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Sat (Satellite Technology) HOWTO
Roberto Arcomano, Florindo Santoro
v1.81 - July 31, 2002
Sat technology is starting to become a great resource for Internet users,
 allowing high bandwidth in downloading and many other interesting services.
 This document wants to investigate "State of Art" of Sat connections in Linux
 environment, how to get them speeder and to share with many clients. You can
 found latest version of this document at <url url="" name=""> and <url url="" name="">.
This document wants to explain something about Satellite technology, how
 it works, what do you need, configuration and how to sharing it between several
 clients. Satellite connections are very different from terrestrial ones, they
 require more attention to setup and also some more care to maintain them stable
 (snow or strong rain could prevent you to have a good signal).
Feedback are welcome, don't hesitate to contact us: <url url="" name=""> and <url url="" name="">.
Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Roberto Arcomano, Florindo Santoro. This document
 is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
 General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This document
 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
 more details. You can get a copy of the GNU GPL <url url="" name="here">
If you want to translate this document you are free, you only have to:
Check that another version of it doesn't already exist at your local LDP
Maintain all 'Introduction' section (including 'Introduction', 'Copyright',
 'Translations', 'Credits').
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 RIFF, etc.): to do that you can use "LyX" application you download from <url url="" name="">.
No need to ask me to translate! You just have to let me know (if you want)
 about your translation.
Thank you for your translation!
Thanks to <url url="" name="Fatamorgana Computers"> for hardware equipment and experimental opportunity.
Thanks to <url url="" name="Linux Documentation Project"> for publishing and uploading my document in a very quickly fashion.
Thanks to Pierre Guiral and Andrei Boros for their help.
Background Knowledge
What about satellite
In the last few years satellite began to be applied in Internet networking,
 mainly by medium-big ISPs and we have seen it diffused between users. Sat connections
 are a very different kind of networking than terrestrial ones, with different
 timing such as higher RTT (round trip time), but also with different bandwidth
 value, up to 2 Mbps or more.
How does it work?
We can imagine a path like this:
              |||||| S A T E L L I T E  ||||||||
                   /                       /|&bsol;                   
Downl             /                         |      Uploading
load             /                          |      from 
to              /(4)                        | (3)  server
client         /                            |     
              /                             |     
SatCard(parabolic antenna)                  |                                      
             |                              |
            &bsol;|/                             |        
       USER PC ----make request-----&gt; SAT-SERVER &lt;---retrieving---&gt; INTERNET
                         (1)                               (2)
So first we make the request (1) (using our Internet connection) to the
 Sat-Server, after it will retrieve out info from Internet (2) and it will send
 it to Satellite (3); in the end we would receive data from the it (4) to our
 home using a parabolic antenna and a Sat Card.
Typically exist 2 kinds of request :
Both of them have a little request data and a much bigger answer size,
 so satellite works very well with it, but with a big time of answer, this is
 the biggest problem of satellite connection (consider a typical Sat distance,
 like 36.000 km, so you would have a time access of &lsqb; 36000 km / 300.000
 km/s = 0.120 s = &rsqb; 120 ms you have to add (2 times, cause first ISPs server
 send it to, then you download it from) to classical Internet time access.
Recently ISP allows their clients to use also other kind of service, like
and many others.
There exist also services called "one-way", which consist in mail service
 , download on-demand (where you make a file reservation to be scheduled at
 some time) and site download: these services are offline, so you can access
 to them without modem (or other kind of) connection.
Other technologies
We have to report another satellite technology: the 2-way sat connection.
 It uses only the parabolic antenna to contact Internet in both 2 directions.
 Its cost is much higher that 1-way connection. We expect something from it
 for immediate future, for now it allows a bandwidth of 4 Mbit/s in download
 and 256Kbit/s in upload.
What is the max bandwidth?
It depends on many factors: ISP purpose, TCP window used, applications
 used by the client and the more important of all, "Internet congestion".
You can expect a max bandwidth of 1-4 Mbps and a average of about 10-30
 KBytes/s, but I repeat, it depends on many factors.
Anyway some ISPs tell you they give you a "Max" bandwidth, while the average
 bandwidth could be very lower, due to intra-ISP congestion.
Some other ISPs guarantees you to have a "Minimal" bandwidth, which is more
 meaningful than "MAX", cause it is available all the time.
Please see Appendix A for more about get downloading performance better.
How much does it cost?
We have to distinguish between hardware costs and account costs, the first
 are known, while the second depend on which service you choose ("guaranteed"/"not
 guaranteed", what bandwidth).
Hardware costs
To install our little satellite system we need:
Sat card
Parabolic antenna
one or more feed (converter)
Noticed that we need a digital converter to use Internet via satellite.
