

distrib > Mandriva > 9.2 > i586 > media > contrib > by-pkgid > cd5027245f3898447f876c4146fc5499 > files > 8


This file contains a list of possible changes that are planned for the
future.  No promises are made as to when I'll get to implement them.
Your feedback is always welcome, so feel free to mail me if you want to
boost any item's priority, find more points that need to be fixed or if
you have ideas for additional features.

Reminders TODO:
- acq: update event timer for PI starting in +15 - minimal pre-offset
- fuzzy matching (for PI w/o PIL) to catch shifted start times
Possible future reminder options:
- allow to edit programme's reminder title (e.g. to add notes)?
  problem: disables possibility of fuzzy match on titles
- after manual repeat: remove single PI for shortcuts? (needs extra flag)
- state in reminder list: display min/hours/days until next event?
  (cumbersome since it requires to be updated every minute)
- snooze (i.e. repeat) for user-confirmed commands?
- include clock in reminder popup?
- use VPS/PDC to detect actual programme's start time
  problem: only possible while TV display switched off or on the same channel
  unless the user has multiple cards; even then coord. with acq. is required
- don't suppress outdated message for new reminder if it's the last one? (Peter)

Misc. fixes & changes recently suggested/planned for the near future:
- TV app shm: resend info for same channel (req. by zoomin)
  also: add more EPG info to shared memory; add video norm to shm
- single click on short-info size slider: resize by one line
- start time search: abs. stop time val "23:10" excludes titles starting at 23:10
- improve text search: keywords (google style AND), parity-safe/fuzzy
- parity-safe short/long info redundancy removal
- series filter based on title instead of provider-supplied series codes
  possibly allow manually maintained series list (i.e.title/CNIs couples)
- allow provider channel names at the -prov command line arg
- HTML dump: allow to specify which column to use for hyperlink?
- user-def column: background color (maybe of complete row?)
- context menu config menu: remove need for "update" button: save automatically
- new PI column type which displays full weekday name (Thierry)
- different background colors for PI, alternating by date (Ronceval)
- WIN32: save main window position in INI file (when manually changed; Thierry)
- graying out filtered programmes instead of removing them
- marking attributes which match current filter in the description window,
  esp. for text search (Volker Moell)
- localize language for date drop-down menu (Thierry)
- allow multiple, non-continguous selections in shortcut & networks menu
  without use of the keyboard (like in -selectmode multiple)
  (suggested via discussion forum by "Philippe")
- optionally hide short-info window -> display with double-click
- sort networks in merged provider database by default in the user-configured
  order of the merged providers; when adding a new provider to an merge
  config, append new networks to the merged db's network list
- add note to acq config dlg: does not affect display db
- M6 Nextview: derive theme codes from description
- timescale bug: when acq running in daemon for non-UI database, display is
  cleared but not refilled after zoom +/-
- weekday scale for grid layout: additional column (Thierry)

VBI slicer:
- vbidecode: handle interlaced data and non-symmetric start lines
- libzvbi: don't skip frames after channel change, already done by lib

New "NetBox" layout: open issues/known problems:
- refresh may leave excessive gaps between items
- special marker row between different days?
- changing column count/width by resizing outer window?
- possible additional formatting options:
  + wrap text (e.g. for title, or even description)
  + align text: left/center/right

Acquisition daemon:
- make concurrent updates of shared rc file safe (e.g. daemon writes provider
  list in follow ui mode) or use a different rc for acq parameters; currently
  data can be lost!
- when dump is aborted, keep the old modification time on client-side
- VPS: trigger check device access via remove cmd (upon xawtv start/exit)
- limit queue max length on server side (e.g. when bandwidth too low
  or client hangs)
- client-side db mgmt during dump state: lock merge & PI listbox?
- cmdline option -non-shared-dbdir: suck the complete db through the pipe
- avoid copying memory each forwarded EPG block for each connected client
win32 port:
- install daemon as a service, possibly with helper app. in the systray
  to check acquisition status.
- add support for named pipes as alternative to TCP/IP

xawtv TV app interaction:
- add option for TV app connections via socket, to allow the daemon serving
  EPG data to TV apps (note: connection must be routed through to GUI to
  allow changing the channel and following TV channel changes)
- Tune-TV: warn if station name is not in .xawtv?
- Tune-TV: offer to start xawtv if not running?
  may not work if xawtv requires command line options
- VPS empty/pause codes display

