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<!doctype linuxdoc system>

<title>LVM HOWTO
<author>Maintainer: AJ Lewis <tt>lewis(at)</tt>
<date>v0.1, 2002-04-28

This document describes how to build, install, and configure LVM for
Linux.  A basic description of LVM is also included.  This version of
the HowTo is for 1.0.3.  <bf>This HOWTO should be considered BETA.
Please provide any feedback at
<url url="" name=""></bf>
Copyright 2001 Sistina Software, Inc.



<sect1>This Document
This is an attempt to collect everything needed to know to get
LVM up and running. The entire process of getting,
compiling, installing, and setting up LVM will be covered. Pointers to
LVM configurations that have been tested with will also be included.
This version of the HowTo is for LVM 1.0.3.

All previous versions of LVM are considered obsolete and are only kept for
historical reasons.  This document makes no attempt to explain or describe
the workings or use of those versions.

<sect1>Latest Version
We will keep the latest version of this HOWTO in the CVS with the other
papers.  You can get it by checking out ``papers'' from the same CVS
server as GFS.  You should always be able to get a human readable version
of this HowTo from the 
<url url="" name="">.

Most of the layout and setup for this HOWTO was originally put together by 
<htmlurl url="mailto:conrad@sistina.com_NOSPAM" name="Mike Tilstra"> for the 
<url url="" name="Global File System HowTo">.

This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, either expressed or implied. While every effort has
been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information documented herein, the
author(s)/editor(s)/maintainer(s)/contributor(s) assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY
for any errors, or for any damages, direct or consequential, as a result of
the use of the information documented herein.

List of everyone who has put words into this file.

  <item> <htmlurl url="mailto:thornber@sistina.com_NOSPAM" name="Joe Thornber">
  <item> <htmlurl url="mailto:conrad@sistina.com_NOSPAM" name="Mike Tilstra">
  <item> <htmlurl url="mailto:lewis@sistina.com_NOSPAM" name="AJ Lewis">
  <item> <htmlurl url="mailto:caulfield@sistina.com_NOSPAM" name="Patrick Caulfield">

<sect>What is LVM?
LVM is a Logical Volume Manager implemented by Heinz Mauelshagen for
the Linux operating system.  As of kernel version 2.4, LVM is
incorporated in the main kernel source tree.  This does not mean, however,
that your 2.4.x kernel is up to date with the latest version of LVM.
You currently still need to apply LVM patches to kernel 2.4.9 if you want
to be safe.

<sect>What is Logical Volume Management?
Logical volume management provides a higher-level view of the disk
storage on a computer system than the traditional view of disks and
partitions. This gives the system administrator much more flexibility
in allocating storage to applications and users.

Storage volumes created under the control of the logical volume manager
can be resized and moved around almost at will, although this may need
some upgrading of file system tools.

The logical volume manager also allows management of storage volumes
in user-defined groups, allowing the system administrator to deal with
sensibly named volume groups such as "development" and "sales" rather than
physical disk names such as "sda" and "sdb".

<sect1>Why would I want it?
Logical volume management is traditionally associated with large installations
containing many disks but it is equally suited to small systems with a single
disk or maybe two.

<sect1>Benefits of Logical Volume Management on a Small System
One of the difficult decisions facing a new user installing Linux for the
first time is how to partition the disk drive. The need to estimate just
how much space is likely to be needed for system files and user files makes
the installation more complex than is necessary and some users simply opt
to put all their data into one large partition in an attempt to avoid the

Once the user has guessed how much space is needed for /home /usr / (or has
let the installation program do it) then is quite common for one of these
partitions to fill up even if there is plenty of disk space in one of the
other partitions.

With logical volume management, the whole disk would be allocated to a single
volume group and logical volumes created to hold the / /usr and /home file
systems. If, for example the /home logical volume later filled up but there
was still space available on /usr then it would be possible to shrink /usr by
a few megabytes and reallocate that space to /home.

Another alternative would be to allocate minimal amounts of space for
each logical volume and leave some of the disk unallocated. Then,
when the partitionsstart to fill up, they can be expanded as

As an example:

Joe buys a PC with an 8.4 Gigabyte disk on it and installs Linux using the
following partitioning system:
/boot    /dev/hda1     10 Megabytes
swap     /dev/hda2    256 Megabytes
/        /dev/hda3      2 Gigabytes
/home    /dev/hda4      6 Gigabyes


This, he thinks, will maximize the amount of space available for all his MP3

Sometime later Joe decides that he want to install the latest office suite and
desktop UI available but realizes that the root partition isn't large enough.
But, having archived all his MP3s onto a new writable DVD drive there is
plenty of space on /home.

His options are not good:

<item> Reformat the disk, change the partitioning scheme and reinstall.

<item> Buy a new disk and figure out some new partitioning scheme that will
   require the minimum of data movement.

<item> Set up a symlink farm from / to /home and install the new software on /home

With LVM this becomes much easier:

Jane buys a similar PC but uses LVM to divide up the disk in a similar manner:
/boot     /dev/vg00/boot    10 Megabytes
swap      /dev/vg00/swap   256 Megabytes
/         /dev/vg00/root     2 Gigabytes
/home     /dev/vg00/home     6 Gigabytes


When she hits a similar problem she can reduce the size of /home by a gigabyte
and add that space to the root partition.

Suppose that Joe and Jane then manage to fill up the /home partition as well
and decide to add a new 20 Gigabyte disk to their systems.

Joe formats the whole disk as one partition (/dev/hdb1) and moves his
existing /home data onto it and uses the new disk as /home. But he has 6
gigabytes unused or has to use symlinks to make that disk appear as an
extension of /home, say /home/joe/old-mp3s.

Jane simply adds the new disk to her existing volume group and extends her
/home logical volume to include the new disk. Or, in fact, she could move the
data from /home on the old disk to the new disk and then extend the existing
root volume to cover all of the old disk

<sect1>Benefits of Logical Volume Management on a Large System
The benefits of logical volume management are more obvious on large systems
with many disk drives.

Managing a large disk farm is a time-consuming job, made particularly
complex if the system contains many disks of different sizes.
Balancing the (often conflicting) storage requirements of various
users can be a nightmare.

User groups can be allocated to volume groups and logical volumes and
these can be grown as required. It is possible for the system
administrator to "hold back" disk storage until it is required.  It
can then be added to the volume(user) group that has the most
pressing need.

When new drive are added to the system, it is no longer necessary to
move users files around to make the best use of the new storage;
simply add the new disk into an exiting volume group or groups and
extend the logical volumes as necessary.

It is also easy to take old drives out of service by moving the data
from them onto newer drives - this can be done online, without
disrupting user service.

To learn more about LVM, please take a look at the other papers available at 
<url url=""
     name="Logical Volume Manager: Publications, Presentations and Papers">.

<sect>Anatomy of LVM
This diagram gives a overview of the main elements in an LVM system:
+-- Volume Group --------------------------------+
|                                                |
|    +----------------------------------------+	 |
| PV | PE |  PE | PE | PE | PE | PE | PE | PE |	 |
|    +----------------------------------------+	 |
|      .       	  .    	     . 	      .	       	 |
|      .          .    	     .        .	         |
|    +----------------------------------------+	 |
| LV | LE |  LE | LE | LE | LE | LE | LE | LE |	 |
|    +----------------------------------------+	 |
|            .          .        .     	   .     |
|            . 	        .        .     	   .     |
|    +----------------------------------------+	 |
| PV | PE |  PE | PE | PE | PE | PE | PE | PE |	 |
|    +----------------------------------------+	 |
|                                                |


Another way to look at is this (courtesy of 
<htmlurl url="mailto:erik@bagfors.nu_NOSPAM" name="Erik B&#229;gfors">
on the linux-lvm mailing list):
    hda1   hdc1      (PV:s on partitions or whole disks)                        
       \   /                                                                    
        \ /                                                                     
       diskvg        (VG)                                                       
       /  |  \                                                                  
      /   |   \                                                                 
  usrlv rootlv varlv (LV:s)
    |      |     |                                                              
 ext2  reiserfs  xfs (filesystems)                                        


<sect1>volume group (VG)
The Volume Group is the highest level abstraction used within the LVM.
It gathers together a collection of Logical Volumes and Physical
Volumes into one administrative unit.

<sect1>physical volume (PV)
A physical volume is typically a hard disk, though it may well just be
a device that 'looks' like a hard disk (eg. a software raid device).

<sect1>logical volume (LV)
The equivalent of a disk partition in a non-LVM system.  The LV is
visible as a standard block device; as such the LV can contain a
file system (eg. /home).

<sect1>physical extent (PE)
Each physical volume is divided chunks of data, known as physical extents,
these extents have the same size as the logical extents for the volume group.

<sect1>logical extent (LE)
Each logical volume is split into chunks of data, known as logical
extents.  The extent size is the same for all logical volumes in the
volume group.

<sect1>Tying it all together
A concrete example will help:

Lets suppose we have a volume group called VG1, this volume group has
a physical extent size of 4MB.  Into this volume group we introduce 2 hard
disk partitions, /dev/hda1 and /dev/hdb1.  These partitions will
become physical volumes PV1 and PV2 (more meaningful names can be
given at the administrators discretion).  The PV's are divided up into
4MB chunks, since this is the extent size for the volume group.  The
disks are different sizes and we get 99 extents in PV1 and 248 extents
in PV2.  We now can create ourselves a logical volume, this can be any
size between 1 and 347 (248 + 99) extents.  When the logical volume is
created a mapping is defined between logical extents and physical
extents, eg. logical extent 1 could map onto physical extent 51 of
PV1, data written to the first 4 MB of the logical volume in fact be
written to the 51st extent of PV1.