Sat card costs depends on brand you choose, about 200US&dollar;-300US&dollar;.
Parabolic antenna is about 50 US&dollar;.
Converter is about 50US&dollar;.
So we have about 3-400 US&dollar; of hardware cost (maybe you still have
 to add installation cost!!).
If you want also receiver Crypt service:
CI is about 100 US&dollar;.
CAM is about 100 US&dollar;-250 US&dollar;.
Account costs
Here costs depend on what ISPs give you access, what's peak bandwidth,
 if there is a guaranteed bandwidth (which is more important than peak one),
 what kind of service they give you and so on.
Also some ISP gives you free access in change of viewing an always foreground
 spot banner (you cannot iconize it!!): in this case you will pay when you'll
 go to buy something showed in banner!!
Typically account costs are about 100-150 US&dollar; at year for "not guaranteed"
 services and 4-600 US&dollar; or more for guaranteed ones (they guarantee you
 a minimal bandwidth you can use also under congestion moments, obviously intra
 Sat-ISP congestion!! When you go out to Internet nobody can guarantee you anything!!).
What are the satellites used?
When we speak about satellites we mean: Astra (19.2 degree SE), Hotbird
 (13.2 degree SE), new Europestar (45 degree SE), Eutelsat (8 degree SW), Astra
 (26E), ArabSat 3A (26E).
What ISPs give Sat Internet Access?
In Europe we know about 8 ISPs giving Sat access for Internet:
<url url="" name="EuropeOnLine - EON">
<url url="" name="Netsystem">
<url url="" name="Starspeeder">
<url url="" name="Sat Node">
<url url="" name="Eliosat">
<url url="" name="Falcon Stream ">
<url url="" name="SkyDSL">
<url url="" name="OpenSky">
<url url="" name="DirecPC"> but this use a proprietary sat card (this is a first Sat ISP )
<url url="" name="">
EON gives access for about 150 US&dollar; at year without guaranteed bandwidth.
Netsystem offers its services at "null cost", you just have to see its banner.
Starspeeder gives access ??? 
Eliosat costs 350 US&dollar; at year with a 128 Kbps guaranteed (minimal
 service, see web site for more);in addition it gives 2-way technology access
 for either receive and transmit.
SkyDSL gives access full-time and it costs about 15 US&dollar; at month
 with 128Kbit/s bandwidth, but it allows a bigger bandwidth where you pay each
 Mb downloaded (you can select from 256Kbit/s up to 4Mbit/s), for more you can
 visit its web site.
IMPORTANT : before subscribing some satellite account, please verify "foot
 of Satellite" and diameter of parabola.
OpenSky started before summer 2001 in its "beta test": it allows you to try
 the sat service downloading at maximum 300 MB at month (free). To register
 you need to go at <url url="" name="OpenSky registration procedure"> (which is in italian language!).
What else?
With every kind of DVB card you can also receive TV digital channels (free
 channels only) and some cards have support for common interface to watch encrypted
Follows the schema:
Smart-Card -&gt; CAM -&gt; Common Interface -&gt; Sat Card (with support C.I.)
CAM Card (there are many standards used for decryption: SECA, IRDETO, VIACCESS
 and others) is the hardware allowing decryption (for TV, Radio and Data) while
 the Common Interface or C.I. (ETSI EN 50221) allow connection between CAM and
 Sat Card.
Technical Information
General working
We now try to understand how satellite connection works and at what conditions.
We can imagine a satellite link as a classical Wireless link, I mean a
 link between 2 systems which don't use a real cable to talk each other.
Wireless link is very different from Wired link cause we have some additional
 problems to solve, such as reachability, privacy problems and so on. Also there
 could be weather problems, particularly in snow or rain conditions.
Anyway, we have to consider the first principle behind Wireless communication:
 line of sight free, which is a MUST unless we are unable to talk. For more
 you can see the <url url="" name="Wireless-HOWTO">.
In sat connections we use a special kind of antenna, a parabolic one, that
 gives us a very high gain in RX, needed to receive satellite signal: in fact
 satellite has a geostational orbital at 36.000 km and the only kind of antenna
 we can use for receiving is just a parabolic one.
Frequency we receive is from 11GHz up to 12.7 GHz (from the satellite transponder,
 the transmitter sending us datas), a very high freq., but the feed (converter
 in the center of the parabola) converts it to, in output, 1-2 GHz so that we'll
 able to send signal to the receiver through the cable (up to 40m depending
 to cable loss).
