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<!doctype linuxdoc system>
<title> Modem-HOWTO
<author>David S.Lawyer
  <tt><url url=""></tt>
<date> v0.29, July 2003 

Change log:  + => added more info  ++ => added new topic
v0.29 July 2003 New gromitkc url, but many links in it are broken
v0.28 June 2003 Parallel port modems, lockfile permissions for wvdial
v0.27 May 2003: "Flow control" improved
v0.26 March 2003: USB clarity improved, v.92 modem "on hold" supported?,
3Com AT codes
v0.25 September 2002: Must restart minicom after configuring it unless
you used the -s option.  HCF is not an all-software modem as was
incorrectly claimed.  Better clarity for "Quick Install" and 56k
modems.  Does my PC have a modem?
v0.24 June 2002: new callback link, "You are already online" error, 
 fixed several typos reported by Francesco Ronconi
v0.23 January 2002: dropped connection w/V.90, X3 to force dialing if 
 NO DIALTONE, more on USB, wvdial added to "Trying Out Your Modem",
 major revision to "Antique Modems", several broken links fixed,
 better clarity re RAS, digital modems.
v0.22 September 2001: &X3 -> X3, NO CARRIER, NO DIALTONE
v0.21 August 2001: clarity re autobauding, corrected linmodem
 situation, more mention of USB, major revision of Configuring the
 Serial Port now named: Locating ..., minor reorganization
v0.20 August 2001: fixed typo: done->down, more linmodems
v0.19 July 2001: Dialing Out while Waiting for a Call.  Antique modems
 using "CONNECT" to set DTE speed.
v0.18 June 2001 new section: modem doubling (bonding, teaming, multilink)
v0.17 April 2001 isapnp to pnpdump (with "dumpregs" option)
v0.16 March 2001 New url for winmodem.html, more obsolete protocols
v0.15 March 2001 Revision of Dial-In section (incl. problems with
 agetty, interoperability with MS, VNC), blacklist, AT-cmds on Internet,
 broken links fixed
v0.14 Feb. 2001 Fixed typos & revised: "Ending a Dial-in Call"
v0.13 Feb. 2001 serial-modem => digital-modem, fixed suse isdn link,
 antique modems, typos fixed in "Getty", new section: "Ending a Dial-in
v0.12 Dec. 2000 Zoltrix and Cirrus Logic linmodems; don't omit 0 in X0
 (for some modems) X3 if no dial-tone; init string locations; more on
 "Modem is busy"; PCI non-winmodems are OK; terminology: software-based
 modem, driver-based modem; Linmodem-HOWTO; types of software modems;
 setserial irq5 to irq 5; Quick Install rewrite
v0.11 June 2000 Winmodems-and-Linux-HOWTO, removed general info re
 obsolete modems: dip switches & no stored profiles, "modem busy", "no
 OK from AT" apt to be a serial port problem.  2 serial drivers active
v0.10 May 2000 Modem-Sharing mini-howto, digital modems, Newcom modem,
 more re "no response to AT" and "can't find modem"
v0.09 Mar. 2000 +mwave, K->k, fax data, typos
v0.08 Jan. 2000 Vern's url, leased line modems, finding modem, Lucent
winmodem, multiport modem cards, clarity for 56K sect
v0.07 28 Nov. 1999 digital-modems for ISP, duplicate info removed from
v0.06 Nov. 1999 Revised contact info with Ted T.
v0.05 Oct. 1999 Book, PCI per Ted T., Exist DSL & Cable howtos, fixed
 suse isdn link
v0.04 Aug. 1999 What is a fax or voice modem?
 Vern's getty, dialin + , flash upgrades +, stop and stop typo,
 MWave +, removed interrupt problem details (since latest in Serial-HOWTO)
 callback +, V.90 + uses 64k channel, remove &colon; include files per
 m4, serial voltage link, min. voice mail url
v0.03 May 1999 BIOS messages; fixed formatting, Windows doesn't ?
 update ESCD, sunsite ->metalab, PnP settings on card are volatile,
 license rev.,  wvdial
v0.02 Mar. 1999 25-pin serial ports still on new ones,  Some modems
 report both speeds, New versions at, dumpregs (flag to pnpdump)
v0.01 Jan. 1999 link to mgetty site, added -g to setserial /dev/ttyS*,
shared serial interrupts in Linux 2.2, pnpdump doesn't show config
warn about Winmodems being mislabeled. Use some of 20 items Bill Staehle
emailed to me.  Link to voice-mail site.  PCMCIA-HOWTO. Added: Problems
Explained section.  Internal. doesn't overrun.  /proc/pci signature ??
v0.00 Dec. 1998 Split Serial-HOWTO & added more on modems
 Help with selecting, connecting, configuring, trouble-shooting, and
 understanding analog modems for a PC.  Limited coverage of V.90
 digital modems.  </abstract>

<sect> Introduction

<sect1> DSL, Cable, and ISDN Modems in other HOWTOs
<p> This HOWTO covers conventional analog modems for PCs on the
ISA, PCI, or USB buses.  USB coverage is weak.  For other types of
modems see:

<item> DSL-HOWTO
<item> ADSL-Bandwidth-Management-HOWTO
<item> Cable-Modems-HOWTO (same as Cable Modem Providers HOWTO)
<item> SuSE ISDN Howto (not a LDP Howto) <url
<item> <url url="">
tutorial on ISDN 
<item> ISDN docs in the kernel documentation subdirectory: "isdn".
<item> <url url=""> (1998, old)
<item> <ref id="other_modems" name="Appendix D:  Other Types of

<sect1> Also not covered: PCMCIA Modems, PPP
<p> For modems on the PCMCIA bus see the PCMCIA-HOWTO: PCMCIA serial
and modem devices.  This HOWTO also doesn't cover PPP (used to connect
to the Internet via a modem) or communication programs.  Except it
does show how to use communication programs to test that your modem
works OK and can make phone calls.  If you want to use a modem to
connect to the Internet then you need to set up PPP.  There's a lot of
documentation for PPP (including a PPP-HOWTO).  More documentation
should be found in /usr/doc/ppp, /usr/share/doc/ppp or the like.

<sect1> Copyright, Disclaimer, Trademarks, & Credits

<sect2> Copyright
<p> Copyright (c) 1998-2003 by David S. Lawyer <url url="">
<!-- license.D begin -->

Please freely copy and distribute (sell or give away) this document
in any format.  Send any corrections and comments to the document
maintainer.  You may create a derivative work and distribute it
provided that you:

<item> If it's not a translation: Email a copy of your derivative work
 (in a format LDP accepts) to the author(s) and maintainer (could be
 the same person).  If you don't get a response then email the LDP
 (Linux Documentation Project):
<item>License the derivative work in the spirit of this license or use
  GPL.  Include a copyright notice and at least a pointer to the
  license used.
<item>Give due credit to previous authors and major contributors.

If you're considering making a derived work other than a
translation, it's requested that you discuss your plans with the
current maintainer.

<p> While I haven't intentionally tried to mislead you, there are
likely a number of errors in this document.  Please let me know about
them.  Since this is free documentation, it should be obvious that I
cannot be held legally responsible for any errors.

<p> Any brand names (starts with a capital letter such as MS Windows)
should be assumed to be a trademark).  Such trademarks belong to their
respective owners. <!-- license.D end -->

"Hayes" is a trademark of Microcomputer Products Inc.  I use
"winmodem" to mean any modem which requires MS-Windows and not in the
trademark sense.  All other trademarks belong to their respective

<sect2> Credits
<p> The following is only a rough approximation of how this this
document (as of 2000) was created:  About 1/4 of the material here was
lifted directly from Serial-HOWTO v. 1.11 (1997) by Greg Hankins.  <url
url=""> (with his permission).  About
another 1/4 was taken from that Serial-HOWTO and revised.  The
remaining 1/2 is newly created by the new author: David S. Lawyer
<tt><url url=""></tt>.

<sect1> Contacting the Author
<p>  Since I don't follow the many different brands/models of modems
please don't email me with questions about them (or suggestions of
which one to buy).  If you are interested in a certain model (to find
out if it works under Linux, etc.) see the huge list at <ref
id="web_sites" name="Web Sites">.  Also, please don't ask me how to
configure a modem unless you've looked over this HOWTO and still can't
do it.  I've no personal experience with software-based modems.

Please let me know of any errors in facts, opinions, logic, spelling,
grammar, clarity, links, etc.  But first, if the date is over a month
or two old, check to see that you have the latest version.  Please
send me any other info that you think belongs in this document.

<sect1> New Versions of this HOWTO <label id="new_vers">
<p> New versions of this Modem-HOWTO should come out every few months.
Your problem might be solved in the latest version.  It will be
available to browse and/or download at LDP mirror sites.  For a list
of such sites see: <url url=""> If you
only want to quickly compare the date of this the version v0.29, July 2003  with
the date of the latest version go to: <url

<sect1> New in Recent Versions
<p> For a full revision history going back to the first version see
the source file (in linuxdoc format) at <url
<item>v0.29 July 2003 New gromitkc url, but many links in it are broken
<item>v0.28 June 2003: Parallel port modems, lockfile permissions for wvdial
<item>v0.27 May 2003: "Flow control" improved
<item>v0.26 March 2003: USB clarity improved, v.92 modem "on hold" supported?,
 3Com AT codes
<item>v0.25 September 2002: Must restart minicom after configuring it unless
 you used the -s option.  HCF is not an all-software modem as was
 incorrectly claimed.  Better clarity for "Quick Install" and 56k
 modems.  Does my PC have a modem?
<item>v0.24 June 2002: new callback link, "You are already online" error, 
 fixed several typos reported by Francesco Ronconi

<sect1> What is a Modem ? <label id="what_is_modem">
<p> A modem is a device that lets one send digital signals over an
ordinary telephone line not designed for digital signals.  If
telephone lines were all digital then you wouldn't need a modem.  It
permits your computer to connect to and communicate with the rest of
the world.  When you use a modem, you normally use a communication
program or web browser to utilize the modem and dial-out on a
telephone line.  Advanced modem users can set things up so that others
may phone in to them and use their computer.  This is called

There are four basic types of modems for a PC: external, USB, internal
and built-in.  The external and USB set on your desk outside the PC
while the other two types are not visible since they're inside the PC.
Sometimes the USB type is called "USB external".  The external serial
modem plugs into a connector on the back of the PC known as a "serial
port".  The USB modem plugs into the USB bus cable.  See <ref
id="usb_" name="USB Modems">.  The internal modem is a card that is
inserted inside the computer.  The built-in modem is part of the
motherboard and is thus built into the computer.  It's is just like an
internal modem except it can't be removed or replaced.  As of 2001,
built-in modems are primarily for laptops.  What is said in this HOWTO
regarding internal modems will generally apply also to built-in

For a more detailed comparison see <ref id="int_vs_ext" name="External
vs.  Internal">.   When you get an internal or, built-in, modem,
you also get a dedicated serial port (which can only be used with the
modem and not with anything else such as another modem or a printer).
In Linux, the serial ports are named ttyS0, ttyS1, etc. (usually
corresponding respectively to COM1, COM2, etc. in Dos/Windows).  For
the new devfs they are all in the /dev/ttys/ directory and named 0, 1,
etc.  See <ref id="basics_" name="Modem & Serial Port Basics"> for
more details on modems and serial ports.  With a USB modem, the driver
simulates a serial port at say /dev/usb/asm/0.

Modems usually include the ability to send Faxes (Fax Modems).  See
<ref id="fax_" name="Fax"> for a list of fax software.  "Voice" modems
can work like an automatic answering machine and handle voicemail.
See <ref id="voice_" name="Voicemail Software">.

The v.92 protocol can put the modem "on hold" when someone makes an
ordinary voice call to your telephone, provided that you have "call
waiting" from your telephone company.  Thus you can get a phone call
while online.  As of Jan. 2003 Linux doesn't seem to support it.  If
this is the latest version of this HOWTO, let me know about any
Linux support for it.  Some linmodem drivers may support it (but what
if you have a hardware modem ?).

<sect1> Does My Computer Contain an Internal Modem ?
<p> Internal modems usually have a pair of modular telephone jacks on
the back of the computer.  They should be right next to each other and
look like a jack on the wall of a house where a telephone plugs in.
Network cards also have modular jacks, but they are seldom in pairs
and are slightly wider since they normally have 8 pins.  Internal DSL
"modems" exist and also have telephone jacks, but I think they are not
very common (most are external) as of 2002.

<sect1> Quick Install <label id="quick_install">
<sect2> External Modem Install
<p> With a straight-thru or modem cable, connect the modem to an
unused serial port on the PC.  Make sure you know the name of the
serial port: in most cases COM1 is ttyS0, COM2 is ttyS1, etc.  You may
need to check the BIOS setup menu to determine this.  Plug in the
power cord to provide power to the modem.  See <ref id="all_modems"
name="All Modems"> for further instructions.

<sect2> Internal Modems (ISA, PCI and AMR)
<p> The first thing to do is to make sure that the modem will work
under Linux since (as of 2002) many modems don't.  See <url
url="" name="modem
list">.  If the modem is both PnP and directly supported by the serial
driver (kernel 2.4 +) then there is no configuring for you to do since
the Linux serial driver will configure it.

To physically install a modem card, remove the cover of the PC by
/removing some screws (perhaps screw size 6-32 in the U.S.).  Find a
matching vacant slot for it next to the other adapter cards.  Before
inserting the card in the slot, remove a small cover plate on the back
of the PC so that the telephone jacks on the card will be accessible
from the rear of the PC.  Then carefully align the card with the slot
and push the card all the way down into the slot.  Attach the card
with a mounting screw (usually 3mm, .5mm pitch --don't use the wrong

If you have a modem that is not a winmodem (see <ref id="soft_modem"
name="Software-based Modems (winmodems)">) the serial driver may
configure it for you and you have nothing to do.  This should be noted
in the boot-time messages (use dmesg to see them or shift-page-up
after they have flashed by).

<sect2> Internal Modems: Manual configuration
<p>If it didn't get automatically assigned a port ttySx and an IRQ
(or you need to change these values) then you need to configure it
yourself.  You first need to decide which ttySx (or ttys/x) to assign
it to.  Pick a ttySx that is not already in use by other serial ports.
Then you have the problem of setting an IRQ number and IO address.
For PnP modems: If the BIOS has already set these in the physical
device (which a PnP BIOS will do if it thinks you don't have a PnP OS)
then you need to determine the IRQ and IO address and then tell this
to "setserial".

In other cases you may have some choice of IRQs and IO addresses
(including the case where you are able to change what the BIOS has
set).  See <ref id="choose_IRQ"name= "Choosing Serial IRQs"> and <ref
id="choose_address" name="Choosing Addresses">.  For ISA modems there
are standard IO addresses to use (corresponding to the ttySx).  For
example you may find it feasible to use /dev/ttyS2 at IO address 0x3e8
and IRQ 11.  PCI modems seem to use different IO addresses so as not
to conflict with ISA modems.  

<sect3> ISA Modems: What IOs and IRQs may be used?
<p> For old modems with jumpers look at the manual (or jumpers if they
say).  If the BIOS has already configured the ISA modem then "pnpdump
--dumpregs" should show it.  If you need to set or change them use
"isapnp".  Use the "pnpdump" to see what changes are possible.

<sect3> Both PCI and ISA: Use setserial to tell the serial driver
<p> You must find the file where "setserial" is run at boot-time and
add a line something like: "setserial /dev/ttyS2 irq 5 port 0x0b8".
For setserial v2.15 and later the results of running "setserial" on
the command line may (or may not) be saved to /etc/serial.conf so that
it runs each time you boot.  See <ref id="set_serial" name="What is
Setserial"> for more info.  See the next subsection <ref
id="all_modems" name="All Modems"> for further instructions on quick

<sect3> Use MS Windows to set the BIOS (A last resort method)
<p> If you are using the BIOS to configure you may attempt to use MS
Windows9x to "force" the BIOS to set a certain IRQ and/or IO.  It can
set them into the PnP BIOS's flash memory where they will be used to
configure for Linux as well as Windows.  See "Plug-and-Play-HOWTO and
search for "forced" (occurs in several places).  For Windows3.x you
can do the same thing using the ICU under Windows 3.x.  A few modems
have a way to disable PnP in the modem hardware using software (under
Windows) that came with the modem.

<sect2> All Modems <label id="all_modems">
<p> Plug the modem into a telephone line.  Then  configure a
dialing program.  If you have an  Internet Service Provider (ISP) you
might configure one of these : wvdial, gnome-ppp, modem lights (Gnome)
or kppp.  They not only dial out but start PPP, which you need to
connect to the Internet.  Otherwise, you might try configuring the
minicom dialer which isn't designed for connecting to the Internet,
but is good for testing.  Whether it's minicom or a dialer that starts
PPP, set the serial port speed to a baud rate a few times higher than
the bit rate of your modem.  See <ref id="speed_table" name="Speed
Table"> for more details on the "best" speeds to use.  Tell it the
full name of your serial port such as /dev/ttyS1 (or /dev/ttys/1).

Minicom is one way to set up and test your modem.  Set hardware flow
control (RTS/CTS).  With minicom you may check to see if your modem is
there (and ready to dial).  Once you've set up minicom, type the
command: AT, hit enter and you should see an "OK" response which comes
directly from the modem.  See <ref id="minicom_" name="Dialing Out
with Minicom">.

<sect> Modems for a Linux PC
<sect1> External vs. Internal <label id="int_vs_ext">
<p> A modem for a PC may be either internal or external.  The
internal one is installed inside of your PC (you must remove screws,
etc. to install it) and the external one just plugs into a serial port
connector on a PC.  Internal modems are less expensive, are less
likely to to suffer data loss due to buffer overrun, usually use less
electricity, and use up no space on your desk.

External modems are usually easier to install and usually require less
configuration.  They have lights which may give you a clue as to what
is happening and aid in troubleshooting.  The fact that the serial
port and modem can be physically separated also aids in
troubleshooting.  External modems are easy to move to another
computer.  If you need to turn the power off to reset your modem (this
is seldom necessary) then with an external you don't have to power
down the entire PC.

Unfortunately most external modems have no switch to turn off the
power supply when not in use and thus are likely to consume a little
electricity even when turned off (unless you unplug the power supply
from the wall).  Each watt they draw usually costs you over $1/yr.
Another possible disadvantage of an external is that you will be
forced to use an existing serial port which may not support a speed of
over 115,200 bps (although as of late 2000 most new internal modems
don't either --but some do).  For details <ref id="high_speed"
name="Can't Set a High Enough Speed">

Internal modems present a special problem for Linux, but will work
just as well as external modems provided you avoid the ones that will
work only for MS Windows.   Configuring them ranges from very easy
(automatically) to difficult depending on both the modem, your skills,
and how easy it is to find info about your modem --info that is not
all in this HOWTO.  Some of the modems will work only under MS Windows
due to lack of Linux modem drivers (for software modems).  If you buy
a new one that you're not sure will work under Linux, try to get an
agreement that you can return it for a refund if it doesn't work out.

While most new modems are plug-and-play you have various ways to deal
with the PnP configuring:
<item> The serial driver does it all for you (more likely for a PCI modem)
<item> Use the "isapnp" program
<item> Let a PnP BIOS do the configuring
The last 2 items of the above have shortcomings.  Isapnp documentation
is difficult to understand although reading the Plug-and-Play-HOWTO
(long) will aid in understanding it.  If you want the PnP BIOS to do
the configuring, all you need to do is to make sure that it knows that
you don't have a PnP operating system.  But it may not do it correctly
and you may need to find out what it's done see <ref
id="io-irq_in_hdw" name="What is set in my serial port hardware?">.

Many Linux users still say that it's a lot simpler just to get an
external modem and plug it in.  But if you get the right internal
modem it may be just as easy.

<sect1> Is a Driver Needed ?
<p> Hardware modems (including all serial external modems) don't
really need any modem driver.  But any software modem (winmodem,
linmodem) must have a modem driver (if it exists for Linux).  The
serial port the modem resides on does need a driver and it's supplied
either as a Linux serial module or compiled into the kernel.  Any
serial driver for a PCI Modem should install automatically since they
are detected by system software.  

Software modems require software to run them and obviously do need a
driver.  The drivers for MS Windows are *.exe programs which will not
run under Linux.  So you must use a Linux driver (if it exists).  See
<ref id="soft_modem" name="Software-based Modems (winmodems,

<sect1> External Modems
<sect2> PnP External Modems
<p> Many external modems are labeled "Plug and Play" (PnP) but they
should all work fine as non-PnP modems.  While the serial port itself
may need to be configured (IRQ number and IO address) unless the
default configuration is OK, an external modem uses no such IRQ/IO
configuration.  You just plug the modem into the serial port.

How can an external modem be called PnP since it can't be configured
by PnP?   Well, it has a special PnP identification built into it that
can be read (thru the serial port) by a PnP operating system.  Such an
operating system would then know that you have a modem on a certain
port and would also know the id number.  If it's a software modem, it
could try to locate a driver for it.  It could also tell application
programs what port your modem is on.  (such as /dev/ttyS2 or COM3).
But since you don't have such a PnP operating system you may need to
configure your application program manually by giving it the /dev id
(such as /dev/ttyS2).  Some programs can probe for a modem on various

<sect2> Cabling & Installation
<p> Connecting an external modem is simple compared to connecting
most other devices to a serial port that require various types of
"null modem" cables (which will not work for modems).  Modems use
straight through cable, with no pins crossed over.  Most computer
stores should have this.  Make sure you get the correct gender and
number of pins.  Hook up your modem to one of your serial ports.  If
you are willing to accept the default IRQ and IO address of the port
you connect it to, then you are ready to start your communication
program and configure the modem itself.

<sect2> What the Lights (LED's) Mean (for some external modems)
<item> TM Test Modem
<item> AA Auto Answer (If on, your modem will answer an incoming call)
<item> RD Receive Data line = RxD
<item> SD Send Data line = TxD
<item> TR data Terminal Ready = DTR (set by your PC)
<item> RI Ring Indicator (If on, someone is "ringing" your modem)
<item> OH Off Hook (If off, your modem has hung up the phone line)
<item> MR Modem Ready = DSR ??
<item> EC Error Correction
<item> DC Data Compression
<item> HS High Speed (for this modem)

<sect1> Internal Modems
<p> An internal modem is installed in a PC by taking off the cover of
the PC and inserting the modem card into a vacant slot on the
motherboard.  There are modems for PCI slots,  other modems for the
older ISA slots, and ARM software "modems" for the new small AMR slot.
Some new PCs don't have any ISA slots.   Only some newer PCs will have
ARM slots.  While external modems plug into the serial port (via a
short cable) the internal modems have the serial port built into the
modem.  In other words, the modem card is both a serial port and a

Setting the IO address and IRQ for a serial port was formerly done by
jumpers on the card.  These are little black rectangular "cubes" about
5x4x2 mm in size which push in over pins on the card.  Plug-and-Play
modems (actually the serial port part of the modems) don't use jumpers
for setting these but instead are configured by sending configuration
commands to them over the bus inside the computer.  Such configuration
commands can be sent by a PnP BIOS, by the isapnp program (for the ISA
bus only), by setpci (for the PCI bus), or by newer serial device
drivers for certain modems.  Under Linux you may have a choice of how
to configure the ones that don't get io-irq configured by the serial

<item>ISA bus: Use "isapnp" which may be run automatically at
 every boot-time
<item> Let a PnP BIOS do it, and then maybe tell setserial the IO and
<item>PCI bus: Use lspci -vv to look at it and setpci to configure.

See <ref id="quick_install" name="Quick Install"> for more details,
especially for the PCI bus.

<sect1> Software-based Modems (winmodems, linmodems)
  <label id="soft_modem">
<sect2> Introduction to software modems (winmodems)
<p> Software modems turn over some (or even almost all) of the work of
the modem to the main processor (CPU) chip of your computer (such as a
Pentium chip).  This requires special software (a modem driver) to do
the job.  Until late 1999, such software was released only for MS
Windows and wouldn't work with Linux.  Even worse was that the maker
of the modem kept the interface to the modem secret so that no one
could write a Linux driver for it (even though a few volunteers were
willing to write Linux drivers).

But things have improved some since then so that today (late 2001)
many such modems do have a linux driver.  There is no standard
interface so that different brands/models of software-modems need
different drivers (unless the different brands/models happen to use
the same chipset internally).

Another name for a software modem (used by MS) is "driver-based
modem".  The conventional hardware-based modem (that works with Linux)
doesn't need a modem driver (but does use the Linux serial driver)
After about mid-1998 most new internal modems were software modems.

Software modems fall into 2 categories: linmodems and winmodems.
Winmodems will only work under MS Windows.  Linmodems will work under
Linux (but formerly were mostly winmodems so some still call them
"winmodems").  The term "Winmodem" is also a trademark for a certain
model of "winmodem" but that's not the meaning of it in this document.

<sect2> Linmodems
<p> In late 1999, two software-based modems appeared that could work
under Linux and were thus called "linmodems".  Lucent Technologies
(LT) unofficially released a Linux binary-only code to support most of
its PCI modems.  PC-TEL (includes "Zoltrix") introduced a new
software-based modem for Linux.  After that, interest increased for
getting winmodems to work under linux.  There is a GPL'ed driver for
Intel's (Modem Silicon Operations) MD563x HaM chipset (nee Ambient
division of Cirrus Logic).  As of mid-2001 there are also drivers for:
Conexant HSF and HCF, Motorola SM56, ESS (ISA only), and IBM's Mwave
for Thinkpads 600+.

What percent of software modems now (2001) work under Linux?  Well,
there's a number of modem chips not supported: Lucent/Agere ARM
(Scorpio), 3COM/US Robotics, some SmartLink (3 different chipsets),
Ambient HSP, and possibly others.  But there might be support for some
of these by the time you read this.  So it seems that over half the
software modem chips are now supported (as of late 2001).

Be warned in advance that determining if your modem is a linmodem may
or may not be easy.  You may need to first find out what chipset you
have and who makes it.  Just knowing the brand and model number of
your modem may not be sufficient.  There are complex ways to find this
out using say "lspci" (more than once) and then looking up the chip
maker using the long modem number.  This requires checking a database
or searching the Internet.  It's not always simple.  It could happen
that you will put a fair amount of effort into this only to get the
bad news that your modem isn't supported.  See Linmodem-HOWTO for more

<sect2> Linmodem sites and documentation
<item>Winmodems-and-Linux-HOWTO (not as well written as Linmodem-HOWTO)
<item> <url url=""> is a project to turn winmodems
 into linmodems.  Has a mailing list.
<item><url url="" 
 name="modem list">.  Has links to linmodem info.
<item> PCTel-HSP-MicroModem-Configuration-mini-HOWTO

<sect2> Software-based modem types
<p> There are two basic types of software modems.  In one type the
software does almost all of the work.  The other is where the software
only does the "control" operations (which is everything except
processing the digital waveshapes --to be explained later).  Since the
hardware doesn't do the control it's called a "controllerless" modem.
The first type is an all-software modem (sometimes just called a
software modem).

For both of these types there must be analog hardware in the modem to
generate an electrical waveshape to send out the phone line.  It's
generated from a digital signal (which is sort of a "digital
waveshape").  It's something like the digital electronics creates a
lot of discrete points on graph paper and then the modem draws a
smooth curve thru them.  There must also be hardware to convert the
incoming waveshape to digital.  This is just analog-to-digital
conversion (and conversely).  It's done by a codec (coder-decoder).

Then this digital waveshape must be converted to a data byte stream.
This is known as demodulation, while turning data bytes into a digital
waveshape is known as modulation.  The modem can't just send an
incoming data byte stream to the PC but must first do decompression,
error correction, and convert from serial to the parallel bus of the
computer.  Likewise for an outgoing data byte stream.

The difference between the two types of software-based modems is where
the digital modulation takes place.  In the all-software modem this
modulation is done in the CPU using a Host Signal Processor (HSP).  In
the controllerless modem it's done in the modem but all other digital
work is done by the CPU.  This other digital work consists of dealing
with AT-commands, data compression, error correction, and simulating a
serial port.  In the all-software modem, there are still two items
handled by hardware: the A/D conversion of waveshapes by the codec and
echo cancellation.

<sect2> Is this modem a software modem?
<p> How do you determine if an internal modem is a software modem?
First see if the name, description of it, or even the name of the MS
Windows driver for it indicates it's a software modem: HSP (Host
Signal Processor) , HCF (Host Controlled Family), HSF (Host Signal
Family), controllerless, host-controlled, host-based, and soft-...
modem.  If it's one of these modem it will only work for the cases
where a Linux driver is available.  Since software modems cost less, a
low price is a clue that it's a software modem.

If you don't know the model of the modem and you also have Windows on
your Linux PC, click on the "Modem" icon in the "Control Panel".  Then
check out the modem list (see <ref id="web_sites" name="Web Sites">.
If the above doesn't work (or isn't feasible), you can look at the
package it came in (or a manual).   Read the section on the package
that says something like "Minimum System Requirements" or just "System

A hardware modem will work fine on old CPUs (such as the 386 or
better).  So if it requires a modern CPU (such as a Pentium or other
"high speed" CPU of say over 150 MHz) this is a clue that it's a
all-software modem.  If it only requires a 486 CPU (or better) then
it's likely a host-controlled software modem.   Saying that it only
works with Windows is also bad news.  However, even in this case there
may be a Linux driver for it.

Otherwise, it may be a hardware modem if it fails to state explicitly
that you must have Windows.  By saying it's "designed for Windows" it
may only mean that it fully supports Microsoft's plug-and-play which
is OK since Linux uses the same plug-and-play specs (but it's harder
to configure under Linux).  Being "designed for Windows" thus gives no
clue as to whether or not it will work under Linux.  You might check
the Website of the manufacturer or inquire via email.  Some
manufacturers are specifically stating that certain models work under
Linux.  Sometimes they are linmodems that require you to obtain and
install a certain linmodem driver.

<sect2> Should I get a software modem?
<p> Only if you know there is a Linux driver for it that works OK.
Besides the problems of getting a driver, what are the pros and cons
of software modems?  Since the software modem uses the CPU to do some
(or all) of its work, the software modem requires less on-board
electronics and thus costs less.  At the same time, the CPU work load
is increased by the modem which may result in slower operation.

The percentage of loading of the CPU by the modem depends on both what
CPU you have and whether or not it's an all-software modem.  For a
modern CPU and a modem that only uses the CPU as a controller, there's
little loss of performance.  Even if it's an all-software modem, you
will not suffer a loss of performance if there are no other
CPU-intensive tasks are running at the same time.  Of course, when
you're not using the software modem there is no degradation in
performance at all.

Is the modem cost savings worth it?  In many cases yes, especially if
you don't use the modem much and/or are not running any other CPU
intensive tasks when the modem is in use.  The savings in modem cost
could be used for a better CPU which would speed things up a little.
But the on-board electronics of a modem can do the job more
efficiently than a general purpose CPU (except that it's not efficient
at all when it's not in use).  So if you use the modem a lot it's
probably better to avoid all-software modems (and then you can use a
less powerful CPU :-).

<sect1> PCI Modems <label id="PCIm">
<p> A PCI modem card is one which inserts into a PCI-bus slot on the
motherboard of a PC.  While many PCI winmodems will not work under
Linux (no driver available) other PCI modems will work under Linux.
The Linux serial driver has been modified to support certain PCI
hardware modem cards (but not winmodems/linmodems).  If it's a
linmodem, it will work only if you install a certain linmodem driver.
If the Linux serial driver supports your hardware modem then the
driver will set up the PnP configuration for you.  See <ref
id="PCI_ser_conf" name="PCI Bus Support Underway">.  If no special
support for your PCI hardware modem is in the Linux serial driver it
may still work OK but you have to do some work to configure it.

<sect1>AMR Modems
<p>These are all winmodems that insert into a special AMR (Audio Modem
Riser) slot on the motherboard.  Audio cards are sometimes used in this
slot.  The slot's main use is for HSF type modems where the CPU does
almost all of the work.  This results in a small modem card and thus a
short AMR slot.  Such a "modem" is actually little more than a codec
which transforms digital signals representing an analog voltage wave
into the analog wave itself (and conversely).  Linux supports at least
one of them.

<sect1> USB Modems <label id="usb_">
<p>USB = Universal Serial Bus.  Some USB modems work with Linux and
some don't.  Linux has support for modems that conform to the USB
Communication Device Class Abstract Control Model (= USB CDC ACM).
There's a module for ACM named acm.o.  See the /usb/acm.txt document in
the kernel documentation directory (/usr/share/doc/kernel-doc-2.4.x in
Debian, perhaps /usr/doc/kernel... in some distributions).  The ACM
"serial port" for the first (0th) such modem is: /dev/usb/acm/0 or
possibly /dev/usb/ttyACM0.  This should be the case regardless of
whether or not you use the new "device file system".  It's not really
a serial port, but the driver makes it look like a serial port to
software which uses the modem.