<sect1>mapping modes (linear/striped)
The administrator can choose between a couple of general strategies
for mapping logical extents onto physical extents:


<item><p><bf>Linear mapping</bf>
will assign a range of PE's to an area of an LV in
order eg., LE 1 - 99 map to PV1 and LE 100 - 347 map onto PV2.

<item><p><bf>Striped mapping</bf>
will interleave the chunks of the logical extents across a number
of physical volumes eg.,
1st chunk of LE[1] -&gt; PV1[1],

2nd chunk of LE[1] -&gt; PV2[1],

3rd chunk of LE[1] -&gt; PV3[1],

4th chunk of LE[1] -&gt; PV1[2],

and so on.  In certain situations this strategy can improve the performance
of the logical volume.  Be aware however, that LVs created using striping 
cannot be extended past the PVs they were originally created on.

A wonderful facility provided by LVM is 'snapshots'.  This allows the
administrator to create a new block device which is an exact copy of a
logical volume, frozen at some point in time.  Typically this would be
used when some batch processing, a backup for instance, needs to be
performed on the logical volume, but you don't want to halt a live
system that is changing the data.  When the snapshot device has been
finished with the system administrator can just remove the device.
This facility does require that the snapshot be made at a time when
the data on the logical volume is in a consistent state, later
sections of this document give some examples of this.

More information on snapshots can be found in
<ref id="Snapshots_Backup" name="Taking a Backup Using Snapshots">.

<sect>Acquiring LVM <label id="getlvm">
The first thing you need to do is get a copy of LVM.


<item> Download via FTP a tarball of LVM.
<item> Download the source that is under active development via CVS


<sect1>FTP a source Tarball
There are tarballs for the
<url url="" name="latest version">.

Please note that
the LVM kernel patch must be generated using the LVM source.   More information
regarding this can be found at the section on
<ref id="buildlvmmod" name="Building the kernel module">.

<sect1>Download the development source via CVS <label id="PublicCVS">
<bf>Note:</bf> the state of code in the CVS repository fluctuates
wildly.  It will contain bugs. Maybe ones that will crash LVM or the kernel.
It may not even compile.  Consider it alpha-quality code.  You could lose
data.  You have been warned.

<sect1>Before You Begin
To follow the development progress of LVM, subscribe to the 
LVM <ref id="Maillists" name="mailing lists">, lvm-devel and lvm-commit.

To build LVM from the CVS sources, you <bf>must</bf> have
several GNU tools:

<item> the CVS client version 1.9 or better
<item> GCC 2.95.2
<item> GNU make 3.79
<item> autoconf, version 2.13 or better


<sect1>Initial Setup
To make life easier in the future with regards to updating the CVS tree
create the file ``<tt>$HOME/.cvsrc</tt>'' and insert the following
lines.  This configures useful defaults for the three most commonly used CVS
commands.  Do this now before proceeding any further.
diff -u -b -B
checkout -P
update -d -P


Also, if you are on a slow net link (like a dialup), you will want to add a
line containing ``<tt>cvs -z5</tt>'' in this file.  This turns on a
useful compression level for all CVS commands.

Before downloading the development source code for the first time it is
required to log in to the server:
 cvs -d login


The password is `cvs1'.  The command outputs nothing if successful and an
error message if it fails.  Only an initial login is required.  All subsequent
CVS commands read the password stored in the file
``<tt>$HOME/.cvspass</tt>'' for authentication.

<sect1>Checking Out Source Code
The following CVS checkout command will retrieve an initial copy of the code.
 cvs -d checkout LVM


This will create a new directory LVM in your current
directory containing the latest, up-to-the-hour LVM code.

CVS commands work from <em>anywhere</em> inside the source tree, and
recurse downwards.  So if you happen to issue an update from inside
the `tools' subdirectory it will work fine, but only update the
tools.  In the following command examples it is assumed that you are
at the top of the source tree.

<sect1>Code Updates
Code changes are made fairly frequently in the CVS repository.
Announcements of this are automatically sent to the lvm-commit list.

You can update your copy of the sources to match the master
repository with the update command.  It is not necessary to check out
a new copy.  Using update is significantly faster and simpler, as it
will download only patches instead of entire files and update only
those files that have changed since your last update.  It will
automatically merge any changes in the CVS repository with any local
changes you have made as well. Just cd to the directory you'd like to
update and then type the following.
 cvs update


If you did not specify a tag when you checked out the source, this
will update your sources to the latest version on the main branch.
If you specified a branch tag, it will update to the latest version
on that branch.  If you specified a version tag, it will not do

<sect1>Starting a Project
Discuss your ideas on the developers list before you start.  Someone may
be working on the same thing you have in mind or they may have some good
ideas about how to go about it.

<sect1>Hacking the Code
So, have you found a bug you want to fix?  Want to implement a
feature from the TODO list?  Got a new feature to implement?  Hacking
the code couldn't be easier.  Just edit your copy of the sources.  No
need to copy files to `.orig' or anything.  CVS has copies of the

When you have your code in a working state and have tested as best
you can with the hardware you have, generate a patch against the
<em>current</em> sources in the CVS repository.
 cvs update
 cvs diff > patchfile


Mail the patch to the <ref id="Maillists" name="lvm-devel list"> with
a description of what changes / additions you implemented.

If someone else has been working on the same files as you have, you may
find that there are conflicting modifications.  You'll discover this
when you try to update your sources.
 cvs update
 RCS file: LVM/tools/pvcreate.c,v
 retrieving revision 1.5
 retrieving revision 1.6
 Merging differences between 1.5 and 1.6 into pvcreate.c
 rcsmerge: warning: conflicts during merge
 cvs server: conflicts found in tools/pvcreate.c
 C tools/pvcreate.c


Don't panic! Your working file, as it existed before the update, is
saved under the filename ``<tt>.#pvcreate.c.1.5</tt>''.  You can
always recover it should things go horribly wrong.  The file named
`pvcreate.c' now contains <bf>both</bf> the old (i.e. your) version
and new version of lines that conflicted.  You simply edit the file
and resolve each conflict by deleting the unwanted version of the
lines involved.
 <<<<<<< pvcreate.c
 >>>>>>> 1.6


Don't forget to delete the lines with all the ``&lt;'', ``='', and ``&gt;''

<sect>Building the kernel module <label id="buildlvmmod">
To use LVM you will have to build the LVM kernel module (recommended),
or if you prefer rebuild the kernel with the LVM code statically
linked into it.

Your Linux system is probably based on one of the popular
distributions (eg., Redhat, Debian) in which case it is possible that
you already have the LVM module.  Check the version of the tools you
have on your system.  You can do this by running any of the LVM
command line tools with the '-h' flag.  Use <tt>pvscan -h</tt> if you
don't know any of the commands.  If the version number listed at the
top of the help listing is LVM 1.0.3, <bf>use your current setup</bf>
and avoid the rest of this section.

<sect1>Building a patch for your kernel <label id="buildlvmpatch">
In order to patch the linux kernel to support LVM 1.0.3, you must do the


<item> Unpack LVM 1.0.3
# tar zxf lvm_1.0.3.tar.gz


<item> Enter the root directory of that version.
# cd LVM/1.0.3


<item> Run configure
# ./configure


You will need to pass the option <tt>--with-kernel_dir</tt> to
configure if your linux kernel source is not in /usr/src.  (Run
<tt>./configure --help</tt> to see all the options available)

<item> Enter the PATCHES directory


<item> Run 'make'
# make


You should now have a patch called <tt>lvm-1.0.3-$KERNELVERSION.patch</tt>
in the patches directory.  This is the LVM kernel patch referenced in later
sections of the howto.

<item> Patch the kernel
# cd /usr/src/linux ; patch -pX < /directory/lvm-1.0.3-$KERNELVERSION.patch



<sect1>Building the LVM module for Linux 2.2.17+

The 2.2 series kernel needs to be patched before you can start
building, look elsewhere for instructions on how to patch your kernel.



   <item><bf>rawio patch</bf>
   Stephen Tweedie's raw_io patch which can be found at
   <url url=""

   <item><bf>lvm patch</bf>
   The relevant LVM patch which should be built out of the PATCHES 
   sub-directory of the LVM distribution.  More information can be found
   in <ref id="buildlvmpatch" name="Building a patch for your kernel">.


Once the patches have been correctly applied, you need to make sure
that the module is actually built, LVM lives under the block devices
section of the kernel config, you should probably request that the LVM
/proc information is compiled as well.

Build the kernel modules as usual.

<sect1>Building the LVM modules for Linux 2.4
The 2.4 kernel comes with LVM already included although you should
check at the Sistina web site for updates, (eg. v2.4.9 kernels and
earlier must have the <ref id="buildlvmpatch" name="latest LVM patch
applied">).  When configuring your kernel look for LVM under
``<bf>Multi-device support (RAID and LVM)</bf>''. LVM can be compiled
into the kernel or as a module. Build your kernel and modules and
install then in the usual way. If you chose to build LVM as a module
it will be called <tt>lvm-mod.o</tt>

If you want to use snapshots with ReiserFS, make sure you apply the 
<tt>linux-2.4.x-VFS-lock</tt> patch (there are copies of this 
in the <tt>LVM/1.0.3/PATCHES</tt> directory.)

<sect1>Checking the proc file system
If your kernel was compiled with the /proc file system (most are) then you can
verify that LVM is present by looking for a /proc/lvm directory. If this
doesn't exist then you may have to load the module with the command 
modprobe lvm-mod


If /proc/lvm still does not exist then check your kernel configuration

When LVM is active you will see entries in /proc/lvm for all your physical
volumes, volume groups and logical volumes. In addition there is a ``file''
called /proc/lvm/global which gives a summary of the LVM status and also
shows just which version of the LVM kernel you are using.

