

distrib > Mandriva > 9.2 > i586 > media > contrib > by-pkgid > d4aefa8a2c6d709fcc1776e75c60013e > files > 4


0.5.0pre3 - 1st October 2003 <>
      - Window maker part rewritten, now it works as for any other wm.
      - OpenGL applets are now supported.
        (At the moment only in dockapp mode and not for Windowmaker.
	 Gnome disallow gai to make a GL widget)
      - Tested with Gnome 2.4.0 and got disappointed. No panel bugs fixed
        and new bugs added.
      - Added some g_assert() to help applet programmers.
      - Added some better window destroyed catchers.
      - Added -soname when linking gai. (Thanks to Michael Schwendt!)
      - New function: gai_get_orient(). Returns the gnome panel orient.
      - gai_get_size() works correctly with gnome.
      - Fixed maxsize bug with gai_background_set(..)
      - Fixed Fileselector bug introduced in pre2.
      - The menu won't disapear in gnome mode when the applet has a
      - Fixed bug introduced in gai 0.5.0preX WindowMaker works now again.

0.5.0pre2 - 3rd September 2003 <>
      - Late API change: gai_signal_on_change_size() -> gai_signal_on_change()
        Since given function will also be called on orientation changes, 
	size changes and background change. (New: called on bg change)
      - Bug fix: gai_tooltip doesn't leak memory anymore.
      - Bug fix/feature: Preference menu doesn't leak memory anymore if
        target ptr and source ptr are the same for TextEntries.
      - Bug fixes (Gnome):  
    	         - Applets changes background colour when the panel does it.
		 - No more slow starts when it comes to background drawing.
		 - The size is correctly calculated when the applet isn't
		   a square.
      - Bug fixes (dockapp):
                 - Drawing on background now starts directly, not after awhile. 
0.5.0pre1 - 17th August <>
      - Some fix in the old configure/makefiles and in some C files to make
        installion and compilation work fine.
      - Released on
0.5.0pre0 - 11th August <>
      - Update textfiles.
      - Reversed configure/makefile scripts.       
0.5.0(0809j) - 9th August <>
      - Fixed change update interval bug.
      - Fixed yesterdays use of deprecated resizing method to an ok method.
      - No widgets are returned on signals, since applets shall not
        care about widgets, nor know about them.
	(Sorry Guidio!)
0.5.0(0808j) - 8th August <>
      - Fixed resizing bug in dockapp mode.
      - Fixed making gtk update rotated applet correctly in gnome mode.
      - Updated gai-clock, moe and gai-helloworld.
0.5.0(0805j) - 5th August <>
      - Changed about window credits text.
0.5.0(0726j) - 26th July 2003 <>
      - Fixed sizing bug for no rectangular applets on the gnome panel.
      - Drawing and background functions are now in gai-draw.c
      - Added gai_exec(.) runs a commandline in the background.
0.5.0(0724j) - 24th July 2003 <>
      - Fixed drawing on background bugs.
0.5.0(0723j) - 23rd July 2003 <>
      - Fixed bug with colour backgrounds and transparent pic backgrounds.
0.5.0(0721j) - 21st July 2003 <>
      - Fixed bug with floats and GaiSpinButtonFloat.
      - Fixed memory leak in gai_text_create(.)
      - Fixed not rotate applet scaling bug.
0.5.0(0720j) - 20th July 2003 <>
      - More flags for gai_flags* And not having a flag set, means not alter it.
0.5.0(0719j) - 19th July 2003 <>
      - Fix scaling bug in gnome.
      - Rotation is no more mirrored.
      - Some tweeks to try to make drawing on bg in gnome to work better.
0.5.0(0716j) - 16th July 2003 <>
      - Fixed bug with background colour in gnome
      - Fixed bug with border in gnome
      - How GAI handles the stupid gnome rule "I give you 2 pixels less
        than you want" with scaling the image to two pixels smaller.
	This is not a final fix, just a temperary one until the Gnome
	panel guys fix their bugs.
