

distrib > Mandriva > 9.2 > i586 > media > contrib > by-pkgid > 12c6549cb60fc15c85b78852e5a31883 > files > 7


##                          GQmpeg 0.20.0     (February 2, 2003) ##
##                                                               ##
##             Copyright (C) 1999 - 2003 by John Ellis.          ##
##                                                               ##
##                      Use at your own risk!                    ##
##                                                               ##
##  This software released under the GNU General Public License. ##
##       Please read the COPYING file for more information.      ##

Author: John Ellis <>

======== Major sections of this document

  - Requirements
  - Notes and changes for this release
  - Installation
  - Description / Features
  - Command Line options
  - Skins
  - Documentation (brief) [lists keyboard controls]
  - Skin editing notes
  - Credits

======== Requirements

  GTK+-1.2.x: (1.0.x will not work!)
  gdk-pixbuf >= 0.7.0

  mpg123 >= 0.59o
  (mpg123 >= 0.59p required for streaming (http://, shoutcast, etc))

  or try the GPL'd mpg321 drop-in replacement to mpg123 at

  optional components:
  (support disabled if not found)

    - xmp for mod (.mod, and others) files.

    - ogg123 for Ogg Vorbis (.ogg) files. (ogg123 is in vorbis-tools package)     (tested with Ogg123 1.0rc2)

    - video4linux compatible radio/tv card (for radio tuner support)

======== Notes and changes for this release             [section:release_notes]


    - Added internet audio keys support, see README to setup your keys for X.
    - Updated French translation.
    * Fixes to ogg support for the vorbis 1.0 release.
    * Fixed endless loop causing lockup when repeat and play next song on
      error is enabled with only one song in the playlist.


    Starting with this release the ogg vorbis release candidates are no longer
    supported by GQmpeg. It's about time to upgrade to 1.0 final, anyway ;)

    There is a small howto section (below) in this document to help users set
    up X support for their internet keyboard's audio keys.

    - Keyboard focus support with tab and shift-tab uses the order of widgets
      in the skin. Most skins were made before keyboard focus was added, so
      tab and shift-tab movement may seem completely random in those skins.
    - ogg123's default device requires the setup of a ~/.ogg123rc file
      (see ogg123's included file ogg123rc-example for details)
    - xmp {mod} support is buggy, seeking is at best an estimate/ unreliable.


    See TODO file.

======== Installation

  Compilation: ./configure ; make
     - I18N note: Set the shell variable LINGUAS with a list of required
                  translations before configure (supported: cs de fr ja pt_BR).
     - Use the --enable-japanese option to enable japanese ID3 tag support.
     - To build an RPM binary use 'rpm -tb gqmpeg-x.x.x.tar.gz'.

  Installation: make install

  Removal: make uninstall

======== Description / Features

  GQmpeg is a frontend to mpg123 with extensive themeability and playlist

  Support is included for:
    - mpg123  (.MP3, http streaming)
    - ogg123  (.OGG)
    - xmp     (.MOD, and most derivatives)
    - video4linux radio tuner (/dev/radio)

    - Extensive mpg123 option support.
    - Shuffle, repeat.
    - Shuffle and repeat preferences can be saved in each playlist.
    - Customizable skins, including winamp skin support.
    - A skin can contain an alternative face (shade mode for instance)
    - ID3 tag reading/writing support (v1)
    - Volume controls (can be connected to any available device)
    - Basic file management (move/copy/rename/delete)
    - Tab completion in most dialogs.
    - Presets for playlists.
    - Drag and drop support.
    - Shoutcast (http://server:port) support.

======== Command Line options:

   Note: 'gqmpeg --help' to list all options, this list is probably outdated.