<sect1>Boot time scripts <label id="boot_scripts">
Boot-time scripts are not provided as part of the LVM distribution, however
these are quite simple to do for yourself.

The startup of LVM requires just the following two commands:
vgchange -ay


And the shutdown only one:
vgchange -an


Follow the instructions below depending on the distribution of Linux
you are running.

It is necessary to edit the file /etc/rc.d/rc.boot.
Look for the line that says ``Mounting local filesystems``
and insert the vgscan and vgchange commands just before it.

You may also want to edit the the file /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt
to deactivate the volume groups at shutdown. Insert the
vgchange -an


command near the end of this file just after the filesystems
are unmounted or mounted read-only, before the comment that says
``Now halt or reboot''.

If you download the debian lvm tool package, an initscript should be installed
for you.

If you are installing LVM from source, you will still need to build your own

Create a startup script in "/etc/init.d/lvm" containing the following:

case "1" in
	/sbin/vgchange -ay
	/sbin/vgchange -an

exit 0


Then execute the commands
# chmod 0755 /etc/init.d/lvm
# update-rc.d lvm start 26 S . stop 82 1 .


Note the dots in the last command.

No initscript modifications should be necessary for current versions
of Mandrake.

For Redhat 7.0 and 7.1, you should not need to modify any initscripts to
enable LVM at boot time.

For versions of Redhat older than 7.0, it is necessary to edit
the file /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit.
Look for the line that says ``Mount all other filesystems``
and insert the vgscan and vgchange commands just before it.
You should be sure that your root file system is mounted read/write
before you run the LVM commands.

You may also want to edit the the file /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt
to deactivate the volume groups at shutdown. Insert the
vgchange -an


command near the end of this file just after the filesystems
are mounted read-only, before the comment that says
``Now halt or reboot''.

You should apply the following patch to /etc/rc.d/rc.S
cd /etc/rc.d
cp -a rc.S rc.S.old
patch -p0 <rc.S.diff


(the cp part to make a backup in case).

----- snip snip file: rc.S.diff---------------
--- rc.S.or	Tue Jul 17 18:11:20 2001
+++ rc.S	Tue Jul 17 17:57:36 2001
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 # Mostly written by:  Patrick J. Volkerding, &lt;;
+# Added LVM support &lt;;


@@ -28,19 +29,21 @@

 # Check the integrity of all filesystems
 if [ ! READWRITE = yes ]; then
-  /sbin/fsck -A -a
+  /sbin/fsck -a /
+  # Check only the root fs first, but no others
   # If there was a failure, drop into single-user mode.
   if [ ? -gt 1 ] ; then
-    echo "*******************************************************"
-    echo "*** An error occurred during the file system check. ***"
-    echo "*** You will now be given a chance to log into the  ***"
-    echo "*** system in single-user mode to fix the problem.  ***"
-    echo "*** Running 'e2fsck -v -y &lt;partition&gt;' might help.  ***"
-    echo "*******************************************************"
+    echo "************************************************************"
+    echo "*** An error occurred during the root file system check. ***"
+    echo "*** You will now be given a chance to log into the       ***"
+    echo "*** system in single-user mode to fix the problem.       ***"
+    echo "*** Running 'e2fsck -v -y &lt;partition&gt;' might help.       ***"
+    echo "************************************************************"
     echo "Once you exit the single-user shell, the system will reboot."
@@ -82,6 +85,44 @@
     echo -n "get into your machine and start looking for the problem. "
     read junk;
+  # okay / fs is clean, and mounted as rw
+  # This was an addition, limits vgscan to /proc thus
+  # speeding up the scan immensely.
+  /sbin/mount /proc
+  # Initialize Logical Volume Manager
+  /sbin/vgscan
+  /sbin/vgchange -ay
+  /sbin/fsck -A -a -R
+  #Check all the other filesystem, including the LVM's, excluding /
+  # If there was a failure, drop into single-user mode.
+  if [ ? -gt 1 ] ; then
+    echo
+    echo
+    echo "*******************************************************"
+    echo "*** An error occurred during the file system check. ***"
+    echo "*** You will now be given a chance to log into the  ***"
+    echo "*** system in single-user mode to fix the problem.  ***"
+    echo "*** Running 'e2fsck -v -y &lt;partition&gt;' might help.  ***"
+    echo "*** The root filesystem is ok and mounted readwrite ***"
+    echo "*******************************************************"
+    echo
+    echo "Once you exit the single-user shell, the system will reboot."
+    echo
+    PS1="(Repair filesystem) #"; export PS1
+    sulogin
+    echo "Unmounting file systems."
+    umount -a -r
+    mount -n -o remount,ro /
+    echo "Rebooting system."
+    sleep 2
+    reboot
+  fi
   echo "Testing filesystem status: read-write filesystem"
   if cat /etc/fstab | grep ' / ' | grep umsdos 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ;
@@ -111,14 +152,16 @@
     echo -n "Press ENTER to continue. "
     read junk;

 # remove /etc/mtab* so that mount will create it with a root entry
 /bin/rm -f /etc/mtab* /etc/nologin /etc/shutdownpid

 # mount file systems in fstab (and create an entry for /)
 # but not NFS or SMB because TCP/IP is not yet configured
-/sbin/mount -a -v -t nonfs,nosmbfs
+/sbin/mount -a -v -t nonfs,nosmbfs,proc

 # Clean up temporary files on the /var volume:
 /bin/rm -f /var/run/utmp /var/run/*.pid /var/log/setup/tmp/*
--snip snip snip end of file---------------


No changes should be necessary from 6.4 onward as LVM is included

<sect>Building LVM from the Source <label id="buildlvm">
<sect1>Make LVM library and tools

Change into the LVM directory and do a ``<tt>./configure</tt>'' followed
by ``<tt>make</tt>''. This will make all of the libraries and programs.

If the need arises you can change some options with the configure
script.  Do a ``<tt>./configure --help</tt>'' to determine which
options are supported.  Most of the time this will not be necessary.

There should be no errors from the build process.  If there are, see
the <ref id="ReportBug" name="Reporting Errors and Bugs"> on how to
report this.

Of course you are welcome to fix them and send us the patches too.  Patches
are generally sent to the <ref id="Maillists" name="lvm-devel"> list.

<sect1>Install LVM library and tools
After the LVM source compiles properly, simply run ``<tt>make install</tt>''
to install the LVM library and tools onto your system.

<sect1>Removing LVM library and tools
To remove the library and tools you just installed, run
``<tt>make remove</tt>''.  You must have the original source tree you used
to install LVM to use this feature.

<sect>Transitioning from previous versions of LVM to LVM 1.0.3
Transitioning from previous versions of LVM to LVM 1.0.3 should 
be fairly painless.  We have come up with a method to read in PV version 1
metadata (LVM 0.9.1 Beta7 and earlier) as well as PV version 2 metadata
(LVM 0.9.1 Beta8 and LVM 1.0).

<em>Warning:</em> New PVs initialized with LVM 1.0.3 are created with
the PV version 1 on-disk structure.  This means that LVM 0.9.1 Beta8 and
LVM 1.0 cannot read or use PVs created with 1.0.3.

<sect1>Upgrading to LVM 1.0.3 with a non-LVM root partition
There are just a few simple steps to transition this setup, but it is
still recommended that you backup your data before you try it.  You
have been warned.


<item><bf>Build LVM kernel and modules</bf>

Follow the steps outlined in 
Sections <ref id="getlvm" name="Acquiring LVM"> - 
<ref id="buildlvmmod" name="Building the Kernel Module"> for
instructions on how to get and build the necessary kernel components of LVM.

<item><bf>Build the LVM user tools</bf>

Follow the steps in 
Section <ref id="buildlvm" name="Building the kernel module">
to build and install the user tools for LVM.

<item><bf>Setup your init scripts</bf>

Make sure you have the proper init scripts setup as per subsection
<ref id="boot_scripts" name="Boot time scripts">.

<item><bf>Boot into the new kernel</bf>

Make sure your boot-loader is setup to load the new LVM-enhanced
kernel and, if you are using LVM modules, put an "insmod lvm-mod"
into your startup script OR extend /etc/modules.conf (formerly
/etc/conf.modules) by
     alias block-major-58      lvm-mod
     alias char-major-109      lvm-mod


to enable modprobe to load the LVM module (don't forget to enable kmod).

Reboot and enjoy.


<sect1>Upgrading to LVM 1.0.3 with an LVM root partition and initrd
This is relatively straightforward if you follow the steps carefully.
It is recommended you have a good backup and a suitable rescue disk
handy just in case.

The ``normal'' way of running an LVM root file system is to have a
single non-LVM partition called /boot which contains the kernel and
initial RAM disk needed to start the system. The system I upgraded
was as follows:
# df
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/rootvg/root        253871     93384    147380  39% /
/dev/hda1                17534     12944      3685  78% /boot
/dev/rootvg/home       4128448      4568   3914168   0% /home
/dev/rootvg/usr        1032088    332716    646944  34% /usr
/dev/rootvg/var         253871     31760    209004  13% /var


/boot contains the old kernel and an initial RAM disk as well as the LILO
boot files and the following entry in /etc/lilo.conf

# ls /boot                 lost+found              vmlinux-2.2.16lvm
map                        module-info	           boot.0300  
boot.b                     os2_d.b                 chain.b

# tail /etc/lilo.conf



<item><bf>Build LVM kernel and modules</bf>

Follow the steps outlined in 
Sections <ref id="getlvm" name="Acquiring LVM"> -
<ref id="buildlvmmod" name="Building the Kernel Module"> for
instructions on how to get and build the necessary kernel components of LVM.

<item><bf>Build the LVM user tools</bf>

Follow the steps in 
Section <ref id="buildlvmmod" name="Building the Kernel Module">
to build and install the user tools for LVM.