0.5.0(0714j) - 14th July 2003 <>
      - Documentation updates
      - Not displaying a help box when there is no help to get.
0.5.0(0709j) - 9th July 2003 <>
      - gai_background_from_gdkpixbuf(...) added.
      - API change: gai_init_start -> gai_start().
0.5.0(0707j) - 7th July 2003 <>
      - Correct my own bug when it comes to the standard bg in gnome.
      - Removed the possibility to change the background colour on the
        default background. This helps knowing what colour that is 
	interesting in gnome.
      - Added code to alert the library if the gnome panel background is
      - The background colour of the gnome panel now shines through
        on the transparent pixels of the background of the applet.
      - Installed latest gnome-panel and still the panel can't
        give gai a correct background image, nor transparent colour.
	(Which will be handeled the same.)
      - Changing the applet size during runtime now works. (Maybe
        with setting background image doesn't work. Havn't tested)
0.5.0(0706j) - 6th July 2003 <>
      - Now the API is pretty fine.
      - More changes in the background drawing routines.
      - Example applet changes.
      - It is now possible to change background during runtime.
      - The applet detects now when the gnome panel changes background.
      - More API changes.
0.5.0(0704j) - 4th July 2003  <>
      - Large API changes to improve the library. Functions removed,
        functions merged, functions renamed..
        All old applets has to be updated in order to work!
      - Put the log/debug functions into an own file.
      - Backward compability removed completly
      - Mem leak fixed 
      - Removing alot of _init_ since they are pretty unnessicary.
0.5.0(0702g) - 2nd July 2003 <>
      - add gai-static variant using install-hooks in gai/,
        it should be fine to use `pkg-config gai-static --libs` to
        ensure to staticlink with gai but leave all other deps intact.
        Since we are in devel stage of gai, it is best to staticlink
        current applets simply because some API parts might change.
        <> on request of <>
      - changing style of #ifndef-header in the header files of gai,
        it does now match with the style of gtk headers <>
      - adding gaidefs.h, ported from another project of mine <>
      - oops, gnome-config.* and gnome-util.* are copies from  somewhere
        else, so better wrap them via gai-gnome-util.c and gai-gnome-config.c
      - invent gai-gnome-config.h that renames gnome functions - just
        in case that a libgnome is installed later which might result
	in symbol-clashes when both libgai and libgnome are references 
        where libgai was compiled without gnome support.
      - fix all files to include hint to "Lesser GNU GPL" using the
        same text snippet as found in gtk headers.
      - rename COPYING into COPYING.LIB, and CHANGES into ChangeLog
        these two are found automatically be `automake`
      - remove handmade, rename automatically generated .pc file
 	into gai.pc, change example to only check for gai >= 0.5.0 instead
	of the old temporary hack of using libgai >= 0.5.0 out of libgai.pc
      - add again a symbol exported as gai_init_set_pix_path but add a gcc
	hint "depracated" in the gai.h header file. That's similar to what
	gtk does with outdated/obsoleted functions.
      - remove remainings of SYSTEM_SPECIFIC_LIBS in gai/
      - convert many "char*" arguments into "const char*" where apropriate
      - big change - add a dozen new callback functions that shall 
        replace the old ones. The old ones still exist but they are 
	marked as deprecated, and the gcc3-compatible compilers will warn
	on every usage of these functions. If you even compile sources with 
	-DGAI_DISABLE_DEPRECATED then they are not even declared in headers.