<sect1> Which Internal Modems might not work with Linux <label id="m_to_avoid">
<item> <ref id="soft_modem" name="Software-based Modems (winmodems,
 linmodems)"> Only about half have a Linux driver available.
<item> <ref id="dsp_" name="MWave and DSP Modems"> might work, but only if
   you first start Windows/Dos each time you power on your PC
<item> Modems with <ref id="rpi_" name="RPI (Rockwell)"> drivers work
   but with reduced performance

<sect2> MWave and some DSP Modems <label id="dsp_">
<p> Note that there's now a Linux driver for the ACP (Mwave) modem
used in IBM Thinkpads 600+.  See the mini-HOWTO: ACP-Modem.

While hardware modems used use DSPs (Digital Signal Processors) some
of these DSPs are programmed by a driver which must be downloaded from
the hard disk to the DSPs memory just before using the modem.
Unfortunately, such downloading is normally done by Dos/Windows
programs (which doesn't work for Linux).  But there has been
substantial success in getting some of these modems to work with
Linux.  For example, there is a Linux driver available to run a Lucent
(DSP) modem.

Ordinary modems that work fine with Linux (without needing a driver
for the modem) often have a DSP too (and may mention this on the
packaging), but the program that runs the DSP is stored inside the
modem.  These work fine under Linux.  An example of a DSP modem that
has problems working under Linux is the old IBM's Aptiva MWAVE.

One way to get some DSP modems to work with Linux is to boot from DOS
(if you have it on your Linux PC).  You first install the driver under
DOS (using DOS and not Window drivers).  Then start Dos/Windows and
start the driver for the modem so as to program the DSP.  Then without
turning off the computer, start Linux.

One may write a "batch" file (actually a script) to do this.  Here is
an example but you must modify it to suit your situation.
rem mwave is a batch file supplied by the modem maker
call c:\mww\dll\mwave start
rem loadlin.exe is a DOS program that will boot Linux from DOS (See
rem Config-HOWTO).
c:\linux\loadlin f:\vmlinuz root=/dev/hda3 ro

One may create an icon for the Window's desktop which points to such a
batch file and set the icon properties to "Run in MSDOS Mode".  Then
by clicking on this icon one sets up the modem and goes to Linux.
Another possible way to boot Linux from DOS is to press CTRL-ALT-DEL
and tell it to reboot (assuming that you have set things up so that
you can boot directly into Linux).  The modem remains on the same com
port (same IO address) that it used under DOS.

The Newcom ifx modem needs a small kernel patch to work correctly
since its simulation of a serial port is non-standard.  The patch and
other info for using this modem with Linux is at <url

<sect2> Rockwell (RPI) Drivers <label id="rpi_">
<p> Some older Rockwell chips need Rockwell RPI (Rockwell
Protocol Interface) drivers for compression and error correction.
They can still be used with Linux even though the driver software
works only under MS Windows.  This is because the MS Windows software
(which you don't have) does only compression and error correction.  If
you are willing to operate the modem without compression and error
correction then it's feasible to use it with Linux.  To do this you
will need to disable RPI by sending the modem (via the initialization
string) a "RPI disable" command each time you power on your modem.  On
my old modem this command was +H0.  Not having data compression
available makes it slower to get webpages but is just as fast when
downloading files that are already compressed.

<sect> Modem Pools
<sect1> Introduction
<p> These are multiple modems which might be used by an ISP or by an
organization that has a number of phone lines for dialing in and out.
There are two types of modem pools: analog and digital.  An ISP will
use digital so that they can support 56k (V.90, V.92) modems at near
maximum speed.

A modem pool could be a number of modems on the same card (such as an
analog multi-port modem card) or many modems in an external chassis
(something like an external modem).  The modems may be analog modems
similar to modems used for home/office PCs (can't send above 33.6k
even if they are "56k modems").  They also could be "digital modems"
which can send at nearly 56k (if you have a good line).  The "digital
modems" require a digital connection to the telephone line and don't
use any serial ports at all.  All of these modem pools will require
that you install special drivers for them.

<sect1> Analog Modem Pools, Multi-modem Cards 

<p> A "multimodem card" is short for "multiport modem card".  Some put
a hyphen after "multi": multi-modem or multi-port.  An analog modem
pool is just many analog modems (the common home/office modem)
provided either on an internal plug-in card or in an external chassis.
Each modem comes with a built-in serial port.  There is usually a
system of sharing interrupts or of handling interrupts by their own
electronics, thus removing much of this burden from the CPU.  Note
that these modems are not "digital modems" and will thus not be able
to use 56k for people who dial-in.

Here is a list of some companies that make analog multiport modem
cards which plug into slots in a PC.  8 modems/card is common.  The
cards listed claim to work with Linux and the websites should point
you to a driver for them.

Multi-modem Cards (analog, not digital):
<item> Equinox SST Multi-modem. PCI, 56k, 4 or 8 ports<newline>
 <url url="">

<item> MultiModemISI by Multi-Tech Systems.  56k or 33.6k, PCI, 
 4 or 8 ports.  ISDN/56k hybrids.<newline>
 <url url="">

<item> PCI-RAS cards by Perle. 56k, 4 or 8 ports.<newline>

<item> RocketModem by Comtrol.  ISA 33.6k, 4 or 8 port.<newline>
 <url url="">

<item> RocketModem II by Comtrol.  PCI 56k, 4 or 6 port<newline>
 <url url="">

<item> RockForce. 56k, 2 or 4 port Two port V.92/V.44<newline>
 <url url="">
#RockForce+ Two port V.90 (
#RockForceDUO Two port V.92/V.44 (
#RockForceQUATRO Four port V.92/V.44 (
#RockForceDUO+ Two port V.92/V.44/V.34 SuperG3 Fax =
#RockForceQUATRO+ Four port V.92/V.44/V.34 SuperG3 Fax =
<item> Multi-modem communication adapters by Digi.

<sect1> Digital Modems, RAS <label id="digital_modem">
<p> "digital modems" are much different than the analog modems that
most people use in their PCs.  They require a digital connection to
the telephone line and don't use serial ports for the interface to the
computer.  Instead, they interface directly to a computer bus via a
special card(s) (which may also contain the "digital modems").  They are
able to send at near 56k, something no analog modem can do.  They are
often a component of "remote access servers" (RASs) or "digital modem

The cables from the phone company that carry digital signals have been
designed for high bandwidth so that the same cable carries multiple
telephone calls.  It's done by "time-division multiplexing".  A single
phone call in a cable is carried on two different channels, one for
each direction.  So the RAS must connect each such channel-pair to the
appropriate "digital modem" that services that phone call.  Such tasks
are done by what is sometimes called a "...  concentrator".

Now the digital signal received by a "digital modem" may really
represent an analog signal which has been sent to it by an analog
modem.  One way to deal with it would be to convert it to an analog
signal and then put that thru an analog modem to get the digital data
sent by the analog modem.  But why do all this work?  Since the signal
is already in digital form, why not process it digitally?   That's how
it's done.  The digital signal is processed and converted to another
digital stream of bytes which represents data bytes sent by the analog
modem.  A "digital signal processor" (DSP) is commonly used for this
task.  A CPU could also handle it but it would be heavily loaded.

Likewise, a "digital modem" must handle sending digital signals in the
opposite direction from a RAS to a digital telephone line.  Thus it
only makes digital-to-digital conversions and doesn't deal in analog
at all.  It thus is not really a modem at all since it doesn't
modulate any analog carrier.  So the name "digital modem" is a
misnomer but it does do the job formerly done by modems.  Thus some
"digital modems" call themselves "digital signal processors", or
"remote access servers", etc. and may not even mention the word

Such a RAS system may be a stand-alone proprietary server, a chassis
containing digital modems that connects to a PC via a special
interface card, or just a card itself.  Digi calls one such card a
"remote access server concentrator adapter".   One incomplete
description of what is needed to become an ISP is: See <url
name="What do I need to be an ISP?">.  Cyclades promotes their own
products here so please do comparison shopping before buying anything.

<sect> Serial Port and Modem Basics <label id="basics_">
<!-- basics.H  begin   <sect> Serial Port and Modem Basics
 or <sect> Serial Port Basics  In SS and MM -->
<!-- Change log:
Nov. '99: 2 serial drivers concurrently NG
Sept. '00: data flow diagram
Dec. '00 flow control +
July '01 done -> down
Feb. '02 4k buffer -> 8k
Feb. '03: UARTs with auto flow control.  Rewrite of Flow Control.
Mar. '03: Flip buffer (the 4th buffer)
Apr. '03: flow control clarity, RTS -> CTS re modems
<!-- ifdef MODEM_ -->
<p> You don't have to understand the basics to use and install a
modem.  But understanding it may help to determine what is wrong if
you run into problems.  After reading this section, if you want to
understand it even better you may want to see <ref
id="how_modems_work" name="How Modems Work"> in this document (not yet
complete).  More details on the serial port (including much of this
section) will be found in Serial-HOWTO.

<sect1> Modem Converts Digital to Analog (and conversely)
<p> Most all telephone main lines are digital already but the lines
leading to your house (or business) are usually analog which means
that they were designed to transmit a voltage wave which is an exact
replica of the sound wave coming out of your mouth.  Such a voltage
wave is called "analog".  If viewed on an oscilloscope it looks like a
sine wave of varying frequency and amplitude.  A digital signal is
like a square wave.  For example 3 v (volts) might be a 1-bit and 0 v
could be a 0-bit.  For most serial ports (used by external modems) +12
v is a 0-bit and -12 v is a 1-bit (some are + or - 5 v).

To send data from your computer over the phone line, the modem takes
the digital signal from your computer and converts it to "analog".  It
does this by both creating an analog sine wave and then "MODulating"
it.  Since the result still represents digital data, it could also be
called a digital signal instead of analog.  But it looks something
like an analog signal and almost everyone calls it analog.  At the
other end of the phone line another modem "DEModulates" this signal
and the pure digital signal is recovered.  Put together the "mod" and
"dem" parts of the two words above and you get "modem" (if you drop
one of the two d's).  A "modem" is thus a MODulator-DEModulator.  Just
what modulation is may be found in the section <ref id="modulate_"
name="Modulation Details">.
<!-- ifdef MODEM end -->

<sect1> What is a Serial Port ?
<sect2> Intro to Serial
<p> The UART serial port (or just "serial port for short" is an I/O (Input/Output) device.
<!-- ifdef MODEM_ -->
Since modems have a serial port between them and the computer,
it's necessary to understand the serial port as well as the modem.
<!-- ifdef MODEM end -->

Most PC's have one or two serial ports.  Each has a 9-pin connector
(sometimes 25-pin) on the back of the computer.  Computer programs can
send data (bytes) to the transmit pin (output) and receive bytes from
the receive pin (input).  The other pins are for control purposes and

The serial port is much more than just a connector.  It converts the
data from parallel to serial and changes the electrical representation
of the data.  Inside the computer, data bits flow in parallel (using
many wires at the same time).  Serial flow is a stream of bits over a
single wire (such as on the transmit or receive pin of the serial
connector).  For the serial port to create such a flow, it must
convert data from parallel (inside the computer) to serial on the
transmit pin (and conversely).

Most of the electronics of the serial port is found in a computer chip
(or a part of a chip) known as a UART.  For more details on UARTs
see the section
 "What are UARTS" in the Serial-HOWTO. 

But you may want to finish this section first so that you will
hopefully understand how the UART fits into the overall scheme of

<sect2> Pins and Wires
<p> Old PC's used 25 pin connectors but only about 9 pins were
actually used so today most connectors are only 9-pin.  Each of the 9
pins usually connects to a wire.  Besides the two wires used for
transmitting and receiving data, another pin (wire) is signal ground.
The voltage on any wire is measured with respect to this ground.  Thus
the minimum number of wires to use for 2-way transmission of data is
3.  Except that it has been known to work with no signal ground wire
but with degraded performance and sometimes with errors.

There are still more wires which are for control purposes (signalling)
only and not for sending bytes.  All of these signals could have been
shared on a single wire, but instead, there is a separate dedicated
wire for every type of signal.  Some (or all) of these control wires
are called "modem control lines".  Modem control wires are either in
the asserted state (on) of +12 volts or in the negated state (off) of
-12 volts.  One of these wires is to signal the computer to stop
sending bytes out the serial port cable.  Conversely, another wire
signals the device attached to the serial port to stop sending bytes
to the computer.  If the attached device is a modem, other wires may
tell the modem to hang up the telephone line or tell the computer that
a connection has been made or that the telephone line is ringing
(someone is attempting to call in).  See the Serial-HOWTO:
Pinout and Signals for more details.

<!-- ifdef MODEM_ -->
<sect2> Internal Modem Contains Serial Port
<p> For an internal modem there is no 9-pin connector but the behavior
is almost exactly as if the above mentioned cable wires existed.
Instead of a a 12 volt signal in a wire giving the state of a modem
control line, the internal modem may just use a status bit in its own
memory (a register) to determine the state of this non-existent
"wire".  The internal modem's serial port looks just like a real
serial port to the computer.  It even includes the speed limits that
one may set at ordinary serial ports such as 115200 bits/sec.
Unfortunately for Linux, many internal modems today don't work exactly
this way but instead use software (running on the CPU) to do much of
the modem's work.  Unfortunately, such software is often only
available for the MS Windows OS (it hasn't been ported to Linux).
Thus you can't use most of these modems with Linux See <ref
id="soft_modem" name="Software-based Modems (winmodems)">.

<sect1> IO Address & IRQ
<p> Since the computer needs to communicate with each serial port, the
operating system must know that each serial port exists and where it
is (its I/O address).  It also needs to know which wire (IRQ number)
the serial port must use to request service from the computer's CPU.
It requests service by sending an interrupt on this wire.  Thus every
serial port device must store in its non-volatile memory both its I/O
address and its Interrupt ReQuest number: IRQ.  See <ref
id="interrupt_" name="Interrupts">.  For the PCI bus it doesn't work
exactly this way since the PCI bus has its own system of interrupts.
But since the PCI-aware BIOS sets up chips to map these PCI interrupts
to IRQs, it seemingly behaves just as described above except that
sharing of interrupts is allowed (2 or more devices may use the same
IRQ number).

I/O addresses are not the same as memory addresses.  When an I/O
addresses is put onto the computer's address bus, another wire is
energized.  This both tells main memory to ignore the address and
tells all devices which have I/O addresses (such as the serial port)
to listen to the address to see if it matches the device's.  If the
address matches, then the I/O device reads the data on the data bus.

<sect1> Names: ttyS0, ttyS1, etc.
<p> The serial ports are named ttyS0, ttyS1, etc. (and usually
correspond respectively to COM1, COM2, etc. in DOS/Windows).  The /dev
directory has a special file for each port.  Type "ls /dev/ttyS*" to
see them.  Just because there may be (for example) a ttyS3 file,
doesn't necessarily mean that there exists a physical serial port

Which one of these names (ttyS0, ttyS1, etc.) refers to which
physical serial port is determined as follows.  The serial driver
(software) maintains a table showing which I/O address corresponds to
which ttyS.  This mapping of names (such as ttyS1) to I/O addresses
(and IRQ's) may be both set and viewed by the "setserial" command.
See <ref id="set_serial" name="What is Setserial">.  This does
<tt/not/ set the I/O address and IRQ in the hardware itself (which is
set by jumpers or by plug-and-play software).  Thus which physical port
corresponds to say ttyS1 depends both on what the serial driver thinks
(per setserial) and what is set in the hardware.  If a mistake has
been made, the physical port may not correspond to any name (such as
ttyS2) and thus it can't be used.  See <ref id="ttySN_" name="Serial
Port Devices /dev/ttyS2, etc."> for more details>

<sect1> Interrupts <label id="interrupt_">
<!-- ifdef MODEM_ -->
Bytes come in over the phone line to the modem, are converted from
analog to digital by the modem and passed along to the serial port on
their way to their destination inside your computer.
<!-- ifdef MODEM end -->
When the serial port receives a number of bytes (may be set to 1, 4,
8, or 14) into its FIFO buffer, it signals the CPU to fetch them by
sending an electrical signal known as an interrupt on a certain wire
normally used only by that port.  Thus the FIFO waits until it has
received a number of bytes and then issues an interrupt.

However, this interrupt will also be sent if there is an unexpected
delay while waiting for the next byte to arrive (known as a timeout).
Thus if the bytes are being received slowly (such as from someone
typing on a terminal keyboard) there may be an interrupt issued for
every byte received.  For some UART chips the rule is like this: If 4
bytes in a row could have been received in an interval of time, but
none of these 4 show up, then the port gives up waiting for more bytes
and issues an interrupt to fetch the bytes currently in the FIFO.  Of
course, if the FIFO is empty, no interrupt will be issued.

Each interrupt conductor (inside the computer) has a number (IRQ) and
the serial port must know which conductor to use to signal on.  For
example, ttyS0 normally uses IRQ number 4 known as IRQ4 (or IRQ 4).  A
list of them and more will be found in "man setserial" (search for
"Configuring Serial Ports").  Interrupts are issued whenever the
serial port needs to get the CPU's attention.  It's important to do
this in a timely manner since the buffer inside the serial port can
hold only 16 incoming bytes.  If the CPU fails to remove such received
bytes promptly, then there will not be any space left for any more
incoming bytes and the small buffer may overflow (overrun) resulting
in a loss of data bytes.

<!-- ifdef MODEM_ -->
For an external modem, there may be no way (such as flow control) to
stop the flow rapidly enough to prevent such an overrun.  For an
internal modem, the 16-byte FIFO buffer is on the same card and a good
modem will not write to it if it's full.  Thus a good internal modem
will not overrun the 16-byte buffers but it may need to use <ref
id="M-M_flow_c" name="Modem-to-Modem Flow Control"> to prevent the
modem itself from being overrun.  This is one advantage of an internal
modem over an external.  <!-- ifdef MODEM end -->

Interrupts are also issued when the serial port has just sent out all
of its bytes from its small transmit FIFO buffer out the external
cable.  It then has space for 16 more outgoing bytes.  The interrupt
is to notify the CPU of that fact so that it may put more bytes in the
small transmit buffer to be transmitted.  Also, when a modem control
line changes state, an interrupt is issued.

The buffers mentioned above are all hardware buffers.  The serial port
also has large buffers in main memory.  This will be explained later

Interrupts convey a lot of information but only indirectly.  The
interrupt itself just tells a chip called the interrupt controller
that a certain serial port needs attention.  The interrupt controller
then signals the CPU.  The CPU then runs a special program to service
the serial port.  That program is called an interrupt service routine
(part of the serial driver software).  It tries to find out what has
happened at the serial port and then deals with the problem such a
transferring bytes from (or to) the serial port's hardware buffer.
This program can easily find out what has happened since the serial
port has registers at IO addresses known to the the serial driver
software.  These registers contain status information about the serial
port.  The software reads these registers and by inspecting the
contents, finds out what has happened and takes appropriate action.

<!-- ifdef MODEM_ -->
<sect1> Data Compression (by the Modem)
<p> Before continuing with the basics of the serial port, one needs to
understand about something done by the modem: data compression.  In
some cases this task is actually done by software run on the
computer's CPU but unfortunately at present, such software only works
for MS Windows.  The discussion here will be for the case where the
modem itself does the compression since this is what must happen in
order for the modem to work under Linux.

In order to send data faster over the phone line, one may compress
(encode it) using a custom encoding scheme which itself depends on the
data.  The encoded data is smaller than the original (less bytes) and
can be sent over the Internet in less time.  This process is called
"data compression".

If you download files from the Internet, they are likely already
compressed and it is not feasible for the modem to try to compress
them further.  Your modem may sense that what is passing thru has
already been compressed and refrain from trying a compress it any
more.  If you are receiving data which has been compressed by the
other modem, your modem will decompress it and create many more bytes
than were sent over the phone line.  Thus the flow of data from your
modem into your computer will be higher than the flow over the phone
line to you.  The ratio of this flow is called the compression ratio.
Compression ratios as high as 4 are possible, but not very likely.

<sect1> Error Correction
<p> Similar to data compression, modems may be set to do error
correction.  While there is some overhead cost involved which slows
down the byte/sec flow rate, the fact that error correction strips off
start and stop bits actually increases the data byte/sec flow rate.

For the serial port's interface with the external world, each 8-bit
byte has 2 extra bits added to it: a start-bit and a stop-bit.
Without error correction, these extra start and stop bits usually go
right thru the modem and out over the phone lines.  But when error
correction is enabled, these extra bits are stripped off and the 8-bit
bytes are put into packets.  This is more efficient and results in
higher byte/sec flow in spite of the fact that there are a few more
bytes added for packet headers and error correction purposes.
<!-- ifdef MODEM end -->

<!-- ifdef MODEM_ -->
<sect1> Data Flow (Speeds)
<p> Data (bytes representing letters, pictures, etc.) flows from your
computer to your modem and then out on the telephone line (and
conversely).  Flow rates (such as 56k (56000) bits/sec) are
(incorrectly) called "speed".  But almost everyone says "speed"
instead of "flow rate".  If there were no data compression the flow
rate from the computer to the modem would be about the same as the
flow rate over the telephone line.

Actually there are two different speeds to consider at your end of the
phone line:

<item> The speed on the phone line itself (DCE speed) modem-to-modem
<item> The speed from your computer's serial port to your modem (DTE speed)

When you dial out and connect to another modem on the other end of the
phone line, your modem often sends you a message like "CONNECT 28800"
or "CONNECT 115200".  What do these mean?  Well, its either the DCE
speed or the DTE speed. If it's higher than the advertised modem speed
it must be the DTE modem-to-computer speed.  This is the case for the
115200 speed shown above.  The 28800 must be a DCE (modem-to-modem)
speed since the serial port has no such speed.  One may configure the
modem to report either speed.  Some modems report both speeds and
report the modem-to-modem speed as (for example): CARRIER 28800.

If you have an internal modem you would not expect that there would be
any speed limit on the DTE speed from your modem to your computer
since you modem is inside your computer and is almost part of your
computer.  But there usually is since the modem contains a dedicated
serial port within it.  On some software modems there is no such speed

It's important to understand that the average speed is often less than
the specified speed, especially on the short DTE computer-to-modem
line.  Waits (or idle time) result in a lower average speed.  These
waits may include long waits of perhaps a second due to <ref
id="flow_control" name="Flow Control">.  At the other extreme there
may be very short waits (idle time) of several micro-seconds
separating the end of one byte and the start of the next byte.  In
addition, modems will fallback to lower speeds if the telephone line
conditions are less than pristine.

For a discussion of what DTE speed is best to use see section <ref
id="speed_" name="What Speed Should I Use">.
<!-- ifdef MODEM end -->

<sect1> Flow Control <label id="flow_control">
<p> Flow control means the ability to slow down the flow of bytes in a
wire.  For serial ports this means the ability to stop and then
restart the flow without any loss of bytes.  Flow control is needed
for modems and other hardware to allow a jump in instantaneous flow rates.

<sect2> Example of Flow Control
<p> For example, consider the case where you connect a 33.6k external
modem via a short cable to your serial port.  The modem sends and
receives bytes over the phone line at  33.6k bits per second (bps).
Assume it's not doing any data compression or error correction.  You
have set the serial port speed to 115,200 bits/sec (bps), and you are
sending data from your computer to the phone line.  Then the flow from
the your computer to your modem over the short cable is at 115.2k bps.
However the flow from your modem out the phone line is only 33.6k bps.
Since a faster flow (115.2k) is going into your modem than is coming
out of it, the modem is storing the excess flow (115.2k -33.6k = 81.6k
bps) in one of its buffers.  This buffer would soon overrun (run out
of free storage space) unless the high 115.2k flow is stopped.

But now flow control comes to the rescue.  When the modem's buffer is
almost full, the modem sends a stop signal to the serial port.  The
serial port passes on the stop signal on to the device driver and the
115.2k bps flow is halted.  Then the modem continues to send out data
at 33.6k bps drawing on the data it previous accumulated in its
buffer.  Since nothing is coming into this buffer, the number of bytes
in it starts to drop.  When almost no bytes are left in the buffer,
the modem sends a start signal to the serial port and the 115.2k flow
from the computer to the modem resumes.  In effect, flow control
creates an average flow rate in the short cable (in this case 33.6k)
which is significantly less than the "on" flow rate of 115.2k bps.
This is "start-stop" flow control.

In the above simple example it was assumed that the modem did no data
compression.  This could happen when the modem is sending a file
which is already compressed and can't be compressed further.  Now
let's consider the opposite extreme where the modem is compressing the
data with a high compression ratio.  In such a case the modem might
need an input flow rate of say 115.2k bps to provide an output (to the
phone line) of 33.6k bps (compressed data).  This compression ratio is
3.43 (115.2/33.6).   In this case the modem is able to compress the
115.2 bps PC-to-modem flow and send the same data (in compressed form)
out the phone line at 33.6bps.  There's no need for flow control here
so long as the compression ratio remains higher that 3.43.  But the
compression ratio varies from second to second and if it should drop
below 3.43, flow control will be needed 

In the above example, the modem was an external modem.  But the same
situation exists (as of early 2003) for most internal modems.  There is
still a speed limit on the PC-to-modem speed even though this flow
doesn't take place over an external cable.  This makes the internal
modems compatible with the external modems.

In the above example of flow control, the flow was from the computer to
a modem.  But there is also flow control which is used for the
opposite direction of flow: from a modem (or other device) to a
computer.  Each direction of flow involves 3 buffers: 1. in the modem
2. in the UART chip (called FIFOs) and 3. in main memory managed by the
serial driver.  Flow control protects all buffers (except the FIFOs)
from overflowing.  

Under Linux, the small UART FIFO buffers are not protected by flow
control but instead rely on a fast response to the interrupts they
issue.  Some UART chips can be set to do hardware flow control to
protect their FIFOs but Linux (as of early 2003) doesn't seem to
support it.  FIFO stand for "First In, First Out" which is the way it
handles bytes in a queue.  All the 3 buffers use the FIFO rule but
only the one in the UART is named "FIFO".   This is the essence of flow
control but there are still some more details.

<!-- ifdef MODEM_ -->
If you have set the highest PC-to-modem speed, you may not need flow
control in the direction from the modem to a PC.  For a complex
example of a case where it's needed see "Complex Flow Control Example"
in the Serial-HOWTO.  To slow down this incoming flow, your modem must
tell the other modem to stop sending.  See <ref id="M-M_flow_c"
name="Modem-to-Modem Flow Control">.
<!-- ifdef MODEM end -->

<sect2> Hardware vs. Software Flow Control
<p> If feasible, it's best to use "hardware" flow control that uses two
dedicated "modem control" wires to send the "stop" and "start"
signals.  Hardware flow control at the serial port works like this:
The two pins, RTS (Request to send) and CTS (Clear to send) are used.
When the computer is ready to receive date it asserts RTS by putting a
positive voltage on the RTS pin (meaning "Request To Send to me").
When the computer is not able to receive any more bytes, it negates
RTS by putting a negative voltage on the pin saying: "stop sending to
me".  The RTS pin is connected by the serial cable to another pin on
the modem, printer, terminal, etc.  This other pin's only function is
to receive the signal.

For the case of a modem this "other" pin will be the modem's RTS pin.
But for a printer, another PC, or a non-modem device, it's usually a
CTS pin so a "crossover" or "null modem" cable is required.  This
cable connects the CTS pin at one end with the RTS pin at the other
end (two wires since each end of the cable has a CTS pin).  For a
modem, a straight-thru cable is used.

For the opposite direction of flow a similar scheme is used.  For a
modem, the CTS pin is used to send the flow control signal to the CTS
pin on the PC.  For a non-modem, the RTS pin sends the signal.  Thus
modems and non-modems have the roles of their RTS and CTS pins
interchanged.  Some non-modems such as dumb terminals may use other
pins for flow control such as the DTR pin instead of RTS.

Software flow control uses the main receive and transmit wires to send
the start and stop signals.  It uses the ASCII control characters DC1
(start) and DC3 (stop) for this purpose.  They are just inserted into
the regular stream of data.  Software flow control is not only slower
in reacting but also does not allow the sending of binary data unless
special precautions are taken.  Since binary data will likely contain
DC1 and DC3, special means must be taken to distinguish between a DC3
that means a flow control stop and a DC3 that is part of the binary
code.  Likewise for DC1.
<!-- ifdef MODEM_ -->
To get software flow control to work for binary data requires both
modem (hardware) and software support

<sect2> Symptoms of No Flow Control
<p> Understanding flow-control theory can be of practical use.  For
example I used my modem to access the Internet and it seemed to work
fine.  But after a few months, I tried to send out long files from my PC
and a huge amount of retries and errors resulted but it finally
succeeded.  Receiving in the other direction (from my ISP to me) worked
fine.  The problem turned out to be a modem with flow control disabled.
My modem's buffer was overflowing (overrunning) on long outgoing files
since no "stop" signal was ever sent to my computer to halt sending to
the modem.  There was no problem in the direction from the modem to my
computer since the capacity (say 115.2 kbps) was always higher than
the flow from the telephone line.  But it was a problem in the other
direction where the PC would send at 115.2 kbps and the modem couldn't
handle this high flow resulting in overruns of the modem's buffer.
The fix was to enable flow control by putting into the modem's init
string an enable-flow-control command.

<sect2> Modem-to-Modem Flow Control <label id="M-M_flow_c">
<p> This is the flow control of the data sent over the telephone lines
between two modems.  It works as long as error correction is enabled.
Actually, even without error correction it's possible to enable
software flow control between modems but it may interfere with sending
binary data so it's not often used.  <!-- ifdef MODEM end -->

<sect1> Data Flow Path; Buffers
<p>It's been mention that there are 3 buffers for each direction of
flow (3 pairs altogether): 16-byte FIFO buffers (in the UART), a pair
of larger buffers inside a device connected to the serial port (such
as a modem), and a pair of buffers (say 8k) in main memory.
When an application program sends bytes to the serial port they first
get stashed in the transmit serial port buffer in main memory.  The
other member of the pair consists of a receive buffer for the
opposite direction of byte-flow.  Here's an example diagram for the
case of browsing the Internet with a browser.  Transmit data flow is
left to right while receive flow is right to left.  There is a
separate buffer for each direction of flow.

application	8k-byte		16-byte	       1k-byte	      tele-	
BROWSER ------- MEMORY -------- FIFO --------- MODEM -------- phone
program		buffer		buffer	       buffer	      line

For the transmit case, the serial device driver takes out say 16 bytes
from this transmit buffer (in main memory), one byte at a time and
puts them into the 16-byte transmit buffer in the serial UART for
transmission.  Once in that transmit buffer, there is no way to stop
them from being transmitted.  They are then transmitted to the
modem or (other device connected to the serial port) which also has a
fair sized (say 1k) buffer.  When the device driver (on orders from
flow control) stops the flow of outgoing bytes from the computer, what
it actually stops is the flow of outgoing bytes from the large
transmit buffer in main memory.  Even after this has happened and the
flow to the modem has stopped, an application program may keep sending
bytes to the 8k transmit buffer until it becomes fill.  At the same
time, the bytes stored in the FIFO and MODEM continue to be sent out
until these buffers empty.

When the memory buffer gets fill, the application program can't send
any more bytes to it (a "write" statement in a C_program blocks) and
the application program temporarily stops running and waits until some
buffer space becomes available.  Thus a flow control "stop" is
ultimately able to stop the program that is sending the bytes.  Even
though this program stops, the computer does not necessarily stop
computing since it may switch to running other processes while it's
waiting at a flow control stop.

The above was a little oversimplified in three ways.  First, some UARTs
can do automatic hardware flow control which can stop the transmission
out of the FIFO buffers if needed (not yet supported by Linux).
Second, while an application process is waiting to write to the
transmit buffer, it could possibly perform other tasks.  Third, the
serial driver (located between the memory buffer and the FIFO) has
it's own buffer (in main memory) used to process characters.

<!-- ifdef MODEM_ -->
<sect1> Modem Commands
<p> Commands to the modem are sent to it from the communication
software over the same conductor as used to send data.  The commands
are short ASCII strings.  Examples are "AT&amp;K3" for enabling
hardware flow control (RTS/CTS) between your computer and modem; and
"ATDT5393401 for Dialing the number 5393401.  Note all commands are
prefaced by "AT".   Some commands such as enabling flow control help
configure the modem.  Other commands such as dialing a number actually
do something.  There are about a hundred or so different possible
commands.  When your communication software starts running, it first
sends an "init" string of commands to the modem to configure it.  All
commands are sent on the ordinary data line before the modem dials (or
receives a call).