Install the new tools. Once you have done this you cannot do any LVM
manipulation as they are not compatible with the kernel you are currently

<item><bf>Rename the existing initrd.gz</bf>

This is so it doesn't get overwritten by the new one
# mv /boot/initrd.gz /boot/initrd08.gz


<item><bf>Edit /etc/lilo.conf</bf>

Make the existing boot entry point to the renamed file. You will need to
reboot using this if something goes wrong in the next reboot. The changed
entry will look something like this:


<item><bf>Run lvmcreate_initrd to create a new initial RAM disk</bf>
# lvmcreate_initrd 2.4.9


Don't forget the put the new kernel version in there so that it picks
up the correct modules.

<item><bf>Add a new entry into /etc/lilo.conf</bf>

This new entry is to boot the new kernel with its new initrd.


<item><bf>Re-run lilo</bf>

This will install the new boot block
# /sbin/lilo



When you get the LILO prompt select the new entry name (in this
example lvm10) and your system should boot into Linux using the new
LVM version.

If the new kernel does not boot, then simply boot the old one and try
to fix the problem.  It may be that the new kernel does not have all
the correct device drivers built into it, or that they are not
available in the initrd.  Remember that all device drivers (apart
from LVM) needed to access the root device should be compiled into
the kernel and not as modules.

If you need to do any LVM manipulation when booted back into the old
version, then simply recompile the old tools and install them with
# make install


If you do this, don't forget to install the new tools when you reboot
into the new LVM version.


When you are happy with the new system remember to change the
``default='' entry in your lilo.conf file so that it is the default

<sect>Common Tasks
The following sections outline some common administrative tasks for an
LVM system.  <em>This is no substitute for reading the man pages.</em>

<sect1>Initializing disks or disk partitions
Before you can use a disk or disk partition as a physical volume you
will have to initialize it:

For entire disks:


<item> Run pvcreate on the disk:
# pvcreate /dev/hdb


This creates a volume group descripter at the start of disk.

For partitions:


<item> Set the partition type to 0x8e using fdisk or some other similar program.

<item> Run pvcreate on the partition:
# pvcreate /dev/hdb1


This creates a volume group descriptor at the start of the /dev/hdb1


<sect1>Creating a volume group

Use the 'vgcreate' program:
# vgcreate my_volume_group /dev/hda1 /dev/hdb1


<em>NOTE:</em> If you are using devfs it is essential to use the full
devfs name of the device rather than the symlinked name in /dev. so:
the above would be:
# vgcreate my_volume_group /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 \


You can also specify the extent size with this command if the default
of 4MB is not suitable for you with the '-s' switch.  In addition you
can put some limits on the number of physical or logical volumes the
volume can have.

<sect1>Activating a volume group
After rebooting the system or running <tt>vgchange -an</tt>, you will
not be able to access your VGs and LVs.  To reactivate the volume
group, run:
# vgchange -a y my_volume_group


<sect1>Removing a volume group
Make sure that no logical volumes are present in the volume group, see
later section for how to do this.

Deactivate the volume group:
# vgchange -a n my_volume_group


Now you actually remove the volume group:
# vgremove my_volume_group


<sect1>Adding physical volumes to a volume group
Use 'vgextend' to add an initialized physical volume to an existing
volume group.
# vgextend my_volume_group /dev/hdc1
                           ^^^^^^^^^ new physical volume


<sect1>Removing physical volumes from a volume group

Make sure that the physical volume isn't used by any logical volumes
by using then 'pvdisplay' command:
# pvdisplay /dev/hda1--- Physical volume ---
PV Name               /dev/hda1
VG Name               myvg
PV Size               1.95 GB / NOT usable 4 MB [LVM: 122 KB]
PV#                   1
PV Status             available
Allocatable           yes (but full)
Cur LV                1
PE Size (KByte)       4096
Total PE              499
Free PE               0
Allocated PE          499
PV UUID               Sd44tK-9IRw-SrMC-MOkn-76iP-iftz-OVSen7


If the physical volume is still used you will have to migrate the data
to another physical volume.

Then use 'vgreduce' to remove the physical volume:
# vgreduce my_volume_group /dev/hda1


<sect1>Creating a logical volume
Decide which physical volumes you want the logical volume to be
allocated on, use 'vgdisplay' and 'pvdisplay' to help you decide.
# lvcreate -L1500 -ntestlv testvg

Will create a 1500MB linear LV named 'testlv' and its block device
special '/dev/testvg/testlv'.

# lvcreate -i2 -I4 -l100 -nanothertestlv testvg


Will create a 100 LE large logical volume with 2 stripes and stripesize 4 KB.

If you want to create an LV that uses the entire VG, use vgdisplay to
find the "Total PE" size, then use that when running lvcreate.
# vgdisplay testvg | grep "Total PE"
Total PE              10230
# lvcreate -l 10230 testvg -n mylv

This will create an LV called <tt>mylv</tt> filling the <tt>testvg</tt> VG.

<sect1>Removing a logical volume

A logical volume must be closed before it can be removed:
# umount /dev/myvg/homevol
# lvremove /dev/myvg/homevol
lvremove -- do you really want to remove "/dev/myvg/homevol"? [y/n]: y
lvremove -- doing automatic backup of volume group "myvg"
lvremove -- logical volume "/dev/myvg/homevol" successfully removed


<sect1>Extending a logical volume
To extend a logical volume you simply tell the lvextend command how
much you want to increase the size. You can specify how much to grow
the volume, or how large you want it to grow to:
# lvextend -L12G /dev/myvg/homevol
lvextend -- extending logical volume "/dev/myvg/homevol" to 12 GB
lvextend -- doing automatic backup of volume group "myvg"
lvextend -- logical volume "/dev/myvg/homevol" successfully extended

will extend <tt>/dev/myvg/homevol</tt> to 12 Gigabytes.

# lvextend -L+1G /dev/myvg/homevol
lvextend -- extending logical volume "/dev/myvg/homevol" to 13 GB
lvextend -- doing automatic backup of volume group "myvg"
lvextend -- logical volume "/dev/myvg/homevol" successfully extended

will add another gigabyte to <tt>/dev/myvg/homevol</tt>.

After you have extended the logical volume it is necessary to 
increase the file system size to match. how you do this depends on
the file system you are using.

By default, most file system resizing tools will increase the size
of the file system to be the size of the underlying logical volume
so you don't need to worry about specifying the same size for each of 
the two commands.



Unless you have patched your kernel with the ext2online patch it
is necessary to unmount the file system before resizing it.
# umount /dev/myvg/homevol/dev/myvg/homevol
# resize2fs /dev/myvg/homevol
# mount /dev/myvg/homevol /home


If you don't have e2fsprogs 1.19 or later, you can download the ext2resize
command from 
<url url="" name="">
and use that:
# umount /dev/myvg/homevol/dev/myvg/homevol
# resize2fs /dev/myvg/homevol
# mount /dev/myvg/homevol /home


For ext2 there is an easier way. LVM ships with a utility called e2fsadm 
which does the lvextend and resize2fs for you (it can also do file system
shrinking, see the next section) so the single command
# e2fsadm -L+1G /dev/myvg/homevol

is equivalent to the two commands:
# lvextend -L+1G /dev/myvg/homevol
# resize2fs /dev/myvg/homevol


Note that you still need to unmount the file system first though.


Reiserfs file systems can be resized when mounted or unmounted as you prefer:

# resize_reiserfs -f /dev/myvg/homevol


# umount /dev/myvg/homevol
# resize_reiserfs /dev/myvg/homevol
# mount -treiserfs /dev/myvg/homevol /home



XFS file systems must be mounted to be resized and the mount-point is
specified rather than the device name.
# xfs_growfs /home



<sect1>Reducing a logical volume
Logical volumes can be reduced in size as well as increased. However,
it is <em>very</em> important to remember to reduce the size of the
file system or whatever is residing in the volume before shrinking
the volume itself, otherwise you risk losing data.



If you are using ext2 as the file system then you can use the e2fsadm
command mentioned earlier to take care of both the file system and
volume resizing as follows:
# umount /home
# e2fsadm -L-1G /dev/myvg/homevol
# mount /home


If you prefer to do this manually you must know the new size of the volume
in blocks and use the following commands:
# umount /home
# resize2fs /dev/myvg/homevol 524288
# lvreduce -L-1G /dev/myvg/homevol
# mount /home



Reiserfs seems to prefer to be unmounted when shrinking
# umount /home
# resize_reiserfs -s-1G /dev/myvg/homevol
# lvreduce -L-1G /dev/myvg/homevol
# mount -treiserfs /dev/myvg/homevol /home



There is no way to shrink XFS file systems.


<sect1>Migrating data from one physical volume to another
If you want to take a disk out of service it must first have all of
its active physical extents moved to another disk. This disk
must be an LVM physical volume in the same volume group as the
disk to be removed and have enough free space to hold the extents
to be copied from the old disk. For further detail see 
<ref id="RemoveADisk" name="Removing an Old Disk">.

The following command moves all the data from the IDE disk partition
/dev/hdb1 onto a SCSI disk partition /dev/sdg1.  Be aware that this
command can take a considerable amount of time to complete.

Also, if the extents contain a striped logical volume then the
process cannot be interrupted so it is strongly recommended that you
take a backup of your data before starting pvmove.
# pvmove /dev/hdb1 /dev/sdg1


<sect>Disk partitioning

<sect1>Multiple partitions on the same disk
LVM allows you to create PVs (physical volumes) out of almost any block
device so, for example, the following are all valid commands and will work
quite happily in an LVM environment:
# pvcreate /dev/sda1
# pvcreate /dev/sdf
# pvcreate /dev/hda8
# pvcreate /dev/hda6
# pvcreate /dev/md1


In a ``normal'' production system it is recommended that only one PV
exists on a single real disk, for the following reasons:

<item> Administrative convenience

It's easier to keep track of the hardware in a system if each real
disk only appears once. This becomes particularly true if a disk

<item> To avoid striping performance problems

LVM can't tell that two PVs are on the same physical disk, so if you
create a striped LV then the stripes could be on different partitions
on the same disk resulting in a <bf>decrease</bf> in performance
rather than an increase.