0.5.0(0615j) - 15th June 2003
      - Now compiles on XFree86 3.x <>
      - No waring when turing on mouse ptr in the init face <>
      - add gai_create_applet_info.m4 <>
      - and change appletname defaults to GAI-$PACKAGE-Applet <>
        instead of the older GNOME_${PACKAGE}Applet <>
      - Rewrote large parts of the internal debug system <>
      - Simplified about window call:
        gai_init_about_from(char *msg); <>
      - Updated refernce guide <>
      - gai_text_create() - Makes GdkPixbuf of text string based on given
        font <>
0.4.2 - 14th June 2003 <> (Never made public)
      - make full automake
      - fix a few "char*" into "const char*"
0.4.1a- 6th May 2003
      - Now compiles without warnings on exit() and atexit() and gtk+
        only support compiles.
	(Thanks to Noah!) 
0.4.1 - 4th May 2003
      - Background drawing is still done with gdk_pixbuf. Tell me if
        it has problems with the alpha channel. 
      -	New function:
	void gai_init_draw_foreground_with_alpha(void);
	If your applet will draw images on the foreground that has
	an alpha channel, you have to call this function at start-up
 	to assure that things works as expected.
	But don't call this function if you don't have images with
	alpha channel, since it will comsume some cpu power. Not much,
	but unnessecary.
      - gdk-pixbuf is buggy with alpha channel. Wrote own routine to
        draw alpha channel images.
      - Fixed bug with xpm backgrounds didn't know it's size.
      - More Makefile fixes. This time to make it work with FreeBSD.
      - Updated template script with version check.
      - Makefile fixes (Thanks Francois!)
      - Added gai_init_on_exit_function(gai_function *). 
	Tells GAI if the applet needs to run something when it quits.
      - Menu help is off by default now.
 	gai_init_menu_no_help() is outdated.
      - Fixed bug with transparent background images.
      - Added function to change the updating interval when the
	applet is running.
	void gai_update_interval_change(int);
      - Started to work on different background settings in Gnome Panel
        mode, but it seems like the Panel is abit buggy and not
	really finished. So I'll leave this open until next stable
	release of gnome. It isn't worth trying to change something
	from the default gray colour on the Panel.
	It will just look odd on everything except on the built in
        Also, removing the boarder around each panel seems to be
	impossible. I've heard that you can change the colour on it
	in the gtkrc file, but don't ask me how.
      - Fixed sizing bug with vertical panels.
      - Updated documentation.
      - Started on a "GAI programmer's FAQ"
0.4.0 - 21st April - First public release! 
      - Correct help icon is shown in Gnome mode.
      - Fixes bug in new template.
      - Now it is possible for applets to call
        gai_display_error(char *str) when a fatal error happends
	and it will be displayed printed on screen(in dockapp mode) 
	and as a box.
	This function can be called both at init face and running
	face. Remember that this function exits the applet.
      - No warnings with gcc 3.2.x
      - Added make uninstall.
      - Changed default pkgconfig path to /usr/lib/pkgconfig
      - Changes in configure and Makefiles, so all files are
        recompiled when you rerun the configure script
      - Added function for drawing raw RGB data with alpha channel.
	gai_draw_raw_alpha_bg(..) for background and
	gai_draw_raw_alpha(..) for foreground.
      - Improved debug functions and now gai_init has to be called
	first for all functions.    
      - Fixed difference in code generation between gcc 2.x and 3.x
      - Updated reference guide.
0.3.3 - 28th March 2003
      - Started to write a tutorial
      - Added template icon for applet developers.
      - Tested GAI with a couple of windowmanagers. See
        WINDOWMANGERS for more details.
      - Applied template Makefile patch from  Franois Bochatay 
        <> and did some changes to fix
	bug with installing images when gnome isn't installed.
      - With gai_init_menu_no_help() you can remove the help icon
        in the button3 menu. 
      - Now GAI works ok with WindowMaker, use --gai-window-maker
      - Added about window in dockapp mode. Pretty ugly, but works.
      - Fixed bug between gai_init_load_background() and 
        gai_init_set_background_size() The background wasn't scaled,
	if needed.
      - Fixed Glib warning if the background doesn't include any
        transparent pixels.
      - gai_init_about_set_license() - Set license text. Default is
        "Released under GPL".
      - gai_init_menu_set_help_text() - Text to show when help is selected in 
        the button 3 click menu.