Once the modem is connected to another modem (on-line mode),
everything that is sent from your computer to your modem goes directly
to the other modem and is not interpreted by the modem as a command.
There is a way to "escape" from this mode of operation and go back to
command mode where everything sent to the modem will be interpreted as
a command.  The computer just sends "+++" with a specified time
spacing before and after it.  If this time spacing is correct, the
modem reverts to command mode.  Another way to do this is by a signal
on a certain modem control line.

There are a number of lists of modem commands on the Internet.  The
section <ref id="web_sites" name="Web Sites"> has links to a couple of
such web-sites.  Different models and brands of modems do not use
exactly the same set of such commands.  So what works for one modem
might not work for another.  Some common commands (not guaranteed to
work on all modems) are listed in this HOWTO in the section <ref
id="modem_conf" name="Modem Configuration">
<!-- ifdef MODEM end -->

<sect1> Serial Driver Module
<p> The device driver for the serial port is the software that
operates the serial port.  It is now provided as a serial module.
From kernel 2.2 on, this module will normally get loaded automatically
if it's needed.  In earlier kernels, you had to have <tt/kerneld/
running in order to do auto-load modules on demand.  Otherwise the
serial module needed to be explicitly listed in /etc/modules.  Before
modules became popular with Linux, the serial driver was usually built
into the kernel (and sometimes still is).  If it's built-in don't let
the serial module load or else you will have two serial drivers
running at the same time.  With 2 drivers there are all sorts of
errors including a possible "I/O error" when attempting to open a
serial port.  Use "lsmod" to see if the module is loaded.

When the serial module is loaded it displays a message on the screen
about the existing serial ports (often showing a wrong IRQ).  But once
the module is used by <tt/setserial/ to tell the device driver the
(hopefully) correct IRQ then you should see a second display similar
to the first but with the correct IRQ, etc.  See
"Serial Module" in the Serial-HOWTO.
See <ref id="set_serial" name="What is Setserial"> for more info on

<!-- basics.H end  -->

<sect> Configuring Overview
<p>Since each modem has an associated serial port and the port has both
hardware and software, there are three parts to configuring a modem:

<item>Locate the serial port hardware: IO address, IRQ; Done by PnP
 methods or jumpers, setserial.  See <ref id="locate_port" name="Locating
 the Serial Port: IO address IRQs"> <ref id="set_serial" name="What is
<item> Configure the serial port driver (high-level): Done by the
 communication program (stty-like).  Sets speed, flow control, etc.
 See <ref id="config_stty" name="Configuring the Serial Driver
 (high-level)"> See <ref id="stty_" name="What is stty ?">
<item> Configure the modem itself: Done by the communication program
 See <ref id="modem_conf" name="Modem Configuration">

The above omits a few other things that "setserial" can do besides
locating the serial ports.  But normally you don't need to use them.
Setserial may be used in the future to enable super-high speed.

Communication programs include <tt/minicom/, <tt/seyon/, or
<tt/wvdial/ (for PPP) and <tt/mgetty/ for dial-in.  Such
communication programs require that you configure them although the
default configuration they come with may only need a little tweaking.

Unfortunately the communication program doesn't locate the serial
port.  This "locating" is the low-level PnP configuring of the serial
port: setting its IO address and IRQ in both the hardware and the
driver.  If you are lucky, this will happen automatically when you
boot Linux.  Setting these in the hardware was formerly done by
jumpers and then running "setserial" but today it's done by
"Plug-and-Play" software.  You may still need "setserial".  So if the
serial driver can't find the serial port your modem is on, then you
can try to find it yourself per the next section but it may not be

<sect>Locating the Serial Port: IO address, IRQs <label id="locate_port">
<!-- locate.H begin (in MM, SS)
<sect>Configuring the Serial Port
Aug. 2001: removed mention of patch to convert Linux to a PnP OS;
better explanation of PCI
July 2001: Improve PCI part.  Remove "card" since serial ports are
often built into the motherboard.
Feb. 2003: Removed request to send info to Ted Tso.

<sect1> IO & IRQ Overview
<p> For a serial port to work properly, it must have both an IRQ and
an IO address.  Without an IO address, it can't be located and will not
work at all.  Without an IRQ it will need to use inefficient polling
methods for which one must set the IRQ to 0.  So every serial port
needs an IO address and IRQ.  In olden days this was set by jumpers on
a serial port card.  Today it's set by digital signals sent to the
hardware and this is part of "Plug-and-Play (PnP).  

The driver must also know both the IO address and IRQ so that it can
locate the port chip.   Modern serial port drivers (kernel 2.4) try to
determine this by PnP methods so one doesn't need to tell them (by
using "setserial").   Such a driver might also set an IO address or
enable the hardware.  But unfortunately, there is some PCI serial port
hardware that the driver doesn't recognize so you may need to enable
the port yourself.  See <ref id="pci_enabled" name="PCI: Enabling a
disabled port">

The driver also probes possible ISA serial port addresses to see if
there are any serial ports there.  This works for the case of jumpers
and sometimes works for a PnP port when the driver doesn't do PnP
(prior to kernel 2.4).

Locating the serial port by giving it an IRQ and IO address is
low-level configuring.  It's often automatically done by the serial
driver but sometimes you have to do it yourself.  What follows repeats
what was said above but in more detail.

The low-level configuring consists of assigning an IO address, IRQ,
and name (such as ttyS2).  This IO-IRQ pair must be set in both the
hardware and told to the serial driver.  Only the driver needs to know
the name.We could call this "io-irq" configuring for short.  The
"setserial" program is one way to tell the driver.  The other way is
for the driver to use PnP methods to determine/set the IO/IRQ and then
remember what it did.  For jumpers you must always use "setserial".
If you need to configure but don't understand certain details it's
easy to get into trouble.

When Linux starts, some effort is made to detect and configure
(low-level) a few serial ports.  Exactly what happens depends on your
BIOS, hardware, Linux distribution, etc.  If the serial ports work OK,
there may be no need for you to do any more low-level configuring.

If you're having problems with the serial ports, then you may need to
do low-level configuring.  If you have kernel 2.2 or lower, 
then you need to do it if you:

<item> Plan to use more than 2 ISA serial ports
<item> Are installing a new serial port (such as an internal modem)

For kernel 2.2+ you may be able to use more that 2 serial ports
without doing any low-level configuring by sharing interrupts.  All
PCI ports should support this but for ISA it only works for some
hardware.  It may be just as easy to give each port a unique interrupt
if they is available.  See <ref id="int_share-2.2" name="Interrupt
sharing and Kernels 2.2+">

The low-level configuring (setting the IRQ and IO address) seems to
cause people more trouble than the high-level stuff, although for many
it's fully automatic and there is no configuring to be done.  Until
the serial driver knows the correct IRQ and IO address, the port will
not usually not work at all.  Also, PnP ports can be disabled so that
they can't be found (except with PnP tools such as lspci).
Applications, and utilities such as "setserial" and "scanport" (Debian
only ??) don't use PnP tools and thus can't detect
disabled ports. 

Even if an ISA port can be found by the probing of the serial driver
it may work extremely slow if the IRQ is wrong.  See <ref id="slow_"
name="Extremely Slow: Text appears on the screen slowly after long
delays">.  PCI ports are less likely to get the IRQ wrong.

In the Wintel world, the IO address and IRQ are called "resources" and
we are thus configuring certain resources.  But there are many other
types of "resources" so the term has many other meanings.  In summary,
the low-level configuring consists of enabling the device, giving it a
name (ttyS2 for example) and putting two values (an IRQ number and IO
address) into two places:

<item> the device driver (often by running "<tt/setserial/" at
<item> configuration registers of the serial port hardware itself

You may watch the start-up (= boot-time) messages.  They are usually
correct.  But if you're having problems, your serial port may not show
up at all or if you do see a message from  "setserial" it may not
show the true configuration of the hardware (and it is not necessarily
supposed to).  See <ref id="boot_mesgs" name="I/O Address & IRQ:
Boot-time messages">.

<sect1> PCI Bus Support <label id="PCI_ser_conf">
 Although some PCI modems are "winmodems" without a Linux driver
(and will not work under Linux), other PCI modems will often work OK
under Linux.  If it's a software modem, then you need to find a driver
for it.  See Linmodem-HOWTO. 

If you have kernel 2.4, then there should be support for PnP (either
built-in or by modules).  Some PCI serial ports can be automatically
detected and low-level configured by the serial driver.  Others may
not be.  
 No support exists in the serial driver for software modems.  But
separate drivers exist for many of them.Kernel 2.2 had no support for PCI serial ports (although some people
got them working anyway).  The 2.4 serial driver will read the id
number digitally stored in the serial hardware to determine how to
support it (if it knows how).  It should assign an I/O address to it,
determine it's IRQ, etc.  So you don't need to use "setserial" for it.
<sect2> Requesting that future drivers support your serial port
<p>If you have a
PCI internal modem which you are convinced is not a winmodem 
but it will not work because the latest serial driver doesn't support
it, you can help in attempting to create a driver for it.  To do this
you'll need to contact the maintainer of the serial driver, Theodore
(Ted) Y. Ts'o.
 But first check out the modem list site <url
url=""> for the latest info
on PCI modems and related topic.  

Look at <url url="" name="Ted Ts'o's
site"> for the details of what you need to do.  Here's a summary of
what you need to do to help him.  You will need to email Ted Ts'o a
copy of the output of "lspci -vv" with full information about the
model and manufacturer of the PCI modem (or serial port).  Then he
will try to point you to a test driver which might work for it.  You
will then need to get it, compile it and possibly recompile your
kernel.  Then you will test the driver to see if it works OK for you
and report the results to Ted Ts'o.  If you are willing to do all the
above (and this is the latest version of this HOWTO) then email the
needed info to him at: <url url="">.
<sect2>More info on PCI
<p>PCI ports are not well standardized.  Some use main memory for
communication with the PC.  Some require special enabling of the IRQ.
The output of "lspci -vv" can help determine if one can be supported.
If you see a 4-digit IO port, the port might work by just telling
"setserial" the IO port and the IRQ.  
Some people have gotten a 3COM 3CP5610 PCI Modem to work that
way.For example, if lspci shows IRQ 10, I/O at 0xecb8 and you decide to
name it ttyS2 then the command is:

setserial /dev/ttyS2 irq 10 port 0xecb8 autoconfig

Note that the boot-time message "Probing PCI hardware" means reading
the PnP configuration registers in the PCI cards which reveals the IO
addresses and IRQs.  This is different that the probing of IO
addresses by the serial driver which means reading certain IO
addresses to see if what's read looks like there's a serial port at
that address.

<sect1> Common mistakes made re low-level configuring
<p> Here are some common mistakes people make:
<item>setserial command: They run it (without the "autoconfig" and
 auto_irq options) and think it has checked the hardware to see if
 what it shows is correct (it hasn't).
<item>setserial messages:  They see them displayed on the screen at
 boot-time (or by giving the setserial command) and erroneously think
 that the result always shows how their hardware is actually
<item>/proc/interrupts: When their serial device isn't in use they
 don't see its interrupt there, and erroneously conclude that their
 serial port can't be found (or doesn't have an interrupt set).
<item>/proc/ioports and /proc/tty/driver/serial: People think this
 shows the actual hardware configuration when it only shows about the
 same info (possibly erroneous) as setserial.

<sect1> IRQ & IO Address Must be Correct <label id="what_is_io_irq">
<p>There are really two answers to the question "What is my IO and
IRQ?" 1. What the device driver thinks has been set (This is what
setserial usually sets and shows.).  2. What is actually set in the
hardware.  Both 1. and 2. above should be the same.  If they're not it
spells trouble since the driver has incorrect info on the physical
serial port.  In some cases the hardware is disabled so it has no IO
address or IRQ.

If the driver has the wrong IO address it will try to send data to a
non-existing serial port --or even worse, to some other device.  If it
has the wrong IRQ the driver will not get interrupt service requests
from the serial port, resulting in a very slow or no response.  See
<ref id="slow_" name="Extremely Slow: Text appears on the screen
slowly after long delays">.  If it has the wrong model of UART there
is also apt to be trouble.  To determine if both I0-IRQ pairs are
identical you must find out how they are set in both the driver and
the hardware.

<sect1>  What is the IO Address and IRQ per the driver ?
<sect2> Introduction
<p>What the driver thinks is not necessarily how the hardware is
actually set.  If everything works OK then what the driver thinks is
likely correct (set in the hardware) and you don't need to investigate
(unless you're curious or want to become a guru).  Ways to determine
what the driver thinks include: boot-time messages <ref
id="boot_mesgs" name="I/O Address & IRQ: Boot-time messages">, the
/proc directory "files" <ref id="proc_dir" name="The /proc directory
and setserial">, and the "setserial" command.

<sect2>  I/O Address & IRQ: Boot-time messages <label id="boot_mesgs">
<p> In many cases your ports will automatically get low-level
configured at boot-time (but not always correctly).  To see what is
happening, look at the start-up messages on the screen.  Don't neglect
to check the messages from the BIOS before Linux is loaded (no
examples shown here).  These BIOS messages may be frozen by pressing
the Pause key.  Use Shift-PageUp to scroll back to the messages after
they have flashed by.  Shift-PageDown will scroll in the opposite
direction.  The <tt/dmesg/ command (or looking at logs in /var/log)
will show some of the messages but they seem to  miss important ones
from setserial.  Here's an example of the start-up messages (as of mid
1999).  Note that ttyS00 is the same as /dev/ttyS0.

At first you see what was detected (but the irq is only a wild guess):

Serial driver version 4.27 with no serial options enabled
ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
ttyS02 at 0x03e8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A

Later setserial shows you  what was saved, but it's not necessarily
correct either:

Loading the saved-state of the serial devices...
/dev/ttyS0 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
/dev/ttyS1 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
/dev/ttyS2 at 0x03e8 (irq = 5) is a 16550A

Note that there is a slight disagreement: The first message shows
ttyS2 at irq=4 while the second shows it at irq=5.  dmesg may not
display the second message.  In most cases the second message is the
correct one.  But if your having trouble it may be misleading.  Before
reading the explanation of all of this complexity in the rest of this
section, you might just try using your serial port and see if it works
OK.  If so it may not be essential to read further.

The second message is from the <tt/setserial/ program being run at
boot-time.  It shows what the device driver thinks is the correct
configuration.  But this too could be wrong.  For example, the irq
could actually be set to irq=8 in the hardware (both messages wrong).
The irq=5 could be there because someone incorrectly put this into a
configuration file (or the like).  The fact that Linux sometimes gets
IRQs wrong is because it doesn't by default probe for IRQs.  It just
assumes the "standard" ones (first message) or accepts what you told
it when you configured it (second message).  Neither of these is
necessarily correct.  If the serial driver has the wrong IRQ, the
serial port is very slow or doesn't seem to work at all.

The first message is a result of Linux probing the serial port
addresses but it doesn't probe for IRQs.  If a port shows up here it
exists but the IRQ may be wrong.  Linux doesn't check IRQs because
doing so is not foolproof.  It just assumes the IRQs are as shown
because they are the "standard" values.  Your may check them manually
with <tt/setserial/ using the <tt/autoconfig/ and <tt/auto_irq/
options but this isn't guaranteed to be correct either.

The data shown by the BIOS messages (which you see at first before
Linux is booted) is what is initially set in the hardware.  If your
serial port is Plug-and-Play (PnP) then it's possible that "isapnp" or
"setpci" will run and change these settings.  Look for messages about
this after Linux starts.  The last serial port message shown in the
example above should agree with the BIOS messages (as possibly
modified by isapnp or setpci).  If they don't agree then you either
need to change the setting in the port hardware or use setserial to
tell the driver what is actually set in the hardware.

Also, if you have Plug-and-Play (PnP) serial ports, they can only be
found by PnP software unless the IRQ and IO has been set inside the
hardware by Plug-and-Play software.  Prior to kernel 2.4 this was a
common reason why the start-up messages did not show a serial port
that physically exists.  A PnP BIOS may automatically low-level
configure them.  PnP configuring will be explained later.

<sect2> The /proc directory and setserial <label id="proc_dir">	
<p> Type "setserial -g /dev/ttyS*".   There are some other
ways to find this info by looking at "files" in the /proc directory.
Be warned that there is no guarantee that the same is set in the

<tt>/proc/ioports</tt> will show the IO addresses that the drivers are using.
<tt>/proc/interrupts</tt> shows the IRQs that are used by drivers of
currently running processes (that have devices open).  It shows how
many interrupts have actually be issued.
<tt>/proc/tty/driver/serial</tt> shows much of the above, plus the
number of bytes that have been received and sent (even if the device
is not now open).

Note that for the IO addresses and IRQ assignments, you are only seeing
what the driver thinks and not necessarily what is actually set in the
hardware.  The data on the actual number of interrupts issued and
bytes processed is real however.  If you see a large number of
interrupts and/or bytes then it probably means that the device is (or
was) working.  But the interrupts might be from another device.  If
there are no bytes received (rx:0) but bytes were transmitted (tx:3749
for example), then only one direction of flow is working (or being

Sometimes a showing of just a few interrupts doesn't mean that the
interrupt is actually being physically generated by any serial port.
Thus if you see almost no interrupts for a port that you're trying to
use, that interrupt might not be set in the hardware.  To view
/proc/interrupts to check on a program that you're currently running
(such as "minicom") you need to keep the program running while you
view it.

<sect1>What is the IO Address & IRQ of my Serial Port Hardware?
 <label id="io-irq_in_hdw">
<p>If it's PCI or ISA PnP then what's set in the hardware has been done
by PnP methods.  Even if nothing has been set or the port disabled,
PnP ports may still be found by using "lspci -v" or "isapnp
--dumpregs".  Ports disabled by jumpers (or hardware failures) are
completely lost.  See <ref id="isa_pnp_dump" name="ISA PnP ports">,
<ref id="pci_io_irq" name="PCI: What IOs and IRQs have been set?">,
<ref id="pci_enabled" name="PCI: Enabling a disabled port">

PnP ports don't store their configuration in the hardware when the
power is turned off.  This is in contrast to Jumpers (non-PnP) which
remain the same with the power off.  That's why a PnP port is more
likely to be found in a disabled state than an old non-PnP one.

<sect2> PCI: What IOs and IRQs have been set? <label id="pci_io_irq">
<p> For PCI, the BIOS almost always sets the IRQ and may set the IO
address as well.  To see how it's set use "lspci -vv" (best) or look
in /proc/bus/pci (or for kernels &lt;2.2 /proc/pci).  The modem's
serial port is often called a "Communication controller".  Look for
this.  If lspci shows "I/O ports at ... [disabled]" then the serial
port is disabled and the hardware has no IO address so it's lost and
can't be used.  See <ref id="pci_enabled" name="PCI: Enabling a
disabled port"> for how to enable it.

If more than one IO address is shown, the first one is more likely to
be it.  You can't change the IRQ (at least not with "setpci")   This
is because if one writes an IRQ it it's hardware register no action is
taken on it.  It's the BIOS that should actually set up the IRQs and
then write the correct value to this register for lspci to view.  If
you must, change the IO address with "setpci" by changing the
BASE_ADDRESS_0 or the like.  

<sect2> PCI: Enabling a disabled port <label id="pci_enabled">
<p>If the port communicates via an IO address then "lspci -vv" should
show "Control: I/O+ ..." with + meaning that the IO address is
enabled.  If it shows "I/O-" (and "I/O ports at ... [disabled]") then
you may need to use the setpci command to enable it.  For example
"setpci -d 151f:000 command=101".  151f is the vendor id, and 000 is
the device id both obtained from "lspci -n -v" or from /proc/bus/pci
or from "scanpci -v".  The "command=101" means that 101 is put into
the command register which is the same as the "Control" register
displayed by "lspci".  The 101h sets two bits: the 1 sets I/O to + and
the 100 part keeps SERR# set to +.   In this case only the SERR# bit
of the Control register was initially observed to be + when the lspci
command was run.  So we kept it enabled to + by setting bit 8 (where
bit 0 is I/O) to 1 by the first 1 in 101.  Some serial cards don't use
SERR# so if you see SERR#- then there's no need to enable it so then
use: command=1.  Then you'll need to set up "setserial" to tell the
driver the IO and IRQ.

Bit 8 is actually the 9th bit since we started counting bits from 0.
Don't be alarmed that lspci shows a lot of - signs showing that the
card doesn't have many features available (or enabled).  Serial ports
are relatively slow and don't need these features.

Another way to enable it is to let the BIOS do it by telling the BIOS
that you don't have a plug-and-play operating system.  Then the BIOS
should enable it when you start your PC. If you have MS Windows9x on
the same PC then doing this might cause problems with Windows (see

<sect2>ISA PnP ports <label id="isa_pnp_dump">
<p>For an ISA Plug-and-Play (PnP) port one may try the <tt/pnpdump/
program (part of <tt/isapnptools/).  If you use the --dumpregs option
then it should tell you the actual IO address and IRQ set in the port.
It should also find an ISA PnP port that is disabled.  The address it
"trys" is not the device's IO address, but a special address used for
communicating with PnP cards.

<sect2>Finding a port that is not disabled (ISA, PCI, PnP, non-PnP)
<p> Perhaps the BIOS messages will tell you some info before Linux
starts booting.  Use the shift-PageUp key to step back thru the
boot-time messages and look at the very first ones which are from the
BIOS.  This is how it was before Linux started.  Setserial can't
change it but isapnp or setpci can.  Starting with kernel 2.4, the
serial driver can make such changes for many (but not all) serial

Using "scanport" (Debian only ??) will probe all I/O ports and will
indicate what it thinks may be serial port.  After this you could try
probing with setserial using the "autoconfig" option.  You'll need to
guess the addresses to probe at (using clues from "scanport").  See
<ref id="set_serial" name="What is Setserial">.

For a port set with jumpers, the IO ports and IRQs are set per the
jumpers. If the port is not Plug-and-Play (PnP) but has been setup by
using a DOS program, then it's set at whatever the person who ran that
program set it to.

<sect2>Exploring via MS Windows (a last resort)
<p>For PnP ports, checking on how it's configured under DOS/Windows
may (or may not) imply how it's under Linux.  MS Windows stores its
configuration info in its Registry which is not used by Linux so they
are not necessarily configured the same.  If you let a PnP BIOS
automatically do the configuring when you start Linux (and have told
the BIOS that you don't have a PnP operating system when starting
Linux) then Linux should use whatever configuration is in the BIOS's
non-volatile memory.  Windows also makes use of the same non-volatile
memory but doesn't necessarily configure it that way.

<sect1>Choosing Serial IRQs <label id="choose_IRQ">

<p> If you have Plug-and-Play ports then either a PnP BIOS or a
serial driver may configure all your devices for you so then you may
not need to choose any IRQs.  PnP software determines what it thinks
is best and assigns them (but it's not always best).  But if you
directly use isapnp (ISA bus) or jumpers then you have to choose.  If
you already know what IRQ you want to use you could skip this section
except that you may want to know that IRQ 0 has a special use (see the
following paragraph).

<sect2> IRQ 0 is not an IRQ
<p> While IRQ 0 is actually the timer (in hardware) it has a special
meaning for setting a serial port with setserial.  It tells the driver
that there is no interrupt for the port and the driver then will use
polling methods.  Such polling puts more load on the CPU but can be
tried if there is an interrupt conflict or mis-set interrupt.  The
advantage of assigning IRQ 0 is that you don't need to know what
interrupt is set in the hardware.  It should be used only as a
temporary expedient until you are able to find a real interrupt to

<sect2> Interrupt sharing,  Kernels 2.2+ <label id="int_share-2.2">
<p> Sharing of IRQs is where two devices use the same IRQ.  As a
general rule, this wasn't allowed for the ISA bus.   The PCI bus may
share IRQs but one can't share the same IRQ between the ISA and the
PCI bus.  Most multi-port boards may share IRQs.  Sharing is not as
efficient since every time a shared interrupt is given a check must be
made to determine where it came from.  Thus if it's feasible, it's
nicer to allocate every device its own interrupt.

Prior to kernel 2.2, serial IRQs could not be shared with each other
except for most multiport boards.  Starting with kernel 2.2 serial
IRQs may be sometimes shared between serial ports.  In order for
sharing to work in 2.2 the kernel must have been compiled with
CONFIG_SERIAL_SHARE_IRQ, and the serial port hardware must support
sharing (so that if two serial cards put different voltages on the
same interrupt wire, only the voltage that means "this is an
interrupt" will prevail).  Since the PCI bus specs permit sharing, any
PCI card should allow sharing.

<sect2> What IRQs to choose?

<p> The serial hardware often has only a limited number of IRQs.  Also
you don't want IRQ conflicts.  So there may not be much of a choice.
Your PC may normally come with <tt/ttyS0/ and <tt/ttyS2/ at IRQ 4, and
<tt/ttyS1/ and <tt/ttyS3/ at IRQ 3.  Looking at
<tt>/proc/interrupts</tt> will show which IRQs are being used by
programs currently running.  You likely don't want to use one of
these.  Before IRQ 5 was used for sound cards, it was often used for a
serial port.

Here is how Greg (original author of Serial-HOWTO) set his up in
/etc/rc.d/rc.serial.  rc.serial is a file (shell script) which runs at
start-up (it may have a different name or location).  For versions of
"setserial" after 2.15 it's not always done this way anymore but this
example does show the choice of IRQs.

/sbin/setserial /dev/ttyS0 irq 3	# my serial mouse
/sbin/setserial /dev/ttyS1 irq 4	# my Wyse dumb terminal
/sbin/setserial /dev/ttyS2 irq 5	# my Zoom modem
/sbin/setserial /dev/ttyS3 irq 9	# my USR modem
Standard IRQ assignments:
	IRQ  0    Timer channel 0 (May mean "no interrupt".  See below.)
	IRQ  1    Keyboard
	IRQ  2    Cascade for controller 2
	IRQ  3    Serial port 2
	IRQ  4    Serial port 1
	IRQ  5    Parallel port 2, Sound card
	IRQ  6    Floppy diskette
	IRQ  7    Parallel port 1
	IRQ  8    Real-time clock
	IRQ  9    Redirected to IRQ2
	IRQ 10    not assigned
	IRQ 11    not assigned
	IRQ 12    not assigned
	IRQ 13    Math coprocessor
	IRQ 14    Hard disk controller 1
	IRQ 15    Hard disk controller 2

There is really no Right Thing to do when choosing interrupts.  Try to
find one that isn't being used by the motherboard, or any other
boards.  2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12 or 15 are possible choices.  Note
that IRQ 2 is the same as IRQ 9.  You can call it either 2 or 9, the
serial driver is very understanding.  If you have a very old serial
board it may not be able to use IRQs 8 and above.

Make sure you don't use IRQs 1, 6, 8, 13 or 14!  These are used by
your motherboard.  You will make her very unhappy by taking her IRQs.
When you are done you might want to double-check
<tt>/proc/interrupts</tt> when programs that use interrupts are being
run and make sure there are no conflicts.

<sect1> Choosing Addresses --Video card conflict with ttyS3
<label id="choose_address">
<p> Here's a problem with some old serial cards.  The IO address of
the IBM 8514 video board (and others like it) is allegedly 0x?2e8
where ? is 2, 4, 8, or 9.  This may conflict with the IO address of
<tt/ttyS3/ at 0x02e8.  Your may think that this shouldn't happen since
the addresses are different in the high order digit (the leading 0 in
02e8).  You're right, but a poorly designed serial port may ignore the
high order digit and respond to any address that ends in 2e8.  That is
bad news if you try to use <tt/ttyS3/ (ISA bus) at this IO address.

For the ISA bus you should try to use the default addresses shown
below.  PCI cards use different addresses so as not to conflict with
ISA addresses.  The addresses shown below represent the first address
of an 8-byte range.  For example 3f8 is really the range 3f8-3ff.
Each serial device (as well as other types of devices that use IO
addresses) needs its own unique address range.  There should be no
overlaps (conflicts).  Here are the default addresses for commonly
used serial ports on the ISA bus:

ttyS0 address 0x3f8
ttyS1 address 0x2f8
ttyS2 address 0x3e8
ttyS3 address 0x2e8

Suppose there is an address conflict (as reported by <tt>setserial -g
/dev/ttyS*</tt>) between a real serial port and another port which
does not physically exist (and shows UART: unknown).  Such a conflict
shouldn't cause problems but it sometimes does in older kernels.  To
avoid this problem don't permit such address conflicts or delete
/dev/ttySx if it doesn't physically exist.

<sect1> Set IO Address & IRQ in the hardware (mostly for PnP)
 <label id="io-irq_methods">

<p> After it's set in the hardware don't forget to insure that it also
gets set in the driver by using <tt/setserial/.  For non-PnP serial
ports they are either set in hardware by jumpers or by running a DOS
program ("jumperless") to set them (it may disable PnP).  The rest of
this subsection is only for PnP serial ports.  Here's a list of the
possible methods of configuring PnP serial ports:

<item> Using a PnP BIOS CMOS setup menu
 (usually only for external
 on ttyS0 (Com1) and ttyS1 (Com2))
<item> Letting a PnP BIOS automatically configure a PnP serial port
 See <ref id="bios_conf" name="Using a PnP BIOS to I0-IRQ Configure">
<item> Doing nothing if the serial driver recognized your card OK
<item> Using <tt/isapnp/ for a PnP serial port non-PCI)
<item> Using setpci (pciutils or pcitools) for the PCI bus

The IO address and IRQ must be set (by PnP) in their registers each
time the system is powered on since PnP hardware doesn't remember how
it was set when the power is shut off.  A simple way to do this is to
let a PnP BIOS know that you don't have a PnP OS and the BIOS will
automatically do this each time you start.  This might cause problems
in Windows (which is a PnP OS) if you start Windows with the BIOS
thinking that Windows is not a PnP OS.  See Plug-and-Play-HOWTO.

Plug-and-Play (PnP) was designed to automate this io-irq configuring,
but for Linux it initially made life much more complicated.  In modern
Linux (2.4 kernels --partially in 2.2 kernels), each device driver has
to do it's own PnP (using supplied software which it may utilize).
There is unfortunately no centralized planning for assigning IO
addresses and IRQs as there is in MS Windows.   But it usually works
out OK in Linux anyway.

<sect2> Using a PnP BIOS to I0-IRQ Configure <label id="bios_conf">
<p> While the explanation of how to use setpci or isapnp for io-irq
configuring should come with such software, this is not the case if
you want to let a PnP BIOS do such configuring.  Not all PnP BIOS can
do this.  The BIOS usually has a CMOS menu for setting up the first
two serial ports.  This menu may be hard to find.  For an "Award"
BIOS it was found under "chipset features setup"  There is often
little to choose from.  Unless otherwise indicated in a menu, these
first two ports normally get set at the standard IO addresses and
IRQs.  See <ref id="dev_nos" name="Serial Port Device Names &

Whether you like it or not, when you start up a PC a PnP BIOS starts
to do PnP (io-irq) configuring of hardware devices.  It may do the job
partially and turn the rest over to a PnP OS (which Linux is in some
sense) or if thinks you don't have a PnP OS it may fully configure all
the PnP devices but not configure the device drivers.  This is what
you want but it's not always easy to figure out exactly what the PnP
BIOS has done.

If you tell the BIOS that you don't have a PnP OS, then the PnP BIOS
should do the configuring of all PnP serial ports --not just the first
two.  An indirect way to control what the BIOS does (if you have
Windows 9x on the same PC) is to "force" a configuration under
Windows.  See Plug-and-Play-HOWTO and search for "forced".  It's
easier to use the CMOS BIOS menu which may override what you
"forced" under Windows.  There could be a BIOS option that can set or
disable this "override" capability.

If you add a new PnP device, the BIOS should PnP configure it.  It
could even change the io-irq of existing devices if required to avoid
any conflicts.  For this purpose, it keeps a list of non-PnP devices
provided that you have told the BIOS how these non-PnP devices are
io-irq configured.  One way to tell the BIOS this is by running a
program called ICU under DOS/Windows.

But how do you find out what the BIOS has done so that you set up the
device drivers with this info?  The BIOS itself may provide some info,
either in its setup menus of via messages on the screen when you turn
on your computer.  See <ref id="io-irq_in_hdw" name="What is set in my
serial port hardware?">.  Other ways of finding out is to use lspci for
the PCI bus or isapnp --dumpregs for the ISA bus.  The cryptic results
it shows you may not be clear to a novice.