However it may be desirable to do this for some reasons:

<item> Migration of existing system to LVM

On a system with few disks it may be necessary to move data around
partitions to do the conversion (see
<ref id="UpgradeToLVM" name ="Converting a root filesystem to LVM">)

<item> Splitting one big disk between Volume Groups

If you have a very large disk and want to have more than one volume
group for administrative purposes then it is necessary to partition
the drive into more than one area.

If you do have a disk with more than one partition and both of those
partitions are in the same volume group, take care to specify which
partitions are to be included in a logical volume when creating
striped volumes.

The recommended method of partitioning a disk is to create a single
partition that covers the whole disk. This avoids any nasty accidents
with whole disk drive device nodes and prevents the kernel warning
about unknown partition types at boot-up.

<sect1>Sun disk labels
You need to be especially careful on SPARC systems where the disks
have Sun disk labels on them.

The normal layout for a Sun disk label is for the first partition to
start at block zero of the disk, thus the first partition also covers
the area containing the disk label itself.  This works fine for ext2
filesystems (and is essential for booting using SILO) but such
partitions should not be used for LVM. This is because LVM starts
writing at the very start of the device and will overwrite the disk

If you want to use a disk with a Sun disklabel with LVM, make sure
that the partition you are going to use starts at cylinder 1 or

<sect>Setting up LVM on three SCSI disks
For this recipe, the setup has three SCSI disks that will be put into
a logical volume using LVM.  The disks are at /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, and

<sect1>Preparing the disks
Before you can use a disk in a volume group you will have to prepare it:

<bf>Warning!  The following will destroy any data on /dev/sda,
/dev/sdb, and /dev/sdc</bf>

Run pvcreate on the disks
# pvcreate /dev/sda
# pvcreate /dev/sdb
# pvcreate /dev/sdc

This creates a volume group descriptor area (VGDA) at the start of the
<sect1>Setup a Volume Group


<item> Create a volume group
# vgcreate my_volume_group /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc/


<item> Run vgdisplay to verify volume group
# vgdisplay


You should see something like the following:
# vgdisplay
--- Volume Group ---
VG Name	              my_volume_group
VG Access             read/write
VG Status             available/resizable
VG #                  1
MAX LV                256
Cur LV                0
Open LV               0
MAX LV Size           255.99 GB
Max PV                256
Cur PV                3
Act PV                3
VG Size               1.45 GB
PE Size               4 MB
Total PE              372
Alloc PE / Size       0 / 0
Free  PE / Size       372/ 1.45 GB
VG UUID               nP2PY5-5TOS-hLx0-FDu0-2a6N-f37x-0BME0Y


The most important things to verify are that the first three items
are correct and that the VG Size item is the proper size for the
amount of space in all four of your disks.


<sect1>Creating the Logical Volume

If the volume group looks correct, it is time to create a logical
volume on top of the volume group.

You can make the logical volume any size you like.  (It is similar to
a partition on a non LVM setup.)  For this example we will create
just a single logical volume of size 1GB on the volume group.  We
will not use striping because it is not currently possible to add a
disk to a stripe set after the logical volume is created.
# lvcreate -L1G -nmy_logical_volume my_volume_group
lvcreate -- doing automatic backup of "my_volume_group"
lvcreate -- logical volume "/dev/my_volume_group/my_logical_volume" successfully created


<sect1>Create the File System
Create an ext2 file system on the logical volume
# mke2fs /dev/my_volume_group/my_logical_volume
mke2fs 1.19, 13-Jul-2000 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
131072 inodes, 262144 blocks
13107 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=0
9 block groups
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
16384 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
        32768, 98304, 163840, 229376

Writing inode tables: done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done


<sect1>Test the File System
Mount the logical volume
# mount /dev/my_volume_group/my_logical_volume /mnt


and check to make sure everything looks correct
# df
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1              1311552    628824    616104  51% /
                       1040132        20    987276   0% /mnt


If everything worked properly, you should now have a logical volume
with and ext2 file system mounted at <tt>/mnt</tt>.

<sect>Setting up LVM on three SCSI disks with striping
For this recipe, the setup has three SCSI disks that will be put into
a logical volume using LVM.  The disks are at /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, and

<bf>Note:  It is not currently possible to add a disk to a striped
logical volume.  Do not use LV striping if you wish to be able to do

<sect1>Preparing the disk partitions
Before you can use a disk in a volume group you will have to prepare it:

<bf>Warning!  The following will destroy any data on /dev/sda,
/dev/sdb, and /dev/sdc</bf>

Run pvcreate on the disks:
# pvcreate /dev/sda
# pvcreate /dev/sdb
# pvcreate /dev/sdc

This creates a volume group descriptor area (VGDA) at the start of the

<sect1>Setup a Volume Group

<item> Create a volume group
# vgcreate my_volume_group /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc


<item> Run vgdisplay to verify volume group

You should see something like the following:
# vgdisplay
--- Volume Group ---
VG Name	              my_volume_group
VG Access             read/write
VG Status             available/resizable
VG #                  1
MAX LV                256
Cur LV                0
Open LV               0
MAX LV Size           255.99 GB
Max PV                256
Cur PV                3
Act PV                3
VG Size               1.45 GB
PE Size               4 MB
Total PE              372
Alloc PE / Size       0 / 0
Free  PE / Size       372/ 1.45 GB
VG UUID               nP2PY5-5TOS-hLx0-FDu0-2a6N-f37x-0BME0Y


The most important things to verify are that the first three items
are correct and that the VG Size item is the proper size for the
amount of space in all four of your disks.


<sect1>Creating the Logical Volume
If the volume group looks correct, it is time to create a logical
volume on top of the volume group.

You can make the logical volume any size you like (up to the size of
the VG you are creating it on; it is similar to a partition on a non
LVM setup).  For this example we will create just a single logical
volume of size 1GB on the volume group.  The logical volume will be a
striped set using for the 4k stripe size.  This should increase the
performance of the logical volume.
# lvcreate -i3 -I4 -L1G -nmy_logical_volume my_volume_group
lvcreate -- rounding 1048576 KB to stripe boundary size 1056768 KB / 258 PE
lvcreate -- doing automatic backup of "my_volume_group"
lvcreate -- logical volume "/dev/my_volume_group/my_logical_volume" successfully created


<bf>Note:</bf>  If you create the logical volume with a '-i2' you
will only use two of the disks in your volume group.  This is useful
if you want to create two logical volumes out of the same physical
volume, but we will not touch that in this recipe.

<sect1>Create the File System
Create an ext2 file system on the logical volume
# mke2fs /dev/my_volume_group/my_logical_volume
mke2fs 1.19, 13-Jul-2000 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
132192 inodes, 264192 blocks
13209 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=0
9 block groups
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
14688 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
        32768, 98304, 163840, 229376

Writing inode tables: done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done


<sect1>Test the File System
Mount the file system on the logical volume
# mount /dev/my_volume_group/my_logical_volume /mnt


and check to make sure everything looks correct
# df
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1              1311552    628824    616104  51% /
                       1040132        20    987276   0% /mnt


If everything worked properly, you should now have a logical volume mounted
at <tt>/mnt</tt>.  

<sect>Add a new disk to a multi-disk SCSI system

<sect1>Current situation
A data centre machine has 6 disks attached as follows:
# pvscan
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sda"  of VG "dev"   [1.95 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sdb"  of VG "sales" [1.95 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sdc"  of VG "ops"   [1.95 GB / 44 MB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sdd"  of VG "dev"   [1.95 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sde1" of VG "ops"   [996 MB / 52 MB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sde2" of VG "sales" [996 MB / 944 MB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sdf1" of VG "ops"   [996 MB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sdf2" of VG "dev"   [996 MB / 72 MB free]
pvscan -- total: 8 [11.72 GB] / in use: 8 [11.72 GB] / in no VG: 0 [0]

# df
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/dev/cvs           1342492    516468    757828  41% /mnt/dev/cvs
/dev/dev/users         2064208   2060036      4172 100% /mnt/dev/users
/dev/dev/build         1548144   1023041    525103  66% /mnt/dev/build
/dev/ops/databases     2890692   2302417    588275  79% /mnt/ops/databases
/dev/sales/users       2064208    871214   1192994  42% /mnt/sales/users
/dev/ops/batch         1032088    897122    134966  86% /mnt/ops/batch


As you can see the "dev" and "ops" groups are getting full so a new
disk is purchased and added to the system. It becomes <tt>/dev/sdg</tt>.

<sect1>Prepare the disk partitions
The new disk is to be shared equally between ops and dev so it is
partitioned into two physical volumes /dev/sdg1 and /dev/sdg2 :

# fdisk /dev/sdg

Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun or SGI
disklabel Building a new DOS disklabel. Changes will remain in memory
only, until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the
previous content won't be recoverable.

Command (m for help): n
Command action
   e   extended
   p   primary partition (1-4)
Partition number (1-4): 1
First cylinder (1-1000, default 1): 
Using default value 1
Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (1-1000, default 1000): 500

Command (m for help): n
Command action
   e   extended
   p   primary partition (1-4)
Partition number (1-4): 2
First cylinder (501-1000, default 501): 
Using default value 501
Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (501-1000, default 1000): 
Using default value 1000

Command (m for help): t
Partition number (1-4): 1
Hex code (type L to list codes): 8e
Changed system type of partition 1 to 8e (Unknown)

Command (m for help): t
Partition number (1-4): 2
Hex code (type L to list codes): 8e
Changed system type of partition 2 to 8e (Unknown)

Command (m for help): w#
The partition table has been altered!

Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.

WARNING: If you have created or modified any DOS 6.x partitions,
please see the fdisk manual page for additional information.


Next physical volumes are created on this partition:
# pvcreate /dev/sdg1
pvcreate -- physical volume "/dev/sdg1" successfully created

# pvcreate /dev/sdg2
pvcreate -- physical volume "/dev/sdg2" successfully created


<sect1>Add the new disks to the volume groups
The volumes are then added to the dev and ops volume groups:
# vgextend ops /dev/sdg1
vgextend -- INFO: maximum logical volume size is 255.99 Gigabyte
vgextend -- doing automatic backup of volume group "ops"
vgextend -- volume group "ops" successfully extended

# vgextend dev /dev/sdg2
vgextend -- INFO: maximum logical volume size is 255.99 Gigabyte
vgextend -- doing automatic backup of volume group "dev"
vgextend -- volume group "dev" successfully extended

# pvscan
pvscan -- reading all physical volumes (this may take a while...)
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sda"  of VG "dev"   [1.95 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sdb"  of VG "sales" [1.95 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sdc"  of VG "ops"   [1.95 GB / 44 MB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sdd"  of VG "dev"   [1.95 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sde1" of VG "ops"   [996 MB / 52 MB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sde2" of VG "sales" [996 MB / 944 MB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sdf1" of VG "ops"   [996 MB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sdf2" of VG "dev"   [996 MB / 72 MB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sdg1" of VG "ops"   [996 MB / 996 MB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sdg2" of VG "dev"   [996 MB / 996 MB free]
pvscan -- total: 10 [13.67 GB] / in use: 10 [13.67 GB] / in no VG: 0 [0]


<sect1>Extend the file systems
The next thing to do is to extend the file systems so that the users
can make use of the extra space.

There are tools to allow online-resizing of ext2 file systems but 
here we take the safe route and unmount the two file systems before
resizing them:
# umount /mnt/ops/batch
# umount /mnt/dev/users


We then use the e2fsadm command to resize the logical volume and the
ext2 file system on one operation. We are using ext2resize instead of
resize2fs (which is the default command for e2fsadm) so we define the
environment variable E2FSADM_RESIZE_CMD to tell e2fsadm to use that
# export E2FSADM_RESIZE_CMD=ext2resize
# e2fsadm /dev/ops/batch -L+500M
e2fsck 1.18, 11-Nov-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
/dev/ops/batch: 11/131072 files (0.0<!--  non-contiguous), 4127/262144 blocks
lvextend -- extending logical volume "/dev/ops/batch" to 1.49 GB
lvextend -- doing automatic backup of volume group "ops"
lvextend -- logical volume "/dev/ops/batch" successfully extended

ext2resize v1.1.15 - 2000/08/08 for EXT2FS 0.5b
e2fsadm -- ext2fs in logical volume "/dev/ops/batch" successfully extended to 1.49 GB

# e2fsadm /dev/dev/users -L+900M
e2fsck 1.18, 11-Nov-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
/dev/dev/users: 12/262144 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 275245/524288 blocks
lvextend -- extending logical volume "/dev/dev/users" to 2.88 GB
lvextend -- doing automatic backup of volume group "dev"
lvextend -- logical volume "/dev/dev/users" successfully extended

ext2resize v1.1.15 - 2000/08/08 for EXT2FS 0.5b
e2fsadm -- ext2fs in logical volume "/dev/dev/users" successfully extended to 2.88 GB


<sect1>Remount the extended volumes
We can now remount the file systems and see that the is plenty of space.
# mount /dev/ops/batch
# mount /dev/dev/users
# df
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/dev/cvs           1342492    516468    757828  41% /mnt/dev/cvs
/dev/dev/users         2969360   2060036    909324  69% /mnt/dev/users
/dev/dev/build         1548144   1023041    525103  66% /mnt/dev/build
/dev/ops/databases     2890692   2302417    588275  79% /mnt/ops/databases
/dev/sales/users       2064208    871214   1192994  42% /mnt/sales/users
/dev/ops/batch         1535856    897122    638734  58% /mnt/ops/batch


<sect>Taking a Backup Using Snapshots <label id="Snapshots_Backup">
Following on from the previous example we now want to use the extra
space in the "ops" volume group to make a database backup every
evening. To ensure that the data that goes onto the tape is
consistent we use an LVM snapshot logical volume.

This type of volume is a read-only copy of another volume that
contains all the data that was in the volume at the time the snapshot
was created. This means we can back up that volume without having to
worry about data being changed while the backup is going on, and we
don't have to take the database volume offline while the backup is
taking place.

<sect1>Create the snapshot volume

There is a little over 500 Megabytes of free space in the "ops"
volume group, so we will use all of it to allocate space for the
snapshot logical volume.  A snapshot volume can be as large or a
small as you like but it must be large enough to hold all the changes
that are likely to happen to the original volume during the lifetime
of the snapshot. So here, allowing 500 megabytes of changes to the
database volume which should be plenty. A snapshot logical volume can
be a maximum of 1.1x the size of the original volume.

<bf>WARNING:</bf> If the snapshot logical volume becomes full it will
become unusable so it is vitally important to allocate enough space.
# lvcreate -L592M -s -n dbbackup /dev/ops/databases 
lvcreate -- WARNING: the snapshot must be disabled if it gets full
lvcreate -- INFO: using default snapshot chunk size of 64 KB for "/dev/ops/dbbackup"
lvcreate -- doing automatic backup of "ops"
lvcreate -- logical volume "/dev/ops/dbbackup" successfully created


<sect1>Mount the snapshot volume
We can now create a mount-point and mount the volume
# mkdir /mnt/ops/dbbackup
# mount /dev/ops/dbbackup /mnt/ops/dbbackup
mount: block device /dev/ops/dbbackup is write-protected, mounting read-only


Note that the volume was mounted read-only. Snapshots can never be
written to, and the data in them cannot change.

If you are using XFS as the filesystem you will need to add the
<tt>nouuid</tt> and <tt>norecovery</tt> options to the mount command:
# mount /dev/ops/dbbackup /mnt/ops/dbbackup -onouuid,norecovery,ro


<sect1>Do the backup
I assume you will have a more sophisticated backup strategy than this!
# tar -cf /dev/rmt0 /mnt/ops/dbbackup
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names


<sect1>Remove the snapshot
When the backup has finished you can now unmount the volume and
remove it from the system. You should remove snapshot volume when you
have finished with them because they take a copy of all data written
to the original volume and this can hurt performance.
# umount /mnt/ops/dbbackup
# lvremove /dev/ops/dbbackup 
lvremove -- do you really want to remove "/dev/ops/dbbackup"? [y/n]: y
lvremove -- doing automatic backup of volume group "ops"
lvremove -- logical volume "/dev/ops/dbbackup" successfully removed


<sect>Removing an Old Disk <label id="RemoveADisk">
Say you have an old IDE drive that has been replaced by a new SCSI disk.
You want to remove that old disk but a lot of files are on the old one.

<sect1>Prepare the disk
First, you need to pvcreate the new disk to make it available to LVM.
In this recipe we show that you don't need to partition a disk to be
able to use it.
# pvcreate /dev/sdf
pvcreate -- physical volume "/dev/sdf" successfully created


<sect1>Add it to the volume group
As developers use a lot of disk space this is a good volume group to
add it into.
# vgextend dev /dev/sdf
vgextend -- INFO: maximum logical volume size is 255.99 Gigabyte
vgextend -- doing automatic backup of volume group "dev"
vgextend -- volume group "dev" successfully extended


<sect1>Move the data
Next we move the data from the old disk onto the new one. Note that
it is not necessary to unmount the file system before doing this.
Although it is *highly* recommended that you do a full backup before
attempting this operation in case of a power outage or some other
problem that may interrupt it. The pvmove command can take a
considerable amount of time to complete and it also exacts a
performance hit on the two volumes so, although it isn't necessary,
it is advisable to do this when the volumes are not too busy.
# pvmove /dev/hdb /dev/sdf
pvmove -- moving physical extents in active volume group "dev"
pvmove -- WARNING: moving of active logical volumes may cause data loss!
pvmove -- do you want to continue? [y/n] y
pvmove -- 249 extents of physical volume "/dev/hdb" successfully moved


<sect1>Remove the unused disk
We can now remove the old IDE disk from the volume group.
# vgreduce dev /dev/hdb
vgreduce -- doing automatic backup of volume group "dev"
vgreduce -- volume group "dev" successfully reduced by physical volume:
vgreduce -- /dev/hdb


The drive can now be either physically removed when the machine is
next powered down or reallocated to some other users.

<sect>Moving a volume group to another system
It is quite easy to move a whole volume group to another system if,
for example, a user department acquires a new server. To do this we
use the vgexport and vgimport commands.

<sect1>Unmount the file system
First, make sure that no users are accessing files on the active
volume, then unmount it
# unmount /mnt/design/users


<sect1>Mark the volume group inactive
Marking the volume group inactive removes it from the kernel and prevents 
any further activity on it.
# vgchange -an design
vgchange -- volume group "design" successfully deactivated


<sect1>Export the volume group
It is now necessary to export the volume group. This prevents it
from being accessed on the ``old'' host system and prepares it
to be removed.
# vgexport design
vgexport -- volume group "design" sucessfully exported


When the machine is next shut down, the disk can be unplugged and
then connected to it's new machine

<sect1>Import the volume group
When plugged into the new system it becomes /dev/sdb so an initial
pvscan shows:
# pvscan
pvscan -- reading all physical volumes (this may take a while...)
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/sdb1"  is in EXPORTED VG "design" [996 MB / 996 MB free]
pvscan -- inactive PV "/dev/sdb2"  is in EXPORTED VG "design" [996 MB / 244 MB free]
pvscan -- total: 2 [1.95 GB] / in use: 2 [1.95 GB] / in no VG: 0 [0]


We can now import the volume group (which also activates it) and
mount the file system.
# vgimport design /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb2
vgimport -- doing automatic backup of volume group "design"
vgimport -- volume group "design" successfully imported and activated


<sect1>Mount the file system
# mkdir -p /mnt/design/users
# mount /dev/design/users /mnt/design/users


The file system is now available for use.