DVB Receiver Card
1 GHz Signal --&gt; |RX|--&gt; |ADC| --&gt; |Low Level Network| --&gt; |O.S. TCP/IP Stack|--&gt; Data
                                DVB Card
Now we can imagine a classical RX at 1 GHz receiving analog signals from
 the Sat, converting it to digital signals and giving all to the low level network
 layer (ISO OSI 1,2): here, card firmware builds a 2 level packet (pretty like
 ethernet) to be sent to our PC with Linux, Windows, or other system, and in
 the end, we will only have to transform it to a TCP/IP packet.
Data Link Level DVB setting
Here we have to config some settings, directly to the DVB card:
Frequency working, we have to set the satellite frequency (as from magazines):
 it is between 11.8 GHz and 12.8 GHz for example 12640000 KHz
Symbol rate, measured in symbols per seconds, typically 22 MS/s (Mega Symbols
 per seconds)
Polarization, which is an antenna setting configurable in software: possible
 values are H (Horizontal) or V (Vertical).
PIDs. The PID is used for select a trasmission between many signal from
 same frequency. 
Also we have to specify the bitfilter mask, which tells us how large is
 the destination MAC addresses group (bitfilter mask is similar to TCP/IP netmask,
 the only difference is that the bitfilter mask is 48 bit size while TCP/IP
 netmask is 32 bit size). Always Internet data is sent with Unicast PID, while
 Video always is sent using Multicast PID .
Calculate MAC address: here we specify what will be our MAC address (for
 our DVB card). You need to do this cause some ISP uses an algorithm (see Appendix
 A for more) which calculates your MAC address from your IP address, some other
 ISP uses your own MAC address.
TCP/IP working
As we said in 2.2 section, first we have to make a request using the modem
 interface (i.e. ppp0 or whatever we use to reach Internet), then the answer
 will return to our DVB interface (dvb0). 
Modern O.S. allow us to receive packets from an input interface, different
 from the output interface from where we made the request: to do it we have
 to "disable" some packets flow control, such as type an 
echo "0" &gt; /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/dvb0/rp_filter (for Linux).
It remains only one thing to complete our description: authentication method.
Some Sat ISPs use the so called "Proxy Authentication": when you used their
 proxy, you also need to give login and password to continue the request (you
 should have been subscribed some kind of account to use their sat service):
 once done, the ISP use your IP address to calculate your MAC address (see Appendix
 A for more), to which send the answer.
Some other ISPs require you make a VPN connection (using your login and
 password) first, then they will control your registration account (where they
 retrieve your MAC address) and will send data directly to (and only to) your
 card (your MAC address).
Anyway noticed that you can modify your dvb sat filter value to be able
 to receive packets destined to EVERY mac address (related to a single frequency).
Services I can use with a sat connection
Typically services you can have from sat connections depend on what authentication
 system is used by ISP: 
with classical "Proxy Authentication" you can only use HTTP and FTP service,
with VPN connection you have (ideally) no limit to services you can use,
 the only limit is decided by RTT (time access) to satellite, about 500-1000
 ms average: so you can forget to use "Voice" or other "Real Time" services!! (see
 <url url="" name="VoIP-HOWTO"> for more). Anyway you still can use: mail, chat, telnet, ping, dns and so
Here we will see what we need to try a Sat system.
Knowledge requirement
For this trying you need some experience in internetworking under Linux
 (as from <url url="" name="Net-HOWTO">) and a very little of practical experience with parabolic antenna
 and sat systems (you should be able to pointing out your antenna, with right
We need:
Parabolic antenna, also taken from an analog system.
Digital converter to be placed in the middle of the antenna.
Receiver card DVB compatible.
a PC to connect to.
Here you need a
driver for the DVB card working under your O.S. (Linux, Windows or other).
right setting to use it
external application in some cases (such as VPN-PPTP client for ISP like
 Netsystem or Starspeeder).
For the software under Linux you can found the Siemens DVB driver at <url url="" name="Linux TV Project">.
TV Software
There is also some Video software used to implement TV reception:
Under Windows
MultiDec <url url="" name="MultiDec 6.6b"> (free with source code)
TPREdit <url url="" name="TPREdit"> (for Technotrend)
WinTV DVBs <url url="" name="Hauppauge"> or <url url="" name="Technotrend">(for Siemens compatible card, Hauppauge, Technotrend, Technisat,
 etc... )
WinDVB2000 <url url="" name="WinDVB2000"> (about 19&dollar;).
Under Linux
gVideo is an application included in Siemens driver
Vdr Video Recoder (good for watch TV)
Base setup
First: mounting
The first thing we have to do is to mount our parabolic antenna;
After we need to pointing it out (searching right degrees from some magazine):
 degrees are always intended from south to east or to west for horizontal one
 and from ground to satellite line for vertical one. Classical pointing tools
 is the compass.