<sect1> Giving the IRQ and IO Address to Setserial
<p> Once you've set the IRQ and IO address in the hardware (or arranged
for it to be done by PnP) you also need to insure that the "setserial"
command is run each time you start Linux.  See the subsection <ref
id="sets_boot_time" name="Boot-time Configuration">
<!-- configure.H end-->

<sect> Configuring the Serial Driver (high-level) "stty"
<label id="config_stty">

<sect1> Introduction
<p>This configuring is normally done by your communications program
such as wvdial.  It may do much of it without even letting you know what
it's done.  In olden days it was done with the "stty" utility.  If you
set something with stty, the communications program may change the
setting so it's usually best to just let the communications program
handle it.  See <ref id="stty_" name="What is stty ?">

<sect1> Hardware flow control (RTS/CTS)
<p> See <ref id="flow_control" name="Flow Control"> for an explanation of
it.  You should always use hardware flow control if possible.  Your
communication program or "<tt/getty/" should have an option for
setting it (and if you're in luck it might be enabled by default).  It
needs to be set both inside your modem (by an init string or default)
and in the device driver.  Your communication program should set both
of these (if you configure it right).

If none of the above will fully enable hardware flow control.  Then
you must do it yourself.  For the modem, make sure that it's either
done by the init string or is on by default.  If you need to tell the
device driver to do it is best done on startup by putting it in a file
that runs at boot-time.  See the subsection <ref id="sets_boot_time"
name="Boot-time Configuration"> You need to add the following to such
a file for each serial port (example is ttyS2) you want to enable
hardware flow control on:

stty crtscts < /dev/ttyS2
stty -F /dev/ttyS2 crtscts

If you want to see if flow control is enabled do the following:  In
minicom (or the like) type AT&amp;V (or ATI4 on 3Com modems) to see
how the modem is configured and look for &amp;K3 (or &amp;H1 on 3Com
modems) which means hardware flow control.  Then without exiting the
communications program (such as minicom) see if the device driver
knows about it by typing: stty -F /dev/ttyS2 -a.   Look for "crtscts"
(without a disabling minus sign).

<sect1> Speed Settings 
<p> Besides flow control there is speed.  See <ref id="speed_"
name="What Speed Should I Use with My Modem">.  There's also are
parity and bits-per-byte settings.  Normally the port is set by the
communications program at 8N1 (8-bits per byte, No parity, and 1 stop
bit).  If you're running PPP then you must use 8N1.  So if you get a
complaint that it's not 8-bit clean then it's likely not 8N1 as it
should be.

<sect1> Ignore CD Setting: clocal
<p>If the modem is not sending a CD signal and clocal is disabled
(stty shows -clocal) then a program may not be able to open the serial
port.  If the port can't open, the program may just hang, waiting
(often in vain) for a CD signal from the modem.  Actually, a skilled
programmer can write the program in such a way as to force the port to
open even when CD and -clocal say not to so it's not always a problem.

One way to avoid any possible problems is to send  "AT&amp;C" to the
modem so that CD from the modem will always be on.  CD always-on is
fine for dial-out but for dial-in the CD signal is sometimes (but
rarely) used to detected an incoming call.

Minicom sets clocal automatically when it starts up so there is no
problem.  But version 6.0.192 of Kermit hung when I set -clocal and
tried to "set line ...".  

Here's a problem that existed prior to the year 2000 or thereabouts.
It's since been fixed.   If -clocal is set and there is no CD signal,
then the "stty" command will hang and there is seemingly no way to set
clocal (except by running minicom).  But minicom will restore -clocal
when it exits.  One way to get out of this is to use minicom to send
the "AT&amp;C" to the modem (to get the CD signal) and then exit
minicom with no reset so that the CD signal always remains on.  Then
you may use stty again.  

<sect1> What is stty ? <label id="stty_">
<p> <tt/stty/ is something like setserial but it sets the speed (baud
rate), hardware flow control,  and other parameters of a serial port.
Typing "stty -F /dev/ttyS2 -a" should show you how ttyS2 is
configured.  Most of the stty settings are for things that you never
need to use with modems.  Many of the setting are only needed for
Text-Terminals (and some are only needed for antique terminals of the
1970s).  Your communication package should automatically set up the
several settings needed for modems.  For this reason you normally don't
need to use stty so it's not covered much in this Modem-HOWTO.  But
stty is sometimes useful for trouble-shooting.   More is said about
stty in the Serial-HOWTO or Text-Terminal-HOWTO..

<sect> Modem Configuration (excluding serial port) <label id="modem_conf">

<sect1> Finding Your Modem
<p> Before spending a lot of time deciding how to configure your
modem, you first need to make sure it can be found and that
AT-commands and the like can be sent to it.  So I suggest you first
give it a very simple configuration using the communication program
you will be using on the port and see it it works.  If this works you
may then want to improve on the configuration, If not then see <ref
id="cant_find_modem" name="My Modem is Physically There but Can't be
Found">.  A winmodem may be hard to find and will not work under

<sect1> AT Commands
<p> While the serial port on which a modem resides requires
configuring, so does the modem itself.  The modem is configured by
sending AT commands (or the like) to it on the same serial line that
is used to send data.

Most modems use an AT command set.  These are cryptic and short ASCII
commands where all command strings must be prefaced by the letters AT.
AT means: ATtention, expect a command to follow.  For example:
ATZ&amp;K3&lt;return&gt  This is an AT-command string with two
commands here: Z and &amp;K3.  Z is short for Z0 and a few modems
require that you use Z0 instead of just Z.  It's like this for other
commands ending in 0.  The command string is terminated by a return
character (use the &lt;enter&gt key if you are manually typing it).  A
string that's too long (40 or more characters) may not work on older
modems.  You may use either uppercase or lowercase letters.

Unfortunately there are many different variations of the AT
command set so that what works for one modem may or may not work for
another modem.  Thus there is no guarantee that the AT commands given
in this section will work on your modem.

Such command strings are either automatically sent to the modem by
communication programs or are manually typed in by you.  Most
communication programs provide a screen where you may change (edit)
and save the init string that the communication program will use.
The modem itself has a stored configuration (profile) which is like a
long init string.  It represents the configuration of the modem when
it's first tuned on.  You may change it to suit your taste.  In most
cases there are a few different such configurations (profiles) and
there are ways to designate one of them to be active.

If you have a manual for your modem (either on paper or on floppy
disk) you might find AT-commands there.  3Com modems (and others ??)
have AT-Command help files built into the modem so if you type say
"AT$" to the modem it will display some "online help".

You can also find info on AT commands on the Internet.  You should
first try a site for your modem manufacturer.  If this doesn't work
out then you can search the Internet using terms that are from AT
commands such as &amp;C1, &amp;D3, etc.  This will tend to find sites
that actually list AT-Commands instead of sites that just talk about
them in general.  You might also try a few of the sites listed in the
subsection <ref id="web_sites" name="Web Sites">.  Be warned that the
AT-commands for a different brand of modem may be somewhat different.

<sect1> Init Strings: Saving and Recalling <label id="init_str">
<p> The examples given in this subsection are from the Hayes AT modem
command set.  All command strings must be prefaced by the two letters
AT.  For example: AT&amp;C1&amp;D3^M (^M is the return character).
When a modem is powered on, it automatically configures itself with
one of the configurations it has stored in its non-volatile memory.
If this configuration is satisfactory there is nothing further to do.

If it's not satisfactory, then one may either alter the stored
configuration or configure the modem each time you use it by sending
it a string of commands known as an "init string" (= initialization
string).  Normally, a communication program does this.  What it
sends will depend on how you configured the communications program.
Your communication program should allow you to edit the init string
and change it to whatever you want.  Sometimes the communications
program will let you select the model of your modem and then it will
use an init string that it thinks is best for that modem.

The configuration of the modem when it's first powered on may be
expressed by an init string.  You might think of this as the default
"string" (called a profile).  If your communications program sends the
modem another string (the init string), then this string will modify
the default configuration.  For example, if the init string only
contains two commands, then only those two items will be changed.
However, some commands will recall a stored profile from inside the
modem so a single such command in the init string can thereby change
everything in the configuration.

Modern modems have a few different stored profiles to choose from that
are stored in the modem's non-volatile memory (it's still there when
you turn it off).  In my modem there are two factory profiles (0 and
1, neither of which you can change) and two user defined profiles (0
and 1) that the user may set and store.  Your modem may have more.  To
view some of these profiles send the command &amp;V.  At power-up one
of the user-defined profiles is loaded.  For example, if you type the
command &amp;Y0 (just Y0 for a 3Com modem) then in the future profile
0 will be used at power-on.

There are also commands to load (activate) any of the stored profiles.
Such a load command may be put in an init string.  Of course if it
loads the same profile that was automatically loaded at power-up,
nothing is changed (unless the active profile has been modified since
power-up).  Since your profile could have thus been modified it's a
good idea to use some kind of an init string even if it does nothing
more than load a stored profile.

Examples of loading saved profiles:<newline>
Z0 loads user-defined profile 0 and resets (hangs up, etc.)<newline>
&amp;F1 loads factory profile 1

Once you have sent commands to the modem to configure it the way you
want (such as loading a factory profile and modifying it a little)
you may save this as a user-defined profile:<newline>
&amp;W0 saves the current configuration to user-profile 0.

Many people don't bother saving a good configuration in their modem,
but instead, send the modem a longer init string each time the modem
is used.  Another method is to restore the factory default by &amp;F1
at the start of the init string and then modify it a little by adding
a few other commands to the end of the init string.  Since there is no
way to modify the factory default this prevents anyone from changing
the configuration by modifying (and saving) the user-defined profile.

You may choose an init string supplied by someone else that they think
is right for your modem.  Some communication programs have a library
of init strings to select from.  The most difficult method (and one
which will teach you the most about modems) is to study the modem
manual and write one yourself.  You could save this configuration
inside the modem so that you don't need an init string.  A third
alternative is to start with an init string that someone else wrote,
but modify it to suit your purposes.

If you look at init strings used by communication programs you may see
symbols which are not valid modem commands.  These symbols are
commands to the communication program itself and will not be sent to
the modem.  For example, &tilde may mean to pause briefly.

<sect2> Where is my "init string" so I can modify it ?
<p> This depends on your communication program (often a PPP program).
If this is the latest version of Modem-HOWTO send me info for other
<item> Gnome: run pppsetup
<item> wvdial: edit /etc/wvdial.conf
<item> minicom: hit ^Ao (or possibly ALT-o), then select "Modem and

<sect1> Other AT Modem Commands <label id="modem_commands">
<p> For dial-in see <ref
id="dial-in_conf" name="Dial-in Modem Configuration">.  The rest of
this section is mostly what was in the old Serial-HOWTO.  All strings
must start with AT.  Here's a few Hayes AT codes that should be in the
string (if they are not set by using a factory default or by a saved

<item>E1	 command echo ON
<item>Q0	 result codes are reported
<item>V1	 result codes are verbose
<item>S0=0  	 never answer (uugetty does this with the WAITFOR option)

Here's some more AT commands for special purposes:
<item>&amp;C1   CD is only on when you're connected
<item>&amp;S0  	DSR is always on
<item>X3  	Dial even if there is no dialtone (Use where
 dial-tones don't exist).

<p> Note: to get his old USR Courier V.34 modem to reset correctly
when DTR drops, Greg Hankins had to set <tt/&amp;D2/ and <tt/S13=1/
(this sets bit 0 of register S13).  This has been confirmed to work on
USR Sportster V.34 modems as well.

<p> Note: some old Supra modems treat CD differently than other
modems.  If you are using a Supra, try setting <tt/&amp;C0/ and
<em/not/ <tt/&amp;C1/.  You must also set <tt/&amp;D2/ to handle DTR

<sect1> Blacklisting
<p>If phone number is dialed a few times with no success, some
modems may blacklist a phone number.  After a certain time you may try
again.  Some countries require this to reduce needless repeated
dialing.  To view the blacklist try %B.  To delete the blacklist use
these AT commands:
<item> SR Robotics o 3COM: s40=2 or if NG try s40=7
<item> Lucent:  %t21,18,0
<item> Rockwell:  %tcb
<item> Cirrus Logic: *nc9

<sect1> What AT Commands are Now Set in my Modem?
<p> You may try to use minicom for viewing your modem profile.  It's
best not to have any other process running on the modem port when you
do this.  If you have set up minicom for your modem, then you may type
on the command line: <tt>minicom -o</tt> to start minicom without
restoring the saved modem profile.  Then type <tt>at&amp;v</tt> (or
atI4 on 3Com modems) to display the profile.  To exit minicom without
disturbing this profile, use the q (quit) command for exiting without

The above may not work for various reasons.  If the modem has been set
not to echo result codes it may not even display any profile.  If there
is another process running on the modem port at the same time, some of
what the modem sends to you is likely to be read by the other process
so you will see only part of the profile.  Is there some way to
temporarily stop the other process on the port so it will not
interfere?  I tried the "stop" signal using the "kill" command but it
didn't work.  If this is the latest version of this HOWTO, let me know
if you find a way to do it.

If you have at least one process running on the modem port and kill
them, the modem's profile may be reset so you will not observe
what the original profile was.  This will happen if you kill getty (or
it's replacements: login or bash) and have &amp;D3 set.  The killing
of getty (or the like) will drop DTR and reset the modem's profile to
the power-on state.   To keep getty from respawning when killed, comment
it out in /etc/inittab and do an "init q".

<sect1> Modem States (or Modes)
<p> Since the channel for sending AT commands to the modem is the same
channel that is used for the flow of data (files, packets, etc.) then
it's important to cleanly separate the AT commands from the data.

When the modem is first turned on it's in the command mode (also
called terminal mode, idle state or AT-command mode).  Anything sent
to it from the PC is assumed to be an AT command and not data.  Then
if a dial command is sent to it (ATD...), it dials and connects to
another modem.  It's now in the on-line data mode (connected) and
sends and receives data (such as Internet pages).  In this mode, any
AT command one trys to send it will not work but will be transmitted
to the other modem instead.  Except for the escape command.  This is
+++ with a minimum time delay both at the start and end.  The time
delay allows the modem to determine that it is likely a real escape
and not just +++ in a file being transmitted.

So we have two states so far: AT-command and on-line data.  But there
is a third important state which is sort of a combination of these
two.  It's the on-line command mode.  This is when the modem maintains
a connection (without sending/receiving data) but anything sent from
the PC is interpreted as an AT command.  This is the state reached
with a +++ escape signal or by a DTR drop from the PC provided the
&amp;D1 has been set.  Then one can send AT commands to the modem
including commands which will leave this state and go to one of the
other two states.

There are other states also: dialing state and handshaking state but
they normally lead to the connected (on-line) state.  If they don't
then the modem should hang up, thereby returning to the initial
AT-command (or idle) state.

<sect> Serial Port Devices /dev/ttyS2, (or /dev/ttys/2) etc. 
<label id="ttySN_">
<!-- device_dir.H begin
in Modem and Serial HOWTOs
<sect> Serial Port Devices /dev/ttyS2, etc. -->

<p> For creating devices in the device directory see:
the Serial-HOWTO: "Creating Devices In the /dev directory". 

<sect1> Devfs (The new Device File System)
<p> This is a new type of device interface to Linux.  It's optional
starting with kernel 2.4.  It's more efficient than the conventional
interface and makes it easy to deal with a huge number of devices.
The device names have all changed as well.  But there's an option to
continue using the old names.  For a detailed description of it see:
<url url="">
Also see the kernel documentation tree: filesystems/devfs.

The name changes (if used) are: ttyS2 becomes tts/2 (Serial port),
tty3 becomes vc/3 (Virtual Console), ptyp1 becomes pty/m1 (PTY
master), ttyp2 becomes pty/s2 (PTY slave).  "tts" looks like a
directory which contains devices "files": 0, 1, 2, etc.  All of these
new names should still be in the /dev directory although optionally
one may put them elsewhere.

<sect1>Serial Port Device Names & Numbers <label id="dev_nos">
<p> Devices in Linux have major and minor numbers (unless you use the
new devfs).  The serial port ttySx (x=0,1,2, etc.) has major number 4.
You may see this (and the minor numbers too) by typing: "ls -l ttyS*"
in the /dev directory.

There formerly was a "cua" name for each serial port and it behaved
just a little differently.  For example, ttyS2 would correspond to
cua2.  It was mainly used for modems.  The cua major number was 5 and
minor numbers started at 64.  You may still have the cua devices in
your /dev directory but they are now deprecated.  For details see
Modem-HOWTO, section: cua Device Obsolete.

Dos/Windows use the COM name while the <tt/setserial/ program uses
tty00, tty01, etc.  Don't confuse these with dev/tty0, dev/tty1, etc.
which are used for the console (your PC monitor) but are not serial
ports.  The table below is for the "standard" case (but yours could be
different).  The major/minor numbers don't exist with the devfs.  For
the PCI bus the IO addresses are different.

       			    ISA IO                              devfs usb
 dos		major minor address  devfs       devfs usb      acm modem
COM1  /dev/ttyS0  4,  64;   3F8   /dev/tts/0  /dev/usb/tts/0 /dev/usb/acm/0
COM2  /dev/ttyS1  4,  65;   2F8   /dev/tts/1  /dev/usb/tts/1 /dev/usb/acm/1
COM3  /dev/ttyS2  4,  66;   3E8   /dev/tts/2  /dev/usb/tts/2 /dev/usb/acm/2
COM4  /dev/ttyS3  4,  67;   2E8   /dev/tts/3  /dev/usb/tts/3 /dev/usb/acm/3

<sect1> USB (Universal Serial Bus) Ports
<p>The serial ports on the USB are: /dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyUSB1, etc.
The devfs names for these are: /dev/usb/tts/0, /dev/usb/tts/1, etc.
For many modems they are /dev/usb/acm/0, etc. (in devfs notation).
For more info see the usb subdirectory in the kernel documentation
directory for files: acm and usb-serial.

<sect1> Link ttySN to /dev/modem
<p> On some installations, two extra devices will be created,
<tt>/dev/modem</tt> for your modem and <tt>/dev/mouse</tt> for a
mouse.  Both of these are symbolic links to the appropriate serial
device in <tt>/dev</tt> which you specified during the installation
Except if you have a bus mouse, then <tt>/dev/mouse</tt> will point to
the bus mouse device).

Formerly (in the 1990s) the use of <tt>/dev/modem</tt> was discouraged
since lock files might not realize that it was really say
<tt>/dev/ttyS2</tt>.  The newer lock file system doesn't fall into
this trap so it's now OK to use such links.

<!-- device_dir.H end -->

<sect1> cua Device Obsolete <label id="cua_dev">
<p> Each ttyS device has a corresponding cua device.  But the cua
device is deprecated so it's best to use ttyS (unless cua is
required).  There is a difference between cua and ttyS but a savvy
programmer can make a ttyS port behave just like a cua port so there
is no real need for the cua anymore.  Except that some older programs
may need to use the cua.

What's the difference?  The main difference between cua and ttyS has
to do with what happens in a C-program when an ordinary "open" command
tries to open the port. If a cua port has been set to check modem
control signals, the port can be opened even if the CD modem control
signal says not to.  Astute programming (by adding additional lines to
the program) can force a ttyS port to behave this way also.  But a cua
port can be more easily programmed to open for dialing out on a modem
even when the modem fails to assert CD (since no one has called into
it and there's no carrier).  That's why cua was once used for dial-out
and ttyS used for dial-in.

Starting with Linux kernel 2.2, a warning message is put in the
kernel log when one uses cua.  This is an omen that cua is defunct and
should be avoided if possible.

<sect>Interesting Programs You Should Know About

<sect1>What is setserial ? <label id="set_serial">
<!-- setserial.H  begin  (in MM TT SS)
<sect1>What is Setserial ? <label id="set_serial">
Change Log:
May 2000: <sect2> IRQs near end ttyS0 -> ttyS1 + clarity
Nov. 2000: auto_irq may work on the 2nd try
Dec. 2000: saving state of serial module
June 2001 OK to use setserial with Laptops
Nov. 2002 Debian's /var/lib/serial.conf
<p> This part is in 3 HOWTOs: Modem, Serial, and Text-Terminal.  There
are some minor differences, depending on which HOWTO it appears in.

<sect2> Introduction
<p> The setserial program doesn't seem to work with serial ports used
with linmodems such as ttySHCF0.
If you have a Laptop (PCMCIA) don't use <tt/setserial/ until you
read <ref id="laptops_" name="Laptops: PCMCIA">.  <tt/setserial/ is a
program which allows you to tell the device driver software the I/O
address of the serial port, which interrupt (IRQ) is set in the port's
hardware, what type of UART you have, etc.  Since there's a good
chance that the serial ports will be automatically detected and set,
many people never need to use <tt/setserial/.  In any case setserial
will not work without either serial support built into the kernel or
loaded as a module.  The module may get loaded automatically if you
(or a script) tries to use setserial.

Setserial can also show how the driver is currently set.  In addition,
it can be made to probe the hardware I0 port addresses to try to
determine the UART type and IRQ, but this has severe limitations.  See
<ref id="probing_ss" name="Probing">.  Note that it can't set the IRQ
or the port address in the hardware of PnP serial ports (but the
plug-and-play features of the serial driver may do this).  It can't
read the PnP data stored in configuration registers in the hardware.

If you only have one or two built-in serial ports, they will usually
get set up correctly without using setserial.  Otherwise, if you add
more serial ports (such as a modem card) you may need to deal with
setserial.  Besides the man page for <tt/setserial/, check out info in
<tt>/usr/doc/setserial.../</tt> or <tt>/usr/share/doc/setserial</tt>.
It should tell you how setserial is handled in your distribution of

<tt/Setserial/ is often run automatically at boot-time by a start-up
shell-script for the purpose of assigning IRQs, etc. to the driver.
Setserial will only work if the serial module is loaded (or if the
equivalent was compiled into your kernel).  If the serial module gets
unloaded later on, the changes previously made by <tt/setserial/ will
be forgotten by the kernel.  But recent (2000) distributions may
contain scripts that save and restore this.  If not, then
<tt/setserial/ must be run again to reestablish them.  In addition to
running via a start-up script, something akin to <tt/setserial/ also
runs earlier when the serial module is loaded (or the like).  Thus
when you watch the start-up messages on the screen it may look like it
ran twice, and in fact it has.

Setserial does not set either IRQ's nor I/O addresses in the serial
port hardware itself.  That is done either by jumpers or by
plug-and-play.  You must tell setserial the identical values that have
been set in the hardware.  Do not just invent some values that you
think would be nice to use and then tell them to setserial.  However,
if you know the I/O address but don't know the IRQ you may command
setserial to attempt to determine the IRQ.

You can see a list of possible commands by just typing <tt/setserial/
with no arguments.  This fails to show you the one-letter options such
as -v for verbose which you should normally use when troubleshooting.
Note that setserial calls an IO address a "port".  If you type:
setserial -g /dev/ttyS*
you'll see some info about how that device driver is configured for
your ports.  Note that where it says <tt>"UART: unknown"</tt> it
probably means that no uart exists.  In other words you probably have
no such serial port and the other info shown about the port is
meaningless and should be ignored.  If you really do have such a
serial port, setserial doesn't recognize it and that needs to be

If you add -a to the option -g you will see more info although few
people need to deal with (or understand) this additional info since
the default settings you see usually work fine.  In normal cases the
hardware is set up the same way as "setserial" reports, but if you are
having problems there is a good chance that "setserial" has it wrong.
In fact, you can run "setserial" and assign a purely fictitious I/O
port address, any IRQ, and whatever uart type you would like to have.
Then the next time you type "setserial ..." it will display these
bogus values without complaint.  They will also be officially
registered with the kernel as displayed (at the top of the screen) by
the "scanport" command (Debian).  Of course the serial
port driver will not work correctly (if at all) if you attempt to use
such a port.  Thus when giving parameters to "setserial" anything
goes.  Well almost.  If you assign one port a base address that is
already assigned (such as 3e8) it may not accept it.  But if you use
3e9 it will accept it.  Unfortunately 3e9 is already assigned since it
is within the range starting at base address 3e8.  Thus the moral of
the story is to make sure your data is correct before assigning
resources with setserial.

While assignments made by setserial are lost when the PC is powered
off, a configuration file may restore them (or a previous
configuration) when the PC is started up again.  In newer versions,
what you change by setserial may get automatically saved to a
configuration file.  In older versions, the configuration file only
changes if you edit it manually so the configuration always remains
the same from boot to boot.  See <ref id="ss_conf_script"
name="Configuration Scripts/Files">

<sect2> Probing <label id="probing_ss">

<p>Prior to probing with "setserial", one may run the "scanport"
(Debian) command to check all possible ports in one scan.  It makes
crude guesses as to what is on some ports but doesn't determine the
IRQ.  But it's a fast first start.  It may hang your PC but so far
it's worked fine for me.  Note that non-Debian distributions don't
seem to supply "scanport".  Is there an another scan program?

With appropriate options, <tt/setserial/ can probe (at a given I/O
address) for a serial port but you must guess the I/O address.  If you
ask it to probe for /dev/ttyS2 for example, it will only probe at the
address it thinks ttyS2 is at (2F8).  If you tell setserial that ttyS2
is at a different address, then it will probe at that address, etc.
See <ref id="probing_ss" name="Probing">

The purpose of this is to see if there is a uart there, and if so,
what its IRQ is.  Use "setserial" mainly as a last resort as there are
faster ways to attempt it such as wvdialconf to detect modems, looking
at very early boot-time messages, or using <tt>pnpdump
--dumpregs</tt>.  To try to detect the physical hardware use for
example :<newline>
<tt>setserial /dev/ttyS2 -v autoconfig</tt><newline>
If the resulting message shows a uart type such as 16550A, then you're
OK.  If instead it shows "<tt/unknown/" for the uart type, then there
is supposedly no serial port at all at that I/O address.  Some cheap
serial ports don't identify themselves correctly so if you see
"<tt/unknown/" you still might have a serial port there.

Besides auto-probing for a uart type, setserial can auto-probe for
IRQ's but this doesn't always work right either.  In one case it first
gave the wrong irq but when the command was repeated it found the
correct irq.  In versions of setserial >= 2.15, the results of your
last probe test could be automatically saved and put into the
configuration file <tt>/etc/serial.conf</tt> or
<tt>/var/lib/serial.conf</tt> which will be used next time you start
Linux.  At boot-time when the serial module loads (or the like), a
probe for UARTs is made automatically and reported on the screen.  But
the IRQs shown may be wrong.  The second report of the same is the
result of a script which usually does no probing and thus provides no
reliable information as to how the hardware is actually set.  It only
shows configuration data someone wrote into the script or data that
got saved in /etc/serial.conf.

It may be that two serial ports both have the same IO address set in
the hardware.  Of course this is not permitted but it sometimes
happens anyway.  Probing detects one serial port when actually there
are two.  However if they have different IRQs, then the probe for IRQs
may show IRQ = 0.  For me it only did this if I first used
<tt/setserial/ to give the IRQ a fictitious value.

<sect2> Boot-time Configuration <label id="sets_boot_time">
<p> When the kernel loads the serial module (or if the "module
equivalent" is built into the kernel) then only <tt/ttyS{0-3}/ are
auto-detected and the driver is set to use only IRQs 4 and 3
(regardless of what IRQs are actually set in the hardware).  You see
this as a boot-time message just like as if <tt/setserial/ had been

To correct possible errors in IRQs (or for other reasons) there may be
a file somewhere that runs <tt/setserial/ again.  Unfortunately, if
this file has some IRQs wrong, the kernel will still have incorrect
info about the IRQs.  This file should run early at boot-time before
any process uses the serial port.  In fact, your distribution may have
set things up so that the setserial program runs automatically from a
start-up script at boot-time.  More info about how to handle this
situation for your particular distribution might be found in file
named "setserial..." or the like located in directory /usr/doc/ or

Before modifying a configuration file, you can test out a "proposed"
<tt/setserial/ command by just typing it on the command line.  In some
cases the results of this use of <tt/setserial/ will automatically get
saved in /etc/serial.conf when you shutdown.  So if it worked OK (and
solved your problem) then there's no need to modify any configuration
file.  See <ref id="new_config" name="New configuration method using

<sect2> Configuration Scripts/Files <label id="ss_conf_script">
<p> Your objective is to modify (or create) a script file in the /etc
tree that runs setserial at boot-time.  Most distributions provide
such a file (but it may not initially reside in the /etc tree).  In
addition, setserial 2.15 and higher often have an /etc/serial.conf
file that is used by the above script so that you don't need to
directly edit the script that runs setserial.  In addition just using
setserial on the command line (2.15+) may ultimately alter this
configuration file.

So prior to version 2.15 all you do is edit a script.  After 2.15 you
may need to either do one of three things: 1. edit a script.  2. edit
<tt>/etc/serial.conf</tt> or 3. run "setserial" on the command line
which may result in <tt>/etc/serial.conf</tt> automatically being
edited.  Which one of these you need to do depends on both your
particular distribution, and how you have set it up.

<sect2> Edit a script (required prior to version 2.15)
 <label id="old_sets_script">
<p> Prior to setserial 2.15 (1999) there was no /etc/serial.conf file
to configure setserial.   Thus you need to find the file that runs
"setserial" at boot time and edit it.  If it doesn't exist, you need
to create one (or place the commands in a file that runs early at
boot-time).  If such a file is currently being used it's likely
somewhere in the /etc directory-tree.  But Redhat <6.0 has supplied it
in /usr/doc/setserial/ but you need to move it to the /etc tree before
using it.   You might use "locate" to try to find such a file.  For
example, you could type: locate "*serial*".

The script <tt>/etc/rc.d/rc.serial</tt> was commonly used in the past.
The Debian distribution used <tt>/etc/rc.boot/0setserial</tt>.
Another file once used was <tt>/etc/rc.d/rc.local</tt> but it's
not a good idea to use this since it may not be run early enough.
It's been reported that other processes may try to open the serial
port before rc.local runs resulting in serial communication failure.
Today it's most likely in /etc/init.d/ but it isn't normally intended
to be edited.

If such a file is supplied, it should contain a number of
commented-out examples.  By uncommenting some of these and/or
modifying them, you should be able to set things up correctly.  Make
sure that you are using a valid path for <tt/setserial/, and a valid
device name.  You could do a test by executing this file manually
(just type its name as the super-user) to see if it works right.
Testing like this is a lot faster than doing repeated reboots to get
it right.

For versions >= 2.15 (provided your distribution implemented the
change, Redhat didn't) it may be more tricky to do since the file that
runs setserial on startup, /etc/init.d/setserial or the like was not
intended to be edited by the user.  See <ref id="new_config"
name="New configuration method using /etc/serial.conf">.

If you want setserial to automatically determine the uart and the IRQ
for ttyS3 you would add something like:

/sbin/setserial  /dev/ttyS3 auto_irq skip_test autoconfig
Do this for every serial port you want to auto configure.  Be sure to
give a device name that really does exist on your machine.  In some
cases this will not work right due to the hardware.  If you know what
the uart and irq actually are, you may want to assign them explicitly
with "setserial".  For example:

/sbin/setserial /dev/ttyS3 irq 5 uart 16550A  skip_test

<sect2> New configuration method using /etc/serial.conf
<label id="new_config">
<p> Prior to setserial version 2.15, the way to configure setserial
was to manually edit the shell-script that ran setserial at boot-time.
See <ref id="old_sets_script" name="Edit a script (after version 2.15:
perhaps not)">.  Starting with version 2.15 (1999) of <tt/setserial/
this shell-script is not edited but instead gets its data from a
configuration file: <tt>/etc/serial.conf</tt>.  Furthermore you may
not even need to edit serial.conf because using the "setserial"
command on the command line may automatically cause serial.conf to be
edited appropriately.

This was intended so that you don't need to edit any file in order to
set up (or change) what setserial does each time that Linux is booted.
But there are serious pitfalls because it's not really "setserial"
that edits serial.conf.  Confusion is compounded because different
distributions handle this differently.  In addition, you may modify it
so that it works differently.

What often happens is this:  When you shut down your PC the script
that runs "setserial" at boot-time is run again, but this time it only
does what the part for the "stop" case says to do:  It uses
"setserial" to find out what the current state of "setserial" is, and
it puts that info into the <tt>serial.conf</tt> file.  Thus when you
run "setserial" to change the serial.conf file, it doesn't get changed
immediately but only when and if you shut down normally.

Now you can perhaps guess what problems might occur.  Suppose you
don't shut down normally (someone turns the power off, etc.) and the
changes don't get saved.  Suppose you experiment with "setserial" and
forget to run it a final time to restore the original state (or make a
mistake in restoring the original state).  Then your "experimental"
settings are saved.

If you manually edit serial.conf, then your editing is destroyed when
you shut down because it gets changed back to the state of setserial
at shutdown.  There is a way to disable the changing of serial.conf at
shutdown and that is to remove "###AUTOSAVE###" or the like from first
line of serial.conf.  In at least one distribution, the removal of
"###AUTOSAVE###" from the first line is automatically done after the
first time you shutdown just after installation.  The serial.conf file
should contain some comments to explain this.