<sect>Splitting a volume group
There is a new group of users "design" to add to the system. One way
of dealing with this is to create a new volume group to hold their
data.  There are no new disks but there is plenty of free space on
the existing disks that can be reallocated.

<sect1>Determine free space
# pvscan 
pvscan -- reading all physical volumes (this may take a while...)
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sda"  of VG "dev"   [1.95 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sdb"  of VG "sales" [1.95 GB / 1.27 GB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sdc"  of VG "ops"   [1.95 GB / 564 MB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sdd"  of VG "dev"   [1.95 GB / 0 free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sde"  of VG "ops"   [1.95 GB / 1.9 GB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sdf"  of VG "dev"   [1.95 GB / 1.33 GB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sdg1" of VG "ops"   [996 MB / 432 MB free]
pvscan -- ACTIVE   PV "/dev/sdg2" of VG "dev"   [996 MB / 632 MB free]
pvscan -- total: 8 [13.67 GB] / in use: 8 [13.67 GB] / in no VG: 0 [0]


We decide to reallocate /dev/sdg1 and /dev/sdg2 to design so first we
have to move the physical extents into the free areas of the other
volumes (in this case /dev/sdf for volume group dev and /dev/sde for
volume group ops).

<sect1>Move data off the disks to be used
Some space is still used on the chosen volumes so it is necessary to
move that used space off onto some others.

Move all the used physical extents from /dev/sdg1 to /dev/sde and
from /dev/sdg2 to /dev/sde
# pvmove /dev/sdg1 /dev/sde
pvmove -- moving physical extents in active volume group "ops"
pvmove -- WARNING: moving of active logical volumes may cause data loss!
pvmove -- do you want to continue? [y/n] y
pvmove -- doing automatic backup of volume group "ops"
pvmove -- 141 extents of physical volume "/dev/sdg1" successfully moved

# pvmove /dev/sdg2 /dev/sdf
pvmove -- moving physical extents in active volume group "dev"
pvmove -- WARNING: moving of active logical volumes may cause data loss!
pvmove -- do you want to continue? [y/n] y
pvmove -- doing automatic backup of volume group "dev"
pvmove -- 91 extents of physical volume "/dev/sdg2" successfully moved


<sect1>Create the new volume group
Now, split /dev/sdg2 from dev and add it into a new group called
"design". it is possible to do this using vgreduce and vgcreate but
the vgsplit command combines the two.
# vgsplit dev design /dev/sdg2
vgsplit -- doing automatic backup of volume group "dev"
vgsplit -- doing automatic backup of volume group "design"
vgsplit -- volume group "dev" successfully split into "dev" and "design"


<sect1>Remove remaining volume
Next, remove /dev/sdg1 from ops and add it into design.
# vgreduce ops /dev/sdg1
vgreduce -- doing automatic backup of volume group "ops"
vgreduce -- volume group "ops" successfully reduced by physical volume:
vgreduce -- /dev/sdg1

# vgextend design /dev/sdg1
vgextend -- INFO: maximum logical volume size is 255.99 Gigabyte
vgextend -- doing automatic backup of volume group "design"
vgextend -- volume group "design" successfully extended


<sect1>Create new logical volume
Now create a logical volume. Rather than allocate all of the
available space, leave some spare in case it is needed elsewhere.
# lvcreate -L750M -n users design
lvcreate -- rounding up size to physical extent boundary "752 MB"
lvcreate -- doing automatic backup of "design"
lvcreate -- logical volume "/dev/design/users" successfully created


<sect1>Make a file system on the volume
# mke2fs /dev/design/users
mke2fs 1.18, 11-Nov-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
96384 inodes, 192512 blocks
9625 blocks (5.00<!-- ) reserved for the super user
First data block=0
6 block groups
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
16064 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
        32768, 98304, 163840

Writing inode tables: done                            
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done


<sect1>Mount the new volume
# mkdir -p /mnt/design/users
# mount /dev/design/users /mnt/design/users/


It's also a good idea to add an entry for this file system in your
/etv/fstab file as follows:
/dev/design/user  /mnt/design/users   ext2    defaults        1 2


<sect>Converting a root filesystem to LVM <label id="UpgradeToLVM">
<bf>NOTE:</bf> It is strongly recommended that you take a full backup
of your system before attempting this.  Also having your root
filesystem on LVM can significantly complicate upgrade procedures
(depending on your distribution) so it should not be attempted

In this example the whole system was installed in a single root partition with
the exception of /boot. The system had a 2 gig disk partitioned as:
/dev/hda1  /boot 
/dev/hda2  swap
/dev/hda3  /


The / partition covered all of the disk not used by /boot and swap.
An important prerequisite of this procedure is that the root
partition is less that half full (so that a copy of it can be created
in a logical volume).  If this is not the case then a second disk
drive should be used. The procedure in that case is similar but there
is no need to shrink the existing root partition and /dev/hda4 should
be replaced with (eg) /dev/hdb1 in the examples.

To do this it is easiest to use GNU parted. This software allows you
to grow and shrink partitions that contain filesystems. It is
possible to use resize2fs and fdisk to do this but GNU parted makes
it much less prone to error.  It may be included in your
distribution, if not you can download it from
<url url="" name="">.

Once you have parted on your system AND YOU HAVE BACKED IT UP:


<item> Boot single user (type linux S at the LILO prompt) This is
important. Booting single-user ensures that the root filesystem is
mounted read-only and no programs are accessing the disk.

<item> Run parted to shrink the root partition Do this so there is
room on the disk for a complete copy of it in a logical volume. In
this example a 1.8 gig partition is shrunk to 1 gigabyte
# parted /dev/hda
(parted) p


This displays the sizes and names of the partitions on the disk
(parted) resize 3 145 999


The first number here the partition number (hda3), the second is the
same starting position that hda3 currently has. Do not change this.
The last number should make the partition around half the size it
currently is.
(parted) mkpart primary ext2 1000 1999


This makes a new partition to hold the initial LVM data. It should start
just beyond the newly shrunk hda3 and finish at the end of the disk.
(parted) q


Quit parted.

<item> REBOOT

<item> Make sure that the kernel you are using works with LVM and has
CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM and CONFIG_BLK_DEV_INITRD set in the config file.

It should be the kernel you are currently running.

<item> Change the partition type from Linux to LVM (8e). 
Parted doesn't understand LVM partitions so this has to 
be done using fdisk.
# fdisk /dev/hda
Command (m for help): t
Partition number (1-4): 4
Hex code (type L to list codes): 8e
Changed system type of partition 4 to 8e (Unknown)
Command (m for help): w


<item> Set up LVM for the new scheme

  <item> Initialize LVM (vgscan)
# vgscan


  <item> make the new partition into a PV,
# pvcreate /dev/hda4


  <item> create a new volume group
# vgcreate vg /dev/hda4


  <item>  Create a logical volume to hold the new root.
# lvcreate -L250M -n root vg



<item> Make a filesystem in the logical volume and copy the root files onto it.
# mke2fs /dev/vg/root
# mount /dev/vg/root /mnt/
# find / -xdev | cpio -pvmd /mnt


<item> Edit /mnt/etc/fstab on the new root so that / is mounted on
/dev/vg/root. For example:
  /dev/hda3       /    ext2       defaults 1 1

  /dev/vg/root    /    ext2       defaults 1 1


<item> Create an LVM initial RAM disk
# lvmcreate_initrd


Make sure you note the name that lvmcreate_initrd calls the initrd
image.  It should be in /boot.

<item> Add an entry in /etc/lilo.conf for LVM

This should look similar to the following:
  image   = /boot/KERNEL_IMAGE_NAME
  label   = lvm
  root    = /dev/vg/root
  initrd  = /boot/INITRD_IMAGE_NAME
  ramdisk = 8192


Where KERNEL_IMAGE_NAME is the name of your LVM enabled kernel, and
INITRD_IMAGE_NAME is the name of the initrd image created by
lvmcreate_initrd. The ramdisk line may need to be increased if you
have a large LVM configuration, but 8192 should suffice for most
users. The default ramdisk size is 4096. If in doubt check the output
from the lvmcreate_initrd command, the line that says:
lvmcreate_initrd -- making loopback file (6189 kB)


and make the ramdisk the size given in brackets.

<item> Run LILO to write the new boot sector
# lilo


<item> Reboot - at the LILO prompt type "lvm"

The system should reboot into Linux using the newly
created Logical Volume.

If that worked OK then you should make lvm the default LILO 
boot destination by adding the line


in the first section of /etc/lilo.conf

If it did not work then reboot normally and try to diagnose the
problem. It could be a typing error in lilo.conf or LVM not being
available in the initial RAM disk or its kernel. Examine the message
produced at boot time carefully.

<item> Add the rest of the disk into LVM When you are happy with this
setup you can then add the old root partition to LVM and spread out
over the disk.