How can we see if we are right oriented?
After decided a right range of angles, we have to adjust it measuring power
 level. For such a thing we can
Use for example an analog receiver (which is compatible with digital converter)
 and start to search right degree: when we see some imagine we'll get it. I
 suggest to use analog converter cause, maybe, you have one (from precedent
 installation) and cause it is more simple to calibrate it than digital one.
Use a power meter (about 20US&dollar;) with sequential lights: at full
 signal all lights turn up.
Double Feed
You can also install a double feed system (some vendors sell a complete
 kit with standard distance to receive, for example, Astra (19.2 SE) with Eutelsat
 (16 SE) or with HotBird (13 SE).
For mounting it you have to consider, in addition, that satellite is at
 the opposite side of the converter, like in figure:
              SAT1                 SAT2
                 &bsol;                 / 
                  &bsol;               /
                   &bsol;   C1   C2   /  
               &bsol;    &bsol;    &bsol; /    /     /       
                &bsol;    &bsol;   / &bsol;   /     /
                 &bsol;____&bsol; /___&bsol; /_____/
                      Top View  
               C1 receives from SAT2
               C2 receives from SAT1
Also, with 2 focus, you would use a diseq.
Data-link level adjusting
Once we got analog signal we have to adjust our receiver to right frequency,
 PID, speed rate and so on.
I report here an example of configuration, for EON (EuropeOnLine), transponder
 114 on Astra satellite (19.2 SE)
Frequency: 12640 MHz
Polarization: V (Vertical)
Symbol Rate: 22000 KS/s
Unicast: 512 (decimal), 0x200 (hexadecimal)
Multicast: 785, 786, 1041 (decimal), 0x311, 0x312, 0x411 (hexadecimal),
 but you should notice that, in many cases, Multicast PIDs are taken in automatic.
We also need another info: what MAC address to assign to our DVB card.
Again, for EON you can see Appendix A to calculate MAC address from dynamic
 IP address.
Obviously you need login and password to use ISP service.
Configuration under Linux
In this section I will assume to use a Siemens compatible card, like an
 Hauppage WinTV DVB card, for such cards you can download drivers from <url url="" name="LinuxTV"> or <url url=" " name="DVB-s PCI cards under Linux">.
Unfortunately there are no drivers (at this moment) for SkyStar2 (Netsystem
 card) for Linux!
Drivers installation
Once downloaded drivers, you have to untar them to a directory, enter it
 and type "make" and "make insmod". To do this you need to have actual kernel sources
 under /usr/src/linux (unless, download them from <url url="" name=""> and recompile them).
After made "make insmod", your system should have DVB modules loaded. To
 unload them type simply "make rmmod".
Setting up /etc/dvbd.conf
/etc/dvbd.conf file is used to setup data-link parameters for your DVB
 card. Here main settings:
"power", which indicates the power to LNB, 1=ON, 0=OFF. Usually you should
 set it to 1, unless you do some kind of cascade between more than 1 LNB.
"symbolrate", this is the symbol rate per seconds, for example 22.000.000.
"frequency", at which receiving datas, like 12.640.000.
"ttk", the 22 kHz signal, almost always to 1.
"diseqc", used to control the diseq, (it means only when you have a diseq
 controlling 2 or more converters) 0 if none.
"AFC", usually set to 1.
"polarization", 1 for horizontal or 0 for vertical one.
"filter_n &lt;PID&gt; &lt;MAC&gt; &lt;BITFILTER&gt;", where n is intended
 0 for Unicast and 1-9 for Multicast; PID is expressed in decimal form, MAC
 is the MAC address only valid for Multicast filter and BITFILTER is a number
 which bits represent bytes to mask (for example 10 = 2 (bit 1) + 8 (bit 3),
 so mask will be 00 00 FF 00 FF 00).
&num; DVB receiver configuration file, (c) 2000 data planet international
&num; standard location in /etc
&num; LNB power on=1/off=0
power 1
&num; symbol rate &lsqb;symbol/sec&rsqb;
symbolrate 22000000
&num; ASTRA TR 114
frequency 12640000
&num; 22 kHz signal on=1/off=0
ttk 1
&num; diseqc on=1/off=0
diseqc 0
&num; AFC on=1/off=0
&num; polarisation H=1/V=0
polarisation 1
&num; settings for MPE filter, PID and MAC filtering, valid MAC bytes
filter_0 512
filter_1 785 00:D0:5C:1E:96:01 48
filter_2 786 00:D0:5C:1E:96:01 48
filter_3 1041 00:D0:5C:1E:96:01 48
filter_0 has no MAC and no bitfilter values cause the right MAC address
 is calculated from IP address (see Appendix A). We will see this setting is
 OK only for some ISP, for others we'll have to change dvbd.c
Dvbd daemon
Once your /etc/dvbd.conf is ok, you can launch dvbd application, which,
 if executed without -d option, write to stdout signal quality level:
Sync MUST be 127 or near it
Vber MUST be 0
unless you are not well receiving from Sat (check cable and/or dish pointing).