The file most commonly used to run setserial at boot-time (in
conformance with the configuration file) is now /etc/init.d/setserial
(Debian) or /etc/init.d/serial (Redhat), or etc.,  but it should not
normally be edited.  For 2.15, Redhat 6.0 just had a file
/usr/doc/setserial-2.15/rc.serial which you have to move to
/etc/init.d/ if you want setserial to run at boot-time.

To disable a port, use <tt/setserial/ to set it to
"uart none".  The format of /etc/serial.conf appears to be just like
that of the parameters placed after "setserial" on the command line
with one line for each port.  If you don't use autosave, you may edit
/etc/serial.conf manually.

BUG: As of July 1999 there is a bug/problem since with ###AUTOSAVE###
only the setserial parameters displayed by "setserial -Gg /dev/ttyS*"
get saved but the other parameters don't get saved.  Use the -a flag
to "setserial" to see all parameters.  This will only affect a small
minority of users since the defaults for the parameters not saved are
usually OK for most situations.  It's been reported as a bug and may
be fixed by now.

In order to force the current settings set by setserial to be saved to
the configuration file (serial.conf) without shutting down, do what
normally happens when you shutdown: Run the shell-script
<tt>/etc/init.d/{set}serial stop</tt>.  The "stop" command will save
the current configuration but the serial ports still keep working OK.

In some cases you may wind up with both the old and new configuration
methods installed but hopefully only one of them runs at boot-time.
Debian labeled obsolete files with "...pre-2.15".

<sect2> IRQs

<p> By default, both ttyS0 and ttyS2 will share IRQ 4, while ttyS1 and
ttyS3 share IRQ 3.  But actually sharing serial interrupts (using them
in running programs) is not permitted unless you: 1. have kernel 2.2
or better, and 2. you've complied in support for this, and 3. your
serial hardware supports it.  See

<ref id="int_share-2.2" name="Interrupt sharing and Kernels 2.2+">
If you only have two serial ports, ttyS0 and ttyS1, you're still OK
since IRQ sharing conflicts don't exist for non-existent devices.

If you add an internal modem and retain ttyS0 and ttyS1,
then you should attempt to find an unused IRQ and set it both on your
serial port (or modem card) and then use setserial to assign it to
your device driver.  If IRQ 5 is not being used for a sound card, this
may be one you can use for a modem.  To set the IRQ in hardware you
may need to use isapnp, a PnP BIOS, or patch Linux to make it PnP.  To
help you determine which spare IRQ's you might have, type "man
setserial" and search for say: "IRQ 11".

<sect2> Laptops: PCMCIA <label id="laptops_">
<p>If you have a Laptop, read PCMCIA-HOWTO for info on the serial
configuration.  For serial ports on the motherboard, setserial is used
just like it is for a desktop.  But for PCMCIA cards (such as a modem)
it's a different story.  The configuring of the PCMCIA system should
automatically run setserial so you shouldn't need to run it.  If you
do run it (by a script file or by /etc/serial.conf) it might be
different and cause trouble.  The autosave feature for serial.conf
shouldn't save anything for PCMCIA cards (but Debian did until
2.15-7).  Of course, it's always OK to use setserial to find out how
the driver is configured for PCMCIA cards.

<!-- setserial.H  end -->

<sect1> What is isapnp ?
<p> <tt/isapnp/ is a program to configure Plug-and-Play (PnP) devices
on the ISA bus including internal modems.  It comes in a package
called "isapnptools" and includes another program, "pnpdump" which
finds all your ISA PnP devices and shows you options for configuring
them in a format which may be added to the PnP configuration file:
/etc/isapnp.conf.  It may also be used with the --dumpregs option to
show the current IO address and IRQ of the modem's serial port.  The
isapnp command may be put into a startup file so that it runs each
time you start the computer and thus will configure ISA PnP devices.
It is able to do this even if your BIOS doesn't support PnP.  See

<sect1> What is wvdialconf ? <label id="wvdial_">
<p> <tt/wvdialconf/ will try to find which serial port (ttyS?) has a
modem on it.  It also creates a configuration program for the wvdial
program.  <tt/wvdial/ is used for simplified dialing out using the PPP
protocol to an ISP.  But you don't need to install PPP in order to use
<tt/wvdialconf/.  It will only find  modems which are not in use.  It
will also automatically devise a "suitable" init strings but sometimes
gets it wrong.  Since this command has no options, it's simple to use
but you must give it the name of a file to put the init string (and
other data) into.  For example type: wvdialconf my_config_file_name.

<sect>Trying Out Your Modem (Dialing Out) <label id="dialout">
<sect1> Are You Ready to Dial Out ?
<p> Once you've plugged in your modem and know which serial port it's
on you're ready to try using it.  If you already have an account with
an ISP to connect to the Internet, you could try using a program like
"wvdial" to connect to the Internet using the PPP protocol.

As an alternative to taking one big step using PPP to connect to the
Internet, you could do a two step process:  First just test out your
modem without using PPP (using Minicom or Kermit).  Then if your modem
works OK, use "wvdial" or other ppp dialer to connect to the Internet.
A different strategy is to first try a ppp dialer and then if that
doesn't work out, fallback to Minicom or Kermit to see if your modem
works OK.  Knowing how to use either Minicom or Kermit is handy for
dialing out to some places directly without going thru the Internet.
If you are going to use Minicom or Kermit you must find a phone number
to dial that will accept phone calls from a computer (without using
PPP).  Perhaps a local library has such a phone number for its on-line

Then make sure you are ready to phone.  Do you know what serial port
(such as ttyS2) your modem is on?  You should have found this out when
you io-irq configured your serial ports.  Have you decided what speed
you are going to use for this port?  See <ref id="speed_table"
name="Speed Table"> for a quick selection or <ref id="speed_"
name="What Speed Should I Use with My Modem"> for more details.  If
you have no clue of what speed to set, try setting it a few times
faster than the advertised speed of your modem.  Also remember that if
you see a menu where an option is "hardware flow control" and/or
"RTS/CTS" or the like, select it.  Is a live telephone cable plugged
in to your modem?  You may want to connect this cable to a real
telephone to make sure that it can produce a dial tone.

Now you need to select a communication (dialing) program to use to
dial out.  Internet dialing programs (using PPP) include wvdial, kppp
(for KDE), and for Gnome: gnome-ppp or "modem lights".   Non-internet
dialing programs include: minicom, seyon (X Window), and kermit.  See
section <ref id="comm_" name="Communications Programs"> about some
communications programs.  Three examples are presented next: <ref
id="wvdial_" name="Dialing Out with wvdial"> <ref id="minicom_"
name="Dialing Out with Minicom"> and <ref id="kermit_" name="Dialing
Out with Kermit">

<sect1> Dialing Out with wvdial <label id="wvdial_">
<p> Wvdial is a program with not only dials out, but starts PPP and
logs you in to an ISP where you get to the Internet.  Wvdial may be
configured during the installation process or by using the program
"wvdialconf".  See the man pages for both "wvdialconf" and "wvdial".
However, before using wvdial you must do two other tasks not covered
by the wvdial documentation:
<item>set up your network on your PC. The old HOWTO,
"ISP-Hookup-HOWTO" has some info on how to do this but fails to
mention wvdial which replaces "chatscripts".
<item>configure your browser 

<sect1> Dialing Out with Minicom <label id="minicom_">
<p> Minicom comes with most Linux distributions.  To configure it you
should be the root user.  As root, type "minicom -s" to configure.  This will
take you directly to the configuration (set-up) menus.  This allows
you to use the configuration immediately.   If you just type "minicom"
and then configure, you'll need to leave and restart minicom for the
configuration to take effect.  Within minicom type ^A to see the
bottom status line.  This shows to type ^A Z for help (you've already
typed the ^A so just type z).  

Most of the options don't need to be set for just simply dialing out.
To configure you have to supply a few basic items: the name of the
serial port your modem is on such as /dev/ttyS2 and the speed such as
115200.  These are set at the serial port menu.  Go to it and set
them.  Also (if possible) set hardware flow control (RTS/CTS).  Then
save them.  When typing in the speed, you should also see something
like "8N1" which you should leave alone.  It means: 8-bit bytes, No
parity, 1 stop-bit appended to each byte.  If you can't find the speed
you want, a lower speed will always work for a test.   Exit (hit
return) when done and save the configuration as default (dfl) using
the menu.  Unless you've used the -s option when you called minicom,
you'll need to exit minicom and start it again so it can now find the
serial port and initialize the modem.

Now you are ready to dial.  But first at the main screen you get
after you first type "minicom" make sure there's a modem there by
typing AT and then hit the &lt;enter&gt key.  It should display OK.
If it doesn't something is wrong and there is no point of trying to

If you got the "OK" go back to help and select the dialing directory.
You may edit it and type in a phone number, etc. into the directory
and then select "dial" to dial it.  Alternatively, you may just dial
manually (by selecting "manual" and then type the number at the
keyboard).  If it doesn't work, carefully note any error messages and
try to figure out what went wrong.

<sect1> Dialing Out with Kermit <label id="kermit_">
<p> You can find the latest version of <tt/kermit/ at <tt><htmlurl
name=""></tt>.  For example, say your
modem was on <tt>ttyS3</tt>, and its speed was 115200 bps.  You would
do the following:
linux# kermit
C-Kermit 6.0.192, 6 Sep 96, for Linux
 Copyright (C) 1985, 1996,
  Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
Default file-transfer mode is BINARY
Type ? or HELP for help.
C-Kermit>set line /dev/ttyS3
C-Kermit>set carrier-watch off
C-Kermit>set speed 115200
/dev/ttyS3, 115200 bps
Connecting to /dev/ttyS3, speed 115200.
The escape character is Ctrl-\ (ASCII 28, FS)
Type the escape character followed by C to get back,
or followed by ? to see other options.
ATE1Q0V1                           ; you type this and then the Enter key
OK                                 ; modem should respond with this

If your modem responds to <tt/AT/ commands, you can assume your modem
is working correctly on the Linux side.  Now try calling another modem
by typing:
where 7654321 is a phone number.  Use ATDP instead of ATDT if you have
a pulse line.  If the call goes through, your modem is working.
To get back to the <tt/kermit/ prompt, hold down the Ctrl key, press
the backslash key, then let go of the Ctrl key, then press the C key:
(Back at linux)

This was just a test using the primitive "by-hand" dialing method.
The normal method is to let <tt/kermit/ do the dialing for you with
its built-in modem database and automatic dialing features, for example
using a US Robotics (USR) modem:
linux# kermit
C-Kermit 6.0.192, 6 Sep 1997, for Linux
 Copyright (C) 1985, 1996,
  Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
Default file-transfer mode is BINARY
Type ? or HELP for help
C-Kermit>set modem type usr        ; Select modem type
C-Kermit>set line /dev/ttyS3       ; Select communication device
C-Kermit>set speed 115200          ; Set the dialing speed
C-Kermit>dial 7654321              ; Dial
 Number: 7654321
 Device=/dev/ttyS3, modem=usr, speed=115200
 Call completed.<BEEP>
Connecting to /dev/ttyS3, speed 115200
The escape character is Ctrl-\ (ASCII 28, FS).
Type the escape character followed by C to get back,
or followed by ? to see other options.

Welcome to ...


<sect> Dial-In <label id="dialin_">
<sect1> Dial-In Overview
<p> Dial-in is where you set up your PC so that others may dial in to
your PC (at your phone number) and use your PC.  Unfortunately some
use the term "dial-in" when what they actually mean is just the
opposite: dial-out.  Dial-in works like
this.  Someone with a modem dials your telephone number.  Your modem
answers the phone ring and connects.  Once the caller is connected
the <tt/getty/ program is notified and starts the login process for
the caller.  After the caller has logged in, the caller then may use
your PC.  It could be almost as if they were sitting at the

The caller may use a script to automatically log in.  This script will
be of the expect-send type.  For example it expects "login:"
and then (after it detects "login:") will send the users login name.
It next expects the password and then sends the password, etc.  Then
once the user has been automatically logged in, the /etc/passwd
(password file) might specify that a shell (such as bash) will be
started for the user.  Or it might specify that PPP is to start so
that the user may be connected to the Internet.  See the PPP-HOWTO for
more details.  The program that you use at your PC to handle dialin is
called <tt/getty/ or <tt/mgetty/.  See <ref id="getty_" name="Getty">

An advanced getty program such as mgetty can watch to see if PPP is
started by the PC on the other end.  If so, the login prompt would be
skipped, a PPP connection would be made, and login would take place
automatically over the PPP connection.

<sect1> What Happens when Someone Dials In ?
<p> Here's a more detailed description of dialin.  This all assumes
that you are using either mgetty or uugetty.  Agetty is inferior and
doesn't work exactly as described below (see <ref id="agetty_"
name="About agetty">)

For dialin to work, the modem must be listening for a ring and getty
must be running and ready to respond to the call.  Your modem is
normally listening for incoming calls, but what it does when it gets a
ring depends on how it's configured.  The modem can either
automatically answer the phone or not directly answer it.  In the
latter case the modem sends a "RING" message to getty and then getty
tells the modem to answer the ring.  In either case, it may be set up
to answer on say the 4th ring.  This means that if the call is not for
the modem, one must walk/run to the phone and pick it up manually
before the 4th ring.  Then they can talk to the other person.  If they
get to the phone too late they will hear the screeching noise of the
modem which has answered the call.

Once the modem answers the call it sends tones to the other modem
(and conversely).  The two modems negotiate how they will communicate
and when this is completed your modem sends a "CONNECT" message (or
the like) to <tt/getty/.  When <tt/getty/ gets this message, it sends
a login prompt out the serial port.  Once a user name is given to this
prompt <tt/getty/ may just call on a program named <tt/login/ to
handle the logging in from there on.  While <tt/getty/ usually starts
running at boot-time it should wait until a connection is made
before sending out a "login" prompt.

Now for more details on the two methods of answering the call.  For
the first method where the modem automatically answers the call, the
number of times it will ring before answering is controlled by the S0
register of the modem.  If S0 is set to 3, the modem will
automatically answer on the 3rd ring.  If it's set to 0 then the modem
will only answer the call if getty sends it an "A" (= Answer) AT
command to the modem while the phone is ringing.  (Actually an "ATA"
is sent since all modem commands are prefixed by "AT".)  This is known
as "manual" answering since the modem itself doesn't do it
automatically (but getty does).  You might think it best to utilize
the ability of the modem hardware to automatically answer the call,
but it's actually better if <tt/getty/ answers it "manually".

For the "manual" answer case, <tt/getty/ opens the port at boot-time
and listens.  When the phone rings, a "RING" message is sent to the
listening <tt/getty/.  Then if <tt/getty/ wants to answer this ring,
it sends the modem an "A" command.  Note that getty may be set to
answer only after say 4 "RING" messages (the 4th ring) similar to the
automatic answer method.  The modem then makes a connection and sends
a "CONNECT ..." message to <tt/getty/ which then sends a login prompt
to the caller.  It's not all quite this simple as are some special
tricks used to allow dial-out when waiting for a call.  See <ref
id="dial_out_while_listening" name="Dialing Out while Waiting for an
Incoming Call">

The automatic answer case uses the CD (Carrier Detect aka DCD) wire
from the modem to the serial port to tell when a connection is made.
It works like this.  At boot-time <tt/getty/ tries to open the serial
port but the attempt fails since the modem has negated CD (the modem
is idle).  Then the <tt/getty/ program waits at the open statement in
the program until a CD signal is asserted.  When a CD signal arrives
(perhaps hours later) then the port is opened and <tt/getty/ sends the
login prompt.  While <tt/getty/ is waiting (sleeping) at the open
statement, other processes can run so it doesn't degrade computer
performance.  What actually wakes <tt/getty/ up is an interrupt which
is issued when the CD line from the modem changes its state to on.

You may wonder how getty is able to open the serial port in the
"manual"-answer case since CD may be negated.  Well, there's a way to
write a program to force the port to open even if there is no CD
signal asserted.

<sect1> 56k Doesn't Work for Dialin
<p>If you expect that people will be able to dial-in to you at 56k, it
can't be done unless you have all the following:
<item> You have a digital connection to the telephone company such as a
 trunkside-T1 or ISDN line
<item> You use special digital modems (see <ref id="digital_modem"
 name="Digital Modems">)
<item> You have a "... concentrator", or the like to interface your
 digital-modems to the digital lines of the telephone company.
A "... concentrator" may  be called a "modem concentrator"
or a "remote access concentrator" or it could be included in a "remote
access server" (RAS) which includes the digital modems, etc.  This
type of setup is used by ISPs (Internet Service Providers).

<sect1> Getty <label id="getty_">
<sect2> Introduction to Getty
<p> <tt/getty/ is the program you run for dialin.  You don't need it
for dialout.  In addition to presenting a login prompt, it also may help
answer the telephone.  Originally getty was used for logging in to a
computer from a dumb terminal.  A major use of it today is for logging
in to a Linux console.  There are several different getty programs but
a few of these work OK with modems for dialin.  The getty program is
usually started at boot-time.  It must be called from the /etc/inittab
file.  In this file you may find some examples which you will likely
need to edit a bit.  Hopefully these examples will be for the flavor
of getty installed on your PC.

There are four different getty programs to choose from that may be
used with modems for dial-in: <tt/mgetty/, <tt/uugetty/, <tt/getty_em/,
and <tt/agetty/.  A brief overview is given in the following
subsections.  <tt/agetty/ is the weakest of the four and it's mainly
for use with directly connected text-terminals. <tt/mgetty/ has
support for fax and voice mail but <tt/uugetty/ doesn't.  <tt/mgetty/
allegedly lacks a few of the features of <tt/uugetty/.  <tt/getty_em/
is a simplified version of <tt/uugetty/.  Thus <tt/mgetty/ is likely
your best choice unless you are already familiar with <tt/uugetty/ (or
find it difficult to get <tt/mgetty/).  The syntax for these getty
programs differs, so be sure to check that you are using the correct
syntax in <tt>/etc/inittab</tt> for whichever getty you use.

In order to see what documentation exists about the various gettys on
your computer, use the "locate" command.  Type: locate "*getty*"
(including the quotes may help).  Note that many distributions just
call the program getty even though it may actually be agetty, uugetty,
etc.  But if you read the man page (type: man getty), it might
disclose which getty it is.  This should be the getty program with
path <tt>/sbin/getty.</tt>

<sect2> How getty respawns
<!-- getty_seq.D begin (in MM, TT)
This is the sequence of events that happens after getty starts up.
<sect2> How getty respawns
<p>After you log in you will notice (by using "top", "ps -ax", or
"ptree") that the getty process is no longer running.  What happened
to it?  Why does getty restart again if your shell is killed?  Here's

After you type in your user name, getty takes it and calls the login
program telling it your user name.  The getty process is replaced
by the login process.  The login process asks for your password,
checks it and starts whatever process is specified in your password
file.  This process is often the bash shell.  If so, bash starts and
replaces the login process.  Note that one process replaces another
and that the bash shell process originally started as the getty
process.  The implications of this will be explained below.

Now in the /etc/inittab file, getty is supposed to respawn (restart) if
killed.  It says so on the line that calls getty.  But if the bash shell
(or the login process) is killed, getty respawns (restarts).  Why?
Well, both the login process and bash are replacements for getty and
inherit the signal connections establish by their predecessors.  In
fact if you observe the details you will notice that the replacement
process will have the same process ID as the original process.  Thus
bash is sort of getty in disguise with the same process ID number.  If
bash is killed it is just like getty was killed (even though getty
isn't running anymore).  This results in getty respawning.

When one logs out, all the processes on that serial port are killed
including the bash shell.  This may also happen (if enabled) if a
hangup signal is sent to the serial port by a drop of DCD voltage by
the modem.  Either the logout or drop in DCD will result in getty
respawning.  One may force getty to respawn by manually killing bash
(or login) either by hitting the k key, etc. while in "top" or with
the "kill" command.  You will likely need to kill it with signal 9
(which can't be ignored).

<sect2>About mgetty <label id="mgetty_">
<tt/mgetty/ was written as a replacement for <tt/uugetty/ which was
in existence long before <tt/mgetty/.  Both are for use with modems
but mgetty is best (unless you already are committed to <tt/uugetty/).
<tt/mgetty/ may be also used for directly connected terminals.  In
addition to allowing dialup logins, <tt/mgetty/ also provides FAX
support, auto PPP detection, and caller-id support.  It permits
dialing out when mgetty is waiting for an incoming phone call.  There
is a supplemental program called <tt/vgetty/ which handles voicemail
for some modems.  <tt/mgetty/ documentation is fair (except for voice
mail), and is not supplemented in this HOWTO.  To automatically start
PPP one must edit /etc/mgetty/login.conf to use "AutoPPP" (has
example).  You can find the latest information on <tt/mgetty/ at
<htmlurl url=";doering/mgetty/"
name=";doering/mgetty/"> and <url

<sect2>About uugetty <label id="uugetty_">
<tt/getty_ps/  contains two programs: <tt/getty/ is used for console
and terminal devices, and <tt/uugetty/ for modems.  Greg Hankins
(former author of Serial-HOWTO) used <tt/uugetty/ so his writings
about it are included here.  See <ref id="uugetty_" name="Uugetty">.

<sect2> About getty_em <label id="getty_em_">
<p> This is a simplified version of ``uugetty''.  It was written by
Vern Hoxie after he became fully confused with complex support files
needed for getty_ps and uugetty.

It is part of the collection of serial port utilities and information
by Vern Hoxie available via ftp from <url
url="">.  The name of the collection is

<sect2>About agetty <label id="agetty_">
<p> This subsection is long since the author tried using agetty for
dialin.  <tt/agetty/ is seemingly simple since there are no
initialization files.  But when I tried it, it opened the serial port
even when there was no CD signal present.  It then sent both a login
prompt and the /etc/issue file to the modem in the AT-command state
before a connection was made.  The modem thinks all this an AT command
and if it does contain any "at" strings (by accident) it is likely to
adversely modify your modem profile.  Echo wars can start where getty
and the modem send the same string back and forth over and over.  You
may see a "respawning too rapidly" error message if this happens.  To
prevent this you need to disable all echoing and result codes from the
modem (E0 and Q1).  Also use the -i option with agetty to prevent any
/etc/issue file from being sent.

If you start getty on the modem port and a few seconds later find that
you have the login process running on that port instead of getty, it
means that a bogus user name has been sent to agetty from the modem.
To keep this from happening, I had to save my dial-in profile in the
modem so that it become effective at power-on.  The other saved
profile is for dial-out.  Then any dial-out programs which use the
modem must use a Z, Z0, or Z1 in their init string to initialize the
modem for dial-out (by loading the saved dial-out profile).  If the
1-profile is for dial-in you use Z1 to load it, etc.  If you want
to listen for dial-in later on, then the modem needs to be reset to
the dial-in profile.  Not all dial-out programs can do this reset upon
exit from them.

Thus while agetty may work OK if you set up a dial-in profile
correctly in the modem hardware, it's probably best suited for virtual
consoles or terminals rather than modems.  If agetty is running for
dialin, there's no easy way to dial out.  When someone first dials in
to agetty, they should hit the return key to get the login prompt.
<tt/agetty/ in the Debian distribution is just named <tt/getty/.

<sect2> About mingetty, and fbgetty
<p><tt/mingetty/ is a small getty that will work only for monitors
(the usual console) so you can't use it with modems for dialin.
<tt>fbgetty</tt> is as above but supports framebuffers.

<sect1> Why "Manual" Answer is Best
<p> The difference between the two ways of answering is exhibited
when the computer happens to be down but the modem is still working.
For the manual case, the "RING" message is sent to getty but since the
computer is down, getty isn't there and the phone never gets answered.
There are no telephone charges when there is no answer.  For the
automatic answer case, the modem (which is still on) answers the phone
but no login message is ever sent since the computer is down.  The
phone bill runs up as the waiting continues.  If the phone call is
toll-free, it doesn't make much difference, although it may be
frustrating waiting for a login prompt that never arrives.
<tt/mgetty/ uses manual answer.  <tt/Uugetty/ can do this too using a
configuration script.

<sect1> Dialing Out while Waiting for an Incoming Call <label
<p>Here's what could go wrong with a simple-minded manual-answer
situation.  Suppose another process dials out while getty is listening
for a "RING" message from its modem on the serial wire.  Then incoming
bytes for the dial-out process flow from the modem to the serial port.
For example, your modem may send a "CONNECT" message to your serial
port when the dial-out process connects.  If getty reads this there's
trouble since reads are destructive reads.  Once getty reads it, then
the dial-out process that is expecting "CONNECT" (or something else)
can't read it.  Thus the dial-out process is likely to fail.

There's a way to avoid this and here's how mgetty does it.  When
mgetty is listing for an incoming call, it doesn't read anything from
the port until it thinks that the characters are for mgetty.  Mgetty
monitors the port and if characters arrive, it doesn't read them right
away.  Instead, it first checks to see if another process is using the
port.  If so, mgetty backs off and closes the port (but the port
remains open for the other process).  Thus if another process dials
out, mgetty doesn't interfere with it.  When the other process finally
closes the port, then mgetty resumes "listening".  It's a special type
of "listening" that refrains from reading until mgetty believes that
what it will read is for mgetty (hopefully a "RING" message).

When mgetty checks to see if another process is using the port, it
actually checks for valid lockfiles on the port.  If the other process
failed to use lockfiles, too bad for it.  For more details see the
mgetty documentation: "How mgetty works".  For programmers only:
"listening" is actually using the system calls "poll" or "select" to
monitor the port.  They are likely also used to monitor the port when
a non-mgetty process is using the port.

With auto-answer, getty is waiting for CD to be asserted so that it
can open the port.  One may dial out, but once a connection is made
the modem's CD is asserted.  If getty were to then read the port it
would eat the characters intended to be read by the dial-out
connection.  While agetty will have this problem, it's claimed that
uugetty will check lockfiles before reading (similar to mgetty).

<sect1> Ending a Dial-in Call
<p> There are two major ways to end a dial-in call.  The caller may
either logout or just hang up.  For the hangup case see <ref
id="caller_hangs_up" name="Caller hangs up">

<sect2> Caller logs out
<p> When the call is over the normal way to end the connection is for
the user to log out.  This will kill the remote user's shell on your
PC.  Now since there is nothing running on this port, the port is
closed and sends a hangup signal to the modem by negating DTR.  This
will only happen if stty -a shows hupcl (hang up on close) but this
should be the default.

The modem getting this hangup (negated DTR signal) will then hang up
the phone line (provided the modem has been configured to do this
--see below).  The modem should then be ready to answer any new
incoming calls.  Killing the user's shell also causes getty to respawn
and wait for the next call.

As an alternative to using DTR to tell the modem to hang up the phone
line, a script used after getty respawns may send the unique escape
code sequence +++ to the modem to put it into AT command mode.  The
+++ must have both an initial and final time delay.  Once in AT
command mode, a hangup command (H0) may be sent to the modem as well
as other AT commands.  If the PC fails to successfully signal the
modem when a logout happens (or to use the +++ escape when restarting
getty), then the modem is apt to remain in on-line mode and no more
incoming calls can be received.

<sect2> When DTR drops (is negated)
<p>When DTR (the "hang-up" signal) is negated, what the modem does
depends on the value of the &amp;D option in the modem's profile.  If
it's &amp;D0 nothing at all happens (the modem ignores the negation of
DTR).  Here's what happens when DTR drops:

<tt>&amp;D2:</tt> The modem will hang up and go into AT command mode
(off-line) to wait for the next call.  Except that it will not
be able to automatically answer the phone until DTR is asserted
again.  But since getty automatically respawns (if so set in
/etc/inittab) then getty will immediately restart after a logout and
this will assert DTR.  So what happens when someone logs out is that
DTR only is negated for a fraction of a second (winks) before it gets
asserted again.  For the above to happen, the DTR must be negated for
at least the time specified by register S25.

<tt>&amp;D3:</tt> In this case the modem does a hard reset: It hangs
up and restores the saved profile as specified by &amp;Y.  It should
now be in the same state it was in when first powered on and it's
ready for incoming calls.  The S25 limit may have no effect so even a
very short "wink" is detected.  Another brand of modem says the S25
limit is still valid.  Thus <tt>&amp;D3</tt> is a stronger "reset"
than <tt>&amp;D2</tt> which doesn't restore the saved profile and
could require a longer wink to work.

If you don't know which of the above two to use try using
<tt>&amp;D3</tt> first.  Under favorable conditions, either one should
work OK.  It's reported that for a few modems only <tt>&amp;D2</tt>
works OK.

<sect2> Caller hangs up <label id="caller_hangs_up">
<p> Instead of logging out the normal way, a caller may just hang
up.  This results in a lost connection and of course a loss of
carrier.  Other problems could also cause a loss of carrier.  The "NO
CARRIER" result code is displayed.  The modem hangs up and waits for
the next call.  Except that there is no getty running yet to start the
login process.

Here's how getty gets started again:  The loss of carrier should
negate the CD signal sent by the modem to the serial port (provided
<tt>&amp;C1</tt> has been set).  When the PC's serial port gets the
negated CD signal it should kill the shell and then getty should

This paragraph is about other things that happen but do nothing.  Only
the curious need read it.  When the shell is killed, a DTR wink is sent
to the modem but since the modem is not on-line anymore and has
already hung up, the modem ignores the negation of DTR (hang up).  The
loss of carrier also negates the DSR signal sent by the modem to the
serial port (provided &amp;S1 or &amp;S2 is set) but this signal is
ignored (by Linux).

<sect1> Dial-in Modem Configuration <label id="dial-in_conf">
<p> The getty programs have a provision for sending an init string to
the modem to configure it.  But you may need to edit it.  Another
method is to save a suitable init string inside the modem (see
<ref id="init_str" name="Init Strings: Saving and Recalling"> for how
to save it in the modem).

The configuration for dial-in depends both on the getty you use and
perhaps on your modem.  If you can't find suggested configurations in
other documentation here are some hints using Hayes AT commands:

<item><tt>&amp;C1</tt>  Make the CD line to the serial port track the actual
 state of the carrier (CD asserted only when there's carrier).
 Getty_em requires &amp;C0 (CD always asserted)
<item><tt>&amp;D3</tt>  Do a hard reset of the modem when someone logs out
 (or hangs up).  For some modems it's reported that &amp;D2 is
 required since they can't tolerate a hard reset ??
<item><tt/E0/  Don't echo AT commands back to the serial port.  This
 is a must for agetty.  Some suggest E1 (echo AT commands) for mgetty.
 For dial-out you want E1 so you can see what was sent.
<item><tt>&amp;K3</tt> Use hardware flow control
<item><tt/Q0/  Echo results words (such as CONNECT).  Most gettys use
 them.  But it's reported an AT&amp;T version of uugetty and agetty
 require Q2 (no result words for dial-in).
<item><tt>S0=?</tt>  mgetty suggests S0=0 (manual answer).  If you set
 S0=3 the modem will auto-answer on the 3rd ring, etc.  Agetty uses
 auto-answer.  So does uugetty (usually).
<item><tt/V1/  Display results (such as CONNECT) in words (and not in code)
<item><tt/X4/  Check for dialtone and busy signal

<sect1> Callback
<p> Callback is where someone first dials in to your modem.  Then, you
get a little info from the caller and then call it right back.  Why
would you want to do this?  One reason is to save on telephone bills
if you can call the caller cheaper than the caller can call you.
Another is to make sure that the caller really is who it claims to be.
If a caller calls you and claims to be calling from its usual phone
number, then one way to verify this is to actually place a new call to
that number.

There's a program for Linux called "callback" that works with mgetty.
It's at <url
Step-by-step instructions on how someone installed it (and PPP) is at

<sect1> Voice Mail <label id="voice_">
<p> Voice mail is like an answering machine run by a computer.
To do this you must have a modem that supports "voice" and supporting
software.  Instead of storing the messages on tape, they are stored in
digital format on a hard-drive.  When a person phones you, they hear a
"greeting" message and can then leave a message for you.  More
advanced systems would have caller-selectable mail boxes and
caller-selectable messages to listen to.  Free software is available in
Linux for simple answering, but doesn't seem to be available yet for
the more advanced stuff.

I know of two different voicemail packages for Linux.  One is a very
minimal package (see <ref id="voice_sw" name="Voicemail Software">).
The other, more advanced, but currently poorly documented, is
<tt/vgetty/.  It's an optional addition to the well documented and
widely distributed <tt/mgetty/  program.  It supports ZyXEL-like voice
modem commands.  In the Debian distribution, you must get the
mgetty-voice package in addition to the mgetty package and mgetty-doc

<sect1> Simple Manual Dial-In <label id="manual_dialin">
<p> This is really doing it manually!  It doesn't even permit the
caller to login but the caller may "chat" with you, etc.  It's a way
to answer a call without bothering to edit any configuration files for
dial-in or enabling getty.  To do it you run a terminal program such
as minicom.  Make sure it's connected to your modem by typing "AT
&lt;enter&gt;" and expect "OK".  Then wait for the call.  Then you
really answer the call manually by typing "ATA" when the phone is
ringing.  This doesn't run getty and the caller can't login.  But if
the caller is calling in with a terminal program they may type a
message to your screen (and conversely).  You both may send files back
and forth by using the commands built into the terminal programs (such
as minicom).  Another way to answer such a call would be to type say
"ATS0=3" just before the call comes in to enable the modem to
auto-answer on the third ring.