WIN32 port fixes:
- support for Secam/PAL multi-norm TV tuners
  SECAM support for wintvcfg.c channel table parsers
- use TV app directory in shm for auto-configuration
- dump stream feature: must use window or file instead of stdout
  note: output to stdout works when started inside a GNU/Cygwin bash
- need to debug source of main window crash in Windows MessageBox()
- better workaround for dynamic menus (e.g. "Navigate" filer menu) needed
- fill context menu config dialog with useful examples for Windows;
  do not use DOS shell to start applications, use CreateProcess instead;
  do not use Bourne shell quoting
- allow manual horizontal resizing for grid layout
- menubutton popups does not work when invoked for the 2nd time via
  ALT key binding (Thierry)
- start with main window maximized when requested in Windows shortcut properties
  (requested by Thierry; I've no idea how to query these properties though)
- systray popup menu should close by any mouse click outside of it

merged database fixes:
- fine control for provider merge
  (e.g. average editorial rating instead of first)
- database statistics popup: need some estimation for % of completeness
- merged database: block index handling (for statistics)
- more intelligent redundancy check for merged descriptions:
  break up into substrings at any non-alnum except space

other required fixes:
- epgdbmerge.c: AI merge: design fixes (don't modify caller's CNI array)
- advance ranges of expired PI in timescale popup every minute
- TI & LI (subtitle and language information blocks): implement output methods
  and search filters
- merge db: remove expired PI from db every minute
- automatically show expired PI in the database when still running
  (according to VPS/PDC) when following TV channel changes
- netwop name config: counts names to "automatic selection"
  even if there was just one provider (or just one with that netwop)
  note: no xawtv sync is done, so it must only appear if there's more than one provider
- during very bad reception acq restarts every 2-4 secs
  due to ttx page header decoding error (falsely detected channel change)
- AdvanceCyclePhase: limit number of tries to update provider (first "if")
- improve streams decoder hamming error handling: assemble AI block
  from multiple instances if neccessary
- add decoding error statistics to epgdbacq (e.g. # of dropped packets & blocks)
- fix: external mode & tuner input source -> nonsense as status output
- fix: obsolete series codes can not be deleted, because only series which
  have an instance in the db are listed in the series menu
- fix: series filter uses netwop index; in a merged db when the netwop
  selection is changed the indices change -> shortcuts with series useless
  must use CNI instead of netwop index in shortcuts
- startup: if nxtvepg version is incompatible don't recommend prov selection
- allow to set input source via /dev/vbi (bttv version >= 0.7.5x)
- cmd line option "predatory": in this mode the tuner is set via /dev/vbi
  regardless of other /dev/video users
- provider-specific shortcuts: are listed only for one provider
  mandatory when shortcut includes series or sortcrit filter
- navigation: disable leafs with zero PI / display number of matches

possible new features: (in order of decreasing priority)
- series management based on titles only, across all networks
- use GTK+ or Tix library to improve GUI
- allow multiple acquisition and GUI clients, possibly on different hosts
- export database content to mysql server
- dialogs, menus and help texts in German and French
- wish list: maintain list of search filters that are applied each time new
  data has been acquired; notify the user when a matching programme is found
  for the first time. This can be used for a list of favourite movies or actors
- links to Internet Movie Database from titles and actor's names
  main difficulties: finding out the original title from the national AKA
  and fuzzy-matching actor's names in the description
- provider selection: display db age & fill percentage
  save stats and start time of 1st PI in db header