Maybe you have to change, in dvbd.h this line
&num;define network_device &quot;eth0&quot; 
&num;define network_device &quot;ppp0&quot;
depending on which interface you use to reach Internet, eth0 or ppp0: type
 "make" to update binary file and restart dvbd.
How to config EON service
Now you have a good signal, you can try to use some sat service.
For EON go at "proxy" setting in Netscape preferences and set under HTTP
 and FTP:
and, in "port" 8080 and FTP proxy with "port" 8090.
where xxx is the transponder number (103,113,114 or 115) you are using
 (see Appendix B for more).
Now you should be able to navigate wherever you want.... Good navigation.
To share EON service with many clients you can use <url url="" name="Squid proxy"> application, enabling
 cascade to EON proxy.
For a more complex use of EON, like more complex cascade proxy or sharing
 users, see <url url="" name="EON Linux Masquering FAQ Page">
How to use Netsystem service
Netsystem service is a little more complicated than EON under Linux, cause,
 in addition, you need to setup:
VPN connection
patch for pppd (needed only if using pppd &lt;= 2.4.0)
routing settings with simple scripts
patch for dvbd.c
Test it
Get performance better
Sharing Netsystem with many clients
VPN connection
First you need to download <url url="" name="VPN PPTP client application">.
After untared, compiled and installed it, you should add an entry to your
 /etc/ppp/pap-secrets and /etc/ppp/chap-secrets files, like that: 
"login" * "password" *
where "login" and "password" are the same according to <url url="" name="Netsystem registration">.
Patch for pppd
As described at <url url="" name="PPTP description">, you need to patch your pppd daemon to support connection
 with Netsystem VPN server (Linux server).
Warning: using pppd version &gt;= 2.4.0 you don't need pppd patch.
So you have to:
download a <url url="" name="recent pppd version">
download and gunzip the correspondent patch for pppd from <url url="" name="Here">
untar pppd in a directory
type "patch -p0 &lt; patch_name"
enter pppd directory
type "make", "make install"
Routing settings
Now your pppd will be able to working with:
"pptp debug user &lt;login&gt;" 
where &lt;login&gt; is your login account from Netsystem: you should see,
 in log file (/var/log/messages) ppp1 connection debug info. 
If all is ok you should see ppp1 interface with "ifconfig" command.
If you still have problems on authentication, please add a "noauth" line
 to your /etc/ppp/options file.
Once ppp1 interface is up, you should do the following:
type "ifconfig ppp1" and find the IP address (I will call IP) on the right
 of "P-t-P:" string.
delete it from routing table with "route del IP"
add it to ppp0 interface with "route add IP dev ppp0"
delete default gateway from ppp0 with "route del default"
add default gateway to ppp1 with "route add default dev ppp1"
Points 1-3 are requested cause point-to-point interface are managed, under
 Linux, adding the gateway to the new interface (which is not a good idea in
 this case): unless it you will have a endless loop, cause your packet will
 be continuously encapsulated on itself.
Points 4,5 are used to make "all internet requests" to ppp1 interface, so
 we'll reach the "world" by using VPN connection: this could be not optimal in
 some condition, for example for DNS queries, which could be sent directly to
 avoid useless Sat delay time.
Instead of manually setup routing configuration you can try using these
 little scripts: 
&quot;netsystem.on&quot; script 
route add IP_DNS1 dev ppp0 
route add IP_DNS2 dev ppp0 
route add -net netmask dev ppp0 
pptp user &lt;login&gt; 
/bin/sleep 5 
route add default dev ppp1 
&quot;; script 
route del IP_DNS1 dev ppp0 
route del IP_DNS2 dev ppp0 
route del -net netmask dev ppp0 
kill -9 `ps x|grep &quot;pppd&quot;|grep &quot;&lt;login&gt;&quot;|grep
 -v &quot;ps&quot;|tr &quot; &quot; &quot;&bsol;n&quot;|head -n 2` 
rm --force /var/lock/LCK..tty* 
rm --force /var/run/pptp/* 
rm --force /var/run/ 
killall -9 pptp 
IP_DNS1 and IP_DNS2 are ip addresses of your dns servers (primary and secondary).