      - Added some command line options for the library:
      GAI library command line options:
      --gai-debug-on          Stores debug info in /tmp/gai-debug-output.
                              Notice that it eats some processor power.
      --gai-debug-off         Turns off debug mode.
      --gai-window-maker      If your window manager only displays
                              the background of the applets, try this.
      --gai-no-window-maker   Remove the window maker settings.
      --gai-broken-wm         Lets all applets run as a normal program.
      --gai-working-wm        Lets all applets run as
      --gai-list-settings     Displays current settings.
      --gai-help              Shows this text.
      Remember that this affects all applets.
0.3.2 - 19th March 2003
      - gai_init_preferences_simple_set_help_text(char *) is added.
        This text string will be shown when you press the help
	button in the preference window.
      - gai_init_set_max_size(int ) is added.
        Now you can tell the maximum size gnome is allowed to
	scale the applet. Remember, that it is the height you shall
	give in here, if you applet has different height and width.
      - Code clean up on gai-gnome and some changes in gai-wmapplet.

0.3.1 - 18th March 2003
      - Now GAI works fine without Gnome installed.
      - Documentation updates.
      - Password text entry added to preference generator.
        (Displays a "*" instead of the actual typed letter)
      - Compability break:
        gai_init_about_set_text() -> gai_init_about() and wants a
	fourth char * to an image file, if you wan to show an image
	in the about dialog. It is ok to send with NULL as an image.
	(But the image isn't yet drawn, neither is the aboutbox
	 working in dockapp mode.)
0.3.0 - 17th March 2003
      - Fixed gai-pref layout bug for double frames.
      - Fixed Gtk-Critical warning.
      - Tooltip is now displayed in wmapplet mode.
      - GaiCheckButton layout is different.
      - More gai-pref layout changes to make things appear on better places.
      - Added new layout order, GAI_FRAME3, adds three frames side by side
        if wished.
      - Added new preference option, GAI_OPTIONMENU.
      - Added menu on button 3 in wmapplet mode.
      - Added possiblity to save/load boolean values.
      - Settings are now saved under the applet name, not under gai as before.
      - gai_init_show_mouse_ptr() is added.
      - Fixed colour selection bug.
      - Added forgotten code for handeling enter and leave applet area
        with mouse pointer.
      - Now allow applets to take care of Gnome's size and orientation
        changes itself. gai_init_change_size_function();
      - Added gai_get_drawingarea(void) for applets that wants to
        modify it's drawingarea.
      - Fixed stupid bug that caused the transparency to be wrong.
      - Now the default background image is always generated, not
      - gai_scale() is now made external for programs that needs
        to know the current scaling.
      - Now the updating function is automatically turned off during
        restarting of the applet and reloading of settings.
	Just to be on the safe side.
      - Fixed GaiFileSelector/GaiTextEntry bug
0.2.0 - 3rd February 2003
      - Code for generating preference window from a structure is added.
        Combobox is missing. gai_init_preferences_simple(..)
      - Rewrote most parts of the wmapplet functions.
        Now all parts, except the tooltip works for both gnome and wmapplet.
        Redrawing background now works for Enlightenment too.
      - Mouse click and mouse release is splitted into two functions
        each, button 1 and 2, button 3 is reserved from gnome.
      - gai_init_preferences_function now wants a gai_function, not
        a gai_function_pref.
      - Fixed updateing of background bug.
      - Fixed gai_load/save bug in wmapplet mode.
      - Now ignores setting tooltips in wmapplet mode.
0.1.2 - 28th January 2003
      - Fixed sizing problem when the wishes size of the background 
        isn't the image's size. 
      - Library Debug info is outputed in /tmp/gai-debug-output 
        (Remove -DDEBUG from the src/, if you don't wish 
	to have it.
	It will stay until I feel the library isn't just a test lib.)
      - Missing picture file now results in a readable error message. 
      - If a gai_* function is called before gai_init(), then an
        error message is displayed.

0.1.1 - 23rd January 2003
      - Fixed rotation bug.
      - Fixed some memory leaks.
      - Added option to hide mouse pointer when over. 
        * void gai_init_hide_mouse_ptr(void);
      - Alot of small fixes in the gnome parts.
      - Added new function:
        * int gai_get_size(void);
	This returns the height(if horizontal, otherwise width) 
	of the gnome-panel.
      - Added new function
        void gai_init_scroll_buttons_function(gai_function_int *);
	Hooks the scrollbuttons, returns the direction.
      - Added code for handeling keypresses in gnome mode. Forgot that

0.1.0 - Middle January 2003.
      - First test version.