First set the partition type to 8e(LVM)
# fdisk /dev/hda

Command (m for help): t
Partition number (1-4): 3
Hex code (type L to list codes): 8e
Changed system type of partition 3 to 8e (Unknown)
Command (m for help): w


Convert it into a PV and add it to the volume group:
# pvcreate /dev/hda3
# vgextend vg /dev/hda3



<sect>Dangerous Operations
<bf>Don't do this unless you're really sure of what you're doing.
You'll probably lose all your data.</bf>

<sect1>Restoring the VG UUIDs using uuid_editor

If you've upgraded LVM from previous versions to early 0.9 and 0.9.1
versions of LVM and ``<tt>vgscan</tt>'' says <tt>vgscan -- no volume
groups found</tt>, this is one way to fix it.


	<item> Download the UUID fixer program from the contributor directory at

	It is located at
        <url url=""

	<item> Extract <tt>uuid_fixer-0.3-IOP10.tar.gz</tt>
# tar zxf uuid_fixer-0.3-IOP10.tar.gz


	<item> cd to uuid_fixer
# cd uuid_fixer


	You have one of two options at this point

		<item> Use the prebuild binary (it is build for i386

		Make sure you list all the PVs in the VG you are restoring, and 
		follow the prompts
# ./uuid_fixer &lt;LIST OF ALL PVS IN VG TO BE RESTORED&gt;


		<item> Build the uuid_builder program from source

		Edit the Makefile with your favorite editor, and make sure
		LVMDIR points to your LVM source.

		Then run make.
# make


		Now run uuid_fixer.  Make sure you list all the PVs in the
		VG you are restoring, and follow the prompts.
# ./uuid_fixer &lt;LIST OF ALL PVS IN VG TO BE RESTORED&gt;



	<item> Deactivate any active Volume Groups (<em>optional</em>)
# vgchange -an


	<item> Run vgscan
# vgscan


	<item> Reactivate Volume Groups
# vgchange -ay



<sect>Sharing LVM volumes
<bf>Be very careful doing this, LVM is not currently cluster-aware
and it is very easy to lose all your data.</bf>

If you have a fibre-channel or shared-SCSI environment where more
than one machine has physical access to a set of disks then you can
use LVM to divide these disks up into logical volumes. If you want to
share data you should really be looking at 
<url url="" name="GFS">.

The key thing to remember when sharing volumes is that all the LVM
administration must be done on one node only and that all other nodes
must have LVM shut down before changing anything on the admin node.
Then, when the changes have been made, it is necessary to run vgscan
on the other nodes before reloading the volume groups. Also, unless
you are running a cluster-aware filesystem (such as GFS) or
application on the volume, only one node can mount each filesystem.
It is up to you, as system administrator to enforce this, LVM will
not stop you corrupting your data.

The startup sequence of each node is the same as for a single-node setup with 
vgchange -ay

in the startup scripts.

If you need to do <bf>any</bf> changes to the LVM metadata
(regardless of whether it affects volumes mounted on other nodes) you
must go through the following sequence. In the steps below ``admin
node'' is any arbirarily chosen node in the cluster.
Admin node                   Other nodes
----------                   -----------
                             Close all Logical volumes (umount)
                             vgchange -an
&lt;make changes, eg lvextend&gt;
                             vgchange -ay


Note that you do not need to, nor should you, unload the VGs on the
admin node, so this can be the node with the highest uptime

I'll say that again:  <bf>Be very careful doing this</bf>

<sect>Reporting Errors and Bugs <label id="ReportBug">
Just telling us that LVM did not work does not provide us with enough
information to help you.  We need to know about your setup and the
various components of your configuration.  The first thing you should
do is check the
<url url="" name="Bug Reporting System">
to see if someone else has already reported the same bug.  If you do
not find a bug report for a problem similar to yours you should
collect as much of the following information as possible.  The list
is grouped into three categories of errors.

<item> For compilation errors:
	<item> Detail the specific version of LVM you have.
	If you extracted LVM from a tarball give the name of the tar file and
        list any patches you applied.  If you acquired LVM from the
        Public CVS server, give the date and time you checked it out.
	<item> Provide the exact error message. Copy a couple of lines of
        output before the actual error message, as well as, a couple of lines
        after.  These lines occasionally give hints as to why the error
	<item> List the steps, in order, that produced the error.  Is the
        error reproducible?  If you start from a clean state does the same
        sequence of steps reproduce the error?

<item> For LVM errors:
	<item> Include all of the information requested in the compilation
	<item> Attach a short description of your hardware: types of machines
         and disks,  disks interface (SCSI, FC, NBD).  Any other tidbits about
         your hardware you feel is important.
        <item> Include the output from ``<tt>pinfo -s</tt>''
	<item> The command line used to make LVM and the file system on top
	 of it.
	<item> The command line used to mount the file system.

<item> When LVM trips a panic trap:
	<item>Include all of the information requested in two sections above.
	<item>Provide the debug dump for the machine.  This is best
	      accomplished if you are watching the console output of the
	      computer over a serial link, since you can't very well copy
	      and paste from a panic'd machine, and it is very easy to mistype
	      something if you try to copy the output by hand. 

This can be a lot of information.  If you end up with more than a couple of
files, tar and gzip them into a single archive.  Submit this compressed
archive file to the bug reporting system or send mail to lvm-devel along
with a short description of the error.  We would prefer you used the
<url url="" name="Bug Reporting System">,
that is why we have it.

<sect>Contact and Links

<sect1>Mail lists <label id="Maillists">
Before you post to any of our lists please read the all of this document and
check the <url url="" name="archives">
to see if your question has already been answered.  Please post in text
only to our lists, fancy formated messages are near impossible to read if
someone else is not running a mail client that understands it.  Standard
mailing list etiquette applies. Incomplete questions or configuration data
make it very hard for us to answer your questions.

Subscription to all lists is accomplished through a web interface
<url url="" name="here">.

  <tag/linux-lvm/ This list is aimed at user-related questions and
        comments. You may be able to get the answers you need from other
        people who have the same issues. Open discussion is encouraged.

  <tag/lvm-devel/ This is the development list for LVM. It is intended to be
        an open discussion on bugs, desired features, and questions about the
        internals of LVM. Feel free to post anything relevant to LVM or
        logical volume managers in general. We wish this to be a fairly high
	volume list.

  <tag/lvm-commit/ This list gets messages automatically whenever someone
        commits to the cvs tree. Its main purpose is to keep up with the cvs

  <tag/lvm-bugs/ This is the default owner for all bugs in our bug tracking
         system. Sign up to this list if you want to see all of the new bugs.

<sect1>Links <label id="Links">
LVM Links:

  <item>The <url url="" name="Logical Volume Manager">
        home page.

  <item><url url="" name="Bug Reporting System">.

  <item> The <url url="" name="LVM ftp"> site.

<sect1>Glossary <label id="Glossary">
  <tag/1 MHz/ A frequency of one million (<f>10<sup/6/</f>) Hertz (cycles per second).

  <tag/1 Mflop/s/  A computational rate of one million (<f>10<sup/6/</f>) floating-point
                    operations per second.

  <tag/1 Gflop/s/  A computational rate of one billion (<f>10<sup/9/</f>) floating-point
                    operations per second.

  <tag/1 Tflop/s/  A computational rate of one trillion (<f>10<sup/12/</f>)
                    floating-point operations per second.

  <tag/1 KByte/  <f>2<sup/10/</f> bytes of data.

  <tag/1 MByte/  <f>2<sup/20/</f> bytes of data.   
  <tag/1 GByte/  <f>2<sup/30/</f> bytes of data.

  <tag/1 TByte/  <f>2<sup/40/</f> bytes of data.

  <tag/1 MByte/s/ A data transfer rate of <f>2<sup/20/</f> bytes of data
                   per second.

  <tag/1 GByte/s/  A data transfer rate of <f>2<sup/30/</f> bytes of data
                    per second.

  <tag/1 TByte/s/  A data transfer rate of <f>2<sup/40/</f> bytes of data per second.

  <tag/arbitrate/ Process of selecting one L_Port from a collection of
                   several ports that concurrently request use of the 
                   arbitrated loop.

  <tag/arbitrated loop/ A loop type topology where two or more ports can be
                         interconnected, but only two ports at a time can

  <tag/CDSL/ Context Dependant Symbolic Links

  <tag/CIDEV/ Configuration Information Device

  <tag/DMEP/ Device Memory Export Protocol

  <tag/F_Port/ A port in a fabric where an N_Port or NL_Port may attach

  <tag/fabric/ A group of interconnections between ports that includes a
                fabric element.

  <tag/FCP/ Fibre Channel Protocol.

  <tag/FL_Port/ A port in a fabric when an N_Port or an NL_Port may attach.

  <tag/GNBD/ GNBD Network Block Device.  A method of sharing a disk on one
              node to many other nodes.

  <tag/HBA/ See Host Bus Adapter.

  <tag/Host Bus Adapter/ The physical hardware installed in a node that
                          allows the node to access a shared network medium.

  <tag/L_Port/ An arbitrated loop port: either an NL_Port, an FL_Port, or
                 a GL_Port.

  <tag/LUN/ Logical Unit Number

  <tag/N_Port/ A port attached to a node for use with point-to-point or
               fabric technology.

  <tag/NL_Port/ A port attached to a node for use in all three topologies.

  <tag/node/ A device that has at least one N_Port or NL_Port (Fibre Channel

  <tag/NPS/ Network Power Switch

  <tag/point-to-point/ A topology where exactly two ports communicate.

  <tag/RAID/ Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks

  <tag/stomith/ Shoot The Other Machine In The Head.  A technique used for
                 removing a node from a cluster operation.

  <tag/storage cluster/ A group of networked computers that have equal,
  concurrent access to a shared storage space.

  <tag/switch/ A particular implementation of a fabric topology.   Almost
                exclusively a hardware device.

  <tag/topology/ The arrangment in which the nodes of a LAN are connected
                  to each other.