&lt;login&gt; is the login name of your Netsystem account. 
I tried it out under kernel 2.4.6 RedHat 7.1 and it works very well (without
 any problems about ppp1 endless loop or similar).
This line: 
kill -9 `ps x|grep &quot;pppd&quot;|grep &quot;&lt;login&gt;&quot;|grep
 -v &quot;ps&quot;|tr &quot; &quot; &quot;&bsol;n&quot;|head -n 2` 
is used to find PID of pppd process talking with VPN server (ppp1 interface):
 notice that you cannot just only type &quot; killall pppd&quot; cause your
 ppp0 interface also would go down.
Patch for dvbd.c
After solved problems about PPTP you have to change some line in dvbd.c,
 near the end of it:
if (strcmp (v, &quot;filter_0&quot;) == 0) &lcub; if (s != NULL) &lcub; unsigned char ip&lsqb;4&rsqb;;
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;.status = ON ;
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;0&rsqb; = 0x3eff ;
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb; = (__u16) atoi (s) ;
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;.filter.mode = 0x0c ;
if (ipget (ip, network_device)) &lcub; fprintf(stderr,&quot;Can't get local ip address. Stop.&bsol;n&quot;) ; return -1 ; &rcub;
syslog (LOG_NOTICE, &quot;Local ip is &percnt;u:&percnt;u:&percnt;u:&percnt;u&bsol;n&quot;, ip&lsqb;0&rsqb;, ip&lsqb;1&rsqb;, ip&lsqb;2&rsqb;, ip&lsqb;3&rsqb;);
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;1&rsqb; = (ip&lsqb;3&rsqb; &lt;&lt; 8) | 0x00ff ; 
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;2&rsqb; = (ip&lsqb;2&rsqb; &lt;&lt; 8) | 0x00ff ; 
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;6&rsqb; = (ip&lsqb;1&rsqb; &lt;&lt; 8) | 0x00ff ; 
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;7&rsqb; = (ip&lsqb;0&rsqb; &lt;&lt; 8) | 0x00ff ; 
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;8&rsqb; = (0x02 &lt;&lt; 8) | 0x00ff ; 
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;9&rsqb; = (0x00 &lt;&lt; 8) | 0x00ff ;
setmac (ip) ; &rcub;
else &lcub; dvbcfg&lsqb;1&rsqb;.status = OFF ; &rcub; &rcub;
Now following lines:
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;1&rsqb; = (ip&lsqb;3&rsqb; &lt;&lt;
 8) | 0x00ff ; 
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;2&rsqb; = (ip&lsqb;2&rsqb; &lt;&lt;
 8) | 0x00ff ; 
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;6&rsqb; = (ip&lsqb;1&rsqb; &lt;&lt;
 8) | 0x00ff ; 
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;7&rsqb; = (ip&lsqb;0&rsqb; &lt;&lt;
 8) | 0x00ff ; 
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;8&rsqb; = (0x02 &lt;&lt; 8) | 0x00ff
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;9&rsqb; = (0x00 &lt;&lt; 8) | 0x00ff
will be changed to
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;1&rsqb; = (MAC&lsqb;5&rsqb; &lt;&lt;
 8) | 0x00ff ;
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;2&rsqb; = (MAC&lsqb;4&rsqb; &lt;&lt;
 8) | 0x00ff; 
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;6&rsqb; = (MAC&lsqb;3&rsqb; &lt;&lt;
 8) | 0x00ff ; 
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;7&rsqb; = (MAC&lsqb;2&rsqb; &lt;&lt;
 8) | 0x00ff ; 
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;8&rsqb; = (MAC&lsqb;1&rsqb; &lt;&lt;
 8) | 0x00ff ; 
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;9&rsqb; = (MAC&lsqb;0&rsqb; &lt;&lt;
 8) | 0x00ff ;
Where MAC&lsqb;0&rsqb;:MAC&lsqb;1&rsqb;:MAC&lsqb;2&rsqb;:MAC&lsqb;3&rsqb;:MAC&lsqb;4&rsqb;:MAC&lsqb;5&rsqb;
 is our MAC address (according to Netsystem registration).
For example, using the address 00:d0:d0:d0:d0:d0 we'll have:
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;1&rsqb; = (0xd0 &lt;&lt; 8) | 0x00ff
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;2&rsqb; = (0xd0 &lt;&lt; 8) | 0x00ff;
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;6&rsqb; = (0xd0 &lt;&lt; 8) | 0x00ff
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;7&rsqb; = (0xd0 &lt;&lt; 8) | 0x00ff
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;8&rsqb; = (0xd0 &lt;&lt; 8) | 0x00ff
dvbcfg&lsqb;0&rsqb;;9&rsqb; = (0x00 &lt;&lt; 8) | 0x00ff
notice hexadecimal notation 0x?? 
