keep trying hda3, hda4, hda5, etc.. untill you find the root partition.
	If you do not find root partition in <bf>hda</bf> device then repeat the above 
	steps for other hard disk devices like <bf>hdb</bf>, <bf>hdc</bf>, <bf>hdd</bf> etc..

	Next, you should find the /boot, /usr and /var partitions.
	The disk locations of these partitions are needed to create the new lilo configuration.

In my case the root partition is /dev/hda4 which is used in the examples below:
bash# mkdir /rootpart
bash# mount /dev/hda4 /rootpart
bash# cat /rootpart/etc/fstab
	Read the output of fstab and mount partitions as per fstab file, see below -
bash# mount /dev/hda5 /rootpart/boot
bash# mount /dev/hda6 /rootpart/usr
bash# mount /dev/hda7 /rootpart/var
bash# mount /dev/hda8 /rootpart/opt
bash# mount /dev/hda9 /rootpart/root
bash# mount /dev/hda10 /rootpart/home
In my case, as per fstab file hda5 was <bf>boot</bf>, hda6 was <bf>usr</bf>, 
hda7 was <bf>var</bf>, hda8 was <bf>opt</bf>,
hda9 was <bf>root</bf>, hda10 was <bf>home</bf> and hda11 was windows95 (FAT16 partition).

Edit /etc/fstab (not /rootpart/etc/fstab) and put (sample code given here) -
	/dev/hda4  /rootpart           ext2 defaults 1 1
	/dev/hda5  /rootpart/boot      ext2 defaults 1 1
	/dev/hda6  /rootpart/usr       ext2 defaults 1 1
	/dev/hda7  /rootpart/var       ext2 defaults 1 1
	/dev/hda8  /rootpart/opt       ext2 defaults 1 1
	/dev/hda9  /rootpart/root      ext2 defaults 1 1
	/dev/hda10 /rootpart/home      ext2 defaults 1 1
	/dev/hda11 /rootpart/win95part vfat defaults 1 1

On my computer hda4 contains the linux root partition, hda5 had boot partition and
hda11 has windows 95 vfat system.

bash# mkdir /rootpart/win95part
bash# mount /rootpart/win95part
	And repair the problem partitions using fsck or e2fsck commands.
bash# man fsck
bash# man e2fsck
<item> <bf>SCENE 2:</bf> If LILO is not working..
	Follow scene 1 above, if that fails then follow these steps. 
After executing steps in scene 1 above, you should have
already mounted /rootpart and have created /etc/fstab file.

Note: It is very important to note how chroot command works below. The <bf>/sbin/lilo</bf>
file which chroot uses is actually located in <bf>/rootpart/sbin/lilo</bf> and 
NOT in /sbin!! Hence, do not get confused.
bash# mount -a 
bash# chroot /rootpart /sbin/lilo -q
bash# man chroot
bash# chroot /rootpart /sbin/lilo 

Note: New users of chroot will be confused. If chroot command complains that 
it cannot find /boot/map file then it actually
means it that it cannot find /rootpart/boot/map. Because you gave /rootpart as the
first argument to chroot and all references are with respect to /rootpart.

Alternatively, you can directly use /sbin/lilo instead of chroot. The
-r option of lilo actually does chroot.
It is very <bf>strongly recommended</bf> that you use chroot, instead of lilo -r,
as it is more convenient and can catch errors more easily.
bash# man lilo
bash# /sbin/lilo -r /rootpart
<item> <bf>SCENE 3:</bf> If LILO is not working..
	If scene 1 and 2 failes, then 
	if you made the boot disk with 'mkbootdisk' (during install or 
	by using 'man mkbootdisk'), boot with it and repair your partitions.
	The mkbootdisk is in mkbootdisk*.rpm package, you must install this.
Or get boot disks for Linux/NT/Windows/DOS/Mac are at <url url="">
Other option is - get a hold of installation Linux-CDROM. Just about every Linux distribution
provides a image of a rescue disk on their CD. Under Linux use
"dd if=/cdrom/disks/rescue of=/dev/fd0" to create a rescue floppy disk. Under DOS
use rawrite.exe (included on Linux CD) and then do "rawrite image-name a:".

<item> <bf>SCENE 4:</bf> If 1, 2 and 3 above fails and you do not have boot disk
	If you have another computer running linux, then
	login as root and do -