    --skin:skindir   tells GQmpeg to use the skin in the directory named
                     skindir, GQmpeg searches for skinfile in the current dir,
                     HOME/.gqmpeg/skins/, and /PREFIX/share/gqmpeg/skins
    --geometry       specify window position at [+|-]xxx[+|-]yyy
    --dock           enable docking behavior
    --dockwm         enable Window Maker docking
    --skinhelp       shows the mouse coordinates as you move the mouse to help
                     position items when designing skins
    --debug          enable debug mode (spews lots of weird junk :)
    --blank          start with empty playlist

   The following commands send a command to another running gqmpeg and exit.
   (requires 'allow command parsing' to be enabled)

     option:                               ipc_function:
     -p          --play                     play
     -s          --stop                     stop
     -ps         --pause                    pause
     -n          --next                     next
     -b          --back                     prev
     -pladd      --playlist_add <f>[..]     pladd "<f>"
     -pladdplay  --playlist_add_play <f>    pladd_play "<f>"
     -plrm       --playlist_remove <f>[..]  plrm "<f>"
     -plclr      --playlist_clear           plclr
     -pl         --playlist <f>             plload "<f>"
     -plappend   --playlist_append <f>[..]  plappend "<f>"
     -f          --file <f>[..]             play_file "<f>"
                 --skin_set <f>             set skin
                 --status                   print status (track, song, time)
                 --volume [+|-]n            set or increment volume by n%
     -q          --quit                     quit

     Note: also echoing the ipc_function above to ~/.gqmpeg/command will work
     example: `echo next > ~/.gqmpeg/command` will tell gqmpeg to skip to
              the next song.

======== Extended keyboard keys (internet keys)

  Many modern keybaords, often refered to as internet keyboards, include
  extra keys that can be assigned to various functions. Audio controls
  are often included on these keyboards, but X does not support these
  extra keys by default. This is a brief summary of what is needed to
  make these audio keys work in GQmpeg.

  At this time, only XFree86 is supported.

  Run the 'xev' command, press the spacebar, you will see output like this:

       KeyPress event, serial 27, synthetic NO, window 0x2400001,
           root 0x3a, subw 0x0, time 301742283, (124,120), root:(134,178),
           state 0x0, keycode 65 (keysym 0x20, space), same_screen YES,
           XLookupString gives 1 characters:  " "

  The important thing here is the keycode and keysym codes reported. Now
  try one of your internet keys, you will see a keycode for the key, but
  the keysym will be 0 (if it assigned already, you may be already set),
  X has not mapped this key to anything useful. Note that for any keys
  that send a keycode value of 0, then something else will be needed (like
  jumping through hoops) which is outside the scope of this document.

  The keysyms that are understood for the common internet keys are stored
  in a file called XKeysymDB, usually located here (use slocate to find it):


  It may be handy to have this file open for reference during the next step.

  Now, in another terminal, open the ~/.Xmodmap file for editing with your
  favorite editor (if it does not exist, this is fine, simply create it as
  an empty file). In this file, for each key you wish to assign a mapping
  add a line like this:

    keycode ### = XF86KEYDESCRIPTION

  the ### will be the keycode number reported for the key with xev, and
  the XF86KEYDESCRIPTION should be a XF86XXXXXXX keysym listed in the
  XKeysymDB file. An example line for a play button:

    keycode 162 = XF86AudioPlay

  This assignes the keycode 162 (The play button on my keyboard), to send
  the XF86AudioPlay code to X applications. (If you wish to add comments
  to the file for future reference, use ! to mark a line as a comment).

  At this point, you should have three things open:
     the xev program (from a terminal) to display the keycodes of your keys
     the XKeysymDB file for reference of available keysyms
     the ~/.Xmodmap file you are editing

  For each key, move the focus to the xev window, press it. If a keysym is
  not assigned, note the keycode, find a suitable keysym from the XKeysymDB
  reference file, and add a line to the ~/.Xmodmap file.

  When done adding lines in ~/.Xmodmap for each of your internet keys, save
  the file. Now run the command:

    xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap

  Now go back to the xev program and test to see if your keys are now sending
  the keysyms you assigned. If they are, congratulations! you are set.

  When X is started, ~/.Xmodmap is usually read automatically, if not, you may
  need to add the xmodmap command above to your xinitrc or .Xclients file.