After, you have to type "make" and use the new dvbd created.
Note: to successfully patch the dvbd.c you need to use dvb driver version
 &gt;= 0.8.2, cause older versions have some instability problems.
Test it
Finally, we can test Netsystem under Linux. We can make a "ping"
 and check the response time: it should be between 400 and 2000 ms.
If you still have problems, you should control if all is OK with VPN interface:
open your preferred network sniffer (for example <url url="" name="Ethereal">) and starts to analyze
 "ppp0" interface (ppp0, not ppp1!!)
make a ping
If VPN is ok you should see 2 (or maybe 1) GRE-Encapsulated packets each
 second, endless. If you cannot view anything your VPN is not correctly working:
 stop it and restart it.
Get performance better
Once you setup all things you NEED to use (particularly with Netsystem
 service) some "download accelerator" to get performance better: please see Appendix
 A for more.
Sharing Netsystem with many clients
To do this you can enable "IP Masquering", allowing your client to use VPN
 like a normal Internet interface; main problem is that our satellite connection
 is very good for download while it has bad performance for just browsing web
 pages (or other service more interactive than downloading).
You can think to use <url url="" name="Squid proxy"> or <url url="" name="Socks proxy">, but you don't solve your problems, cause even
 now ALL your request would be forwarded to same interface, VPN.
The solution is to use 2 routing tables, one using direct line interface
 and the other using VPN one. So you can do like this:
be sure of have installed "iproute2" commands (for example type "ip" on shell
 and control if it tells you something), for more see <url url="" name="Linux 2.4 Advanced Routing HOWTO">.
be sure of have started Netsystem service and annotate ppp1 interface IP
 address, we'll call it LOCALIP.
type: "echo "210 sat" &gt;&gt; /etc/iproute2/rt_tables", to more comfortable
 call "sat" rule 210
type: "ip rule add from LOCALIP table sat", to create table "sat" relative
 to all requests coming from LOCALIP IP address.
type: "ip route add default dev ppp1 table sat", to send all "sat" requests
 (see above) to ppp1 interface.
if you use <url url="" name="Socks proxy"> be sure to set, in sockd.conf file, "external" to LOCALIP. 
if you use <url url="" name="Squid proxy"> be sure to set, in squid.conf file, "tcp_outgoing_address" to
Once done all that, you will notice to have 2 kind of working: without
 any proxy your clients will ask to direct line, while by using proxy (squid
 or sockd) the request will be forwarded to VPN interface and, definitely, toward
Notice that maybe you wish to use sockd instead of squid, cause satellite
 requests are typically used for download (while squid is typically used for
What happens with iproute2 commands is that, when you ask for an address
 to sockd or squid, relative proxy (using IPLOCAL IP address, bound at run-time
 by proxy network daemon) request enters the TCP/IP stack where kernel will
 forward it (thanks to point 4 above) to sat table and, definitely (by using
 point 5) to ppp1 interface. All other rules will be forwarded to classical
 default route (I mean across ppp0 interface or whatever other interface for
 direct Internet).
How to use Sat Node service
You have to follow all instructions as for Netsystem.
Before enabling VPN connection, you need to type:
''route del default'', we delete default route
''route add dev ppp0'', we tell it that it has to reach the
 vpn server just through ppp0
''pptp user user-name'', we create VPN
''route add default dev ppp1'', we tell it that it must use this route
 to reach every place.
What really changes from Netsystem is that, we don't force VPN gateway
 (, IP on the right of ''P-t-P'' in ppp1 interface) on ppp0 interface,
 but we force another IP ( All other things should not change.
Thanks to Ricardo Santiago Mozos and Norberto Garcia Prieto.
OpenSky service under Linux
You need to register at <url url="" name="Opensky Registration site">. You'll receive a confirming email with login
 and password in few days. 
After you have to go to <url url="" name=""> and enter login and password data to connect.
Set the proxy: ''''.
It is strongly suggested to use downloader applications (see Appendix A
 for more) to get performance better.
OpenSky is the latest satellite service and it offers 300 MB at month (for
Configuration is pretty like EON service, you have to use 0.8.2 siemens
 drivers you download from <url url="" name="LinuxTV">, then you NEED to patch dvbd applications.
To apply the patch and to test OpenSky you can find useful infos at:
<url url="" name=""> 
<url url="" name="">.
Configuration under Windows
Hauppage WinTV has DVB-DATA application that allows to specify data-link
First you need to install VPN capabilities.