This is one way to crudely transfer files with someone on a MS Windows
PC who uses HyperTerminal or Terminal (for Windows 3.x or DOS).  These
two MS programs are something like minicom.  Using this simple manual
method (for Linux-to-Linux or MS-to-Linux) requires two people to be
present, one one each end of the phone line connection running a
terminal communications program.  Be warned that if both people
type at the same time it's chaos.  It's a "last resort" way to
transfer files between any two people that have PCs (either Linux or
MS Windows).  It could also be used for testing your modem or as a
preliminary test before setting up dial-in.

<sect1> Complex GUI Dial-In, VNC
<p> At the opposite extreme to the simple (but labor intensive) manual
dial-in described above, is one that results in GUI graphical
interface to the Linux PC.  This generally requires that a network
running TCP/IP protocol exist between the two computers.  One way to
get such a "network" is to dial-out to a PC set for dial-in and then
run PPP on the phone line.  PPP will use TCP/IP protocol encapsulated
inside the PPP packets.  Both sides must run PPP and mgetty can be
configured to start PPP as soon as the caller does.  The caller may
use a PPP-dialer program just like they were dialing an ISP.  Programs
such as wvdial, eznet, or chat scripts should do it.

Instead of this tiny network over a phone connection a much larger
network (the entire world) is reached via an ISP.  For their
lowest-rate service many of them use proxy servers that will not give
you access to the ports you need to use.   Even if they don't use
proxy servers, the IP address they give you is only temporary for the
session, so you'll need to email this IP to whomever wants to reach
you.  If you get a more expensive ISP service, then you can avoid
these problems.

One way to get a GUI interface from the remote PC is to run the GPLed
program: Virtual Network Computer (VNC) from AT&amp;T.  It has a
server part which you run on your Linux PC for dial-in and a viewer
(client) part used for dial-out.  Neither of these actually does any
dialing or login but assumes that you have a network already set up.
The VNC server has an X-server built in and may use Linux's twm window
manager.  See the article on VNC in Linux Magazine: <url
url="">.  The AT&amp;T
site for VNC is: <url url="">.

With VNC one can also connect to remote Windows PCs, get the Windows
GUI on a Linux PC, and run Windows programs on the remote Windows PC.
Of course the Windows PC must be running VNC (as a server).
Obviously, a GUI connection over a modem will be slower than a
text-only connection especially if you run KDE or GNOME or want 16-bit

<sect1> Interoperability with MS Windows
<p> Once you have dial-in set up, others may call in to you using
minicom (or the like) from Unix-like systems.  From MS Windows one may
call you using "HyperTerminal (or just "Terminal" in Windows 3.1 or

If in Windows one wants to use dial-up with a network protocol over
the phone line it's called "Dial-up Networking".  But it probably will
not be able to communicate with Linux.  For setting up such dial-in in
Windows one clicks on "server" while dial-out is the "client.  Such
dial-in is often called "remote control" meaning that the caller can
use your PC, run programs on it, and thus control it remotely.

While it's easy to call in to a text-based Linux system from MS
Windows, it's not so easy the other way around (partly because
Windows is not text-based and would need to put the caller into DOS
where files wouldn't be protected like they are in Linux.

However Windows "Dial-up Networking" can establish a dial-in provided
the caller uses certain network protocols over the phone line: MS's
or Novel's (two protocols not liked by Linux).  So if someone with
Windows enables their Dial-up networking server in Windows 98, you
can't just dial in directly to it from Linux.  This type of dial-in
doesn't permit the caller to run most of the programs on the host like
Linux does.  It's called "remote access" and one may transfer files,
use the hosts printer, access databases, etc.  Is there some way to
interface to Dial-up Networking from Linux??

It is possible for two people to crudely chat and send files using
Minicom on the Linux end and HyperTerminal on the Windows end.  It's
all done manually by two live persons, one on each end of the phone
connection.  See <ref id="manual_dialin" name="Simple Manual

At the opposite extreme, one would like to run a dial-in so that the
person calling would get a GUI interface.  For that a network protocol
is normally used.  It's possible using PC Anywhere for Windows or VNC
for both Linux and Windows.  But PC Anywhere doesn't seem to talk to
Linux ??  Other Window programs for "remote control" include Laplink,
Co-Session, and Microcom.  Do any such programs support Linux besides
VNC ??

<sect> Uugetty for Dial-In (from the old Serial-HOWTO) <label id="uugetty_">
<p> Be aware that you could use mgetty as a (better?) alternative to
<tt/uugetty/.  <tt/mgetty/ is newer and more popular than uugetty.
See <ref id="getty_" name="Getty"> for a brief comparison of these 2

<sect1>Installing getty_ps
<p> Since uugetty is part of getty_ps you'll first have to install
getty_ps.  If you don't have it, get the latest version from <tt><htmlurl
name=""></tt>.  In particular,
if you want to use high speeds (57600 and 115200 bps), you must get
version 2.0.7j or later.  You must also have libc 5.x or greater.

<p> By default, <tt/getty_ps/ will be configured to be Linux FSSTND
(File System Standard) compliant, which means
that the binaries will be in <tt>/sbin</tt>, and the config files
will be named <tt>/etc/conf.{uu}getty.ttyS</tt><em/N/.  This is not
apparent from the documentation!  It will also expect lock files to go
in <tt>/var/lock</tt>.  Make sure you have the <tt>/var/lock</tt>
If you don't want FSSTND compliance, binaries will go
in <tt>/etc</tt>, config files will go in
<tt>/etc/default/{uu}getty.ttyS</tt><em/N/, and lock files will go in
<tt>/usr/spool/uucp</tt>.  I recommend doing things this way if you
are using UUCP, because UUCP will have problems if you move
the lock files to where it isn't looking for them.
<tt/getty_ps/ can also use <tt/syslogd/ to log messages.  See the man
pages for <tt/syslogd(1)/ and <tt/syslog.conf(5)/ for setting up
<tt/syslogd/, if you don't have it running already.  Messages
are logged with priority LOG_AUTH, errors use LOG_ERR, and debugging
uses LOG_DEBUG.  If you don't want to use <tt/syslogd/ you
can edit <tt/tune.h/ in the <tt/getty_ps/ source files to use a log
file for messages instead, namely <tt>/var/adm/getty.log</tt> by
Decide on if you want FSSTND compliance and syslog capability.
You can also choose a combination of the two.  Edit the <tt/Makefile/,
<tt/tune.h/ and <tt/config.h/ to reflect your decisions.  Then
compile and install according to the instructions included with the

<sect1>Setting up uugetty
With <tt/uugetty/ you may dial out with your modem while <tt/uugetty/
is watching the port for logins.  <tt/uugetty/ does important lock
file checking.  Update <tt>/etc/gettydefs</tt> to include an entry for
your modem.  For help with the meaning of the entries that you put
into <tt>/etc/gettydefs</tt>, see the "serial_suite" collected by Vern
Hoxie.  How to get it is in section See<ref id="getty_em_" name="About
getty_em">.  When you are done editing <tt>/etc/gettydefs</tt>, you
can verify that the syntax is correct by doing:

linux# getty -c /etc/gettydefs

<sect2> Modern Modems
<p> If you have a 9600 bps or faster modem with data compression,
you can lock your serial port to one speed.  For example:
# 115200 fixed speed
F115200# B115200 CS8 # B115200 SANE -ISTRIP HUPCL #@S @L @B login: #F115200
If you have your modem set up to do RTS/CTS hardware flow control, you
can add <tt/CRTSCTS/ to the entries:
# 115200 fixed speed with hardware flow control
F115200# B115200 CS8 CRTSCTS # B115200 SANE -ISTRIP HUPCL CRTSCTS #@S @L @B login: #F115200

<sect2> Old slow modems
<p> If you have a slow modem (under 9600 bps) Then, instead of one
line for a single speed, your need several lines to try a number of
speeds.  Note that these lines are linked to each other by the last
"word" in the line such as #4800.  Blank lines are needed between
each entry.  Are the higher modem-to-serial_port speeds in this
example really needed for a slow modem ??  The uugetty documentation
shows them so I'm not yet deleting them.

# Modem entries
115200# B115200 CS8 # B115200 SANE -ISTRIP HUPCL #@S @L @B login: #57600

57600# B57600 CS8 # B57600 SANE -ISTRIP HUPCL #@S @L @B login: #38400

38400# B38400 CS8 # B38400 SANE -ISTRIP HUPCL #@S @L @B login: #19200

19200# B19200 CS8 # B19200 SANE -ISTRIP HUPCL #@S @L @B login: #9600

9600# B9600 CS8 # B9600 SANE -ISTRIP HUPCL #@S @L @B login: #4800

4800# B4800 CS8 # B4800 SANE -ISTRIP HUPCL #@S @L @B login: #2400

2400# B2400 CS8 # B2400 SANE -ISTRIP HUPCL #@S @L @B login: #1200

1200# B1200 CS8 # B1200 SANE -ISTRIP HUPCL #@S @L @B login: #115200
<sect2> Login Banner
<p> If you want, you can make <tt/uugetty/ print interesting things in
the login banner.  In Greg's  examples, he has the system name, the
serial line, and the current bps rate.  You can add other things:

       @B    The current (evaluated at the time the @B is seen) bps rate.
       @D    The current date, in MM/DD/YY.
       @L    The serial line to which uugetty is attached.
       @S    The system name.
       @T    The current time, in HH:MM:SS (24-hour).
       @U    The number of currently signed-on users.  This is  a
             count of the number of entries in the /etc/utmp file
             that have a non-null ut_name field.
       @V    The value of VERSION, as given in the defaults file.
       To display a single '@' character, use either '\@' or '@@'.

<sect1>Customizing uugetty

<p> There are lots of parameters you can tweak for each port you have.
These are implemented in separate config files for each port.
The file <tt>/etc/conf.uugetty</tt> will be used by <em/all/
instances of <tt/uugetty/, and <tt>/etc/conf.uugetty.ttyS</tt><em/N/
will only be used by that one port.  Sample default config files can
be found with the <tt/getty_ps/ source files, which come with most
Linux distributions.  Due to space concerns,
they are not listed here.  Note that if you are using older versions
of <tt/uugetty/ (older than 2.0.7e), or aren't using FSSTND, then the
default file will be <tt>/etc/default/uugetty.ttyS</tt><em/N/.  Greg's
<tt>/etc/conf.uugetty.ttyS3</tt> looked like this:
# sample uugetty configuration file for a Hayes compatible modem to allow
# incoming modem connections
# line to initialize
# timeout to disconnect if idle...
# modem initialization string...
# format: <expect> <send> ... (chat sequence)
INIT="" AT\r OK\r\n
# this line sets the time to delay before sending the login banner
Add the following line to your <tt>/etc/inittab</tt>, so that
<tt/uugetty/ is run on your serial port, substituting in the correct
information for your environment - run-levels (2345 or 345, etc.)
config file location, port, speed, and default terminal type:

S3:2345:respawn:/sbin/uugetty -d /etc/default/uugetty.ttyS3 ttyS3 F115200 vt100
Restart <tt/init/:
linux# init q
For the speed parameter in your <tt>/etc/inittab</tt>, you want to use
the highest bps rate that your modem supports.
Now Linux will be watching your serial port for connections.
Dial in from another machine and login to you Linux system.

<p> <tt/uugetty/ has a lot more options, see the man
page for <tt/uugetty)/ (often just called <tt/getty/) for a full
description.  Among other things there is a scheduling feature, and a
ringback feature.

<sect>What Speed Should I Use with My Modem? <label id="speed_">

<p> By "speed" we really mean the "data flow rate" but almost everybody
incorrectly calls it speed.  For all modern modems you have no choice
of the speed that the modem uses on the telephone line since it will
automatically choose the highest possible speed that is feasible under
the circumstances.  If one modem is slower than the other, then the
faster modem will operate at the slower modem's speed.  On a noisy
line, the speed will drop still lower.

While the above speeds are selected automatically by the modems you do
have a choice as to what speed will be used between your modem and
your computer (PC-to-modem speed).  This is sometimes called "DTE
speed" where "DTE" stands for Data Terminal Equipment (Your computer
is a DTE.)  You need to set this speed high enough so this part of the
signal path will not be a bottleneck.  The setting for the DTE speed
is the maximum speed of this link.  Most of the time it will likely
actually operate at lower speeds.

For an external modem, DTE speed is the speed (in bits/sec) of the
flow over the cable between you modem and PC.  For an internal modem,
it's the same idea since the modem also emulates a serial port.  It
may seem ridiculous having a speed limit on communication between a
computer and a modem card that is directly connected inside the
computer to a much higher speed bus.  But it's usually that way since
the modem card probably includes a dedicated serial port which does
have speed limits (and settable speeds).  However, some software
modems have no such speed limits.

<sect1> Speed and Data Compression
<p> What speed do you choose?  If it were not for "data compression"
one might try to choose a DTE speed exactly the same as the modem
speed.  Data compression takes the bytes sent to the modem from your
computer and encodes them into a fewer number of bytes.  For example,
if the flow (speed) from the PC to the modem was 20,000 bytes/sec
(bps) and the compression ratio was 2 to 1, then only 10,000 bytes/sec
would flow over the telephone line.  Thus for a 2:1 compression ratio
you would need to set the DTE speed to double the maximum modem speed
on the phone line.  If the compression ratio were 3 to 1 you would
need to set it 3 times faster, etc.

<sect1> Where do I Set Speed ?
<p> This DTE (PC-to-modem) speed is normally set by a menu in your
communications program or by an option given to the getty command if
someone is dialing in.  You can't set the DCE modem-to-modem speed
since this is set automatically by the modem to the highest feasible
speed after negotiation with the other modem.  Well, actually you can
set the modem-to-modem speed with the S37 register but you shouldn't
do it.  If the two modems on a connection were to be set this way to
different speeds, then they couldn't communicate with each other.

<sect1> Can't Set a High Enough Speed <label id="high_speed">
<!-- high_speed.H begin  In Serial and Modem HOWTOs but some of the speed
section is unique to each HOWTO.
Feb. 2003, 
<sect2> Speeds over 115.2k
<p> The top speed of 115.2k has been standard since the mid 1990's.
But by the year 2000, most new serial ports supported higher speeds of
230.4k and 460.8k.  Some also support 921.6k.  Unfortunately Linux
seldom uses these speeds due to lack of drivers.  Thus such ports
behave just like 115.2k ports unless the higher speeds are enabled by
special software.  To get these speeds you need to compile the kernel
with special patches until support is built into the kernel's serial

Unfortunately serial port manufacturers never got together on a
standard way to support high speeds, so the serial driver needs to
support a variety of hardware.  Once high speed is enabled, a standard
way to choose it is to set baud_base to the highest speed with
setserial (unless the serial driver does this for you).  The software
will then use a divisor of 1 to set the highest speed.  All this will 
hopefully be supported by the Linux kernel sometime in 2002.

A non-standard way that some manufacturers have implemented high speed
is to use a very large number for the divisor to get the high speed.
This number isn't really a divisor at all since it doesn't divide
anything.  It's just serves as a code number to tell the hardware what
speed to use.  In such cases you need to compile the kernel with
special patches. 

One patch to support this second type of high-speed hardware is called
shsmod (Super High Speed Mode).  There are both Windows and Linux
versions of this patch.  See <url
url="">.  There is also a module for the
VIA VT82C686 chip <url url="">.  Using it
may result in buffer overflow.  

For internal modems, only a minority of them advertise that they
support speeds of over 115.2k for their built-in serial ports.
Does shsmod support these ??

<sect2> How speed is set in hardware: the divisor and baud_base <label
<p> Speed is set by having the serial port's clock change frequency.
But this change happens not by actually changing the frequency of the
oscillator driving the clock but by "dividing" the clock's frequency.
For example, to divide by two, just ignore every other clock tick.
This cuts the speed in half.  Dividing by 3 makes the clock run at 1/3
frequency, etc.  So to slow the clock down (meaning set speed), we
just send the clock a divisor.  It's sent by the serial driver to a
register in the port.  Thus speed is set by a divisor.

If the clock runs at a top speed of 115,000 bps (common), then here
are the divisors for various speeds (assuming a maximum speed of
115,200): 1 (115.2k), 2 (57.6k), 3 (38.4k), 6 (19.2k), 12 (9.6k), 24
(4.8k), 48 (2.4k), 96 (1.2k), etc.  The serial driver sets the speed
in the hardware by sending the hardware only a "divisor" (a positive
integer).  This "divisor" divides the "maximum speed" of the hardware
resulting in a slower speed (except a divisor of 1 obviously tells the
hardware to run at maximum speed).

There are exceptions to the above since for certain serial port
hardware, speeds above 115.2k are set by using a very high divisor.
Keep that exception in mind as you read the rest of this section.
Normally, if you specify a speed of 115.2k (in your communication
program or by stty) then the serial driver sets the port hardware to
divisor 1 which sets the highest speed.

Besides using a very high divisor to set high speed the conventional
way to do it is as follows: If you happen to have hardware with a
maximum speed of say 230.4k (and the 230.4k speed has been enabled),
then specifying 115.2k will result in divisor 1.  For some hardware
this will actually give you 230.4k.  This is double the speed that you
set.  In fact, for any speed you set, the actual speed will be double.
If you had hardware that could run at 460.8k then the actual speed
would be quadruple what you set.  All the above assumes that you don't
use "setserial" to modify things.

<sect2> Setting the divisor, speed accounting
<p> To correct this accounting (but not always fix the problem) you
may use "setserial" to change the baud_base to the actual maximal
speed of your port such as 230.4k.  Then if you set the speed (by your
application or by stty) to 230.4k, a divisor of 1 will be used and
you'll get the same speed as you set.

If you have old software which will not permit such a high speed (but
your hardware has it enabled) then you might want to look into using
the "spd_cust" parameter for setserial with "divisor 1".  Then when
you tell the application that the speed it 38,400, it will use divisor
1 and get the highest speed.  

There are some brands of UARTs that uses a very high divisor to set
high speeds.  There isn't any satisfactory way to use "setserial" (say
set "divisor 32770") to get such a speed since then setserial would
then think that the speed is very low and disable the FIFO in the

<sect2> Crystal frequency is higher than baud_base
<p> Note that the baud_base setting is usually much lower than the
frequency of the crystal oscillator since the crystal frequency of say
1.8432 MHz is divided by 16 in the hardware to get the actual top
speed of 115.2k.  The reason the crystal frequency needs to be higher
is so that this high crystal speed can generate clock ticks to take a
number of samples of each  bit to determine if it's a 1 or a 0.

Actually, the 1.8432 MHz "crystal frequency" is obtained from a 18.432
MHz crystal oscillator by dividing by 10 before being fed to the UART.
Other schemes are also possible as long as the UART performs properly.

<!-- high_speed.H end  -->

<sect1> Speed Table <label id="speed_table">
<p> It's best to have at least a 16650 UART for a 56k modem but few
modems or serial ports provide it.  Second best is a 16550 that has
been tweaked to give 230,400 bps (230.4 kbps).  Most people still use
a 16550 that is only 115.2 kbps but it's claimed to only slow down
thruput by a few percent (on average).  This is because a typical
compression ratio is 2 to 1 and for downloading compressed files
(packages) it's 1 to 1.  There's no degradation for these cases.  Here
are some suggested speeds to set your serial line if your modem speed

<item> 56k (V.92): use 115.2 kbps or 230.4 kbps (best)
<item> 56k (V.90): use 115.2 kbps or 230.4 kbps (best)
<item> 33.6k (V.34bis): use 115.2 kbps
<item> 28.8k (V.34): use 115.2 kbps
<item> 14.4k (V.32bis): use 57600 bps
<item> 9.6k (V.32): use 38400 bps
<item> slower than a 9600 bps (V.32) modem: Set the speed to the
 same speed as the modem (unless you have data compression).

All the above speeds may use V.42bis data compression and V.42 error
correction.  If data compression is not used then the speed may be set
lower so long as it's above the modem speed.

<sect>Communications Programs And Utilities<label id="comm_">

<p> While PPP is used for Internet access you also need a dialer
program (or script) that will dial a phone number and then start PPP
once a connection is made.  When the other side answers the phone,
then three things happen: a modem connection is established (CONNECT),
PPP is started at both ends, and you get logged in automatically.  The
exact sequence of the last 2 events may vary.  Dialer programs for ppp
include wvdial, chap scripts, kppp, RP3 (front end to wvdial and
ifup), gnome-ppp, and "modem lights" (Gnome).  Linuxconf configures
some dialers.

There are also older dialer programs which can dial out (via a modem)
but don't connect to the Internet.  Instead, you get connected to a
computer somewhere that puts a text image on your screen.  This was
much used in the past to connect to Bulletin Boards.  See <ref
id="bbs_" name="PCs and BBSs">  Today, it might be used to connect to
a remote computer that you may login to (including a PC at home). 
Programs for this are: <tt/minicom/ (the most popular), <tt/Seyon/
(X-Windows only) and <tt/Kermit/.  Some people have likely also used
these programs for dialing out with ppp for the Internet but it's not
what they were originally designed for.

<sect1> Minicom vs. Kermit
<p> Minicom is only a communications program while Kermit is both a
communications program and a file transfer protocol.  But one may use
the Kermit protocol from within Minicom (provided one has Kermit
installed on one's PC).  Minicom is menu based while Kermit is
command line based (interactive at the special Kermit prompt).  While
the Kermit program is free software, the documentation is not all
free.  There is no detailed manual supplied and it is suggested that
you purchase a book as the manual.  However Kermit has interactive
online help which tells all but lacks tutorial explanations for the
beginner.  Commands may be put in a script file so you don't have to
type them over again each time.  Kermit (as a communications program)
is more powerful than Minicom.

Although all Minicom documentation is free, it's not as extensive as
Kermit's.  Since permission is required to include Kermit in a
commercial distribution, and since the documentation is not entirely
free, some distributions don't include Kermit.  In my opinion it's
easier to set up Minicom, there is less to learn, and you can still
use kermit from within Minicom.

<sect1> List of Communication Software
<p> Here is a list of some communication software you can choose from,
If they didn't come with your distribution they should be available
via FTP.  I would like comparative comments on the dialout programs.
Are the least popular ones obsolete?

<sect2> Least Popular Dialout
<p> <itemize>
<item><tt/ecu/ - a communications program
<item><tt/pcomm/ - <tt/procomm/-like communications program with zmodem
<item><tt/xc/ - xcomm communication package

<sect2> Most Popular Dialout
<p> <itemize>
<item> PPP dialers for getting on the internet: <tt/wvdial/, <tt/eznet/,
 <tt/chat/, <tt/pon/ (uses chat),
<item><tt/minicom/ - <tt/telix/-like communications program.  Can work
 with scripts, zmodem, kermit
<item><url url="" name="C-Kermit"> -
 portable, scriptable, serial and TCP/IP communications including file
 transfer, character-set translation, and zmodem support
<item><tt/seyon/ - X based communication program

<sect2> Fax <label id="fax_">
<p> By using a fax program, you may use most modems to send faxes.
In this case you dial out directly and not via ppp and an ISP.  You
also pay any long-distance telephone charges.  email is more

<item> <tt/efax/ is a small fax program
<item> <tt/hylafax/ is a large fax program based on the client-server
<item><tt/mgetty+fax/ handles fax stuff and login for dial-ins
<item>A fax protocol tutorial
 <url url="">

<sect2> Voicemail Software <label id="voice_sw">
<p> <itemize>
<item> vgetty is an extension to mgetty that handles voicemail for
 some modems.  It should come with recent releases of mgetty.
<item> <url url="" name="VOCP">is a 
 "complete voice messaging" system for Linux.


<sect2> Dial-in (uses getty)
<p> <itemize>
<item><tt/mgetty+fax/ is for modems and is well documented (except for
voicemail as of early 1999).  It also handles fax stuff and provides
an alternative to <tt/uugetty/.  It's incorporating voicemail (using
vgetty) features.  See <ref id="mgetty_" name="About mgetty">

<item> <tt/uugetty/ is also for modems.  It comes as a part of the
<tt/ps_getty/ package.  See <ref id="uugetty_" name="About

<sect2> Other
<p> <itemize>
<item><tt/callback/ is where you dial out to a remote modem and then
 that modem hangs up and calls you back (to save on phone bills).

<item><tt/SLiRP/ and <tt/term/ provide a PPP-like service that you can
 run in user space on a remote computer with a shell account.
 See <ref id="term+slurp" name="term and SLiRP"> for more details

<item><tt/ZyXEL/ is a control program for ZyXEL U-1496 modems.  It
 handles dialin, dialout, dial back security, FAXing, and voice
 mailbox functions.

<item>SLIP and PPP software can be found at
 <tt> <htmlurl

<item>Other things can be found on
 <tt><htmlurl url=""
 name=""></tt> and
 <tt><htmlurl url=""
 name=""></tt> or one of the
 many mirrors.  These are the directories where serial programs are kept.

<sect1> SLiRP and term <label id="term+slurp">
<p> <tt/SLiRP/ and <tt/term/ are programs which are of use if you only
have a dial-up shell account on a Unix-like machine and want to get
the equivalent of a PPP account (or the like) without being authorized
to have it (possibly because you don't want to pay extra for it, etc.).
<tt/SLiRP/ is more popular than <tt/term/ which is almost obsolete.

To use <tt/SLiRP/ you install it in your shell account on the remote
computer.  Then you dial up the account and run SLiRP on the remote
and PPP on your local PC.  You now have a PPP connection over which
you may run a web browser on your local PC such as Netscape, etc.
There may be some problems as SLiRP is not as good as a real PPP
account.  Some accounts may provide SLiRP since it saves on IP
addresses (You have no IP address while using SLiRP).

<tt/term/ is something like SLiRP only you need to run <tt/term/ on
both the local and remote computer.  There is no PPP on the phone line
since <tt/term/ uses its own protocol.  To use <tt/term/ from your PC
you need to use a term-aware version of ftp to do ftp, etc.  Thus it's
easier to use SLiRP since the ordinary version of ftp works fine with
SLiRP.  There is an unmaintained Term HOWTO.

<sect1> MS Windows
<p> If you want someone who uses MS Windows to dial in to your Linux
PC then if they use:
<item> Windows 3.x: use <tt/Terminal/
<item> Windows 95/98/2000: use <tt/HyperTerminal/

Third party dial-out programs include HyperTerminal Private Edition.

<sect> Two Modems (Modem Doubling)
<sect1> Introduction
<p> By using two modems at the same time, the flow of data can be
doubled.  It takes two modems and two phone lines.  There are two
methods of doing this.  One is "modem bonding" where software at both
ends of the modem-to-modem connection enables the paired modems to
work like a single channel.

The second method is called "modem teaming.  Only one end of the
connection uses software to make 2 different connections to the
internet.  Then when a file is to be downloaded, one modem gets the
first half of the file.  The second modems simultaneously gets the
last half of the same file by pretending that it's resuming a download
that was interrupted in the middle of the file.  Is there any modem
teaming support in Linux ??

<sect1> Modem Bonding
<p> There are two ways to do this in Linux: EQL and multilink.  These
are provided as part of the Linux kernel (provided they've been
selected when the kernel was compiled).  For multilink the kernel
must be at least v.2.4.  Both ends of the connection must run them.
Few (if any) ISPs provide EQL but many provide Multilink.

The way it works is something like multiplexing only it's the other
way around.  Thus it's called inverse-multiplexing.  For the multilink
case, suppose you're sending some packets.  The first packet goes out on
modem1 while the second packet is going out on modem2.  Then the third
packet follows the first packet on modem1.  The forth packet goes on
modem2, etc.  To keep each modem busy, it may be necessary to send out
more packets on one modem than the other.  Since EQL is not packet
based, it doesn't split up the flow on packet boundaries.

<sect2> EQL
<p>EQL is "serial line load balancing" which has been available for
Linux since at least 1995.  An old (1995) howto on it is in the kernel
documentation (in the networking subdirectory).  Unfortunately, ISPs
don't seem to provide EQL.

<sect2> Multilink
<p> Staring with kernel 2.4 in 2000, experimental support is provided
for multilink.  It must be selected when compiling the kernel and it
only works with PPP.	

<sect>Troubleshooting <label id="trouble_shoot">

<sect1> My Modem is Physically There but Can't be Found <label

<p> An error messages could be something like "No modem detected",
"Modem not responding".  There could be no error message.  If you
have installed an internal modem (serial port is builtin) or are using
an external one and don't know what serial port it's connected to then
the problem is to find the serial port.  See <ref id="cant_find_port"
name="My Serial Port is Physically There but Can't be Found">.  This
section is about finding out which serial port has the modem on it.

There's a program that looks for modems on commonly used serial ports
called "wvdialconf".  Just type "wvdialconf &lt;a-new-file-name&gt;".
It will create the new file as a configuration file but you don't need
this file unless you are going to use "wvdial" for dialing.
See <ref id="wvdial_" name="What is wvdialconf ?">  Unfortunately, if
your modem is in "online data" mode, wvdialconf will report "No modem
detected"  See <ref id="no_AT" name="No response to AT">

Your problem could be due to a winmodem (or the like) which usually
can't be used with Linux.  See <ref id="soft_modem"
name="Software-based Modems (winmodems)">.  The "setserial program may
be used to detect serial ports but will not detect modems on them.
Thus "wvdialconf" is best to try first.

Another way try to find out if there's a modem on a port is to start
"minicom" on the port (after first setting up minicom for the correct
serial port --you will need to save the setup and then exit minicom
and start it again).  Then type "AT" and you should see "OK" (or 0 if
it's set for "digit result codes").  If you don't immediately see "OK"
then if:
<item> No response.  See <ref id="no_AT" name="No response to AT">
<item> It takes many seconds to get an expected truncated response
(including only the cursor moving down one line).  See <ref id="slow_"
name="Extremely Slow: Text appears on the screen slowly after long
<item> Some strange characters appear but they are not in response to
AT.  This likely means that your modem is still connected to something
at the other end of the phone line which is sending some cryptic
packets or the like.

<sect2> No response to AT <label id="no_AT">
<p> The modem should send you "OK" in response to your "AT" which you
type to the modem (using minicom or the like).  If you don't see "OK"
(and in most cases don't even see the "AT" you typed either) then the
modem is not responding (often because what you type doesn't even get
to the modem).

A common cause is that there is no modem on the serial port you are
typing to.  For the case of an internal modem, that serial port likely
doesn't exist either.  That's because the PnP modem card (which has a
built-in serial port) has either not been configured (by isapnp or the
like) or has been configured incorrectly.  See <ref
id="cant_find_port" name="My Serial Port is Physically There but Can't
be Found">.

If what you type is really getting thru to a modem, then the lack of
response could be due to the modem being in "online data" mode where
it can't accept any AT commands.  You may have been using the modem
and then abruptly disconnected (such as killing the process with
signal 9).  In that case your modem did not get reset to "command
mode" where it can interact to AT commands.  "Minicom" may display
"You are already online.  Hangup first."  (For another meaning of this
minicom message see
<ref id="already_online" name= "You are already online!  Hang up
Well, you are sort of online but you are may not be connected to
anything over the phone line.  Wvdial will report "modem not
responding" for the same situation.

To fix this as a last resort you could reboot the computer.  Another
way to try to fix this is to send +++ to the modem to tell it to
escape back to "command mode" from "online data mode".  On both sides
of the +++ sequence there must be about 1 second of delay (nothing
sent during "guard time").  This may not work if another process is
using the modem since the +++ sequence could wind up with other
characters inserted in between them or after the +++ (during the guard
time).  Ironically, even if the modem line is idle, typing an
unexpected +++ is likely to set off an exchange of control packets
(that you never see) that will violate the required guard time so
that the +++ doesn't do what you wanted.  +++ is usually in the string
that is named "hangup string" so if you command minicom (or the like)
to hangup it might work.  Another way to do this is to just exit
minicom and then run minicom again.

<sect1> "Modem is busy"
<p> What this means depends on what program sent it.  The modem could
actually be in use (busy).  Another cause reported for the SuSE
distribution is that there may be two serial drivers present instead
of one.  One driver was built into the kernel and the second was a

In kppp, this message is sent when an attempt to get/set the serial
port "stty" parameters fails.  (It's similar to the "Input/output
error" one may get when trying to use "stty -F /dev/ttySx").  To get a
few of these stty parameters, the true address of the port must be
known to the driver.  So the driver may have the wrong address.  The
setserial" command will display what the driver thinks but it's likely
wrong in this case.  So what the "modem busy" often means is that the
serial port (and thus the modem) can't be found.