  GQmpeg supports the following keysyms:

       KeySym                  Function

     XF86AudioLowerVolume    Volume Control
     XF86AudioRaiseVolume    Volume Control
     XF86AudioMute           Run external mixer
     XF86AudioPlay           Play
     XF86AudioPause          Pause
     XF86AudioStop           Stop
     XF86AudioPrev           Previous song
     XF86AudioNext           Next song
     XF86AudioMedia          Open playlist window
     XF86Eject               Open Playlist window
     XF86OpenURL             Display file open dialog

  GQmpeg must have the focus for these keys to work, if you want these to
  be global shortcuts to gqmpeg (regardless of application focus) they will
  need to be set up as shortcuts to gqmpeg command line controls (see
  gqmpeg --help) in either your window manager, or a suitable utility.

======== Skins

  Also see (Skin editing notes), below.

  To specify a skin use the -skin:skinfile command line parameter (see above).
  When specifying a default skin in the config dialog, the skin must reside
  in HOME/.gqmpeg/skins 
  If valid, a new default skin is loaded when 'ok' or 'apply' is pressed.

  A skin is a directory which contains a file named skindata and xpm files for
  the skin. Creating a skin is explained in the SKIN-SPECS file, you can
  download sample skins to use as a template from the GQmpeg web site:

  Winamp skin support:
    All files must be lowercase.
    Support is an added bonus. Most skins will work, however a few will not.
    Please  do not request support to get a particular skin to work.

======== Documentation (brief)                          [section:documentation]

  Shoutcast support:
    (unsupported, very buggy) (not available in binary packages)
    Shoutcast support _requires_ mpg123 0.59pre-p ..
              ... mpg123 0.59o WILL NOT WORK!
    The shoutcast directory of the source code includes a script and
    instructions to use GQmpeg as a netscape plugin for shoutcast(.com)
    pls files.

  Keyboard controls:

       F10            show pop up menu

       p, [ENTER]     play/pause
       s              stop
       n              next
       b              back
       l              playlist
       m              run mixer
       w              switch skin mode
       i              song information
       -              volume down
       +, =           volume up
       [CTRL] -       balance left
       [CTRL] +, =    balance right
       1 .. 0         presets 1 through 10, respectively

       [CTRL] s       shuffle
       [CTRL] r       repeat
       [CTRL] 1       repeat 1
       a              loop a-b (set start, set end, off)
       Escape         cancel loop a-b
       [CTRL] t       time display
       [CTRL] o       options/preferences
       [CTRL] i       iconify
       [CTRL] a       about
       [CTRL] w       close window
       [CTRL] q       quit

       ~, `           open skin editor window

      When window size button has the focus:
       [Shift] left,
               down   Resize window.
       [Shift] pgup   Shrink window to smallest size.
       [Shift] pgdn   Expand window to largest size.
       [Shift] home   Resize window to default size.

  IPC (external control and status):
      Send commands to gqmpeg through "$HOME/.gqmpeg/command", send text 'help'
       and a brief list of available commands will be printed.
      Note: "$HOME/.gqmpeg/" will contain the current PID of the
            gqmpeg process (if any) that is listening for commands.

      Send this command to have gqmpeg start printing it's status to a file:

         status_add "key" "/path/to/file"

      and use this to stop it:

         status_rm ["key"|"/path/to/file"]

      You can stop it by using the key or path. When the updating is stopped,
      two things may be printed: 'close' is printed when status_rm is used;
      or 'exit' is printed just before gqmpeg shuts down (quits).

      Information printed is the current song path, title, track position,
      status (play, stop, pause), and seconds played/remaining.
      Status is only updated when items change, for instance when the song
      changes, the time count changes, or the play/pause/stop status changes.
      Note: If the length of path is 0, no song is loaded in the player. Use
            this to determine 'no song selected', because 'track: 0 of 0'
            may be a valid song if the current active song is not in the
            playlist, and the playlist is empty.