	Note: If you compile your own kernel as a bzImage (for instance, bzImage-2.4.4),
	then you should create a hard link to vmlinuz-2.4.4 as follows (note the 
	the z in name vmlinuz and it is not vmlinux). If you do not do this then
	mkbootdisk command may fail.
bash# cd /boot
bash# ls -l vmlinuz*
bash# ln /boot/bzImage-2.4.4  /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.4
Now that you have bzImage and vmlinuz, give these commands -
bash$ man mkbootdisk
bash# cp /etc/lilo.conf /etc/lilo-original.conf
	Edit the /etc/lilo.conf and put the root partition name as you
	obtained in 'scene 1' above and insert a blank floppy and give -
bash$ mkbootdisk --device /dev/fd0 2.2.12-20
	The mkbootdisk is in mkbootdisk*.rpm package, you must install this.
	Make sure you move the /etc/lilo-original.conf back to /etc/lilo.conf!! 
	And then take this floppy and goto scene 3
<item> <bf>SCENE 5: </bf> This is the worst scenerio and hopefully you will never come to this
stage. Scenes from 1 to 4 will take care of majority of cases. But just in case, all the above 
scenes 1, 2, 3 and 4 fail then -
	<it><bf>Step 1: </bf></it>
	Boot tomsrtbt 
	(see <ref name="Tiny Linux" id="tiny">)
	and mount the partitions and backup the root 
	partition to another partition having disk space with comamnds -
	Edit /etc/fstab and put (sample code given here, you may have to 
	change as per your disk layout) -
		/dev/hda4  /rootpart	ext2 defaults 1 1
		/dev/hda11 /b1 		vfat defaults 1 1
bash$ mkdir /rootpart; mount /rootpart
bash$ mkdir /b1; mount /b1
bash$ cd /
bash$ df 
	And see that there is enough disk space in /b1 to tar up the root partition
bash$ tar cvf /b1/root-hda4.tar   /rootpart
	<it><bf>Step 2: </bf></it>
	Insert Linux cdrom, reboot and install the redhat linux
 	on /dev/hda4 (but DO NOT install any extra packages, you just 
	need to install only the root, boot systems and LILO manager that is, a very
	bare minimum). This will also install the LILO on hard disk.
	Boot linux now and login as root and do -
bash$ man mkbootdisk
bash# cp /etc/lilo.conf /etc/lilo-original.conf
	Note: You MUST remember to copy back lilo-original.conf to lilo.conf!!
	Edit the /etc/lilo.conf and put the root partition name as you
	obtained in 'scene 1' above and insert a blank floppy and give -
bash$ mkbootdisk --device /dev/fd0 2.2.12-20
bash# cp /etc/lilo-original.conf /etc/lilo.conf
	Test this boot floppy to see that this works and then
	restore back the all the files which you backedup using tar on
	/b1/root-hda4.tar as in step 1 above.

<sect1> Precautionary measures
You should take the following pre-cautionary measures to tackle the
problems in future.

<item> You MUST make emergency boot disk from time to time and whenever you
make changes to the partition. Insert a blank floppy and do this -
bash$ man mkbootdisk
The mkbootdisk is in mkbootdisk*.rpm package, you must install this.
bash$ mkbootdisk --help
bash$ mkbootdisk --device /dev/fd0 2.2.12-20
<item> You MUST backup the partition tables setup to a floppy and to a hard disk.
You should also print this out and paste it on the computer box.
bash$ su - root
bash# man fdisk
bash# fdisk -l /dev/sda > partition_table_backup.txt
Very helpful if you need to repartition the hard disk.
From the printout, you would know where your partition starts.
During recovery, after repatitioning and formating you can restore data from the backup.
You must keep the tomsrtbt boot floppy handy. Visit
<url url="">
	(see also <ref name="Tiny Linux" id="tiny">)
You must keep the Yard rescue and boot floppy disk handy. Visit
<url url="">
<item> Backup /root and /boot directories. Boot the Tomsrtbt 
	(see also <ref name="Tiny Linux" id="tiny">)
and then
bash# vi /etc/fstab
And put these lines -
		/dev/hda1 /a1 vfat defaults 1 1
		/dev/hdb1 /b1 vfat defaults 1 1
In my case hda1 had the linux root partition '/'
bash# cd / 
bash# tar cvf /b1/linux-root-partition-hda1.tar  a1
bash# tar cvf /b1/linux-boot-partition-hda1.tar  a1/boot

<sect1> Removing LILO
You can replace the boot sector with the DOS boot loader by issuing the DOS 
command at MS DOS prompt:
where MBR stands for "Master Boot Record".

See also LILO documentation on linux at /usr/doc/lilo* for other methods of 
uninstalling the LILO. And see also 'man lilo'.

<sect1> Common mistakes
After making changes to /etc/lilo.conf you <bf>MUST run lilo</bf> to make changes
to go in effect. It is a very common mistake committed by newusers. Type -
bash# lilo -v -v -v

<sect> Related URLs
Visit following locators which are related to LILO, Rescue Linux, crash recovery -
<item> Mini Lilo HOWTO at <url url="">
<item> Bootdisk-HOWTO at <url url="">
<item> Pre-made boot disks at <url url="">
<item> Boot disks for Linux/NT/Windows/DOS/Mac at <url url="">
<item> Tomsrtbt boot floppy disk <url url="">
	and (see also <ref name="Tiny Linux" id="tiny">)
<item> Yard rescue and boot floppy disk 
<url url="">
<item> BootPrompt-HOWTO at <url url="">
<item> Multiboot with LILO mini HOWTO at <url url="">
<item> Linux+WinNT mini HOWTO at <url url="">
<item> Linux goodies main site <url url="">
Mirror sites are at -
<url url="">,
<url name="angelfire" url="">,
<url name="geocities" url="">,
<url name="virtualave" url="">,
<url name="50megs" url="">,
<url name="theglobe" url="">,
<url name="NBCi" url="">,
<url name="Terrashare" url="">,
<url name="Fortunecity" url="">,
<url name="Freewebsites" url="">,
<url name="Tripod" url="">,
<url name="Spree" url="">,
<url name="Escalix" url="">,
<url name="Httpcity" url="">,
<url name="Freeservers" url="">.

<item> Vim color text editor for C++, C <url url="">

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bash$ distill
bash$ man ghostscript
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