If you have a pci modem, then use one of these commands: lspci, or cat
/proc/pci, or dmesg to find the correct address and irq of the
modem's serial port.  Then check to see if "setserial" shows the same
thing.  If not, you need to run a script at boot-time which contains a
setserial command that will tell the driver the correct address and
irq.  The reason that the driver has it wrong may be due to failure of
the kernel to understand the lspci data correctly.  You might notice
this in a boot-time message.

<sect1> "You are already online!  Hang up first." (from minicom)
<label id="already_online">
<p> The modem has its CD signal on.  Either you are actually online
(a remote modem is sending you a carrier) or your modem has been setup
to always send the CD signal.  In minicom, type at&amp;v to see if
&amp;C or &amp;C0 is set.  If so, CD will be on even if you are
offline and you'll erroneously get this error message.  The fix is to
set &amp;C1 in the init string or save it in the modem. 

<sect1> I can't get near 56k on my 56k modem
<p> There must be very low noise on the line for it to work at even
close to 56k.  Some phone lines are so bad that the speeds obtainable
are much slower than 56k (like 28.8k or even slower).  Sometimes
extension phones connected to the same line can cause problems.  To
test this you might connect your modem directly at the point where the
telephone line enters the building with the feeds for everything else
on that line disconnected (if others can tolerate such a test).

<sect1> Uploading (downloading) files is broken/slow
<p> Flow control (both at your PC and/or modem-to-modem) may not be
enabled.  For the uploading case: If you have set a high DTE speed
(like 115.2k) then flow from your modem to your PC may work OK but
uploading flow in the other direction will not all get thru due to the
telephone line bottleneck.  This will result in many errors and the
resending of packets.  It may thus take far too long to send a file.
In some cases, files don't make it thru at all.

For the downloading case: If you're downloading long uncompressed
files or web pages (and your modem uses data compression) or if you've
set a low DTE speed, then downloading may also be broken due to no
flow control.

<sect1>For Dial-in I Keep Getting "line NNN of inittab invalid"
Make sure you are using the correct syntax for your version of
<tt/init/.  The different <tt/init/'s that are out there use different
syntax in the <tt>/etc/inittab</tt> file.  Make sure you are using the
correct syntax for your version of <tt/getty/.

<sect1>I Keep Getting: ``Id "S3" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes''
<p> Id "S3" is just an example.  In this case look on the line which
starts with "S3" in <tt>/etc/inittab</tt> and calls getty.  This line
causes the problem.  Make sure the syntax for this line is correct and
that the device (ttyS3) exists and can be found.  If the modem has
negated CD and getty opens the port, you'll get this error message
since negated CD will kill getty.  Then getty will respawn only to be
killed again, etc.  Thus it respawns over and over (too fast).  It
seems that if the cable to the modem is disconnected or you have the
wrong serial port, it's just like CD is negated.  All this can occur
when your modem is chatting with getty.  Make sure your modem is
configured correctly.  Look at AT commands <tt/E/ and <tt/Q/.

If you use uugetty, verify that your <tt>/etc/gettydefs</tt> syntax is
correct by doing the following:
linux# getty -c /etc/gettydefs

This can also happen when the <tt/uugetty/ initialization is failing.
See section <ref id="uu_nowork" name="uugetty Still Doesn't Work">.

<sect1>My Modem is Hosed after Someone Hangs Up, or uugetty doesn't respawn
This can happen when your modem doesn't reset when DTR is dropped.
Greg Hankins saw his RD and SD LEDs go crazy when this happened.
You need to have your modem reset.  Most Hayes compatible modems do
this with <tt/&amp;D3/, but for USR Courier, SupraFax, and other
modems, you must set <tt/&amp;D2/ (and <tt/S13=1/ for USR Courier).
Check your modem manual (if you have one).

<p>It means exactly what it says.  Someone else may be using another
telephone on the same line.  You also get this error if there is no
phone line plugged into the modem, or if the phone line is somehow
broken.  Try plugging a real telephone into the phone cord used by the
modem.  Check it for a dialtone.

If for some reason your modem doesn't detect a dialtone, then you can
force it to dial anyway by putting X3 in the init string.

<sect1> NO CARRIER
<p>This means that the analog sine wave (the carrier) from the other
modem isn't present like it should be.  If you were already connected,
this means that the connection has been lost.  There may have been
noise on the line or a bad connection.  The other modem may have hung
up on you for some reason:   Perhaps the automatic login process
didn't work out OK.  Perhaps PPP didn't get started OK.  Perhaps a
time limit was exceeded.

If you get this error before you get connected, it means that the
carrier of the other modem wasn't detected by your modem.  This may
happen if there is there is no properly working modem on the other
end.  For example, an answering machine could have picked up your
call instead of a modem.  NO CARRIER will also happen if the modems
fail to negotiate a protocol to use.  This can happen if you have an
early V.90 modem that first tries to negotiate a high speed X2 or
K56flex protocol.  These two protocols are obsolete and some ISP
servers will drop the connection (hang up) when this happens since
they have no understanding of such protocols and don't wait around
long enough for the calling modem to fallback to V.90.

If you force your modem to drop the connection by dropping the DTR
signal or sending your modem the hangup signal (ATH) you may get this
error message.  But in this case you (or your software) wanted to drop
the connection so there should be no problem.  In this case you are
only supposed to get NO CARRIER if data was lost.   So for most cases
of dropping a connection by hangup (or by dropping DTR) you only get
an OK message.  Your modem dialer program may not even display that to

<sect1> uugetty Still Doesn't Work <label id="uu_nowork">
There is a <tt/DEBUG/ option that comes with <tt/getty_ps/.  Edit your
config file
<tt>/etc/conf.{uu}getty.ttyS</tt><em/N/ and
add <tt/DEBUG=/<em/NNN/.  Where <EM/NNN/ is one of the following
combination of numbers according to what you are trying to debug:
D_OPT   001            option settings
D_DEF   002            defaults file processing
D_UTMP  004            utmp/wtmp processing
D_INIT  010            line initialization (INIT)
D_GTAB  020            gettytab file processing
D_RUN   040            other runtime diagnostics
D_RB    100            ringback debugging
D_LOCK  200            uugetty lockfile processing
D_SCH   400            schedule processing
D_ALL   777            everything
Setting <tt/DEBUG=010/ is a good place to start.
If you are running <tt/syslogd/, debugging info
will appear in your log files.  If you aren't running <tt/syslogd/
info will appear in <tt>/tmp/getty:ttyS</tt><em/N/ for debugging
and <tt>/tmp/uugetty:ttyS</tt><em/N/ for <tt/uugetty/, and in
<tt>/var/adm/getty.log</tt>.  Look at the
debugging info and see what is going on.  Most likely, you will need
to tune some of the parameters in your config
file, and reconfigure your modem.
You could also try <tt/mgetty/.  Some people have better luck with

<!-- <sect>Troubleshooting started above -->
<!-- troubleshooting.H begin  (in Modem/Serial HOWTOs)
Change Log:
Apr. '00: 2 ports on same address
May '00: address conflict
Nov. '00: which connector is ttyS1, etc. Input/output error, overrun
  error link
Dec. '00: /proc/tty/driver/serial shows info, I/O error+, pid 161 in
 example n.g.
July '02: typo: is doesn't => it doesn't, clarity re port not found
Dec. '02: IO error may mean IRQ conflict or IO address conflict.
Jan. '03: LSR safety check error 
Feb. '03: Interrupts may be shared on PCI Bus
June '03: Wvdial: busy message due to lockfile permissions
<sect1>(The following subsections are in both the Serial and Modem HOWTOs)

<sect1> My Serial Port is Physically There but Can't be Found
<label id="cant_find_port">
<p> If a physical device (such as a modem) doesn't work at all it's
often because it's disabled and has no address (PnP hasn't enabled it)
or that it is enabled but is not at the I/O address that setserial
thinks it's at.  Thus it can't be found.

First check BIOS messages at boot-time (and possible the BIOS menu for
the serial port).  For the PCI bus use lspci or scanpci.  If it's an
ISA bus PnP serial port, try "pnpdump --dumpregs" and/or see
Plug-and-Play-HOWTO.  If the port happens to be enabled then the
following two paragraphs may help find it:

For a non-PnP ISA legacy port, using "scanport" (Debian only ??) will
scan all bus ports and may discover an unknown port that could be a
serial port (but it doesn't probe the port).  It could hang your PC.
You may try probing with setserial.  See <ref id="probing_ss"

If nothing seems to get thru the port it may be accessible but have a
bad interrupt.  See <ref id="slow_" name="Extremely Slow: Text appears
on the screen slowly after long delays">.  Use <tt>setserial -g</tt>
to see what the serial driver thinks and check for IRQ and I0 address
conflicts.  Even if you see no conflicts the driver may have incorrect
information (view it by "setserial") and conflicts may still exist.

If two ports have the same IO address then probing it will erroneously
indicate only one port.  Plug-and-play detection will find both ports
so this should only be a problem if at least one port is not
plug-and-play.  All sorts of errors may be reported/observed for
devices illegally "sharing" a port but the fact that there are two
devices on the same a port doesn't seem to get detected (except
hopefully by you).  In the above case, if the IRQs are different then
probing for IRQs with setserial might "detect" this situation by
failing to detect any IRQ.  See <ref id="probing_ss" name="Probing">.

<sect1> Extremely Slow: Text appears on the screen slowly after long delays
 <label id="slow_">
<p> It's likely mis-set/conflicting interrupts.  Here are some of the
symptoms which will happen the first time you try to use a modem,
terminal, or serial printer.  In some cases you type something but
nothing appears on the screen until many seconds later.  Only the last
character typed may show up.  It may be just an invisible
&lt;return&gt character so all you notice is that the cursor jumps
down one line.  In other cases where a lot of data should appear on
the screen, only a batch of about 16 characters appear.  Then there is
a long wait of many seconds for the next batch of characters.  You
might also get "input overrun" error messages (or find them in logs).

For more details on the symptoms and why this happens see
the Serial-HOWTO section: "Interrupt Problem Details".

If it involves Plug-and-Play devices, see also Plug-and-Play-HOWTO.

As a quick check to see if it really is an interrupt problem, set the
IRQ to 0 with "setserial".  This will tell the driver to use
polling instead of interrupts.  If this seems to fix the "slow"
problem then you had an interrupt problem.  You should still try to
solve the problem since polling uses excessive computer resources.

Checking to find the interrupt conflict may not be easy since Linux
supposedly doesn't permit any interrupt conflicts and will send you a
<ref id="busy_err" name="/dev/ttyS?: Device or resource busy"> error
message if it thinks you are attempting to create a conflict.  But a
real conflict can be created if "setserial" has told the kernel
incorrect info.  The kernel has been lied to and thus doesn't think
there is any conflict.  Thus using "setserial" will not reveal the
conflict (nor will looking at /proc/interrupts which bases its info on
"setserial").  You still need to know what "setserial" thinks so that
you can pinpoint where it's wrong and change it when you determine
what's really set in the hardware.

What you need to do is to check how the hardware is set by checking
jumpers or using PnP software to check how the hardware is actually
set.  For PnP run either "pnpdump --dumpregs" (if ISA bus) or run
"lspci" (if PCI bus).  Compare this to how Linux (e.g. "setserial")
thinks the hardware is set.

<sect1> Somewhat Slow: I expected it to be a few times faster
<p> An obvious reason is that the baud rate is actually set too slow.
It's claimed that this happened by trying to set the baud rate to a speed
higher than the hardware can support (such as 230400).

Another reason may be that whatever is on the serial port (such as a
modem, terminal, printer) doesn't work as fast as you thought it did.
A 56k Modem seldom works at 56k and the Internet
often has congestion and bottlenecks that slow things down.  If the
modem on the other end does not have a digital connection to the phone
line (and uses a special "digital modem" not sold in most computer
stores), then speeds above 33.6k are not possible.

Another possible reason is that you have an obsolete serial port: UART
8250, 16450 or early 16550 (or the serial driver thinks you do).  See
 "What are UARTS" in the Serial-HOWTO. 

Use "setserial -g /dev/ttyS*".
If it shows anything less than a 16550A, this may be your problem.
If you think that "setserial" has it wrong check it out.  See <ref
id="set_serial" name="What is Setserial"> for more info.  If you
really do have an obsolete serial port, lying about it to setserial
will only make things worse.

<sect1>The Startup Screen Show Wrong IRQs for the Serial Ports.
<label id="irqs_shown_wrong">
<p> For non-PnP ports, Linux does not do any IRQ detection on startup.
When the serial module loads it only does serial device detection.
Thus, disregard what it says about the IRQ, because it's just assuming
the standard IRQs.  This is done, because IRQ detection is unreliable,
and can be fooled.  But if and when setserial runs from a start-up
script, it changes the IRQ's and displays the new (and hopefully
correct) state on on the startup screen.  If the wrong IRQ is not
corrected by a later display on the screen, then you've got a problem.

So, even though I have my <tt/ttyS2/ set at IRQ 5, I still see
ttyS02 at 0x03e8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
at first when Linux boots.  (Older kernels may show "ttyS02" as
"tty02" which is the same as ttyS2).  You may need to use
<tt/setserial/ to tell Linux the IRQ you are using.

<sect1> "Cannot open /dev/ttyS?: Permission denied"
<p> Check the file permissions on this port with "ls -l /dev/ttyS?"_
If you own the ttyS? then you need read and write permissions: crw
with the c (Character device) in col. 1.  It you don't own it then it
should show rw- in cols. 8 & 9 which means that everyone has read and
write permission on it.  Use "chmod" to change permissions.  There are
more complicated ways to get access like belonging to a "group" that
has group permission.

<sect1> "Operation not supported by device" for ttyS?
<p> This means that an operation requested by setserial, stty, etc.
couldn't be done because the kernel doesn't support doing it.
Formerly this was often due to the "serial" module not being loaded.
But with the advent of PnP, it may likely mean that there is no modem
(or other serial device) at the address where the driver (and
setserial) thinks it is.  If there is no modem there, commands (for
operations) sent to that address obviously don't get done.  See <ref
id="io-irq_in_hdw" name="What is set in my serial port hardware?">

If the "serial" module wasn't loaded but "lsmod" shows you it's now
loaded it might be the case that it's loaded now but wasn't loaded
when you got the error message.  In many cases the module will
automatically loaded when needed (if it can be found).  To force
loading of the "serial" module it may be listed in the file:
/etc/modules.conf or /etc/modules.  The actual module should reside
in: /lib/modules/.../misc/serial.o.

<sect1> "Cannot create lockfile. Sorry"
<p> When a port is "opened" by a program a lockfile is created in
/var/lock/.  Wrong permissions for the lock directory will not allow a
lockfile to be created there.  Use "ls -ld /var/lock" to see if the
permissions are OK.  Giving rwx permissions for the root owner and the
group should work, provided that the users that need to dialout belong
to that group.  Others should have r-x permission.  Even with this
scheme, there may be a security risk.  Use "chmod" to change
permissions and "chgrp" to change groups.  Of course, if there is no
"lock" directory no lockfile can be created there.  For more info on
lockfiles see the Serial-HOWTO subsection: "What Are Lock

<sect1> "Device /dev/ttyS? is locked."
<p> This means that someone else (or some other process) is supposedly
using the serial port.  There are various ways to try to find out what
process is "using" it.  One way is to look at the contents of the
lockfile (/var/lock/LCK...).  It should be the process id.  If the
process id is say 100 type "ps 100" to find out what it is.  Then if
the process is no longer needed, it may be gracefully killed by "kill
100".  If it refuses to be killed use "kill -9 100" to force it to be
killed, but then the lockfile will not be removed and you'll need to
delete it manually.  Of course if there is no such process as 100 then
you may just remove the lockfile but in most cases the lockfile should
have been automatically removed if it contained a stale process id
(such as 100).

<sect1> "/dev/tty? Device or resource busy" <label id="busy_err">
<p> This means that the device you are trying to access (or use) is
supposedly busy (in use) or that a resource it needs (such as an IRQ)
is supposedly being used by another device and can't be shared.
This message is easy to understand if it only means that the device is
busy (in use).  But it sometimes means that a needed resource is already
in use (busy).  What makes it even more confusing is that in some cases
neither the device nor the resources that it needs are actually

In olden days, if a PC was shutdown by just turning off the power, a
bogus lockfile might remain and then later on one would get this bogus
message and not be able to use the serial port.  Software today is
supposed to automatically remove such bogus lockfiles, but as of 2003
there is still a problem with the "wvdial" dialer program related to
lockfiles.  If wvdial can't create a lockfile because it doesn't have
write permission in the /var/lock/ directory, you will see this
erroneous message.

The following example is where interrupts can't be shared (at least
one of the interrupts is on the ISA bus).  The ``resource busy'' part
often means (example for <tt/ttyS2/) ``You can't use <tt/ttyS2/ since
another device is using ttyS2's interrupt.'' The potential interrupt
conflict is inferred from what "setserial" thinks.  A more accurate
error message would be ``Can't use <tt/ttyS2/ since the setserial data
(and kernel data) indicates that another device is using <tt/ttyS2/'s
interrupt''.  If two devices use the same IRQ and you start up only
one of the devices, everything is OK because there is no conflict yet.
But when you next try to start the second device (without quitting the
first device) you get a "... busy" error message.  This is because the
kernel only keeps track of what IRQs are actually in use and actual
conflicts don't happen unless the devices are in use (open).   The
situation for I/O address (such as 0x3f8) conflict is similar.

This error is sometimes due to having two serial drivers: one a module
and the other compiled into the kernel.  Both drivers try to grab the
same resources and one driver finds them "busy".

There are two possible cases when you see this message:
<item> There may be a real resource conflict that is being avoided.
<item> Setserial has it wrong and the only reason <tt/ttyS2/ can't be
 used is that setserial erroneously predicts a conflict.

What you need to do is to find the interrupt setserial thinks
<tt/ttyS2/ is using.  Look at /proc/tty/driver/serial.  You should
also be able to find it with the "setserial" command for <tt/ttyS2/.   

Bug in old versions:  Prior to 2001 there was a bug which wouldn't let
you see it with "setserial".  Trying to see it would give the same
"... busy" error message.

To try to resolve this problem reboot or: exit or gracefully kill all
likely conflicting processes.   If you reboot: 1. Watch the boot-time
messages for the serial ports.  2. Hope that the file that runs
"setserial" at boot-time doesn't (by itself) create the same conflict

If you think you know what IRQ say <tt/ttyS2/ is using then you may
look at /proc/interrupts to find what else (besides another serial
port) is currently using this IRQ.  You might also want to double
check that any suspicious IRQs shown here (and by "setserial") are
correct (the same as set in the hardware).  A way to test whether or
not it's a potential interrupt conflict is to set the IRQ to 0
(polling) using "setserial".  Then if the busy message goes away, it
was likely a potential interrupt conflict.  It's not a good idea to
leave it permanently set at 0 since it will put more load on the CPU.

<sect1>"Input/output error" from setserial, stty, pppd, etc.
<p> This means that communication with the serial port isn't working
right.  It could mean that there isn't any serial port at the IO
address that setserial thinks your port is at.  It could also be an
interrupt conflict (or an IO address conflict).  It also may mean that
the serial port is in use (busy or opened) and thus the attempt to
get/set parameters by setserial or stty failed.  It will also happen
if you make a typo in the serial port name such as typing "ttys"
instead of "ttyS".  

<sect1>"LSR safety check engaged"
<p>LSR is the name of a hardware register.  It's claimed that this
means there is no serial port at the specified address.

<sect1>Overrun errors on serial port
<p> This is an overrun of the hardware FIFO buffer and you can't
increase its size.  Bug note (reported in 2002): Due to a bug in some
kernel 2.4 versions, the port number may be missing and you will only
see "ttyS" (no port number).  But if devfs notation such as "tts/2" is
being used, there is no bug.  See "Higher Serial Thruput" in the Serial-HOWTO.

<sect1> Modem doesn't pick up incoming calls
<p> This paragraph is for the case where a modem is used for both
dial-in and dial-out.  If the modem generates a DCD (=CD) signal, some
 programs (but not mgetty) will think that the modem is busy.
This will cause a problem when you are trying to dial out with a modem
and the modem's DCD or DTR are not implemented correctly.  The modem
should assert DCD only when there is an actual connection (ie someone
has dialed in), not when <tt/getty/ is watching the port.  Check to
make sure that your modem is configured to only assert DCD when there
is a connection (&amp;C1).  DTR should be on (asserted) by the
communications program whenever something is using, or watching the
line, like <tt/getty/, <tt/kermit/, or some other comm program. 

<sect1> Port get characters only sporadically
<p> There could be some other program running on the port.  Use "top"
(provided you've set it to display the port number) or "ps -alxw".
Look at the results to see if the port is being used by another
program.  Be on the lookout for the gpm mouse program which often runs
on a serial port.

<sect1> Troubleshooting Tools
<p> These are some of the programs you might want to use in
<item> "lsof /dev/ttyS*" will list serial ports which are open.
<item> "setserial" shows and sets the low-level hardware configuration
 of a port (what the driver thinks it is).  See <ref id="set_serial"
 name="What is Setserial">
<item> "stty" shows and sets the configuration of a port (except for
 that handled by "setserial").
 See the Serial-HOWTO section: "Stty". <item> "modemstat" or "statserial" will show the current state of
 various modem signal lines (such as DTR, CTS, etc.)
<item> "irqtune" will give serial port interrupts higher
 priority to improve performance.
<item> "hdparm" for hard-disk tuning may help some more.
<item> "lspci" shows the actual IRQs, etc. of hardware on the PCI bus.
<item> "pnpdump --dumpregs" shows the actual IRQs, etc. of hardware for
 PnP devices on the ISA bus.
<item> Some "files" in the /proc tree (such as ioports, interrupts,
 and tty/driver/serial).

<!-- troubleshooting.H end -->

<sect> Flash Upgrades
<p> Many modems can be upgraded by reprogramming their flash memories
with an upgrade program which you get from the Internet.  By sending
this "program" from the PC via the serial port to the modem, the modem
will store this program in its non-volatile memory (it's still there
when the power is turned off).  The instructions on installing it are
usually on how to do in under Windows so you'll need to figure out how
to do the equivalent under Linux (unless you want to install the
upgrade under Windows).  Sending the program to the modem is often
called a download.

If the latest version of this HOWTO still contains this request (see
<ref id="new_vers" name="New Versions of this HOWTO">) please send me
your experiences with installing such upgrades that will be helpful to

Here's the general idea of doing an upgrade.  First, there may be a
command that you need to send your modem to tell it that what follows
is a flash ROM upgrade.  In one case this was AT**  You can do this by
starting a communications program (such as minicom) and type.  First
type AT &lt;enter&gt to see if your modem is there and answers "OK".

Next, you need to send an file (sometimes two files) directly to the modem.
Communication programs (such as minicom) often use zmodem or kermit to
send files to the modem (and beyond) but these put the file into
packets which append headers and you want the exact file sent to the
modem, not a modified one.  But the kermit communications program has
a "transmit" command that will send the file directly (without using
the kermit packets) so this is one way to send a file directly.
Minicom didn't have this feature in 1998.

Another way to send the file(s) would be to escape from the
communications program to the shell (in minicom this is ^AJ) and then:
<tt>cat upgrade_file_name > /dev/ttyS2 </tt> (if your serial port is
ttyS2).  Then go back to the communication program (type fg at the
command line prompt in minicom) to see what happened.

Here's an example session for a certain Rockwell modem (C-a is ^A):
- Run minicom
- Type AT** : see "Download initiated ..."
- C-a J
- cat FLASH.S37 > /dev/modem
- fg : see "Download flash code ..."
- C-a J
- cat 283P1722.S37 > /dev/modem
- fg : see "Device successfully programmed"

<sect>Other Sources of Information
<sect1> Misc
<item>man pages for: <tt/agetty(8)/, <tt/getty(1m)/, <tt/gettydefs(5)/,
 <tt/init(1)/, <tt/isapnp(8)/, <tt/login(1)/, <tt/mgetty(8)/,
<item>Your modem manual (if it exists).  Some modems come without manuals.
<item> <url url="" name="Serial
 Suite"> by Vern Hoxie is a collection of blurbs about the care and
 feeding of the Linux serial port plus some simple programs.
<item>The Linux serial mailing list.  To subscribe, send email to
 <tt><htmlurl url=""
 name=""></tt>, with
 ``<tt/subscribe linux-serial/'' in the message body.  If you
 send ``<tt/help/'' in the message body, you get a help
 message.  The server also serves many other Linux lists.  Send
the ``<tt/lists/'' command for a list of mailing lists.

<sect1> Books
<p> I've been unable to find a good up-to-date book on modems.
<item>The Complete Modem Reference by Gilbert Held, 1997.
Contains too much info about obsolete topics.  More up-to-date info
may be found on the Internet.
<item>Modems For Dummies by Tina Rathbone, 1996.  (Have never seen it.)
<item>The Modem Technical Guide by Douglas Anderson, 1996.
<item>Ultimate Modem Handbook by Cass R. Lewart, 1998.
<item> Black, Uyless D.: Physical Layer Interfaces & Protocols, IEEE
	Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1996.

<sect1> HOWTOs
<p> <itemize>
<item>Cable-Modem mini-howto
<item> SuSE ISDN Howto (not a LDP Howto) <url
url=""> or <url
<item>Linux-Modem-Sharing mini-howto.  Computers on a network share
a single modem for dial-out (like a shared printer).
<item>Modems-HOWTO: In French (Not used in creating this Modem-HOWTO)
<item>NET-3-4-HOWTO: all about networking, including SLIP, CSLIP, and PPP
<item>PPP-HOWTO: help with PPP including modem set-up
<item> Serial-HOWTO has info on Multiport Serial Cards used for both
terminals and banks of modems.  Covers the serial port in more detail
than in the HOWTO.
<item>Serial-Programming-HOWTO: for some aspects of serial-port programming
<item>Text-Terminal-HOWTO: (including connecting up with modems)
<item>UUCP-HOWTO: for information on setting up UUCP

<sect1> Usenet newsgroups
<p> <itemize>
<item> comp.os.linux.answers; FAQs, How-To's, READMEs, etc. about Linux.
<item> comp.os.linux.hardware; Hardware compatibility with the 
 Linux operating system.
<item> comp.os.linux.setup; Linux installation and system administration.
<item> comp.dcom.modems; Modems for all OS's

<sect1> Web Sites <label id="web_sites">
<p> <itemize>
<item> Modem List of modems which work/don't_work under Linux
 <url url="">
<item> <url url="" name="Linux Serial
 Driver home page">  Includes info about support for PCI modems.
<item>Hayes AT modem commands
<url url=""
name= "Technical Reference for Hayes (tm) Modem Users">
<url url=""
name= "Technical Reference for Hayes (tm) Modem Users">
<item><url url=""
name= "Rockwell-based modem commands">
<item> <url
 name="AT Command Set and Register Summary for Analog Modem Modules
<item><url url=""
name="Controlling your Modem with AT Commands">
<item>Modem FAQs:<newline>
<url url=""
 name="Navas 28800-56K Modem FAQ">
<item>  <url url="" name="Curt's High Speed
 Modem Page">
<item> Much info on 56k modems <url url=""
 name= "56k Modem = v.Unreliable">
<item> <url url=""
 name="Links to modem manufacturers">
<item> <url url="" name="More Links to modem
<item> <url url=""> name="Search for
 manufacturer by FCC ID">

<sect> Appendix A:  How Analog Modems Work (technical) (unfinished)
<label id="how_modems_work">
<sect1> Modulation Details <label id="modulate_">
<sect2> Intro to Modulation
<p> This part describes the modulation methods used for conventional
modems.  It doesn't cover the high speed PCM methods (modulus
conversion) sometimes used by <ref id="56k_modems" name="56k Modems
(V.90, V.92)">.  But 56k modems also use the modulation methods
described here.

Modulation is the conversion of a digital signal represented by binary
binary (0 or 1) into an analog signal something like a sine wave.
The modulated signal consists pure sine wave "carrier" signal which
is modified to convey information.  A pure carrier sine wave,
unchanging in frequency and voltage, provides no flow of information
at all (except that a carrier is present).  To make it convey
information we modify (or modulate) this carrier.  There are 3 basic
types of modulation: frequency, amplitude, and phase.  They will be
explained next.

<sect2> Frequency Modulation
<p> The simplest modulation method is frequency modulation.  Frequency
is measured in cycles per second (of a sine wave).  It's the count
of the number of times the sine wave shape repeats itself in a second.
This is the same as the number of times it reaches it peak value
during a second.  The word "Hertz" (abbreviated Hz) is used to mean
"cycles per second".

A simple example of frequency modulation is where one frequency means
a binary 0 and another means a 1.  For example, for some obsolete 300
baud modems 1070 Hz meant a binary 0 while 1270 Hz meant a binary 1.
This was called "frequency shift keying".  Instead of just two
possible frequencies, more could be used to allow more information to
be transmitted.  If we had 4 different frequencies (call them A, B, C,
and D) then each frequency could stand for a pair of bits.  For
example, to send 00 one would use frequency A.  To send 01, use
frequency B; for 10 use C; for 11 use D.  In like manner, by using 8
different frequencies we could send 3 bits with each shift in
frequency.  Each time we double the number of possible frequencies we
increase the number of bits it can represent by 1.

<sect2> Amplitude Modulation
<p> Once one understands frequency modulation example above including
the possibilities of representing a few bits by a single shift in
frequency, it's easier to understand both amplitude modulation and
phase modulation.  For amplitude modulation, one just changes the height
(voltage) of the sine wave analogous to changing the frequency of the
sine wave.  For a simple case there could only be 2 allowed amplitude
levels, one representing a 0-bit and another representing a 1-bit.  As
explained for the case of frequency modulation, having more possible
amplitudes will result in more information being transmitted per
change in amplitude.

<sect2> Phase Modulation
<p> To change the phase of a sine wave at a certain instant of time,
we stop sending this old sine wave and immediately begin sending a new
sine wave of the same frequency and amplitude.  If we started sending
the new sine wave at the same voltage level (and slope) as existed
when we stopped sending the old sine wave, there would be no change in
phase (and no detectable change at all).  But suppose that we started
up the new sine wave at a different point on the sine wave curve.
Then there would likely be a sudden voltage jump at the point in time
where the old sine wave stopped and the new sine wave began.  This is
a phase shift and it's measured in degrees (deg.)  A 0 deg. (or a 360
deg.) phase shift means no change at all while a 180 deg. phase shift
just reverses the voltage (and slope) of the sine wave.  Put another
way, a 180 deg. phase shift just skips over a half-period (180 deg.)
at the point of transition.  Of course we could just skip over say 90
deg. or 135 deg. etc.  As in the example for frequency modulation, the
more possible phase shifts, the more bits a single shift in phase can

<sect2> Combination Modulation
<p> Instead of just selecting either frequency, amplitude, or phase
modulation, we may chose to combine modulation methods.  Suppose that
we have 256 possible frequencies and thus can send a byte (8 bits) for
each shift in frequency (since 2 to the 8 power is 256).  Suppose also
that we have another 256 different amplitudes so that each shift in
amplitude represents a byte.  Also suppose there are 256 possible
phase shifts.  Then a certain points in time we may make a shift in
all 3 things: frequency, amplitude and phase.  This would send out 3
bytes for each such transition.

No modulation method in use today actually does this.  It's not
practical due to the relatively long time it would take to detect all
3 types of changes.  The main problem is that frequent shifts in phase
can make it appear that a shift in frequency has happened when it
actually didn't.

To avoid this difficulty one may simultaneous change only the phase
and amplitude (with no change in frequency).  This is called
phase-amplitude modulation.   It is also called quadrature amplitude
modulation (= QAM) since there were only 4 possible phases
(quadrature) in early versions of it.  This method is used today for
the common modem speeds of 14.4k, 28.8k, and 33.6k.  The only
significant case where this modulation method is not used today is for
56k modems.  But even 56k modems exclusively use QAM (phase-amplitude
modulation) in the direction from your PC out the telephone line.
Sometimes even the other direction will also fall back to QAM when
line conditions are not good enough.  Thus QAM (phase-amplitude
modulation) still remains the most widely used method on ordinary
telephone lines.

<sect1> 56k Modems (V.90, V.92) <label id="56k_modems">
<p> The "modulation" method used for speeds above 33.6k is entirely
different than the common phase-amplitude modulation used at 33.6k and
below.  Since ordinary telephone calls are converted to digital
signals at the local offices of the telephone company, the fastest
speed that you can send digital data by an ordinary telephone call is
the same speed that the telephone company uses over its digital
portion of its network (for a  phone call).  What is this speed?  Well,
it's close to 64kbps.  It would be 64k but sometimes bits are "stolen"
for signalling purposes.  But if the phone Co. knows that the link is
not for voice, bits may not get stolen.  The case of 64k will be
presented and then it will be explained why the actual speed is lower
(56k or less --often significantly less).

