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 <TITLE>The Binding Generator C->Haskell: Usage of C-&gt;Haskell</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="s2">2. Usage of C-&gt;Haskell</A></H2>

<P>Let's have a brief look at how to call the tool and how to use the generated
<H2><A NAME="ss2.1">2.1 Usage of <CODE>c2hs</CODE></A>

<P>C-&gt;Haskell is implemented by the executable <CODE>c2hs</CODE>.  It is usually
called as
<CODE>c2hs </CODE><EM>lib</EM><CODE>.h </CODE><EM>Lib</EM><CODE>.chs</CODE>
<P>where <EM>lib</EM><CODE>.h</CODE> is the header file and <EM>Lib</EM><CODE>.chs</CODE> the Haskell
binding module, which define the C- and Haskell-side interface, respectively.
If no errors occur, the result is a pure Haskell module <EM>Lib</EM><CODE>.hs</CODE>,
which implements the Haskell API of the library.
<P>The executable <CODE>c2hs</CODE> has a couple more options:
Usage: c2hs [ option... ] header-file binding-file

  -C CPPOPTS  --cppopts=CPPOPTS   pass CPPOPTS to the C preprocessor         
  -c CPP      --cpp=CPP           use executable CPP to invoke C preprocessor
  -d TYPE     --dump=TYPE         dump internal information (for debugging)  
  -h, -?      --help              brief help (the present message)           
  -i INCLUDE  --include=INCLUDE   include paths for .chi files               
  -k          --keep              keep pre-processed C header                
  -o FILE     --output=FILE       output result to FILE (should end in .hs)  
  -v          --version           show version information                   
              --old-ffi[=OLDFFI]  use the FFI without `Ptr a'                

The header file must be a C header file matching the given binding file.
The dump TYPE can be
  trace   -- trace compiler phases
  genbind -- trace binding generation
  ctrav   -- trace C declaration traversal
  chs     -- dump the binding file (adds `.dump' to the name)
<P>The most useful of these is probably <CODE>--cppopts=</CODE> (or <CODE>-C</CODE>).  If the C
header file needs any special options (like <CODE>-D</CODE> or <CODE>-I</CODE>) to go through
the C pre-processor, here is the place to pass them.  A call may look like
<CODE>c2hs --cppopts='-I/some/obscure/dir -DEXTRA' </CODE><EM>lib</EM><CODE>.h </CODE><EM>Lib</EM><CODE>.chs</CODE>
<P>Do not forget the quotes if you have more than one option that you want to
pass to the pre-processor.
<P>Often, <EM>lib</EM><CODE>.h</CODE> will not be in the current directory, but in one of the
header file directories.  Apart from the current directory, C-&gt;Haskell
looks in two places for the header: first, in the standard include directory
of the used system, this is usually <CODE>/usr/include</CODE> and
<CODE>/usr/local/include</CODE>; and second, it will look in every directory that
is mentioned in a <CODE>-IDIR</CODE> option passed to the pre-processor via
<P>If the compiled binding module contains import hooks, C-&gt;Haskell needs to
find the <CODE>.chi</CODE> (C-&gt;Haskell interface files) produced while compiling
the corresponding binding modules.  By default, they will be searched for in
the current working directory.  If they are located elsewhere, the
<CODE>--include=INCLUDE</CODE> option has to be used to indicate the location, where
<CODE>INCLUDE</CODE> is a colon-separated list of directories.  Multiple such options
are admissible.  Later paths are searched first.
<H2><A NAME="ss2.2">2.2 Compilation of a Generated Haskell API</A>

<P>C-&gt;Haskell comes with a marshalling library, called <CODE>C2HS</CODE>, which is
imported by virtually all library bindings.  Consequently, you will have to
tell the Haskell compiler where to find the interface files when you compile a
generated interface and you have to tell the linker where to find the library
archive of <CODE>C2HS</CODE>.  To simplify this usually operating and compilation
system-dependent process, C-&gt;Haskell comes with a simple configuration
manager, in the form of the executable <CODE>c2hs-conf</CODE>.  It can be used to
inquire information for compilation and linking and pass that information on
to the Haskell compiler.  The call
c2hs-config --cflags
<P>returns all flags that need to be given to the Haskell compiler for
compilation and
c2hs-config --lib
<P>returns all flags necessary for linking.  Overall, you may want to use a call
like the following to compile a generated library module:
<CODE>ghc `c2hs-config --cflags` -c </CODE><EM>Lib</EM><CODE>.hs</CODE>
<P>The backquotes cause the shell to call <CODE>c2hs-config</CODE> and substitute the
call by the flags returned.  This, of course, also works in a makefile.
<P>Furthermore, <CODE>c2hs-config</CODE> can also be used to locate the executable of the 
tool itself, by calling
c2hs-config --c2hs
<P>This slightly simplifies configuration management of libraries generated by
C-&gt;Haskell, as it is sufficient to know the location of <CODE>c2hs-config</CODE> to 
access all other components of C-&gt;Haskell.
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