In addition you need to download Netsystem software (always foreground
 spot banner) and launch it: after you should not be able to use Netsystem service:
 you can download it from <url url="" name="here">
See Linux.
Appendix A - Notes
Translation Dynamic IP -&gt; MAC Address
The translation used by some ISPs to calculate MAC address (which need
 to have your DVB card to receive their packets) is: 
00 : 01 : IP&lsqb;0&rsqb; : IP&lsqb;1&rsqb; : IP&lsqb;2&rsqb; : IP&lsqb;3&rsqb;
IP&lsqb;0&rsqb;.IP&lsqb;1&rsqb;.IP&lsqb;2&rsqb;.IP&lsqb;3&rsqb; is your
 dynamic IP address.
This feature is used, for example, by EON.
TCP Window
Satellite connections are an interesting example of very high RTT (round
 trip time, access time): another example is the Mars - Earth communication
 or also the Moon - Earth one.
These connections have a very bad feature: very low interactively.
Typical network (or digital, generally) connections use the so called transmission
 "window", which represents the data buffer can be sent before waiting for an
 answer. In TCP/IP protocol stack this is the TCP Window.
  | - - - - - - - &gt; can continue |-|-|-|----&gt;
  |               ----------------------
  |             Buffer sendable before confirm
  | - - - - - - - &lt;----------------------
                   Confirmation Answering
Now, if our communication has an high access time and if we had a little
 TCP Window we would lose very much time only waiting for the data confirmation
 (ACK), so the real bandwidth would decrease (for example if you have a 16KB
 TCP window, typical of Windows systems and a RTT of 400 ms, you cannot overcome
 16KB/0.4 = 40 KB/s)
Solution is to use a very high TCP Window (such as 256 KB or some MB).
Unfortunately, under many systems, is not so simple to have a great TCP
 Window, so, in latest years, it starts to appear new applications ("download
 accelerators" described in next section) that split in many pieces a file and
 download all them in the main time: this is just equivalent to download only
 one file with a single piece size, avoiding the RTT problem.
Download accelerator
We report here some useful link to so called "download accelerator" which
 is an application that does 2 things:
resuming session management, it allows stopping downloading and restarting
 later (this can be done thanks to "resuming feature" introduced in Http and Ftp
 server, which allows you to specify at what byte number start to download).
splitting, divide the file in many pieces and let them start in a multithreaded
As we saw in the previous section, a download accelerator allows us to
 increase satellite bandwidth.
Under Linux
<url url="" name="Aria">
Under Windows
<url url="" name="FlashGet">
<url url="" name="GetRight">
<url url="" name="Mass Downloader">
Appendix B - Well Known Sat ISP setting value
EON sends data from Astra satellite (19.2 SE).
MAC address is calculated from IP address (see Appendix A).
It uses "Proxy Authentication".
Follows the 4 transponder setting:
Transponder 113
Frequency: 12633.250 MHz, 
SRate : 22 MS/s
Polarization: Horizontal
Unicast PID: 512 (decimal)
Transponder 114
Frequency: 12640 MHz, 
SRate : 22 MS/s
Polarization: Vertical
Unicast PID: 512 (decimal)
Transponder 115
Frequency: 12662.750 MHz, 
SRate : 22 MS/s
Polarization: Horizontal
Unicast PID: 512 (decimal)
Transponder 103
Frequency: 12461 MHz, 
SRate : 27.5 MS/s
Polarization: Horizontal
Unicast PID: 512 (decimal)
Netsystem uses Astra satellite (19.2 SE) to send data .
MAC address used is your real MAC address DVB card.
It uses VPN connection.
Follows data setting:
Transponder 119
Frequency: 12721 MHz
SRate: 22MS/s
Polarization: Horizontal
Unicast PID: 451 (decimal)
Sat Node
Sat Node uses Astra satellite (19.2 SE).
Frequency: 12603.750 MHz
SRate: 22MS/s
Polarization: Horizontal
Unicast PID: 302
Open Sky
Open sky uses Eutelsat satellite (7 SE).
Frequency: 11262 MHz
SRate: 27.5MS/s
Polarization: Horizontal
Unicast PID: 3003
<url url="" name="">
<url url="" name=""> <url url="" name="">
<url url="" name="EuropeOnLine - EON">
<url url="" name="Netsystem">
<url url="" name="Starspeeder">
<url url="" name="Sat Node">
<url url="" name="Eliosat">
<url url="" name="Falcon Stream ">
<url url="" name="SkyDSL">
<url url="" name="OpenSky">
<url url="" name="DirecPC">
<url url="" name="">
<url url="" name="">