Thus 64k is the absolute top speed possible (not counting date
compression) for an ordinary telephone call using the digital portion
of the circuit that was designed to send digital encodings of the
human voice.  In order to use 64k, the modems need to either have
direct access to the digital portion of the circuit or be able to
determine the exact digital signal that generated a received analog
signal (and conversely).  This task is far too error prone if both
sides of a telephone call have only an analog interface to the
telephone company.  But if one side has a digital interface, then it's
possible (in one direction for V.90 and in both directions for V.92).
Thus if your ISP has a digital interface to the phone company, the ISP
may send out a certain digital signal over the phone lines toward your
PC.  The digital signal from the ISP gets converted to analog at the
local telephone office near your PC's location (perhaps near your
home).  Then it's your modem's task to try to figure out exactly what
that digital signal was.  If it could do this then transmission at 64k
(the speed of the telephone company's digital signal) is possible in
this direction.

What method does the telephone company use to digitally encode analog
signals?  It uses a method of sampling the amplitude of the analog
signal at a rate of 8000 samples per second.  Each sample amplitude is
encoded as a 8-bit byte.  (Note: 8 x 8000 = 64k)  This is called
"Pulse Code Modulation" = PCM.  These bytes are then sent digitally on
the telephone company's digital circuits where many calls share a
single circuit using a time-sharing scheme known as "time division
multiplexing".  Then finally at a local telephone office near your
home, the digital signal is de-multiplexed resulting in the same
digital signal as was originally created by PCM.  Then this signal is
converted back to analog and sent to your home.  This analog to
digital conversion (and conversely) is done by telephone company
hardware called a "codec" (coder/decoder).   Each PCM 8-bit byte
creates a certain amplitude of the analog signal.  Your modem's task
is to determine just what that PCM 8-bit byte was, based on the analog
amplitude it detects.

This was originally called is called "modulus conversion".  It's now
often called "PCM"-something since its just like encoding/decoding PCM but
with the added problem of sampling at the precise time that the codec
generated the analog voltage from the digital PCM code.

In order to determine the digital codes the telephone Co. used to
create the analog signal, the modem must sample this analog signal
amplitude at exactly the same points in time the phone Co. did when
it created the analog signal.  To do this an 8kHz clock timing signal
is generated with help from a residual 4kHz signal on the analog phone
line.  The creation of amplitudes to go out to your home/office at 8k
amplitudes/sec sort of creates a 4kHz signal.  Suppose every other
amplitude was of opposite polarity.  Then there would be a 4kHz
sine-like wave created.  Each amplitude is in a sense a 8-bit symbol
and when to sample amplitudes is known as "symbol timing".  The
modem's task is to insure that it's 8kHz clock runs at precisely twice
the speed of the 4kHz signal (which could drift slightly off 4kHz) and
that the modem's clock is synchronized with that used by the telephone
company's codec.  The actual electronics may use much higher frequency
clocks (dividing them down) and take more than a single sample.  If
you know how this synchronization works, let me know (if this is a
recent Modem-HOWTO).

Now the encoding of amplitudes in PCM is not linear.  At low
amplitudes an increment of 1 in the PCM byte value represents a much
smaller increment (delta) in analog signal amplitude than would be the
case if the amplitude being sampled were much higher.  Thus for low
amplitudes it's difficult to distinguish between adjacent byte values.
To make it easier to do this (for 56k modems) certain PCM codes
representing very low amplitudes are not used.  This gives a larger
delta between possible amplitudes and makes correct detection of them
by your modem easier.  Thus half of the amplitude levels are not used
(in the downstream direction) by V.90 or V.92.  This is tantamount to
each symbol (valid amplitude level) representing 7 bits instead of 8.
This is where 56k comes from: 7 bits/symbol x 8k symbols/sec = 56k
bps.  Of course each amplitude symbol is actually generated by 8-bits
but only 128 bytes of the possible 256 bytes are actually used by the
ISP sender.  There is a code table mapping these 128 8-bit bytes to
128 7-bit bytes.  It's not just a simple mapping like ignoring the
last bit.  Thus to send 7 normal data bytes (8-bits) will take 8 of
the above mentioned bytes.

But it's a little more complicated that this.  If the line conditions
are not nearly perfect or if the direction is upstream (V.92 only),
then even fewer possible levels (symbols) are used resulting in speeds
under 56k.  Also due to US government rules prohibiting high power
levels on phone lines, certain high amplitudes levels can't be used
resulting in only about 53.3k at best for "56k" modems in the
downstream direction.

Note that the digital part of the telephone network is bi-directional.
Two such circuits are used for a phone call, one in each direction.
For V.90, the 56k signal is only used in one of these directions: from
your ISP to your PC (called the "downstream" direction).  For this
V.90, the other direction (upstream, from your home/office to the ISP)
uses the conventional phase-amplitude modulation scheme with a maximum
of 36.6kbps (and not 53.3kbps).  For V.92, this upstream direction
also uses the PCM method and supports up to 48 kbps.  The analog
portion of the circuit from your home/office to the nearest telephone
Co. office was never intended to be bi-directional since it's only a
single twisted pair.  But due to sophisticated cancellation methods
it's able to convey data simultaneously in both directions as
explained in the next subsection.  It's claimed that with V.92, it's
almost impossible to get maximum thruput in both directions
simultaneously due to the difficulties of bi-directional flow on a
single circuit.

<sect1> Full Duplex on One Circuit
<p> Modern modems are able to both send and receive signals
simultaneously.  One could call this "bidirectional" or "full duplex".
This was once done by using one frequency for sending and another for
receiving.  Today, the same frequency is used for both sending and
receiving.  How this works is not easy to comprehend.

Most of the telephone system "main lines" are digital with two
channels in use when you make a telephone call.  What you say goes over
one digital channel and what the other person says goes over the other
(reverse) digital channel.  Unfortunately, the part of the telephone
system which goes to homes (and many offices) is not digital but only
a single analog channel.  If both modems were directly connected to
the digital part of the phone system then bidirectional communication
(sending and receiving at the same time) would be no problem because
two channels would be available.

But the end portion of the signal path goes over just one circuit.  How
can there be two-way communication on it simultaneously?  It works
something like this.  Suppose your modem is receiving a signal from
the other modem and is not transmitting.  Then there's no problem.
But if your modem were to start transmitting (with the other received
signal still flowing into your modem) it would drown out the received
signal.  If the transmitted signal was a "solid" voltage wave applied
to the end of the line then there is no way any received signal could
be present at that point.

But the transmitter has "internal impedance" and the transmitted
signal applied to the end of the line is not solid (or strong enough)
to completely eliminate the received signal coming from the other end.
Thus while the voltage at the end of the line is mostly the stronger
transmitted signal a small part of it is the desired received signal.
All that is needed is to filter out this stronger transmitted signal
and then what remains will be the signal from the other end which we
want.  To do this, one only needs to get the pure transmitted signal
directly from the transmitter (before it's applied to the line)
amplify it a determined amount, and then subtract it from the total
signal present at the end of the line.  Doing this in the receiver
circuits leaves a signal which mostly came from the other end of the

<sect1> Echo Cancellation
<p> An analog signal traveling down a line in one direction may
encounter changes in the line that will cause part of the signal to
echo back in the opposite direction.  Since the same circuit is used
for bi-directional flow of data, such echos will result in garbled
reception.  One way to ameliorate this problem is to send training
signals once in a while to determine the echo characteristic of the
line.  This will enable one to predict the echos that will be
generated by any given signal.  Then this prediction method is used to
predict what echos the transmitted signal will cause.   Then this
predicted echo signal is subtracted from the received signal.  This
cancels out the echoes.

<sect> Appendix B: Analog Voice Infeasible Over Non-Voice Modem
<p>Sometimes people look for software that will allow them to transmit
ordinary analog voice over a modem that doesn't support voice.  It
doesn't exist since it's just not very feasible to do this.  Of
course, one can use VOIP to send digital voice over a modem.  And when
one makes a call and the other side picks up the line, one might be
able to hear voice for a few seconds until negotiations for a
connection begin.

But once a modem is connected, sending analog voice over it just isn't
feasible.  For phase-amplitude modulation, carrier frequencies of
fixed values are used which doesn't allow the continuously variable
frequencies required in analog voice.  V.90 and V.92 might be feasible,
but if line conditions deteriorate, they fall back to phase-amplitude
modulation which won't work.  Furthermore, V.90 uses phase-amplitude
in one direction.  Also, both V.90 and V.92 don't permit all
amplitudes to be used, which limits the waveshapes which can be

<sect>Appendix C: "baud" vs. "bps"
<sect1> A simple example
<p> ``baud'' and ``bps'' are perhaps one of the most misused terms in
the computing and telecommunications field.  Many people use these
terms interchangeably, when in fact they are not!  bps is simply the
number of bits transmitted per second.  The baud rate is a measure of
how many times per second a signal changes (or could change).  For a
typical serial port a 1-bit is -12 volts and a 0-bit is +12 v (volts).
If the bps is 38,400 a sequence of 010101... would also be 38,400 baud
since the voltage shifts back and forth from positive to negative to
positive, etc. and there are 38,400 shifts per second.  For another
sequence say 111000111... there will be fewer shifts of voltage since
for three 1's in sequence the voltage just stays at -12 volts yet we
say that its still 38,400 baud since there is a possibility that the
number of changes per second will be that high.

Looked at another way, put an imaginary tic mark separating each bit
(even though the voltage may not change).  38,400 baud then means
38,400 tic marks per second.  The tic marks at at the instants of
permitted change and are actually marked by a synchronized clock
signal generated in the hardware but not sent over the external cable.

Suppose that a "change" may have more than the two possible outcomes
of the previous example (of +- 12 v).  Suppose it has 4 possible
outcomes, each represented by a unique voltage level.  Each level may
represent a pair of bits (such as 01).  For example, -12v could be 00,
-6v 01, +6v 10 and +12v 11.  Here the bit rate is double the baud rate.
For example, 3000 changes per second will generate 2 bits for each
change resulting in 6000 bits per second (bps).  In other words 3000
baud results in 6000 bps.

<sect1> Real examples
<p> The above example is overly simple.  Real examples are more
complicated but based on the same idea.  This explains how a modem
running at 2400 baud, can send 14400 bps (or higher).  The modem
achieves a bps rate greater than baud rate by encoding many bits in
each signal change (or transition).  Thus, when 2 or more bits are
encoded per baud, the bps rate exceeds the baud rate. If your
modem-to-modem connection is at 14400 bps, it's going to be sending 6
bits per signal transition (or symbol) at 2400 baud.  A speed of 28800
bps is obtained by 3200 baud at 9 bits/baud.  When people misuse the
word baud, they may mean the modem speed (such as 33.6k).

Common modem bps rates were formerly  50, 75, 110, 300, 1200,
2400, 9600.  These were also the bps rates over the
serial_port-to-modem cables.  Today the bps modem-to-modem (maximum)
rates are 14.4k, 28.8k, 33.6k, and 56k, but the common rates over the
serialPort-to-modem cables are not the same but are: 19.2k, 38.4k,
57.6k, 115.2k, 230.4k.  The high speed of 230.4k is (as of late 2000)
unfortunately not provided by most new (and old) hardware.  Using
modems with V.42bis compression (max 4:1 compression), rates up to
115.2k bps are possible for 33.6k modems.  203.2k (4 x 53.3k) is
possible for 56k modems.

Except for 56k modems, most modems run at 2400, 3000, or 3200
baud.  Even the 56k modems use these bauds for transmission and
sometimes fall back to them for reception.  Because of the bandwidth
limitations on voice-grade phone lines, baud rates greater than 2400
are harder to achieve, and only work under conditions of good phone
line quality.

How did this confusion between bps and baud start?  Well, back when
antique low speed modems were high speed modems, the bps rate actually
did equal the baud rate.  One bit would be encoded per phase change.
People would use bps and baud interchangeably, because they were the
same number.  For example, a 300 bps modem also had a baud rate of
300. This all changed when faster modems came around, and the bit rate
exceeded the baud rate.  ``baud'' is named after Emile Baudot, the
inventor of the asynchronous telegraph printer.  One way this problem
gets resolved is to use the term "symbol rate" instead of "baud" and
thus avoid using the term "baud".  However when talking about the
"speeds" between the modem and the serial port (DTE speed) baud and the
symbol rate are the same.  And even "speed" is a misnomer since we
really mean flow rate.

<sect> Appendix D: Terminal Server Connection
<p> This section was adapted from Text-Terminal-HOWTO.

A terminal server is something like an intelligent switch that can
connect many modems (or terminals) to one or more computers.  It's
not a mechanical switch so it may change the speeds and protocols of
the streams of data that go thru it.  A number of companies make
terminal servers: Xyplex, Cisco, 3Com, Computone, Livingston, etc.
There are many different types and capabilities.  Another HOWTO is
needed to compare and describe them (including the possibility of
creating your own terminal server with a Linux PC).  Most are used for
modem connections rather than directly connected terminals.

One use for them is to connect many modems (or terminals) to a high
speed network which connects to host computers.  Of course the
terminal server must have the computing power and software to run
network protocols so it is in some ways like a computer.  The
terminal server may interact with the user and ask what computer to
connect to, etc. or it may connect without asking.  One may sometimes
send jobs to a printer thru a terminal server.

A PC today has enough computing power to act like a terminal server
except that each serial port should have its own hardware interrupt.
PC's only have a few spare interrupts for this purpose and since they
are hard-wired you can't create more by software.  A solution is to
use an advanced multiport serial card which has its own system of
interrupts (or on lower cost models, shares one of the PC's interrupts
between a number of ports).  See Serial-HOWTO for more info.  If such
a PC runs Linux with getty running on many serial ports it might be
thought of as a terminal server.  It is in effect a terminal server if
it's linked to other PC's over a network and if its job is mainly to
pass thru data and handle the serial port interrupts every 14 (or so)
bytes.  Software called "radius" is sometimes used.

Today real terminal servers serve more than just terminals.  They also
serve PC's which emulate terminals, and are sometimes connected to a
bank of modems connected to phone lines.  Some even include built-in
modems.  If a terminal (or PC emulating one) is connected directly to
a modem, the modem at the other end of the line could be connected to
a terminal server.  In some cases the terminal server by default
expects the callers to use PPP packets, something that real text
terminals don't generate.

<sect> Appendix E: Digital Modems: ISDN, DSL, RAS <label id="other_modems">

<sect1> Introduction
<p> This HOWTO only deals with the common type of analog modem used to
connect PC's to ordinary analog telephone lines.  The standard
definition of a modem is sometimes broadened to include digital
"modems".  Today direct digital service is now being provided to many
homes and offices so that a computer there sends out digital signals
directly (well almost) into the telephone lines.  But a device is
still needed to convert the computer digital signal into the type of
digital signal used telephone circuits.  This device is sometimes
called a modem.  While this HOWTO doesn't cover such modems, some
links to documents that do may be found at the start of this HOWTO.
The next 3 sub-sections: ISDN, DSL and 56k, briefly mention such

<sect1> ISDN "Modems"
<p> Such a "modem" is  really a Terminal Adapter (TA).  Support for
some of them can be built into the kernel 2.4 or added as a module.
The kernel documentation has an isdn subdirectory.  Configuration
might use "isdn-config" GUI.  A Debian package "isdnutils" is
available.  There is SuSE ISDN Howto (not a LDP Howto) which is
translated from German <url
url=""> There is an
isdn4linux package and a newsgroup: de.alt.comm.isdn4linux.  Many of
the postings are in German.  You might try using a search engine to
look for "isdn4linux".

<sect1> Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
<p> DSL uses the existing twisted pair line from your home (etc.) to
the local telephone office.  This can be used if your telephone line
can accept significantly higher speeds than an ordinary modem would
use.  It replaces the analog-to-digital converter at the local
telephone office with a converter which can accept a much faster flow
of data (in a different format of course).  The device which converts
the digital signals from your computer to the signal used to represent
digital data on the local telephone line is also called a modem.

<sect1> 56k Digital-Modems
<p> These are not the 56k modems that people use in their PCs.  They
are the "modems" at an ISP that these 56k modems connect to.  The ISP
must be connected directly to the digital system of the telephone
company, otherwise the customers modem can't be used as a 56k modem.
The ISP likely has banks of many modems multiplexed onto a high
capacity telephone cable that transports a large number of phone calls
simultaneously (such as a T1, E1, ISDN PRI, etc.).  This requires a
concentrator or "remote access server" (RAS).  This has previously
been done by stand-alone units (like PC's but they cost much more and
have proprietary OSs).  Now there are some cards one may insert into a
PC's PCI bus to do this.  See <ref id="digital_modem" name="Digital

<sect> Appendix F: Leased Line Modems
<p> See the mini-howto: Leased-Line which covers leased lines where
there is no dialtone.  Leased line modems are analog and not digital.
These special modems are used on lines leased from the telephone
company or sometimes on just a long direct wire hookup.  They often
will also work as ordinary modems but go into leased-line mode when
the AT command &amp;L1 is given. 

Ordinary modems for a telephone line will not normally work on such a
leased line.  An ordinary telephone line has about 40-50 volts (known
as the "battery) on it when not in use and the conventional modem uses
this voltage for transmission.  Furthermore, the telephone company has
special signals indicating a ring, line busy, etc.  Conventional
modems expect and respond to these signals.  Connecting two such
modems by a long cable will not provide the telephone signals on the
cable and thus the modems will not work.

Leased-line modems often use a "dumb mode" where they ignore AT
commands, disable result reporting, etc.  One type of leased line
used two pairs of wires (one for each direction) using V.29 modulation
at 9600 baud.  Some brands of leased line modems are incompatible with
other brands.

<sect> Appendix G: Fax pixels (dots)

<p> Here's some info on the bloated bandwidth required for standard
fax including the dot density.  You can of course send a fax via your
modem if you dial the real telephone number of the recipient.

A4 paper:    216mm (horizontal) * 297mm (vertical)
normal mode       8dots/mm      * 3.85dots/mm
fine   mode                     * 7.7dots/mm
extra fine mode                 *15.4dots/mm

Each dot is either white or black and thus 1 bit.  One sheet of A4
paper using fine mode is (216*8) * (297*7.7) = about 4 million dots.
With a compression ratio of 8:1 it takes about 50 seconds at 9600bps
for transmission.

<sect> Appendix H: Antique Modems
<sect1> Introduction
<p> By "antique" I mean modems with speeds of 14.4 kbps or less.  Many
of them were made in the 1980s.  Faster modems are also included if
they use a proprietary protocol.  This appendix compares the
antique modems with the modern ones.  You should read it if you are
interested in modem history or are intending to actually use an
antique modem.  Also, many current modems and software still support
the old protocols and you might find that these have been configured
by mistake.

<sect1>Old CCITT (ITU) and Bell Protocols
<item> Bell 103   300 bps; frequency shift keying = FSK (1962)
<item> V.21       300 bps; frequency shift keying (used a different
 frequency than Bell 103) (1964)
<item> V.23      1200/75 bps and 600/75 bps asymmetric; 75 bps is the reverse
 channel; frequency shift keying = FSK (1964)
<item> Bell 212A 1200 bps; quadrature differential phase shift keying
<item> V.22      1200 bps; fallback to 600 bps ; QDPSK = DPSK (1980)
<item> V.22bis   2400 bps; QAM (1984)
<item> V.32      9600 bps; QAM (1984 but not widely used until years
<item> V.32bis  14400 bps; QAM (1991)
QAM= Quadrature Amplitude Modulation.  The word "Quadrature" is short
for "quadrature differential phase shift keying" =QDPSK

<sect1> Historical Overview
<sect2> Teletypes and dumb terminals
<p> Prior to 1960, 110 bps ( 0.11) modems were used for teletype
machines (like an electric typewriter only much more noisy).  Then in
1960 AT$amp;T came out with a 300 bps modem (for use on it's phone
system).  Such slow (and expensive modems) were later mainly used
for transmitting data between mainframe computers or for connecting a
dumb terminal to a mainframe computer over phone lines.  Many dumb
terminals didn't even have a screen display, but printed on paper
what you typed at the keyboard along with responses from the computer.

<sect2> PCs and BBSs <label id="bbs_">
<p>With the advent of the personal computer (PCs) in the early 1980s,
the PC was used like a dumb terminal for connecting to mainframes.
But now files could be transferred and one PC could connect to

The 1980s saw the rise of the Bulletin Board System (BBS).  This was
just a computer with a modem listening for incoming calls.  The public
could dial up a BBS with a modem and then download free software,
participate in discussions on various topics, play on-line games, etc.
Dialing in to a BBS was something like going to an Internet site.
Except that to go to another BBS site, you would need to dial another
number (and possible pay long distance telephone charges).  Many BBSs
would have a monthly charge but some were run by volunteers and were
free.  Many companies established BBSs for customers that contained
support information, catalogs, etc.  In the early 1990s, BBSs were
booming.  By the mid 1990s some even offered Internet connections.
For some history of BBSs see <url
url="" name="Sysops'
Corner: History of BBSing">

<sect2> The Internet
<p>Then came the advance of Internet in the mid 1990s which resulted
in the demise of the BBSs near the end of the 1990s.  Some BBSs became
websites, but when BBSs were dying in droves, websites were quite
expensive so most BBSs just disappeared.  Also, with the Internet
free, the public was unwilling to pay for using websites like they
previously paid for the use of BBSs.  There were such a huge number of
free websites to visit for free, that subscription BBSs were no longer

Modems permitted the public to connect to the Internet.  In the 1990s
Modems became fast, cheap and widely used.  Then in the late 1990s,
faster non-analog "modems" appeared: ISDN, DSL, and cable.  The
history of these isn't in this HOWTO.

<sect2> Speeds
<p>Before V.32 (9600 bps),  modems typically had speeds of 300 to 2400
bps.  Some super fast ones had much higher speeds (such as 19.2k bps)
and used non-standard protocols.  To utilize these "fast" ones, both
modems for a connection needed to support the same proprietary protocol
which often meant that they must be the same brand.

Prior to the V.42 standard for error correction and the V.42bis (1990)
standard for data compression, the MNP standards were usually used for
both error correction and data compression.  An X.PC error correction
standard was used on some commercial data networks.  Compression and
error correction were available on some 2400 bps modems.

>From 1960 to 1980 most modems only had a speed of 300 bps (which was
also 300 baud).  This is only 0.3kbps.  Modern modems are over 100
times faster.  Some old-slow modems are still in use so they are not
really "antique" quite yet.

<sect1> Proprietary protocols, etc.
<p> These were used in order to obtain higher speeds before more
standardized higher speeds became established.  The modem at the other
end needs to support the same protocol for this to work.  The dates
shown below may be only approximate.  

<item> PEP (Packetized Ensemble Protocol 1985): 18k (at best).
<item> Turbo PEP: 23k 1994?
<item> Hayes Express 96: 9.6k (Hayes 1987)
<item> HST: 9.6k  (US Robotics 1986)
<item> HST: 14.4k (US Robotics 1989)
<item> HST: 16.8k (US Robotics 1992)
<item> V.32 terbo: 19.2k  (AT$amp;T 1993) 
<item> V.FastClass: 28.8k (Rockwell 1993)
<item> X2 :57.3k (US Robotics 1997)
<item> K56: Flex 57.3k (Rockwell 1997)
The PEP used as much bandwidth as feasible by splitting the spectrum
into as many as 512 sub-bands.  It was supported by Ven-Tel's
Pathfinder and Telebit's Trailblazer.  

<sect1> Autobauding <label id="autobaud_">
<p>This term has a few different meanings.  In general it means either
the automatic adjustment of modem-to-modem speed or of
modem-to-serial_port speed.

<sect1> Modem-to-modem Speed
<p>Modern modems negotiate the modem-to-modem speed and protocol when
they first connect to each other and normally connect to each other at
the highest possible speed.  If one side can't negotiate, the other
side should accept whatever speed and protocol that the fixed side has
available.  Except that some modern modems may no longer support some
of the antique protocols.  During negotiations, one modem often must
use a lower speed than its maximum in order to connect with the other
modem.  This is sometimes called "fallback" since one modem falls back
to a lower speed (although it never really used its higher speed
modem-to-modem).  This is also called "autobauding" or "automode".
Sometimes fallback also happens when both modems automatically lower
their speed due to a noisy line.  Register S37 in a modem is normally
set to enable autobauding but may also be set for a fixed
modem-to-modem speed in some modems.

Early modems didn't have such autobauding or fallback.  If you have
such a modem, it will likely work OK if the other modem you connect to
is a modern one that can adjust it's speed and protocol to yours.  But
a problem arises if both modems which want to communicate with each
other are both antique and don't support automode.  In this case
they need to be manually set to the same speed and protocol.

Even when this automode existed, there was sometimes a limited
choices of speed (like only 1200/300 bps).  In olden days (and even
today), a computer dial-in site might have groups of phone lines,
where each group which had a specific type modem on it which supported
specific speeds and protocols.  For example, if you had a 2400 bps
Bell 212A modem then you simply only dialed in to certain telephone
numbers that supported that speed and protocol.  Once a site obtained
modems that could support a wider variety of speeds and protocols,
then there was no need to have different groups of phone lines.

<sect1> Modem-to-serial_port Speed
<sect2> Same speed required
<p> For old modems (mostly under 9600 bps) the modem-to-serial_port
speed had to be the same as the modem-to-modem speed.  This was
because data flowed straight thru the modem without "speed buffering"
(storing bytes) inside the modem.  This meant that both the modem's
serial port and the computer's serial port had to be set to this
speed.  That is, both ends of the serial cable had to be set for this

One might erroneously reason that if the serial port speed was higher
than the modem-to-modem speed, all would work OK since then there
would be no bottleneck in the serial line.  This works OK in the
direction from the modem to the PC since a higher speed line can have
a lower thruput speed due to time spacing between bytes.  But disaster
strikes for the flow from the PC to the modem since it would flow at a
speed faster than the modem could transmit the data.  Data would be
lost since there is no speed buffering.

<sect2> Equalizing speed
<p>If a modem had only one modem-to-modem speed (or was set by
software or physical switches to only operate at one speed), then this
wasn't a problem since one would just set the PCs serial port for this
speed.  Even if the modem had various modem-to-modem speeds which were
set by negotiations with the other modem, there was no problem in
setting the modem's serial port speed correctly.  It would simply set
this port speed to it's current modem-to-modem speed.  Another way
make the speeds equal is for the modem to detect the PC's serial port
speed and then set it's modem-to-modem speed the same.  This will be
explained later.

But setting the computer's serial port to the modem-to-modem speed was
a problem since the modem has no way to directly give commands to the
PCs serial port to change it's speed.  Only system software can do
that.  The modem finds out what speed to use based on negotiations
with the other modem and thus the change of this serial port speed
can't be done in advance.  How does the modem communicate its
chosen modem-to-modem speed to the system software?

<sect2> Use "CONNECT" message to set speed
<p>Here's one way to do it.  Consider the case of a dial-in modem that
others dial into.  A getty program will be used to send login prompt
thru the modems to users.  Getty will also be the system software that
changes the speed of the serial port and the modem will tell getty
what modem-to-modem speed it's using.  The modem will do this by
sending getty a "CONNECT" message giving the modem-to-modem speed.

But there's one problem here.  How does one insure that the "CONNECT"
message, which the modem sends to getty via the serial port, is sent
at the same speed as the PC's serial port?  Here's how it's done.

When the modem is first sent an init string, the modem detects the
speed of the computer's serial port and sets it's modem-to-serial_port
speed to this value.  Now it can communicate with getty.  The modem
senses the serial speed by examining the "AT" at the beginning of the
string.  This is sometimes also called autobauding.  For modern
modems, this same modem-to-serial port speed is always retained, even
after the modem connects to another modem and regardless of what the
modem-to-modem speed is.  But for our old modem this serial speed
needs to be equal the modem-to-modem speed.

So now, for example, getty gets a CONNECT 2400 from the modem and
switches the PC's serial port speed to 2400.  The modem also switches
its serial port speed to 2400.  Now both ends of the modem serial
cable are at 2400 and there is no speed mismatch.  Then getty sends a
login prompt out over the phone line thru the modems.  The 2400 bps is
now both the modem-to-modem speed and the modem-to-serial_port speed.
Problem solved.  Mgetty can do this by configuring it for

For dialing out, the same method is used, but now the communication
software must handle it instead of getty.

<sect2> Setting modem-to-modem speeds by the serial speed
<p>Another way to switch modem-to-modem speed was by using a
modem feature where the modem would set its modem-to-modem speed to be
the same as the modem-to-serial port speed it detected.  The Bn AT
commands would enable this and determine what protocol to use for each
speed.  So with this enabled, setting the serial speed by the computer
would also set the modem-to-modem speed to be the same.  This should
result in this modem being inflexible in any speed negotiations
between the modems.

<sect2> Manual bauding
<p>Another (but cruder) way to solve the serial speed problem when
dialing in to a site was to get the remote site to change it's
modem-to-modem speed to match your serial port speed.  It works like
this:  The person trying to login over a modem connection doesn't see
any login prompt because of a speed mismatch.  So the person trying to
login hits a "break" key to send a break signal over the phone line
(via modem) to getty on the remote machine.  A break signal will
always get through even if there is a speed mismatch in a serial line.

The remote getty gets this break signal and switches the remote's
serial port to the next speed as specified in its getty configuration
file.  This new remote serial port speed causes the remote modem to
switch to the same modem-to-modem speed as previously configured by
the ATB command.  Then the local modem would transmit the login prompt
over the local's serial line at this speed.  If one doesn't see a
login prompt, then they hit the break key again and a new speed is
tried.  This continues until the remote getty finally gets the speed
correct (equal to the serial speed set on the local PC) and a login
prompt finally displays.  Note that PC keyboards have no "break" key
but dumb terminal keyboards did.  Mgetty, agetty, and uugetty can do
this obsolete break method and it's called "manual bauding".

<sect2>Unsupported speeds
<p>In Linux, there's a problem if the speed is set to a speed not
supported by Linux's serial port (for example 7200 bps).  You may dial
out and connect at 7200 bps (both modem-to-modem and
modem-to-serial_port speed) but you only see garbage since Linux
doesn't support 7200 on the serial port.  Once you connect there is no
simple way to hang up because even the +++ escape sequence can't be
sent to the modem over a 7200 baud interface.

<sect2>Modern modems, speed buffering
<p>To dial out by the antique method using some modern modems set
&amp;Q0 N0 and S17=5 (if you want 1200 bps).  Some of the S17 settings
vary with the make of modem.  S17=0 is the default that connects the
modern way at the highest speed supported.

Modern modems can use almost any serial port speed and it doesn't
depend at all on modem-to-modem speed.  To do this they employ speed
buffering and flow control.  Speed buffering means that modems have
buffers so that there can be a difference between the modem-to-modem
speed and the modem-to-serial_port speed.  If the flow entering the
modem is faster than the flow exiting it, the excess flow is simply
stored in a buffer in the modem.  Then to prevent the buffer from
overflowing, the modem sends a flow control signal to stop the input
flow to the modem.  This is true for either direction of flow.  See
<ref id="flow_control" name="Flow Control"> for more details.

<sect1> Before AT Commands
<p> Hayes introduced the AT command set and other modem manufacturers
adopted it as a standard.  Before the AT commands, many modems used
dip switches to configure the modem.  Another command set is the CCITT
V.25bis command set.  Some modems supported both CCITT and AT
commands.  The CCITT V.25bis also specifies how Synchronous
modem-to-serial_port communication is to take place using either the
ASCII or 8-bit EBCDIC character sets.

<sect1> Acoustic-Coupling
<p> This is where one connects a modem to a telephone using audio tones
that one can hear.  The modem contains a microphone and speaker which
"talks" directly into the telephone handset without using any wires.
It's "wireless" in a sense but uses sound waves instead of radio
waves.  The modem speaker is placed in contact with the telephone
microphone (on the handset) so that the tones from the modem go into
the telephone.  The modem microphone, picks up tones from the
telephone handset speaker.  This scheme is called "acoustic coupling".

A major problem is that outside noises can interfere and cause
errors.  The advantage is convenience: There are no cables to plug in.
Most modems that could do this were only 300 baud, but higher speeds
were used too.  It's said that 9600 bps didn't work very well using
this scheme.

<sect1> Data Compression and Error Correction
<p> MNP 2, 3, or 4 were used for error correction.  MNP 5 was
compression.  Modern modems generally use V42 (error correction) and
V42bis (compression).  Many modems support both MNP and V42.


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