======== Skin editing notes

   Mouse control:
    - The mouse in the skin editor uses these buttons in the skin display area:
        - Button 1 : Same as in the normal main window (press buttons, etc.)
        - Button 2 : Click to select widget, drag to move selected a widget.
               (when click to focus is disabled, widgets are always draggable)
        - Button 3 : same as button 2

   Converting version 1 skins:
    - To convert a version 1 skin to a version 2 skin, load the skin into the
      skin editor (tilde '~' key) then save it, do this for all skindata_alt
      files too.

   Extracting widget from other skins:
    - To generate a list, and use widgets from any installed skin, press the
      'extract' button from the 'add' dialog of the skin editor.

   Editing / extracting widgets from the built-in or winamp skins:
    - To re-use widgets from the default skin or winamp skins, first load them
      into the skin editor and save them as a new skin (reason, widget
      extraction only works on offical (version 1 and version 2) skins. To make
      the new widgets show up in the widget lists, close the skin editor, then
      reopen it and press the extract button on the add dialog.

   Skin toggle buttons:
    - The "skin_toggle" button is a special case, the data field must contain
      the filename of the skin the button is to switch to. If the data field is
      left blank the default skin (skindata) will be loaded. If the filename
      does not exist or is an invalid skin file, the button will do nothing.

      (NOTE on naming of the skindata type files: the widget extraction
       feature only extracts widgets from skins defined by files matching the
       pattern "skindata*" but _not_ including '.bak'. All others are ignored.)

   Writing a skin to disk:
    - When saving a skin, existing files are never overwritten: the skindata
      file is backed up with an extension of .bak or .bakXXX; graphics files
      will first be compared by file length and checksum, if they match it
      will keep the existing file, otherwise the new graphics file will be
      written to a new filename with an appended number increment (name_1.png).

   Dial and Slider 'item link key':
    - Dials and sliders have a 'Item link key' field, this is for use when you
      want an item with that key to update with the dial or slider in such a
      way that the dial/slider handle is drawn over top of the item. This is
      useful for example when it is desired that a slider that controls the
      volume also shows the volume level. If you want the item to be the only
      thing displayed with slider-like interaction, the slider handle size can
      be set to zero by specifying a trough length equal to the image

    - You can add as many widgets of the same function as you want and they
      will all work. (For example 100 play buttons :).

   Invalid UI keys:
    - If an invalid key is assigned to a widget, the widget will still load
      but be ignored when activated/operated.

   Detailed skin specs (VERSION 1 or VERSION 2)
    - See SKIN-SPECS or SKIN-SPECS-V2, respectively.

======== Thanks go to the following for fixes, additions, and patches:


     Eric Lassauge <>
        for French translation.

     Tomas Prochazka <>
        for Czech translation.

     Yuuki NINOMIYA <>
        for Japanese translation, japanese id3 tags.

     Matthias Warkus <>
        for German translation.

     Hellbrasil <>
	for Brazilian Portuguese translation.

     Ryan Cheng <>
        for Traditional Chinese translation.

     Lauri Nurmi <>
        for Finnish translation.

  Fixes, additions, and patches:

     Hubert Feyrer <> and
     Rui-Xiang Guo <>
        for NetBSD patches.

     Kimball Thurston <>
        for sgi mixer support

     BALATON Zoltán <>
        for Window Maker dock support.

     Bruno Rohee <rohee@OpenBSD.ORG>
        for BSD cpu utilization code.

     Michael Bruun Petersen <>
        for playlist window enhancements.

     László, Róbert -
        for additional skin widgets: Numbers and fonts, other fixes.

     Yick W. Tse <>
        for ID3 genre updates.

     Sampo Niskanen <>
        for early help with playlists, misc.

     Tino Schwarze <>.
        for ipc crash fixes.

     Chris Houser <>
        for Tru64 mixer support.

     Sylvain Meunier <>
        for HPUX mixer support.

     Grigory Bakunov <>
        for Russian ID3 tag support.

     Chris Houser <>
        for Tru64 mixer support.

     Luke Mewburn <> and
     Tim Spalding <>
        for ogg123 fixes.

     And thank you to the all the others not mentioned here.
